11-01-2016 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission _,.,.._ 7fir , / „..., 111----,, 1 i, ''. t C --k'"4"1 - _ . 1 Ilr,, _.,/, , _____,....,. ,„.., ......0)„.„.......„,„_, \ \.... „is\ \ 1 riy„,, ,i10104.~"kt,„6..,,,,,-,z, , ,,,,,,,, —is t43 M.. rev, 0 Afic November 1 , 2016 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Planning and Zoning s Commission r NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, November 1, 2016 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chair Dennis Larson Vice Chair Roger Myers ._ Commssioner Mike McCrossin Commssioner Randy Owens Commssioner Jerry Stiller . Commssioner Sonia Ahmed Commssioner Rena& 011ie .... Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr.Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. November 1,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from October 18, 2016, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda 1. Consider and act upon a recomm endation to C ity Council for a Final P lat for Kreym er Estates Phase 4, developing 78 of lots, generally located south of east B rown Street and west of W.A. Allen Boulevard. 2. Consider, and act upon, a recomm endation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Collins Addition, creating two single family residential lots on 6.398 acres, generally located in the City of Wylie ETJ on Bozeman Road between FM544 and Troy Road. 3. Consider, and act upon a recomm endation to the City Council regarding a Prelim inary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 2. The Plat will create 212 single fam ily residential lots and multiple open space areas on 62.142 acres and dedicate the necessary rights-of way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast corner of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cent fy that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the 28th day of October, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday October 18, 2016—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was calle d to order at 6:05 p.m . A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Ch air R on Sm ith, Vice Chair Dennis Larson, Commissioner Jerry Stiller, Commissione r Roger Myers, and Comm issioner Randy Owens. Commissioner Mike Mc Crossin and Comm issioner Sonia Ahm ed were both absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Developm ent Services Directo r, Jasen Haskin s, Sr Planner, Kevin Molina, Planne r, and Mary Bradley, Adm inistrative Assistant. Ms. 011ie introduced the new City Engineer, Tim Port er. Mr. Chris Holsted w as prom oted as Assistant City Manager in August. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Larson gave the Invocation. Commissioner Owens led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Sm ith opened the Citizens Partic ipation. W ith no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Citizen Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the October 4, 2016, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Vice Chair Larson to approve the minutes for October 4, 2016, as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 0. REGULAR AGENDA Minutes October 18, 2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 Agenda Item 1 —Final Plat for New Haven at Wylie Addition Consider, and act upon, a recomm endation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for New Haven at Wylie Addition, creating one lot on 3.126 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the final plat for New Haven at Wylie Addition will create one lot on 3.126 acres. The property is located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way. The Preliminary Plat and Site Plan we re approved in July, 2016. In March 2016 a zoning request for Neighborhood Services w ith Specific Use Perm it was adopted by Ordinance 2016-04 to allow Assisted Living Facility with 9 x 18 parking spaces. The plat dedicates the necessa ry rights-of-way, fire lane s, utility, construction, and drainage easements for the plat approval. Staff recommends approval sub ject to add itions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Board Action With no questions for the applicant, a motion was m ade by