07-28-1988 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MINUTES THURSDAY - JULY 28, 1988 MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 7:00 PM The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on Thursday, July 28, 1988, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex. A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Member present were Chairman Art Harris, Mike Miller, Gerald Clark, Cleo Adams. Paul Gaddy was absent. Representing the City Staff was Code Enforcement Officer, Roy Faires; City Secretary, Carolyn Jones; and Secretary, Robin Bela. ADMINISTERED OATH OF OFFICE: City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered oath of office to Board Members: Chairman, Art Harris, Gerald Clark, Mike Miller and Cleo Adams. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for September 10, 1387. Mr. Adams made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Miller. The motion carried with all in favor. PUBLIC HEARING FOR REQUEST OF SPECIAL EXEMPTION TO PLACE A MOBILE HOME IN AN AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT: Chairman Harris opened the public hearing. After discussion the public hearing was closed. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF SPECIAL EXEMPTION TO PLACE A MOBILE HOME IN AN AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT : Mr. Kreymers application stated that he intended to place a specific mobile home on the property in order to provide security for the cattle. Now Mr. Kreymer no longer owns the mobile home specified and there are no cattle on the property. Additionally the previous mobile home at this location was renting only a site. The present application requests permission to put a mobile home to be purchased by the land owner and rented to parties unknown. The Board found that because of the above and the fact that no unusual hardship was found to exist and there were peculiarities to the land itself that would justify the exempt ion they should deny it. A motion was made by Mr. Clark. Seconded by Mr. Miller. The motion carried with all in favor. CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FOR THE TEXACO STATION: Public hearing was opened. After discussion the public hearing was closed. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF VARIANCE FOR THE TEXACO STATION: Because of the peculiar shape of the property and a definite hardship (the use of the land) would result if the variance was not granted. A motion was made by Mr. Miller. Seconded by Mr. Harris. The motion carried with all in favor. Art Harris, Chairman Respectfully Submitted Robin Belz, Secretary • 302d ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 15, 1988 MUNICIPAL COMPLEX 2001 HIGHWAY 78 WYLIE, TEXAS 7:00 P.M. The Zoning Board of Adjustment met in regular session on Thursday, September 15, 1988 , in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Art Harris, Sue Ellen Neal , Cleo Adams, Jerry Gooding and Gerald Clark. Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires, Secretary Robin Belz , City Secretary Carolyn Jones . Mike Miller and Paul Gaddy were absent . Chairman Art Harris called the meeting to order . ADMINISTERED OATH OF OFFICE: City Secretary Carolyn Jones administered oath of office to Board Members: Sue Ellen Neal and Jerry Gooding . ELECT CHAIRMAN: Mr . Adams made a motion to nominate Mr . Harris for Chairman. Seconded by Ms . Neal . The motion carried with all in favor . ELECT VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Harris made a motion to elect Cleo Adams for Vice- Chairman . Seconded by Gerald Clark. The motion carried with all in favor. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes submitted for approval were for the July 28 , 1988 meeting. Mr. Harris said there was one correction to be made on the first page, last paragraph seconded line, insert the word no. Mr . Harris asked if there were anymore corrections to be made. There were none. Mr . Harris made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected . Seconded by Mr . Clark. The motion carried with all in favor.