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04-18-2016 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet
Zoningof Ad • us men s F rirk iS. (47.--r 7 Twill we> r� Ii_1"r"-,*,r;1, �Al„li,:l khi l0'.''"k.4.0'..,--5.,-,1,,,1 r,e if '"I i 4 ,t, �.... ,\, ,, It ,ivovv--kinom, ,, -414.\\, \'' Li. ,,,( 4 �1 .��. �, COLOR4bg.. -4 St' 111, '' a 1887 Giiiico ar, SlAr O• , 18 2016 April18, Regular Business Meeting " Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment �'�� � NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, April 18, 2016 - 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex - Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Linda Jourdan Chair Jason Potts Vice Chair Robert Holcomb Board Member Andres Gonzalez Board Member Kevin Finnell Board Member Karyn McGinnis Alternate Board Member Renae' 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes for the January 18, 2016 Meeting. April 18,2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Travis Hallford for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2e (2) of the Zoning Ordinance for residential accessory structure masonry requirements. The property is located at 840 Crestview Lane in the Stoneridge Farms Addition, Block D, Lot 2. ZBA 2016-02 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Debra Walker Rust for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2c (4) and 2.5.C.2d (2) and 2.5.C.2e (2) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring no accessory structure be placed within a side yard setback of less than five feet, and requiring that all premanufactured structures that cover more than two percent of the lot match the color and exterior materials for both the roof and walls. The property is located at 1503 Schooner Bay Drive in the Newport Harbor Subdivision, Block 14, Lot 10. ZBA 2016-03 3. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Evelyn Young for a Variance to Section 4.3.F.l.a of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the building materials for commercial structures within a Light Industrial District (LI) to be masonry with 20% stone on the facade, property located at 22 Steel Road, Lot 6, Block A of the Steel Industrial Park Addition. ZBA 2016-04 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert0; that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 15th day of April 2016 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie Zoning Board of CITY WYLI Adjustment Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Monday, January 18, 2016 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chair Linda Jourdan called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and stated that a quorum was present. Those present were: Chair Jourdan, Vice Chair Jason Potts, Board Member William Hiney, Board Member Kevin Finnell, and Board Member Andres Gonzalez. Staff members present were: Renae' 011ie, Planning Director, Jasen Haskins, Sr. Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. Mr. Haskins introduced new member of staff, Kevin Molina, Planner. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the November 16, 2015 Meeting. A motion was made by Board Member Finnell and seconded by Board Member Potts, to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion carried 5 - 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Item 1 —ZBA 2016-01 Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Robert Schraplau for a Variance to Section 8.G.5 of the Zoning Ordinance for extending the time period of 90 days to take action on approved variance request from previous ZBA Case 2015-14 for roof pitch. The property is located at 715 WA Allen Boulevard, being Lot 7, Block A of Mill Creek Estates. ZBA 2016-01. Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant was granted a variance from the Board on November 15, 2015 to reduce the residential roof pitch from Minutes January 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 3 8:12 to 4:12.. However, it was not discovered until after the fact that the applicant did not plan to begin construction within the 90 days from variance approval, as stated in the Ordinance. In accordance with Section 8.4.G.5 the appellant shall act upon an approved variance within 90 days from the date of the favorable action of the Board. Therefore the applicant is requesting to extend the time frame to act on the variance from 90 days to 24 months. Fourteen comment forms were mailed to surrounding property owners. Two comment forms were returned one in favor and the other in opposition of the request. Public Comments Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Robert Schraplau, 1365 E Stone Road, Wylie, the applicant for the subject request, stated that his current property was purchased by a developer, and the new development will not begin construction for approximately another two to four years. The developer is proposing to demolish the applicants home to construct a large residential development. The applicant desires to continue living in his current home until the developer moves forward with the development. In the meantime, the applicant is drawing the construction plans, and saving money to construct a new home on the subject property before the developer takes control of the current property. Mr. Schraplau is requesting the variance for two years, allowing him to start construction sometime during the two year period. He doesn't want to start construction until the developer is ready to move forward. Ms. 011ie explained to the Board Members that the applicant is referring to his current home however; the variance is for new proposed residential lot. Mr. Haskins stated that a Grading Permit would allow the applicant to move dirt and keep the variance that was granted in November. However, the applicant desires to extend the variance for two years, due to purchaser of his current lot not ready to develop his current