02-09-2010 (City Council) Agenda Packet'`--'''-`--``_`'``-�''-'-'---r-``-`-�'`''-'```--^``--`-'`'''-'-`-��-------^--''--``�'-'--`-''-`'----^--'---`-'--'`-'--`'-`--'`� February 9,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the January 26, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-08(R) ordering a General Election to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District and Collin County Community College District on May 8, 2010 for the purpose of electing two City Council members, Places 1 and 3, to the Wylie City Council to fill expired terms. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) C. Consider, and act upon, a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District (WISD); and a Joint Election Agreement to include Collin County Community College District to be administered by the Collin County Elections Administrator for the May 8, 2010 Wylie General Election. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary). REGULAR AGENDA General Business Tabled item from January 26,2010 1, (MoTIoN TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider, and act upon, accepting the resignation of Dal finder Dhillon and the appointment of a new alternate member to the Construction Code Board to fill the unexpired term of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2010. (M. McAnnally, Building Official) Executive Summary This item was tabled from the January 26, 2010 City Council Meeting to allow additional time to review possible applicants to fill this unexpired term. Mr. Dhillon was appointed as an alternate to the Construction Code Board on February 2009 to fill an unexpired term. Since his appointment, Mr. Dhillon has missed consecutive Construction Code Board meetings. WORK SESSION • Discussion and input regarding City of Wylie Thoroughfare Impact Fees. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) February 9,2010 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 • Discussion regarding amendments to a Performance Agreement between Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) • Discussion and update of current roadway projects within the City of Wylie. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) • Joint City Council/Parks and Recreation Board Work Session for discussion and direction regarding the conceptual plans for Community Park Improvements. (11 : Sferra, Public Services Director/Teague Nail and Perkins) RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Work Session. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION 1 certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 5'h day of February, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF NVYLIE Minutes Wylie City Council Tuesday, January 26, 2010 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. with the following Wylie City Council members present: Mayor Pro Tem Red Byboth, Councilwoman Kathy Spillyards, Councilman Rick White, Councilman David Goss, Councilman Carter Porter and Councilman Bennie Jones. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Jeff Butters; Fire Chief, Randy Corbin; City Engineer, Chris Hoisted; Planning Director, Rena& 011ie; Police Chief, John Duscio; Finance Director, Linda Vaughan; Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; WEDC Executive Director, Sam Satterwhite; Building Official, Mike McAnnally; Human Resource Manager, Lynn Fagerstrom; Construction Manager, Shane Colley; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Fire Chief Randy Corbin gave the invocation and Boy Scout Troop 2121 led the Pledge of Allegiance. Boy Scouts present included: Peyton Wallin and Nash Condiff. Troop leaders present were: Brant Sheen and Scott McMurdie. PRESENTATION • Recognition of employees celebrating milestone years of service to the City of Wylie. (E. Hogue, Mayor) Mayor Hogue presented "Employee Appreciation" plaques to three city employees who were celebrating milestone years of service anniversaries with the City of Wylie: Rick Daddio, Public Works Superintendent: Rick's career started with the City of Wylie on January 15, 1990. Rick became Street Forman/Equipment Operator in 1992 and became Assistant Superintendent in 2000. Mike Sferra, Public Services Director: Mike joined the City of Wylie on January 4, 2000 as the Public Works Superintendent. He is currently the Public Services Director and has oversight of Parks, Recreation, Public Works, and Facilities. Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 1 Cheryl S. Smith, Fire Department Administrative Support Supervisor: Our current Employee of the Year, Cheryl Smith joined the City of Wylie on January 18, 2000 as one of two administrative employees Cheryl and the Chief. Cheryl Smith has been one of the foundational people in the formation of WFR into the organization it is today. She has supported the growth and development which included documenting what was needed to become recognized as an ISO 1 department. Cheryl oversees the Reach for a Star program, making sure hundreds of kids get a good Christmas. Her care and attention to the people we serve as well as the employees of WFR have earned her the nickname "Chief Mom" in the department. • Presentation of the Wylie Economic Development Corporation Annual Report. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Executive Director) WEDC Executive Director Sam Satterwhite presented the 2009 WEDC Annual Report to the Wylie City Council. Mr. Satterwhite reported that for the ninth consecutive fiscal year, WEDC sales tax receipts have increased over prior year figures by 0.36% over fiscal year 2008/2009 with cash receipts of $1,298,336. Mr. Satterwhite reviewed some of the expenses incurred by the WEDC during fiscal year 08/09, ending the year with a $713,993 fund balance. Satterwhite reported that WEDC is contractually obligated to fund $524,000 in direct incentive programs in addition to sales tax rebate programs for infrastructure improvements executed with Greenway Investments and Direct Development. The WEDC currently owns 29.47 acres of property with a cost basis of $2,811,424. WEDC debt service, associated primarily with the purchase of property, has a principal balance as of November 2009 of$1,167,011. Satterwhite stated that redevelopment continues to be a focus for WEDC. We continue to focus on F.M. 544, Industrial Court, and Cooper Drive. He explained that WEDC had viewed the properties on Cooper and Industrial which currently are proposed to have a project life of 5-7 years. However based upon the current economic environment and its direct impact on retail development, redevelopment efforts may be pushed out to 7-10 years. Satterwhite reported that in July 2009 Super Target opened 186,000 square feet to anchor the 575,000 square foot Woodbridge Crossing. He reported that projections for sales tax are currently in line. Satterwhite reviewed other high impact initiatives performed in 2009. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present to address council during Citizens Comments. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of the January 12, 2010 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-05(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the North Central Texas Council of Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 2 Governments for implementation of a Solid Waste Implementation grant project. (M. ierra, Public Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2010-02 amending Ordinance No. 2009-26 (2009-2010 Budget) and approving an appropriation of funds in the amount of $150,000 in the Parks General Fund budget for a North Central Texas Council of Governments Solid Waste Implementation grant project; adding $150,000 to the Solid Waste Implementation Grant account revenues to reflect reimbursements made by the North Central Texas Council of Governments; providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. M. Sierra, Public Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-06(R) determining a public necessity to acquire, by purchase or condemnation, certain properties for the construction of improvements to the Nortex Pump Station. (C. Hoisted, City Engineer) E. Consider, and act upon, approval of a request from Wylie East High School Baseball Team for a "Ragball" Tournament Fundraiser at Community Park on February 5-6, 2010. (R. Diaz, Parks and Recreation Supervisor) F. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Reports for the City of Wylie as of November 30, 2009 and December 31, 2009. L. Vaughn, Finance Director) G. Consider, and place on file, the Wylie Economic Development Corporation 2009 Annual Report. (S. Satterwhite,ite, Executive Director, WEDC) H. Consider, and place on file, the amended Monthly Revenue and Expense Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of October 31, 2009 and the Monthly Revenue and Expense Reports as of November 30, 2009 and December 31, 2009. (S Satterwhite, Executive Director, WEDC) Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to approve the consent agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. REGULAR AGENDA General Business Tabled item from December 8, 2009 Councilman Porter motioned to remove the tabled item for adoption of the 2006 Edition of the International Fire Code from the table and consider. Consensus of the council was to remove from the table and consider. Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 3 l» (MOTION N TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No. 2009-37 adopting the 2006 Edition of the International Fire Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth herein and amending Chapter 46, Article III (Fire Code) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. (R. Corbin, Fire chief) Executive Summary Fire Chief Corbin addressed council stating that the Wylie Fire-Rescue and the City of Wylie are currently an Insurance Services Office Class One rated municipality. In an effort to maintain the current ISO rating and remain proactive in fire prevention, the Wylie Fire Prevention/Community Risk Reduction Division has been actively participating in the North Texas Council of Governments Fire Advisory board meetings. The goal of the Fire Prevention/Community Risk Reduction Division is to prevent deficiencies in future ISO PPC ratings, due to fire code, and remain current in relation to industry standard fire code. Fire Chief Corbin reported that the only changes being requested outside of regional NCTCOG code changes are for stairwell landings and elevator cab sizes. The Council had a question about additional costs to developers, and asked the item be tabled for later discussion after some numbers were brought forward. Corbin explained that after reviewing the construction changes there really is no cost difference for the stairwell landings since ADA-compliant landings are already required, and the increase is too small to be considered for the landings to accommodate an EMS stretcher. The increase for elevator cab size is less than 10% ($4,000, approximately) for the cost of the elevator only in a worst case scenario (2-story building). For the overall building costs, this would be less than a 1% increase, and would be a value-add for the property. Any building 4-story and over is already required to have this EMS elevator, so this only affects 2 and 3 story buildings that install elevators, and would only be applicable to one of the elevators if more are installed. The Wylie Fire department requests the adoption of the 2006 International Fire Code. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman white, seconded by Councilman Porter to approve Ordinance No. 2009-37 adopting the 2006 Edition of the International Fire Code, save and except the deletions and amendments set forth herein and amending Chapter 46, Article Ill (Fire Code) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 2. Consider, and act upon, direction to select the next neighborhood(s) for the Neighborhood Planning A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan and the Sidewalk Improvement Plan. (R. 011ie, Planning Director) Staff Comments Planning Director 011ie addressed council stating that since its inception in July of 2007, we have implemented the Neighborhood A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan in three communities. The A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan is the tool by which residents and stakeholders are afforded an opportunity to work together in addressing the community's issues by means of Accountable Communities Through the Involvement of Neighborhoods (A.C.T.I.O.N.). Planning Director 011ie reported the JM Butler Addition was chosen by Council as the initial neighborhood for the A.C.T.I.O.N. plan. The second and third neighborhoods selected were the Bostic and Southside Additions. The Southside Addition primarily fronts South Ballard Avenue. Although no property owners or residents attended the meeting or responded with interest, significant progress is underway in the area with the newly created South Ballard Overlay District. The Bostic Addition was a very successful plan. Property Owners and residents alike attended and offered very informative and positive dialogue. Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 4 Planning Director 011ie reviewed the following accomplishments to the first three neighborhoods. • Jfin Butter Addition: Installed a concrete flume to alleviate drainage problems • Southside Addition: No interest shown by residents, but actively pursued code issues in the area. • Bostic Addition: Initiated sidewalk program to install new or replace and repair unsafe sidewalks. Planning Director 011ie noted that the recommendation from staff for the next neighborhoods, not to be completed simultaneously are: Railroad North Addition, Keller's Second Addition, and Brown and Burns Addition. Ms. 011ie asked for direction from council. Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Spillyards, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Byboth to selection the following additions in order of completion: Railroad North Addition, Brown & Burns Addition and Keller's Second Addition. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 3. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-07(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the North Texas Municipal Water District for the relocation of approximately 7,300 linear feet of 14-inch water pipeline located along the north side of Brown Street from FM 1378 to Winding Oaks. (C'. Hoisted, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Hoisted addressed council stating that the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) operates a 14-inch water pipeline generally located along the north side of Brown Street from FM 1378 to Winding Oaks. In 2008 the City of Wylie approved an interlocal agreement with NTMWD for the relocation of a portion of the same transmission line along FM 1378 for the construction of the new City buildings. The existing pipeline will be in conflict with the proposed paving and storm drainage improvements to Brown Street and approximately 7,300 linear feet of water transmission line will need to be relocated. Mr. Hoisted explained that the NTMWD also has two pipelines, a 60-inch and a 72-inch, which cross Brown Street between Winding Oaks and Cottonbelt. Due to the improvements to the drainage structure in this area, the 60-inch pipeline needs to be lowered. Since the pipeline was constructed within the right- of-way, the NTMWD will be responsible for the cost of the relocation. The estimated construction cost for the 60-inch water line relocation is $655,000. City Engineer Hoisted reported that this interlocal agreement will provide for the reimbursement to NTMWD for: 1) construction of approximately 6,470 feet of 14-inch pipeline in the estimated amount of $527,000; 2) consulting engineer's fee in the estimated amount of$48,500; and, 3) construction inspector cost in the estimated amount of $19,300. He noted that actual reimbursement amount will be based on the unit price bid by the lowest qualified construction contractor and the actual number of man hours experienced while inspecting the construction activities. Mr. Hoisted reported the 2005 City of Wylie Bond Program included $9,000,000 for the reconstruction of Brown Street. Funds were also included in the 2007 Collin County Bond Program in the amount of $4,453,750. Total funds available for the project are $13,453,750. Engineering fees for the project are $1,048,000 and the projected roadway construction cost is $11,220,000. Mayor Hogue asked City Engineer Hoisted when the work would begin if approved tonight. Mr. Hoisted replied the work would start immediately as these items would have to be completed prior to the start of paving improvements to Brown Street. He noted there was a time period during the summer when the lines could not be taken down due to demand. Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City council Page 5 Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Goss, seconded by Councilman White to adopt Resolution No. 2010(R) authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with the North Texas Municipal Water District for the relocation of approximately 7,300 linear feet of 14 inch water pipeline located along the north side of Brown Street from FM 1378 to Winding Oaks. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 4. Consider, and act upon, accepting the resignation of Daljinder Dhillon and the appointment of a new member to the Construction Code Board to fill the unexpired term of July 1, 2008 to June 30,2010. (M. McAnnally, Building Official) Staff Comments Building Official Mike McAnnally addressed council stating that Mr. Dhillon was appointed on February 2009 to fill an unexpired term. Since his appointment, Mr. Dhillon has missed three (3) consecutive Construction Code Board meetings; February 26, 2009, May 14, 2009, June 25, 2009, and additional meeting dates of August 27, 2009, November 5, 2009, and January 4, 20 0. Mr. Dhillon has not responded to any phone calls or emails. Mr. Dhillon was sent a certified letter inquiring about his absences. We have not received a response to this letter. Mr. McAnnally stated pursuant to Section 4, Article II of the Construction Code Board Bylaws: "any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term." Council Action A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Byboth, seconded by Councilwoman Spillyards to table consideration of a replacement as an alternate to the Construction Code Board to the next regular meeting of February 9, 2010. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. 5. Consider, and act upon, authorizing the City Manager to enter into a lease purchase contract with Cisco for the purchase and installation of a Voice over IP telephone communication system for the new Wylie Municipal Complex, in an amount not to exceed $110,000. (J. Butters, Assistant city Manager,) Staff Comments Assistant City Manager Butters addressed council stating that staff has been investigating the feasibility of a VOIP system for the Wylie Municipal Complex. Staff is recommending that we install VOIP in the new buildings instead of a traditional phone system. Through a lease to purchase agreement with Cisco we can install VOIP at the same cost of operating a traditional phone system for the first three years. Once the system is paid for we will realize a savings of $3,500 - $4,500 per month. The lease would be for a period of three years with 0% interest and we would own the system at the end of the agreement. ACM Butters reported there will be 85 phones moving to the new facilities. An additional 15 phones will be purchased and installed for a total of 100 phones. Our current monthly cost for the existing 85 phones is approximately $3,000. The initial cost of a Cisco VOIP system is approx. $80,000 and will cost approximately $1,000 per month to operate. He noted that the monthly operating savings can be used to offset the cost of the system. He explained there will be an additional savings of $ 8,000 from VOIP because of not having to run a second set of(phone) cable into the facilities. This $ 8,000 savings would be used to offset the purchase of VOIP phones. Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 6 Mr. Butters stated that the necessity to approve this purchase was due to contractor's scheduling installation of cable into (and throughout) the new facilities thus making it necessary to make a phone system decision. The proposed system has been bid through State DIR contract and the competitive bidding requirements of the local government code and state contracts allow cities to purchase the system at a 40% discount. Once installed in the new facilities, the city can begin migrating all employees at all locations to the system. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Goss to authorize the City Manager to enter into a lease purchase contract with Cisco for the purchase and installation of a Voice over IP telephone communication system for the new Wylie Municipal Complex., in an amount not to exceed $110,000. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0. READING OF ORDINANCES Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article ilL Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the captions to Ordinance No.'s 2010-02 and 2009-37 into the official record. Mayor Hogue recessed into Executive Session at 7:15 pm reading the caption below. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001, et.seq. Texas Government Code, to wit: § 551.074 Personnel Matters; Closed Meeting • To deliberate the Evaluation of the City Manager Mayor Hogue reconvened into Open Session at 11:00 pm. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Take any action as a result from Executive Session. There was no action taken as a result of Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the Wylie City Council, a motion Mayor Hogue adjourned the meeting at 11:02 p.m. Consensus of the council was to adjourn. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes January 26, 2010 Wylie City Council Page 7 ip Wylie City Counci CITY OFwY'�..;i AGENDA REPORT ar Meeting February ru 9, 2010 Item Number: Department: CitySecretary (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Account Code: Date Prepared: February 2, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Resolution, Notice of ... ..... ... .. ..... ...... ... ..... . .. . ..... . . Exhibits: Election, Election Calendar Subject Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2010-08(R) ordering a General Election to b e held jointly with the Wylie n epen en coo District and Collin CountyCommunity College District on May , 2010 for the purpose of electing two City Council members, Places 1 and 3, to the Wylie City Council to fill expired terms. Recommendation A motion to approve Resolution No. 2010-0 8(R) ordering a General Election to be held jointly with the Wylie ... . .... .. Independent School District and Collin County Community College District on May 8, 2010 for the purpose of electing two City Council members, Places 1 and 3,to the Wylie City Council to till expired terms. Discussion The offices of Council Places 1 and 3 will expire in May of 2010. By the proposed Resolution, the City Council will order a General Election to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District and Collin County Community College District on May 8, 2010. There will be one election or Places and or the Wylie City Council positions appearing on one ballot.o . This Resolution stipulates the polling places where qualified voters can cast ballots for the e election. It also outlines the early voting by personal appearance locations. .... '. .. . Early voting by personalh appearance shall be available at the Collin County Elections Office, 2010 Redbud v . uite c inney; e�.as; and Wylie Municipal lie Texas Complex, 2000 N. Highway 78� Wylie, beginning on Monday, April 26, 2010 throughTuesday, May 4, 2010 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 1, 2010 from 8:00 a.rrm to 5:00 p.m. and May 3, 2010 and May 4, 2010 from 7:00 to 7:00. .rn• Applications for a ballot by mail shall e requested from and mailed tote Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than t h e close of business on April 30, 2010. Approved Initial Date CE 2/2/2010 Department Director City Manager )11 Page g of ]. RESOLUTION NO. 2010-08(R) RES L UCION NO. 2010-08(RA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS, ORDERING THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JOINTLY WITH THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AND ADMINISTERED BY THE COLLIN COUNTY ELECTIONS ADMINISTRATOR ON MAY 8,2010, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE POSTT'ION OF TWO (2) MEMBERS, (PLACE 1 AND 3), TO THE WYLIE CITY COUNCIL TO HOLD OFFICE FOR A PERIOD OF THREE YEARS; DESIGNATING LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES; DESIGNATING FILING DEADLINES; ORDERING NOTICES OF ELECTION TO BE GIVEN AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH ELECTION. UNA RESOL UCION DEL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE, CONDADO DE COLLIN, TEXAS, ORDENANDO LA ELECCION GENERAL QUE SE LLE VARA A CABO COLECTIVAMENTE CON EL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE WYLIE F EL DISTRITO COLECIAL DE LA COMUNIDAD DEL CONDADO DE COLLIN ADMINISTR ADA PORT EL ADMINISTRADOR DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE COLLIN EL DIA 8 DE MA YO, 2010, CON EL PROPOSITO DE ELL"NIP LA POSICION DE DOS (2) MIEMBROS,, (LUGAR 1 E 3), PARA EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE PARA IIIANTE'NER EL PUESTO POR UNPERIODO DE TRESANOS, DESIGNAR LOCALES PARA LOS CENTROS ELECTORALES;DESIGNAR FECHA DE TERMINA CION PARA RECIS TRA CION; ORDENAR QUE SE DEN NOTIFICA CLONES DE ELECCION COMA PRESCRITO POR LA LEY EN CONEXION CON TAL ELECCION. