05-21-2001 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Monday, May 21, 2001 6:30 p.m. Staff Conference Room Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER This meeting was called to order. Those present were Dan Chestnut,Greg Zimmerman,Lisa Williams, Janice Neely,Doug House,and Anne Hiney. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. A motion to approve the minutes from the April 23 meeting was given by Janice Neely and 2nd by Doug House. Board approved unanimously. ACTION ITEM 2. Discuss and consider parkland dedication fees for the Country Ridge Subdivision. Staff presented the concept plan of developers to provide the parkland dedication fees rather than dedication of land for the Country Ridge Subdivision. All questions presented at the April 23 meeting were addressed. A motion was made by Janice Neely to: a. Accept the dedication of funds of approximately$156,000 in lieu of the dedicated of parkland. b. Stipulate and stress to the City Council and Planning and Zoning Boards that the Parks and Recreation Board wants to see access given to the open space linkage to future plats in the area near the Country Ridge Development i.e.development directly west of Country Ridge. A 2nd was made by Lisa Williams. Voting for the item was Lisa Williams,Anne Hiney,Janice Neely,and Greg Zimmerman. Voting against the item was Doug House. (Dan Chestnut did not vote) 3. Discuss and consider parkland dedication or fees for the proposed subdivision at Brown and Kreymer Streets. Staff presented the proposed plan of development at the Brown and Kryemer Streets area. The Board discussed the site of the 2-acre park and decided that it would be a better situation to move it in combination with the parkland near the school site. The Board also concluded that it would make a recommendation of accepting parkland or fees after viewing the final development plan with the 2 acres of parkland shown to be near the school site. DISCUSSION ITEM 4. Staff updated the Board on the City Council planning on viewing presentations regarding choosing a vendor to update the Park and Open Space Master Plan given by WRT Inc. and Carter-Burgess Inc.at the Council meeting on May 22,2001. 5. Staff updated the Board on 4B fund status per the latest sates tax revenue statement. 6. Staff updated the Board on the beginnings of the Summer Concert Series at Olde City Park and the status of enrollment/start of the Wylie Wave Summer Youth Program. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.with a motion made by Janice Neely and 2nd by Lisa Williams.