lot. Chair Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Finnell, and seconded by Board Member Gonzales, to Grant the Variance to extend the time period from 90 days to 24 months. The property located at 715 WA Allen Boulevard. Motion failed 2 — 3, the Variance was Denied. Minutes January 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Potts, and seconded by Board Member Finnell to adjourn the meeting. All Board Members were in consensus, and the meeting adjourned at 6:43p.m. Linda Jourdan, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes January 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 3 ?At Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 18, 2016 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Case Number: 2016-02 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Project Location: 840 Crestview Lane Date Prepared: April 06, 2016 Subdivision Name: Stoneridge Farms Addition Location Map, site plan, Exhibits: Notification List and Map Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Travis HaIlford for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2e (2) of the Zoning Ordinance for residential accessory structure masonry requirements. The property is located at 840 Crestview Lane in the Stoneridge Farms Addition, Block D, Lot 2. Discussion The subject property is located at 840 Crestview Lane in the Stoneridge Farms Addition. The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,000 square foot, 10" high accessory structure, with a metal exterior material, on a residential lot of approximately 36,168 square feet. The structure will be used to store a boat and accessories for boating and fishing. The applicant requests a variance to Section 2.5.C.2e (2) of the Zoning Ordinance for residential accessory structure masonry requirements. The property is currently zoned SF-10/24 which allows one or two accessory structures per lot not totaling more than 5% lot coverage, cumulative. The ordinance requires a single accessory structure of more than 2% lot coverage to be built with a masonry exterior to match the main building. The intent of the ordinance is to allow for the purchase and installation of accessory structures, such as those sold at local home improvement centers, if they are relatively small (<2%) compared to the lot and home size. However, larger accessory buildings, those greater than 2%but less than 5% of lot coverage, are greater investments and usually more visible structures that are required to have a masonry exterior that closely matches the main structure on the lot. Complying with the 2% masonry requirement rule the largest structure that the applicant can have with a lot measuring 36,168 square feet is 723 square feet. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow for a structure that measures 1,000 square feet. This would place the applicant's structure slightly over the 2% maximum at 2.8%. A unique physical circumstance may exist as the Stoneridge Farms subdivision has larger lots compared to others in the city. This intent of the Ordinance would still be met if the variance is approved. Previous variances regarding this same matter have been presented in the past for properties located in this subdivision. The applicant has provided construction plans and a survey indicating that the accessory structure will be placed in the rear yard and will comply with the setback requirements of the zoning ordinance. The accessory structure will be hidden from view by the existing wooden fence and will be placed in a location with limited view from the street frontages of both Crestview lane and F.M Highway 544. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2016-02 Public comment forms were mailed to 13 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No responses were received at the time of posting. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance,if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance,if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance,if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 04-12-16 Department Director —i c i r + t It + State 'Highway Na 78 t a _ I t t L.. ''/ r Subject '' Property ' ! s.. 'sr 1 i• ..\i, s,, L. I .,,,,,,,t,o,„ , Ili , ....„......, _; .e �111f1111rIIIII IIIIII�fI4_ = , 1 . . L ■ w� , 7)H ,.,..,. t/ ra'��� , _: .,:.... ■m i,, r t I !,_ , .. ® i4 it ,, Rimini& E. MI, inMEM 11111111J1 !i4 ;imp �► - I!!.. 1 *t ' ..m �,�.'� t` ion i.■. ■■■IIIII ( ■' ■ii �'1;g ...-z,' � —y 1 . .. . I �!Iji . ir1m;.• ._ ;■■■■1 IIIII q, :11 4 ■g H PP! I 1 1111i -,� \ ■ — C � ore, C IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII ;.IIIIIII t ���„� ��iiirt �' sllllll �,( L..,. a1111 ) ,• 1111 �� CIS I ■■-ii ' I11( ®,IIIIII' IIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIII � ,,��� 11111� / 11111 t, ='pip!;: s; 1111111 n11111111 , human! CPLJ 1ri� W.AN. 11111.11111/11111 IIIII — 1111á mt.a p --_•• _ — — ,\II I 1 re IN iffiffigrill ii: :- i i = 6o111111i11A�111►�� C� ITI `, '--- — 1 ♦ t j - L_—_:::. --r_:,_• 174rmipro 1111 IIITimumoumm ,------------.:, .* \ 11111111111114�l :-.7.-r- = - ,.,. . ----'--J-- '41 slumiluniii �'� . . ��� — r I i - - O. = MTIIiuIIIlI, t 1l►gm _ .11101011111111 EMI 7 ___rlm._,,_ATt---- ! 