Comm issioner Meyers, and seconded by Vice C hair Larson, to re commend approval to the City Council for Final Plat New Haven at Wylie Addition. Motion carried 5 — 0. Item 2 —Site Plan for Bush's Chicken, Lot 3R, Freddy's Addition Consider, and act upon a Site Plan for Bush's Chicken, L of 3R, Block B of Freddy's Addition, located on the southeast corner of FM 544 and Regency Drive. Staff Presentation Mr. Mo lina sta ted tha t the applic ant de sires to d evelop a one sto ry driv e-thru restaurant for Bush's Chicken. The property is located on one lot consisting of 1.074 acres within the Freddy's Addition. The property is located on the southeast corner of FM 544 and Regency Drive. The building measures 3,002 square feet and requires one parking space for every 150 square feet. The applicant m eets and ex ceeds the parking requirem ent by providin g 22 parking spaces. Staff recomm ends appr oval subject to addi tions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Minutes October 18, 2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 Board Action With no questions for the applicant, a motion was m ade by Comm issioner Owens, and seconded by Commi ssioner Stiller, to approve the Site Plan Bush's Chicken, Lot 3R, Block B of Freddy's Addition. Motion carried 5 —0. Public Hearing Public Hearing 1 Dominion of Pleasant Valley—ZC 2016-12 Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council am ending Planned Development 2013-37-Single Family District(PD2013-37-SF) to allow for a 5' rear encroachm ent on approximately 350 acres, gene rally located east of Sachse Road/Ballard Ave. and south of Pleasant Valley Road. ZC2016-12 Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie s tated th at the owners are reques ting to am end an existing Planned Development Ordinance 2013-37 to allow for a rear yard encroachm ent by no m ore than five feet. The property will cons ist of 975 single family dwelling units of varied densities. The request is for the entire development, but to allow those hom es with a J-Swing front entry or additional enha ncements to the rear of th e house. In no instance does this request alter the front setback as established by the PD Conditions. Two Hundred and Thirty-Six (236) notific ations were m ailed, with one comm ent form, covering 42 properties was received in favor of the request and no comment forms received in opposition. North Texas Municipal Water District owns and operates the Muddy Creek W aste Water Treatment Plant to the south of the subject subdivision and has commented that the plant will remain and may expand in the near future. Board Discussion Mr. Rudy Pospisil, Plantation Hom es, 709 Elmwood, Flower Mound, Texas, applicant for the subject property gave a presentation to the Commissioners. He stated that the encroachm ent would not affect every hom e within th e developm ent. The encroachment will affect the homeowner's personal living space, and not reduce front yard setbacks. Mr. Pospisil stated that since approval in 2013 the m arket has changed. The average sale of a hom e in 2013 was $233,000 and the current average cost of a hom e i s $375,000, and as the developm ent establishes, th ere is the need for flexibility for a deeper home site on some of the lots. Citizen Comment Minutes October 18, 2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 Chair Sm ith opened the Public Hear ing. W ith no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Larson, and seconded by Commissioner Owens, to recommend approval to City Council to amend Planned Development 2013-37-Single Family District(PD 2013-37-SF)to allo w for a 5' rear encroachm ent on approximately 340 acres. ZC 2016-12. Motion carried 5 —0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Meyers to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 PM. All Commissioners were in consensus. Ron Smith, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes October 18, 2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning & Zoning 117f4W'Vo.