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: AHORA, POR LO TANTO, SEA RESUELTO FOR EL CONCILIO DE LA CIUDAD DE WYLIE, TEXAS, QUE: SECTION 1: An election is hereby ordered to be held jointly with the Wylie Independent School District and Collin County Community College on Saturday, May 8, 2010, for the purpose of electing two(2)City Council members to fill the following expiring terms on the Wylie City Council; Place 1 and Place 3. SECCIO I: Una eleccion es por el presence ordenada que se llevara acabo eoleetivamente con el Distrito Eseolai Independiente de Wylie el Colegio de la Comunidad del Condado de Collin el sabado, 8 de Mayo, 2010, con el proposito de elejiu dos(2)miembros del Concilio pa -a el Lugar I v el Resolution No. 20 0M8(R) Order of May 8,2010 General Election Page 1 Lugar 3 del Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie; cual su termino ha expirado. SECTION 2: The Election Day polling places where qualified voters shall cast ballots at such locations in the City of Wylie, 2009 General Municipal Election are as follows: SECCION 2: Los locales de los centros electorales donde los votantes calificados votaran el dia de la eleccion de la Eleccion Municipal General del 2009 de la Ciudad de Wylie, son los siguientes: County Election Precincts- Polling Place Precinct 25, 144, 153, 159 & 175 (Collin Co.) Soutbfork Mobile Horne Park 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie, Texas Precincts 27, 33, 41, 56, 83,133, 170 & 174 Wylie Bible Church (Collin Co.) 109 W. Jefferson Precincts 1 A (Rockwall Co.) Wylie, Texas Precinct 2601 (Dallas Co.) Election polls shall be open from 7:00 a.rn. until 7:00 p.m. on the date of the election. Los Centros electorates estaran abiertos de las 7:00 a.m. a las 7:00 p.m. el dia de la eleccion. SECTION 3: Early voting by personal appearance shall be available at the Collin County Elections Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas, and Wylie Municipal Complex, 2000 N. Highway 78, Wylie, Texas, beginning on Monday, April 26, 2010 through Tuesday, May 4, 2010 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday, May 1, 2010 from 8.:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and May 3, 2010 and May 4, 2010 from. 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Applications for ballot by mail shall be requested from and mailed to the Collin County Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 30, 2010. SECCION 3: Votacion temprana por apariencia personal sera disponible en la of Gina de Elecciones del Condado de Collin, 2010 Redbud Blvd. Suite 102, McKinney, Texas; el Centro Municipal de la Ciudad de Wylie, 2000 N Highway 78, Wylie, Texa; v el Centro de Servicio de Educacion de Wylie, 951 S Ballard, Wylie, Texas„ empezando el lines, 26 de abril, 2010 hasta el martes, 4 de mayo, 2010, durante las horas de trabajo normales de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.. con horas prolongadas el jueves, 29 de april, 2010, de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., el sabado, I de mayo, 2010 de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. v el 3 v 4 de mayo, 2010 de 7:00 a .m. a 7:00 p.m. Las solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser pedidas V enviadas por correo a Collin county Elections Administration Office, Attn: Elections Administrator, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. Solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar para el cierre del dia de negocio el 30 de abril, 2010. Resolution No. 2010-08(R) Order of May 8,2010 General Election Page 2 SECTION 4: Candidates must file for a specific place and adhere to the filing deadlines accordingly.Candidate Packets are available in the City Secretary's Office.The candidate filing periods for the General Election for Council Seats, Place land 3 are as follows: SECCION 4: Candidatos deben registrarse para tin Lugar especz ca y adherir canszg ienternente a la fecha final de registraczan. Paquetes para candidata estan disponibles en la Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad Las periodos para registracion del candidata para la Election General para los Lugares del Concilia .l y 3 son los siguientes: General Election Filing Council Seats Place I and 3 Registration para is Eleccion General de los Lugares de Concilio 1 y 3 Beginning: February 6, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. Ending: March 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. Einpezanda: 6 de: ebrera, 2010 at las 8:00 a.m. Terminando:8 de marzo, 2010 a las 5:00 p.m. Candidates must file in the City Secretary's Office located at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas. Candidatos deben archivar sus pagaetes en la Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad localizada en 2000 highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas. SECTION 5: Direct Record Electronic(DRE) voting machines shall be used in this election for early voting by personal appearance and Election Day voting. Optical-scan ballots shall be used for early voting by mail. SECTION 5:Maquinas electronicas de registracion directa para votacion seran utilizadas en esta eleccion para vatacian temprana en persona y para votacion el dia de la eleccion. Baletas de escaner opti co seran utilizadas para votacion temprana por carreo. SECTION 6: The City Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to publish and/or post,in the time and mariner prescribed by law,all notices required to be so published and/or posted in connection with the conduct of this election. The Collin County Election contract shall designate the election judges for the joint election. The election,including providing notice of the election,shall be conducted in accordance with the Texas Election Code and other applicable law, and all resident qualified and registered voters of the City shall be eligible to vote at the election. SECTION 6: La Secretaria de la Ciudad esta par el presente autorizada y dirigida a publicar y/o anunciar la hora y manera carno prescrito por la ley, today las notificaciones requeridas que sean publicadas y/o anunciadas en conexion con la canducta de esta eleccion. El contrato de la Eleccion del Condado de Collin debe designar los jueces para la election colectiva. La election, inclayenda dar avisa de la eleccion, deben ser conducidas de acaerda con el Cadigo de Eleccion de Texas y arras leyes aplicables,y tada residente calz cado y registrado 1atante de la Ciudad debe ser elegible para votar en la eleccian. Resolution No. 2010-08(R) Order of May 8.2010 General Election Page 3 SECTION 7: The Mayor and the City Secretary of the City, in consultation with the City Attorney, are hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary to comply with the provisions of the Texas Election Code and any other state or federal law in carrying out and conducting the election, whether or not expressly authorized herein. SECTION 7: El Alcalde y la Secretaria de la Ciudad, en consulta con el abogado de la Ciudad,por el presente estan autorizados v dirigidos de tomar cualquier y toda accion necesaria para estar en coilfbrmidad con las provisiones del Codigo de Eleccion de Texas y cualquier otra ley del estado o .federal para llcvar acabo y conducir la ekccion, aunque sea o no sea expresamente autorizado en esto. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Collin, Dallas and Rockwall Counties, Texas, on this the 9th day of February, 2010. DEBIDAMENTE PASADO YAPROBADOpor el Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie, Condados de Collin, Dallas v Rockwall, Texas, este dia 9th de Febrero, 2010. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No. 2010-08(R) Order of May 8,2010 General Election Page 4 NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION To the registered voters of the City of Wylie, Texas: Notice is hereby given that the City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas. has ordered a General Election to be held on May 8, 2010 for the purpose of electing Council members for Place 1 and 3. The polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on May 8,2010. CANDIDATE FILING SCHEDULE General Election Filing for Council members for Place 1 and 3 February 6,2010—March 8,2010 at 5:00 p.m. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES Precinct 25 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.Wylie,Texas Precinct 144 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.Wylie,Texas Precinct 153 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Precinct 159 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Precinct 175 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Precinct 27 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 33 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 41 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 56 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 83 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 133 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 170 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 174 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct lA(Rockwall Co.) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Precinct 2601(Dallas Co.) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas EARLY VOTING BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE WILL BE CONDUCTED EACH WEEKDAY AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: Main Early Voting location: Branch Early Voting location: Collin County Elections Administration Office Wylie Municipal Complex 2010 Redbud Blvd.,Suite 102 2000 Highway 78 North McKinney,Texas 75069 Wylie,Texas 75098 You may vote between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. beginning beginning on Monday, April 26, 2010 through Tuesday, May 4, 2010 during the normal working hours of 8:00 a.m.. to 5:00 p.m. with extended voting hours on Thursday, April 29, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday,May 1,2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and May 3,2010 and May 4,2010 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Applications for ballot by mail shall be mailed to: Collin County Elections Administration Office Attention: Elections Administrator 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney,Texas 75069 Applications for ballots by mail must be received no later than the close of business on April 30,2010. Issued this the 9th day of February 2010 by the Wylie City Council Signature of Presiding Officer(Oficial que Preside) AVISO DE ELECCION GENERAL A los votantes registrados de is Ciudad de Wylie, Texas: Se da a °iso por la presente que la Ciudad de Wylie, Condado de Collin, Estado de Texas, ha ordenado anti L'lec:ion General que se lle Sara acaho el 8 de mayo, 2010 con el proposito de elejir dos (2) mietr cos del Cancilio para el Lugar 1 i el Lugar 3 del Concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie,. cual sit termino ha expirado. Los centros elector ales apantados abaft)estar crn abiertos tie 7: 00 a.m. - 7: 00 p.m. el 8 de mayo, 2010. HORARIO PARA.LA CLASIFICACION DEL CANDIDATO jediente de la eleccion general para miembros del Puesto 1 y 3 Empezando el 6 de Febrero, 2010 hasta las 5:00p.m. el 8 de Marzo,2010 LOCALES DE LOS CENTROS ELECTORALES Recinto 25 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 144 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 153 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 159 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 175 Southfork Mobile Home Center 216 Southfork Blvd.,Wylie,Texas Recinto 27 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 33 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 41 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 56 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 83 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 133 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 170 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 174 Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto lA(Residentes de Wylie-Condado de Rockwall) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas Recinto 2601(Residentes de Wylie-Condado do Dallas) Wylie Bible Church 109 W.Jefferson,Wylie,Texas VOTACION TEMPRANA POR APARILNCIA PERSONAL SE CONDUCIRA CADA DIA LABORAL EN LOS PROXIMOS LOCALES: Local principal de votacion temprana: Sucursal en Wylie Municipal Complex Condado de Collin 2000 Highway 78 North Administracion de elecciones del Condado de Collin Wylie,Texas 2010 Redbud Blvd.,Suite 102, 1`VcKinney,Texas listed puede votar entre las horas de trabajo de 8: 00 a.m. - 5: 00 p.m.,empezando el tunes,26 de abril, 2010 haste el manes, 4 de mayo, 2010, durante las horas de trabajo normales de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. con horns prolongadas el juc t c s, 29 de april, 2010, de 8:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m., el sabado, 1 de mayo, 2010 de 8:00 a.m.. a 5:00 pin. y el 3 y 4 de mayo, 2010 de 7:00 a .n. a 7:00 p.m.. Solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser enviadas a: Collin County Elections Administration Office Attention: Elections Administrator 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102 McKinney,Texas 75069 Las solicitudes para boletos de votacion por correo deben ser recibidas a no mas tardar para el cierre del dia de negocio el 30 de abril 2010. Pablieado este 9 de Enero,2010 par el concilio de la Ciudad de Wylie. Signature of Presiding Officer(Oficial que Preside) TEXAS MUNICIPAL CLERKS CERTIFICATION PROGRAM ..,E0 .cep', . ram, 11 tYAfr( rr i Election Calendar For a City's General Election on May 8, 2010 This calendar indicates the dates for actions necessary in a general election of city officers to be held on May 8, 2010. It includes all major actions for which the Election Code prescribes a specific date or deadline for performance, but it does not include all actions (e.g., preparation of ballot boxes and other election equipment and of sets of precinct election forms) for which the beginning date for performance can vary from one city to another depending on local factors. Each city secretary should use the chart in M §9.02 of the Texas Municipal Election Law Manual in conjunction with this calendar to fill in those dates on the city secretary's personal election calendar created in accordance with local conditions [see M §9.03 . The city secretary's personal calendar should also reflect dates that the city secretary prefers in place of the discretionary dates recommended in this calendar. Column 5 indicates the time interval between the date of the action and election day. For example, the notation "53rd" in the entry for March 16 means that the last day for a candidate to withdraw is the 53' day before election day; the notation "+5" in the entry for May 13 means that the last day for receiving a ballot from outside the United States is the 5th day after election day. When there is a statutory provision prescribing the last dal/for the performance of an act, the number in Column 5 reflects that day. If the statutory day must be moved because of a Saturday, Sunday, or state or national holiday,the resulting date is designated in Columns 1 and 2 and Column 5 indicates, in parentheses and italics, the actual number of days measured from election day. In preparing a personal calendar, the city secretary should remember the rule in EC §1 .006 that if the last day for performance of an action falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a state or national holiday, the deadline date is usually extended to the next regular business day whether the day is a city holiday or not [see M §2.16(a)]. When a deadline is extended for this reason, the extended date is used for determining other dates that are calculated in relation to the event of the extended date. Exceptions are noted in this calendar. Major steps are in ALL CAPS. Steps for early voting are in ITALICS. By or With Manual Column Date ,, Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 Jan 4 Obtain a supply of the following forms: City Secretary 7.11 *124th candidate's application for place on ballot; et seq. appointment of campaign treasurer (candi- 18.10 date and specific-purpose committee); report of contributions and expenditures (candidate-officeholder and specific- purpose committee); application for mail ballot, and a set of administrative forms if ordered from a supply house. (Set up schedule for ordering precinct sets and other forms if they are to be ordered later.) *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. i ELECTION LAW MANUAL 2010 By or With Manual Column " Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 Jan 4- Review recommendation for following City Secretary 9.02 *124th 29 steps listed in M §9.02 for possible and 20.06 thru needed or desired action and submission City Council 14.03 *99th for preclearance under federal Voting Rights Act: Steps 1 through 5 (revising election precincts; designating polling places; changing method of voting if equipment is available but not adopted for use or if acquisition of equipment by city is desired); Step 12 (establishing or changing terms of election judges); also, any other action already taken by council for which preclearance is required but not yet submitted, including new single- member districts. Jan 7 Last day to begin posting on bulletin board City Secretary 1 1.05(f) 121 S" NEW the notice of the dates of the filing period for the general election. (SOS has ruled that notice must contain location where applications will be received.) Jan 15 Last day for timely filing of semi-annual City Secretary 18.05 Jan 15 report of contributions and expenditures. Jan 25- Recommended period for CALLING Mayor 111 10.03 *103`d Feb 9 ELECTION AND POSTING NOTICE OF 10.12 to ELECTION on bulletin board. *881h Jan 25- Recommended period to submit requests City Secretary 20.06 *103`d Feb 12 for PRECLEARANCE for any required to matters. *85th Feb 6 FIRST DAY FOR FILING APPLICATION for City Secretary 11 .05 92nd place on ballot. 30th day before filing (91") deadline is Sat, Feb 6. Feb 6 FIRST DAY FOR FILING DECLARATION OF City Secretary 1 1 .10 92"d WRITE-IN CANDIDACY. (9 Pt) NOTES: (1) Since a person may not file earlier than the 30th day before the deadline, and the deadline is extended to the 61 day, the 91 day rather than the 92"d day becomes the first day for both of these actions. (2) The city secretary's office is not required to be open on Sat or Sun for either of these activities. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. ii 2010 MAY 2010 ELECTION CALENDAR By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 Feb 9 Recommended LAST DAY FOR ORDER City Council 3.07 *88th DESIGNATING ELECTION PRECINCTS AND POLLING PLACES. (Preclearance may be needed.) Feb 22 Recommended beginning date for City Secretary 4.08 *75th preliminary work on appointment of election judges. Mar 5 Recommended last day to POST 72 HOUR City Secretary 8.06 *64th NOTICE OF DRAWING for order of names on ballot. Since 72 hours before the day after the filing deadline is Sat, post on Fri. Mar 6 Remove candidate's name from ballot if City Secretary 11.25 64th the candidate dies on or before Mar 6. (63rd) This date occurs on the 63rd day rather than the 64th day because the deadline for filing is extended to the 61st day. • Mar 8 STATUTORY LAST DAY FOR ORDERING Mayor-111 10.03 62" ELECTION. I21 62nd day is on Sunday, Mar (61") 7. This action is extended to Mar 8 (61' day). Mar 8 LAST DAY FOR FILING APPLICATION FOR City Secretary 11.05 62nd PLACE ON BALLOT (must be received by 1 1.06 (61") 5 p.m.). City Secretary's office should stay open until 5 p.m. 62nd day is on Sunday, Mar 7. This action is extended to Mar 8 (61st day). [In a city office having a 4-year term, if no candidate files, this deadline is extended to 5:00 p.m., Mar 12 (57th day).] Mar 8 If a SPECIAL ELECTION to fill a vacancy is City Secretary 13.06 62nd held in conjunction with the general (61") election, and the SPECIAL ELECTION was called before the 70th day before the election, this is the LAST DAY FOR FILING AN APPLICATION for a place on the ballot in the SPECIAL ELECTION. Mar 9 LAST DAY TO DELIVER NOTICE TO THE City Council 10.16 60th COUNTY CLERK AND VOTER REGISTRAR (City of each county in which the election will Secretary) be held. Mar 9 FIRST DAY TO ACCEPT APPLICATIONS City Secretary 16.51 60th FOR VOTING BY MAIL BALLOT. et seq. 17.02 17.03 *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. ' ELECTION LAW MANUAL 2010 BynrWith Manual Column Date ' Action . Whom Taken � Ref. § 5 Mar First day of the period Texas Ethics CitySeoetary/ 18.01 GOm Commission will defer investigation until Texas Ethics after election (or runoff) if an allegation is Commission filed. Mar Recommended period to CONDUCT City Secretary 8.08 °59m 10'12 DRAWING FOR ORDER OF NAMES ON thru BALLOT. Prepare ballot format and send °57th it to printer. _ ~ Mar 12 Extended deadline to file for a place on the City Secretary 1 1 .O5 571h ballot in city office having a 4-year term if no one has filed by 5 p.m. on Mar 8 (must be received by 5 p.m.). Mar 15 LAST DAY FOR A WRITE-IN CANDIDATE City Secretary 11 .10 56 1h TO DECLARE CANDIDACY by5p.m. City o41h secretary's office should stay open until 5 p.m. (The 5* day after the filing deadline is Sat' Mar 13. The date is moved to Mon, Mar 15.) Mar 15 If Mar 8 is the deadline for filing for a place City Secretary 1 3.O8(e) 501h on the ballot inaSPECIAL ELECTION, this (54h) is the deadline for write-in candidate declaration for the SPECIAL ELECTION. 5m day after ballot application deadline is Sun' Mar 14. This date io extended toMar 15. Mar Recommended period for APPOINTING CityCounoiy,/ 4.03 °54th 15-28 ELECTION JUDGES. /u/ (Schedule for first 4.04 Lhru council meeting after period ifnomeeting 4.05 =43m during period.) See M §1O.15 on giving notice to election judgea. ~ ~ . Mar 16 LAST DAY for candidate to withdraw City Secretary 8.05 53rd (withdrawal request must be received by 11.22 5 p.m.). LAST DAY that a declaration of 1 1 .23 ineligibility causes omission of candidate's 1 1.24 name from ballot. City oeoretary'o office should stay open until 5 p.m. � Mar 18 RECOMMENDED DATE TO PRINT City Secretary 8.18 =51st BALLOTS which have been prepared earlier. - _ � Mar 19 Beginning date of period for mandatory City Secretary 2.15 5O* office hours. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required bystatute. 2010 MAY 2010 ELECTION CALENDAR By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 Mar 24 FIRST DAY TO MAIL EARLY BALLOTS, IF City Secretary 16.57 45th AVAILABLE. Note the roster of persons mailed ballots is not available to the public until the first business day after election day [See M §16.56(g)]. Mar 31 Last day to mail balloting materials for City Secretary 16.57 38th early voting by mail, to persons who applied 8 days or more before the 45th day. Apr 2 Last day to order a special election to fill a City Council 13.06(a) 36th vacancy so that the filing deadline is Apr 8. Apr 7 If a SPECIAL ELECTION to fill a vacancy is City Secretary 13.06 31st held in conjunction with the general election, under most circumstances (election ordered after 70th day and not later than 36th day), this is the LAST DAY FOR FILING AN APPLICATION for a place on the ballot in the SPECIAL ELECTION. Apr 8 Due date for filing first report of campaign City Secretary 18.06 30th contributions and expenditures by opposed candidates and specific-purpose commit- tees supporting or opposing opposed candidates by 5 p.m. or midnight if filed electronically. City secretary's office should stay open until 5 p.m. Apr 8 Last day to order a SPECIAL ELECTION to Mayor 1 13.04(f) 30th fill a vacancy except under special circumstances. Apr 8 Last day for submitting voter registration Registrar 6.23(g) 30th application in time to vote at the election 6.25(b) or for requesting transfer of registration in time to vote in new precinct not in the same county and territory. Apr 8 Recommended last day to notify presiding Mayor 10.15 *30th judges of duty to hold election. Apr 8 Minimum 10th day to begin posting City Secretary 16.72 30th continuous notice if signature verification committee meets Apr 18. