11-04-2004 (Construction Code) Minutes MINUTES
NOVEMBER 4, 2004 —7:00 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex—City Council Chambers
2000 State Highway 78 North
Board Vice-Chairman Jim Cheney called the meeting to order at 7:10 with the following board members
present;Jess Calhoun,Jerry Coombs,and Steve Repasky. Board members Guy Gordon, Mike Phillips
and Frank Spingola were absent. (Board member Guy Gordon arrived at 7:13.)
Staff members present were Mike Sferra,Director of Community Services,Johnny Bray, Building
Official,Bill Johnson, Senior Building Inspector,Candy Hawkins, Park Board Secretary and Rachael
Hermes, Park Board Secretary.
There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation.
1. Consider and act upon the approval of the March 25,2004 Board Meeting Minutes.
Board Action
Board member Jess Calhoun made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.Board member Jerry Coombs
seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Guy Gordon,Mike Phillips and Frank
Spingola absent.
2. Consider and act upon the review and approval of the proposed Construction Code Board Bylaws.
Board Discussion
Vice-Chairman Jim Cheney discussed the proposed Construction Code Board Bylaws. Board member Jerry
Coombs expressed his hesitation at accepting Bylaws. Board member Guy Gordon arrived at this time.
Staff Comments
Building Official Johnny Bray discussed the intent of establishing Bylaws. Director of Community Services Mike
Sferra explained the purpose and role of Bylaws for the Board.
Board Action
Board member Jess Calhoun made a motion to approve the request. Board member Guy Gordon seconded the
motion.A vote was taken and passed 4-0 with Board members Mike Phillips and Frank Spingola absent and Board
member Jerry Coombs abstaining.
Minutes—November 4,2004
Wylie Construction Code Board
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3. Presentation and discussion of concerns by Board member Jerry Coombs.
Board Discussion
Board member Jerry Coombs stated that he felt there were shortcomings in the current Building Code adopted by
the City of Wylie. Mr. Coombs expressed his desire to present his thoughts to the Building Official or City
Council for their review. Vice-Chairman Jim Cheney explained that the minutes from the Construction Code
Board meetings would be presented to Council for their review and would allow them to view any concerns by the
Board. Board member Steve Repasky suggested to the Board that their purpose was not to usurp the role of the
Building Official. Board member Coombs expressed concern regarding several items within the Residential
Construction packet. Vice-Chairman Cheney suggested that Coombs collect his information and present them to
the Board at another meeting. Mr. Coombs agreed to gather information for Board members and present at a later
Staff Comments
Building Official Johnny Bray reminded the Board that the International Residential Code designates the
responsibility of interpretation to the Building Official. Director of Community Services Mike Sferra suggested
that the purpose of the Board is to discuss items presented by the Building Official. Mr. Sferra stated that Board
members should contact the Building Official with concerns to have addressed in future Board meetings. Mr. Bray
agreed that he would consider any concerns discussed by Board members.
Board Action
With no further business,Board member Jerry Coombs made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:51.The motion
was seconded by Guy Gordon. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with Board members Mike Phillips and Frank
Spingola absent.
Cheney,Construction Code Board Vice-Chairman
Rachael Hermes,Construction Code Board Secretary
Minutes—November 4,2004
Wylie Construction Code Board
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