02-16-2016 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning
CH'Y01 WY LI 1.1,
Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission
Tuesday February 16, 2016 — 6:00 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
Chair Ron Smith, called the meetinv, to order at (:03PM. In attendance were: Chair Smith,
Commissioner Mike McCrossin, Commissioner Sonia Ahmed, and Commissioner Jerry Stiller.
Those absent were Commissioner David Williams and Commissioner Dennis Larson,
Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Planninu Director. Jasen Haskins, Sr Planner, Kevin Molina,
Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
Commissioner McCrossin Lave the Invocation and Commissioner Stiller led the Pledge of
Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners,
Chair Smith closed the Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the February 2, 2()16,
Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Commissioner Ahmed to
approve the minutes fir February 2, 2016, as submitted, Motion carried 5 —O.
Regular Agenda,
Item I. —Site Plan Freddy's Frozen Custard
Consider, and act upon a Site Plan for Freddy's Addition Lot 1, Block B of Freddy's
Addition, located on the southeast corner of FM 544 and Regency Drive.
Minutes February 16,2016
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Staff Presentation
Mr. Molina stated that the applicant proposes to construct a one-story 3,500 square foot
building with a drive-through on I ,22 acres.
"t he exterior material is comprised of brick and split face stone. As presented this complies
with, the minimum site, landscaping and exterior materials requirements of the Zoning
Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City
Engineering Department.
Board Action
With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Stiller, and
seconded by Commissioner McCrossin, to approve the Site Plan .treddy's Fro/en Custard
Restaurant. Motion carried 5 O.
Item 2 — Final Plat for Krevmer Park
Consider and act upon recommendation to City Council for Final Plat for Kreymer Park,
developing 15 l residential lots, generally located on East Stone Road approximately
2000' south or East Brown Street.
Staff Presentation
The property totals 45,57 acres and will create 151 single-fzuntly residential lots and
three open space lots for park and recreational put-poses. The subject property is part
of Planned Development District (PD 2015-29), approved in September 2015.
The difference from the Preliminary Plat and the proposed Final Plat is Lot 3X will
be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association, The other two open space
lots will be owned by the City of Wylie, and maintained by the Homeowners
The pint dedicates necessary rights-of-way, and utility easements, This dedication
includes a ten foot utility easement along each front yard for franchise utilities,
Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the
City Engineering Department,
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Ahmed, and seconded by Commissioner
Owens, to recommend approval to the City Council Final Plat Kreymer Park. Motion
carried 5 — 0.
Public Hearing
Public Hearing 1 — Zoning Case 20.16-03 —All-Storage Facility
Minutes February 16, 2016
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller, and seconded by Commissioner Owens, to
remove LC 2016-03 from the table. .Motion carried 5 0.
Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council
regarding a change of toning tiorn Commercial Corridor (CC) and ight Industrial (Li)
to Planned Development-Light Industrial (PD-LI) to alIm for proposed Mixed Use
Development for retail and self-storage use on 6.25 acres, generally located southeast of
Sib 78 between Century Way and old Alanis Dtive. ZC 2016-03.
Staff Presentation
Ms. 011ie stated that the applicant is requesting a change of zoning to establish Planned
Development zoning to allow a .Mixed 'Sc Development on 6.25 acres southeast of SF1 78
between Century Way and old Alanis 'Drive. The proposal includes development of 9,3.00
square feet of commercial retail space and 106.800 gross square feet of sell-storage along the
frontage of 1-lighway 78 on approximately 2- /2 acres, currently zoned Commercial Corridor.
The balance of the property will consists of two three-story self-storage buildings and one
single-story self-storage building and is currently zoned Light Industrial.
The Commercial Corridor proportion is approximately 280 feet in depth and is situated
approximately 2.500 feet or °,./2 mile northeast from the southern city limit line along SI 78.
The 9.300 square foot retail space covers about eight percent of the frontage lot, while the
footprint of the storage facility comprises about thirty-five percent of the frontage lot.
In 2007 City Council adopted Ordinance 2007-04 specifying the location of mini-warehouse
uses throughout the City. In 2011, Council again directed staff to revisit land use categories
and specifically address mini-storage uses. With the adoption of Ordinance 2012-01, mini-
warehouse uses were allowed with a Special Use Permit only within Light industrial and
Heavy Industrial Districts.
The proposed location is a major gateway into the city. However, staff feels that there are
some unique characteristics in the shape of the lot that may warrant such uses. Due to the
narrowness of the Light Industrial portion, mini-warehouse uses may be conducive to the site,
This portion is approximately 167 feet in width.
Staff's recommendation does differ from the proposal as submitted. Staffs recommendation
is that the front portion remains Commercial Corridor zoning and allow only those uses
designated by the current toning ordinance. The remaining portion would allow mini-storage
uses and prohibit those uses as listed in the Planned Development Conditions.
