08-16-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 7 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,August 16,2007—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Board Members present
were: David Willey, Donna Larson, Dan Chesnut, and Frankie Delgado. Board Member
Benny Jones and Brandi Lafleur were absent.
Staff present was: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Parks Superintendent, Bill
Nelson; Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Board Secretary, Dionna
1.Presentation by Naomi Scarlett,owner of Boot Camp Fitness,regarding her
Naomi Scarlett,owner of Boot Camp Fitness presented her fitness program to the Board.
She presented an outdoor fitness program that would be held at Friendship Park.Naomi
is a current resident of Wylie and she lives at 1306 Quail Meadow Dr. Ms. Scarlett
commented that her program would benefit the citizens of Wylie due to the lack of
recreation programs currently in place and there would be no financial responsibility for
the City in regards to Naomi's boot camp program.Naomi noted her qualifications as a
Cooper Certified fitness instructor. She further explained that her Boot Camp Fitness
Class would contain the latest information on health and fitness. The Board commented
that her class would be a benefit to the citizens of Wylie and gave her permission to
utilize Friendship Park for beginning her program.
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Brandi Lafleur arrived at 6:35 pm
2. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the July 23,2007 meeting.
Board Action
Chairman Hiney noted that the minutes were not available to approve yet,so the July 23,
2007 minutes were tabled until the September meeting.Board Member Larson asked
about meeting on August 23,2007. Mr.Diaz commented that there will be no regular
Park Board meeting on August 23,only the upcoming joint Council Meeting.
Board Member Wiley made a motion and it was seconded by Board Member Chesnut to
table the Minutes of the July 23,2007 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting.A vote was
taken and passed 6-0 with Board Member Jones absent.
3. Collin County Grant for Olde City Park and Founders Park.
Mr. Diaz noted to the Board that the Grant information was included in the agenda
packets for review.
Mr. Sferra spoke on the Founders Park grant that was submitted in 2006 to the Collin
County Parks and Open Space Board for the purchase of 17 acres of land adjacent to
Founders Park. Mr. Sferra then commented that the property was in the final process of
condemnation. The final sale price of$445,000. The financial impact on the Founders
Park project for the land price was to be $200,000, but only turned out to be
approximately $196,000. Of the 17 total acres 15 acres will be for the Founders Park
project and the other 2 acres will be for the extension of Hensley Lane.
Mr. Sferra spoke on the other Grant application sent to the Collin County Parks and Open
Space Board that was to acquire additional property near Olde City Park and Hwy 78.
Currently there is a title search in place with Commonwealth Title to verify that Kansas
City Southern Railroad (KCS) does own the land parcels. It was also noted that the title
search would be needed in order to obtain the grant. Staff received a call from KCS
representatives notifying the City that they would be willing to sell the property. We will
have more information in late September on the outcome on the grant. Mr. Sferra noted
that besides the acquisition for the parcels,this grant includes funding for more walking
trails, landscaping,and lighting.
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4. Presentation from Half and Associates Architects regarding the Founders Park
Francois DeKocq of Half and Associates began his presentation noting that the goal for
the meeting is to explain the phasing of the Founders Park project and budget. Halff has
chosen a Master Plan Concept which they feel has implemented all of the concerns and
comments made from the staff and board. Changes to the plan are as follows:
• The baseball/softball concession and restroom was moved slightly to the
North because the utility line runs through the softball fields.
• Turned the softball fields to create a sense of welcoming
• Barrel shaped roof diagram on the shade structures which features architecture
of the restroom and concession stands.
• Founders Plaza concept
• Linking Founders Plaza to the baseball/softball concession stand.
• Creating contrasting paving of the crosswalks and drop off spots.
• Volleyball courts were included as part of the concept at the request of a
Council Member.
Initial phase of$5.47 million would consist of:
• 200 trees
• Shade structures
• Concession stands(2)
• Restrooms(2)
• Internal walks 1,2,3
Future phases would consist of:
• Outer walk 1,2
• Volleyball Courts
• More shade structures
• More trees
• Service Center Parking Lot to add parking to Founders Park
• Possibly features that funding was not available for at this time
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Staff/Board Discussion
The Staff and Board asked questions regarding the budget items pertaining to each
concept.Here are some comments that were made in the discussion of coming to a
• Bleachers—Where would their location be?The location would depend on the
decision with looking at the layout of the baseball fields.
• Restrooms—Does the number of restrooms shown on the Concepts, meet the need
of the potential crowd?The decision was based on the ratio we presently have,
looking into possibly bringing in portables if a big event was to come to the Park.
• Trail—Comment was made on the size of the trail in the Park.Board Member
Chesnut made a comment that money could be saved in making the outer walk
eight feet instead of 12 feet.Lenny Hughes with Halff and Associates noted that
the Board should consider leaving it 12 feet because as the City grows this would
be needed for people to ride bikes and walk/run. Board Member Larson asked if a
compromise for the trail be 10 feet.Consensus was to make the Outer walk 10
feet instead of 12 feet.
• Drinking Fountain—How many fountain locations do we currently have?Mr.
Nelson commented that we currently have two existing fountains in the Park.
• Sand/Volleyball Court—Where would the location be,and could it not be phased
in where other sport activities take place.Francois noted that the idea behind
where it was placed was to accommodate the social element of volleyball,as a
place to be seen.