11111E11' I 11110111/ N. iiti it , i .. ' iiIIIIP „,,,i, 1 , , , _ ,,,iiiiiii. \\, , 1 , ,,..._ ... ......,„,,,„ : .::::::: , , , .2 pittizoitalv, ....._____i ..,...._imi• IEID 1_l_1i_1111_11piw11i11y11111_ 4 --111n1imm111ii ����il'M.i E i.1",zi e.f;.E:.4gl.RpF.,, _. ,� m'11 'J� ii.. ..lii�� ,�,,111111n1/ � �1 luiitn il o' i 1111i►t�� 41u1oi , , i / iAi 1111 1 11i! [ ... A. . . , munotinumum IN tirr-eThlimaliiiii ■■IIIII t 1 1 l-i► ■EN111111.t111...i��i I�,.3' �11111111i; . ��0 ! iffsi 11N11111111111 1 11 IIIII► l �� ► L. ii .. ' ♦ *s1111�111� \��11111 I__ ����11111111�%t�j .. -. .............. Ill�4. ii�lii f . v.1�=1-s.. �� JI i i 1111111111 _t_tinii11 . LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2016-02 1- F.M. HIGHWAY NO. 544 (90'R.O.W.) 112'IRF BEARS __1/2"IRF S 88°28'49"E 125.20' N63" '3B-E 1A' ._.L:71° �e.0 LOT 2,BLOCK D ST NERIDGE FARMS,PHASE I • c .,^a OD �,j 1[i Lw n l N NE IAsOTORY LOT 3 b, FRAME b LOT 1 . $ d' 102 3 0 0 O O Z Cl) D1 �� m•y+ 12.0 m ONE STORY BRICK 1:1E - RESIDENCE i 840 CRESTVIEW LANE X 40.0' 19.0' " . ..w • _. xi 25.7' b 11.1'Q f2.T 15.1' ^_ _ 25'BUILDING LINE : 1�=—_ __ 10'X10' TRANSFORMER PA •A ° EASEMENT _ _ •' 5L4L� TSEE VrunI� EA EMENT EIE°.VAIAS�Taws pp . .NS'I°L .. ..YV 1:G .1 `CM RF 1�0RF BEARS (REFEREN N SW 40'19'W 2.0 ! ®WATER MEIER CRESTVIEW LANE (50'R.O.W.) LEGEND: ---M+—•-IF•—WIRE FENCE ASSPHALT.I%/A VINYL FENCE , ---w—•:=WROUGHI IRON FENCE CONCRETE-' ?+.;.•I 11-0—WOOD FENCE GRAVEL-I..,' - I 0' 20' 40' 80 —E—f-ELECTRIC UNE �� NOTES: NOTES: I BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE RECORDED PLAT. GM.GAS METERwnom.I_ -I THE PROPERTY IS NOT AFFECTED BY THE FOLLOWING: SCALE:1".40' GM. METER f1RICK-©© (109-EASEMENT,VOL.638,PAGE 37,R.P.R.C.C.T. EM.ELECTRICIROC IPE FOUND T*'•"•"•'I (109)-EASEMENT,VOL 787,PAGE 667,R.P.R.C.C.T. IPFIRF-IRON PIPE FOUND STONE.. (10h)-EASEMENT,VOL 1256,PAGE 715.R.P.R.C.C.T. IRS-IRON ROD SET I�j///�I (101)-EASEMENT,VOL 2358,PAGE 901,R.P.R.C.C.T. CM.CONTROW EN NO MONUMENT MomRAILROAD i1E.% BUILDING LINES AND EASEMENTS ARE BASED ON THE RECORDED PLAT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: OF.NO. 1017-155081-RTT BEING LOT 2,IN BLOCK D.OF STONERIDGE FARMS,PHASE I,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE.COWN COUNTY,TEXAS,ACCORDING TO BORROWER TRAVIS J.HALLFORD 6 THE MAP THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME K,PAGE 173,OF THE MAP RECORDS OF COWN COUNTY.TEXAS SARAN R.HALLFORD TECH SY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION: FIELD AC THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON THIS DATE A SURVEY WAS MADE ON THE GROUND,UNDER MY SUPERVISION.THAT THE SURVEY REFLECTS A FLOOD INFORMATION: TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION AS TO THE DIMENSIONS AND CALLS OF PROPERTY LINES:LOCATION AND TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTS. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY DOES NOT APPEAR TO LIE THERE ARE NO VISIBLE AND APPARENT EASEMENTS,ENCROACHMENTS,CONFLICTS,OR PROTRUSIONS,EXCEPT AS SHOWN.THIS SURVEY WITHIN THE LIMITS OF A 100-YEAR FLOOD HAZARD IS NOT TO BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES AND IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE HEREON NAMED PURCHASER,MORTGAGE ZONE ACCORDING TO THE MAP PUBLISHED BY THE COMPANY,AND TITLE COMPANY AND THIS SURVEY IS MADE PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN TITLE COMMITMENT UNDER THE GF NUMBER FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY,AND SHOWN HEREON,PROVIDED BY THE TITLE COMPANY NAMED HEREON AND THAT THIS DATE,THE EASEMENTS,RIGHTS-OF-WAY,OR OTHER HAS A ZONE"X"RATING AS SHOWN BY MAP NO. LOCATABLE MATTERS OF RECORD THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAS KNOWLEDGE OR HAS BEEN ADVISED ARE AS SHOWN OR NOTED HEREON. 4808500420 J,DATED JUNE 2,2009. DATE: 0722/15 JOB NO.: 15-05374 840 CRESTVIEW LANE,WYLIE,TX 75098 NEW: 07/21/15 y::;\ ..-...._....... LOT 2,BLOCK D,STONERIDGE FARMS,PHASE I OF V. IFINILIo • 41( ROBERT T. PAUL, JR. P REPUBLIC TITLE 1 � •O 4984 v ;V 7P17lGPiri �'9NO Ff•SS•t," ACCEPTED BY: /..... im �� $UR �► ur%clIlnCI II• �� �`-��� 5700 W.ite Plano 7 Parkway Suite 2700 PlanoRegistered Professional tend/ Office: 72-6exas 2-36 3 NI 972-612.3601 / Fex:972.964-7021 g 9 DUO Lj \u/ 1 3 2O 506/ 50' UI cCi 508 509 21 508 10 510 50 �--�—�� r � ,� �—,ter,—� nr� , ,t' f .� ',k r !f y dir rrr '2' �� � P -4 t ', r -r s , ✓ y xs:/ 3;, .r } ,F:f a• r, 11 f 510 51 r ✓ � S .'K - ti , 'e � 2 i r r > e, '.r.' 7 r . hT P x , r } "'-�4 r `� -,,n- n 1 �' 4 a � ;r t r 's Fdi Cl 1 . r t, , A ' . n r :s'r' .i'gr, 'r" yr p x�"^+, r r, ,� �f r ,✓j r _ f r rsf 4 9 '1 I Hfure,.,, R '�`" v r 4 r`1 / � r I 1,Vjv��C� "d'r1 i A§ „ l,i!.�,,r�" o-r ! dr : P -,,gr r �,t d3a':er , rrr Vrf�il]�l�"},�ti'f;'a#.l",z ! rV.M'f zr V✓ 1 r''- z g , y e 'u�1i n I . k`fp„}, x I 1 a1�,iti.,Yi> 1)}l} i ;al¢ 17•1'Y7°'ik.p(' x r,r r a =xg y o i�, �,xn jAh cif 7 l�l!i lF�f 4arfrj`�rf:liidll"i f r i9. r 1J r , C ,v las � ,� r � 2�1rh�i S4417��Y,A91§tier , t,ki � r � a `'d' , r+ 'f ✓ € F , (1x �fF th 3nr1� 1l, t r � t � �it , r , 1�,t h ,x 'ma Sri ra r ',x x 1°;rte lli1;:i e,V.r6.'J{,V �Nr �z 5�1!3 , ,' l a r Ott,lbfYg 111��!l�f �,p ,i °rct�; f r 'S' v x r x r r '{If(!Ii. 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W fr L s r i a ,x N, Y r �1�,: �� , r 4ec+� � t z�..,� ,+ tams ?4 urr y t t �f�` ��, 1 , F a �x�y r r , r y r Ak dry d5 N,!, ff: 1 k t%i z 01 g ✓ fir?1 S 1 - 'k .. #;"k4re,;��"n!g,✓.� 744 yO $4. „4li x .y' sr .0 ^ �; y': 11: tr r0, .€fv:xa0 ,• , r, x ���a�� �� �a��� dhlik�o4��r'�'" t �� � �sFfasr� ��`�x�� ,�", a��r� (�� ' 4ir � .�� r i °7 ti ,,, r4 1$ is" •1:krr4 �'l G � h a �r krt "1 T .x,� F r Y�,a',-�5, � ��x l z�°' .F k'i�x r��' 'fir r�;� � ,✓st {€a t � ��ks `'",r r t x�A.,x' r 11;t1r x'x 5,� rr r rr,''.c r t t r< r r ✓ t cx a, ak:e' ,,tr' F .D r '1 i C if-g07 }"`to#w .k ,,4 ',t t v±i $02£i�,+s 3fq!,, i' ry ,t t+°} ip.-, v ,., j 4 f a 7z , ii� 7 r ,f va, r dw 8,{ d t r`�6 �Xr>r� ' tr r k� ,x k qa `d?r'4.r.� ,i.F, ,,,,,,f p ;,,Yt,� a: ✓ F 'Eq r x I JG >s ,lr r.t7n rr }k, -sY`;?+rr�"i F 'ea„r` 1 r t FFr I 4r5.a`"tl' :�.. ',, .. ' , 'wNaI1iIm ' r, X • ,, sipr� i,�..`�7� t � 'ax�,�a���r,�,3x,.