12-06-1984 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes it I,
The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on
Thursday , December 6 , 1984 in the Council Chambers at Csty
Hall , ' quorum was present and notice of the meeting had
been posted for the time and in the manner required by law .
Members present were Anna Starnes , Art Harris , Brian Chaney ,
John Hamilton and Chairman Richard Hampton . Representing
the city staff were Gus Pappas , City Manager , Roy Faires ,
C.E . O. and Permit Clerk Maureen Dunlop .
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Hampton ,
the first order of business was to approve the minutes from
the last meeting . Chairman Hampton asked if everyone had a
copy of the minutes and if they had read them over would all
who approved please raise their right hand , all approved ,
none opposed .
Next order of business was to consider request for variance
on Lot 14 Block D of Rush Creek II , sideyard setback for
Rick St . John . . Chairman Hampton asked Rick St . John to
explain it to the board , Mr . St . John explained how the
encroachment came about . Most of the subdivisions in that
area have 20 ' setback requirements , Since March of 81 the
setback requirement has been 15 ' . Mr . St . John was aware of
this , but somewhere between the preliminary plan stage and
the final plan , the 20 'was changed to 15 ' , making St . John ' s
house off 4 , 2 ' . This did not come to the attention of St .
John until after the people had moved in , were ready to
close, and the title company called him,
Gus Pappas stated that the ordinance did call for a 20
setback and that St . John had violated that setback . There
is no argument with that , the question is , does the Zoning
Board want to grant that variance. Mr . Pappas stated that 12
letters had been sent out , 4 were returned , all were in favor
of the variance .
After some discussion , Chairman Hampton said he had no
further questiones , Brian Chaney made a motion for
consideration that all letters were for and that it was not
a gross violation , therefore , that they go ahead and grant
the variance . Anna Starnes seconded the motion . Motion
carried 5- 0 .
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Hampton .