06-25-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday,June 25,2007—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Board Members present were: David Willey, Donna Larson, Anne Hiney, Brandi Lafleur and Frankie Delgado. Board Member Benny Jones was absent. Staff present was: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson; Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Administrative Secretary for the City Secretary's office, Gayle Walton and Board Secretary, Dionna Covington. Councilman Merrill Young was also in attendance. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION Michelle Ketterman, who resides at 1200 Summerdale, addressed the board in reference to HOA property that is near her residence. Ms. Ketterman asked the Board if the City of Wylie would consider the prospect of making that particular area into a nature trail. It was noted by staff that further discussion of this item could be placed on the agenda for the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the May 21,2007 meeting. Board Action Board Secretary, Dionna Covington noted 2 corrections to the minutes; one of the corrections was on page 4, last sentence to read "update" instead of"updated". Also the word "parcel" is to be added on page 4, first sentence. Board Chairman Chesnut also noted a correction to the spelling of his name. Minutes—June 25, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 of 7 Board Member Willey made a motion and it was seconded by Board Member Hiney to approve the Minutes of the May 21, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting with corrections as noted. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member Jones absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Meet with Eric Pedersen, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Park Ranger-Lavon Lake, regarding the use of Corps property for park purposes (i.e. trails). Presentation Mr. Pedersen, expressed to the Board that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is interested in working with the Park Board and Collin County Open Space in potential trails, but there were some concerns with potential trails in areas that were of interest. Mr. Pedersen explained that these concerns were only to ensure the safety of the bikers and users of the trails. Some concerns mentioned were: • Not putting a trail on or near the dam, because of the dam being closed due to high risk for terrorists and there are no future plans to re-open the dam to the public. However, if there is a way to keep the trail off but in the vicinity of the dam, then this might be an option to look at. • If a trail was built through Avalon Park, that would be a problem because the park is a day use fee facility, which means that there could be a potential problem with people getting off the trail and using the park facilities without paying. • East Fork Park and Marina Park have been experiencing some theft, and the question was raised, "How would the campers and the hikers be separated if a trail would be added through the park?" • Every trail would need to have a controlled entry access and exit. • Trails that were going to be put along the shoreline would need to be made with a material that would stand up against being underwater. It was suggested that the material not be concrete because concrete can crack and cause lots of maintenance. It was mentioned that gravel would be a better material. Staff/Board Discussion Board Member Hiney asked what Mr. Pedersen would like to see as far as trails. Mr. Pedersen stated that he would like to see multi-use trails for bike riders and mountain bikes because motorized bikes are prohibited. Board Member Hiney also asked if someone could ride a bike at Trinity Trail. Mr. Pedersen stated that Trinity Trail was not designed for bikers and therefore no bikes are allowed. Board Member Willey asked if there is funding available from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It was noted by Mr. Pedersen that funding is available, but the City of Wylie will have to provide some of the cost as well. Board Member Willey stated that he would love to see a trail connect from Garland to Sachse, from Sachse to Wylie and a end up at the lake. Mr. Pedersen stated that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would recommend a trail through East Fork Park not Avalon Park; it was noted that there is not enough space in Avalon Park. Minutes—June 25, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 7 Break Chairman Chesnut dismissed the meeting for a five minute break at 7:05pm. Resume Meeting Chairman Chesnut reconvened the meeting at 7:15pm. 3. Meet with representatives from Ha1ff and Associates Architects to discuss updates to the Founders Park Bond project design. Presentation The Board first met with Half and Associates, Inc. on April 9, 2007 to discuss the Founders Park Bond Project. At the April 9, 2007 meeting, the Board reviewed the three concepts that Half and Associates presented. After review and discussion of the concepts, the Board made its recommendations. The presentation today by Half and Associates constitutes revisions based upon the recommendations of the Board on the proposed designs of the Founders Park Bond Project. Francois deKock, Sr. Project Manager/Landscape Architect and Lenny Hughes, Vice President/Director of Landscape Architect presented the revised proposed design to the Board. Some of the main points that they discussed were as follows: • It was noted that Concepts A, B, C presented at the April 9, 2007 meeting addressed the parking that would be installed around the ball fields; also there is a possibility to establish a