�`rri� i`pp��r 'r kt 1 d k 4 ,fie r , , �r rI'r n� rar z pa�r4jw��1 a�'r�s *7"i'��i°��°�p��J,r,i;ti;r .vr.s' .E :✓ i1�,,."g, :j✓,,,..r_;a r ,F r'P..x.ak.''v 620 631 OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZBA CASE #2016-02 ?At Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 18, 2016 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Case Number: 2016-03 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Project Location: 1503 Schooner Bay Drive Date Prepared: April 04, 2016 Subdivision Name: Newport Harbor Location Map, Land Title Survey, Graphics and Photos, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Debra Walker Rust for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2c(4) and 2.5.C.2d(2) and 2.5.C.2e (2) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring no accessory structure be placed within a side yard setback of less than five feet, and requiring that all premanufactured structures that cover more than two percent of the lot match the color and exterior materials for both the roof and walls. The property is located at 1503 Schooner Bay Drive in the Newport Harbor Subdivision, Block 14, Lot 10. Discussion The subject property is located at 1503 Schooner Bay Drive and was platted under the 1985 Zoning Ordinance. The dwelling was built in 1988 and has rear entry garage access from the alley. The applicant is requesting three variances to maintain an existing accessory building. The first variance is to Section 2.5.C.2c (4) for the requirement for a side yard setback of five feet in order to maintain an existing accessory structure to be located two feet two inches from the side property line. The requested variance of two feet two inches from the required five foot setback represents a 43% adjustment to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The setback requires that any accessory structure not be located closer than five feet from the side property line. The purpose of the building setback requirement is to preserve and promote open space and increase neighborhood safety. The next two variances are to Section 2.5.C.2d (2) and Section 2.5.C.2e (2) for the requirement that accessory structures that exceed two percent of the lot match the color and exterior materials of the existing primary structure. Accessory structures covering more than two percent of the lot are required to be constructed with exterior walls composed of composite masonry facade material or the same masonry content required of the main structure. The applicant's premanufactured structure currently has treated wood siding with a green shingled roof which does not match the primary structures exterior materials. The applicant has provided a survey showing the location of the accessory building that is currently in place. During a remodeling of the current structure the applicant's contractor pulled other permits for work that was done on the permit and the applicant did not realize that the contractor failed to pull a permit for the nonconforming accessory structure. Public comment forms were mailed to 31 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. Four(4)response in opposition of the request has been received at the time of this posting. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2016-03 The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance,if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance,if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance,if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 04-12-16 Department Director I ' ' / 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■11.11u..uu11..r' ', .- . li- 1. ,, i Ell In MIMI MIN- 1411111111/* 1.--------------- i JI1iIdI• NI- um -, ..mu:iTin— . 1 Ilk;110\1111kt Lill) IM i ititlinill . Or- ►,.� aim ism - k eviu111q pi_ I ! um i ill __:VI. M `IiIf ? t4JI ...tun- - r : ♦ i�_��_.��_�, ,i. �nrs� l I NE IN El I.IMI Mill.W1 (/) _I fu11 j C�■111■r At imail r '� FM 1378 Count Club Road rn O Count Club d. II , � 11111■ ■1111 � 111/�. .� �� �� �� .�_ �_�� /i r---- -- ,:aeuian . .� ..p c c 7 ■.. ■„�� �,113 - _E E im :: N 1.:t:ate r ,V _ _ O _ �__ - IIIM !=!NE M.MI IMI -mi.-WIMI-•�• .ECM MI-=i.�_5p— II IN '1 uiiif E� __ .-_ __ _. ��'_= � �. CK > Ell MIL ICnNy W ,, A5Mm,1.-m.11i.moN r •lm*m i1i-aiag1.,r_m i; . E. .— =elm jiII2m—Im1 ' . ?, •,� � , 0AL.N■ .... mn m tea= ! !_?! : . ♦ ♦ a .!`f, ,,4- 4. uI A n Ir=IS ice; tea!! L. rt ♦• f! .l.r!^Ns %, v -- • ridll.I 1111?1ir.nrril..1ft1. 4,1 - --------- IA,I—_I—1 w 11M®IIIIiNIil iliiiiu■■■■■■■u■■■■■■�tp.Wrii_A �ii■■■■�� _ II., ,/ r- - .,,i _,•_ 1 '-r''c-r' ,, i 1 1 i ;ii 1 ; 1 IIW,4x,Wry , _..1 �. 1 a r Our Mission... to be responsible stewards of the public trust, to strive for excellence in public service,and to enhance the quality of life for all CITY OF WYLIE Permit# ACC-16-1171 3-16--2016 1503 Schooner Bay Dr. Wylie tx. Plan Review Comments 1) Must be a min. of 5 foot away from property line. 2) Apply for variance with ZBOA at planning and zoning. Once the changes have been completed please resubmit and the plan review process will continue. Thank You, David Adams Building Inspector City of Wylie (972) 516-6427 office david.adams@wylietexas.gov l:RESIDENTIAL BUILDING APPLICATION RESIDENTIAL PLAN REVIEW IS 5—10 BUSINESS DAYS CITY OF VVYLIE Updated QMarch 20(2P I S PERMIT#: Q l �l l T. DATE: -7 :X//v _ PROJECT ADDRESS: /5-63 SC`9 v0//J /_ ,City Pe lr : 11 " i SUBDIVISION: A SW 4i./'/Ad6u,rz_ fi PHASE: I LOT �U BLOCK:/T �i J M 1 2016 - IVI PLAN#: ELEVATION: GARAGE SWING: _" APPLICANT/CONTRACTOR: )-2 12CL. N 1.4 S--1 PHONE: 69`7 - 79 1-4 13 - ADDRESS: /3U3 SC A 7,t)E/L. SI/a, CITY w/y/lc STATE /X ZIP 7�%T OWNER OF PROPERTY: { a Ili('E i SI PHONE: " l 7-b' 2 -s 7/ 9 ADDRESS: )-SU 3 SC, 1...10N -4- 6- v t2L CITY 1 rr STATE/K. ZIP (•�6)7 7? TYPE OF RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION-PL IRCLE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING:NEW HOME/REMODEL 1 ADDITION/SWIMMING POOL!CARPOR TORAGE/FENCE/ROOF/PATIO/FOUNDATION/IRRIGATION • DESCRIPTION OF WORK: -S- 0 la1 E P) t' I r/vC 10 x to /qW� l tkt BACK FLOW TESTER: COST OF CONSTRUCTION:S t 5 HIND SQ FOOT UNDER ROOF: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: NUMBER OF BATHROOMS: Electrical Provider: Gas Provider: Water Meter Size: THIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK HAS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT.THE EXCEPTIONS ARE FENCE AND IRRIGATION PERMITS WHICH EXPIRE IN 60 DAYS. YES NO ELEVATION CERTIFICATE MAYBE REQUIRED FOR THE FINISHED FLOOR BY h ENGINEEERING PRIOR TO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUANCE. YES NO BOUNDARY FORM SURVEY IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS THE GRANTING OF A BUILDING PERMIT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A DETERMINATION THAT THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION WILL OR WILL NOT VIOLATE ANY DEED RESTRICTIONS OR COVENANTS APPLICABLE TO THE PROPERTY ON WHICHE CONSTRUCTION TAKES PLACE, NOR DOES IT AUTHORIZE ANY SUCH VIOLATION. I,.