10-13-2005 (Construction Code) Minutes MINUTES CITY OF WYLIE CONSTRUCTION CODE BOARD OCTOBER 13,2005-7:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex—City Council Chambers 2000 State Highway 78 North Building Official Johnny Bray called the meeting to order at 7:05 with the following Board members present;Eric Brown,Jess Calhoun,Jim Chaney,Scott Henry,Steve Repasky,and Frank Spingola.Board member Guy Gordon was absent. Staff members present were Johnny Bray,Building Official,Mike Sferra,Director of Public Services, and Rachael Hermes,Park Board Secretary. Perform Officer Elections for Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for the next year. Nominations for Chairperson Board member Jess Calhoun made a motion to nominate Jim Chaney as Board Chairman. Board member Steve Repasky seconded the motion. No other nominations were made. Board Action A vote was taken and passed 5-0 to elect Jim Chaney as Chairman with Board member Jim Chaney abstaining and Board member Guy Gordon absent. Nominations for Vice-Chairperson Board member Jess Calhoun made a motion to nominate Frank Spingola as Board Vice-Chairman. Board member Steve Repasky seconded the motion. No other nominations were made. Board Action A vote was taken and passed 5-0 to elect Frank Spingola as Vice-Chairman with Board member Frank Spingola abstaining and Board member Guy Gordon absent. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION There were no citizens present for Citizens Participation. INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Consider and act upon the approval of the Minutes from the November 4,2004 meeting. Board Action Board member Jess Calhoun made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted.Board member Steve Repasky seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board member Guy Gordon absent. Minutes—October 13,2005 Wylie Construction Code Board Page I 2. Consider and act upon a sign variance request from Tom Allred of A&W Properties regarding the construction of a monument sign within the front yard of a lot. Section 8(A)3 of the Sign Regulations of the City of Wylie requires a setback of fifteen feet(15')from street right-of-way. Mr.Allred wishes to place the monument sign in a location which would encroach the required 15'setback. The property in question is 2801 W.FM 544. Reauestor Comments Tom Allred of A&W Properties displayed the site plan and photos of the location. Mr.Allred stated that it would be necessary to place the monument sign within the front yard of the lot because the only location on his property that would meet the required 15' setback would be on the creek. Mr.Allred expressed his desire to provide adequate signage for his tenants. Staff Comments Building Official Johnny Bray discussed the Sign Regulations and allowed the Board to view the plans for the sign proposed by Mr.Allred. Board Discussion Board Chairman Jim Chaney inquired about the property lines and the location of the proposed sign in relation to power lines. Requestor Allred stated that the sign would be located under the power lines but not past the telephone poles. Mr. Allred stated that there are no easements/lines on his property other than a water line owned by North Texas Municipal Water District. Chairman Chaney inquired about the possibility of erecting a pole sign rather than a monument sign. Building Official Bray informed the Board that pole signs are prohibited by the Sign Regulations of the City of Wylie. Chairman Chaney inquired about any regulations established by the highway department regarding setbacks. Building Official Bray stated that he did not know of any potential conflict because the sign would be erected within the property lines. Mr. Bray stated that he would ensure there were no conflicts prior to issuing the permit should the Board grant the variance request. Board Member Jess Calhoun expressed his concern regarding maintaining visibility should the proposed sign be approved. Requestor Allred stated that the sign would be 4'tall and there would be no obstruction of visibility because of the sign. Board Action Board member Scott Henry made a motion to approve the request with the stipulation that North Texas Municipal Water District does not have a water easement on the property line. Board member Jess Calhoun seconded the motion.A vote was taken and passed 6-0 with Board Guy Gordon absent. DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Presentation by Public Services Director Mike Sferra regarding sidewalk replacement and/or repair. Staff Comments Building Official Johnny Bray explained that the Construction Code Board has been charged with reviewing issues pertaining to sidewalk repairs. Mr. Bray stated that the Board would report their findings to Council for their review in an attempt to form a policy for sidewalk replacement and/or repair. Public Services Director Mike Sferra discussed funds available and the need to establish guidelines in regards to sidewalk repair. Mr. Sferra presented a slideshow to the Board and discussed various issues that would need to be considered when establishing such guidelines. Building Official Bray stated that he would provide a copy of the presentation to the Board members for their reference. Minutes—October 13,2005 Wylie Construction Code Board Page 2 Board Discussion Board member Eric Brown requested a copy of the current sidewalk ordinance adopted by the City of Wylie. The Board was in agreement to meet for six consecutive months beginning in December to review the policies for sidewalk repair/replacement. ADJOURNMENT Board Action With no further business, Board member Steve Repasky made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m. The motion was seconded by Jess Calhoun. A vote was taken and passed 6- �ritk-Beas�member Guy Gordon absent. Jim Chaney,LConstruction£nd man SUBMITTED BY: `2--k(://dita VIA M)e Rachael Hermes,Construction Code Board Secretary Minutes—October 13,2005 Wylie Construction Code Board Page 3