11-01-1984 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes MINUTES ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 , 1984 The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on Thursday , November 1 , 1984 in the Council Chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law . Members present were Brian Chaney , Gary Ludwig , Art Harris , Anna Starnes and John Hamilton . Representing the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager , Roy Faires , C. E . O. , Secretary Barbara LeCocq and Permit Clerk Maureen Dunlop . In the absence of the Chairman , Richard Hampton , Gus Pappas , City Manager called the meeting to order and called for the first order of business to select a Vice-Chairman to preside at the meeting . Nominations were opened . Art Harris nominated Anna Starnes , Anna Starnes nominated Art Harris . Nominations were closed . Mrs . Starnes declined the nomination . Art Harris was elected Vice-Chairman unanimously . • Vice-chairman Harris introduced all the members and asked if all were familiar with the duties and responsibilities of the Zoning Board of Adjustments . C . E. O. Roy Faires was introduced who then described the violation as that of encroachment of the required set-back . ITEM NO. 1 - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF 18" SET-BACK VARIANCE ON LOT 5 , RAILROAD INDUSTRIAL PARK - This is an 18" encroachment of the set-back requirement and as a result a certificate of occupancy was refused by the Code Enforcement Officer . Mr . Don Kreymer , property owner and builder has petitioned this board for a variance . In order to be in compliance with the ordinance , the builder would have to remove a portion of the structure . Brian Chaney asked if this was the garage portion of the building . Answer - yes . The builder , Mr . Kreymer said the violation occurs on the corner of the building on the cul-de-sac . The building is completed and does not encroach on the property adjacent but only on the required set-back . Mr . Faires noted that only one corner was in violation and that all inspections had been green-tagged . The building plans indicated the correct set-back . Gus Pappas stated that it is the responsibility of the staff to enforce the ordinances.. The essence of the Zoning Board of Adjustments is to view each violation on it ' s own merits . The staff does not have the authority to grant variances but must have an official decision by the Zoning Board of Adjustments . • Irian Chaney asked if letters were sent to adjacent property owners . Five letters were sent , two returned , both in favor of granting the request for variance. Anna Starnes asked if this would be a major project to bring this building into compliance . Mr . Kreymer answered that it would be because it is a loadbearing wall . John Hamilton asked if this builder had any more buildings to be built in this subdivision . Mr . Kreymer answered no , this is the last one and that all other buildings had met specifications . After much discussion , John Hamilton made a motion to grant approval of the variance as requested - 18" set-back . Anna Starnes seconded the motion . Motion carried 5-0. Art Harris , Vice-Chairman • /0