03-24-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes It(1: Wylie Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF WYLIE 1. Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Monday, March 24, 2008—6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Board Members present were: Dan Chesnut, Benny Jones (arrived at 6:43 p.m), Brandi Lafleur (left at 7:47 p.m), Donna Larson and David Willey. Absent members were: Board Co- Chairman Frankie Delgado. Staff members present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks Asst. Superintendent Robert Diaz, City Secretary Carole Ehrlich, Planning & Zoning Assistant Planner Jasen Haskins and Board Secretary Charlotte Rice. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approving minutes for February 25, 2008. Board Action Chairman Hiney noticed a segment of February's minutes, by which a comment from Item #6 should have been placed under Item #8. Under the assumption that the change would be noted, the minutes were satisfactory to the Board. Board Member Lafleur made a motion to approve minutes (with noted changes) and Board Member Chesnut seconded. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 (Benny Jones missed this vote). Minutes—March 24,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 1 of 4 2. Consider and act upon recommending to the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas that parkland dedication fees acquired in the East zone and the West zone be used for the Olde City Park Land Acquisition and Improvement Project, a project in the Central Zone, and to reimburse those funds to the appropriate zones upon receipt of additional revenues in the Central zone. Staff/Board Discussion Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed combining funding from the east and west park zones into the central zone to proceed with the Olde City Park Land Acquisition & Improvement project. Mr. Sferra explained that there are currently not enough funds available in the Central zone to proceed with the project. Upon recommendation of the Park Board and approval of the City Council, Section 78-73 of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances allows parkland dedication funds from any and all park zones to be combined for special purposes with or without the option to reimburse the contributing zones. Mr. Sferra emphasized that the funds could be reimbursed into the appropriate zones at a later date when additional parkland fees were collected in the central zone. Board Action Board Member Willey made a motion to approve centralizing funds under special circumstances and Board Member Larson seconded. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 in favor of combining parkland dedication funds. 3. Consider and act upon the proposed parkland dedication in the Light Meadow Estates Development. Presentation will be made by Ryan Betz of the Betz Company. Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Ryan Betz of the Betz Company, presented a proposed site plan for the Light Meadow Estates area. There are 36 proposed lots on 18.89 acres. In order to meet the parkland dedication requirements, Mr. Betz proposed a combination of parkland dedication and payment of fees. Upon reviewing the map provided by Mr. Betz, Board Member David Willey expressed several concerns with the proposal. He noted that part of the trail would be located along a road which posed a safety issue safe for children, that the location of the proposed park area should be reconsidered and that the proposed trail lacked connectivity to other nearby City parkland. Mr. Sferra added that, according to the ordinance, no unusual topography could be considered and that the slope appeared too significant for consideration. Planning & Zoning Assistant Planner Jasen Haskins added that the five-foot proposed trail did not satisfy the eight-foot of trail width as recommended in the Park Master Plan. Board Action Board Member Willey motioned to table the Betz proposition until the next board -., meeting, per Mr. Betz' appeal for 30 days to secure fee solutions and to reconfigure the schematic. The motion to table was seconded by Board Member Benny Jones; thus, shall be tabled until April 28, 2008. Minutes—March 24,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION ITEMS 4. Discuss the options to fulfill the requirement for public art in Founders Park with Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary and Chairperson of the Public Arts Board. Staff/Board Discussion City Secretary Carole Ehrlich introduced Public Arts Advisory Board Chairman Stewart Matthews to brief the Board regarding guidelines for public art and elements behind choosing themes. Mr. Matthews explained that having an action plan was crucial, along with a construction timeline. He explained the itemization of funding public art pieces and the protocol by which submissions are received. 1% of the Capital Improvement fund is dedicated to the Arts and that part of funding must be held back for considering the future maintenance. Also, the cost of any underground infrastructure is excluded from the 1% contribution to Public Art. Further, a consultant must be employed; therefore, money must be set aside for that expenditure. Mr. Matthews gave options for recovering costs by securing a donor (private funding) or public funding could be considered. He recommended that a selection committee be established, in order to look over all artist renderings and to ultimately vote upon them. The winning rendering would then be taken to the City Council for consideration. To begin this process, it was decided that the Board would email Assistant Superintendent Diaz with their ideas and that the matter would be discussed at the next meeting. 5. Review Woodbridge Crossing Development with Planning Department representative. Staff/Board Discussion Planning & Zoning Assistant Planner Jasen Haskins discussed the future Target store to be constructed as part of the Woodbridge Crossing Development, focusing on landscaping and open space areas. Mr. Haskins said that there would be obelisks and cobbled areas, so an aesthetic value would be present. Board Member Willey asked what other stores were going to be included in the development and Mr. Haskins replied that other tenants have not been identified at this point. 6. Discuss development of disc golf courses. Staff/Board Discussion Three sites are being considered for potential future development of a disc golf course. Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson said he would meet with John Houck on March 28 to look at the Hensley property, Bozeman Farms and Parkside property (near Muddy Creek) and would report his findings at the April meeting. 7. Partnering with Wylie ISD for additional parking at Founders Park. Staff/Board Discussion Mr. Sferra will meet with City Management in two weeks and will brief the Board at April's meeting. Minutes—March 24,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 3 of 4 8. Update on Founders Park Project and Recreation Center. Staff/Board Discussion Parks & Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board of changes made to the architectural plans of the Recreation Center, such as expanding the kitchen area in order to qualify it as an emergency shelter. He anticipated further changes to accommodate requirements held by the Red Cross for certification as a proper shelter. Other augmentations included meeting with a consultant for electrical configuration of fitness equipment, along with security consultants and audio-visual consultants. Mr. Diaz said that once those meetings were held, then the architectural designs would be such that construction plans would be imminent. Public Services Director Mike Sferra updated the Board on Founders Park design changes. Mr. Sferra said that City Engineer Chris Hoisted concurred with staff's suggestion that the drop-off circle not be installed for safety purposes. The field layout would remain the same. Mr. Sferra then presented renderings of concession stand, restroom, storage areas, and shade area structures along with an alternative to concrete called "decomposed granite" which is a permeable material that would allow better irrigation for trees and was not as hot as concrete. Mr. Sferra said that the project was on-schedule and progressing at a satisfactory rate. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Benny Jones to adjourn; consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:54 pm. fG, c Anne Hineycch`airm0 ATTE T: C < Charlotte Rice, Park Board Secretary Minutes—March 24,2008 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Page 4 of 4