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. v ELECTION LAW MANUAL 2010 By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 Apr 8 Recommended last day to request voter City Secretary 6.32 *30th registrar to prepare lists of registered 6.35 voters and furnish statement of residence 7.42 forms to be used in conducting the election. Apr PERIOD FOR PUBLISHING NOTICE OF Mayor 111 10.12 30th 8-28 ELECTION. Must be published at least once 20.04 thru in a newspaper during this period. 10th Apr 12 If a SPECIAL ELECTION to fill a vacancy is City Secretary 13.06 26th held in conjunction with the general election,this is the last day (by 5 p.m.) for a write-in candidate to declare candidacy for SPECIAL ELECTION, if Apr 7 was filing deadline. City secretary's office should stay open until 5 p.m. Apr 16 Recommended last day to request waiver City Secretary 9.45 *22hd of partial manual recount of electronically counted ballots. Apr Possible period for posting notice amending City Secretary 16,22(k) 22nd 16-29 notice of branch early voting polling places. thru 9th Apr 17 LAST DAY for POSTING NOTICE OF City 10.12(c) 21st (Apr 16 ELECTION on bulletin board for posting Secretary "1 Recom- notices of city council meetings. The 21' i-nended) day is on Sat. Technically, the notice can be delayed until Mon, Apr 19, but it is better practice to post no later than Fri, Apr 16, which is the 22nd day before the election. Apr 18 First day a signature verification committee City Secretary 16.72 20th may begin work. Apr 18 First day jail authority can deliver ballots City Secretary 16.51(a) 20th in person. Apr 19 Last day for unregistered applicant to City Secretary 17.02(a) 20th submit a federal postcard application. (The & (d) (/9th) 20th day before the election is Sun,Apr 20. The deadline is extended so that if the application is placed in the mail by Mon, Apr 19, it is timely.) Apr 21 Last day to begin posting continuous City Secretary 16.22(k) 17th notice of schedule for branch early voting polling places. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. vi 2010 MAY 2010 ELECTION CALENDAR By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 Apr 23 Last day to receive application from voter City Secretary 16.51(c) 1 5th in person for a ballot to be voted by mail (by close of business). This is the last business day before the beginning of early voting by personal appearance. Apr 23 STATUTORY DEADLINE FOR NOTIFYING Mayor 10.15(a) 15th JUDGES OF DUTY TO HOLD THE ELECTION. Apr 23 Last day to challenge write-in candidate for City Secretary 11.10(i) 1 5th compliance. Apr 24 Last day candidate may withdraw and have City Secretary 11 .22 14th name removed from ballot if the filing deadline was later than the 61'day before election day. This deadline applies to SPECIAL ELECTIONS and remains on Sat. Apr 26 FIRST DAY FOR EARLY VOTING BY City Secretary 16.21 12th PERSONAL APPEARANCE. If voting will 16.22(i) be conducted on Sat or Sun, May 1 or 2, notice of schedule must be posted at least 72 hours before first hour of the weekend voting. Apr 28 LAST DAY FOR PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Mayor 10.12 10th OF ELECTION. Apr 29 First day for new illness or disability Voter 17.16 9th allowing late application for late (emer- gency) early voting. Apr 30 Due date for filing second report of City Secretary 18.06(c) 8th campaign contributions and expenditures 18.08(a) by 5 p.m. or midnight if filed electronically. & (c ) Apr 30 Last day to receive application by mail for a City Secretary 16.51(b) 7th ballot to be voted by mail, by 12 noon or 16.55(b) (8th) close of business, whichever is later. 7 day is on a Sat. Move date to Fri,Apr 30(8th day) (exception to general rule). May 2 Last day for publication of notice of first test City Secretary 7.40(d) 6th of automatic tabulating equipment to be used at a polling place if the first test is on May 5. (48 hours before date of test.) May 3 First day for death in family to qualify for late City Secretary 17.31 5th (emergency) early voting. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. vii ELECTION LAW MANUAL 2010 By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 May 3 Last day for publication of notice of first test City Secretary 7.40(b) & 5th of automatic tabulating equipment to be used (d) at a central counting station if the first test is on May 6. (48 hours before date of test.) May 4 LAST DAY OF REGULAR EARLY VOTING City Secretary 16.21(c) 4th BY PERSONAL APPEARANCE. May As soon as early voting is over, and until TOO City Secretary 16.74(a) 4th thru 4-8 p.m. May 8, early voting ballots may be close of delivered to the early voting ballot board if polls notice requirements have been followed. May 5 Last day to receive an application to cancel City Secretary 16.59(a) 3rd mail ballot. May 5 Last day for conducting first test of automatic City Secretary 7.40(c) & 3rd tabulating equipment to be used at a polling (d) place (at least 48 hours before used for counting on election day). To assure 48 hours before 7 a.m.of election day,test must be by 3rd day. Notice must be published at least 48 hours before date of test. May Period to apply for late (emergency) early City Secretary 17.33 3rd 5-7 voting because of death in family May 3 or thru 1st later. May Prepare list of registered voters for early City Secretary 16.76 *3rd 5-7 voting ballot board if more than one early thru voting polling place. City Secretary May Period to apply for late (emergency) early 17.17 3rd thru 5-8 voting because of illness or disability Election originating on or after Apr 29. Day, 5 p.m. May 6 Last day for first test of automatic tabulating Presiding 7.40(b) 2 equipment to be used at a central counting Judge .station. Notice must be published at least 48 hours before date of test. May 7 Last day to deliver precinct early voting lists City Secretary 7.47 1st to presiding judges and recommended date 16.83(j) for delivery of supplies to presiding judges. May 7 Recommended date for delivery of equipment City Secretary 7.48 *1st to polling places(statutory deadline is 6 a.m. on election day). *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. viii 2010 MAY 2010 ELECTION CALENDAR By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 May 7 RECOMMENDED DAY TO POST NOTICE City Secretary 9.42 1st OF COUNCIL MEETING to canvass the returns if canvass will be on 3 day after election. Notice must be posted at least 72 hours before time of meeting. May 7 Last day to submit an application(by close of City Secretary 17.33(b) st business) for and vote a ballot by personal appearance due to death in immediate family that occurred May 3 or later. May 8 ELECTION DAY. Polls are open 7 am. to 7 City Secretary 17.41 E Day p.m. Voting by sick or disabled voters at main early voting place, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., where voting machines are used at precinct polling place. May 8 7 am. to 7 p.m. early voting clerk's office City Secretary 9.23 E Day must remain open for early voting activities. May 8 5 p.m. deadline for late applications for City Secretary 17.16 E Day ballots from voters who became ill or disabled 17.17 Apr 29'or later. May 8 Deliver early voting ballots, etc., to early City Secretary 16.73(a) E Day voting ballot board. Second key to ballot box is delivered by chief of police or marshal. May 8 7 pm deadline for receiving ballots from City Secretary 17.17 E Day voters who became ill or disable Apr 29 or later. May 8 7 pm deadline for receiving early voting mail City Secretary 9.23(b) E Day ballots.After regular mail delivery,check mail 16.58(a) box for early voting mail ballots. May 8 Receive precinct records,voted ballots,etc. City Secretary 9.33(d) E Day (Chief of police or marshal receives keys to Mayor 9.34 ballot boxes containing voted ballots.) May 8 UNOFFICIAL TABULATION OF RESULTS. City Secretary 9.35 E Day May 10 First day for public access to roster for mailed City Secretary 16.56(g) +2 early voting ballot materials. May 10 Last day to deliver provisional ballots to Voter City Secretary 9.41 +2 Registrar. May 11 PROVIDE OFFICIAL OATH AND STATE- City Secretary 12.32(d) .+3 MENT OF ELECTED OFFICIALS to candidates who appear to have won,or may win. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. ix ELECTION LAW MANUAL 2010 By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 May Period during which early voting ballot board Early Voting 10.74(e) +3 thru 11-13 may meet to count ballots received from Ballot Board +5 outside the United States if the early voting clerk certifies that all ballots mailed from outside the United States have been received. May PERIOD FOR OFFICIAL CANVASS. Mayor City Council/ 9.42 +3 thru 11-19 sets exact day and hour. City secretary City Secretary 9.44 +11 records results in election register as soon as practicable after canvass. [Canvass may occur before 11 th day only if all FPCA ballots have been received and the ballot board has completed the count of provisional ballots.] May Completion before canvass of report of early City Secretary 16.87 +3 thru 11-19 votes cast for each candidate or measure,by +11 election precinct. May AFTER CANVASS, ISSUE CERTIFICATE Mayor 12.23 +3 thru 11-19 OF ELECTION. +11 May 11- Partial manual count of electronically counted City Secretary 9.45 +3 thru Jun 1 ballots if waiver not obtained from secretary +21 of state, must begin not later than 72 hours (+24) after polls close and be completed by the 21 st day. +21 t day is Sat. Mon is Memorial Day. Move the date to Tue, Jun 1 (+24th day). May 13 Last day for receiving a ballot from outside City Secretary 10.58(b) +5 the United States. May 14 Early voting ballot board meets to count Early Voting 10.74(e) +6 ballots received from outside the United Ballot Board States, if the early voting clerk did not certify that all ballots mailed from outside the United States had been received earlier. (Provi- sional ballots may be processed at this time if they have been received.) May 14 Type A elected officials may qualify and Candidate with 12.34 +6 assume duties of office[LGC§22.006]. The City Secretary statute states 5th day after election,excluding Sundays. The resulting day is the 0th day after. Officials may not take office until the canvass is complete unless the election was cancelled. May ORDERING OF RUNOFF ELECTION, if City Council 14.04 +8 thru 16-24 necessary, not later than 5th day after or +16 canvass. Mayor i' *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. x 2010 MAY 2010 ELECTION CALENDAR By or With Manual Column Date Action Whom Taken Ref. § 5 May 17 Last day for early voting ballot board to verify Early Voting 9.41 +7 and count provisional ballots. (The 7h day Ballot Board 16.77 (+9) after the election is Sat, May 15. The date is moved to Mon, May 17.) The secretary of state recommends counting provisional ballots on the 6th day after the election, Fri, May 14, if possible. May 18 Last day for presiding judge of EVBB to mail Presiding 16.78 +10 notices of rejected mail ballots to voters. Judge of EVBB May 21- Period during which notice of disposition of Presiding 16.77 By 10th Jun 1 provisional ballots must be mailed to voters. Judge of EVBB day after If 10th day is Sat, Sun, or Memorial Day, last canvass day is Tue, Jun 1. May 31- POSSIBLE PERIOD FOR RUNOFF City Secretary/ 14.03 20th-45th July 3 ELECTION, depending on date of official City Council day after canvass,unless a charter provides for a later canvass date. Jun 1 Last day for mailing results of manual count City Secretary 9.45 +21 to secretary of state, if no waiver is obtained. (+24) +21'day is Sat, Mon is Memorial Day. Move to Tue, Jun 1 (+24rd day). Jun 7 Last day to transmit election results by city Mayor 9.44 +30 precinct in electronic form to secretary of (Presiding Offi- state. cer of the Can- vassing Com- mittee) Jun 17 LAST DAY OF MANDATORY OFFICE City Secretary 2.15 +40 HOURS. July 8 First day for transfer of voted ballots from the City Secretary 9.50 +61 locked ballot box to another secure container. July 15 Last day for timely filing of semiannual report City Secretary 18.05 July 15 of contributions and expenditures. Mar I Last day of preservationperiod for ballots CitySecretary9.50 ) +22 9 8, and other precinct election records of months 2012 main election. Endnotes [1] Follow home-rule city's charter provision, if any. 2 The city's governing body may choose to conduct a mock student election under EC §276.007. The major steps taken for a general election should be taken for a student election. The student election may be held on the first day before the election, but results must not be published until after the polls close on election day. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. xi ELECTION LAW MANUAL 2010 NOTE ON CALENDAR FOR SPECIAL OR RUNOFF ELECTION To prepare a calendar for a special election to fill a vacancy in office, see M §1 3.02; for a special election on a measure, see M §1 5.02; for a runoff election, see M §14.03. NOTE ON CONTEXT When reading a section of the Election Code, remember to read the chapter and subchapter titles to determine if the section you are reading applies to cities. *An asterisk in Column 5 indicates the time stated is not required by statute. xii iCouncil4 Wylie c ITY OF WYLIE lir Meeting Date: February 9 2010 Item Number: (City (s Only)Department: City Secretary Prepared By: Account Code: 100-5113-56070 ........... Date Preared: February 2, 2010 Budgeted Amount : S9 200.0D CCE� A Contract/Cost .............. Exhibits: Estimates Subject �t Consider, and act upon, a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie andWylie Independent School p District (WISD); and a Joint Election Agreement to include Collin County Community College District to be administered bythe Collin CountyElections Administrator for the May 2010 Wylie General Election. 8, Y a ect on. ..... ..... .. Recommendation Motion to approve a Joint Election Contract between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District (WISD); and a Joint Election Agreement to include Collin County Community College District to be administered by the Collin CountyElections Administrator for the May8, 2010 Wylielie General Y Y � YElection. sessn .:................... By the terms of this agreement, the City of Wylie, WISD, and Collin County Community College District do hereby agree, pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Election Code, to hold a joint election for the General Election to be held on Saturday May 8, 2010. The entities will contract with the Collin County Elections Administrator to perform various duties and responsibilities on behalf of the entities. The contract presented has ........... specified duties and costs to administer the election. This agreement, once executed will formalize the joint election for May 8, 2010 between the entities and approve the equally shared cost for the General Election. Under the terms of the contract, it is noted that if one entity cancels their election a charge of.$75.00 will be accessed and the other entities will assume the full cost for the election. Article 2, Section 1 (c) of the Home Rule Charter allows the Council to cooperate with the government of any County for any lawful purpose for the advancement of the interests of its inhabitants. Collin County Elections Administrator will hold the election for residents residing .. es dents reszdi in the City of Wylie in Collin, Rockwall and a as counties. ....... ... Approved:... . ...:.By ........: ............ .. In itial ia cite Department e a m n l rt e t Director�recter D2-Q2- Cat fan yManager giy a ii to Pa ge May 8, 2010 Joint General Election Contract for Election Services City of Wylie/Wylie ISD May 8, 2010 Joint General Election Table of Contents I Duties and Services of Contracting Officer II Duties and Services of City and School District III .Cost of Election IV Joint Election Agreement General Provisions Exhibits Exhibit A. Early Voting Schedule and Locations Exhibit B Election Day Polling Locations Exhibit C .Cost of Services Exhibit D .Joint Election Agreement May 8,2010 Joint General Election City of Wylie&WISD 01119/10—Page 2 THE STATE OF TEXAS CONTRACT FOR COUNTY OF COLLIN CITY- SCHOOL WYLIE ELECTION SERVICES BY THE TERMS OF THIS CONTRACT made and entered into by and between the CITY OF WYLIE, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY," and the BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereinafter referred to as the "SCHOOL DISTRICT," and SHARON ROWE, Elections Administrator of Cohn County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "Contracting Officer," pursuant to the authority in Subchapter D, Section 31.092, of Chapter 31, of the Texas Election Code, agree to the following particulars in regard to coordination, supervision and running of the City and School District's May 8, 2010 Joint General Election and a City Runoff Election, if necessary, on June 12, 2010. An additional cost estimate, early voting calendar, and Election Day polling place schedule will be prepared should a Runoff Election be necessary. THIS AGREEMENT is entered into in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set out. IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: I. DUTIES AND SERVICES OF CONTRACTING OFFICER. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for performing the following duties and shall furnish the following services and equipment: A. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for appointment, notification (including writ of election), training and compensation of all presiding judges, alternate judges, the judge of the Central Counting Station and judge of the Early Voting Balloting Board. a. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for notification of each Election Day and Early Voting presiding judge and alternate judge of his or her appointment. The recommendations of the City and the School District will be the accepted guidelines for the number of clerks secured to work in each polling place. The presiding election judge of each polling place, however, will use his/her discretion to determine when additional manpower is needed during peak voting hours. The Contracting Officer May 8.2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&W1SD 01/19/10—Page 3 will determine the number of clerks to work in the Central Counting Station and the number of clerks to work on the balloting board. Election judges shall be secured by the Contracting Officer with the approval of the City and the School District. b. Election judges shall attend the Contracting Officer's school of instruction (Elections Seminar)to be held Wednesday, May 5, 2010, at the Collin County 380 Courts Bldg., Central Jury Room, 1800 N. Graves St., McKinney, TX at 2:00 PM. c. Election judges shall be responsible for picking up from and returning election supplies to the county election warehouse located at 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney. Compensation for this pickup and delivery of supplies will be $25.00. d. The Contracting Officer shall compensate each election judge and worker. Each judge shall receive $12.00 per hour for services rendered. Each alternate judge and clerk shall receive $10.00 per hour for services rendered. Overtime will be paid to each person working over 40 hours per week. B. The Contracting Officer shall procure, prepare, and distribute voting machines, election kits and election supplies. a. The Contracting Officer shall secure election kits which include the legal documentation required to hold an election and all supplies including locks, pens, magic markers, etc. b. The Contracting Officer shall secure all tables, chairs, and legal documentation required to run the Central Counting Station. c. The Contracting Officer shall provide all lists of registered voters required for use on Election Day and for the early voting period required by law. The Election Day list of registered voters shall be arranged in May 8.2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&VISD 01/19/10—Page 4 alphabetical order by polling place, in lieu of alphabetic by each precinct in each polling place. d. The Contracting Officer shall procure and arrange for the distribution of all election equipment and supplies required to hold an election. 1. Equipment includes the rental of voting machines, ADA compliance headphones and keypads (1 per site), transfer cases, voting signs and tote boxes. 2. Supplies include smart cards, sample ballots, early voting mail ballots, pens, tape, markers, etc. C. The Contracting Officer, Sharon Rowe, shall be appointed the Early Voting C l erk by the City and the School District. a. The Contracting Officer shall supervise and conduct Early Voting by mail and in person and shall secure personnel to serve as Early Voting Deputies. b. Early Voting by personal appearance for the City and School District's May 8, 2010, Joint General Election shall be conducted during the time period and at the locations listed in Exhibit"A", attached and incorporated by reference into this contract. c. All applications for an Early Voting mail ballot shall be received and processed by the Collin County Elections Administration Office, 2010 Redbud Blvd., Suite 102, McKinney, Texas 75069. I. Application for mail ballots erroneously mailed to the City or School District shall immediately be faxed to the Contracting Officer for timely processing. The original application shall then be forwarded to the Contracting Officer for proper retention. May 8,2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&W1SD 01/19/10—Page 5 ?. All Federal Post Card Applicants (FPCA) will be sent a mail ballot. No postage is required. d. All Early Voting ballots (those cast by mail and those cast by personal appearance) shall be prepared for count by the Early Voting Ballot Board in accordance with Section 87.000 of the Texas Election Code. The presiding judge of this Board shall be appointed by the Contracting Officer. D. The Contracting Officer shall arrange for the use of all Election Day polling places. The City and School District shall assume the responsibility of remitting the cost of all employee services required to provide access, provide security or provide custodial services for the polling locations. The Election Day polling locations are listed in Exhibit"B", attached and incorporated by reference into this contract. E. The Contracting Officer shall be responsible for establishing and operating the Central Counting Station to receive and tabulate the voted ballots in accordance with Section 127.001 of the Election Code and of this agreement. Counting Station Manager and Central Count Judge shall be Sharon Rowe. The Tabulation Supervisor shall be Patty Seals. a. The tabulation supervisor shall prepare, test and run the county's tabulation system in accordance with statutory requirements and county policies, under the auspices of the Contracting Officer. b. The Public Logic and Accuracy Test of the electronic voting system shall be conducted. c. Election night reports will be available to the City and School District at the Central Counting Station on election night. Provisional ballots will be tabulated after election night in accordance with law. d. The Contracting Officer shall prepare the unofficial canvass report after all precincts have been counted, and will provide a copy of the unofficial canvass to the City and School District as soon as possible after all returns have been tallied. May 8.2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&W1SD 01/ 9/ 0—Page 6 e. The Contracting Officer shall be appointed the custodian of the voted ballots and shall retain all election material for a period of 22 months. 1. Pending no litigation and as prescribed by law, the voted ballots shall be shredded 22 months after the election. 