01-19-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Retreat Saturday, January 19, 2008- 9:00 am Bart Peddicord Community Center 100 W. Oak Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz called the meeting to order at 9:17 a.m. Board Members present were: Frankie Delgado, Dan Chesnut, Benny Jones, Donna Larson, and Brandi Lafleur. Parks Chair Anne Hiney and Board Member David Willey were absent. Staff members present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz, Recreation Supervisor Tori Hindman, Public Services Secretary Dionna Covington and Parks & Recreation Secretary Charlotte Rice. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No one was present for voluntary citizen participation. DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Review& Discuss Goals & Objectives from 2007-2008 Staff/Board Discussion A brief overview of 2007 priorities were discussed, along with updates and project realizations, e.g. the skate park at Joel Scott park. Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz introduced new Parks & Recreation Secretary Charlotte Rice and spoke briefly about the Department moving to Community Park. Board members then reviewed the draft agenda 2008 Parks Board Retreat as presented by staff. Addressable items included budget priorities, construction of the Recreation Center and other developments for park projects. The Board had no proposed changes to the agenda, which included: Minutes—January 19,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Retreat o Budget Priorities o Recreation Center Amenities Update -Teen Center -Water Park/Aquatic Center o Trail Connections o Skate Park update o Practice Fields o McMilian &Wylie East land purchases o Staff Priorities o Recreation Center Enterprise Plan Budget& Expenditure o Update on Founders Park Project Future Recreation Center Discussion • Teen Center Staff/Board Discussion Robert Diaz stated that developing unique after-school programming for children/teens was an essentiality for the Recreation Center. The department hopes to work with WISD in offering mutually-beneficial alternatives to children lingering after school without supervision or enhancement activities. Discussion of housing after-school programs at current school buildings was considered as a possible interim solution until the Recreation Center is complete. • Water Park/Aquatic Center Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz said that the proposed water park would not be included due to high costs, noting that if the group wanted to recommend an aquatic center as a board, then discussions could be offered at a later date, but would most likely have to be accomplished through a future bond proposal. Trail Connections Staff/Board Discussion Bill Nelson provided a list of future trail connections, along with maps outlining high-priority areas for future funding. On that list was Sage Creek (Phase 8 & 9), Creekside Estates, Muddy Creek Preserve and the Wells property. Board Member Donna Larson asked when the City expected to know something; Mr. Nelson estimated that by this fall—perhaps even summer—the county commissioners would have feedback. Mr. Diaz added that the existing master plan was unclear in outlining trails, whereas the new plan would better focus on specifics. Skate Park Staff/Board Discussion The skate park was completed last fall (2007) and has proven to be a beneficial addition to Joel Scott Park. Minutes—January 19,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Retreat Practice Fields Staff/Board Discussion Board and Staff agreed that there was a need for more practice fields, which led to talk of Founders Park: FC Dallas recently sent a list of recommendations "necessary in meeting their standards for fields and lighting". This significantly-larger estimate would force tangential increases: concession expansion, additional bleachers, lighting/field drainage system costs and added engineering fees. The Board disliked the idea of spending $3.5 million over the original projection and feared that conceding to FC Dallas' requirements could prove too costly without securing monetary sponsorship on their end. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson noted that with Avalon Park, although TXU had an easement issue, backstops, rye seed and bermuda seed were budgeted for practice fields, though funding for irrigation was not obtained. McMillan Property Staff/Board Discussion The Department said they may tour the McMillan property this spring; currently the bulk of it is floodplain. 2. Staff Priorities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz declared the primary focus for 2008 was finalizing details to construct and operate the Recreation Center. This mission, along with the $5.5 million Founders Park project, yields approximately $16 million for parks undertakings this year. Priorities following the aforementioned included generating a new master plan (as the existing 2002 plan is beyond its fifth year). A new plan is needed as the community has changed over the past five years and consequently, priorities may have changed. Crafting a plan for the Wells property was also deemed essential. Mr. Diaz said that the City of Frisco effects a new master plan every two years, as a result of rapid growth and that we will eventually strive for the same. 3. Board Priorities for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz opened the conversation by iterating the need for a teen programming. He said currently, many children go to the library