04-23-1987 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES THURSDAY-APRIL 23, 1987 COMMUNITY ROOM-7:0U P. M. 800 THOMAS STREET The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on April 23, 1987 in the Community Room at 800 Thomas Street. A quorum was present and notice of themeeting was posted in a time and manner required by law. Members present were Charirman Art Harris, Vice Chairman Garry Ludwig, Paul Gaddy, N. C. Jefferies, Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, and Ruth Bennett , Secretary. Ron Jefferies was also present representing Dan Dan Homes. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Art Harris. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Vice Chairman Garry Ludwig made a motion to approve the minutes with Paul Gaddy seconding that motion. All were in favor. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SIDE YARD SET BACK AT LOT 8, BLOCK FL RUSTIC OAKS IL 201 N. WINDING OAK ST. : Art Harris brought it to the attention of the Board that there could have been construed a conflict of interest between the builder and one of our board members. He then ask Member N. C. Jefferies if he had anything rnonitary to gain from this? N. C. Jefferies answer was no, but he had signed some notes again not on this house. Art Harris said there was no conflict of interest in N. C. Jefferies serving on the Board. We have an application from Dan Dac Homes requesting a variance for approximately 3 1/2 ft. on south side of lot because of 20 ft. building line, 20 ft. is on the Jefferson St. side. Art Harris ask to here from the City on this. Mr. Faires said this was a semi-pie shaped lot and under the terms of our ordinance we do require a 20 ft. side yard set back on the street side and contrary to belief the other side need only be 6 ft. . Mr. Jefferies has said he would have no qualms in moving the house to the required side yard set back of 6 ft. and he would be only 1. 2' over if approved in the front. The sole purpose of this configuration of set backs is to provide sight clearance around the corner. Due to the lot conformity I can' t see that there would be any sight clearance by granting this variance the question and answers were given and the reasoning for the special conditions can be blamed both on the engineer who drew the subdivision and the the City of Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission for approving this conformity of a lot, and it I would not be any fault of this particular applicant' s actions. Mr. Harris asked Mr. Jefferies just for the record that he would move the house over instead of the 7 ft. on the north side you would move to 6 ft. and that would leave 1. 2" encrouchment on the other side. Mr. Jefferies replied, yes. We had 19 letters sent out with 5 letters returned, 4 unclaimed and 1 in favor. Garry Ludwig made a motion to grant the variance with a 1. 2 " stipulation of the Jefferson St. side with Paul Gaddy seconding the motion. All were in favor. ADJOURN. Art arris, Chairman I