10-22-2007 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,October 22,2007—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. Board Members present
were: Donna Larson, Frankie Delgado, Dan Chesnut and Brandi Lafleur. Board Members
David Willey and Benny Jones were absent.
Staff present was: Public Services Director, Mike Sferra; Parks Superintendent, Bill
Nelson; Assistant Parks Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Board Secretary, Dionna
No one was present
*Minutes from the August 16, 2007 and September 17, 2007 meetings will be
brought to the November meeting.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from the August 27,2007 meeting.
Board Action
Bill Nelson noted that on Page 3, Section 3, second paragraph,the wording soccer fields
should be softball fields. Board Member Delgado made a motion to approve the minutes
and it was seconded by Board Member Lafleur with corrections as noted. A vote was
taken and passed 5-0.
Minutes—October 22,2007
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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2. Update on recent grant applications.
Staff/Board Discussion
Mr.Sferra notified the Board that the City did not receive the Safe Routes to School
Grant. Staff has contacted the Texas Department of Transportation to find out why the
grant was not awarded. Chairman Hiney requested that staff contact other cities that had
their grant funded to find out what why they were successful.
Staff then notified the Board about the award of$330,000 to the City for the Olde City
Park project by the Collin County Commissioners Court. Mr. Sferra noted that the grant
for$330,000 just awarded accounted for a total of one million dollars in grants received
by the City and two million dollars worth of park improvements completed in the past
five years.
3. Update on Founders Park and Recreation Center projects.
Founders Parks Staff/Board Discussion
Mr. Diaz updated the Board on a potential change to the Founders Park project. Football
Club Dallas or better known as FC Dallas Soccer Club has approached City of Wylie
staff about a joint venture similar to the Pizza Hut Park Soccer Complex in Frisco,Texas.
Founders Park could be a potential satellite location for FC Dallas. Board member
Brandi Lafleur asked if FC Dallas would be bringing any funding to a joint project. Mr.
Diaz replied that they are not bringing direct funding at this time,but they are bringing
their expertise in constructing a complex and access to sponsorship funds that could help
to maintain a high quality facility.
Mr.Nelson noted that this would be a good opportunity for potential revenue that would
benefit the City of Wylie by bringing people to our new park by having large events. Mr.
Sferra noted that it would be 2 months or longer before a decision would be made as to
pursue an agreement. Mr. Sferra also commented that he had spoken with Halff
Associates about this potential project and their suggestion was to put the project on hold.
Halff Associates also commented that the type of soccer multiplex being considered
would put Wylie on the map.
Board Member Larson noted that we do not currently have the funds for a project like
this. Mr.Sferra commented that the City has reserves to provide more funding for the
project if necessary,but any decision to add more funding would have to be made by the
City Council.
Minutes—October 22,2007
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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Jtecreation Center Updates Staff/Board Discussion
Mr.Diaz noted that the architects have received numerous changes from staff regarding
the new library/city hall/recreation center project and they are scheduled to return to
Wylie in November 2007 to discuss them with the staff and the City Council. Mr. Diaz
then reviewed and discussed the current concept plans and layouts to the Board.
A motion was made by Board Member Larson and seconded by Board Member Lafleur
to adjourn.The consensus of the Board was to adjourn.The Board adjourned at 7:35 pm.
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Dionna Covington,Park Boa Secretary
Minutes—October 22,2007
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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