Eleven notifications were mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the proposal. One
response was received in favor of the request. and one response in opposition of the request.
Thirty-seven responses were received outside the notification area, with seven responses
outside city limits. Three responses were received from the same address within the 200 foot
buffer. The comments made from those opposing. stated why allow self-storage adjacent to
an existing self-storage facility the subject property is a gateway into the city, and asked for
development for restaurants.
The architectural and landscape design of the facility meets and or exceeds the base
requirements of the zoning ordinance.
Annlicant and Board Discussion
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Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Mr. Bill Dahlstrom, 2323 Ross Avenue, Suite (10). Dallas, Texas and Mr. Coy Quine., 301 S
Sherman Street, Dallas, Texas both represented as the applicant for the proposed property.
Mr, Dahlstrom stated that the proposed mini warehouse facility \vill be high quality, with
architectural enhancements and landscaping that exceeds the requirements within the zoning
ordinance, The loading and unloading for the self-storage units are covered and out of the
elements, and are climate controlled. An eight foot tubular fence is proposed to be installed
surrounding the property.
The buildings facing Elighway 78 will be approximately 3-1/2 stories tall, the first floor will
allow retail/restaurant, The top floor will allow self-storage, With an elevator and co erect
parking in the back. The covered parking will allow clients to load and unload out of the
elements. The types of clientele are homeowmers desiring to store items due to enlarging
house size, and not small contracting companies. No caretakers will be living on the property.
'the access will be through a code-accessed gate, and the office will be open seven days a
week from 9:00 am to 6:100 pin.
Commissioner Ahmed questioned the applicant why Wylie, Mr. Dahlstrom and Mr, ()trine
responded that there is a demand for it in Wylie, Mr, Quine stated that the proposal offers a
chive-through facility, W here the other facilities do not.
Mr. Dahlstrom stated that there is no anchor tenant at this time, but desiring to occupy forty
percent by a restaurant, and a portion leased out to typical tenants such as a nail salon and
Chair Smith adjourned the meeting for a short break at 703 and the ifleeting re-convened at
Public Comments,
Chair Smith continued the Public Hearing.
Mr. Bill Swisher. 4422 Scenic Circle, Garland. Texas spoke in opposition of the request. Fie
stated that he represented some citizens of Wylie and adjacent business owners of the
Mr. Shawn Valk, 1834 S FM 551, Fate, Texas, spoke in opposition of the request, stating that
the market does not call for additional self-storage units,. as he owns property that is approved
to construct a sell-storage unit with commercial on the front,
Mr. Don Triplet, 7018 Cottonwood, Sachse, spoke in opposition of the request, stating that
proposed facility is very large. Even though Wylie and Sachse are both growing, we don't
want to look back see a lot of storage facilities.
Mr, Sam Satterwhite, WEDC, stated that he was neither in favor nor in opposition of the
request. The proposal offers enhancement landscaping to the two and half acres, which is
Over and above the requirements within the zoning ordinance. The back portion of the
.property is very narrow and would be difficult to develop.
Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing.
Board I)iscussion
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Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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Mr. Dahlstrom stated that the economy demands the proposed type of mini-warehouse units.
The entire facility will he tire sprinkled. In response to public comments made, competition
makes the economy strom.t. The value of the property to develop is approximately 12 to 13
million dollars.
Commissioners discussed zoning and uses allowed by rieht, Ms. 011ie stated that the
applicant could withdraw, and another developer could come in and meet the base
requirements from the Zoning Ordinance and be allowed to build under basic guidel.ines and
design standards. The applicant proposes enhancements for landscaping and architectural
elements with the proposed Planning Development.
Board Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Owens to recommend approval of the Zoning Case
2016-03, with commercial use only in the front two and a half acres (2 °/2 acres) and allow the
self-storage in the back on three point seven (3.7) acres. Motion failed due to second.
The Commissioners desired additional clarification on the zoning. Ms. 011ie stated that the
proposal is still a Planned Development zonint2,„ and restricting the uses on the front is a
stipulation only. "rhe Conunissioners could make a stipulation for Commercial Corridor in the
front, but it would take applicant to re-design the Concept Plan before going to City Council.
A motion was made by Commissioner Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Ahmed. to
recommend approval for Zoning Case 2016-03 to the City Council, with stipulation of
allowing Commercial uses only in the front on 2 "/2 acres, and mini-warehouse use in the back
on 3.7 acres, Motion carried 5 ,- 0,
mt.... Chair Smith stated that there will be a meeting on March 1, 2016.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller, and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to
adjourn the meeting at 8:15PM. All Commissioners were in consensus.
(-) ,...., '
\f kiif i , ck
Ron Smith, Chair
\c..,,k),,, . ,„ 7
1 k2,,,(-A A 9-
Mari, Br-akIley,Administra°I've Assistant
\ 1,3 i
Minutes February 16, 2016
Wylie Planning and Zoning Board
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