07-23-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,July 23,2007—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board Members present were: Donna
Larson, Brandi Lafleur,Benny Jones,Anne Hiney,David Willey and Frankie Delgado.
Staff present was: Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson; Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz,
Administrative Secretary for the City Secretary's office, Gayle Walton and Board Secretary, Dionna
Covington. Councilman Merrill Young was also in attendance.
1. Presentation by Michelle Ketterman, of the Birmingham Farms Phase 3 Home Owners
Association regarding development of parkland in that area.
A presentation to the Board was made by Michelle Ketterman,representative of the Birmingham Farms
Phase 3 Home Owners Association. Mrs.Ketterman addressed the Board on the proposed development of a
nature trail between the swimming pool/playground area of the Birmingham Farms Home Owners
Association on Mobile Lane and McMillan Junior High School on Park Blvd. It was noted by Mrs.
Ketterman that a nature trail would provide a place for the community to come together and would be an
excellent education tool for organizations such as schools,Boy Scouts, etc.
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Delgado asked if Mrs. Ketterman wanted the trail to be concrete, or more nature looking.
Board Member Delgado noted that this piece of property was unimproved and possibly in a flood plain.
Board Member Larson inquired who owned this piece of property. Bill Nelson commented that this
property was owned by the Home Owners Association and the School District. Board Member Larson
asked for the name of the trail that was just dedicated in the City of Wylie. Bill Nelson commented that it
was Muddy Creek. Michelle Ketterman commented that she was looking to see more nature on this trail
than Muddy Creek. Board Member Delgado made a comment that Muddy Creek was disconnected from
other trails,but this proposed trail had the potential to tie into our future planned trails.
Chairman Chesnut noted that because this piece of property was owned by the school, the City of Wylie
would have to enter into an agreement with the School District for it to be used for such a purpose.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Board Member Larson asked Mrs. Ketterman if she had approached the Home Owners Association yet.
Mrs. Ketterman replied that she had discussed it with them, and she was presenting this proposal on the
Home Owners Association's behalf.
Board Member Hiney inquired on supplies for the trail and how much they would cost and made reference
to the Heard Museum on how their trails were made. Board Member Hiney commented that they use logs
to distinguish the paths on trails and the trails were very rough and rustic looking she also noted using logs
would be cheaper than concrete to construct a trail.
Bill Nelson stated a concern with the trail would be money. The Park Division does not have funds this
fiscal year to help. Chairman Chesnut made a suggestion for Mrs. Ketterman to approach the School Board
and present this proposed trail to them.Robert Diaz added that he would try to get her some contacts within
the School Board. Bill Nelson addressed Mrs. Ketterman to look into volunteer groups and anyone who
may have tractor equipment to help her in developing of the trail.
Board Member Lafleur made a comment to Mrs. Ketterman to take some pictures of other trails that look
like what she had in mind for the trail and to bring them with her in approaching the School Board.
Board Member Anne Hiney arrived at 6:45 p.m.
2. Presentation by Mary Catherine McClung,owner of Stroller Strides,regarding her program.
Mary Catherine McClung/owner of Stroller Strides presented a new program she hopes to offer in Wylie.
The proposal is to be able to use Creekside Park for the program. Stroller Strides is a fitness program for
new moms and their babies using both the environment and their strollers. Stroller Strides seeks to open on
September 5, 2007. This company does not produce revenue; however, here are some benefits that this
program can offer:
❖ Adopting a park
❖ Organizing park cleanups
❖ Organizing or assisting with a city wide health and fitness fair
❖ Offering free quarterly seminars on fitness-related topics
❖ Provide information on parks on the website
❖ Offer a yearly donation to the park system
❖ Include park system information in all press releases
❖ Future fitness classes at the new Recreation Center
❖ Email newsletter
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Jones asked Mrs. McClung when the program would start. Mrs. McClung replied that 9:30
a.m. is what was proposed. Board Member Jones asked Mrs. McClung if she intended to use the Park for
free. Mrs.McClung replied that she was counting on using the Park for free.
Board Member Hiney asked how long the exercise program would last. Mrs. McClung replied that the
program would be an hour long,and the class would stop periodically for three minutes to do some strength
training. Board Member Hiney asked Mrs. McClung if she was a personal trainer. Mrs. McClung replied
that all the instructors including her are nationally certified personal trainers.
Board Member Delgado asked Mr. Diaz if Stroller Strides uses the park, would this be an endorsement
from the City of Wylie. Mr. Diaz commented that Staff met with Mrs. McClung and discussed the
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ordinance in regards to selling goods, and Stroller Strides activity would not violate the ordinance because
there would not be an exchange of funds on site; it would just be meeting place. Board Member Chesnut
noted about there being no restroom facilities in Creekside Park,and maybe Mrs.McClung should consider
portable restrooms as a future investment for the park.
Bill Nelson asked Mrs. McClung if Stroller Strides would continue through the winter. Mrs. McClung
replied that this program would continue through the winter, but she is trying to find an indoor facility for
times of inclement weather.Mrs. McClung commented that she took the Staff's comments in their previous
meeting about places to meet and is in the process of getting in touch with the First Baptist Church and
Innerplay Sports Center.
3. Elect new Board Officers,Chair and Vice-Chair,for the 2007-2008 terms.
Staff/Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut commented that last year, the voting took place with secret ballots. Chairman Chesnut
opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Board Member Larson asked who wanted to stay in their
positions.Chairman Chesnut commented that he was open to let someone else be Chairman.
Board Action
Board Member Jones made a motion and nominated Board Member Hiney for Chairman. Board Member
Delgado seconded Board Member Hiney to be Chairman. Board Member Lafleur voted that Board Member
Hiney should be Chairman.A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
Staff/Board Discussion
Chairman opened the floor again for nominations for Co-Chair.
