02-17-2015 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes 1)1a0llfl ifl II i ontng
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Wylie Planning & Zoning (Totninissiori
Tuesday February 17, 1015—6:4)0 pin
NVylie IIunicipa.i Csniples — Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Buil(ling 100
Vice Chalt-imin Dennis Lai-son called 1 meeting t ) order at 6:05PM. Those present
\vere: Cortmlissiotter Randy awens, Ci)intriissio1 In il tm-nissii)rier „Jerry
Stiller' and 0010 1 10 i lvi I Wilh 11 itnrilissioner Nlike McCrossin and
Cita ii-rnan S it'll -were both absent.
Staff present \‘',,As Reilae' 011ie, Planning Director, (Tharles Lee, Senior Planner, Jasen
Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
Conlnlissiotier \Willianis gave the ii-iviicati(in a 1:111 (1(.)i-trr11ss101er Culver led tile Pledge of
I...„arson opened the Citizens Participation. With no one apprtyitchirigtl
orilmissioners, Chainnan Larson closed the C'itizens Participation.
1. Consider 11 1 act upon approval of" the Minutes fit nl the la nut ry 20, 2015,
Regular Meeting.
Hoard Action
A rilotion \vas niade by Corrunissioner Ctilver and seconded by Comolissio'ner Owens
to approve the rninutes as hi lit Motion cat-ried
Minutes February 17,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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II.equiar Hearinq
item 1
Consider, and act upon, an app.roval of a Site Plan for an Amenity Center located within
the Kreymer Estates Phase .2 Addition„ Block, X, Lot 3, located at 1006, Sheldon Drive:
generany at the southwest corner of Sheldon Drive and L,,yridhurst Drive.
Staff Presentation
Mr. Lee stated that the proposal is for an Amenity (enter within the Kreymer
Estates Phase 2 Addition on 33 acres. The Amenity Center will consist of a
picnic area and restroom "facility, an in-ground pool, as well as two arbors and.
toddler pool area.
Staff has routinely recommended minimum of 4 to 5 parking spaces be
provided per Amenity Center. The applicant is proposing no cm-site parking
spaces. The applicant states that there is ample on-street parking along the
frontage of the park.
Staff recommends approval subject to the additions and/or alterations to the
engineering plans.
Board Discussion ..
Mr., Jim Doughts, Douglas Propel-ties 2309 ,Avenue K, Suite 100, Plano,
Texas, gave a poNver point presentation to the Commissioners on the
development. Mr. Douglas stated that no residential homes are located off
Sheldon Drive in front of the Amenity Center, The two adjacent streets allows
forty-three parking spaces on-street parking. The Amenity Center will be
approximately 1.00 feet away from curb of Sheldon Drive. The .market and
home owners have requested an Amenity(Tenter. The„Amenity Center was not
part of the Planned Development Ordinance 2013-33. The facility will only be
open to the home owners of Kreymer Estates and reservations made through
the homeowners association for pool party. Walking trails surround the
facility with easy access ..for the property owners,
Mr. Douglas offered to designate two parking spaces off Sheldon Drive for
Handicap parking subject to meeting AD.A„requirements and engineering
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Culver and seconded by Commissioner
Williams, to approve the Site Plan for Amenity Center 1006 Sheldon Drive,
Lot 3, Block X of Kreymer Estates Phase .2 Addition, subject to the developer
design lting two hi:mdicap parking spitces off Sheldon trive meeting ADA.
requirements and engineering standards. In the event ADA requirements and
Minutes February 17,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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,1;:':,:sigineering standards do not approve the park Mg spaces., the Site Plan is
appr"oved ,',:AS stibniitted. Motion carried 5 ---- O.
Item 2
Consider., i:ind ,i.,:tct„ upon ...in ,i,pprovii, of a Site 1:)1 in. for Asii. 1„....,ink Group, l„„..ot 0 Block ,A,
Hooper Business Park, located 205 Security Court, generally' at the southwest corner of the
Staff Presentation
Mr. Lee stated that the Site Plan will develop single story commercial.
(„).1.Ticelwarehouse use .it.'.'acility. The applicant desires to expand their organic
landscape/pest control business, which is located across the street from the
subject property. The building will include approximately 1,500 square .feet of
office space and roughly 4„490 square Ile,et .for warehouse use.
Staff recommends approval subject to the additions and/or alterations to the
engineering plans.
.....':(30arci Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Owens and seconded by Commissioner
Williams, to approve the Site Plan f'.'or Asia t„.in„k Group, 205 Security Court,
Lot 9, Block, A oftl(,)(iper Business Park. Motion c;I:Arried 5 — O.
Item 3,,
Consider, and act upon an approval of a Site Plan ..for Aziz Auto Sales, lmt 3, Block 1 of
Mc(onfs 3 ikddition, generatly loclited east of Springwell Parkway ,and not of'N'Vest
FM 544.
Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant desires to redevelop an existing residential
structure for a cornm.ercial use, Used Auto Sales. The scope of the work.
includes adding stone and brick to the exterior, installing new concrete
pa.rking and landscaping. A garage/storage building attached to the main
building was demolished by the property owner.
The landscaping meet or exceed the requirements.
A Final Plat is on the cuiTent agenda for consideration.
Board Action
A .M.OtiOn WaS made by Commissioner Owens and seconded by Commissioner
Stiller to approve the Site Plan Aziz Auto Sales, Lot 3, Block 1 of McCord's 3
Addition. 'Motion carried.5 -----O.
,,.Item 4
Minutes February 17,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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(. oriskler, and act upon recomnientlitti,on to the City Courted Cr Final Plat IVIct:Tor(l's 3
\,ciclition, generally located cast of Spitigv1,1 [ rk ty and north of West FNI, 544.
Staff Presentation
011ie stated that the pullxise ,of the final plat is to record a legal lot cit'
recoid and establish boundary lines tot- the strbject 1)rol,7ierty., 'file subject tract
part 01 ,tin tmappr(oweci plat known as Nict.7ord's Little
The owner of the subject tract is now platting Lot 3 separately.
The Site Plan was on the current agenda tbr consideration.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Commissioner
Culver to recommend approval to the City Council for Final Plat McCord's 3
Addition. Motion carried 5 — (),
A !notion was rtrade by Commissioner(Tulver and seconded by Commissioner Owens to
adjourn the meeting at 6:57PM. All Cortmlissioners were in consensus.
Dennis Larson, Vice Chair
Mar,,,, Brad -%,y, A(Irninistri ',ve Assistant
Minutes February 17,2015
Wylie Planning and Zoning !*eard
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