Resolution 2008-23 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-23(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ACKNOWLEDGING CONSENT TO THE ACQUISITION, BY PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION, OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR RELATED EASEMENTS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AND/OR IMPROVEMENTS TO FARM-TO-MARKET ROAD 1378 ("FM 1378") BETWEEN FM 544 AND FM 3412; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Collin County, Texas (the "County") has determined that current County needs necessitate the widening and realignment of Farm-to-Market Road ("FM") 1378 between FM 544 and FM 3412 in Wylie, Texas (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the County has determined that in order to facilitate the Project, the County must acquire certain property interests generally set forth below and more fully described in Exhibit ~ '`A" attached hereto (the "Property"): approximately 12,920 square feet of land, more or less, in the G.W. Gunnel Survey, Abstract No. 351, Collin County, Texas and being part of a cailed 10.002 acre tract of land conveyed to D.L. Caldwell by deed recorded in County Clerks File No. 20071015001415550 of the Deed Records of Collin County Texas; and WHEREAS, it is the City of Wylie, Texas' ("Wylie") desire to proceed with the Project and consent to the County's acquisition, by purchase or condemnation, the necessary right-of-way and/or easements on the Property on behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation for the purpose of, among other things, the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. Resolution No. 2008-23(R) Acquisition of Property for Right of Way/Related Easements For FM 1378 between FM544 and FM3412 ~19742v1 SECTION 2: Consent. Wylie desires to proceed with the Project and consents to the County's acquisition, by purchase or condemnation, the necessary right-of-way and/or easements on the Property on behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation for the purpose of the Project. Should the County be unable to acquire the right-of-way and/or easements by purchasing same, the City hereby consents to the commencement of condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the right-of-way and/or easements for the Project. SECTION 3: Authoritv to Execute Documents. The City Manager is hereby authorized, on behalf of Wylie, to execute all documents necessary in relation to the County's acquisition, by purchase or condemnation, of the Property. SECTION 4: Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately from and after its passage. ~ DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 24~h day of~2008. h ~ Eric Hogue, M y ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM: sa~+sa~s~~~~' Q F t~ 'd ~ . arole Ehr 'ch, ~ty S~cr _ A th , oeder, Boy Joplin, P.C. = o a ~ = Rebecca Brewer = ~ ? ; City Attorneys ~r a~.<<:;~~°~~~~~~, Jj~~ / ( _ ~ 1l~111~lt~~~\ Resolution No. 2008-23(R) Acquisition of Property for Right of Way/Related Easements For FM1378 between FM544 and FM3412 j19742v1 r•w,,, 2Qw-a-s Rev., 372004 GSD~EI'E FI~I:D NOTES ! i Exl~ibi~ "A" ? f r County: Collin Page 1 vf 3 ` T~i~ltway: FIVI 1~78 Apri1 17, 2003 ; ~ From: FM 544 Rev. Decerr?ber 16, 2003 ~ To: FP~! 3412 Rev. March 8, 2404 ' € DGN CS~: 0619-06-00'] Rev. June 7, 2004 ` i ~ow cs.