11-10-1988 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 10 , 1988 The Zoning Board of Adjustments met in regular session on Thursday, November 10 , 1988 , in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Members present were Chairman Art Harris , Sue Ellen Neal, G.W. Gooding, Gerald Clark and Mike Miller . Staff members present were Code Enforcement Officer Roy Faires , and Secretary Candi White. Cleo Adams and Paul Gaddy were absent . Chairman Art Harris called the meeting to order . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR SEPTEMBER 15 , 1988 . There being no corrections to the minutes , a motion was made by Mr . Gooding to approve the minutes as submitted . The motion was seconded by Mr . Clark. The motion carried with all in favor . CONSIDER APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE OF 50 ' OVERALL HEIGHT FOR A POLE SIGN FOR MCDONALDS CORPORATION (LOCATED AT 415 S. HIGHWAY 78) . Don Shipp with Dallas Corporation , told the board he was requesting a variance to erect a McDonald' s sign at 50 feet. He explained that a sign survey was done, by hoisting a piece of plywood at various heights , to determine at what height the sign would be most visible. Mr . Shipp said that trees and brush blocked visibility of the sign at 35 feet , and the Dairy Queen , the convenience store sign, and a power pole blocked visibility at 40 feet . He continued , saying that the McDonald' s sign had the most visibility at 50 feet , which was most important because 70% of their business was impulse buying , where people see the sign and turn in. Mr . Shipp also expressed his concern about traffic hazards on Hwy 78 , due to the fact that the sign would not been seen at a long distance, preventing motorists to prepare for the turn into the driveway. Chairman Harris was concerned that the survey may not have been a true picture, as the piece of plywood was only 4 X 8 and the sign itself was 10 X 20 . Mr . Shipp explained that the size was not relative, as the top of the plywood was at the same height that the top of the sign would be . Mr . Shipp also said that at one time McDonald ' s had been issued a sign permit for an 80 ' sign . Roy Faires , Code Enforcement Officer , agreed that it had been issued by mistake, but the permit had died of old age . n e ea Ms . Neal felt that the other restaurants in theiarea were re competing with their signs at 35 ' , McDonald' s sign to 50 ' could be overwhelming to other signs in the vicinity. ere Mr . Miller said that ltlf no Wouldn�thebe signs fair if McDonaldaswwas already obstructed , be the obstructed . He sethat signthere obstructi ngaanother sign possibility of the McDonald' s at 35 ' . Mr . Miller also fastfourthat letters weren' sentuto opposition to the variance , neighboring property owners and only one was mailed back in opposition. Mr . Harris asked the board if McDonald' s wouif ld agree.willing Mto r . compromise on the variance, Shipp, with McDonald' sb said seenthey at thatwould height�mbut the with Dairy 45 ' , as the arches could e Queen sign would still block the wording . Mr . Rueben Flores , owner of the McDonald' s in Wylie, reiterated that their sign would be blocked , and that he was only asking for the same visibility the other restaurants had . Mr . Harris asked the board to compromise and approve variance of 43 ' . Mr . Shipp, with McDonald' s , said they would agree to that height . Mr . Gooding made a motion to approve the variance of 43 ' overall height for a pole sign for McDonald' s Corporation located at 415 S . Highway 78 . The motion was seconded by Mr . Miller . The motion carried with all in favor . There being no other business , a motion was made to adjourn with all_ in favor . ? y Art Har is , Chairman Respectfully Submitted , Candi White, Secretary