08-27-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday,August 27,2007—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Board Members present were: Donna Larson, Dan Chestnut, Brandi Lafleur, Frankie Delgado, and Benny Jones. Board Member David Willey was absent. Staff present was: Parks Superintendent, Bill Nelson;Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz and Board Secretary,Dionna Covington. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No one was present. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 23,2007 meeting. Board Action Mr.Nelson noted a correction on Page 6,Item 7, 1st paragraph,4th sentence down.The word"Special Events"needs to say"Special Services". Board Member Jones noted a correction needed to be made about the Board Members that were present and those who were absent. Correction was noted that Board Member Hiney was not absent,but was present, and Board Member Jones was not mentioned at all for being present at the meeting. Board Member Chestnut made a motion and it was seconded by Board Member Larson to approve the Minutes of the July 23, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting with corrections as noted. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member Willey absent. Board Member Willey arrived at 6:40 p.m. 2. Consider and act upon dedication of funds by TXU for a park entry feature at a new park site on Brown Street adjacent to the TXU substation. Minutes—August 27, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 of 4 A check was presented by Dallas Cothrum and Bill Harper on behalf of TXU, the check was asked to be provided by the City Council after review of the site plan in November 2005 and the changes that were asked to be implemented. Board Action Board Member Willey made a motion to accept the check from TXU,and was seconded by Board Member Larson.A vote was taken and passed 7-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Presentation by Half Associates regarding the Founders Park project. Francois deKock, Sr. Project Manager/Landscape Architect and Lenny Hughes, Vice President/Director of Landscape Architect presented the revised proposed design to the Board that was compiled from the feedback on the Special Called Meeting on August 16,2007. Robert Diaz noted that the reason for this meeting tonight was to accomplish some goals,they are: • Use the budget to help organize what is wanted and what can be eliminated. • Know the three concepts and make sure they are at budget. • Being prepared for questions that may be asked from Council Francois also noted that what was being shown on the three concepts A,B,C were just the budget items that would be implemented in Phase 1, some of the details that were budgeted in the first phase was: • Ball Fields to the North • Soccer Fields to the East • Historical walkway • Lighting for Fields and along walkway • Trails • 2 concession stands,and 2 restrooms • Traffic Island • Texture, painting, and improvements • Parking Diagrams of each concept were provided in the agenda packet to the Board Members. Some highlights of each Concept were as follows: A. Concept— Historical Walkway, 336 parking spaces, Crosswalk in the zone for dropping off, ball fields were not turned out. B. Concept—Had all the features on Concept A but had less parking C. Concept—Favorite of all Board Members and staff, the softball fields are turned to create a sense of openness,the historical walkway will have a loop for dropping off, and the parking increased to 344 parking spaces. Minutes—August 27, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 4 Staff/Board Discussion Chairman Hiney commented on the nice job that Half had done on the three different concepts, and agreed that these concepts needed to be brought down to budget and that the Board needs to decide on which Concept will be the one to bring to Council., and eliminate all other things that are not in budget so the Council only sees budget items. Board Member Willey had given the Board some budget figures to think about, with reducing the budget. Francois suggested that the Board review the budget line by line. The staff and Board went over the Budget line by line and here are the changes that were discussed to help reduce the project to budget: • Parking—saved 40,000 dollars—reducing the spaces from 363 to 344 • Outer Walk 2—change from a 10' wide to a 8' walk—saves 27,000 dollars • Bleachers—discussed to make them 15 ft instead of 21 feet—saves 28,000 dollars • Sand Volleyball Court—the Board agreed to remove from Budget because not part of bond and did not want to show on budget even if not included in the total. • Comments were made on the Shade Structures,and if they were going to provide enough shade for people—no change on the budget cost. • Landscaping—the 200 Trees that is going in Phase 1 is not a contingency item—shows no cost on budget sheet. • Lighting— some comments were made on lighting in regards to there being enough lights for the fields and the Southwest corner of the fields need light. No change was made on the budget. • Cooking Grills under Miscellaneous was taken out of budget. • Some concerns were raised on the lightning protection on the fields, being a legal issue when someone is hurt from getting struck by lightning how does the City play a part in the notifying of the storm and is the City then held responsible. The Staff noted that is was wanted for Safety reasons. • Playground Upgrade — comment was made on looking into putting up a pavilion near the playground so people could have parties and or have a place to sit when taking the kids to the playground. • Concession Equipment—Staff commented that there will not be cooking of raw meats to worry about,because of the health issues this raises. • Plaza Fountain —was still part of Master Plan but is not showing on budget total, and it was still being decided on at a later time in the different phases if funding is available. • In regards to the future phase projects consent of the Board is to wait on these and see if they can be incorporated later with the Boards budget money. Also in regards to the line by line detail and the Concepts for the Council. The consent is to only show the Concept down to budget and what meets the bond. The consent of the Board is to see these changes mentioned before going before Council, the budget redone with the changes made and smaller pictures of the three Concepts and Concept C provided with the changes to show what is on budget, so that the Board has had time to review the Concept so if Council asks questions,the Board will be prepared. Staff needs to brief Mr. Sferra and then the City Manager, Mindy Manson will need to be briefed, if Mrs. Manson comes back with comments and or changes, we will need to reconvene to go over those comments and or changes before deciding to go in front of Council. Chairman Hiney asked if a vote needed to be taken or was this still considered a discussion item. Mr. Diaz commented that he had spoke with Mr. Sferra in regards to this question already and the answer was no vote was needed, because this still was in the discussion phase, but Mr. Diaz commented that Minutes—August 27, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 4 we need to clarify this, especially because Mr. Sferra and the City Manager Mindy Manson has yet to be briefed on these changes and comments brought about in this meeting. Chairman Hiney asked when the Board meets with Council will it be a work session or an agenda item that will need to be voted on. Mr. Diaz commented that the original meeting scheduled with Council before it was postponed was put on the agenda as a work session. Mr. Diaz will get clarification on these things. The consent of the Board is to present the vision of the Concept chosen and show that it is at budget. Mr. Nelson noted that the Architects were going to show the Board some new drawings showing the shade structures incorporated with the Founders Plaza. Chairman Hiney asked how tall the structures were.Francois answered that they are 13 feet. Chairman Hiney also asked about the drainage system in these structures. Francois commented that they all have a central drainage system. The board reviewed the photos and asked Lenny questions on the type of materials that can be used in these structures, discussed back and forth among each other. A comment was made by Board Member Chesnut to take the architecture of the structure and some how incorporate it to become a pavilion for the playground area or near the concession stand. The board continued to review the photos and carried on a discussion amongst themselves. Francois then asked the Board if these photos of the shade structures should be brought to show Council. The Board felt that at this time,those photos should not be shown to Council at this time. Chairman Hiney asked that the staff get back with the Board on these changes either by email and or if another meeting needs to be set up. The Board thanked Halff for their time and work on this. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Willey to adjourn. The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:20 pm. ATTEST: ,j4 0//t/' Chairman Anne Ipiney\ b(k)k \OK.GOKILOt047 , Dionna Covington, Secretary Minutes—August 27, 2007 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 of 4