08-01-1985 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE AUGUST 1, 19B5 The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on Thursday, August 1 , 1985 in the chambers at City Hall . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted for the time and in the manner required by law. Members present were Anna Starnes, Gary Ludwig, Cleo Adams, Art Harris and Paul Gaddy, City Secretary Carolyn Jones, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires and Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Schneller. Chairman Richard Hampton was absent. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Art Harris. AppR[y�e� There being no corrections or addition to the minutes, a motion was made by Gary Ludwig to approve as submitted. Seconded by Anna Starnes, all in favor. ARk8BgE FULkS REAR -' Mr. Schneller said the present building has been there since they bought the house several years ago. He is going to add to this building on a ` slap that is already there. The reason for requesting the variance is they want to add to the existing building and not have two separate building in their back yard. Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires said this variance was necessary in order to comply with the ordinances of the City of Wylie. Also Mr. Faires said that Mr. Schneller has already begin work on this building. Cleo Adams said he did not have a problem with this, since out of 14 letters being mailed only 4 were returned and all of these were in favor. Motion was made by Cleo Adams to grant this variance to Mr. Schneller. Seconded by Anna Starnes, with all in favor. Motion was made to adjourn by Gary Ludwig, seconded by Cleo Adams, with all in favor. ------------------------------------ Art Harris, Vice Chairman