2. The City and School District can obtain the list of registered voters from the Elections Administration Office after this retention period. Pending no litigation and if the City or School District does not request the lists, the Contracting Officer shall destroy them. f. The Contracting Officer shall conduct a manual count as prescribed by Section 127.201 of the Texas Election Code and submit a written report to the City and School District in a timely manner. The Secretary of State may waive this requirement. If applicable, a written report shall be submitted to the Secretary of State as required by Section 127.201(E) of the aforementioned code. F. The Contracting Officer is in compliance with HB 2524. IL DUTIES AND SERVICES OF THE CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT. The City and School District shall assume the following responsibilities: A. The City and School District shall prepare the election orders, resolutions, notices,justice department submissions, official canvass and other pertinent documents for adoption by the appropriate office or body. The City and School District assumes the responsibility of posting all notices and likewise promoting the schedules for Early Voting and Election Day. B. The City and School District shall provide the Contracting Officer with an updated map and street index of their jurisdiction in an electronic or printed format as soon as possible but no later than Friday, March 19, 2010. May S,2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD 01/19/10 Page 7 C. The City and School District shall procure and provide the Contracting Officer with the ballot layout and Spanish interpretation in an electronic format. a. The City and School District shall deliver to the Contracting Officer as soon as possible, but no later than Tuesday, March 9, 2010, the official wording for the City and School District's May 8, 2010, Joint General Election. b. The City and School District shall approve the "blue line" ballot format prior to the final printing. D. The City and School District shall post the publication of election notice by the proper methods with the proper media. E. The City and School District shall prepare and submit to the U. S. Department of Justice under the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, any required submissions on voting changes. F. The City and School District shall compensate the Contracting Officer for any additional verified cost incurred in the process of running this election or for a manual count this election may require, consistent with charges and hourly rates shown on Exhibit "C" for required services. G. The City and School District shall pay the Contracting Officer 90% of the estimated cost to run the said election prior to Friday, April 2, 2010. The Contracting Officer shall place the funds in a "contract fund" as prescribed by Section 31.100 of the Texas Election Code. The Deposit should be delivered within the mandatory time frame to: Collin County Treasury Attn: Pam Dugger 2300 Bloomdale Rd. #3138 McKinney, Texas 75071 D. The City and School District shall pay the cost of conducting said election, less partial payment, including the 10% administrative fee, pursuant to the Texas Election Code, Section 31.100, within 30 days from the date of final billing. May 8.2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD Q 119/10--Page 8 III. COST OF SERVICES. See Exhibit"C." IV. JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT. See Exhibit"D". V. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Nothing contained in this contract shall authorize or permit a change in the officer with whom or the place at which any document or record relating to the City and School District's May 8, 2010, Joint General Election is to be filed or the place at which any function is to be carried out, or any nontransferable functions specified under Section 31.096 of the Texas Election Code. B. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will provide copies of all invoices and other charges received in the process of running said election for the City and School District. C. If the City and/or School District cancel their election pursuant to Section 2.053 of the Texas Election. Code, the Contracting Officer shall be paid a contract preparation fee of$75. An entity canceling an election will not be liable for any further costs incurred by the Contracting Officer in conducting the May 8, 2010, Joint General Election. All actual shared cost incurred in the conduct of the election will be divided by the actual number of entities contracting with the Contracting Officer and holding a May 8, 2010, Joint General Election. D. The Contracting Officer shall file copies of this contract with the County Judge and the County Auditor of Collin County, Texas. May 8,2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie& WISD o /19/10 -Page 9 WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS THE DAY OF 2010. Sharon Rowe Elections Administrator Collin County, Texas WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS THE DAY OF 2010. By: Attest: Eric Hogue, Mayor Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary City of Wylie City of Wylie WITNESS BY MY HAND THIS THE DAY OF 2010. By: Attest: Brian Miller, Assistant Superintendent Kathy Lipe, Administrative Assistant Wylie Independent School District Wylie Independent School District May 8.2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD 01/19/10—Page 10 Exhibit"A" MAY 8, 2010, JOINT GENERAL ELECTION City of Wylie & Wylie ISDX Early Voting Locations and Hours Polling Place Address City Collin County Election Office 2010 Redbud Blvd., #102 McKinney (Main Early Voting Location) Wylie Municipal Complex 2000 Hwy. 78 N Wylie Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May I 8am—5pm 8am —5pm 8am—5pm 8am - 7pm 8am - 5pm 8am - 5pm May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 7am—7pm 7am—7pm 7am—7pm Election Day * City and School District voters may vote at any of the additional Early Voting locations open under full contract services with the Collin County Elections Administration. May 8,2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD 0IJ19t10—Page II Exhibit"B" MAY 8, 2010 JOINT GENERAL ELECTION Election Day Polling Locations — City of Wylie & WISD Precincts Location Address City 25, 144, 153, 159, 175 Southfork Mobile Home 216 Southfork Blvd. Wylie Community Clubhouse 27, 33, 41, 56, 83, 133, 170, 174 Wylie Bible Church 109 W. Jefferson St. Wylie lA (Rockwall County) 2601 (Dallas County) May 8,2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD 01/19/10—Page 12 Exhibit"D" JOINT ELECTION AGREEMENT between The City Council of the City of Wylie,Texas(the City)and the Board of Trustees of the Wylie Independent School District(the School), and the Board of Trustees of Collin County Community College District(the College). BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT,the City,the School,and the College do hereby agree, pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Election Code,to hold a joint election of the General Election of the City and General Election of the School and the College to be held on Saturday, May 8,2010. All entities have contracted with the Collin County Elections Administrator(Election Administrator)to perform various duties and responsibilities on behalf of the three entities. The three entities shall share equally in the expense of the polling locations,election officials,supplies, ballots and other and all necessary expenses for the election upon receipt of satisfactory billing and invoices reflecting the total of such election. An entity canceling an election pursuant to Section 2.053 of the Texas Election Code will not be liable for costs incurred by the Elections Administrator in conducting the May 8,2010,Joint General Election;they will be liable only for the contract preparation fee of$75.00. APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE,IE,TEXAS in its meeting held the day of ,2010 and executed by its authorized representative. By: Attest: Eric Hogue, Mayor Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary APPROVED ON BEHALF OF THE WYLIE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT in its meeting held the day of ,2010,and executed by its authorized representative. By: Attest: Brian Miller,Assistant Superintendent Kathy Lipe,Administrative Assistant APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT in its meeting held the day of ,2010,and executed by its authorized representative. By: Attest: Dr.Cary Israel,President Brenda Kihl,Asst.Vice President of Strategic Initiatives May 8,2010 Joint General Election—City of Wylie&WISD 01/ 9/10—Page 13 ESTIMATED COSTS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE May 8,2010 Exhibit"C" SUPPLY COST Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Number of Election Day Locations 2 Units Cost Wylie Units Cost WylieIWlSD/CCCC Sample Ballots $0.0870 each 500 $43.50 500 $43.50 Early Voting Mail Ballots $1.20 each 25 $30.00 25 $30.00 Precinct Ballot Setup $10.00 each 1 $10.00 1 $10.00 Precinct Ballots $0.1670 each 350 $58.45 500 $83.50 Early voting and election day kits $25.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $75.00 Central Counting kit and supplies $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00 County Precinct Maps $12.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $36.00 Printer Labels for EV $18.60 each 0 $0.00 4 $74.40 Total $141.95 $402.40 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $141.95 $134.13 Grand Total $276.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL COST Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Number of Election Day Locations 2 Units Cost Wylie Units Cost WylieNVISD/CCCC Voting Machines $200.00 each 0 $0.00 14 $2,800.00 Machine Drayage $40.74 each 0 $0.00 15 $611.10 Transfer Cases $5.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $15.00 Metal Signs $1.00 each 0 $0.00 6 $6.00 Wood Signs $2.00 each 0 $0.00 3 $6.00 Large Early Voting Signs $5.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $5.00 Early Voting Cabinet $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00 Tote Box $1.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $2.00 Early Voting Computer $300.00 each , 0 $0.00 1 $300.00 Total $0.00 $3,795.10 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $0.00 $1,265.03 Grand Total $1,265.03 EARLY VOTING Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Workers each location 4 Units Cost Wylie Units Cost Wylie1WISD/CCCC Mailed Ballot Kits $1.00 each 25 $25.00 25 $25.00 Postage for Ballots $0.58 each 10 $5.80 10 $5.80 Assemble EV Location $50.00 each 0 $0.00 1 $50.00 Total Judge Hours $12.00 hour 0 $0.00 66 $792.00 Overtime Judge Hours $18.00 hour 0 $0.00 24 $432.00 Total Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $10.00 hour 0 $0.00 198 $1,980.00 Overtime Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $15.00 hour 0 $0.00 72 $1,080.00 Pickup&Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each o $0.0g 1 $25.00 Total $30.80 $4,389.80 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $30.80 $1,463.27 Grand Total $1,494.07 ELECTION DAY Number of Election Day Locations 1 Workers each location 4 Units Cost Wylie Units Cost Wylie/WISD/CCCC Total Judge Hours $12.00 each 0 $0.00 28 $336.00 Total Alt.Judge&Clerk Hours $10.00 each 0 $0.00 84 $840.00 Pickup&Delivery of Supplies $25.00 each 0 $0.00 2 $50.00. Total $0.00 $1,226.00 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $0.00 $408.67 Grand Total $408.67 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Number of Early Voting Locations 1 Number of Election Day Locations 1 Units Cost Wylie Units Cost Wylie/WISD/CCCC Manual Recount Deposit $60.00 each 1 $60.00 0 $0.00 Process Pollworker Checks $1.50 each 0 $0.00 12 $18.00 Process Election Judge Notices $1.50 each 0 $0.00 6 $9.00 Total $60.00 $27.00 Number of Entities Sharing Costs 1 3 SubTotal $60.00 $9.00 Grand Total $69.00 TABULATION Tabulation Network $4,000.00 Programming $2,050.00 Notice of Inspection/Tabulation Test $1,750.00 Total $7,800.00 Number of Entities 30 Total Per Entity $260.00 CENTRALIZED COSTS Early Voting Ballot Board $1,500.00 Cost for Central Count Workers $2,000.00 FICA on Election Workers $2,000,00 Assemble EV Location $50.00 Early Voting Machines in McKinney(8) $1,200.00 Early Voting Computer in McKinney $300.00 Early Voting Personnel in McKinney $4,200.00 Printer Labels for Early Voting in McKinney $150.00 Ballot Style Setup Fee& Delivery $250.00 County Overtime and Temporaries $25,000.00 FICA& Retirement for County Employees $2,000.00 Total $38,650.00 Number of Entities 20 Total Per Entity $1,932.50 Total for Tabulation & Centralized Costs $2,192.50 SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE SUPPLY COST $276.08 EQUIPMENT RENTAL COST $1,265.03 EARLY VOTING $1,494.07 ELECTION DAY $408.67 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES $69.00 TABULATION/CENTRALIZED COSTS $2,192.50 Total $5,705.35 10%Administrative Fee $570.54 Total $6,275.89 90% Deposit Due by 4/2/10 $5,648.30 Wylie City l CITYOF WYLIE February-ir - 9 2010 Item Number:Meeting Date: .. ... ...'..... ... t �e � OnDepartment: ly) Building (City Secretary's��s Use� Iy) Prepared By: Mike McAnnally Account Code: Date Prepared: February g 1, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: One Subject (MoTIoN TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider, and act upon, accepting the resignation of Daljinder Dhillon and the appointment ofa new alternate member to the Construction Code e Boardto fillthe unexpired term of July ppp 2008 to June 30, 2010. Recommendation A motion to accept the resignation of Daljinder Dhillon and appoint as a new alternate member to the Construction Code Board for the unexpired term of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2010. Discussion This item was tabled from the January 26, 2010 City Council Meeting to allow additional time to review possiblepp applicants to fill this unexpired term. Mr. Dhillon was appointed as an alternate to the Construction Code Board on February 2009 to fill an unexpired term. .. ... .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. Since his appointment, Mr. Dhillon has missed three (3) consecutive Construction Code Board meetings, February 26, 2009, May 14, 2009, June 25, 2009 and additional meeting dates of August 27, 2009, November 5, 2009 and January 4, 2010. Mr. Dhillon has not responded to any phone calls or ernails. Mr. Dillon was sent a certified letter inquiring about his absences. We have not received a response to this letter. . . . ......... . Section 4, Article II of the Construction Code Board Bylaws states that: "any member of the Board who misses three consecutive meetings without good cause shall be deemed to have resigned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that a replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired term Applicants from the 2009 Boards and Commissions Interview process denoting a desire to serve on the Construction Code Board have been contacted. Approved pp By Initial Date Department MA1/14/2010 City Manager 1/Y)i)/1 Page e of 2 o.,Mission— to be responsiblesfewords offlie public Most, m'"=Y" ^"��"��n"w�m"+, *m '- """ . *enhance the quality of0»fo'"u w ` &0r. OaUinder OhiUnn 1710 Mop|aleafDc VVNie. TX7B098 January 15. 2O1U Dear Mr- OhU|on: The Code Enforcement Building Inspection Departments have made several efforts to contact you regarding your failure to attend several Construction Code Board Meetings after proper notification. Since your appointnnant, you have missed more than 3 consecutive Construction Code Board meetings. Section 4. Article || Of the Construction Code Board Bylaws states that ''any member of the Board who nnionaa three consecutive rneednclsvvithou1 good cause shall be deemed to have reaiqned, and the Board will recommend to City Council that o replacement be appointed for the balance of the unexpired harnn." Your attendance problem has caused procedural problems specific to a quorum and voting for the board relative to the board regulations set forth in Section 22'29 in the City of Wylie Code uf Ordinances, |t reads osfollows: Four members of the board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A concurring majority voteisnaoeosurytoconstitutemnoffiCia| action of the board for every action other than- /1\ Aboard action over-turning or modifying the building official's decision; or (2) /\ board action authorized under VT.C.A. Local Government Code chapter 214. With regards to subsections (1) and (2); a concurring four votes is necessary to constitute an official action of the board. If you would like to further discuss this rnatter, please contact me by Tuesday. January 1Q. 2O1O� ince J. J. C%ike" cA(nnVaII City of Wylie Texas 2OOO Hwy 7DN Wylie Texas PS72-442-015O F972-442-8154 APPLICANTS FOR CONSIDERATION Name Occupation/Applicant Statement Resident? Occupation: Financial Advisor John Onufreizcuk (Previously served on P&Z. Enjoy helping Yes—5 years shape the future development of Wylie) John Davis Occupation: Network Specialist Yes—3 years (Seeking to become active in the community) Occupation: Retired from Texas Dept. of Ms. Gaynell Reed Criminal Justice Yes—4 years (Interested in the community and it's positive survival) Occupation: Manager of Customer Service/Precision Doc. Solutions Kelly Spore (Degree in Political Science. Want to take Yes— 6 years more of a direct part in the managing or governing of my adopted hometown) Occupation: NA Wesley Ramirez (Would like to serve the citizens of Wylie and Yes— 6 years offer my skills, knowledge and experience) Occupation: Military David Williams (Would like to be appointed so that I may help Yes — 1 year my community with new and fresh ideas) Occupation: NA Teniqua Williams (Would like to be actively involved in my Yes— 1 year community and contribute in making positive decisions for the city) Request Detail• s Full Name: 'John Onufreiczuk Date of Application: 15/22/2009 Please indicate your first,second and third choices below: *First Choice: I Planning&Zoning Board *Second Choice: I Wylie Economic Development Board zi *Third Choice: I Please Choose 1.1 Interested in serving on 6" Yes Subcommittes that may be formed": C No Home Address: 13103 Bryce Dr *Telephone: 12114918432 Cell Phone: 12144918432 *Email: bohnonul@gmail.com I have been a Wylie resident for i 5 (years): *Registered Voter?: ("' Yes r No *Business Owner?: C Yes Oro No If yes,business name: Occupation: 'Financial Advisor Business Address: 15001 Spring Valley Rd Ste 900W, Dallas 1 Business Telephone: 1972.774.6530 Business Email: Please indicate briefly why you I previously served on P&Z and would like to be appointed to a enjoyed my time in helping shape the Board or Commission: future development of Wylie. I was forced to resign due to work obligations. I have changed jobs and I previously served on P&Z and enjoyed my time in helping shape the future development of Wylie. I was forced to resign due to work obligations. I have changed jobs and have no work conflicts and would like to serve Wylie again. I have an understanding of the Cities Comp plan and want to work with the current Commissioners to make sure the future development of Wylie is of the highest quality possible. John Onufreiczuk Original Message From: John Davis [mailto:icarusrangerr4yahoo.comj Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 11:33 AM To: City Secretary Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - John Davis DATE_OF_APPLICATION - FIRST_CHOICE - Wyle Economic Develoment Corp. Board SECOND CHOICE - Parks and Recreation Board THIRD_CHOICE - Planning and Zoning Commission SUBCOMMI I I EE - Yes HOME_ADDRESS - 2012 Fair Highlands Trail, Wylie TX 75098 HOME_PHONE - 214-929-9335 HOME_FAX - HOME_EMAIL - icarusranger©yahoo.com RESIDENT_YEARS - 3 CONTACT_METHOD - Business Email REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS OWNER - No BUSINESS_NAME - OCCUPATION - NetWork Specialist BUSINESS_ADDRESS - 2312 E Trinity Mills Carrollton TX 75006 BUSINESS_PHONE - 469-574-8183 BUSINESS_FAX - 469-574-8083 BUSINESS_EMAIL -john-t_davis©mitel.com WHY_INTERESTED - I am seeking to become active in my community Submit- Submit End of form information i 1r! Form Information Follows: NAME - Gaynell Reed DATE_OF APPLICATION - 03-26-09 FIRST_CHOICE - Planning and Zoning Commission SECOND CHOICE - Parks and Recreation Board THIRD_CHOICE - Public Arts Advisory Board SUBCOMMITTEE - Yes HOME_ADDRESS - 1504 Bankston Dr. HOME_PHONE - (214)284-3480 HOME_FAX - (214)284-3480 HOME EMAIL - emuelr@hotmail.com RESIDENT YEARS - 4 CONTACT—METHOD - Home Phone REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS_OWNER - No BUSINESS NAME - OCCUPATION - BUSINESS_ADDRESS - BUSINESS_PHONE - BUSINESS_FAX - BUSINESS EMAIL - WHY_INTERESTED - It is simple "I love Wylie". I recently retired from Texas Dept. of Criminal Justice with twenty six years of service. I am very interested in the community and it's positive survival. Submit - Submit End of form information Board & Commission Application Spring 2007 Please return your completed application to the City Secretary's Office at 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie,Texas 75098. /� Name: Please indicate your first, second and third preference below. i 7, Construction Code Board Planning&Zoning Board Library Board Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board 2 Parks&Recreation Board Zoning Board of Adjustments Animal Shelter Advisory Board Public Arts Advisory Board V'Yes, I would be interested in serving on subcommittees that may be formed. Personal Information Occupational Information Home Address: y 7 )c, V,((r, J- . Business Owner? ❑Yes No Telephone; I i '12 H- I Fax: Business Name: Pre( ; , )V Sc. S E-mail: K 4s1: E'. .2c6, f.-,;-T Occupation: ti,k , ems ,.� Cv',�b I have been a Wylie Resident for (y years Business Address: / 1 i a- Registered voter? KYes G No Telephone: 5 - S / ) Have you ever or do you currently serve on any city boards? C Yes t'No If so, what board/city and dates? Are you involved in any community activities? (Civic or orHobbies) Yes ❑ No tl ss 7✓�[.dr; :.6 7.11At L& 1' c Csc0'.4 /�HLGt�IICsIn %.i<'� ,'6S�3 v"i C�/ ,NE' rzc�.rq Please indicate Fiefly why you would like tole appointed to a Board or Commission: r (tit (dif t L:a.1 m 0-tei,/ SC .f'i.^.f GC°�.l � �� c c��c��t s ,i,1 9,2 '1/ Jv e1L 1 !)E f i,t'Cs-a'..1 1 d c�-C 'f"ti -f' C �::<P. v - Cr-'r t� '� JG 'fG��'�e //..-t . 7 C- ci I se-e / p i 7 lt� ` MG✓lC,tj ,c;t C' �'��f/t�N Lcf /14,1 IlCr1-'. *-�-r'� [�1 Ly// / T I am aware of the meeting dates and times of the board/commission I have applied and if appointed,I agree to serve on the Board/Commission which I have applied,or would consider an alternate appointment to a second or third service preference. Sig nat Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Application Received New Applicant?❑Yes ONo If no,applicant previously served on Board Via:❑website❑mail Din person❑referral❑newspaper Attended Applicant's Reception?❑Yes❑No (dates) Applicant Interview Scheduled: Appointment made to Term Expires ❑Statement&Oath Completed ❑No appointment made at this time,retain application for one year. WebQA - WYLIETX Page I oi 2 W000399-121409-Board&Commission Application Request Details • Full Name: Wesley C Ramirez • Date of Application: 12/14/2009 Please indicate your first,second and third choices below: First Choice: Parks&Recreation Board Second Choice: Animal Shelter Advisory Board Third Choice: Public Arts Advisory Board • Interested in serving on Yes Subcommittes that may be formed": No Contact Information • Home Address: 709 Claiborn Lane Telephone: 972,941.0733 Cell Phone: 469.438.1530 • Email: wescooling©yahoo.com • I have been a Wylie resident for 6 (years): • Registered Voter?: Yes No Occupational Information • Business Owner?: Yes No If yes,business name: Occupation: Business Address: Business Telephone: Business Email: • Please indicate briefly why you Would like to serve the citizens of would like to be appointed to a Wylie and offer my transferable Board or Commission: skills, knowledge,and experience. ( http://mygovhelpadmin.org/WYLIETX/Zadmin/ServiceRequestslEditDetails.aspOid=39... 01/11/2010 Jun (14 0`+ l0! s8a Galyo Walton 9972442-8106 p, ?_ ?At Board & Commission Application Chi o WYLIF Spring 2009 P:esee ree,•-'r - 7.pi.-rat:.7•vicat:on t,:ie City 9ecrrtcrys Office el 201)0-lighway 73 North,Wylie,Texas 75Q9$, Name: ja-v• of j• /V1/La its Please indicate rotor first, sec Wtd and third preference below. rrucr.,••C_rdr•:.uurci )$� 'caning&Zoning Board 2,�/ •a, Ulna _Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board :°ul:.& R crt n„r.:lord 3 ra ,. [cn'.ug Board orAdjisaimcats Animal ibcl.e7 Ads*Sory Hoard _.. Public Arts Advisory Board Yes,I mould he interested in serving on subcommittees that may be formed. Personal/nfrorrrtutinn Occupational Information Jim n.JJr.ss: $b_l_H higsrot iLi)v Business Owner? ❑Yes GfVo rek1+;o.ird.1y 14103 Fia:...21 35-9 Business Neme --,— Einni I Lk)Ls.tsc/ciaok1 7QkeypLeo % Occupation / rt/ I hove beers wylie Revi.knt for L _ ycurs Business Address Register•!:1 whiter, No Telephone: Fax; Rase you ever or do l'ou curreifl► serve on any city boards? l_; Yes Weill l !j so. what board/dry and du rev' _ Are you involved in any.o nmrnil).activities?(Civic or Hobbies) ` Yes VNo Pierre indicate briefly why you would like en he appointed to a Board or Commission: .._ ..'•-©cid 1, ke 4v 1 e IN/01. 6 .__,r� 4- --'-"Ir— Gk y kelp f/ CtpP►ntun. ' fifty_sartof , 'ee c4 _±-cia.s. F am aware of the meeting dates and times of tke board%comraission I have applied and if appointed.I agree to serve on the Board/Commission which I have applied,or would consider an alternate appointment ro a second or third service preference. 5 SitAel ' attne Dag FOR oFFrCf: t .Sr.f)S1 s Date:\pp cea.•r rtecc.:C v:•,A:s,,pplirnnt i at's;❑No lino.applicant prev;ousiy served or: l wr:i Yes:Cwcb'rtr Chtwi_l Orr rC-a.r Or—..t•r•s:rJn:r•Vaper 4.ncr,dcd.ipplicaa'sReception?Oyes CIS0 icae.,) Applu:anr Inrercicw Sch;^u,.d _--- _—_ AritAtintmenl made so Tim:Expire.