( 1.ft A1Ae l AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 01, 2016 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Kreymer Estates Phase IV Date Prepared: October 24, 2016 Zoning District: PD 2013-33 Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider an d a ct upon a recommendation to Cit y Council for a Final Plat for K reymer Est ates Phase 4, developing 78 of lots, generally located south of east Brown Street and west of W.A. Allen Boulevard. Recommendation Motion to reco mmend app royal to th e C ity C ouncil regardi ng a F inal Plat for K reymer Esta tes Phase 4, develo.in: 78 of lots, :enerally located south of east Brown Street and west of W.A. Allen Boulevard. Discussion OWNER: BLOOMFIELD HOMES, L.P. ENGINEER: WESTWOOD The property totals 27.312 acres and will create seventy-eight(78) singl e-family residential lots and one (1 ) open space lot for park and recreational purposes. The subject property i s part of the overall 101 acres of th e Kreymer Estates develop ment approved in January 2012 as a Planned Development District( PD 2012-04). The overall PD was broadened and expanded in August 2013; therefore the designated and adop ted zoning is PD 2013-33. The preliminary plat was approved in May of 2015. The plat shall also dedicate necessary rights-of-way, and utility easements. The Final Plat complies with the approved Development Plan & Concept which was approved with the PD for all phases of the development. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/24/16 Page 1 of 1 ozols Westwood Professional ser,yes.Inc. STONE GROVE PHASE a"ne 0 LU 2.'‘) 85 qIIIIIIIIIIIMirr ////// S D WIC 4lKRE _ Volume G,Page 173 5 5 a No. KREYMER ESTATES PHASE O.P.GROVE `� Volume 2013,Page 177 /// / 2 ap' S.N. 78 0.. o O.P.R.C.C.T. Va.528 PG 618 i N88°57'49 W 2� m / 2-3570' 053"h8E = U) EL I 513°58'05"E m W 68.12' S2 z Q GArwicK cover ,"IR N73°4 35988 La 00 so o sa 12o S02°41'00"E� 5ba' 98 Ill 46.64' ,5 6n 8837s.t vR SUBJECT a S22808'491.2 5i0 00 rs 129 r5"� S� TRACT 3 W 63.57' c0C -6>.\0.1y'13 E.Stone Drive G 53.4T I L11 I 99 Ill 2222 S14°43'48"W� - m. 1 vo4os, °' , / a / /s00°40'2e"W VICINITY MAP N.T.S. f806°17'34"E S81°21'42"E 8 8 130.01' 558°25085' 51,50' 9,21 iryl fn5 LEGEND 6647' 97 00 553°21'S9"W ° .. 91025r m m 9 49sr S5/8"TAMPED IRON PLASTIC CAP Q 38.98' Soa°26'34"E N3e a25.47' N .N - AKIN ADDITION c�w TEXAS Cie 26.20 Lot 2],eockB _ 502°1545"E N00°40Nq''E Im WN00°40'14"E Volume 2006,Page 396 ST/"PR yF ^,S' �f, 299,8995.f. c� C22 110.8fi 123.20'88-1 _. ir10 IA 135.00 o O.P.R.CCT. Dedicated Park Land and IAL 9�8.2 U6 01 66 10 1 "B" o s PED PUBLIC RECORDS,s EmLLN COUNTY, KREYMER ESTATES PHASE II 522820.49-E \ so 5g. Drainage easement to the City a 1 �,. as r 9450s.5 a, q Reel PIwTCREceRos.coLLN COUNTY,TEXAS Volume 2014,Page648 10282 3jJS.. r'� Of Wy-e,Maintained by the m 21' a of 0RGC?. DEED RECORDS COLLN COUNTY,TEXAS O.P.RGGT. W HOA as per PD agreement 1 N00°4a88E o'14'W e.L. BUILDING LINE da Ordinance 42012-04 / I 22.43 12t43' 13s.0o uE UTILITY EASEMENT Sorb. SANITARY 0T'S`° 4o'14-W ao "B�� o£ 5070 T '8PS )2125' �, es c,, P.n a5 , m » m /o s,- SURVEYORS NOTES 't _ w25'r No0°40'14"E Soa°4o'1 a'W it u.W 39 SNsb O oos _RL- 43 122.43' I I N00°50'14"E I) R4 SE 1,AS .wadc 815 1 W n n , b.2,2 C 2 I —4m I .0' FESDOR.IN VOLUME 2013,NPA 177-78, AND N DOCf PHA E^'W Tt 500 40'4'W to For' 6B ,gp o L IOUE 20130502010001260.D888.1. s209R W " 03 a _ 21.45 r esoo:. 2 ALL CORNERS SET ARE MorIUMENTED wasp 5 e DIAMETER IRON ROD was z5.91' o PLAT 0r KREYMER E VOL s22 PC cra - L7 M 19 oz 1 to uE—I M o1 s YELLOW Plgsnc CAP STAMPED<u 1 Ue M/ 66 1N r1 NOo840o4'E S00.4084"W_,w, 0l esoa, ) ED"WEsew0o0 SURVEY FEET w,PS".UNLESS aEFwsE NOTED. / ) 65ois,, 88 to 121 43 121 43 Ur N003s,00.E 3) ALL83(CORS9.TEXAS 2812' 600.. 0 1 _ W.A COMBINED 32'36 W °04034 W_ 1 so O'14-W °4084"E L 90 93 8-BS93s., 104_ 4J SCALE FACTOR OF 1.0001S5I5 < N59 33.35' 2503'�-121. T 24 4 N0121.43 1 8 es %L P.P. - 9 s, 53 65 iu Noo°4014'E S00.4014 W Ir TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING or UTILITIES AND BUILDING CERTIFICATES. BDINSION ORDINANCE AND STATE PLAITING STATUTES AND IS SUBJECT n C4 869>s.5 500s, g 86007.. r r 2600s, I� 5 I 12'1.43 121.43 Q y N035004 SOF ELLING UADDITION /h 8/8 i °4084"W � I �I o °o 5�5 r F, 1081E-, 4 041593 W 0012 224310 OF�Ir I 50124P3. 