~: o~x 9-0~-~7 i R~~. August 4, Zoo4 ~ ; Legal Land Description for Pareel No. 9 ; ~3EYN`Cr a 0.2956 acre or 12;920 square £oot tract af land situatecl in the G.W. Gu~nell ~ Survey, Abstract Nutnber 35,1, Coll'in Couz~ty, Texas, and b~ing a portion o#` that ceztain ~ tcact of' tand cox~veyed to the Hawpxon Li~ving Trust according to the deecl r~cortied at j County Cl~l~'s Fils No. 96-0016.570; Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and being ; , more particularly des~rib~d as fallaws: ~ i BE~~NNII~1'G at .a.3-~/4 ~nch Texas Depa~tment of Trans~orCafi~n aluminurn disk sEt for ~ corner in the noxtli liz~e o£ the af~ore~nentio.ned Ha~mpton L.iving: Ti~ust tract and the south ; line of tbat eertain tract of lanid c~nve.y~eci to the City of Wyli+~ aecording to tkie deeci i recorded in Vc~lukne 4147, Page: 135Q, De,ed Records of Collin County, Texas, firom ! ~5~~~ wheric~. a 1/2 ix~~~. 'tro~ xQd four~d for t'he nox~`c~+~st corner of said Hazz~pton Li~ing Trust i , tract bears North 8~ de~re~s 59 mxn.utes 24 seconds VsTest ~ 1,601.53 feet, saic3 disk b:eing ; in, the propo:sed ~west riglit ef vvay line of F.NI. Hwy. No. 137~ {a ~vaziabl~ width right of v~ra~).;* * (1) THENCE ~~uth $8 d~~rees 59 minutes 2.4 seconds East, with the narth line ~f said Hampto~. Y.iving Tzuse tract and the south line of said Gi.t3~ of 'SX~ylie tract, 4$.43 f~et to a l/2 inch iron rod fo~nd €or the no~theast .eorner ' ,af said ~-Iamp.ton Liv~ing Trust traet and the sout~ea~t corner of said City o#' ; Wy~ie tract, s.aici iron rod being izt the e7cistix~g; ~vest right of vva~ lxne o.f ! F.Ni. ~~y. No. 1378 (a ~±aria~Ie width rrghx. of i~+ay esl~led 90 feet wirle at ~ this~ point .accord~ing :tQ t~ie ri~ht. of ~ay map fQr F.M, ~Ti_~hway No. F37~ as r~eord~ed in Viilume 416, Pa~c 25, Deett ~~at~rds of Goliin Goun~,y, ~ Texas7~ ; (2) 'X`FiEN~CE South OQ de~re~s I3 rninutes 46 seconds VJest, with said i existi~ng west right of way line Qf F.M. Hwy. 1'do. 1378 (a vaziable width ~ right af way callect 90 feet wide at this point according to the right of way m.ap for F.M. Hi~hvumy No. 1378 as reeord~d in Volume 416, Page 25, i Deed ~tecards o#' Coilin County, Te7cas~., 258.48 feet to a 1 inch pipe found fox the southeast corn;ez of sa.id Hampton -Li~uing Tzust txact and the ~ norfiheast corner of that certain txact af ~and conveyed to Kenneth Bevis, I Et L7~, accr~rcli~ig to the deed reco.rel~d in Volutne 684, 1'age 2X8, Deed ' Recoriis of Col~in Co~nty,. Texas, j ~ ~ Resolution No. 2008-23(R) Acquisition of Property for ' I Right of Way/Related Easements , For FM1378 between FM544 and FM3412 i 519742v1 ( I ~ ; ~ Form ROW A-5 ' Rev.;/LOQ4 GSD-EPC _,.,W, i Fl`ELD N'01'ES C0IVTINU~D j ~ ~ ~xhibit "A" ~ ~ County: Cotlin Pa~.e 2 of 3 i Hi~hwa~: FM 1378 April 17, 2003 From: FM 544 Rev. Decemb•er 16, 20Q3 ~ To: F1vI 3412 Rev. Mareh S, 2~04 ' i DGI°J G~J: 0619-06-007 Rev. June 7, 2004 ~ Row csr: 061~-o6-oz 1 Rev. Augu.sl4, 2(304 ~ i Legal La~d 17escription for Pareel No. 9 (3j 'I'~-TEN'CE North 88 deg~ees 3.9 txiinutes 16 secons~s VJest, departin~. saia ; exis#ira~ v~esi nigh:t of way line o£ F.M. Hwy. No. 1378 and ~vith #he south line of sn.id Hainpton L,ivin~ Trust tract ar~ii the ~ortti line o.f said K,enneth ; Be~es, ~t U~ tract, 47,88 feet to a 3-1/4 inch Texas Aepartment of ' Trarasportation atuminuix~ disk set for corner in the aforementioned ; proposed vsrest zi~ht of way ~ine af F.M. Hwy, T~Ta. 1378;*'~ ; 4 ~4} TT-~ENCE Nott~ 0~ de~ees Q6 minu~es 33 seconds East, departin.g the south ~~ne of saifl Hampton; Living T'ritst ~act and tlae north line of said n~~- ~e~neth ~i.evi.s, Et Ux; tract a~d with said propos~ v~iest righC of vc?ay Ixne ' ~ qf ~.M. Fii~. ~to. 1378, 268,20 fee~t to the POINT CJF BEGINN'Tlal~ and corntaining 0.29b6 acres or 12,920 square feet of land, more or Iess. ; $earings ~or