02-26-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, February 26, 2007 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. Board Members present
were: David Willey, Frankie Delgado, Donna Larson and Brandi Lafleur. Board Members
Anne Hiney and Benny Jones were absent.
Staff present was: Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson and Gayle Walton, Secretary.
No one was present for citizens' participation.
Board Member Benny Jones arrived at 6:40 p.m.
Tabled from January 22, 2007
1. (MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE) Consider and act upon approving the
Minutes from the December 18, 2006 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Willey made a motion and seconded by Board Member Lafleur to remove this item
from the table. A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member Hiney absent. Chairman
Chesnut explained that the minutes were tabled for staff to make corrections to the minutes as
noted at the January 22, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. It was noted that the
corrections were made with no other corrections by the Board.
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Board Member Willey made a motion and seconded by Board Member Larson to approve the
Minutes of the December 18, 2006 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. A vote was taken and
passed 6-0 with Board Member Hiney absent.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the January 22, 2007
Board Action
Board Member Willey made a motion and seconded by Board Member Delgado approve the
minutes of the January 22, 2007 Parks and Recreation Board meeting. A vote was taken and
passed 6-0 with Board Member Hiney absent.
Chairman Chesnut stated that an update from Item #4 would be presented to the Board by
Sam Satterwhite, Executive Director of the WEDC and thereafter, the board would return
to Discussion Item #3.
4. Staff update:
• Concept Plan for PD — Premier South Business Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Sam Satterwhite, Executive Director of Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC)
addressed the Board regarding Premier South Business Park. Mr. Satterwhite stated that the
WEDC Board of Directors were discussing an issue on the paving of Martinez Lane and the
platting of the business park and Mr. Satterwhite informed the WEDC Board that this item was
tabled at the last meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board and requested more information
which lead to a lengthy discussion regarding the potential of a company needing the property, the
creek could be diverted, and more land could be reclaimed. It was believed that it was worth the
chance to take that someone could use the property. Mr. Satterwhite stated that the WEDC
Board respectfully would like to withdraw their request to donate the property in lieu of parkland
dedication fees.
Chairman Chesnut asked if the Board had any comments or questions. Board Member Larson
stated that the property did not hook up very well with the other trails and Board Member Delgado
agreed. Mr. Satterwhite stated that this wouldn't preclude the board receiving the property at some
point in that it will have to be platted again and some future company will own it and may want to
dedicate it so they wouldn't have to maintain or pay taxes on it.
Mr. Nelson asked if WEDC owned all of the land and it was noted that WEDC still own the land.
Mr. Nelson also asked if the section of the land would be sold where the potential trail was going.
Mr. Satterwhite that this is correct. Board Member Larson asked if the Parks Board would receive
dedication of the property again. Mr. Satterwhite stated that dedication would kick in at platting
and the WEDC would prefer to pay the dedication fee and encourage any future company that
doesn't use the property when WEDC sells it to them, to go ahead and dedicate the property if they
do not have any use for it.
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Chairman Chesnut noted that as this is a tabled item from the January 22, 2007 meeting that this
item will be brought to the Board as an agenda item at the March 26, 2007 Board meeting and that
the withdrawal of this item be presented and accepted.
3. Question and Answer session with Clyde Hogue, McKinney Field Office
Representative with the U.S.D.A./Natural Resources Conservation Service,
regarding pond areas in Wylie.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Hogue of the U.S.D.A./Natural Resources Conservation Service and Mr. Ben Scholz of the
Collin County Soil Conservation District Board were available to answer any questions of the Board
regarding pond areas within the City of Wylie.
Chairman Chesnut referred Mr. Hogue to maps presented by staff which identified ponds/lakes that
are being considered for potential hike and bike trails. Discussion followed regarding the area
around Site 5 (west of Brown Street), if the area around the pond can be used for recreation
(hike/bike trails, etc.) without disturbing the actual structure of the pond. Chairman Chesnut also
asked for clarification on allowable uses around Sites 4, 5, and 7 and also inquired regarding the
maintenance of these sites.
Mr. Hogue stated that there is a misnomer regarding maintenance. It was noted by Mr. Hogue
that in this case, maintenance consisted of ensuring that the structure operates correctly. It was
further noted that Sites 4, 5 and 7 are neither a lake nor a pond nor were designed as such; but
they are flood water retarding structures. It was explained that these sites are 50 years old and
were built in 1956 and 1957 and are just about silted in. Mr. Hogue gave an example of how to
determine accumulation of the silt at the sites with the analogy of"a bird can walk across the top in
the summertime and not get their toenails wet" and that the sites are silted, which is what they
were designed to do.