__ .. Ctiutcrnem&OInr Cvm1;crrc ❑No rpp6ntcurt made It this time,rerun'nonunion for one rear. From: Teniqua Williams [mailto:wutsddeal(yaho©.corm] Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:34 PM To: City Secretary Subject: Board Volunteer Form Information Follows: NAME - Teniqua Williams DATE_OF APPLICATION - 2-16-09 FIRST CHOICE - Parks and Recreation Board SECOND CHOICE - Public Arts Advisory Board THIRD CHOICE - Library Board SUBCOMMITTEE - Yes HOME_ADDRESS - 801 Heatherwood Drive HOME PHONE - 214-628-3543 HOME FAX - 214-628-3543 HOME EMAIL - wutsddeal@yahoo.com RESIDENT YEARS - 1 CONTACT METHOD - Home Email REGISTERED_VOTER - Yes BUSINESS OWNER - No BUSINESS_NAME - OCCUPATION - BUSINESS_ADDRESS -_BUSINESS_PHONE - BUSINESS FAX - BUSINESS_EMAIL - WHY INTERESTED - I would like to be actively involved in my community, and contribute in making positive decisions for the city. Submit - Submit End of form information . W Wylie City Council CITY ----it- - Meets n Date: Februar�� 9, 20 o itemdumber: Work Session 1 (City Secretary's UseOnly) Department: WEDC Prepared s Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date �Prepared: February Budgeted Amount: p Exhibits: 3 Subject Discussion and input regarding the City of Wylie Thoroughfare Impact Fees. Recommendation Discussion ....................................................:. issuei In June 2009, the WEDC Board of Directors began meeting on the of thoroughfareimpact fees specifically relating to the potential that the current structure may be a deterrent to attracting new development. After much discussion, presentations from the City Engineer, input from members of the original Impact Fee Advisory Committee, and input from local developers, it was the belief of the WEDC Board of Directors that the fees were technically sound, equitable to all new development, and most importantly that all eve opers have an equal opportunity to apply for a waiver of said fees or work with the WEDC to negotiate for financial relief. ......... . . Attached for your review are memorandums and support materials provided to the WEDC Board of Directors as well as a copy of the minutes (Item No. 4) detailing a recommendation of "no change" to the .. .Wylie City • Council. Approved By Initial... .. . ... . . Date Department Director SS 2/2/2010 City Manageriniy1 # lb .. ... . . . .. . . .... f Page 1 o 1 Wylie Economic Development Corporation MEMORANDUM To: WEDC Board of Directors From: Samuel Satterwhite, Executive Director Subject: Thoroughfare Impact Fees Date: August 28,2009 Issue Consider issues surrounding City of Wylie development fees. Analysis For some time there has been the perception by local developers that Thoroughfare Impact Fees in Wylie are excessive. Staff would say that excessive is probably not the best description; however elevated may be more accurate. While staff claims to be no .3 expert on the issue, I can take a step back and take a comprehensive look at the purpose of the fee and evaluate equity and a community's ability to fund roadway infrastructure. First of all, how is the fee calculated? In order to impose the fee, the City Council must first establish a 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (OP) and assign a cost to fund the plan(Wylie's CIP is $201.36 million—attached for your review). From that cost, it must be determined how much of the cost is attributed to growth. For example, Wylie would have had to improve Stone Road at some point anyway because of deterioration. However,Wylie's growth required that 4 lanes be constructed opposed to only improving the existing 2 lanes. State law allows Wylie to recoup up to a maximum of 50% of the cost of the improvements attributed to growth. In Wylie's case, a consultant determined that ±45% of the cost of the CIP is attributed to growth ($90.98 million). Therefore, State law allows Wylie to develop a fee structure that can recoup 50%of$90.98 million. Wylie is divided into two zones for the purpose of collecting Thoroughfare Impact Fees, an east side and a west side with the dividing line being State Highway 78. The projects that are within the CIP are physically located in either the east side or the west side. The cost attributed to growth in the west side is $45.43 million with the cost attributed to growth on the east side at $45.55 million. The reason for having separate zones is that State law requires impact fees collected be used to fund projects within a 5 mile radius. WEDC Thoroughfare Impact Fees August 28, 2009 Page 2 of 3 In Wylie's case, the east zone is 40% higher which absolutely raises the equity question. The reasoning for the higher rate (as staff understands it) is as follows. Both zones have approximately the same amount of CIP cost attributed to growth. However, the east side has much less opportunity for new growth (a smaller pool of new development) thus creating a higher fee per new development unit to recoup 50% of the cost attributed to growth. Some communities have chosen to impose the same per unit fee for each zone regardless of the opportunity for new growth within each zone. In those cases, the increased cost attributed to growth which is not recouped via thoroughfare impact fees are paid for/recovered by existing development via property taxes. Staff surmises that an already elevated property tax rate prevents Council from burdening the existing tax payer from bearing that increased cost. During the 7 years prior to 2007(the year in which the CIP was developed), Wylie added 7,452 single family homes, or approximately 23,846 people, more than doubling its population. In order to meet the infrastructure demands, $201.36 million in roadway projects had to be planned for and funded(construction cost and cost of financing). Each type of development is assigned a unit cost based upon the impact that use has on the roadway infrastructure. The higher the impact,the higher the unit cost. The attached chart provides a limited analysis of Wylie's thoroughfare impact fees compared to surrounding communities. Some of the reasons why this data is so difficult to compare and why this report is incomplete at this time are the numerous variables involved in each city's fee structure. For example - existing tax base, tax rate, population growth, CIP cost of construction, bond rating, existing bonded indebtedness, cost of thoroughfare attributed to growth, amount of undeveloped land, future land use plan, and percentage of cost recouped via impact fees approved by Council to name a few all impact the ability to develop an accurate comparison. The Wylie City Council could approve an amended fee structure which reduces the cost differential between the east and west zones or reduce the percentage of costs recovered via impact fees. Under that scenario, the City will incur additional debt to fund future roadway projects. There is the question of opportunity cost. Do impact fees deter commercial development creating a scenario under which the City forgoes the opportunity to collect property tax and have the benefit of additional employment opportunities? The large developer benefits from economic incentives and fee waivers while the small developer typically does not. The developer of a 3,500 square foot, owner occupied office cannot absorb an additional $11,241 in impact fees as it could increase the project cost by-±23%whereas a high profile development (Viewpoint Bank) is more than willing to pay 14% of project WEDC—Thoroughfare Impact Fees August 28, 2009 Page 3 of 3 cost in impact fees to be at a location where the potential new customer exposure more than warrants the expense. After the Board has an opportunity to consider the above information further, staff will arrange for the City Engineer to address the Board. Mr. Hoisted has a greater working knowledge of thoroughfare impact fees. A morning or lunch meeting can be scheduled as early as Friday,September 4th. Recommendation Staff is requesting no formal action on this item. Attachment Thoroughfare Capital Improvement Plan Land Use Equivalency Comparative Analysis i Table'I Thoroughfare Capital Improvement Plan City of Wylie 2007 Impact Fee Update PROJECT BOUNDARY PROJECT LENGTH CONSTRUCTION COST COST OF TOTAL PROJECT COST , ARTERIAL NUMBER FROM Tom ... EXISTING DESCRIPTION tt Tf THE TOWN FINANCING ELIGIBLE FOR RECOVERY .FM 1378 W1 FM 544 W Brawn St 2 lanes Bum a 4-lane derided section S$00 $ '.633.350,00 5 1,029 011,00 $ 2662.361 FM 1378 W2 W Brown St 1 Parker Rd 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 13,E $ 14,970,000 00'$ 9,431,100.00 $ 24:401,100.00 W Brown Street WS FM 1376 _ Ballard Ave 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 9,500 $ 12,645,000,00 $ 7,966,350M0 $ 20,611,350.04 ............. Heansley Lane(East) W4 Hensley Hooper ....- Build a 3-lanes undivided secition 3,100 $ 2,965,000.00 $ 1,867, 541.00 $ - 4 832,950.00 Country.Club Road V FM 544 Hooper --- Build a 4-lane divided section 5,500 '$ 6.80C.�.0a$ 4,284,000.00 $ 11,084,000.00 I McMillen Road 6 ~Lewis Country Club(FM 1378) 2 lanes_Realign and bud a 4-lane divided aeon 6,000 $ 9,410,000,0r$ 5,928,300.00,$ 15,338,300.00, McCreary Road _ W7 FM 544 South City Limit - Build a 4-lane divided won 3,350 $ 6,550Mt 0.00'J 4,'126,5€0.00, $ 10,676,5Qa.t39 Springwell Pkwj .W8 FM 544 Herisiey Lane(West) ' ,.,.- Build a 4-lane undivided section 2,700 $ 2,850,000.00 $T 1,7 5,500 00 $ 4,645,5t01.r 3 Hensley Lane(W astL - VV9, McCreary Rd. Country Club Rd. --- Build a 4-lane undivided section 5,100 $ 5 095 000 00 Is 3,209,850.0o $ 8,304,85 ,00 Su Total$ 62,918,358.00 $ 3$,93,S81. 1;$ 102,E 11.00 r400 5 9►75t)000.00€$ 6 142 500.00 $ 15,892,500,00 �Alanis Drive El Century�y.� S Ballard 3 lanesBuild a 4-lane divided section 4, Alanis Drive E2 Twin Lakes FM 544 3 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 2,700 $ 3,080,000.00 $ 1,940,400.00 5 5,020,400.00 r .: 3,201,798,00 Kirby Street E3 SH 78 _Rirminghac 4 lanes $u1d a 4-lane divided section . 1,4t $ T,9 1,2 3.C1[? $ Stone Road W E4 Birmingham S Ballard es Build a 4-lane divided section 8,3 't _$ 1,122,00fl,40 $ 706.860-1)0 $ 1,828,860.00 Stone Road ES Ballard Akin 2 lanes _ Build a 4-lane divided section 2,800 $ 3,110,000.00.$ 1,959,300.00 $ 5�300.00 S Ballard Avenue .��E6 - Stone Rd r Alanis Dr 2 lanes - Build a 4-lane divided section .. 3,600 b$ 4,140,00 -D0 $ 2,608,200.00 $ _ 6,745 200.0L1 S Ballard Avenue El Mania 1r County lane 2 lanes Build a 4-lane divided section 6,200 $ 7,430,000.130 $ 4,680,900,00 $ 12,110,900.00 "Slone Road E8 Allcin Vinson -2 lane Buis a 4-lane divided section 13,5 $ '12,965,000.t $ 8,187,950.00 $ 21,132,950.0 Brown Street E9 SH 78 Stone _ 2 lanes _ Build a 4-lane divided section _ 1 i,100 $ 13,505,000.00, $ 8,508,151:I.00 $ 22,013,150.00 SH 78 E10 Eubanks _ Spring Creek Pkwy 2 lanes ' Build a 4-lane divided lthway section J 3,200 _$ g 3,552.000 00 $ q�2,237.760 00 $ 5,789,760,00 �. _ S�Tots/ $ 60,618�3.00 l$ 38r,'189,426.00-$ 'll ,$01 i 8.00 Grand Total; IP $ 123,536,643.001$ 7'7',828,086.to J$ 201,364,129.1 -City of Wylie -2007 Roadway Impact Fee Updae - Page 3 Table 7 - Land Use Equivalency Ci of W lie 2006 Roadwa lr*act Fee Stud - n ,Y;: ,-t DEVELOPMENT ITE TRIP TRIP A SERVICE -1 CATEGORY LAND USE a' - , G.. :a ert t...;,.0 re*i „ .,7,1*4':...„. .I , ��i Single-FamilyDetached Ali Unit 10 ,4 ApartmentDwelling Unit 02 3. 1,8 �. • : . ,OFFICE I ,tr'.4ii,P;AitliZt-rii.75,::,t,. � �Building ��� I~ .. Ara _ 7' • � ..�. 7!COMMERCIAL N"-;YY'' •�F Convenience Stores/Gas Stores/Gas Pumps 1,000 ft2 GFA 60.61 OA 0.7 7 2 :04_4..,�. , , Drive-In Bank ,00_0 f GFA 45.74 .7 ,5 313.88 ,„ - . Home Improvement Store 1,000 ft2 GFA 2A5 3,0 ,2 5 41 ..°, ' ?` ;. em ,. ': Hotel Rooms $9 3 0 0 �� ? A.. ,N . -' ..i,,,„,"4;,0017.,,,,, (5, Restaurant ,000�GFA 10.92 2 0.2 20.97 :s: ${ r .1 7.88 r !t,' , ;- ,iiii� s'".y-r r" a ?t;_% INDUSTRIAL 5�, . -1-.„ ., Sa&' ', °.t :, i industrial 1,000 ft2 GFA 0.98 3.0 0 .,:,7,,..-_,•-.„4--••;:..,e......,,,,,44-,..„,„:„....,:ht:7,... ,',ell_jyr„..,...,,„00.1r„....„,„,,,,,,fx. . , . 2,94 0:;* — ....k,,,:•., ..:Y— ' — .., ttc. INSTITUTIONAL .-,�,,,- :2ti:' School Students 0.15 2,1 0 0.32 • ,..,..,--714t.:41.4.„?•„,„,..,.y#, . • ��wSl�p !y�'g�� !�{i�iy,9 :�..��;�y�' 9�. .:,: � Day Care Center Students '^IF Y� �' - i& '+F�Y 0.2 i ", LN i- .}::.y y�� Y'q' - u , r : r�'lrvFHouse of Worship ,66 2,1 0 �3� , -, ,:, •$te17,.47,,,,...,...:,,„T H � �i 1 1 GFA=Gross Floor Area 2(Vehicles),Based on ITE Trip Generation,7th Edition 3(Miles);Based on NCTCOG Data 4 Percentage of traffic already passing by site-land use is an intermediate destination $(Vehicle-Miles) A The land uses and trip generation characteristics fisted in this chart are intended as examples.The complete table of land uses and trip generation characteristics is contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers"Trip Generation,Seventh Edition,'which is incorporated herein by reference. Thoroughfare impact Fees Comparative Analysis August 27,2009 Wylie Frisco tvIckihney Rockwall Allen Low High Average Low High Average Low High Average Low High Average Low High ?Uer-09!. 10,000 sq.ft,Office $19,422 $32,117 $25,770 $26,430 $53,742 $40,431 $16.690 $32,710 $23,320 $13,005 $13,005 $13,005 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 50,000 sq.ft.Light Ind. 63,872 105,620 84,748 79,710 162,090 121,935 46,200 58,750 51,550 25,472 25,472 25,472 30,000 30,000 30.000 65.000 sq.ft.Grocery 222,410 367,782 295,096 453,765 922,862 694,132 271,570 380,250 343,330 35,400 35,400 35,400 97,500 97,500 97,500 5,000 sq,ft.Bank wi cinve-thru 84,465 139.673 112,069 86,708 135,839 102,045 14,110 40,600 28,625 16,423 16,423 16,423 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,000 sq.ft.Medic,aliDental 19,422 32,117 25,770 65.946 134,088 100,878 32,800 51,710 44,900 24,742 24,742 24,742 7,500 7,500 7,500 3,000 scift.Fast Food 27,330 45,193 36,262 40,405 82,157 61,808 8,682 29.148 17.934 7,917 7,917 7,917 6,000 6,000 6,000 Single Family Dwelling Unit 1,317 2,177 1,747 1,967 4,001 2,984 1,261 3,500 2,381 814 814 814 650 650 650 Wylie Economic Development Corporation MEMORANDUM To: WEDC Board of Directors From: Samuel Satterwhite,Executive Director Subject: Thoroughfare Impact Fees Date: December 16,2009 Issue {Remove item from table}: consider and act upon issues surrounding City of Wylie thoroughfare impact fees. Analysis Attached for your review is the 8-28-09 impact fee memo and WEDC minutes from the 8-28-09 Board meeting. In summary, staff believes that there is a high level of confidence that the fees are justified to offset the cost of providing infrastructure and are being calculated correctly. Staff further believes that based upon previous discussions by the Board members that the only issue that could possibly be addressed is the difference between fees charged in the east side and those charged in the west side(the east zone is 40% higher than the west zone). So as not to assume too much, staff has provided all possible options which could be recommended to the Council and the repercussions of each. I. No Change. While this is one of the top two options in staff's opinion, I do believe there is the local perception that thoroughfare fees are too high. Also, there is the potential that we are discouraging new business development (specifically on the east side) prior to the prospect even getting to the point of negotiating with the City for incentives. I believe to assume that if this is the case one must consider the relatively high tax rate in place combined with the fees. 2. No Fees. Staff believes this is not a realistic option. If no thoroughfare impact fees were in place, new development would share an equal financial burden with the existing taxpayer for the increased demand placed upon the infrastructure created by the new development. That financial burden would specifically be increased property taxes. 3. East and West Zones Charged Identical Unit costs. The only issue staff has with this recommendation is that the fees charged within the west zone would be WEDC Thoroughfare Impact Fees December 16,2009 Page 2 of 3 proportionately higher than the east zone. If you will recall from previous presentations,both zones have approximately the same amount of cost attributed to growth per the Capital Improvement Plan currently adopted by the City Council. However, the east side has much less opportunity for new growth (a smaller pool of new development)thus creating a higher fee per new development unit to recoup the cost attributed to growth. The response to any developer raising that point (which is unlikely anyway) is that we want to encourage development within the east zone, thus charging a lower percentage fee. Should this option be considered, the Board/Council would have to anticipate less fees within the east zone to fund future projects and rely on the use of General Fund monies or tax rate increases. 4. Lower Each Zone's Unit Cost an Equal Percentage. Staff does not believe this is a viable option because there is no real or perceived concern with Thoroughfare Fees within the west zone. New business development is taking place, and will continue to take place predominately within the west zone because of the infrastructure which has been put in place or will be in place within the next two years. An interesting side note to the debate is a conversation held with QuikTrip(QT). QT has been interested in two sites within the east zone and is currently pursing the purchase of either of those sites. When asked how their business model would be impacted by the thoroughfare impact fee being 40%higher than their facility located within the west zone (across from Target), their response was that their model would not be impacted in any way whatsoever. The overall project cost would remain the same and if fees increase, another cost component within the model must decrease which in this case would most likely be land cost. This is no different than a City instituting aggressive architectural standards. Those increased costs (along with land, fees, site costs, etc.) are plugged into the developer's model and a decision is made based upon a projected return on investment. Staff believes that the WEDC should evaluate the above options and make a recommendation to the City Council, even if that recommendation is no change. If there is a recommended change by the WEDC Board and the Council directs City staff to address the WEDC recommendation, a presentation will most likely be made to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee which in turn will make a recommendation to the City Council during a work session. Should the Council decide to proceed; a public hearing will take place on the issue resulting in a change to"the existing Ordinance assuming an affirmative vote by Council. Staff believes that there is relief(in the form of incentives) available to any developer bringing in a qualifying project to the City — east or west side. If one is firm in that position,the only recommendation is no change. A no change recommendation is 100% equitable. However, if a developer targets the east side and determines that their financial model will not work, and further evaluates the fact that thoroughfare impact fees WEDC Thoroughfare Impact Fees December 16,2009 Page 3 of 3 in Wylie are higher than the communities we are competing with, we may not get the opportunity to address their concern. At that point equity between the zones has no bearing and a perception of 'the cost of doing business in Wylie is too high' is the determining factor. Under the second scenario a recommendation should be having identical unit cost within the east and west zone& Recommendation Staff recommends that the WEDC Board of Directors make a recommendation to the Wylie City Council to reduce Thoroughfare impact Fees charged in the east zone to equal that of the fee charged within the west zone. Attachment 8-28-09 Memo Excerpt from 8-28-09 Minutes Minutes Wylie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors Meeting Friday,December 18, 2009—6:30 A.M. Inwood National Bank—Conference Room 200 South Highway 78—Wylie,Texas CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Fuller called the meeting to order at 6:30 a.m. Board Members present were: John Yeager,Todd Wintters,Mitch Herzog, and Chris Seely. WEDC staff present was Executive Director Sam Satterwhite and Administrative Assistant Gerry Harris. Ex-Officio Board Members Mindy Manson, Eric Hogue, Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters, and City Engineer Chris Hoisted were present. Board Member Mitch Herzog Left the meeting at 7:53 a.m. Ex-Officio Board Member Eric Hogue left the meeting at 7:55. ITIZEN PARTICIPATION There being no citizen participation, President Fuller proceeded to Action Items. ACTION ITEMS ITEM NO. 1 — Consider and act upon approval of the November 20, 2009 Minutes of the WEDC Board of Directors Meeting. MOTION: A motion was made by Mitch Herzog and seconded by John Yeager to approve the November 20, 2009 Minutes of the WEDC Board of Directors Meeting. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0 — AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. 2—Consider and act upon approval of the November 2009 Treasurer's Report. Staff reported that the October Treasurer's Report had an error in that the Current Budget numbers on the Revenue and Expense Report were from FY 08-09 rather than the FY 09-10. President Fuller asked staff to present a corrected Treasurer's report for October at the January meeting as well as present a corrected report to the City Council at their January meeting. MOTION: A motion was made by Chris Seely and seconded by Mitch Herzog to approve the November 2009 Treasurer's Report. The WEDC Board voted 5 —FOR and 0—AGAINST in favor of the motion. WEDC Minutes December 18,2009 Page 2 of 6 ITEM NO. 3-Consider issues surrounding the FY 2009-2010 WEDC Budget. As reported in the November WEDC financial statements, sales tax receipts were down 10.5% from December 2008. Assuming taxable sales at Target generated $10,000 in WEDC receipts, staff is projecting a 22% reduction had Target not been in place. Staff commented that a continued 20%reduction could result in a$300,000 shortfall in budgeted revenues. Being that 90% of WEDC income is from sales tax receipts, staff believes that expenditures should be monitored more closely. Should the downward trend continue, a more formal reduction in revenue/expenses would take place in April during mid-year budget amendments. Staff presented potential expense reductions which will informally applied until which time an upward trend is established. Those in-house reductions were as follows: Office Supplies -31%, Special Services-32%, Incentives- 11%, Streets& Alleys-60%, Advertising- 16%,Travel & Training-38%, Audit& Legal-44%, Engineering &Architect-30%, and Land-25%. This item was presented as an information item only. No action was taken by the Board. ITEM NO. 4 - {Motion to remove item from table}: Consider and act upon issues surrounding City of Wylie thoroughfare impact fees. MOTION: A motion was made by John Yeager to remove Action Item No. 4 from the table. As a review, staff stated that he believes that there is a high level of confidence that the fees are justified to offset the cost of providing infrastructure and are being calculated correctly. Staff further stated that based upon previous discussions by the Board members, the only issue that could possibly be addressed is the difference between fees charged for the east zone and those charged for the west zone (the east zone is 40% higher than the west zone). Staff provided all possible options which could be recommended to the Council and the repercussions of each. 1. No Change. While this is one of the top two options in staffs opinion, I do believe there is the local perception that thoroughfare fees are too high. Also, there is the potential that we are discouraging new business development (specifically on the east side) prior to the prospect even getting to the point of negotiating with the City for incentives, I believe to assume that if this is the case one must consider the relatively high tax rate in place combined with the fees. 2. No Fees. Staff believes this is not a realistic option. If no thoroughfare impact fees were in place, new development would share an equal financial burden with the existing taxpayer for the increased demand placed upon the infrastructure created by the new development. That financial burden would specifically be increased property taxes. 3. East and West Zones Charged Identical Unit costs. The only issue staff has with this recommendation is that the fees charged within the west zone would be proportionately higher than the east zone. If you will recall from previous presentations,both zones have approximately the same amount of cost attributed to growth per the Capital Improvement Plan currently adopted by the City Council. However, the east side has much less opportunity for new growth (a smaller pool of new development) thus creating a higher WEDC—Minutes December 18,2009 Page 3 of 6 fee per new development unit to recoup the cost attributed to growth. The response to any developer raising that point (which is unlikely anyway) is that we want to encourage development within the east zone, thus charging a lower percentage fee. Should this option be considered, the Board/Council would have to anticipate less fees within the east zone to fund future projects and rely on the use of General Fund monies or tax rate increases. 