Board Action
Board Member Jones made a motion to elect Board Member Delgado as Co-Chair. Chairman Hiney
seconded. A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
4. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the June 25,2007 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Delgado made a motion and it was seconded by Board Member Larson to approve the
Minutes of the June 25,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.A vote was taken and passed 7-0.
5. Addition of more Board meetings due to increase in projects.
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Delgado expressed wanting to have meetings every two weeks as opposed to once a month.
Staff had discussed reasons why meetings every two weeks would not be an option at this time but could
have special meetings as needed. Robert Diaz commented that at the staff level there is limited time to
prepare for the monthly Park Board meetings, and it takes a lot of time and preparation in preparing the
packets for the agendas.
Board Member Delgado made a suggestion to consider creating a calendar that shows special meeting
dates,and these meetings would not be planned,they would just reserve the possibility of a future meeting.
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Board Member Chesnut replied according to bylaws you could not set aside dates for possible meetings,
unless a special meeting is called,otherwise you would have to amend the Bi-Laws.
Chairman Hiney commented that the Staff and Board should reevaluate this topic later if more meetings are
necessary. Board Member Chesnut noted that he really liked the idea of a retreat two times a year. Robert
Diaz replied that staff had discussed having a possible retreat in the spring or the fall.
6. Review of Board retreat budget objectives.
The Board had requested an update on the priorities from the February 2007 Retreat.
Staff/Board Discussion
❖ Teen Center-Alan Morris with Wylie High School is trying to coordinate with the Tibbles family for
the use of the Wylie Supermarket as a temporary teen center. The old grocery store would need a lot of
work to bring the building up to code. The Tibbles family is not looking to spend a bunch of money on
this building but is interested in letting it be used at little or no cost. Board Member Jones expressed his
concern about the teens not having anything to do, and has also been speaking with Chief Butters
regarding teen mischief. Board Member Jones also expressed if we don't find something productive for
these kids to do,they will create their own activities.
Chairman Hiney commented that the Board needs to start thinking and looking closely at options that
would be available for a teen center. Board Member Chesnut commented that the School Board should
be involved more with after school programs. Chairman Hiney noted that she would like a joint work
session with the School Board.
Robert Diaz commented that structured activities would need to be provided in a teen center. Mrs.
McClung commented that her church, Gateway Community, was discussing what can be done to help
the community,and it was suggested by Mrs.McClung that the Board contact the church.
Board Member Larson noted that we need to designate one person to organize and call different groups
in the area that may be willing to help in starting a teen center. Board Member Jones was asked if he
would be willing to help organize and head up the program. Mr. Diaz commented that he can provide
contact information for Mr.Jones to get started.
❖ Water Park/Aquatic Center—Robert Diaz noted that this was considered, but at this time there was
no funding or time frame available.
❖ Trail Connections —Bill Nelson commented trails may be installed on the Wells property if the city
receives a TxDOT grant. Bill Nelson noted that he had submitted information to Collin County
regarding future trail needs.
❖ Skate Park—Bill Nelson noted that after some delays,the project will start during the week of July 23,
❖ Practice Fields —This item is in the proposed A & I budget for FY 07-08 and will include practice
fields at Dodd Park and Avalon Park.
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❖ McMillan and Wylie East Land Purchases—Staff has no updates at this time. Bill Nelson asked for
the Board to be understanding due to the budget being lean for a while because of all the different
projects in progress.
Programs and staffing — Robert Diaz commented that the City is building a 10 million dollar
recreation center that will need to be staffed, and Council has discussed hiring staff for the recreation
center in 2009-2010.
Chairman Hiney asked Staff for an update on any grants submitted. Bill Nelson commented that on Olde
City Park staff will have no information until October 2007 and the grant submitted for Founders Park land
acquisition is still in progress.
7. Staff update on Proposed Fiscal Year 2007-08 Budget
Staff/Board Discussion
Board Member Chesnut commented on the concrete and restroom cost at Community Park. Bill Nelson
commented that the budget is just to repair the concrete in Community Park and to repair the restrooms.
Staff is waiting for the bond project to make major repairs at the Park. Board Member Chesnut noted that
page 8 of the budget, Special Services, showed the Wylie Wave expenditures. Robert Diaz explained that
about 70% of the funds are going to either special events or the School District. The Wylie Wave gets
about 40%.
Board Member Chestnut commented about the money designated for the School District and questioned
what the District is giving in return. Robert Diaz noted that the School District is charging reasonable costs
for allowing the City to use their facilities.
Board Member Chesnut noted that he thought the 4B Recreation budget was supposed to dissipate. Robert
Diaz commented that everything operational was eliminated except for salaries. Board Member Larson
asked Staff about the CIP Trailer in the budget.Bill Nelson noted that the trailer was wanted in Community
Park to house Park Staff. Robert Diaz commented that putting the trailer in would help bring organization
to the Parks Division.
8. Development of Parks and Recreation Board project committees for the new Recreation Center,
Founders Park Project,and the Parks and Open Space Master Plan update.
Staff/Board Discussion
Robert Diaz commented that Staff had looked at the bylaws and thought that the Board should help with
input on these projects regarding details such as paint, furniture, etc. Robert Diaz noted that according to
the bylaws, if the Board wants to create a small committee with the public or amongst themselves that is
okay, and any material discussed would then be put on the agenda at a regular Park Board meeting to be
Board Member Hiney asked what procedures would need to be in place regarding notification of an
upcoming meeting. Gayle Walton replied that every meeting would have to be posted Councilman Merrill
Young commented if City business is discussed,that meeting would need to be posted.
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A motion was made by Chairman Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Larson to adjourn. The
consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Dan Chesnut,Chliirman
at-O/Y\411? ta Cti
Dionna Covington,Secrets
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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