Mr. Hogue stated that the only maintenance to be done would be on the dam, the merchants
spillway and the subsequent pipe going through and that as long as these three are functioning
correctly then there is nothing else that is really harnessed other than debris coming through the
In regards to what can be done with an easement, Mr. Hogue explained that anything can be done
as long as it doesn't affect the overall working of the structure and that hike and bike trails and
picnic tables can be constructed on the easement. It was also noted that cleaning up the site can
be accomplished as well. Mr. Hogue stated that what is not allowable is to bring in a lot of fill
materials to raise up the structure in order to keep something from getting wet. However, this
doesn't mean that the soil can not be manipulated. The District does require that anything subject
to go on an easement be submitted for their review and approval. If it something that doesn't
involve the dam or spillway, Mr. Hogue stated that he felt that he could answer for the District in
saying that the District would not be objectionable to it. If there is involvement of the dam or
spillway, this will have to be brought to the State office for an engineer to review. It was further
noted that things can be done around the dam and spillway but it must be engineered and
designed correctly in order not to create a problem in the future. Mr. Hogue advised that liability of
such a project be considered.
Mr. Hogue also pointed out that dams are constructed as low hazard dams and that there is a
misnomer in that hazard class is not a good term. It was explained to the Board that "hazard" is
usually thought of as safety to the dam but in actuality it is what would happen if the dam failed.
The difference between low, medium and high hazard terminology in regards to a dam was
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Low hazard — constitutes damage that would knock out a county road, fence, barn and cause
Medium hazard —constitutes damage that would take out a state highway, office building, etc.
High hazard —constitutes potential loss of a life.
Board Member Delgado asked if a hike and bike trail around the sites would be considered a high
hazard for the dam. Mr. Hogue stated that this would not because what is considered is what is
down stream not up stream. Board Chairman Chesnut asked if development around the area
would be considered high hazard and Mr. Hogue responded that only what is down stream is
considered. Mr. Nelson asked if Sites 4, 5 and 7 are considered high hazards. Mr. Hogue stated
that Sites 4 and 7 are high hazards. It was noted that high hazard is'determined by a bench
analysis. Mr. Hogue gave a brief analysis in that a computer model is utilized to reflect if a lake is
totally full and all of a sudden the dam is gone —where would the water go. Mr. Hogue stated that
hike and bike trails up or down stream will not affect hazard class one way or another.
Discussion followed regarding hike and bike trails for Sites 4, 5 and 7. Mr. Hogue stated that hike
and bike trails, hiking trails, concrete walk paths, anything like this is no problem for these sites.
However, Mr. Hogue stated that at some time there may be standing water along these areas as
well and he wanted the Board to be aware of this as well.
Mr. Hogue and Mr. Scholz further explained the sites to the board in regards to the current settling
of the sites and a comparison was done to the sites when built in 1956 and 1957 and what they are
today. Chairman Chesnut asked in regards to Site 5 if the housing development next to it created
any change in the land when the houses were built. Mr. Hogue stated that the houses were built
as close to the Site as possible without creating a bunch of problems. When asked about the flood
plain, it was noted that in regards to the northwest part of the development, the developer made
changes to make sure that the development did not encroach on the flood storage. Board Member
Wiley asked that since these sites are 50 years old and have accomplished what they were
designed to do, if future renovations or upgrading are planned for these sites. In response to this
question, Mr. Hogue stated that the only program available is through Congress through the
Watershed Rehabilitation Act in which the dams can be renovated to serve an additional 50-100
years life span with 65% federal funds and 35% of local sponsored funds, and that this program is
the only program available to provide any renovation of these sites.
Mr. Nelson asked if the water level can be raised. Mr. Hogue stated that potentially it can be
raised although Site 5 can not. It was noted that sites such as these in Texas allows impound up
to 200 acre feet for livestock and domestic use without a permit and that 200 acre feet ports were
cut into the side of the riser so it would not hold more than 200 acre feet. To upgrade Site 5 down
from high hazard; it has to safely pass through probably maximum flood through all of the spillways
without overtopping the dam. The probable maximum flood in Collin County, depending on the
watershed, is 30 inches in a 24 hour period.
Mr. Nelson further asked in regards to Site 5 if sediment can be taken out. It was stated that this is
possible. Mr. Nelson stated that basically the City would have to pay for all of the sediment coming
out and that Mike Sferra, Public Services Director, has stated that dirt would be removed from the
property and sediment would replace this. Mr. Hogue stated that this is the best way to do this
because once sediment is taken off the site, it creates a new set of problems which will then
involve the Corps of Engineers.