4. Lower Each Zone's Unit Cost an Equal Percentage. Staff does not believe this is a viable option because there is no real or perceived concern with Thoroughfare Fees within the west zone. New business development is taking place, and will continue to take place predominately within the west zone because of the infrastructure which has been put in place or will be in place within the next two years. Staff's recommendation was for the Board to evaluate the above options and make a recommendation to the City Council, even if the WEDC recommendation is no change. If there is a recommended change by the WEDC Board and the Council directs City staff to address the WEDC recommendation, a presentation will most likely be made to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee which in turn will make a recommendation to the City Council during a work session. Should the Council decide to proceed; a public hearing will take place on the issue resulting in a change to the existing Ordinance assuming an affirmative vote by Council. Staff commented that there currently is relief (in the form of incentives) available to any developer bringing in a qualifying project to the City— east or west zone. If there is unanimous agreement with that position, the only recommendation is no change. A no change recommendation is 100% equitable. However, if a developer targets the east side and determines that their financial model will not work, and further evaluates the fact that thoroughfare impact fees in Wylie are higher than the communities we are competing with, we may not get the opportunity to address their concern, At that point equity between the zones has no bearing and a perception of'the cost of doing business in Wylie is too high' is the determining factor. Under the second scenario a recommendation should be having identical unit cost within the east and west zones. Staff recommended that the WEDC Board of Directors make a recommendation to the Wylie City Council to reduce Thoroughfare Impact Fees charged in the east zone to equal that of the fee charged within the west zone. President Fuller re-emphasized his opinion that the Thoroughfare impact Fee difference from the east side of Hwy. 78 to the west side of Hwy. 78 is perceived as excessive and arbitrary. Mr. Fuller continued that even if the 'line' was moved 300' west even increasing fees by 40% on the west side of the 78 corridor, that perception could be addressed. Board members Herzog, Seely, and Yeager did not see any reason to adjust the fees at all being that any company has the opportunity to approach the City/WEDC for financial assistance whether it be for infrastructure assistance, relocation grants,or fees. WEDC Minutes December 18,2009 Page 4 of 6 MOTION: A motion was made by John Yeager and seconded by Mitch Herzog to recommend to Council that no change be made to the Thoroughfare Impact Fees. The WEDC Board voted 5 — FOR and 0 —AGAINST in favor of the motion. ITEM NO. —Consider issues surrounding the 2009 Annual Report. Staff presented the first draft of the 2009 Annual Report for the Board to review. President Fuller asked that staff bring the document back in January for further consideration being that the Board has only had a short time to review the document. Staff commented that the final report will be submitted to Council on January 22, 2010. No action was taken on this item. ITEM NO. 6— Staff Report: review issues surrounding the lease of WEDC facilities, the 2009 IEDC Annual Conference, Applebee's, Wylie Senior Care, and regional housing starts. Lease of WEDC Facilities: While the Ferrell property has been leased, a certificate of occupancy(CO) has not been issued as of yet based upon difficulties with the hot water heater. A CO should be issued no later than Friday, December 1 Eith. The contract calls for$800 monthly with no outside storage. The Contract also calls for the tenant to mow and maintain the adjacent one acre fronting F.M. 544. 210 Industrial Court has been leased. The WEDC had been seeking $2,000 per month. Staff will be executing a 12-month lease for$1,500 per month. With the facility being vacant for 16 months, staff accepted a lesser lease rate. The lease is however AS IS with no responsibility for plumbing, air conditioning/heat, and roof. That concession was accepted by the tenant in return for the lease rate. The tenant is also required to maintain the premises and no outside storage is allowed. 2009 IEDC conference: Assistant City Manager Butters presented issues surround ‘gfeeni construction and regional cooperation in economic development that had been presented at the Conference. Applebee's: Staff indicated that Applebee's is under contract for a site on State Highway 78. Appiebee's broker indicated that all site criteria fit within the required parameters. Wylie Senior Care: A temporary CO has been issued for Wylie Senior Care (located behind Brookshire's). After all equipment and furniture has been moved in and the Texas Department of Health has approved the site, a final CO will be issued. The owner contacted staff the week of December 7th and asked again if there was any financial incentive the WEDC/City could provide. It was conveyed that staff believed that there was no support for any financial assistance. WEDC Minutes December 18,2009 Page 5 of 6 Regional Housing Starts: Housing starts were up in November and will be up in December as well with 21 permits already approved/being reviewed as of 12-16-09. It appears as though Wylie will issue at least 250 permits for 2009 (down 39% from 2008). As stated in the past, staff is pleased with 250 new homes in this market. EXECUTIVE SESSION The WEDC Board of Directors convened into Executive Session at 7:30 a.m. Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters and City Engineer Chris Hoisted were invited to stay for Executive Session. I. Consider issues surrounding an Amended and Restated Performance Agreement between the WEDC and Woodbridge Crossing, L.P. as authorized in Section 551.087 (Economic Development Negotiations) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated(Open Meetings Act). IL Consider issues surrounding the purchase of property located near the intersection of Regency Drive and Steel Road as authorized in Section 551.072 (real property) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated(Open Meetings Act). III. Consider issues surrounding the purchase of property located near the intersection of F.M. 544 and Sanden Boulevard as authorized in Section 551.072 (real property) of the Local Government Code,Vernon's Texas Code Annotated(Open Meetings Act). UV. Consider issues surrounding Project Phoenix as authorized in Section 551.087 (Economic Development Negotiations) of the Local Government Code, Vernon's Texas Code Annotated (Open Meetings Act). RECONVENE INTO OPEN MEETING The WEDC Board of Directors reconvened into open session at 7:59 a.m. No action was taken as a result of discussion held in Executive Session. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, President Fuller adjourned the WEDC Board meeting at 7:59 a.rn. \\--) Marvin Fuller,President WEDC—Minutes December 18, 2009 Page 6 of 6 ATTEST: Samuel D.R.Satterwhite Executive Director 1 Wylie City Council c ITY of WYLIEAGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 9 2010 Item V�rt�ber.r Work Session 2 Department: WE DC DC Prepared By: Sam Satterwhite Account Code: Date Prepared: February 2, 2010 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Discussion regarding amendments ents to a Performance Agreement between the Wylie Economic Development Corporation and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc Recommendation Wylie Direction from Councilregarding amendments to a Performance Agreement between the �v ire Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and Sanden International (U.S.A.), Inc. I)i.:c. . . . .. . . ... . On July 24, 2009 the WEDC entered into a Performance Agreement with Sanden International to provide $300,000 '...... .. ..'. .. . to support the retooling of a compressor line integral to Sanden's future operations. Funding of the will consist of a $200,000 payment ment in 2010 and a $100,000 payment in 2011. Sander"approached the •package py • WEDC Board with a request for additional assistance based upon an 8.5% increase in project�� j cost. Original inal cost p � projections were 5 2 million with actual expenses comingin at$9.24 million. p Existing performance measures within the 7-24-09 Agreement call for $5.79 million and $2.73 million to be. expended by 4-1-1 o and 4-1-11 respectively. Additionally Sander' must maintain a minimum appraised value p y ofmillion anda rminimum275 full-time production employees.ees. Combined with this request for additional .. . . ............... .... .. funding was the notification that Sanden is competing with a Mexico plant for the location of a $14 million manufacturing line which produces pistons required for the above compressor line. While the Board of Directors denied Sanden's request based upon multiple factors, the Board authorized staff to draft an amendment to the existing Performance Agreement which provides 100% of the agreed upon funding in 2010. All of the existing performance measures will remain the same for the full term of the Agreement. WEDC staff is seeking direction from the Council to convey to the WEDC Board prior to formal approval of any amendments. App '.... dInitial By ........... . . ..... .. ... Date epartment Director S 02-02-10 CityManager ( / its) ..,..,: / PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT 41:‹1 Between WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION And SANDEN INTERNATIONAL(U.S.A.), INC. This Performance Agreement (this-Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the Nifylie Economic Development Corporation (the "WEDC"), a Texas corporation organized and existing under the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended from time to time (the and Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc.a Texas Corporation (the "Company"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Company is desirous of making real and personal property improvements to its existing facility and PXF Compressor Line (the "Projecr). The improvements will have a minimum cost of Eight Million Five Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($8,520000.00) and will be located at 601 South Sandell Boulevard in Wylie, Texas (the"Facility"); and fiLtitEAs, the Company has requested that the Whiiii,2 provide economic assistance to facilitate the construction of the proposed improvements by providing cost reimbursement for improvements including research& development, new equipment & modification, quality control, technical expertise, new washers, and facility improvements(the"Improvements");and WHEREAS, the improvements for the Company's Facility in the City of Wylie, Texas will retain "primary jobs", as that term is defined in the Act, being a job available at a company for which a majority of the products or services of the company are ultimately exported to regional, statewide, national or international markets; and WHEREAS, primary jobs retained by the Improvements undertaken by the Company fails within the North American Industry Classification System(NAICS)Sector No. 551; and WHEREAS, the WEDC has determined that it is in the best interest of the public and the City and promotes the purposes authorized by the voters of the City of Wylie for which the WEDC was established to encourage the development and use of industrial and business properties within the City; and WHEREAS, the WEDC is willing to provide the Company with economic assistance hereinafter set forth on the terms and subject to the conditions as stated herein and Company is willing to accept the same subject to all terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW,THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the promises, covenants and agreements set tbrth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the WEDC and Company agree as follows: I, Economic Assistanq. Subject to the terms of this Agrement, the WEDC will provide the Company economic assistance in the form of Performance Cost Reimbursements ("Reimbursement incentives") in an amount up to, but not to exceed Three Hundred Page 1 of 6 r:DtA:4 ftClli.',4 ad Scaap(km I Laris My Dtwumatb ARBI-*5524t3-i,I-Perirriutrwe_A.gn'emcnt,;(SandaL la L.,:mtion.,11),DOC Thousand Dollars 0300,000.00) (the "Economic incentives'). The Reimbursement Incentives will be paid accordintzo the criteria set forth herein th the WEDC' obligation to pay the Reimbursement in en iv erminating on April I, 201 Upon meeting the qualifications and requirements e (the "Performance Requirements'), the Company shall be entitled to the following economic Reimbursement Incentives: Economic incentive . Performance Re uirements Schedule: Expected Cost of a WEDC Total E � � F Year Incentive Jobs* Improvement Ince i 2010 No -175 S5,790,000 s200,000 S200 0 . 4 -20 0 2011 ,. S2,730,000 Si0,00 S30 000 4 -2 Cumulative lull and part-time production jobs t. e s for each k n bI c e_ as Incentive No. a A Reimbursement Incentive of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars $2 0 ,00 will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirements or Incentive No, - Receipt of documentation by. WEDC supporting the expenditure of Five Million Seven Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars $ , 90,000 for improvements .- o is ed with the redesign of the PXF Compressor Line on or before April I, 2010, approval of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC; and 2) Documentation that the Company has not less than twohundred seventy five (275) full-time and part-time production employees, acceptance of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC; and Company has paid all d valorem taxes and other property, taxes due on the Facility by January 31 of the year after they are assessed and provide written notice and evidence of such payment to WEDC in a form satisfactory to WEDC by February 28 of the year after the taxes are assessed. Documentation of taxable real and personal property, with certified value as determined by the Collin County Central Appraisal District ("CAO" of not less than Fifty Eight ;billion Dollars S 8 000,00); and Eligibility xpi at on for the Companyto quatify tbr this incentive No, is April A 2010. 's. D73..S.. d .gs,,S.f�S .`w'S�f i''�i c ,..dfo-.t rs Arrti i 4.( x.a>• '' <g w-� —,sr' F'--..a -x nr '9 x l r" 2 k F c M�� V% }4 y��yy-^y5 L.�i ..r w l� ..� 3 L. �-y, K,{ vy b•t z 6 t� 5 �y � fF. .��:`+`i•s�5.3 .�'' ' ..I � �S�cb$i.SR•,�yC.[4�`�i..4.�� E.-3.ry.��'x�4..i5S:::`:�ti�#X�'+..BY M�:s�'�Fe-xsi�i��3'4>�L��S�.�C 4 5 a.1%w b Incentive -No 2: A Reimbursement incentive of One Hundred Thousand Dollars (S100,000) will be paid to Company upon completion of the following Performance Requirements for Incentive No, 2: Receipt of documentation by WEDC supporting the expenditure of 52,730,000 for Improvements associated with the redesign of the PXF Compressor Line on or before April 1, 2011, approval of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC; and; 2) Documentation that the Company has not less than two hundred seventy five (275) full-time and part-time production employees, acceptance of said documentation at the sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC; and Company has paid all ad valorem taxes and other property taxes due on the Project by January 31 of the year after they are assessed and provide written notice and evidence of such payment to WEDC in a form satisfactory to WEDC by February 28 of the year after the taxes are assessed: and Dueu;,--ni-Itatic;11 of tanablu real and personal prupcoy ith a ,,..,4-til,'11 as determined by the CAD of not less than Fifty Eight Million Dollars (S58,000,000,0* and 5) Eligibility expiration for the Company to qualify for this Incentive No, 2 is April I, 2011. For the purposes of this Agreement, a"full-time employee" is defined as an employee hired to work a minimum of Two Thousand Eighty (2,080) hours of work over a twelve (12) month term {forty (40) hours per week, which shall include business travel and irregular offsite work commitments such as training], including allowance for vacation and sick leave, with full company benefits and employed exclusively and on-site at the Company's facility in Wylie, Texas. For the purposes of this Agreement, a "part-tirne employee" is defined as an employee hired to work a minimum of One Thousand Forty (1,040) hours of work over a twelve (12) month term [twenty (20) hours per week, which shall include offsite work commitments such as training), employed exclusively and on-site at the Company's facility- in Wylie, Texas For the purposes of this Agreement, the "payment date" of each Reimbursement Incentive shall be the date the Reimbursement Incentive is actually paid, or the date the Reimbursement Incentive would have been paid if earned, [IL NVEDC Reca'i wre, Qf Reimbursemeat ineentives: in the event the Company moves a portion or all of the Project, or any other products currently produced at the facility, outside the City, for any reason, before April 1, 2012, the Company agrees to refund the WEDC the total amount of Reimbursement Incentives received from the WEDC in one lump sum payment within thirty (30) days of the Company's decision to relocate and.or Page 3 4'6 C Dt..,,c.wilags And fik.mmtg'.;Gerry10 0 0 iu RB.1-4'.352*-3- 1--P-rfonnance4,rxmtTA2.SanderUntrnazionzti)DOC 45.j.2%3 expand these product h es outside the City. Further, prior to April , 2012 the Company will provide documentation to the VvIDC supporting the production of no less than 340,000 compressor units attributed .o real and personal property improvements o its existing facility. and PXF Compressor Line, acceptance of said documentation at e sole and absolute discretion of the WEDC IrvWEDC Payment of Reimbursement Incentives. Subject to the termsof this Agreement, the WEDC shall pay the Reimbursement Incentives within approximately thirty 0 days of receipt of the required documentation from the Company, subject to verification by the WEDC a the Performance Requirements have been met or exceeded by he Company fir, Non-Attainment of Pei ' . R. uirements. In the event that the Company does not meet or exceed a Performance Requirement as specified in Section , the WEDC Reimbursement Incentive ' l be voided in advance of payment at the sole discretion of WEDC, The Company will not be eligible to receive the Reimbursement incentive after the date of e Economic In en i e Termination. -i, Economic Sc ,. ✓ c r rn i n a fi.A K..ti ys ;. .}-.y ®+'. 'Y.�"�• 5�E✓v 3F - + I haw ���.���«,��1�..�#�� �-�.�4 y � ��r�����.���b'W.-�.� �,..��c �,.�&�1L is.�t•. agreement of h parties or by either party, upon the failure of the other party to fulfill an obligation as set forth in Section 11 above, Regardless of the Company's level of attainment of the Performance Requirements set forth in Section If above, the WEDC's obligation to pay the Reimbursement Incentive will expire in full on April I, 20 H VIE Em lovee Iiiring,, Materials And Su hes Pus as" Although not , event of default or a condition to any advance in the Agreement, WEDC requests that the Company satisfies its need for all additional employees from Wylie residents and purchase all materials, supplies and services necessary to affect the renovations and subsequent occupancy of the Facility from Wylie merchants and busies. Moreover, the WEDC requests that the Company utilize a local lodging establishment for and individuals providing technical expertise to the Project Y cmrnt1rtit%Jnvoj 'ei1cnt, Although not an event of default or condition of any advance hereuncler, the Company y see ' to actively participate in community and charitable organizations and/or activities, purpose of which are o improve the quality of life in he City of ` lie, Texas, and to actively encourage its employees to be involved in such organizationss andlor activities jVerifbotion 4nd:Compliance. The Company ',via anOW the WEDC to audit necessary Company's records, documents, agreements and other instruments u nce of .e following o ow ng purposes: , to ensure the Company'scompliance with the affirmative covenants se forth in this Agreement; to determine the existence of an. Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement; to ensure compliance with any other terms and conditions set forth� r n or any. relateddocuments. Company will provide reportscertifying thestatus d of compliance,jobs retained, new investments andany other relevant information until the termination of this Agreement, Documentation for jobs may be in form of quarterly 4 r p £ , 4 of Anasl.£a':3 -.. r�Y�Hams p'y 'x.;��,. gym"'w3 k, AR/if-4'�`A'�f, ''`'n',,}-0z .s rc .t S 2�+ p•x.H .f, a va v $d'�S:Oc$..� cr--vx .����§���h.i�?C-'3 :��,Il�i.%wk�L"w.3it IRS 941 returns, Texas Workforce Commission Quarterly Unemployment Summary, or employee rosters that show the hours of work and the position tilled, and such other reports as may reasonably be required. X. Cessation of Economic Assistance. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, WEDC shall have no obligation to disburse WEDC Economic Incentives if the Company becomes insolvent, tiles a petition in bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or is adjudged bankrupt, or is delinquent on any property tax payments or an Event of Default under the terms of this Agreement occurs. XL Non-PaymeittofLeogomic Assistance. The following will constitute an Event of Default and any advance shall not be forgiven in an Event of Deatult, but shall become due and payable: the Company becomes insolvent, makes any materially false statements to the City andlor the WEDC, fails to pay ad valorem taxes, or tiles suit against the City anchor the WEDC. XII. Niscg114nous. a. This A---ocra,:,1-1t• shall ) a;1,1 tiL assignable by Company without the prior written consent of the WEDC, which consent may be withheld by the V,IEDC in its sole and absolute discretion. b. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Texas and is subject to all provisions of Vernon's Ain Civ. Si Art. 5190.6, which are incorporated herein by reference tbr all purposes. In the event any provision of the Agreement is in conflict with article 5190.6, article 5190.6 shall prevail. r. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties regarding the within subject matter and may only be amended or revoked by the written agreement executed by all of the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas and is specifically performable in Collin County,Texas, e. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this agreement shall be deemed delivered by depositing the same in the United States mail, certified with return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to the appropriate party at the following addresses, or at such other address as any part hereto might specify in writing: WEDC: Samuel D. R. Satterwhite Executive Director Wylie Economic Development Corporation I08-C W. Marble Wylie, Texas 7509S With copy to: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd and Joplin, P.C. I 700 Redbud Blvd., Suite 300 Pa 5 of C i Gerry 7,1!,u 7,5529t,3-, -Petf,r-mun,:c s,.zd,,n_trarriataorw 4552%3 With copy to: Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd and Joplin, PC, 1700 Redbud Bivd , Suite 300 McKinney,Texas 75069 Attention: Mr. a Randal Huilett COMPANY: Sanden International(U.S.A.), Inc. 601 South Sanden Boulevard Wylie,TX 75098 Attention: Jim Phaup By the execution hereof, each signatory hereto represents and affirms that he is acting on behalf of the party indicated, that such party has taken all action necessary to authorize the execution and delivery of the Agreement and that the same is a binding obligation on such party. EXECUTED this -4,41day of July, 2009, WEDC: Wylie Economic Development Corporation ( (14 By: Marvin Fuller,President COMPANY: Sander) international (U.S.A.), Inc., a Texas Corporation enidrVe/e P ident Page 6 of 6 C:.00,AlEncai and Simivss'S,3111 Sail whioMy DC-CkifTWII6 Word OtaSand 09'Aitiii-#552943-v t- Pcrformancc_AgreemcaUSandeninternationaiLDOC #552963 Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: February 9, 2010 Item Number: Work Session 3 Department: Engineering (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Chris Hoisted Account Code: Date Prepared: 02/03/10 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject Discussion and update of current roadway projects within the City of Wylie. Recommendation Discussion The City of Wylie 2005 Bond Program included $38,000,000 for roadway projects throughout the City. Projects include FM 1378, Stone Road (FM 544), Brown Street, and Alanis. The 2007 Collin County Bond Program included $20,154,375 for roadway project in Wylie including Brown Street, McMillen Road, Ballard Avenue, Stone Road, and Park Boulevard. Approved By Initial Date Department Director CH 02/03/I 0 City Manager PH ilri Page 1 of City of Wylie Street Projects ...... ............................................... .................................. fix.:..' �:� �ia 3 .