joint agreement with the Service Center for future parking. • Mr. deKock discussed the document maps that the Board members had received which included an illustration layout of the master plan project. Mr. deKock also discussed what the Architects envisioned in the plan for Founders Park: • Historical walk • Shade structures • Small trees inside the park with big trees surrounding them • Dancing fountains within an area to be named "Founders Plaza" with seating all around the fountain. It was noted that the main points listed are an overview of what the architects recommend for Founders Park, but because of the budget, only certain phases would be developed at a time. It was also noted that the budget now has funding for the following items iu Phase 1; • Ball Fields to the North • Soccer Fields to the East • Historical walkway • Lighting for Fields and along walkway • Trails • 2 concession stands, and 2 restrooms Minutes—June 25,2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 7 • Traffic Island • Texture, painting, and improvements • Parking Staff/Board Discussion Board Member Hiney stated a concern she had on the materials that would be used on the shade structures. Mr. deKock stated that they were pondering the idea of using concrete or metal, but would like to explore options. Board Member Hiney stated that she liked the ideas presented, but had concerns regarding the dancing fountain becoming a safety issue. Board Member Delgado asked how the current water restrictions would be handled in regards to the fountain. Mr. deKock responded that the fountain is designed to be its own reservoir. Chairman Chesnut asked if instead of the dancing fountain, the area could be shaded with tables and make it a gathering point. Mr. Hughes stated that shade was important and that because the fountain would be the focal point of the Plaza, they would incorporate plenty of shade structures around the fountain. Board Member Delgado asked about the restroom facilities being portable instead of permanent. Robert Diaz replied that the plan was to incorporate a permanent restroom facility and to expand those facilities with portable units for tournaments. Chairman Chesnut asked if the trail by the east baseball fields,next to the tennis courts will go all the way to FM 544. Board Member Hiney replied that it was not part of the Bond project. Public Services Director Mike Sferra commented that this particularly piece of land was not part of the City of Wylie. Board Member Larson asked if all of the landscaping would be included in Phase 1. Mr. deKock stated that the landscaping would not be completed in Phase 1 and that as more funding becomes available, more landscaping will be added. Board Member Willey asked if the parking in Phase 1 would meet the needs of the City. Mr. deKock replied that in Phase 1 there will be 400 spaces. Chairman Chesnut asked about shared parking with the Service Center. Mr. deKock commented that it would not be available in the 1st phase; it would be implemented later on. Board Member Larson stated that she felt that the big issue is shade and asked if the structures would have a top. Mr. deKock commented that the structures would have a top of some kind to provide shade. Board Member Willey asked if shade is planned to be present at the soccer fields. Mr. deKock commented that the plan doesn't show this, but this could easily be implemented. Chairman Chesnut had a comment about the shade structure in Garland at their softball fields; it was noted that the shade is connected from the concession down to the fields. Mr. Hughes commented that it was a good idea, but it would depend on funding. Board Member Hiney stated that people really want shade on the fields. Board Member Delgado replied that it would not be feasible to put shade on the fields. Board Member Delgado asked if the cost of bigger trees was significantly more. Mr. Nelson stated that the cost was more, in that bigger trees are more expensive and that the minimum size on the trees would be 2 inches. Mr. Nelson also stated he would like to have the tree sizes 3 or 4 inches, depending on the price. Board Member Hiney noted that it would be 10 years or more before the trees were big enough to provide shade. Mr. Nelson commented that smaller trees are better at settling in and that anything over 4 inches would be a diminishing return and harder to establish. Board Member Larson asked Mr. Nelson if there are some faster growing Minutes—June 25,2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 of 7 trees. It was noted by Mr. Nelson that there are faster growing trees, but that most of those were Mulberry and Cottonwood, which are not desired trees. Mr. Diaz commented that to give the board an idea on tree growth in other parks, the trees in Community Park are 25 years old. Chairman Chesnut asked if this project will need to go to Council. Mike Sferra commented that the next step was to work with staff and define a project that is within budget, and then it will be presented to the Park Board to review before going to the City Council. Board Member Delgado commented that he wants to see the final review of the project and the phases broken down. 4. Park Acquisition and Improvement Fund status. Staff/Board Discussion Mike Sferra addressed the Board regarding the Park Acquisition and Improvement fund. Board Member Hiney asked if the Skate Park was reflected in the figures. Mike Sferra replied that the figures include the Skate Park. Chairman Chesnut asked about the grant on land of Olde City Park. Mr. Sferra commented that the City Council will have an executive session on this topic. Board Member Hiney asked if there will