after school, which spearheaded the creation of after-school programming within that facility. The library is working on securing computers and a proper teen area. After much discussion, it was determined that until the Recreation Center is completed, any persons knowing WISD principals were encouraged to talk to them about utilizing school rooms for programs. It was stressed that as individuals, the board could talk to principals; however, as a Board that should not happen. Mr. Nelson also encouraged the board to attend council meetings because if it voiced its priorities over and over again, that would amplify chances of being awarded future budget funding. Minutes—January 19,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Retreat Board Comments Co-Chairman Frankie Delgado expressed concern about the Recreation Center's opening being several years away and where children could go in the interim. He also questioned if the Recreation Center would be too far away to access physically, as the library is currently within walking distance from Burnett Junior High School, but the Recreation Center would not be. Recreation Supervisor Tori Hindman suggested that perhaps each school could have one common bus exclusively for those attending programs at the Recreation Center. Co-Chairman Frankie Delgado expressed concern over the Recreation Center's operation once constructed. He strongly advised that key employees be hired well in advance, to which Mr. Diaz replied that management would be hired up to one full year in advance and that for marketing alone (e.g. pre-selling passes), this was a necessary measure. Board Member Donna Larson raised questions about staffing issues in the interim. Ms. Hindman proposed recruiting high-school kids who participate in honors programs to volunteer, as those organizations usually require earning a certain number of community service points. 4. Question & Answer Session with City Manager Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz opened the question & answer session with City Manager Mindy Manson by listing the three priorities considered most important for 2008. She agreed that WISD should definitely be involved with the proposed teen center, but warned that the City's budget would be tight over the next few years, so discussions between the Board and WISD would not be enough to make the idea a reality—that it must become a community endeavor to be successful. There was talk of conducting surveys to determine what activities were popular with different age groups. Staff suggested sending a survey home to parents to gauge how many would say yes to having their child participate in an after-school program. Their responses would determine how many staff members would be required. That number could then be broken down to determine how high a fee would be necessary to charge the student in order to pay the staff. Mr. Delgado stated that a fee would subconsciously suggest commitment and that if the school would donate energy/janitorial costs then it would be even more appealing. Ms. Manson suggested targeting a city with an already-established program within schools, as "it is always better to present a model of success to use as an example." An overview of the new FC Dallas requirements was met with dissatisfaction from City Manager Manson. Her concern was how long it might take to break even. Another concern was if the number of people that FC Dallas would draw would be enough to justify costs. The session closed with City Manager Manson requesting that the Department speak with FC Dallas before the February 2008 meeting. Board Comments Co-Chairman Frankie Delgado said his expectations had been satisfied with the bond alone and he didn't feel that the FC's added expenditures would be worth the cost. Board Member Dan Chesnut commented that the money the City would have to spend on the upgrade might be better utilized for staffing the teen center proposal. Minutes—January 19,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Retreat 5. Recreation Center Enterprise Plan Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Diaz opened the conversation with a map illustrating primary and secondary service areas, targeting demographics from an immediate vicinity (primary) and a more expansive zone of neighboring towns and counties (secondary). Mr. Diaz and Ms. Hindman reported results of other successful recreational centers, namely the new Rowlett Center, West Plano Center and Rockwall's YMCA. The budget for staffing the Recreation Center was discussed, along with revenue comparison and operational cost models (using two scales of recovery provided by a private consulting firm). Board was pleased with how reasonable the fee structures were compared to other fitness centers. Mr. Diaz stressed the importance of finalizing the fee structures by next year, so pre-sale, discounted annual passes might be marketed before the facility's actual opening date. Mr. Diaz shared the Recreation Center's two-floor schematic and Ms. Hindman showed the Board examples of climbing walls and other photos from her visit to West Plano's new facility. 6. Founders Park Bond Project Staff/Board Discussion After an additional discussion regarding FC Dallas' upgrade, it was determined that the Department contact them regarding its impact. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:19 p.m. r r l � �c l / nne Hiney,Chairman iAS ATT T: Charlotte Rice, Parks Secretary Minutes—January 19,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Retreat