�� �.3 • ..:::.::::.::....................................:: •, ;";""'„_.''°:, From °°°" ',y'7:'`';. Lead" n, ;;LL•' 4(1 " LengthC �;Ot:`!;::,-;; ST.: Parker Road FM 2551 FM 1378 TxDOT/Collin County Widening 2 4 15,000 $ 15,930,000 $ 15,930,00 FM 1378 FM 544 Brown Street Collin County Widening 2 6 3,300 $ 4,396,688 $ 500,000 $ 100,000 $ 4,996,68 FM 1378 Brown Street Parker Road City of Wylie Widening 2 6 9,500 $ 9,240,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 500,000 $ 10,740,00 McMillen Road McCreary Road FM 1378 City of Wylie Widening 2 6 8,200 $ 9,900,000 $ 1,002,300 $ 250,000 $ 11,152,30 Brown Street--West FM 1378 Ballard Avenue City of Wylie Widening 2 4 9,500 $ 11,220,000 $ 1,048,000 $ 200,000 $ 12,468,00 Brown Street-East SH 78 Stone Road City of Wylie Widening 2 4 11,100 $ 6,600,000 $ 527,850 $ 372,150 $ 7,500,00 Woodbridge Parkway Hensley City Limits City of Wylie New Alignment 0 4 2,100 $ 2,068,182 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $ 2,568,18 SH 78 PGBT Spring Creek TxDOT Widening 4 6 $ 12,800,000 $ 12,800,00 SH 78 Spring Creek SH 205 TxDOT Widening 2 6 17,700 $ 16,358,118 $ 16,358,11 Ballard Avenue Alanis County Line City of Wylie Widening 2 4 5,800 $ 4,100,663 $ 365,600 $ 300,000 $ 4,766,26 Stone Akin WA Allen City of Wylie Widening 2 4 4,700 $ 4,700,000 $ 485,596 $ 100,000 $ 5,285,59 Park Blvd FM 2514(Parker Rd.) Spring Creek Collin County R.D.W. 0 4 $ 1,130,000 $97,313,651 $5,229,346 $3,152,150 $104,565,1, COMPLETED PROJECTS Alanis SH 78 Ballard City of Wylie Widening 2 3 6,070 $ 3,841,131 $ 373,200 $ 445,000 $ 4,659,33 Alanis Twin Lakes FM 544 City of Wylie Widening 0 4 2,985 $ 892,283 $ 217,500 $ 1,109,78 Ballard Stone Alanis City of Wylie Widening 2 4 3,900 $ 3,600,639 $ 239,547 $ 3,840,18 Ballard SH 78 Stone NTMWD Widening 2 4 2,180 $ 2,146,970 FM 544 Murphy Road FM 1378 TxDOT Widening 2 6 $ 7,048,567 $ 7,048,56 FM 544 FM 1378 SH 78 TxDOT Widening 2 6 $ 5,943,118 $ 5,943,11 Kirby SH 78 Birmingham City of Wylie Widening 2 4 1,380 $ 546,467 $ 68,400 $ 614,86 Kirby/Stone Birmingham Ballard City of Wylie Widening 2 4 940 $ 618,363 $ 168,173 $ 210,000 $ 996,53 McCreary Road FM 544 City Limits Developer Widening 2 4 4,070 $ 2,350,000 $ 2,350,00 SH 78 Sachse FM 544 TxDOT Widening 2 4 $ 8,362,331 $ 8,362,33 SH 78 FM 544 Eubanks TxDOT Widening 2 4 $ 13,620,148 $ 13,620,14 SH 78 Eubanks Spring Creek TxDOT Widening 2 4 2,800 $ 3,888,967 $ 3,888,96 Stone Ballard Akin City of Wylie Widening 2 4 2,600 $ 3,277,937 $ 128,717 $ 3,406,65 Woodbridge Parkway FM 544 Hensley Developer Widening 2 4 4,150 $ 1,958,217 $ 375,785 $ 2,334,00 $ 58,095,138 $ 53,515,15 No Text No Text ... . ,L.---r,. . .....,--:-..,,-----..-.'..--,..':'''''''',:'''''.7.:-....-.'.:!'.'7:•'..:-.::.'.'''..,•,'i.....)4,..,... cilk.,..,.. . : ....;,.....:„.....:...,...__:,;..,...,:,....,,,,.!...r...::....,,,,...3,„:„.,.,....„..,,:„.::,:_..::„,...,..-4...", :..r. ,....: ....ti..... .,.........:,.. ...a... 1 1...... .....,..1,5,1... ::::,....,. .....,, ti: ...J.:. ...,„.:1..,...,11„,„......, 1.7 .I... ,..... ,..,5, "1,••:Ik Aiii,, .:.er',.. 1.' ., ak .. . , .- ,.-r. ••ii4.... .•.'. 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The 17roject consultant will facilitate the meeting and solicit input from the group, Recommendation Discussion On November 10, 2009, the City Council authorized the City Manager to enter into a contract with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. in the amount of $52,500 for professional services related to the Community Park Improvements approved in the 2005 bond. Since November, the consultant has performed survey work, participated in two stakeholder meetings, coordinated with City staff, and attended several Park Board meetings. The public input process has resulted in the development of several conceptual options for the design and layout of the proposed improvements. The purpose of tonight's meeting is to present the conceptual plans to Council for their input and direction in proceeding with the design portion of the project. A contract for the design phase will be forthcoming based on tonight s discussion. At the January 25, 2010 Park Board meeting, the Board favored Option 1 in the attachment with minor revisions including alternates to address needs for the Football league. Approved By Initial Date Department Director MS 1/28/2010 City Manager Page 1 of 1 COMMUNITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING: COMMUNITY PARK MASTER PLAN AND COMMUNITY PARK PHASE I A, IMPROVEMENTS Prepared for: CITY OF WYLIE 4sr Prepared by: INCJ TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINS Civil Engineering Surveying LanOscape Archi�ec[ure Planning 12160 North Abrams Road, Suite 508 Dallas, TX 75243 January 2010 WYL09204 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master Plan :„ Section 1 — Conceptual Planning 1.1 City of Wylie 2005 Bond Election In 2005, the City of Wylie developed a list of seven propositions to put before the citizens of Wylie for vote in a proposed bond election totaling $73.95 million. Proposition 4 of the bond election included improvements to Community Park and Founders Park for a total amount of $6,965,000. Out of this total amount, the City budgeted $1,495,000 for improvements to Community Park. The City budgeted $5,47Q,000 to be used for the proposed second phase of Founders Park. The following are excerpts from the proposition language as stated in Resolution No. 2005-25(R) of the City of Wylie. "Shall the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the City in the principal amount of $6,965,000 for permanent public improvements and public purposes, to wit: construction, improvement and equipment of park and recreational facilities for Founders/Community Park, including the acquisition of land therefore; such bonds to mature serially or otherwise over a period not to exceed forty (40) years from their date, to be issues and sold in one or more series at any price or prices and to bear interest at any rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or otherwise) as shall be determined within the discretion of the City Council at the time of issuance or sale of the bonds' and whether ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon all taxable property in the City sufficient to pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?" Proposition Number 4 "The issuance of $6,965,000 general obligation bonds for park and recreational facilities for Founders/Community Park." The City of Wylie developed a newsletter regarding the 2005 Bond Program and mailed it to the citizens in Wylie to provide additional information regarding the propositions. All seven propositions were detailed as to what improvements were to be included in the proposed bond. The following is an excerpt from this newsletter concerning the proposed improvements to Community Park. Community Park Built more than 20 years ago and encompassing 43 acres, proposed Community Park improvements include: • 8-ft concrete trail • Replace baseball/softball lights • Sod and irrigate infields • Additional T-ball field [completed in 2008] • Improve irrigation systems • New bleachers Ft° TEAGUE NALL AND PERKINSPage 1 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master Plan • Additional parking • New concession stand and restrooms In a general election on November 8, 2005, the seven bond propositions were voted on. Proposition number 4 passed with 61% in favor to 39% opposed. Since this date, the City has begun the planning and design for improvements to Founders Park. The second phase of the Founders Park project will be under construction by Spring of 2010. 1.2 Collin County Grant In November of 2007, the citizens of Collin County voted on and approved a $17 million bond proposition for Parks and Open Space to be allocated over a six- year time period (2009-2015). These funds are made available by reimbursement grants to cities and non-profit organizations within Collin County for the acquisition of park land, trail construction and/or park/open space improvements. The project is called the Project Funding Assistance Program and is administered by the Collin County Parks Foundation Advisory Board. The City of Wylie Parks Department submitted an application for funding through this program for improvements to Community Park. The request included funding for a portion of the proposed parking, trail improvements, and an additional restroom for the football area for a total of $407,000. On October 26, 2009, the Collin County Commissioners announced a total grant award to the City of Wylie of $267,500. The award included trail improvements as well as the additional restroom. The $207,500 provided by the County has been considered within the available funding for the proposed Community Park improvements discussed within this document. 1.3 Scope of the Project Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. (TNP) was selected by the Wylie City Council as the design firm for the proposed improvements to Community Park. TNP has negotiated a contract with the City of Wylie to perform the design survey and concept planning for Community Park. Total funding for the park, including planning, survey, design and construction, is $1.70 million. The roved g Y 9 pp contract in the amount of$52,500 included the following items: • Preparation of the design survey in the field. o Completed in December 2009 • • Preparation of 2 concept plans for discussion of potential improvements. o Prepared for the stakeholders' meetings and this document • A stakeholders' meeting to discuss potential improvements o Performed on January 14th with an additional meeting on January 18th, 2010 �� GUE NALL AND PERKINS Page 2 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master Plan • A joint presentation between the Parks & Recreation Board and City Council a Not yet completed I scheduled. 1.4 Stakeholder Meetings Due to the importance of input from the community and park stakeholders, the City of Wylie Parks & Recreation Board established two stakeholder meetings to discuss the proposed improvements to Community Park. The stakeholder meetings were held on January 14th and 18th, 2010 at the City of Wylie Municipal Complex. The meetings were attended by representatives from the Wylie Baseball Association, Wylie Football League, Wylie Preparatory Academy, the Parks & Recreation Board, and two members of City Council. Representatives from TNP and Jim Wilson Architects moderated the open discussion regarding the proposed improvements. For the January 14th meeting, TNP provided a Concept Plan forp ark improvements based on the items that were specifically listed in the approved 2005 bond as a beginning point for discussion. Discussion included "big picture" priority items as well as detailed discussions regarding the locations of potential improvements. Comments from the January 14th stakeholders' meeting are include the following: - Wylie Baseball Association 0 Need additional parking. a Need to provide hybrid Bermuda grass infields for all four baseball fields in the 4-plea area, would like outfield grass to be consistent with the infield. a Need one field to be a minimum 300 feet in depth, 1 field to be a minimum 250 feet in depth (or at least easily expandable to this depth), and 2 fields to be a minimum 225 feet in depth. a Wish one field had a depth of 350 feet but this is not necessary. a Need new backstop fencing on the 4-plea fields. a Need better field grading and drainage to reduce non-playing time. a Need to add a restroom near the T-ball fields. a Need the concession stand to include: concession stand area, restrooms, storage, second story meeting room and umpire changing area. Functionality is more important than a decorative theme. a Desire to play state tournament baseball on the 225-foot fields. a Long term need new lighting on all four fields; however, this is a lower priority than the actual field turf. a Remove or relocate blue basketball court and volleyball court to provide additional parking on the Master Plan. a Wish for a "wall ball" play area between Rowell and Tibbals fields to allow children a place to play instead of the concession stand wall. 0,4* flEAGLJE NALL AINO FERI Page 3 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master Plan o Add bullpens to each of the fields in the 4-plea. o Do not need grass on the T-ball infields. o Wish for a 2-story concession stand to provide for additional storage area. - Wylie Football League o Need additional parking. o Need better access (ingress/egress) to the park. o Need a restroom on the football side of the park. o Wish for a concession stand on the football side of the park. Acceptable if this is joined with the restrooms in the same building. o Need better field drainage on the football fields to improve quality of play and availability of the fields. o Wish for a press box to be located between Field #1 (northern football field) and Field #2 (south of Field #1). o Need improvements to the restrooms located in the storage building g north of the football fields. o Wish to relocate light pole at the southeast end of the football area to better utilize the space and allow for another large field. o Wish to relocate or lower manhole top located at the east end of Field #3. o Wish fora scoreboard for Field #1. o Wish for a sound system and electricity into the press boxes. o Wish for goal posts on the football fields. o Need another full length football field for league growth in upper leagues. Many of the comments made during the January 14th meeting were large "big picture" items that could not be financed within the available budget. Therefore, TIP provided a Park Master Plan exhibit as well as a Phase I exhibit which included items that may be afforded within the construction budget for the January 18k" meeting. The purpose of the Master Plan exhibit was to create a vision for the usage of the park. The Master Plan could then be used to not only prioritize future improvements but also provide a road map for design so that future improvements were considered within each phase of design. With the Phase I exhibit, the meeting attendees were able to prioritize and discuss the improvements that were most needed now and relate it to the potential costs. The Phase I exhibit focused on the items that were specifically stated within the 2005 bond and rated as the highest priorities within the budget. $o- 127.' -=CUE HALL AND PERKINS Page 4 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master Plan Additional and reiterated comments from the January13th stakeholders' meeting include the following: Wylie Baseball Association o Need grass infields on all fields of the 4-plea. Would consider less parking to provide more funds for grass. o Field and drainage improvements are the biggest concerns. Wylie Football League o Wish for press box and scoreboard on Field #1. o Need Field #2 regraded so that water does not pond on the field. o Wish to relocate light pole at the southeast end of the football area to better utilize the space and allow for another large field. o Wish to relocate or lower manhole top located at the east end of Field #3. o Wish for trail access from the parking lot to the east side of the park between Fields #2 and #3. o Wish for additional bleachers on each field. Request that the old bleachers from the baseball fields be moved to the football fields. o Wish to move the trail closer to the creek so that additional yardage may be added to the football fields. Concessionaire responsible for servicing the concession stands o Wish for accessible route to proposed restroom / concession stand near the football fields. This facility needs to be closer to the parking lot between Fields #2 and #3. o Wish for power and water at a minimum for the restroom I concession stand. o Look at angled parking to better circulate traffic through the park. Wylie Preparatory Academy o Need Field #2 regraded so that water does not pond on the field. o Request that the parking be wrapped around the baseball fields on the north and the south. o Need to keep existing chain link fence at the west end of the football fields to limit access to areas between fields. Comment forms were provided at each of the meetings asking the attendees to rank the items listed within the 2005 Bond Program priorities as well as provide any additional input. The results of the priority rankings are listed below. The comment forms are included within this document. ##1 — Baseball Field Improvements. ##5 —Athletic Field Lighting #2 — Parking #6 Additional Restroom #3 — Concession Stand / Restroom #7 New Bleachers #4 — Hike / Bike Trail #8 — Landscape Improvements ira `y - CUE HALL AND PERKINS Page 5 of 12 City of Wylie, Teas Community Pa'k Master Pia TNP reviewed the comments and priority rankings that were made at each of the stakeholder meetings and revised the Park Master Plan and the Phase 1 exhibit accordingly. The proposed improvements in both documents include the items listed in the 2005 Bond Program as priority. Additional wish list items discussed in the stakeholder meetings have been added to the Master Plan. The next two sections discuss the proposed improvements shown on each exhibit. section 2 Community Park Master Plan 2.1 Overview As a part of our discussions with the Community Park stakeholders, TNP has prepared a Master Plan for the park. Starting with a Master Plan allows the City to prioritize which improvements may be completed during each phase of construction and funding. Also, the Master Plan provides a map of potential future improvements that should be considered within the phase n of each of planning, design and construction. We strongly believe it is better to build quality facilities in phases rather than mediocre facilities in one phase. As additional funding becomes available, the Citywill have a Master Plan to relyon for determining the next items to be constructed or installed. A Master Plan has been provided with this document as well as the following list of improvements that are necessary in the long term to prepare a quality park meeting the needs of the stakeholders and City. 2.2 Baseball fields The current layout of the park includes four T-ball fields on the west side of the park and a 4-plea of larger fields in the middle of the park. Since the park is limited on space, the number of fields long term will not change unless another location in the City is set aside for an additional football field complex. At this time, the Master Plan will include both baseball and football fields within the park. The following list is items that are included within the Master Plan for the park. T-ball Fields o Add outfield fencingto all of the T-ball fields, allowingfor three 150-ft fields. o Maintain the dirt infields on all T-ball fields. o Backstop locations shall remain where currently constructed. o Remove the trail in the outfield area of T-ball Fields #1 and #2. o Construct a restroom facility il` ty near the T-ball fields. CUE NALL AND PERKING Page 6 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master Plan Field 4-plea o Remove the existing fencing and plaza area paving and grade the area to remove the drainage issues / ponding in the 4-plea area. o Reposition the fields to line up and provide a more uniform plaza width. o Regrade the fields using conical grading so that all of the fields drain away from the field and provide a better playing surface. o Sod the fields with Tifway 419 Bermuda grass. This will provide a better quality playing surface on all fields of the 4-plea and increase the opportunity for tournaments being played on the fields. Maintenance costs may increase with the different type of grass; however, the City may wish to work out a maintenance contract with the baseball league to keep the baseball field turf at a high quality. o Reconstruct the outfield fencing on all fields to provide one 300-ft field, two 225-ft fields, and one 250-ft field. o Remove all existing lighting and replace with new lighting fixtures, poles, and foundations. o Remove the existingbleachers and replace with new bleachers that p meet the Texas Accessibility Standards. o Add shade structures over the new bleachers for fan protection and shade. o Replace the existing concession stand / restroom facility with a new concession stand I restroom facility. 0 Provide scoreboards on all baseball fields. 2.3 Parking /Access Currently, parking is a significant concern in the park. As the leagues continue to grow, the need for parking will continue to increase. The Master Plan includes parking between the baseball fields and football fields. Additional parking spaces and the parking alignment may be revised in future phases. However, the majority of the paving layout will be as shown on the Master Plan. The parking layout includes the removal of the portable building currently used by the Parks Department as well as the removal I relocation of the blue basketball court and volleyball court. The Master Plan includes a second access to the park from the Burnett Junior High campus. The Parks Department has approached the school district with the idea of using the existing pavement as an access drive. However, the drive use and location has not been approved by the school district. Negotiations for either a maintenance easement or purchase of the property will be necessary to allow for this access drive. Long term the access drive is necessary for better ingress I egress of traffic within the park. GM NALL AND PERKINS Page 7 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Commonly Park Master Plan 2.4 Concession Stand I Restroom The existing concession stand will need to be replaced to meet the stakeholders' needs for be#ter restrooms, adequate storage, an umpire changing area, and a concession stand that will be able to prepare food for tournament play. As the fields are aligned, the location of the concession stand will need to be repositioned to the new center of the 4--plea, allowing more circulation around the facility and throughout the plaza. 2.5 Hike l Bike Trail The Master Plan includes 8-ft concrete trails throughout the park in place of the existing asphalt trails. Additional lengths of trail are shown on the Master Plan to provide access along the parking lots as well as across the football field areas. Trail access to the neighborhoods to the south and west will need to be maintained. The City may also wish to provide a point of access from the Collins Estates neighborhood to the east with this Master Plan. 2.6 Athletic Field Lighting The current lighting of the baseball fields needs replacement on at least three fields. The Master Plan includes replacement of all field lighting fixtures, poles, and foundations on the 4-plea with quality Musco lighting and new poles and foundations. 2.7 Additional Restroome Currently, portable restrooms are located in the T-ball and football areas in addition to the restrooms located at the concession stand. The Master Plan includes restroom facilities in the T-ball and football areas. The restroom on the football side of the park may be able to be combined with a concession stand facility to meet both needs. 