be any extra funds available next fiscal year. It was noted by Mr. Sferra that at the end of this fiscal year we will have $271,000 and that$16,000 of that is budgeted for practice fields and soccer goals. It was also noted that next fiscal year, reserve funding should be $255,000 for grants. Mr. Sferra continued speaking �m.. about the fund and that additional funds will be available over the next 10 or 12 months, due to new development. Board Member Delgado commented about the new development, Alanis Crossing, and money owed for Parkland Fees. Mr. Sferra stated that they would have to pay the fees before they could be issued any building permits. Chairman Chesnut asked if the duplexes on Masters and Kirby Street would bring funding for the budget. It was noted by Mr. Sferra that those lots were individual lots and no replats were needed; the lots already existed. Board Member Hiney suggested looking into the Parkland Fees ordinance to see what was said about lots going from single dwelling to multi-dwelling. 5. Collin County Parks and Open Space Grants: Founders Park Property and New grant application Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra addressed the 3 parcel applications for southern boundaries of Olde City Park. They are Collin County, Tara Selene Caldwell, and Kansas City Southern Railroad. It was noted that the City is considering to apply for an application for approximately 1 '/2 acres with the Collin County Parks and Open Space Grant. Mr.Nelson explained that the Board has been given a diagram picture illustrating what is to be accomplished. Minutes—June 25, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 5 of 7 6. Staff updates: • Safe Routes to School Grant Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra addressed the Safe Routes to School Grant in that the grant cleared the local Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) office and is on its way to Austin. Mr. Sferra also stated that we would not know the status of the grant until September or October. It was also noted that the grant was 100%reimbursable. Board Member Hiney asked about the size of the sidewalks and on the diagram provided, it was North of Park Blvd. Mr. Sferra replied that those sidewalks were eight (8) feet wide. Board Member Hiney stated, if this grant is awarded,maybe we could ask for a mid-year budget amendment. • Update on Recreation Park and Open Space Plan Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra explained that this budget item was to be submitted for approval by council for the next fiscal year, and it includes a city wide update and a master plan for the Wells property. It was noted that staff will be meeting with the City Manager to discuss the proposed budget. Board Member Hiney asked when the budget hearing would be held. It was noted that the 2007-2008 Budget is up for review, and had to be approved in September. .. • Hospital Property on Hwy 78 Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra noted that this topic was never really an item on the table; it was just being discussed at Staff's level. Chairman Chesnut commented that Sam Satterwhite had mentioned at one of the Board meetings about possibly purchasing the property. Mr. Sferra stated that the building would have to be completely remodeled and the City was not interested in buying the property. • Financial Update on Recreation Center and City Facilities Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra stated the architects for the new facilities, ARCHITEXAS, provided a spreadsheet for the Board to review. It was noted that staff could not answer questions in regards to the spreadsheet but could review the current deficit amount. Board Member Willey asked what had Council decided on this topic. Councilman Merrill Young addressed the Board and stated that when Council considered doing all of the projects at the same time, this reflected an increase in taxes of 14 cents; but upon further review, it was discovered that this was going to be a wash. Mr. Young also noted that if Council did not push forward, as opposed to waiting . to build all of the facilities at different times, it would cost more in the long run. Chairman Minutes—June 25, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 6 of 7 Chesnut asked when they plan on digging. Mr. Sferra commented that the completion is anticipated for Mid. 2010. Chairman Chesnut asked about the Founders Park and when that would be started. Mr. Sferra noted late fall, November 2007, and would be finished late summer of 2008. It was also noted that because of the new installation of grass, no one would be allowed to play on the fields for a least a year. Mr. Nelson explained that because the grass will be Bermuda, it needed all of 2009 to grow. However, the existing fields are okay to use; the new fields would not be utilized for that timeframe. Board Member Delgado asked if consideration of meeting every two weeks as opposed to once per month should be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting. Board Member Delgado stated it would be essential to meet and discuss items going on with the Parks more often than just once every month. He also requested future discussion regarding the recent retreat the board held and the items that were discussed. He explained that he would like the board to go over those topics again. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Willey and seconded by Board Member Delgado to adjourn. The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:48 pm. i . Dan Chesnut, airman ATTEST: � r Dionna Covington, Secre y Minutes—June 25,2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 7 of 7