( 7 e! +-c S/ (PRINT NAME), AS OWNER OR AS AGENT FOR THE OWNER,HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED ALL THE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE (� TO THE ABOVEPROPERTY. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE OFO `'`L PROVISIONSTTICE. NJ r- SIGNA u F�� DATE: 3 ///.2-- /‘., *******************BUILDING DEPARTMENT ONLY*'"......"**** N BUILDING FEE: j j,,�')I� PLAN REVIEW FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: r/�/ MECHANICAL FEE: c\i 001.., PLUMBING FEE: MISCELLANEOUS FEE: 473ai -.,, BLDG INSPECTION FEE: GRAND TOTAL FEES: BLDG SET BACKS:FRONT YARD REAR YARD: SIDE YARD CORNER YARD N PLANS CHECKED BY: APPROVAL DATE: RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE: PER SQUARE FEET OF ALL AREA COVERED BY ROOF S .04 BASE PERMIT FEE NEW RESIDENTIAL S 550.00 REINSPECTION FEE $ 50.00 PLAN REVIEW FEE FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS S 50.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FEE S 75.00 FENCE S 40.00 MINIMUM BUILDING PERMIT FEE S 50.00 City of Wylie Texas-300 Country Club,Bldg.100,Wylie,TX 75098-www.wvlietexas.¢ov 972-516-6420 I , • I vuLUMt Ili, PAGE 224, MAP RECORDS, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS. REF BRG (P.P.) ,.::, (PLAT = B8.0) , '_ w.•%.. '... '•3 8956'O2 E gg8.0®®'_ ..•• �{•-•t• Z . • • 'Q� FIR 9 j,;•• Q FIR m �. •` .. 25' B.L (P.P.) .•1 1.1 +•::�;.a; 15.0' . •0 •e i, 11.3' �o 4 10.1:did tri RESIDENCE -} ' aW 1503 $ 11 �a ti s i CO10.1' 27.2' .-... -CO o o • 7...... }. 20.8' o_ 74 • .•t I.r .;•._ Q YI dp • 10 WOOD) •';.:.: °'a' DESK .' • ABOVE 4 �' •.• •`Y' ., GPOOL „ ., ;• • S' UTIUTY,DRAINAGE, POOL •1; -. ( r& ALLEY ESMT. (P.P.) f IR , c ••• SIR ` :...,;;;:�; •:.N 89°57'56" 1�1 •68.00..•.'• :•,.:'�:._*• - I , N ,Jrt, 01111114 . jr. 21�' v.P.)YMBICATES TEAT BUSIENO LEES.MEMOS.R.O*$.ETC.AS SNCWN MESH ME PER PLAT memo... IUI! .".1 y ?Ant" .. ‘' 7 5m(en's'c• nn:.... 3/10/2016 Treated Side Lofted Barn Cabin I Derksen Portable Buildings L I , • HOME PRODUCTS DEALERS MEDIA BUYING ABOUT US ' Treated Side Lofted Barn Cabin �4 1 �7 i Available Sidings: Treated • Painted • Metal a � �sr 4 y 1 ' , r Available Widths(ft): 10 • 12 • 14 • 16 n x' ,, µ The Side Lofted Barn Cabin is available in 10' and 12' ; ` widths (14' Et 16' available in some areas, based on '` hauling restrictions). It combines the best features of _„�,..- ., .. , „, , the lofted barn and cabin. All models feature a loft, 1 `- ! ti extra high walls, a 9-lite door, three 2' x 3'windows, and ] I r a side porch and entryway. ,-.3e'.inza.,..,=j4441.1r/jF1 L-1`, " - & .5 7 Product Information . _'"� `„ "' 4 : ., TREATED BUILDINGS (Features, specifications and options may vary by state. See your dealer for details) h A` .� 7 1" * "�:1,.ti ' Treated Buildings are finished with a water resistant stain at no extra x r , . .: 55,, . . K charge. Wall studs are 24 inch on center, and DOUBLED under siding seams.This ROOD Colors feature gives our buildings the same strength as 16 inch on center s walls, but increases the seal of our buildings. i ra[ i 14 t l i I . ,i € Floor joists are 2x6's in 10'and 12'wides, 16 inch on center and set r, l{.Rigi g L (i Iv! `4 i' U '- ! �f ,} _,.li , into notched skids to prevent twisting. Floor joists never span more than about 5 ft without being supported by 17��e..x�'1 1 =i 7JI ® a 4x6 skid.)Floor Joists are 12 inch on center on all Garages. _L: i 1S ' «' Siding and trim is 5/8 inch pressure treated T1-11. • Floor decking is 5/8 inch. Skids and floor joists on all buildings are pressure treated. Shingle Colors - Exposed nails are ring shank Et galvanized for maximum strength, -, which means no rust spots. s ; • All buildings come with locks and keys. • Choose high quality 30-Year Metal Roof or 30-year architectural shingle roof-Same Price. Not all products, materials and sizes are available in all areas. See your dealer for details. t0No ° s Gr t Tyree-, . . got , ' ? ueue dH '- E:AIiA fl 1•, 41 USA �Pr '•. P�JiEy„;y• +! (.....„„ r.d <', ' 'fie' -- ,y: '` -- Painted Side Lottedclam Cabin Treated Deluxe Lofted Barn Celan Treated Lotted Barn Cabin +y''r.*" 4 rim'? -:f an. - L4 , 1,,,„,„„4„:„., Painted Treated Deluxe Cable http--J/www.derksenbuiloIngs.com/twildirgs/breated-side-lofted-trawl-cabin 1/2 • • . . • • . , .. . . . . . . • OCT-31 .20,..... 3 r 06: 5.-.• ,.. . . ..•/, 1,,,,,, 8.,7 378 -22'44 . .. • p.•. . ..... .._._ ______. __. ......... •_____ __. .. • • . . . • . ,.... .: . . CIRCLE W STRUCTURES LLC, - DENTOk. • TM. g.gliatefaf. ir. . • . . . 3101 E UNIVERS:I Y OR.SUITE 601 DENTON TX 76208 . • iltiv. •i DERKSEN Phone:817-4(k-6911 CELL 817-691- 60 Fax • i 69 ,4.r..;., 4 • . .141.1•ft W •. Cucte.W Structures 11c.-Denton nuthrinzed Aeent of carmen Porbble Buntlin Pa* allace)es • IFIMUSli IP a Irii.2.% SELECT ONE:-- ---0 C A-%1-----&k L I 0RENTTO.---jWV-1-0 34 MD----'-, IF—.60.21_10---T7 BUILD AT tvlocGR,E.G.OR TX PLANT :j Jp.ft.17013handiveirs. • . t • Sa:esrnars: Ploaso Fill In Data . INV:# . . • • ; • , • -- •hooB t* uilding Sulu Typo • • ' . • • LNew-610281.Sale 'I') S0100.0na Of•Thu iluikErla TIP* 4 Lts'll'An° . . ' EEO HOLDER: County Dam . d•. .. '• ------7Z,P1-•/1.