08-08-2016 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,August 8,2016—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.with Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Harris, Board Member Kinser, Board Member White, and Board Member Robinson present. Board Member Jones was absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 11, 2016 meeting. Board Action: Board Member White made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 11, 2016 meeting. Board Member Robinson seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. 2. Consider and act upon a vendor application for the Pirate Pacesetter Booster Club for a fundraiser event at Olde City Park on November 12, 2016. The Wylie High School Pirate Pacesetters Booster Club has held similar events at other locations in the past, but this is the first time they are proposing to host their event at Olde City Park. They anticipate having 30-40 vendors selling arts and craft items, and the Booster Club will be selling prepackaged food and drink products (no outside food vendors.) Proceeds will go to support the Wylie High School Pirate Pacesetter Drill Team. Board Action: Board Member Harris made a motion to approve the vendor application for the Pirate Pacesetter Booster Club for a fundraiser event at Olde City Park on November 12, 2016. Board Member White seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. 3. Consider and act upon a vendor application for the Wylie Art Gallery for a Farmers Market at Olde City Park on Saturdays in 2017 on the following dates: April 8, May 13, June 10, August 12, September 9, and October 14. A vendor application for this same event, with an anticipated start month of August,was approved by the Board and City Council last spring. Lynn Grimes of the Wylie Art Gallery, advised staff that due to the excessive summer temperatures and the lack of vendors, she cancelled the event dates for this year. Ms. Grimes submitted a new vendor application for the event to take place in 2017. All event details in the new vendor application remain the same,with the exception of the four new dates on which they wish to host their events. Ms. Grimes also expressed to staff her concern over acquiring enough vendors to participate at her event, and advised staff that many vendors stated they preferred to be involved with farmer's markets that are held on a weekly basis over a several month span. Board Action: Board Member Chesnut made a motion to table the item of the vendor application for the Wylie Art Gallery for a Farmers Market at Olde City Park on Saturdays in 2017, so that Ms. Grimes may confirm significant vendor participation prior to taking the item to City Council. The item will be brought back for consideration at the October Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Board Member Robinson seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. 4. Consider and act upon a final design recommendation for the East Meadow portion of the Municipal Complex Trail. Superintendent Diaz advised the Board that the preliminary design for the East Meadow portion of the Municipal Complex Trail was completed by Dunaway and Associates. Staff met with Dunaway representatives to review the layout of the trail which included 6,510 linear feet of twelve foot wide concrete trail in the East Meadow, a 25 car parking lot, pedestrian bridge, art piece location near the Brown Street entrance, benches, litter receptacles, trail markings, solar security lights, and options for future amenities. Construction is anticipated to begin the fall of 2016. A soft trail connection will be included in the center of the East Meadow,wherein it will connect the east trail to the current west trail. Staff will maintain the soft trail by mowing it regularly, but no mulch will be added this time. Currently the land is subleased to a farmer who maintains it, and the Board expressed concern that the farmer's equipment will damage the trail if permitted to continue farming the area for hay. Superintendent Diaz advised them the depth of the concrete trail would be six inches and should not be at risk for damage. He also stated that the art pieces will be proposed to be placed at the west side of the planned parking lot near Brown Street and also the trailhead located near Country Club Road. The Board advised they would like to see other amenities added in the future, such as a pavilion, drinking fountains, and restrooms. The Board asked staff to make the following amendments to the preliminary East Municipal Trail design: 1) add a second alternate location for the planned art piece, placing it to the west of the parking lot entrance off Brown Street, 2) add dog stations along the trail, 3) add the other three solar lighting locations, 4) provide trail stub outs at the add alternate locations of at least four feet indicating that there will be future trail connections. Board Action: Board Member Kinser made a motion to approve the final design recommendation for the East Meadow portion of the Municipal Complex Trail with the amendments listed being added to the preliminary design. Board Member Harris seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Hail storm damage facility update — Bart Peddicord Community Center (BPCC,) Brown House, and Wylie Senior Recreation Center. Superintendent Diaz advised that the Bart Peddicord Center, Brown House and Senior Center remain closed due to extensive hail damage repair. The Senior Center and three damaged fire stations continue to be priority for repair by the City. Minutes August 8, 2016 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2 Superintendent Diaz updated the Board that the seniors continue to meet at the nearby Waterbrook Church, who offered use of their facility throughout the remainder of this year. The park shade covers have all been replaced, and although damaged, the park pavilion roofs remain in working order. The Brown House sustained severe damage, primarily to the roof,windows and air conditioner units; however, interior damage was not excessive. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Harris. Board Member Kinser seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m. ATTEST //q„.1.„. Janet Hawkes Parks Board Secretary Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes August 8, 2016 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 3