Mr.Sferra noted during the discussion that in the last Council meeting a decision was
made to see all three concepts.This decision was not anticipated by Staff,but staff
will work with Halff and Associates to bring all 3 concepts to them to review and
within budget.
• Trees—The concepts show all the trees that could be installed,not what would
actually be installed in the project on the first phase. Board members commented that
this could be deceiving and directed staff and the consultants to only show the 200
trees that will be included as part of the project.
• Artwork—A comment was raised in regards to the amount of money being spent
on artwork, is$55,000 necessary? Mr. Sferra noted that according to the current
ordinance in place it is required to have a known artist to provide the artwork for the
project. Board Member Larson commented she would like to see Murals on the
concession stands.
• Lighting for the ball fields—Board Member Chesnut commented on why the ball
fields were not being lit. It was pointed out that it was incorporated in with the
playing field costs.
• Fountain—Board Member Chesnut made a comment on why the fountain was so
expensive to put in.A point was brought up to consider the cost to just provide the
plumbing for the fountain and to finish it in a later phase.Board Member Lafleur
agrees with the idea to phase in the fountain so the cost is not all at once. Phasing in
the fountain might be difficult due to the fact that the fountain would be zero gravity.
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Chairman Hiney commented about wanting to see the three concepts with tonight's
comments and changes before going to the Council meeting next week.Chairman
Hiney suggested that staff and Board think about postponing the meeting with
Board Member Willey asked if 15 percent contingency was a standard amount.Board
Member Larson pointed out that the contingency was on the land acquisition and the
art project and they should be removed from contingency in the budget.
Shannon Nolan associated with the Wylie Baseball and Beverly Gunther with Wylie
Girls Softball had questions regarding fencing for the fields, lighting,seating,score
board lighting,concession stand,etc. Lenny Hughes with Halff Associates addressed
these questions.
Board Member Chesnut commented about the basketball courts and if they were a
necessity in the first phase. Mr. Sferra replied that the request for basketball courts
was in the original bond package. Since the bond was approved the Parks Division
has built 5 basketball courts,and we are only one short based on the Master Plan
Board Member Larson commented on only having one storage closet near the north
concession,would this be enough,or would there be a need for more in the south. Mr.
Sferra noted that Staff had discussed and felt that this storage that was in Phase I was
adequate.Mr.Diaz commented that additional storage was discussed but the funds
were limited.
Board Member Larson made a comment on the shade structures and how practical
were they for providing shade. Francois replied that those structures may be
deceiving on the openness of the frame.The frames were designed to hold whatever
shade topper that was chosen. Board Member Larson noted that she felt the structure
was too artistic and not very practical,and wants more shade for low cost.
Mrs.Nolan commented that she says the trees would be needed more for shade near
the bleachers. Board Member Larson also noted that on the trees,that they should be
planted where the people are,not along the walkways because people do not stay on
the walkways.
Mr.Nelson noted that if the fountain plaza is phased a little at a time, the concrete
base would have to be completely torn up to finish it.Francois suggested a turf base
would be an idea,that way,the base would not have to be torn up to complete the
Board Member Willey asked if a project ever runs on 10 percent contingency.Lenny
noted that it can't until a construction document phase has begun. Francois noted
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about the fluctuating costs of steel and concrete,the contingency is there for things
that may come up that are unforeseen.
Board Member Chesnut asked about the practice fields and if we could reduce the
amount of fields to five,bringing others in at later phases and save money. Mr. Diaz
commented that because of drought that no games have been able to be played on
Founders Park,it would be beneficial to have additional fields in situations where
they may be needed. Mr. Diaz noted that staff and Half and Associates have
discussed other options for the additional funding,and there maybe some wiggle
room in the amount of fields.
Some concerns regarding the playground entrance were raised by Board members
noting that people can not be entering in the playground on the south side. Francois
explained that the walkway and shade structure linked together is an ideal spot for the
playground.A concern is the children entering where the other children are swinging.
Chairman Hiney wants to shift entrance over if the shade structure can not be moved,
to make entrance safer.
Mr. Sferra noted a suggestion that the meeting be postponed for next week with
Council because we need more time for the Board to review all the concepts.
Chairman Hiney agreed stating that the Board needs to be prepared. Chairman Hiney
made a suggestion that the Work Session on August 23,2007 should be postponed
and the Board should go ahead a have the regular Park Board meeting on August 27.
Mr.Sferra suggested a date of September 11,2007 for the joint work session with
Council.Chairman Hiney agreed and the meeting was pushed back until September
Joel Jordan with the Wylie Youth Soccer Association commented on the drainage for
the fields. Mr.Jordan feels that the drainage is a real problem when it rains and he
wanted to know if the fields will be crowned.Lenny noted that the drainage for the
fields was taken into consideration and there would be a drainage system. Mr.
Jordan also commented on the space between fields,he doesn't feel that they are far
enough away from each other. Francois noted that if they have more space it will
reduce the number of fields they can put in.
After further discussion the Board and Staff came to a decision and all agreed that
Concept C was the one that would best suit the needs of the Park and it is at Budget.
The date of the next meeting was reconfirmed and there was no further discussion.
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A motion was made by Board Member Chesnut and seconded by Board Member
Wiley to adjourn.The consensus of the Board was to adjourn.Tile Board adjourned
at 8:35 pm.
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Anne Hiney,Cha riian e`-
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Dionna Covington,Park t'! :rd Secretary
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Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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