08-28-2006 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, August 28, 2006 —6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Daniel Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Board Members
present were: David Willey, Brandi Lafleur, Donna Larson and Benny Jones.
Staff present were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks Superintendent Bill
Nelson, Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz and Park Board Secretary Beth
There were no citizens present to address the Board for Citizen Participation.
1. Elect new Board Officers, Chair and Vice-Chair, for the 2006-2007 term.
Board Action
Board Member Daniel Chesnut asked for nominations. Board Member David Willey
nominated Daniel Chesnut for Chair. Board Member Daniel Chesnut nominated David
Willey for Vice-Chair. A motion was made by Board Member Brandi Lafleur and
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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seconded by Board Member Benny Jones to accept the nominations. A vote was taken
and passed 5-0 with Board Members Anne Hiney and Frankie Delgado absent.
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 6, 2006 Special
Meeting, July 24, 2006 Regular Meeting, and the August 1, 2006 Special Joint
Meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission.
Staff Comments
Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz noted a change to the wording in the July 24,
2006 minutes to change the word "except" to "accept" under item# 2. Board Member
David Willey asked for clarification on what a "Gates Process" is. Assistant Parks
Superintendent Rob Diaz explained it is a step process to meet approval guidelines.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member David Willey and seconded by Board Member
Donna Larson to approve the minutes from the July 6, 2006 Special Meeting, July 24,
2006 Regular Meeting, and August 1, 2006 Special Joint Meeting with the Planning and
Zoning Commission with specified changes. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with
Board Members Anne Hiney and Frankie Delgado Absent.
3. Parkland Dedication funds in each of the Parkland Dedication Zones
Public Services Director Mike Sferra updated the Board on the status of Parkland
Dedication Fee funds. The West Zone the account balance is $42,014.80 including
budgeted items of 2 basketball courts at Friendship and Lakeside Parks. The Central
Zone the account balance is $45,601.25 including budgeted items of 2 Basketball
Courts for Community Park, misc. Akin Pavilion upgrades, 4 t-ball back stops and
landscaping at Olde City Park. The East Zone the account balance is $52,861.09 with
budgeted items of a Basketball court at Eureka Park, a swing set at Kirby Park and
fencing around a small cemetery located at Avalon Park. The total account balance for
all Zones is $140,477.14 after all budgeted items have been completed. There are
several fees that have yet to be collected or are in various stages of approval. The Hood
Track has been approved to pay Parkland Dedication fees of$300,000.00 to the Central
Zone. The Watermark sub-division still owes $22,000.00 in Parkland Dedication fees
that will be paid in the next 10 days to the East Zone. There are several items still in
Planning and Zoning pending approval that total $157,767.60 in Parkland Dedication
fees. If all Funds are collected the total account balance at the end of Fiscal Year 06-07
the Fund balance would be approximately $620,244.00.
Board Member David Willey inquired about the Wells property. Public Services Director
Mike Sferra explained that no plans had been put in place specifically for the Wells
property in regards to Parks and Trails.
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Board Member David Willey asked if the Board could get a copy of the current Parks
and Trails 10-year plan for the City of Wylie. Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz
answered that he could get the Board copies on CD.
Public Services Director Mike Sferra offered to bring an updated spreadsheet of the
Parkland Dedication Fee revenues and expenditures to the next Park Board meeting
including all the detail explained tonight.
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked about the purchase of easement and property at
Olde City Park. Public Services Director Mike Sferra explained he had recently received
a call from the Staubach Company that represents the Kansas City Southern Rail
Property and asked the City of Wylie to make an offer in regards to the property. Mr.
Sferra explained that the City of Wylie would need to get the property surveyed and
appraised in order to extend an offer. Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz
explained there may be a way to get receive a county grant to purchase the two Kansas
City Southern lots and the adjacent Collin County parcel.
4. Skateboard/Inline skating trails concept.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz briefly talked about including skateboard
facilities in the park areas. Mr. Diaz explained that incorporating the skate type elements
into existing park designs would be most cost effective as well as not detracting from
the current park design.
Board Member Donna Larson gave brief reasons why she felt it was necessary to give
the Skateboarders a place to go and skate that doesn't interfere with business owners.
At this time the parks do not accommodate skateboard types of activities forcing the
skateboarders to use parking lots and sidewalks which is hazardous and destructive.
Ms. Larson went on to point out that the cost was relatively low to build elements into a
current park as opposed to building a full Skate Park. Ms. Larson further explained that
the skate elements could be made attractive using including drinking fountains, benches
and staircases specifically designed for the use of skate boards and inline skates.
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson asked if the equipment could be used between
skateboarders, inline skaters, and bicycles. Board Member Donna Larson explained
that yes it could be used across the board for all 3 activities.
Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz explained that the size of the features would
be small and not much larger then a standard Basketball court. Mr. Diaz offered that
there would be specific times the parks would be available and the possibility of
including a graffiti feature to help curb the possible occurrence of graffiti in other park
Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut asked what potential areas could be used for this type
of feature. Public Services Director Mike Sferra suggested Avalon Park, Dodd Park,
Founders Park, and Twin Lakes Park. Board Chairman Daniel Chesnut said that the
residents surrounding the parks in question would need to be included in the process of
deciding which parks to use.
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Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson explained that Valentine Park may be the most well
suited park for the Skate park elements as well as Joel Scott Park. Mr. Nelson asked
�.. Board Member Donna Larson to get a list of features the skateboarders might like
included in the park.
5. Staff Updates:
• Athletic/Light Fee Ordinance.
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Park Superintendent Rob Diaz explained that the approved fee structure will
be taken to council on September 12, 2006 for a work session.
• Hood Track Development.
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Park Superintendent Rob Diaz noted the agreement was going to council
August 29, 2006 for approval with the Parkland Dedication fees of$300,000.00.
• Review items discussed at the July 6, 2006 Special Meeting and
August 1, 2006 Special Joint Meeting with the Planning and Zoning
Staff/Board Discussion
Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz tabled the review for the July 6, 2006 Special
Assistant Parks Superintendent Rob Diaz recapped the August 1, 2006 Special Joint
Meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Diaz explained that City
Manager Mindy Manson is looking at the Planning and Zoning guidelines to improve
communication between the 2 boards.
• Construction status on Olde City Park and Joel Scott Park.
Staff/Board Discussion
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson provided the update on Olde City Park and Joel Scott
Park construction progress.
Olde City Park— Planning and Zoning has approved the plat for Olde City Park,
once the council approves the plat the installation of the Pavilion will start.
Founders Park—The Sidewalks are in and complete at Joel Scott Park.
Board Member David Willey left at 8:15 p.m.
Additional Staff/Board Discussion
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Board Member Donna Larson thanked the board for listening to her concerns in regards
to the Skate Park ideas.
Board Chairman asked Board Members to visit with Gayle Walton, Assistant City
Secretary if they had not completed the CD for training on Board Membership.
Board Member David Willey left at 8:17 p.m.
A motion was made by Board Member David Willey and seconded by Board Member
Daniel Chesnut to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Da iel Ch snut, Chairman
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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