- mama 0 Ilea vans&0 Immix' ID 7-Meal•aiii.q KidlaylInt.e. _11*__nti41_15,016_.'Kt:...,0'fir,w4ftwho °64 ' _j . E Barn. . . ,SIDING COLORS: . .TWIN COW MU . .1 • • 10)1.E_Sritlx E MN • • !BARN . BEST vALUE • • Urethane Driftwood ne /...___Ca j...:1 RooF COLO Green-Dimensional .. CALM ' • Hide Old • • at Ma'am • ' opropari ricsailirrnmi. .CODE • COST . , . .. . . COTTAGE SHE) _ ' GARAGE • Cottage Add 3il'"Said Metal WA In Dear Pre ___ MS1ItWB • ' ''.,' '',:is:." • ,LOFTED BARN ,• KABANA ; - —-,—.... odindvatialgargitilkifil BOVA/0 • 6250,00-: . . .. $ 75.00.:.::.i. Dam Cabin :Lotted ' 'Ilarse Barn . Xt., . -. gaP .4Wri ' ... •-• ' . ' :a .- • ISicla Lofted Barn Sirl num 10x20 Suit Utility 13'Walls I ides C — • ._ . ,Cl . ... r,••1.•••••• . . . . -0-3-grivri - III. II/.. • ( . t I uway a.wails • Deluxe LIIC—--. -$1,435,51:):,•.,,•• .,„......L• - Lc,/amt uway 8'watts . I Deltuatc _ • . ' Eletint Pit*S fc?Irilnii$211° ..' • .•, .• .•; .,:'-'•- . ' ,1•• , . ,.. • . I ROOF • ' • $0-69..•,••••-f' •••',i:,.. .—_,• • ISELECT YOUR PAYMENT DUE DATE: . 0•57t1 • --•• •-- --• , ---.--• . PURCHASER NAME ' Debra Rust • . coaunmsn . . . .. . . • .. i . ROOF -. 2 • $0.02... ,.:-..• --.-:-.•:•.:---.-- • Ow i 1 Ren.r. Lana6ciiritcy . ,couin . TO....T.......___AL•''•;1. __SI;B_,..=.._191,...,•,.;,,...•‘.,.-_,::4_i,..•..,:....:.:,.:...,.:...-:;.:._,.,...,,,.1,-'..... .. CO•Colli 214-497-1305' _co•Entor•r._... . ,_... ..C°:Wk eh: • 50 ii.tiliG ADDRESS • . . • . . . . . --.•• • 1503 Schooner Bay " • . 1503 Schooner Bay •• - • - ...' .•..,..- .:•:-.:-. , ,-.-.:-,•-• •• ' ••• ' ----7-7— 7.---r1-7-7. *soas -., •?.- -.•. . ..• • State. • 1;;;; Toms ; • .. 4...pihr. 1. eY • County. ,Collin - . _________ • . '• Scne: . . Texas zirP.,itti . • HOME PHONE: • • • , - -•••••-- • :- - • ••• • 0 • • •.--. • ..........,._ ,... WORK PHONE: . . • . •___ __ . ._. LendlCaLi Pbarte: _ ........_._. .. . . CELL PHONE ' . • . . • . L.3ndlard3 Name: EmPloYET: ' • ; ' 1 -'•'-•••:' :s•;•---.-- -.. • . .. •• " •• • 'USLBC--1040•''... ,----:---..•-.•''.:'.• :::- - . cAsu ititz - • • - • ,•Ai ti . . . 1 SALES PRICE . $1,810.50 ••••,' •.--;•...,....;,-,,... .-._.... _ • ' • d r . opn0040sr (0....teAbc„) . .. • .•..,..„.,..__ .•, . • 32 TOTAL°P °14 PCZETSAXT(nCe3c7i0S7n(LIAMINE 1°,•LINE • .. 7 ----. 50.0a. '4• ' TOTALFrbacc,t:inillE1..;'914.E 7) ' • • . .:::. ....,. ,_.,....• s2:00000,. .;:•.i.,,i.t1i.:.::,..,.),:"...,:,...,...:,...;.,:-.....:....... 4 SALES State TAX (LINE 3 x . 0.082.50 •• . •$0•001 4 Coo AMOUNT LtNE 4-:-10 4 Izi rote. •' 1.06250 . .31:00225 ,:::: ,,...;,-,:-.:ti.:4,2.,-•:,-..; . p Li TOTAL',ALES TAX(1.14tPA• .1)• . .. - -7:--....._:„._55TIAon , .. : .. ..moNET C4stuNT Trteth441110 am uNE(- 3.Lin"e 5) . ..-7-- . •.siWit.$187.711.,„.,., st2."•.,•:::7:1-;,„ .g..;.,..• ..:.•. . I 6 . 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'MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO .1 .. . i :,;.,,,,...,, ,,..".........:...:;:.., .. • FOR ALL REPAIRS FAX TO KY SHOP AT ct1.70.11_104-7567 ". ., , -7 • . . . • .. . . ___..., *"DERKSEN PORTABLE ByILDINg ""!` -: ...,,,,,.,...,..,..._:,...., .:-,. :..,,,..... . . . • . .. . . . .. • .. ' DRIVER TO PICK-UP REA1N3NG ALANCE • ' ... IESTINIATED DELIVERY DATE: ' . ' • • • . • 1.11:10 i WORiuNC.DAYS FROM PURCHASE DAT E. . •USLBC-231 468-1 020-11021 5 •, . ,:::, ,:,,,:-.',,,.,':,::::,..-\":,.;.:.:.,::::.-..:., . s-rAtaiktovorm-ytempukot,Yourt-fziatr • • • Rust. Debra *. Qmosuarm:aliow _ ----7----, ,-- Circie W' a Structures ILC';'1'''.;;•,,.,•.•;:;,..'-.-.;••••.-;,.. ...i.. , • .. imm in zeig.,.: •-• --Kozadwiro',•••••''j." "' quzG",mag.°0"w, . •• . -.1-2x3;1-MIL DR:1-94T DR:electrical package; spray fot ;;,:'-. ,,..,...... •.,;.:. •• : •• • • .. ..- -. ... •i,• —• • w .!HOC "PI I IIE . . .. • .-, . . . .. .., . . . . ., . , .. , . 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Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,April 18,2016,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: �. r--,..f..or..t,.),_5 (please print) Address: I 30 S -5j-7,-'r'1-v-- 6/3 c 1)2 CJy1, i>, "7.1v 5 cc Signature: Date: Y 1�R i L COMMENTS: rW Pr turi-ijflr 02-(00.0 N, ( D - 2- c V 1L or(LOSa t • .i AJ bU fro r- n5K.f., u-A_ AA ,a r/r)2,. 4-. %r<�. 51/1..... aA.x. is G,/ Av4` A,�P ("L�s1' °0r' !, ;>� 5/±6( \- -t!/,it/v�.�s /UJ rivi..,h•p r--x, J .y- xila Apt I iPr, tot sfa,,AAA Fvekia).;.) d-, r- . u/- �-f, .1,-- _ PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2016-03. �'/ I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2016-03. Date, Location& Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,April 18,2016,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: yt \ re 1 VG. (please print) Address: f CO G, 4n. r— P r 75-6 9Y Signature: Date: COMMENTS: �o / C Z. 5 4 Ile, 7 0/6' --n 3 ra Goa//lv� j�r cdJ" APR 142016 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2016-03. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case#2016-03. Date,-Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday,April 18,2016,6:30 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: Fib �1- &Fuld, CO&A. rt (pleas print) Address: MOD. c 1Oor%e r D wq -T 7509I Signature: &w Date: �f, COMMENTS: �.I tit_P f.1 &Ltd k ram- af,A-U,tcl add s-iA they 91a) 131,44,,-•01.0 Ma-e- - J‘eft-te_4i 41-o-aet nAA-- 12t_ cuu,a4A.,_01 AciAtitt fre2t) et-eizuu..-1.- . e-MA1t D APR 1 4 2016 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black Ink) Planning Department 300 Country y Club Road 2 T}I Building. I C)t) aL�tJ Wylie.Texts 75008 .4 I am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for/13A Case 2016-03. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice tcir lt3A Case-2()16-03. Date.Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Monday.April 18.2016,6:30 pm Municipal Complex.300 Country Club Road,Building I00, Wylie,Texas Name: ._ Di4 9!i i4A) � i " (ple jase �rint) J Address: 1� t i L chlowe-2`.! �..1 ! s Y Signature:• Date: COMMENTS: 7,/ Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 18, 2016 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Case Number: 2016-04 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Project Location: 22 Steel Road Date Prepared: April 8, 2016 Subdivision Name: Steel Industrial Park Addition Location Map, Exhibit, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Evelyn Young for a Variance to Section 4.3.F.1.a of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the building materials for commercial structures within a Light Industrial District(LI) to be masonry with 20% stone on the facade,property located at 22 Steel Road, Lot 6, Block A of the Steel Industrial Park Addition. ZBA 2016-04 Discussion The subject property is located at 22 Steel Road and is a 100%metal structure. The applicant requests a variance to Section 4.F.1.0 of the Zoning Ordinance which states: "Primary materials for buildings in the NS, CR, CC, BG, LI and HI districts shall be constructed of a masonry product with at least 20 percent stone on the front facade. Approved masonry materials include, but are not limited to brick, stone, cast stone, decorative concrete, concrete block, stucco or cementitious fiberboard. Tilt wall construction is permissible in LI and HI districts." The property is located in a Light Industrial District in which there are other metal structures, as they predate the current Ordinance. However, most of those were updated with masonry facades. Many more, including nearly all of those in the Hooper Business Park located about 1300' to the east of the subject property,were constructed after the Ordinance update and are 100%masonry. The property was legally non-conforming until April of 2012. The steel structure of the building was allowed up to that time because the Ordinance allowed metal as an exterior building material when the structure was built in 1986. The City allows non-conforming uses to continue even through change of ownership or tenant provided the previous use and proposed use are very similar. The applicant requested a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) for a Personal Service Use, Gym, which differs from the previous uses closely related to office/warehouse. The change of use requires that the structure conform to current standards. Therefore the applicant applied for, and was granted, a Variance by the Zoning Board of Adjustments to allow the metal building to be used for a period of 30 months. In that time, the Gym went out of business and the property owner has had other tenants as the Variance granted by the Board in 2012 made the structure legal until October 2014. In September 2015 the applicant was denied a new Certificate of Occupancy based on the structures now non-conforming status and applied for a new Variance. This Variance was to allow for time to add external building materials that would have brought the building into compliance. The variance was granted for 120 days to complete the work. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2016-04 This work was not completed, nor started,within the time frame granted by the Board. The applicant is asking for another Variance, this time a permanent one, to the exterior materials requirement, as an engineer's report (included as Exhibit "a") has been presented stating that masonry material could not be safely added to the building without additional structure support to the interior of the building. Public comment forms were mailed to 12 (twelve) property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No comment forms were received in favor or in opposition at the time of this posting. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance,if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance,if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance,if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 04-12-16 Department Director —i c i r + t It + State 'Highway Na 78 t a _ I t t L.. ''/ r Subject '' Property ' ! s.. 'sr 1 i• ..\i, s,, L. I .,,,,,,,t,o,„ , Ili , ....„......, _; .e �111f1111rIIIII IIIIII�fI4_ = , 1 . . L ■ w� , 7)H ,.,..,. t/ ra'��� , _: .,:.... ■m i,, r t I !,_ , .. ® i4 it ,, Rimini& E. MI, inMEM 11111111J1 !i4 ;imp �► - I!!.. 1 *t ' ..m �,�.'� t` ion i.■. ■■■IIIII ( ■' ■ii �'1;g ...-z,' � —y 1 . .. . I �!Iji . ir1m;.• ._ ;■■■■1 IIIII q, :11 4 ■g H PP! I 1 1111i -,� \ ■ — C � ore, C IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII ;.IIIIIII t ���„� ��iiirt �' sllllll �,( L..,. a1111 ) ,• 1111 �� CIS I ■■-ii ' I11( ®,IIIIII' IIIIIIIII,IIIIIIIII � ,,��� 11111� / 11111 t, ='pip!;: s; 1111111 n11111111 , human! CPLJ 1ri� W.AN. 11111.11111/11111 IIIII — 1111á mt.a p --_•• _ — — ,\II I 1 re IN iffiffigrill ii: :- i i = 6o111111i11A�111►�� C� ITI `, '--- — 1 ♦ t j - L_—_:::. --r_:,_• 174rmipro 1111 IIITimumoumm ,------------.:, .* \ 11111111111114�l :-.7.-r- = - ,.,. . ----'--J-- '41 slumiluniii �'� . . ��� — r I i - - O. = MTIIiuIIIlI, t 1l►gm _ .11101011111111 EMI 7 ___rlm._,,_ATt---- ! 11111E11' I 11110111/ N. iiti it , i .. ' iiIIIIP „,,,i, 1 , , , _ ,,,iiiiiii. \\, , 1 , ,,..._ ... ......,„,,,„ : .::::::: , , , .2 pittizoitalv, ....._____i ..,...._imi• IEID 1_l_1i_1111_11piw11i11y11111_ 4 --111n1imm111ii ����il'M.i E i.1",zi e.f;.E:.4gl.RpF.,, _. ,� m'11 'J� ii.. ..lii�� ,�,,111111n1/ � �1 luiitn il o' i 1111i►t�� 41u1oi , , i / iAi 1111 1 11i! [ ... A. . . , munotinumum IN tirr-eThlimaliiiii ■■IIIII t 1 1 l-i► ■EN111111.t111...i��i I�,.3' �11111111i; . ��0 ! iffsi 11N11111111111 1 11 IIIII► l �� ► L. ii .. ' ♦ *s1111�111� \��11111 I__ ����11111111�%t�j .. -. .............. Ill�4. ii�lii f . v.1�=1-s.. �� JI i i 1111111111 _t_tinii11 . LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2016-02 MONK CONSULTING ENGINEERS , INC . March 29, 2016 City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Wylie, TX 75098 RE: Review of Hardi-Siding over existing 22 gage steel panels at 22 Steele Road Existing Conditions: 22 gage steel R —Panel exterior