12-19-2005 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES
Monday, December 19, 2005 — 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Conference Room
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 with the following Board members
present; Eugene Garner, Anne Hiney,Brandi Lafleur,and David Willey. Board member Benny Jones
arrived at 6:40. Board member Ronnie Rogers was absent.
Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Director of Public Services,and Rachael Hermes, Park Board
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the September 12,2005 special meeting.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the November 28,2005 meeting.
Board Action
Board member Anne Hiney made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted from the September 12,
2005 special meeting and the November 28, 2005 meeting. Board member Eugene Garner seconded the
motion. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
3. Consider and act upon a request from the Blackland Prairie Foundation to use Founders Park
for their"Spring Festival"on March 25,2006.
Requestor Comments
Anne Hiney stated that the Blackland Prairie Foundation desired to use Founders Park in an attempt to
try to accommodate both the crafters and the public that will be participating in the festival.
Board Action
Board member David Willey made a motion to approve the request. Board member Eugene Garner
seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board member Anne Hiney abstaining and
Board members Benny Jones and Ronnie Rogers absent.
Board member Benny Jones arrived at this time.
4. Consider and act upon recommending names for the 4th of July Concert and Fireworks show
scheduled for Friday,June 30,2006.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Board Action
Board member David Willey made a motion to recommend the name "Wylie's Family, Fun and
Fireworks" as the Board's first choice and selecting "Wylie's Sparkling Spectacular" as the Board's
second choice. Board member Brandi Lafleur seconded the motion. A vote was taken and passed 6-0
with Board member Ronnie Rogers absent.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move to Item 6.
6. Staff will update the Board on meeting with Gary Devries,Architect with Brown Reynolds
and Watford Architects.
Staff Comments
Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed the meeting with Gary Devries of Brown Reynolds and
Watford Architects. Mr. Sferra stated the Mr. Devries discussed Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) as well as development issues such as lighting, water usage and parking
lot runoff.
Board Discussion
Board member David Willey inquired about any contribution that the Board may have in reviewing or
participating in development of the Wells property. Mr. Sferra stated that Council would establish the
priorities in regard to the development of the property. Mr. Sferra stated that any selection of consultants
would be conducted by City administration.
7. Staff updates on the following: Maps-New park map,Wells property map,Development on
FM 544/McCreary map, Construction status on Olde City Park.
Staff Comments
Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed updates to current park development projects. Mr. Sferra
stated that installation of underground wiring as well as grading and preparation of a slab for a pavilion
would soon take place at Olde City Park.
Board Discussion
Board member David Willey inquired about ownership of a parcel of land next to Olde City Park.
Public Services Director Mike Sferra stated that the land was owned by Collin County. Board member
Anne Hiney requested that Staff research the property to see if the City could somehow acquire the land.
Mr. Sferra stated that he would do look into the possibility of attempting to acquire the property.
The Board discussed the property at FM 544 and McCreary Road and reviewed a map of the location.
Mr. Sferra discussed the development proposed for the location.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut requested that the Board move back to Item S.
5. Continue preparation for the joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on
January 10,2006.
Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut discussed the joint City Council and Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Chairman
Chesnut discussed the possible locations of facilities on the Wells property as well as potential uses of
the property. Chairman Chesnut stated that he would like to see as much of the property preserved as
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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possible. Board member Anne Hiney stated that she would like to see preservation of the property but
suggested that the Board view the property as an opportunity to create a well planned gathering place for
the citizens. Public Services Director Mike Sferra suggested conveying their desired concept to Council.
Chairman Chesnut discussed the possibility of Collin County Community College utilizing the property.
Board member Brandi Lafleur expressed her concern that there is not a clear vision for the future in
regard to preservation.
Mr. Sferra discussed the subcommittee formed for WISD relations. The Board was in agreement that the
major discussion items for the meeting would be the Wells property and school relations. The Board
discussed the possibility of requesting additional meetings with Council.
Board Action
With no further business,Board member Eugene Garner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20.
The motion was seconded by David Willey. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board member
Ronnie Rogers absent.
`D n el Chesnut,Parks&Recreation Board Chairman
Rachael Hermes,Par Board Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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