ttiis survey are b:ased on the Texas state plane coordinate system, I~AD 83, ref.ereneed to fihe Ci .ty of Garland, 'I'exas C~PS ecantrol mon~nentation. **The mon~unent describecl and sef in this call, if destroyed during construetion, m.ay be ~ r.eplac~d witla: a Tacl70'I' Type II R:ight of'~Jay Marker u~on com~letion o~ thE highw$y ~ ; constn~ction prQject uz%cler the stYpervision of a Regcstered ~'rofessitinal T.and ~urveyor, ; either e~n:ploy~d ar r~tai~~i by TicIIUT. ( I A 1'lat of S~rvey of e~~n date a~companzes this Le~al Des:eription. I Prepared By.; A3a~lian D. Maier Cor~uLtix?g Engineexs, Ine, i 8'Q80 P'ark Lane, ~uitE 600 ~ Dallas, Texas 7~231 ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ .~e.. ~:~~~s~~;~~¢+. F`p~q ~ I J ~~?HN ~ Mc~:rot~ r Jo L.. to ~«~...w«;'"°.~,~,. ~ Registered pro~essional Land Surveyor l*Io. 42G8 e;?. I q? 4a-~.s 5 Y a~;. ~44'~M:oq?~0,~"~ . ~ ~ 3^~~~~ Resolution No. 2008-23(R) Acquisition of Properiy for ~ Right of Way/Related Easements For FM1378 between FM544 and FM3412 I 519742v1 ' I i j Form ROW,A-5 &ev..3/2004 GSD-fiPC , ! PA:FtC~L SKETCii ~ _ < e County. Cottln Exhibif NA" Ppge 3 of 3. i ~ Highwoy. FM f37B PARCEL N0. 9 April l7. 2003 ~ Fram: Fh! 544 Rev. December 1!~ 2003 s To: FM 3¢12 Rev. Me<ch B, .20Q4 ; AGN ESJ.~ 0619-06-00~ Rev. Juna 7, 2Q04 ! ROW CSJ.• Q619-06-0I1 ~ ~ , , Reµ AugUSt 4, 20Q4 ! . ROD Fowr~O i CITY OF WYLtE 8Q'~'j9'24' E E i 1/OLUME ~ 147, PAG~ 1350 q;g~.~~, . , neav ••.r-tfs~ r,ma aon Ft~o / ,uzwu~r sFr ; sars' _ N 88 59?4" W 16D1.3:7' i~ ~m! ~ : ` ROA/ALD J. JONN30N PO1NT OF ~ VOLUME 5142, R~4GE 1371 eEC~IVNtnrc ~ ~ 1 ~ , ; W ` ~ . e ~ W HAMPTQiJ LIVINC> TRI~ST ~ .J~ ~ CLERK'S FJLE A10. 9E--001687n ~ ~ 4 2 ~ ~3£EQ RECOR~S, COL.LlN CO.; '7~$: ~~~~}R~~. ~ ~'CALE.~ 1 7~J0' ;y ~ p,~~~ c~'C, 3~ ~ivt~j ~a-r/~- rxon ' I A~ ~ ~ ~ewrwq~r s~t ' es:72' _ ~ f" PlP~ 1fl 88,39~P~~` ~ ' ;FDriuo ( 47.$8, , 5~ ~ C~E~p. KENNETI-1 B£VIS, ET '~C~~~' ` ~ ~ ' F.lyf. NW9: N0. ~378 i G~. ~a5't~ VfX.U,41E 684, PAGE ;~~6'-.= ' { (VOLC~ME 41.6, PAG£ 2S) ' (VARIABLE WlDTH R16HT OF WAY) STfi)`L' (dF" lEXR9~"""~~ ~ VDLtInlE 4t$ P,4GE 205 2'LAI~l, L717. CLERIf°'5 F~LE' NO. 94 OQ~91&O • ~ •+'The Fnonument desciJbed and ~et 1n ttiis ~ DE£l1 RECORDS; COLLfN Ct~ TX sWl, lf de~iroyed•during constnrc4ic~n, r»oy . j be replacrd wllh q TXp~7' 1'ype N Rlght of ~ ' , ; Woy h(nrkerypon complation o/ EE~e highwQy I "~`^-STA:7E OF TE'XRS i prr%et urrder the superrvsi3n pf a Regisfeied yOLUA~t" 4t9; PRG?' 2f3 Protassiar>of Lond SuFVesro~ elfha employ~ed ' i ar retofne,d by ~xD07. ~topp, ~po~v_ acsr ~nunro i Bea~fngs fa~ fhls surrty ara bosed on the ' 7excs stote plane coordinote system, NAD ~ s• ~a,;, 83, res'erenced to the C/ty of Co~lond, Ra~i4 ~o f,M. H~YY. NO. .341,2 ~ Texas GPS con#ro! monu~rrenfaEion. fFORM£RLY CA1.LE0 F.M. HWY. N0. 54=0) ~ (tIOI.UM£ .38B, PACE' 1} ` A Ls al DcseFi . tfon o~ even dote ! 9 p (VAR/ABLE Wt07N R1GH7 OF WAY} accamponTes this plot. , 1L7' /RA~v .~~'LA ~ l~t~7~ Ro,o r-owyo ' LEGEND . . : ~y ~,~~q ~r,a ~e oF rFx~,s ~ i Existing Roodwoy Rlght _ _ , . _ . _ 1.^t, 9ZD SQ , ~ Ct'•.7 !G~ LAND cahfal~IJA7foN, N0: ? loz9 ; ~ ' ~O&UA~iE J, ?AGL 74 _ :Of Woy 8oundary Gine •S'/TjfA~~ . ~ Right o~' Woy Line , ; ~r,~p , j PropeityG/ne ~'"w C+~N~~~~~Y ~ Su~vey Lrne ABS7R~~E'~rT Q~.`;: ~ Ceii te~ Une L`O1:LlN CO11N~ 7€XAS k ~ . ~ I NATFi7W D. MAIER CONSULTf~l6 ENG'INE~RS; IMC. 1 n `2 8-23(R) Two Northpark / SQ80 Pa~k ione l 3uite 600 c] 110. ~.9,pWG Dalips, Texae 75231 / Ph. (214) 735-474i ,~pg N0. 00-Ot--019 ig o ay e ate asemen s ; For FM1378 between FM544 and FM3412 ~gez.ts ~ 519742v1 ~ . . - . • . • . . I