Board Member Larson asked if the City owned the property and Mr. Hogue stated that it is owned
by Birmingham Land. Chairman Chesnut noted that with the floodplain, developers can't do
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anything in the area and that the available map shows how far developers can encroach into the
area without causing environmental or dam damage.
Mr. Scholz noted that dams for the noted 3 sites (Sites 4, 5 and 7) are in good shape. Mr. Hogue
noted that Site 5 (Rowlett Creek) has a tail pipe that needs to be replaced.
Mr. Nelson asked in regards of Site 5 how far it will function as a pond. Mr. Hogue stated that it will
no loner function just as a pond but will become a retention pond and it was noted that this site is
the 2" most site that has an accumulation of snakes. Mr. Hogue stated that at his last visit to this
site that he counted 25 black water snakes and 3 cotton mouth snakes.
Board Member Willey asked if raised, how much is there between the riser and the spillway. Mr.
Hogue stated that the difference is 9 feet and that it can not be raised that much because when it is
raised the flood storage capability is reduced and you have to be mindful of what may happen
Mr. Scholz gave a detailed explanation on the functions of a spillway. Board Member Willey asked
about the liability the city may have if it raises the riser 1 or 2 feet and there is a flood. Mr. Hogue
stated that permission would have to be received from TCEQ which will require a study done of the
basin to determine how many extra feet of storage we will be holding at that point.
Chairman Chesnut asked, in regards to sediment level, how many years it will take to get to where
it is suppose to be at the 50 year plan, especially since we have developments. Mr. Hogue stated
that the majority of the sediment has probably already been deposited. Mr. Hogue further stated
that one way to tell if a lake has silted in is by the growth of vegetation which will indicate if the
water is getting shallower.
Chairman Chesnut also asked what are the proper steps for a hike and bike trail to be put in place
around the sites and what is the turn around time for approval if such plans were submitted. Mr.
Hogue stated that the plans are to be submitted to his office and indicated that the turn around time
is normally 30 days. Mr. Hogue stated that when these sites were built, a blanket easement was
on the total property and metes and bounds were not defined. Mr. Nelson asked what the
requirements are if someone wants a pond on property that is 5 acres. Mr. Hogue stated that in
regards to impound water, 200 acre feet with livestock and domestic use without a permit is
allowed and 4 feet deep. If over 25 feet deep then it becomes an inventory lake and requires
engineering to review every 5 years. Mr. Hogue informed the Board that it needs to study what it
wants to accomplish and to be mindful of the spillway and the flood storage area. It was noted that
in 1956 it cost $15,000 to build a dam and now it costs around $15,000 to raise the risers a couple
of feet.
Mr. Nelson stated that it would be nice to have a hike and bike trails and a water feature.
Chairman Chesnut was concerned that a water feature would create be too much of an attraction
and draw a lot of people, which in turn may be more of a liability risk. Board Member Larson
stated that we really would need just hike and bike trails for these sites.
4. Staff update:
• Recap of Board priorities from February 3, 2007 Retreat
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Staff/Board Discussion
o Teen Center
Chairman Chesnut stated that he completed a site research and that two parents addressed
concerns to him regarding this issue in that it was questioned as to why the school system did not
have after school activities and the examples given were teachers to help with homework,
computer classes, roll out recreational equipment, etc.
Chairman Chesnut stated that we need to push the school system and the city harder and that joint
meetings with the Parks and Recreation Board and the school system could be held on top of the
current meetings that is being held by WISD and the city.
Board Member Willey stated that more focus needs to be put on the school system and asked if
the Parks and Recreation Board will be working with the school system regarding the recreation
center. Chairman Chesnut noted that the school system helps with the Wylie Wave program and
in other small areas as well although greater assistance can be achieved throughout the school
year. An example given was that the school system could pay for part of the cost of SRO's and the
city in turn could pay for part of a instructor's salary for an after school program.
Board Member Lafleur stated that the school system is a good resource and that once the new
recreational center is completed that some of the proposed projects could be utilized at the new
center. Board Member Delgado stated that having after school programs at the current school
buildings would be an interim solution until the new recreation center is completed.
