07-01-1986 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes • MINUTES PARKS & RECREATION TUESDAY, JULY 1, 1986 The Parks & Recreation Board for the City of Wylie, Texas met in regular session on Tuesday, July 1, 1986 at 7 :00 P.M. at the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. Notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Those present were Derek Ammerman, Morris Love, Willie Benitez , Curtis Hale, John Morgan, Peggy Sewell , and Jayne Chapman. Representing the City staff was secretary Barbara LeCocq. Meeting was called to order by acting Chairman Derek Ammerman. ITEM NO. 1 - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Acting Chairman Ammerman asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, a motion was made by Curtis Hale to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion seconded by John Morgan. Motion carried 7-0. ITEM NO. 2 - ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Mr. Ammerman said that with the retirement of Mrs. Tibbals from the board, there was a need to elect a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The floor was open for nominations. Peggy Sewell nominated Derek Ammerman for Chairman, John Morgan seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 . The floor was opened for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Morris Love nominated Curtis Hale for Vice-Chairman. Peggy Sewell seconded the nomination. Motion carried 7-0. ITEM NO. 3 - RESTROOM PROBLEMS - The discussion was opened by John Morgan who advised that the restrooms had been vandalized approximately 6 weeks ago. New stainless steel fixtures have been ordered and are due for delivery at any time. Mr. Morgan also stated that there is a need for toilet tissue holders. Peggy Sewell asked if there was a possibility of getting the new type used by several commercial buildings that have a large capacity. Discussion determined this would be likely to be another target for the vandals. John Morgan said several people had discussed metal bars welded to the walls to hold rolls of tissue. Mr . Morgan was asked to speak with Public Works officials to see if this would be possible with City labor doing the welding job. ITEM NO. 4 - OVERHEAD DOORS ON AKIN PAVILLION - John Morgan asked that items 4 and 5 be postponed until later in the meeting when City Manager Gus Pappas could be at the meeting. Curtis Hale asked if it would be safe to store equipment this winter when the overhead doors are bricked • • • in. It was explained that the overhead doors had presented problems with security in the past and it had been determined that the doors needed to be taken down and the openings bricked in. This would afford more security for the equipment stored inside the building. The question was asked what was the value of the equipment stored inside the building during the off-seasons. John Morgan said about $10,000 each for football and baseball . In answer to the question "does the WSA have insurance to cover the equipment" , Mr. Morgan replied they have $10,000 of coverage. Curtis Hale asked how much it would cost to get an additional $10,000 worth of coverage. ITEM NO. 5 - SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR OTHER 2 FIELDS - Mr. Morgan stated that two of the four fields have sprinkler systems and that the other two fields are stubbed out and have meters. Derek Ammerman advised that Trent Thomason and some others are donating their time and materials to get the fourth field ready for league play. They want to dedicate this field in August to Rudy Rowell . They plan to hydro- mulch this field and need to have water available. ITEM NO. 6 - CITIZEN PARTICIPATION - With no citizens in the audience, further discussion by the board ensued. John Morgan advised that an adult softball league will begin in August. Dale Story will head up the adult softball league and play will be on Monday and Tuesday nights. Derek Ammerman noted that there is a good deal of money to made from adult softball leagues, $275.00 per team. It was also noted that a tree needs to be moved at the 1st base dugout on the fourth baseball field. Discussion was held on the need for a telephone or radio at the park. Mr. Morgan said that he had spoken to the City Manager about this matter. Did not know what the status was with GTE. It was determined that a radio would perhaps serve the purpose just as well or perhaps better since it would not be a target for vandalism. Morris Love asked if it were possible to pickup a radio at the Police Station and taken to the snack bar during league play and returned at the close of the evening' s play. Jayne Chapman asked if we could find out if the telephone company does public service installations such as the light company does. John Morgan asked if we could put some Round-up in the playgrounds to kill the weeds. Representative of the Public Works department said that Mr . Windham, former Public Works director had advised that the Round-up might be dangerous to children and recommended against it . Morris Love asked about the lockable signs for the baseball fields. John Morgan responded that the signs have been received but will not lock. The City is working on getting that problem taken care of . • John Morgan stated that he would like for plans to be made for a workshop meeting to set long range goals for the parks program. Mayor Don Hughes attended the meeting at the close of the special Council meeting and asked if the Parks Board would like to have an appreciation dinner for Mrs. Tibbals. Jayne Chapman made a motion that Peggy Sewell be put in charge of organizing an appreciation dinner to honor Mr. Retha Tibbals. Motion carried. Mayor Hughes said that Mrs. Sewell could work with the City Manager and Barbara LeCocq in working out the details. ITEM NO. 7 - ADJOURNMENT - With no more business or discussion, Chairman Ammerman asked for a motion to adjourn. Curtis Hale made the motion, seconded by Jayne Chapman. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Ammerman. Derek Ammerman, Chairman Parks & Recreation Board Respectfully submitted: Barbara LeCocq, Secretary //,5