04-28-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, April 28, 2008-6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex-Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Board Members present were: Dan Chesnut, Frankie Delgado, Benny Jones, Brandi
Lafleur(arrived at 6:40 p.m), Donna Larson and David Willey.
City Councilman Carter Porter was present for this meeting.
Staff members present were: Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks Asst.
Superintendent Robert Diaz and Board Secretary Charlotte Rice.
1. Consider and act upon approving minutes from the March 24, 2008 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Willey made a motion to approve the minutes and Board Member
Chesnut seconded. A vote was taken and passed 5-0(Brandi Lafleur missed this vote).
2. Tabled item from March 24, 2008: Consider and act upon the proposed
parkland dedication in the Light Meadow Estates Development. Presentation will
be made by Ryan Betz of the Betz Company.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Ryan Betz of the Betz Company had been granted a request to table the item for 30
days to secure parkland dedication fee solutions and to reconfigure the site plan;
however, he missed the deadline to submit information to the agenda packet, therefore
Minutes—April 28,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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the changes in his proposal could not be reviewed by the Board prior to this meeting and
could not be included in the meeting, as a result. Although he was aware that he missed
the deadline, he showed up unexpectedly.
Board Action
Board Member Willey motioned to re-open the Betz proposition item and Board Member
Delgado seconded the motion; then Board Member Willey immediately moved to table
the item indefinitely and was seconded by Board Member Delgado and agreed upon 6-0;
thus, this item shall be tabled indefinitely.
3. Discuss the options to fulfill the requirement for public art in Founders Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
The Board emailed Assistant Superintendent Diaz with their ideas for art, which were
discussed based on feasibility of size and space. Mr. Diaz said he could bring options or
photos of possible sites for the Board to review at the next meeting, as that would help
the Board decide which ideas would be most viable for what segment of space. It was
agreed that the art should be kid friendly or"family friendly".
4. Discuss Emergency Response Markers for the trail systems.
Staff/Board Discussion
City Councilman Carter Porter was present to discuss an emergency-response marker
system for existing park trails for safety reasons. He said that research could be
conducted on different cities to see what protocol exists for their areas. Parks
Superintendent Bill Nelson suggested that the Fire and Police Departments be
consulted, in order to see how they currently track/map emergencies. It was determined
that this idea would be pursued.
5. Discuss development of disc golf courses.
Staff/Board Discussion
Per discussion and a full tour of the three sites considered for the development of a disc
golf course between Parks & Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson and professional
consultant John Houck on March 28 it was determined that all three sites would not be
the best candidates for such a course. The Hensley property had water-drainage issues;
Bozman Farms had parking issues; and Parkside property could possibly interfere with
the future Muddy Creek Trail. Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson also imparted recent
news of a mandatory budget reduction, which would affect all park division projects. This
news, paired with the fact that a disc golf course had not rated highly on the current Park
and Recreation Open Space Master Plan via citizen survey, it was decided that further
discussion would be closed for the time. After lengthy discussion for ways to augment
the decision, the matter was closed with the decision remaining.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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6. Partnering with Wylie ISD for additional parking at Founders Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
In the interim since the previous Park Board meeting, staff learned that an Agreement
between the WISD and the City existed. The Agreement allowed the WISD to commit
funding to either additional parking at Founders Park or for the extension of Hensley
Lane, and it was decided that WISD would participate in the extension of Hensley Lane.
7. Update on Founders Park Project and Recreation Center.
Staff/Board Discussion
Parks & Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz informed the Board of travel
obstacles and cancelled flights, preventing a meeting between the Department and
architects. The architects are currently scheduled to meet and confer with staff May 5,
2008 and staff would any report news and design changes for the Recreation Center at
the May meeting.
The Board was reminded of the Founders Park drop-off circle not being installed for
safety purposes, per the recommendation of City Engineer Chris Hoisted and staff and
consultant consensus. It was noted that the project was on-schedule and progressing at
a satisfactory rate and that the Master Plan might be posted on the web for interested
parties to view.
A motion was made by Board Member David Willey to adjourn and Board Member
Benny Jones seconded; consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned
at 7:58 pm. ,
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Charlotte Rice, Park Board Sry
Minutes—April 28,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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