Chairman Chesnut stated that there are several programs that could utilize church groups,
volunteers and be partially funded by the city and WISD and held during the week and on the
weekends it would be the parent's responsibility to entertain their children.
o Water Park/Aquatic Center
Board Member Delgado stated that at the Parks and Recreation Board Retreat, the discussion was
why the center was taken out of the bond and that the perception was that people didn't want just a
hole in the ground. Chairman Chesnut, who was on the Citizens Bond Advisory Board, stated that
the aquatic center and recreation center was considered together but due to cost, the aquatic
center was eventually considered separately as an offsite swimming pool. Mr. Chesnut stated that
the feeling across the Citizens Bond Advisory Board was that if the voters want it, let them pay for it
and the center was slashed because of its cost. Mr. Nelson stated that if it is noted in the master
plan and a survey completed noting the desire to have this, that it would be selling point to the
o Trail Connections
Chairman Chesnut stated that there is problem on when we will be able complete trail connections.
Board Member Delgado stated that this goes back to the master plan. Mr. Nelson asked if this was
referring to the new one or the existing one. Chairman Chesnut stated that this was regarding the
new master plan and that it would be nice to have hike and bike trails and expansion and to see
something get started but we have to wait on the new master plan. Board Member Willey stated
that he disagreed and that we already have a master plan in place regarding hike and bike trails
which aren't going to change. It was noted that there are some parks that we can link up.
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Board Member Willey further stated that if the Parks and Recreation Board wait until the new
master plan, then we are now looking at for the next budget year and at least 2 years before we
can even start pouring anything. It was stated that the master plan of 5 years ago addressed hike
and bike trails and we haven't poured a single bike trail and linked up anything in 5 years and now
we want to wait on a new master plan which is at least 2 years minimum. Discussion followed
regarding the master plan and hike and bike trails. It was noted that a map can be drawn outlining
the current trails and dedicated trails. Mr. Nelson stated that he will get a map for the board which
will indicate the current trails. Chairman Chesnut stated that this can be discussed further at the
next meeting.
o Skate Park
It was noted that this item will be discussed in length later at the next board meeting.
o Practice Fields
Mr. Nelson stated that staff discussed how much to develop these areas. Board Member Delgado
stated that the practice fields should be leveled with a back stop put in and maybe mowing as
needed. Chairman Chesnut stated that the school fields needs to be look at also.
o McMillan, Wylie East, and Olde City Park land purchases
It was noted that discussion on these items will be done at a later time except for Olde City Park.
In regards to Olde City Park, Mr. Nelson asked if the board was in agreement to pursue this.
Board Member Lafleur asked about a time line and it was noted that Council is involved in the new
facilities and that the priority of these new facilities is needed.
o Additional projects identified by the Board and staff
- Update Recreation, Parks and Open Space Master Plan
- Master plan of the Wells Property
Mr. Nelson stated that it is time to get the master plan completed along with the Wells property
master plan.
- Grant Writer/consultant for grant writing
Mr. Nelson stated that a full time or part time grant writing person is needed. It was noted that this
is a time consuming position but that there is a great need for this position.
- Development of Twin Lakes, Dodd and Avalon Parks
Mr. Nelson stated that staff is looking at this for the next year budget year. Staff will be looking at:
Twin Lakes which is very old, Dodd which is in need for practice fields, and trails and future skate
park for Avalon Park.
• Skate park Options at Joel Scott Park.
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Staff/Board Discussion
Chairman Chesnut asked if we have current drawings of the park. Board Member Larson stated
,.' that we do. The Board reviewed location and skate park options for Joel Scott Park, Avalon Park
and Friendship Park as provided by Board Member Larson. The consensus of the board was
Option 1 for Joel Scott Park due its location, size, and availability to the residents. Board Member
Jones stated that he would like to see Friendship Park receive a skate park in the future.
• Founders Park Bond Project.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Nelson stated that staff has a meeting with the architect in a couple of weeks and is taking
things step by step. Chairman Chesnut asked when will the Parks and Recreation Board meet
with them and that this should have been done in the beginning. It was noted that the Sport
Associations have already met with the architects. Board Member Larson stated that this meeting
more than likely occurred for the architects to get information from them that the Parks and
Recreation Board did not have and it was a fact gathering meeting. It was noted that staff will set
up a meeting with the Parks and Recreation Board and the architects.
• Architect meeting with City Council February 27, 2007.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Nelson informed the Parks and Recreation Board of the February 27, 2007 Council meeting
which will include a meeting with the architects on the new facilities.
• Construction status on basketball courts, Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Nelson stated that all basketball goals are up and that at Community Park (north end) a court
has settled and instead of raising it, it will be taken out. Also two new back boards will be replaced.
At Olde City Park, irrigation construction will start one week from today. At Joel Scott Park, the
irrigation is 98% complete and once it is completed, dirt work will start.
A motion was made by Chairman Chesnut and seconded by Board Member Delgado to adjourn.
The consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:53 p.m.
1, i
Chesna't, Chairman
• ayle W n, Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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