skin over steel building frame Girt located at 7 ft and at approximately 13 ft. # 10 self tapping screws thru 22 gage panel into 16 gage girls New Condition Proposed: Add Hardi-Siding 4 x 8 panels to the metal skin with furring strips and battens over the siding joints Opinions: While the metal panel would hold the screwed on siding skin in a vertical plane, the Hardi product proposed is a masonry product that is more rigid than the proposed substrate. The Hardi is susceptible to bending and will crack and break if deflection is an issue. This would be, in my opinion, an issue in a high wind condition. Not only could the deflection cause continual maintenance from the screw pulling out, but the deflection could cause the Hardi panels or battens to break and fall on the pedestrians walking below as this building has a walk along the perimeter of the building. Hardi Siding requires support at a maximum of 24" on center to support the panels from a wind load. The girt spacing that is present now is 84" on center vertical and greater in a horizontal direction. This minimum support would allow exceeding the manufactures requirement of L/360 significantly. A typical metal building exterior wall will not conform to this loading as a support for the Hardi panels without significant added support within the building substrate; i.e. additional wall girt or added walls on the interior. Sinc rely; E skt} > , GERALD E Pr1G" i 1 . 4 •-0 • 44563 6'Po•.. y Gerald. E. Monk, PE °�� 5GtS Err'' I� 1 1200 W. ST Fr S'I•IZI•;N"I • G.\111..1NI), 11.X 1S • -5040 I'II()NI?: 972-272- 17(3 • I•.\X: 972 7-2-8.61 I.11:\1 RI((;ISI R.1'I'IO ' \l'.\IliI:R I•-2567 V] DD f U L` b � -., --. ' '- ----. -- -_ -DETA.L C O off H Z; ,�, �; _ V - f , f_7/' - STORE FROk = _ STORE FROk 7 0-4 - '--DETA'L B ^ _ p "'-DOOR DOOR ^DOOR DOOR-"" ��' erg• °DETAIL- A ��--, 3 2 SF ROCK `2 5F ROCK -2 SF ROCK '2 SF ROCK W N 3 r ,1 TOTAL OF 448 SF ROCK X Sa 0 n WES- Ei EVATION W O o SCALE. I'8" _ '-0" PO GENERAL NOTES: . Pi.44 ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE N ACCORDANCE WITH Ai- APPLICABE LOCAL, EXIST•0 SELF COUNTY,STATE,OR FEDERAL y,AW AND APPLICABLE CONSTRUCT'ON CODES AS A ING FASTENER CURRENTLY RECOGN ZED BY THE CTY WYL:E,COLL N COUNTY,TEXAS. ARTICLES,5EC'IONS,OR'ABLE$REFERRED TO HEREIN ARE TAKEN FROM CODES 0 LISTED BELOW. CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY W'`N= EX:.ST �6 GA C CHANNEL G 20t.2 NTERNAT'ONAL BU_LD'NG CODE ._BC- X C TY OF WYL-E ORDNANCES AND AMENDMENTS / Y 2. TOTAL FRONT FACADE 3,592 SF. 20% 3'8 SF ROCK PROV'DED 448 SF £ • EXIST COLUMN OR APX 40%MORE THAN REQU RED STONE SF .a„=„1 ;. A__ C e 4. AL, DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE F`N'EH D MENSrNONE,UNLESS NOTED OTHERW'SE. DETAIL rGr z F SCALE. 1" 2 I'-0" O 5- ROCK PANELS ON EXTERIOR WALL FACADES SHALL CONSIST OF MATERIALS O Z AS SPEC F'ED 'N ZONING ORD SECT ON 4.3 NON-RES DENTAL STANDARDS,F - v ARCH++TECTURAL FEATURES, ' A CI). MATERIALS SHALL BE METALLED: PER BCA "°' CHAPTER 21,MASONRY. F.G 6. BR CK TIES SHALL BE INSTALLED ON AN t8"x 18"PATTERN. EXIST R-PANEL SIDING O I EXIST i6 GA GIRT p '. NO L'NTELS ARE REQUIRED N TH15 1NSTALLAT'ON. z --EX ST•0 SELF �� 8. NSTALL ROCK W.TH TYPE 'S'MORTAR. KEEP MORTAR LINES SMALL. TAPP NG FASTENER E 0 FACADE NOTES: EXIST COLUMN EXTERIOR R-PANEL SHEETS ARE ATTACHED TO 16 GA(.0598)ANGLE AT BASE, 16 GA C-CHANNEL AT CENTER G-RT,AND 16 GA C-CHANNEL AT TOP W TH•10 m =0.'9 SE F-TAPPING SCREW. DETAIL '5' ry SCALE: I" _ '-0" Pax z. "„ - sx. DRAWING REV: ' X z FOR: �® CONSTRUCTION 1 I EXIST R-PANEL 51D'NG DRAWN BY: EXIST 16 GA ANGLE Bryan D.Rogers SITE I ®--EXIST •10 SELF DATE: ""$` I1. ,.. I TAPPING FASTENER 03-20-2016 ,,.„, Nw swu x1 EXIST FOUNDATION SHEET VICINITY MAP f;N DETAIL 'A' OF NOT TO SCALE g 9 DUO Lj \u/ 1 3 2O 506/ 50' UI cCi 508 509 21 508 10 510 50 �--�—�� r � ,� �—,ter,—� nr� , ,t' f .� ',k r !f y dir rrr '2' �� � P -4 t ', r -r s , ✓ y xs:/ 3;, .r } ,F:f a• r, 11 f 510 51 r ✓ � S .'K - ti , 'e � 2 i r r > e, '.r.' 7 r . hT P x , r } "'-�4 r `� -,,n- n 1 �' 4 a � ;r t r 's Fdi Cl 1 . r t, , A ' . n r :s'r' .i'gr, 'r" yr p x�"^+, r r, ,� �f r ,✓j r _ f r rsf 4 9 '1 I Hfure,.,, R '�`" v r 4 r`1 / � r I 1,Vjv��C� "d'r1 i A§ „ l,i!.�,,r�" o-r ! dr : P -,,gr r �,t d3a':er , rrr Vrf�il]�l�"},�ti'f;'a#.l",z ! rV.M'f zr V✓ 1 r''- z g , y e 'u�1i n I . k`fp„}, x I 1 a1�,iti.,Yi> 1)}l} i ;al¢ 17•1'Y7°'ik.p(' x r,r r a =xg y o i�, �,xn jAh cif 7 l�l!i lF�f 4arfrj`�rf:liidll"i f r i9. r 1J r , C ,v las � ,� r � 2�1rh�i S4417��Y,A91§tier , t,ki � r � a `'d' , r+ 'f ✓ € F , (1x �fF th 3nr1� 1l, t r � t � �it , r , 1�,t h ,x 'ma Sri ra r ',x x 1°;rte lli1;:i e,V.r6.'J{,V �Nr �z 5�1!3 , ,' l a r Ott,lbfYg 111��!l�f �,p ,i °rct�; f r 'S' v x r x r r '{If(!Ii. 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W fr L s r i a ,x N, Y r �1�,: �� , r 4ec+� � t z�..,� ,+ tams ?4 urr y t t �f�` ��, 1 , F a �x�y r r , r y r Ak dry d5 N,!, ff: 1 k t%i z 01 g ✓ fir?1 S 1 - 'k .. #;"k4re,;��"n!g,✓.� 744 yO $4. „4li x .y' sr .0 ^ �; y': 11: tr r0, .€fv:xa0 ,• , r, x ���a�� �� �a��� dhlik�o4��r'�'" t �� � �sFfasr� ��`�x�� ,�", a��r� (�� ' 4ir � .�� r i °7 ti ,,, r4 1$ is" •1:krr4 �'l G � h a �r krt "1 T .x,� F r Y�,a',-�5, � ��x l z�°' .F k'i�x r��' 'fir r�;� � ,✓st {€a t � ��ks `'",r r t x�A.,x' r 11;t1r x'x 5,� rr r rr,''.c r t t r< r r ✓ t cx a, ak:e' ,,tr' F .D r '1 i C if-g07 }"`to#w .k ,,4 ',t t v±i $02£i�,+s 3fq!,, i' ry ,t t+°} ip.-, v ,., j 4 f a 7z , ii� 7 r ,f va, r dw 8,{ d t r`�6 �Xr>r� ' tr r k� ,x k qa `d?r'4.r.� ,i.F, ,,,,,,f p ;,,Yt,� a: ✓ F 'Eq r x I JG >s ,lr r.t7n rr }k, -sY`;?+rr�"i F 'ea„r` 1 r t FFr I 4r5.a`"tl' :�.. ',, .. ' , 'wNaI1iIm ' r, X • ,, sipr� i,�..`�7� t � 'ax�,�a���r,�,3x,.�`rri� i`pp��r 'r kt 1 d k 4 ,fie r , , �r rI'r n� rar z pa�r4jw��1 a�'r�s *7"i'��i°��°�p��J,r,i;ti;r .vr.s' .E :✓ i1�,,."g, :j✓,,,..r_;a r ,F r'P..x.ak.''v 620 631 OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZBA CASE #2016-02