08-07-2002 (Construction Code) Minutes MINUTES
2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas 75098
Regular Business Meeting
August 7, 2002
7:00 p.m.
A quorum was present and notice was posted in the time and manner required
by law.
Board Members Present:
Mike Phillips - Chair
Wayne Morman - Vice Chair
William Jowers
Jess Calhoun
Frankie Delgado
Frank Spingola
Steve Repasky
Staff Members Present:
Dale Jackson - Building Official
Board Members Absent:
No participation.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 and the Board elected Mike Phillips as
acting chair.
1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair
William Jowers made a motion to appoint Mike Phillips as Chair of
the Construction Board. Jess Calhoun seconded the motion and the
motion was approved with a vote of 7-0.
Jess Calhoun made a motion to appoint Wayne Morman as Vice
Chair of the Construction Board. Mike Phillips seconded the motion
and the motion was approved with a vote of 7-0.
2. Discuss, consider and act upon a recommendation to the City
Council regarding permit fees
Building Official Jackson explained that the proposed fee schedule
increased the cost of single-family permits $50.00. The increase was
necessary to pay for the unfunded requirement mandated by the
state regarding the adoption and implementation of the energy code.
The new fee schedule also clarified fees required to reissue lost
permits and plans.
After some discussion, Jess Calhoun made a motion to recommend
the proposed fees to the City Council. William Jowers seconded the
motion and the motion was approved with a vote of 7-0.
3. Discuss, consider and act upon a recommendation to the City
Council regarding contractor registration and license fees as well as
registration guidelines and rules for revocation of registrations.
Building Official Jackson explained that the current city ordinance did
not specify the materials required to register as a contractor.
Additionally, no regulations existed to allow for the suspension or
revocation of a contractor's registration. The proposed ordinance
would specify the requirements needed for a contractor to register
with the City. Additionally, the ordinance outlines under what
conditions a contractor's registration could be revoked.
After some discussion, Frank Spingola made a motion to recommend
the proposed ordinance to the City Council. Wayne Morman
seconded the motion and the motion was approved with a vote of 7-
4. Discuss, consider and act upon a recommendation to the City
Council regarding adoption of the 2000 International Energy
Conservation Code
Building Official Jackson stated that state law required all cities to
adopt the 2000 Energy Conservation Code by September 1, 2002.
After some discussion, Jess Calhoun made a motion to recommend
that the City Council approve the attached ordinance adopting the
2000 International Energy Conservation Code. William Jowers
seconded the motion and the motion was approved with a vote of 7-
5. Discussion regarding adoption of the 2000 International Residential
Building Official Jackson stated that state law required all cities to
adopt the 2000 International Residential Code by September 1,
After some discussion, William Jowers made a motion to recommend
that the City Council approve the attached ordinance adopting the
2000 International Residential Code. Frank Spingola seconded the
motion and the motion was approved with a vote of 7-0.
6. Discussion regarding other possible ordinances to be considered at
a future meeting
No items were discussed.
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Dale Jackson, Bu ingr icial Date
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