2.8 Bleachers Due to the amount of pedestrian-oriented improvements that are planned within the park, accessible bleachers meeting the Texas Accessibility Standards will be required to be installed. For safety and shading, shade structures should be a installed over the top of the bleachers. The existing bleachers may be used in other areas of the park for extra seating where necessary. M TEAGUE BALL AND PERKINS Page 8 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas 2.9 Landscape Improvements Long term landscaping such as green screens in the outfields or planting areas in the plaza should be installed. Due to the lack of exact landscaping locations at this point in the process and for clarity of the exhibit, landscape areas have not been added to the Master Plan. 2.9 Football field improvements The Master Plan includes clearing and regrading of the football field area to provide proper field drainage. Improvements to the field area such as relocation of a light pole and abandonment of an existing manhole are also recommended so that the number of full length football fields may be maximized. Scoreboards, goal posts and access to a press box should also be provided for each football field. section 3 -Community Park Phase I Improvements 3.1 Overview Once a Master Plan has been developed for a park, the City may begin to prioritize improvements that are necessary for the first phase of construction. For Community Park, the improvements that should be included within the first phase of construction are those that were stated in the 2005 Bond Program. As a reminder, the planned Community Park improvements include an 8-ft concrete trail, replacement of the baseball/softball lights, sod and irrigate infields, improve the irrigation systems, install new bleachers, additional parking, and a new concession stand with restrooms. TNP has prepared two options to consider for the Phase I improvements. The options are based on stakeholder input as well as considerations regarding constructability and phasing of construction. TNP has approximated the construction cost of each of the items; however, these costs are not based on contractor bid pricing for this project and may change prior to the beginning of construction. Should the actual bid price be below the projected budget for the project, TNP has provided additional bid alternates to consider. Minor changes to the layout at any step of the conceptual planning or design process for this project will also affect the projected budget. Each option has been shown graphically on an attached exhibit. A buffeted list and brief description for each option has been provided with an item write-up located in the Master Plan section of this document. GUE NALL AND PERKINS Page 9 of 12 City of tityIe, Texas Community Park Master Plan 3.2 Option #1 The following items and projected costs are included in Option #1. • Proposed parking area to include 162 spaces for $280,000. • 8-ft wide concrete walking trail, including sidewalks adjacent to parking and leading to the plaza area = $202,000 • Paving of the plaza area around the concession stand = $50,000 • Grading, drainage, turf Tifway 419 Bermuda sod) and irrigation of all four fields of the 4-plex = $125,000 per field • Relocate lights on the two eastern fields of the 4-plex = $50,000 • Remove and replace existing fencing and backstops on all four fields of the 4-plex = $501000 • New restroom facility on the football side of the park = $65,000 • New concession stand / restroom facility in the center of the 4-plea $250,000 • New bleachers with shade structures for the 4-plex = $18,000 per field Grading revisions are necessary across the 4-plex due to drainage concerns. To properly revise the grading on these fields, elevation adjustments to the fences and backstops as well as the plaza area will be required. Therefore, Option #1 considers removing all existing features and reconstructing the 4-plex. The turf on all four of the baseball fields should be replaced with Tifway 419 Bermuda which will provide a higher quality 4-plex more consistent with today's standards. With the reconstruction, the four fields will be lined up to provide a uniform plaza area around the new concessions stand I restroom facility. Existing lights will be kept and only relocated for the two eastern fields. 3.3 Option #2 The following items and projected costs are included in Option #2. • Proposed parkingarea to include 162 spaces for $280,000. p • 8-ft wide concrete walking trail, including sidewalks adjacent to parking and leading to the plaza area = $202,000 • • Paving of the plaza area around the concession stand = $50,000 fir TE4GUE NALL AND PERKINS Page 10 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park • Grading, drainage, turf (Tifway 419 Bermuda sod) and irrigation of three fields of the 4-plex = $125,000 per field • Grading, drainage and seeding only for one field of the 4-plex = $50,000 • Relocate lights on the two eastern fields of the 4-plex = $50,000 • Remove and replace existing fencing and backstops on all four fields of the 4-plex = $50,000 • Grading, drainage and turf for football Field #2 = $50,000 • New restroom facility on the football side of the park = $65,000 • New press box between football Fields #1 and #2 = $15,000 • Relocate light pole at the southeast corner of thep ark = $10,000 • Lower manhole rim to below the surface on Field #3 = $2,000 • New concession stand / restroom facility in the center of the baseball 4- plex = $250,000 • New bleachers for the baseball 4-plex = $18,000 per field Within this option, all existing features of the 4-plex will be removed and reconstructed. However, only the three smaller fields will include Tifway 419 Bermuda turf and irrigation. The northwest field of the 4-plex will be seeded in the outfield, leaving the infield as skinned only. With the reconstruction, the four fields will be lined up to provide a uniform plaza area around the new concessions stand / restroom facility. Existing lights will be kept and only relocated for the two eastern fields. This option also includes the regrading of one football field, construction of a press box to be used by adjacent fields, relocation of the light pole on Field #4 and lowering of the manhole on Field #3. These improvements should provide the opportunity for football to have 3 full size fields and one smaller field for the younger leagues. 3.4 Recommendations Considering the wording of the bond program, the needs and wishes discussed at the stakeholder meetings, and the above listed options, it is our recommendation that the Parks & Recreation Board as well as the City Council select Option #1. This option allows the City to reconstruct the 4-plex completely p p y and provide tournament quality facilities for this section of the park. Even without tournament activities, the recommended changes will bring the field quality up to -r= GlIE NALL AND PERKINS Page 11 of 12 City of Wylie, Texas Community Park Master P/an !;•-, what is a more typical standard in competitive baseball. Reducing the improvements to this area to fund other improvements within the park would settle for mediocrity on a certain portion of the 4-plex. We feel that the parking that is needed and should not be decreased. We also believe that the improvements listed in Option #1 more accurately reflect the desires of the City as stated in the 2005 Bond Program flier that was distributed prior to the bond election vote. Upon review and comment of this document, we request that the Parks & Recreation Board coordinate a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss the proposed Community Park improvements. We feel it is imperative that the City Council provide input into the recommended plans prior to their official council meeting. It would be counterproductive to revisit the dialogue that occurred during the two stakeholder meetings at a public council meeting if they are seeing the plans for the first time. TNP will then work with City staff and the City Council to negotiate the contract for the design portion of the project. Ir# GIVE NALL AND PERKINS Page 12 of 12 No Text No Text No Text .. . . .... ...... Aim" M f ro ra $730-95.. 1 ion.,�Bond. P Nove bur.. ....The Wylie. City. Council has called for:. Bond a.Bond.. Election.&.. $73 950,000:on November 8,: 2005.. Proposi ions cost .:..Prop 1.� Street Improvements.. $ 3 8 000 000 s special pub ication s. Prop �2. Sidewalk.limprovernents 500r000......... .....Jo.give voters. information Bond:Cornrnittee, Proposition specifics, Prop 3 Fire Station No..3 $.:1 500,000 P� 00a.. Prop 4: commu d 6965. ity & Foun 5� n er rks: impactV voting details and Pro P.. 5: - Recreation Center& Parks Administration ....$10 200 000 other. avenues to gain additional.. information. ac S 8 645 000. Prop.6 -.City Hall.F ilitie Prop.T Library Facilities�.. :.�8(140'000 . . . . ........ . . ............. JOTAL 73V950r000.�... ...... ..... . ..... . ...... .. .... ... .... . Proposition: ..... ..... .... . ..... . cit Th Vobli ta b id f e issuance o genera ga ion on s or... �$38 000000. .... .. ....... ........... ee t s' ree I rnprovemen s. ........ . The.street projects are .......... .. .... .. . .... .. . ... os Pro osition.1 The c t p C . ....... ..... .. ... ........... flo... :k cludes n engineering, .............. men, a',:recom 16 1'06�. W&W 9 right f acq i ion -o -way. uis't' .... .. ... ........ . ... . . .. . ...... �':�­". and construction -------- .. . .. Th S ome of these roadways .."AC ............... A 2 r tly on the.. are cur en . U.1 2 s s s m State' y te However, .10 it Cou Id be 8 years CB. U J e V . .... ........... . . F the Stat has before. e d' e fundin availabl and . .. ..... . ....... .. . ... 0 ano a ther 5 + Ye rs to design and bid th e proj ect 'a A. j n The GLY p ans o request take oi rship of t 0 ver owne . . ....... . . t e a w ys n h ro d a a d.fund . ..... �.c o truction which sa pproximately 20% on costs and 2 f desi:y�h and n s ves a -1years 0 ig '77 W .. . ...... . . cons truction time M -C a C sh 0 e .... U .. ...... .. rojec DL Street P t .......... U FAA 1378 (Brown. to Parker).:. Expansion of 2-lan sphaIt to 4 -lane concr ea ete fl .1 for future expansion to 6-lane C:h.u. pansion ne asph It to..4 I 2 Sto of 2 ne (Ballard to.V nson �Ex -la a ane concrete. toe M 3 B wn Expansion of 2-lane asphalt to 4 Ian ro. 0 (FM 1 �78 t Ballard) eco ncrete . . . . .......... i e", -hi pe ro WY. -la asphalt to 4 lane co ncrete: 4 B wn (H 78 to -Stone).. Expansion' of.2o ne j jo e e, S., hi 5:_� Alan is (TWin:LAk Ono rete es to FM 544Y Constructi f new 4-lane conc . . .. . . ...... . ......... . . .... . ... .. ........... ..... .... ............... .. ...... . . .. ....... ....... .. .... .. ..... ro 0S e issuance o ....... . . . . Jh f:$500 00G� IF, . .. .. .. &m. ral gene obligation . . . ...... . ............. bon& or s ideWalk. 9 ....Amprovemen s t . ......... ... .. . ..... ... .... all un will be utilized to cons ru t t c These f ds. . J . .. ...... . .. . ......... .. . . ..... ..new-si n ex idewalks a d to repair isting .... .... . . ... ..... S1 de al ks w q:Pja sd'- m ... .. ...... The City.'s Cb u ..Cod .... ... ..... nstr ction e. Board has beentharged with developing a.. . ... ... . .... . .... policy to address the expenditure of the 1999 Bond -sidewalk funds as well ...... . . . as�an . y th i . .. . .... .. .... . ..... s� proposi new funds. d St. . . ................ ........ approved. ....... .... . .. . ....... . ........ . .. ...... .. ... ......... r . . . . ..... ... . . a I I I M, .......... '0 -N, Ott' Sidewalk in need of repair pi� OPO Ition . ..... ....... .. .... .. . .. f general obligation d f k d fa ilities f The issuan� .$6 965 000 bon s orpar an rec a ona c F ders ard Communit Parks oun Y Jhis proposition funds improvements to Communit� Park and. Founders. Park .... .. . . ..... ...... s pha of F rid rs Park., . .... ..... the econd so ou e cr oun ers .. . ... . Opened in the late.1990's the 65 a e -F d Park is e scheduled for.phase 11 to complete the Park. Tropos d ommunity Park. . . . .. phase 11 additions include.�. .. ... Built more than 20 years ago and .. .. ... .... .. .. ......... ..... . ....... ..encompassing res, proposed .. . .. ... . 43 ac ... cret t i I 8 ftcon e.ra ....Community. Park improvements include.......... 850 new parking spaces Two (2) lighted baseball fields .8 ft concrete trail Seven: (7). lighted soccer fields R I ce baseball/softball light ep a s Seven .(7) unlighted socicerfields.�.. i fields Sod �and. irrigate n a ou Basketb 11 c rt. Additional t-ball field .. .... ....... Picnic pavi on Improve irri ation systems 9 Irrigation systems. and. New�bleachers New.bleachers... Additional parking... . . ........... ... ......... . . ew concession stand and res rooms New.concession stand .. ............ ....... ......... ...... and rest rooms�: . . .. . ... . .. . . .. ....... ... . .... . WYLIEfill 005 Bond Pr6,�ram . . ........ ......... ............... . .......... ..... .. ..... .......... ........... .. . ... .. .. .. . 000::...... bI* to n:bond5 for park and recrioat0ional:.facilities..for........ The issuance: of $1 Or2OOr genera[b iga io ..r. "tot.. new. recrea ion cen e ar a m n' t ti t r/p k�.. d i is ra on. Tacm 'the Recreation Center is proposed to be an approximatel .50,000 square y JootIacility located on City -owned property. The Center is. recommended as partbf the City's Master Facilities Plan and was�a priority of the Open space . PI :Plahhing for the facility would Iake into consideration future Master an. f ......e x p a n s io n or aqua ic.facilities.. Proposed Amenities ..Two (2) regulation. basketball:courts. OCard iovascular/f itn ess. area 91ndo r alkin /running.track� o.w 9 Aero bi cs/d an ce rooms Arts.�& crafts�classrooms. ng:room viders AAeeti with di Catering.. kitchen CIIMDing wall t Projected Recreation Center amem ies. Locker rooms .......... Babys ittl n g. a re a Administrative office -space.....:.: roposi on. f $8r645r Th 000. e issuance 0 ..o ga ftt h 11. acil b1i tioiIbohdslor ci y. a f ties -- - --------- - -------- -- 9 9 ............. .. .. . B 5 d th Cit Master F anew City Hall a e o n e y s ad ilitie e ded t house taff in g n d per pop on :Js recomm n 0 ee MU" nif grow ons. th projecti ...... . . . . approximately 39 000 squ re.. s pro -City Hall i posedJo be an. t 1 31 000 square feet to be: foot facility ith ap W proxima e y ::.Jinished. initially..:. The building.will be constructed on City-. 0 wned pro peq city� m s W e a new d TheJ I I i g 0 6 ow n part ent ould.b locate at ....... . Hall IU . Office o . .... f cityVanager ........ ... B ilding -Department. . . .... City. Engineer... ICit Secretar y y Financ Plann"n and Zon ing: 9. �*.Sup ort Services p GW Hall examples . ......... . ... ... .... .... .................. . . ......... 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Nov. 3.- 4 .. . .. . . . . 7 am - 7. pm . .......... . . ...and four e ual bo d issr antes; be inr in in oo6: f all seven (7) rc ositions. ass; p p p . City r unic pa Co p ex . .: : . .. . .. . .. . the tax rate gradually increases to. peak. by $0.16.in 2013 .and then. gradually declines. .. 2000 Huey .78. N Wylie . Listed below is the potential tax rate .impact :gin a home with a $ ` 50,000. Value.... : ... . . ...ColIin County .Elections .off ce . ` ......... ......... . . .. . . . . ..... .. . ... . 2010 Redbud . Blvd #1 off;tcCinne .. . . . .... dear .. : ncrerrrental �"ax Irate ncreaseddttra act . ....... ............. ...... .. ...... ...... ..... ... . ... .. .. . ............ ... . . . .. . 2oo7 . .... .. .. �. �. 5�rnonth ... . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . R . .. ... ..... - . 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City tax payment; which. as established when they. filed .for the tax. freeze.. ... ..... ..... . . . . . .. .. . ... . ... .. . . ... . t d . o provr e resr en sr a tuna .. ... . ...... ..... . .. . . . . . inforrnation and are opportunity to ask. . . _..... % . .. . . .. . . specificons, t e riii ost .. tuo Town �a11 C1eetins in October: . . . . .. . . . .. hu ctobe . Tda}r,3 r..� 3. . . . .. . . .. - . .. . . .. 9 p� . . . .. . e �roeslerrentary . . . " - . . . ..... .. . .. 110o McCreary .... .. ...... ..` .. . . . . . 6 " '111"' .�� 00- .. T°hursda, Octobero . . . . .-9 . . . . . .. p r . ... .. . . M .... . ....... .. . . �larrison nterrnediate ... . . . . . . . .. '11 S: Ballard .. ..i...: .. .- .xdG. � ..k... .. .. .. .. .. . r.: r : _ :.::::: :a .: ..v ... .:.�::.... ... ...its... 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(/) 0 I c 2 0 ta ..... oid CL 0 il: CT) <-4-: i CO —I 51 NP z; ,,. ;-, , (2.-- ,- • __.., ;?<; .,s /1 Wylie Community Park tiii Public Meeting , , I 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM, January 14, 2010 /1qX /T -41c) ,' 4._ iv i ft. - O ' Agenda 6 0 -6:50 Browse & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit fe -,..4 6:50 - 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements 7:10- 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities f.C...,; 8:00 - 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout •. _ . „ i 1 1 ', Priority Questionnaire -E,r4 ,,.. L \ ,_,,,()\ ,, , , „Rased upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of ,./..:: I - , il P.-the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first (1 being le-ii 6 your highest priority and 8 being the lowest), followed by any "Wishlist" items you deem important. I ---- I Parking/Access i , - li, -' ' — r:--,,,17 Concession Stand/Restroom Facility ..,.. / (--e'll ef k),..- , --- /ii-- --," -'''' ''' ..., _____ ___ Field Restrooms (Location: 7-2 - ' Bleachers '' i , ,.: Athletic Field Lighting improvements fitz„-.0.e L _ yi ,, t, ,,, Hike/Bike Trail Replacements * — Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/Irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) Landscaping improvements „Al ./...,. 9. 3 rir-P,5'4-72( 1$77<1 _,. 10. 7 5-_,4--(- .._-.(),::-;-€:kt,,4-2 --34,- ....':-:; 11. - ' ...-..: 12. 31)(A-A-t----(; 5 jv '-) —A'+::h's? 7S--(:). '±4"'— - 13. eici.," /30 Vi--- 14. 15. Please return this form to a Teague Nail & Perkins representative. You may use ... the back of this form for additional notes and comments. ro Wylie Community Park Public Meeting 6:30 PM 8:30 PM, January 14, 2010 Agenda ,„. 6:30 — 6:50 Browse & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit 6:50 — 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements 7:10 — 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities 8:00 — 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout Priority Questionnaire Based upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first (1 being -e: yuur Iiyiest priority arid 6 beiny the iowesc), ruiiuwed by any 'VV;sinist. ittifIS you deem important. Parking/Access Concession Stand/Restroom Facility Field Restrooms (Location: - Bleachers Athletic Field Lighting Improvements Hike/Bike Trail Replacements Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/Irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) Landscaping Improvements 9. ----- 10. 11. 12. - A • 13. 14. 15. Please return this form to a Teague Nail & Perkins representative. You may use the back of this form for additional notes and comments. ) •y Wylie Community Park Public Meeting 6:30 PM 8:30 PM, January 14, 2010 Agenda 6:30 — 6:50 Browse & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit 6:50 — 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements 7:10 — 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities 8:00 — 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout Priority Questionnaire Based upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first (1 being :14 your highest priority and 8 being the lowest), followed by any "Wishlist" items you deem important. 1 Parking/Access Concession Stand/Restroom Facility LI Field Restrooms (Location: _at, ict R Bleachers Athletic Field Lighting Improvements Hike/Bike Trail Replacements Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/Irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) Landscaping Improvements fSt 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ,„. 15. Please return this form to a Teague Nall & Perkins representative. You may use the back of this form for additional notes and comments. f .4. -.i Wylie Community Park Public Meeting ,,- 6:30 PM — 8:30 PM, January 14, 2010 -P.i- ,.;,..., Agenda fl 6:30 — 650 Browse & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit f.:.4 6:50 — 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements 7:10 — 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities ,,.; 8:00 — 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout it Priority Questionnaire Based upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of ..., the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first (1 being your highest priority and 8 being the lowest), followed by any "Wishlist" items you r,4; deem important. ' 1 Parking/Access 1,. Concession Stand/Restroom Facility Field Restrooms (Location: ) Bleachers ri Athletic Field Lighting Improvements Hike/Bike Trail Replacements ti i Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/Irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) Landscaping Improvements ,.. 9. ;...., 10. 11. ,..-. 12. e 13. 14. _.,.. 15. .!7 0A Please return this form to a Teague Nail & Perkins representative. You may use the back of this form for additional notes and comments, :., q,t Wylie Community Park Public Meeting 6:30 PM 8:30 PM, January 14, 2010 Agenda f•„-4 6:30 6:50 BrmAise & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit 6:50 — 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements z-f<• 7:10 — 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities 8:00 — 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout Priority Questionnaire Based upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first (1 being your highest priority and 8 being the lowest), followed by any "Wishlist" items you deem important. Parking/Access Concession Stand/Restroom Facility, Field Restrooms (Location: Bleachers Athletic Field Lighting Improvements Hike/Bike Trail Replacements Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) Landscaping Improvements 10. k 4 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Please return this form to a Teague Nail & Perkins representative. You may use the back of this form for additional notes and comments. . , 1176 Wylie Community Park Public Meeting ;.; 6:30 PM 8:30 PM, January 18, 2010 Agenda 6:30 — 6:50 Browse & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit 6:50 — 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements 7:10 — 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities 8:00 — 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout Priority Questionnaire Based upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first el being your highest priority and 8 being the lowest), followed by any "Wishlist" items you deem important. Parking/Access 5-- Concession Stand/Restroom Facility 5- Field Restrooms (Location: 7 Bleachers Athletic Field Lighting Improvements S Hike/Bike Trail Replacements Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/Irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) Landscaping Improvements .z? 4-)//c- 10. 11. 12. 13. 15. Please return this form to a Teague Nail & Perkins representative. You may use the back of this form for additional notes and comments. f-;f- ( ??; Wylie Community Park Public Meeting 6:30 PM 8:30 PM, January 18, 2010 Agenda 6:30 — 6:50 Browse & Review Proposed Community Park Exhibit 6:50 — 7:10 Presentation of Community Park Improvements 7:10 — 8:00 "Big Picture Ideas" & Priorities 8:00 — 8:30 Detailed Discussion Breakout Priority Questionnaire Based upon the discussion of tonight's meeting, please provide a priority list of the improvements that are important to you and your groups. Please provide the priority level for the 2005 Bond Improvements for Community Park first (1 being your highest priority and 8 being the lowest), followed by any "Wishlisr items you deem important. Parking/Access .‘" Concession Stand/Restroom Facility Field Restrooms (Location: Bleachers a,. Athletic Field Lighting Improvements I Hike/Bike Trail Replacements L- Baseball Field Grading/Sodding/Irrigation Improvements (# of Fields: ) 8' Landscaping Improvements 9. 1-1)11 (Allw Crl,„ilk )'45tior:/ 1 10. Acce- 5- Ec- 4'4/ ( „Lr 662i eS) e r A 12. 14. 15. Please return this form to a Teague Nall & Perkins representative. You may use the back of this form for additional notes and comments. vf: Provided to the Parks Department by the Wylie Baseball Association on December 18, 2009 Community Park Wants/Needs Cooper Held (Northwest Field): Nerds: Wants: 90 ft base paths Bullpen on Home and Visitor sides 60 ft 6 in pitcher's mound 6 ft fencing 300 ft outfield fence (from home plate) Screening on outfield fence Grass infields with clay base paths Scorekeeper area New field lighting New backstop fencing Eldridge Field (Northeast Field): Needs: Wants: 60 ft base paths Bullpen on Home and Visitor sides -!* 46 ft pitcher's mound 6 ft fencing 225 ft outfield fence (from home plate) Screening on outfield fence Grass infields with clay base paths Scorekeeper area New field lighting New backstop fencing Tibbals Field (Southeast Field): Needs: Wants: 60 ft base paths Bullpen on Home and Visitor sides 46 ft pitcher's mound 6 ft fencing 225 ft outfield fence (from home plate) Screening on outfield fence Grass infields with clay base paths Scorekeeper area New field lighting New backstop fencing Rowell Field (Southwest Field): Needs: Wants: 60 ft base paths Bullpen on Home and Visitor sides 46 ft pitcher's mound 6 ft fencing 225 ft outfield fence (from home plate) Screening on outfield fence Grass infields with clay base paths Scorekeeper area New field lighting New backstop fencing New Dugout screening .off5 'F-Ball Field #1 (North Field): Needs: Wants: 40 ft base paths 32 It pitcher's plate Outfield fence Clay infields T-Ball Field #2 (Mid-North Field): Needs: Wants: 40 ft base paths 32 ft pitcher's plate Outfield fence Clay infields T-Ball Field #3 (Mid-South Field): Needs: Wants: 40 ft base paths 32 ft pitcher's plate Outfield fence Clay infields T-Ball Field #4 (South Field): Needs: Wants: -sv? 40 ft base paths 32 ft pitcher's plate Outfield fence Clay infields T-Ball General Area: Storage for field equipment and bases Play area for siblings High use restroom (approx. 250-300 players in spring w/ families, and 125-150 players w/ families in fall) Concessions and Spectator Area at Quad: New Concessions stand with: 1. High use restroom (400-450 players w/families in spring and 250-275 players w/families in fall) 2. Storage for field equipment and bases 3. Second floor meeting/umpire changing/storage open area Covered spectator area (can be netting,just to keep foul balls from hitting people) Wall-ball play area(needs to be contained somehow to keep balls in this area) Parking, parking, parking (need to have a 10 ft cushion between parking and outfield fences) '*/