02-17-1983 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes JOINT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
FEBRUARY 17, 1983
6:00 P.M.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment and City Council met in joint session at
6:00 P.M. on February 17, 1983 in the Council Chamber at City Hall . A
quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time
and manner required by law. Those in attendance were Mayor Bob Squires,
Mayor Pro Tem William Martin, Council members Reta Allen, Geline Dodd,
Percy Simmons and Harold Eavenson. Zoning Board of Adjustment members
present were Nancy Conkle, Anna Starnes, Richard Hampton, William LeCocq
and Art Harris. Kent Crane and Bill James were not present. Also present
were City Manager Lee Vickers, City Secretary Gail Wallace.
Mayor Pro Tem William Martin called the meeting to order and gave the
invocation. Everyone was invited to share the buffet meal which was
provided for the early meeting.
City Secretary administered Oath of Office to the newly appointed
Zoning Board of Adjustment members Richard Hampton, William LeCocq,
Art Harris, Anna Starnes, and Nancy Conkle.
Mayor Squires explained the importance of the positions held by the
Board. He then advised them that the first order of business was to
elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Recording Secretary.
Anna Starnes nominated Richard Hampton for Chairman. Art Harris seconded
the nomination. All were in favor.
Chairman Hampton then opened the floor for nominations for Vice Chairman.
Art Harris nominated Bill LeCocq. Nancy Conkle seconded the motion.
All were in favor.
Bill LeCocq nominated Anna Starnes for Recording Secretary. Nancy Conkle
seconded the motion. All were in favor.
City Manager Vickers explained that the City Secretary is normally the
• Executive Secretary for the Zoning Board of Adjustment. He also advised
that the Executive Secretary could appoint someone of her choosing to act
in her behalf.
A work session followed between the Board and the City Council whereby the
duties and responsibilities of the Board were explained. The Zoning Board
of Adjustment would hear appeals from the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Any appeals from the Zoning Board of Adjustment must be made to the
District Court.
The Board was advised that both regular members and alternate members are
required to attend all called Board meetings. Only regular members will
vote on any action. However, any decisions require affirmative vote of four
members. Therefore, alternate members will fill in for regular members
when required.
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Joint Board of Adjustment
and City Council Meeting
It was also suggested that if a Board member misses three consecutive
unexcused absences, they would be dismissed from the Board.
The third Tuesday of each month was adopted as the regular meeting
date for the Board on motion made by Art Harris. Motion seconded by Bill
LeCocq. All were in favor.
The Board was instructed to conduct their meetings in accordance with
Roberts Rules of Order.
The meeting was adjourned on motion made by Councilwoman Dodd, seconded
by Councilman Simmons. All were in favor.
Richard Hampton, Ch irman