02-25-2016 (Historic Review) Minutes Wylie Historic Review Commission CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Wylie Historic Review Commission Thursday,February 25, 2016—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Chair Jon Lewis called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Commissioners present: Chair Lewis, Vice Chair Annilee Waterman, Commissioner James Park, Commissioner Jennifer Wakefield, Commissioner Bob Heath, Sr. and Commissioner Gary Taylor. Commissioner John Pugh was absent. Staff present: Renae' 011ie, Planning Director and Administrative Assistant Mary Bradley. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Lewis opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Lewis closed the Citizens Participation. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from January 28, 2016, Special Called Meeting. A motion was made by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Park, to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion carried 6—0. Regular Agenda Action Item Motion to remove from table A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, and seconded by Commissioner Waterman, to remove Article 6 Special Purpose and Overlay Districts, Section 6.3 Downtown Historic District from the table. Motion carried 6—O. 1. Consider and act upon, amendments to Article 6 Special Purpose and Overlay Districts, Section 6.3 Downtown Historic District(DTH). Minutes February 25,2016 Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 1 of 3 Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated that the Commissioners tabled the discussion, and Staff has incorporated the recommended changes from the last meeting. Ms. 011ie stated that she referenced the book, recommended by the Commissioners "A Field Guide to American Houses" as recommended by the Commissioners. Under Architectural Styles, a house style that was added was Georgian. This was due to staff speaking with a citizen interested in constructing a new home within the Downtown district. The Commissioners reviewed the proposed revisions. The Commissioners discussed and agreed to add National Folk House Style. Commissioner Taylor stated that the National Folk was an amalgamation of house styles and did not fit a certain particular style. Public Comments Chair Lewis opened the discussion for Public Comments Ms. Kathy Spillyards, resident of Dallas, Texas, but former longtime resident within the Wylie Downtown Historic, recommended the text amendments be sent to all property owners within the Downtown Historic District, as well as sending letters for historic color palette. Ms. Katrina Emerson, 402 Fairview Bluff Drive, Wylie,stated that her family is planning to construct a home within the Historic District with an historic .., plan. The house style that is desired is a Georgian House with side porches, but no definite style is chosen. They have not purchased or located a lot at this time. Chair Lewis closed the Public Comments. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, and seconded by Commissioner Wakefield, to recommend to the Planning and Zoning Commission approval to the revisions for Article 6, Section 6.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried 6—0. 0.4 Minutes February 25,2016 Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 2 of 3 ADJOURNMENT — A motion was made by Commissioner Wakefield, seconded by Commissioner Waterman to adjourn the meeting at 8:14pm. All Commissioners were in consensus. I ti ewis,Chairman ATTEST: II I 1A 43A Act o Mar Bradley,Administra ve Assistant mom Minutes February 25,2016 Wylie Historic Review Commission Page 3 of 3