121.43'E 1 -w 8 Bi U2sf m 11 ' _ 6a I�DUE QP 1`�9664, L T 54 o 0 68 88 s 111.43 S / 5e<. //�/�N o g_ :1, 7"' / , �r Fl 86ocs.. .. LANWOODW } DRIVE 0s av3' S.uE �' �50E // /- ry/O F m g SO°3'2 T22 43 m p 401 86 e�\ 25 P T 5 UE 1 m I N 846 121.i46 lm 0°40 4 p°' .r 5z 1 2. -c 9 IP I O , LIE�� _ o/ se aa�ss., 2526063 E ��4 9. �r 15e I 111.43 /\ 1 5j-�s a�' NI- DRIVE g s _ I '2 W .. 22.05 ¢ 6 s, 1 r r. 6 3 7 B.L J L- — n �1r � m ^ry I 6�E o a 4�58'W6.9 65 z ° 966=, 5m 4� o q w 21.43E L 9se a° 'E �->°q2. BN621' B 9 ! 124o Nao24a 34'E Ir m1 r1 299' ° g STREET v E/zo '"w / e ss � w afi , I„ 1 5.0s E"eemem o, o HEATHERWOOD ESTATES B 50 ' < i / s °e r Noi°o343 E 1 801°1023 N E�0 0 0 8 M 0 2 Cabinet L.Page 73 al Typical Public Utility Easements u6 eaf2xr, 3zo 3W % 'S0 I .__I I._ou,12472 3 4 " asoos.r. asoa9.r. ° 94sfi:.r. O.P.P668. (where shown) s i / o/, \, 64 I 2 0°4o 14'w 4 1 "' r D1v 3 o°4014"E 0 3�/ �6 W// Q / 06 s M [rl I 7/ 80 1 ul N023511• O �, s� / 4 sr s ao I 1 a. esol, O 0 E, �� N a.Ts l0 ,4'c e a� 0 4 Y v7s.. < o 49 Ta4o 05°seo w r ` W/ 29��3'E I I N 25,47' 3.93 0- ° 8.3 N 403q'UE�f 2~ If 10 NE00°4 v N>o l^ Z5 o64as,. cr,i 09 72 88429.. I--0 E 2 35154E r >9433/f 4.14 12o9s �P5 _ 2 2 .w 20 g c 78 im 3 s. a5eosr w I 2.Sa4 FINAL PLAT it 2 Sp° �i 233 - 98' KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 4 3TOOE-�/ SS-00 -- .82� l OF ���ZT �N0136302'E / 22 S 23\CB 83.58 -g I 8973 78 "��ol 502339�.W9 0°4014EI Im,�1 3 4.-2 m 22' m ��NOLIa o5q i D9T 3 9 ofi 71 2,2,, 78 RESIDENTIAL LOTS-I OPEN SPACE LOT D-13°130 / 4.a` , �RIVE 24 gg5j"��1z, a eo 1 2.50 2 m/ 8960..3 1 12.22 3A,ev 27.812 ACRES R=255 00 . /22.32 m N 058 EC I n I 39 0-82 m L 58.83,1 7q _ I I °O 2 , W 0 °355o"E E� OUT OF THE CD=58.69 Y /°Uf 12 2 " j � n 2 92-1 W I _ 0 a s , L�/27B r 58� l 4 a - I� �q -�Lzs ososIS � a 0 L, FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.6SS CB S7 e°53'38 E/ _ �4 2 llr \.88 12 58 s 5 25 o W 0 0 4 Iry n 8504s 50 - 15sn MI 3.9 50 W3 C4 J/y IN THE 2 2IRIf�` 122 CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS IN W f C" 15581,5 E - 75 3 1 I 120.04 I'`-052 130,02 I �0 57055•B :29.98-,�L21 2 OWNER a0 ISO.. 4 oo' 2T2.3 h _I-- uE 9an5�,< ee79 3/e'ar Noo°2606'E yr IRE Nbo°gosa E 5ie°cgr No130.00 'go E BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. m PROPOSED KREYMER E /2 FE Noo°41 24 E 3/8"IRE 202 10 185,04 6,180,02 /e 220.33' 3 Fr 145.00 ESTATES PHASE III <e 26238' 013q.94' 12ao6 �, N89°as'33"w 1 050 E.HIGHWAY 1 14,SUITE 21 0,SOUTHLAKE,TEx9s 76092 O 1 N00°45'41'E N00822'079 E 589°154.84' BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. 2s 234.94 120.0fi . a 50 4 POINT OF Inser.4mt3os22o011922na x E ENE 589°15'S1"E so' ao.11' q gq 817-41 Fr1572 o R_ccr_ �--� ". a 2a2D 2 44 So, wow a BEGINNING ENGINEER/SURVEYOR YRW 8 Westwood 99 1 El o aoae11 zz V gyoHT Lj p RUSH CREEK ESTATES PHASE II s Taal jee'Te a� wm,m,,, r''''' '"'' 44 PINE RIDGE DRIVE 50' --1-----, Cab.E,Pg.22 U R OW 7 -I-= K F M.R.C.CT. =,Zoxov1 „m.,a n.,a.e..<.w..44. 0010BER 03,2016 000550500 .2,015 STATE OFeTEXAS Professional SeMInc.�ee.In NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Curve Table Curve inure COUNTY OF COLLIN x Chord g Chord ch d B h d Curve e Length Rama, Delm o1 e 9 o1 9 Curve a Length Radius Delm of e In9 01 9 (f) OWNERS CERTIFICATE AND THROUGH ITS DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICER,D Q COVE HEREIN a THIS PLAT DESIGNATED THEREIN ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AS KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 4,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY C, NBI 130.00 00e 25,0 576 rz946E 40.46 C27 73.25 255.00 0162I30 50053'59'W 73L0 SITUATED IN,E CITY OF WYLIE.COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS.BEING A PART OF,E FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY, OF WYLIE.TEXAS AND DOES HEREBY DEDICATE TO,E PUBLIC USE FOREVER,E EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY AS I C2 116.05 355.00 0184351 58,3902E 115.54 C28 80.43 280.00 0162730 50853'59NV 8015 Q BYSDEED OF BEING AAHN COUNT,CLERK'S HFILE RE TRACT 3082R00121CON OF THE VDEED FIELD HOMES. COLLIN ECOU N .Y. BUILDING9N CEFENCE$TREES,SHRUBS OR OiNER N EIMPROVEMENTS ARE ROR G WTNS RESERVEDEBY FOR EECONSTRUSCTED ORS AS INCLCAA�TEDD.0 NO TEXAS AND PART OF,E 40.666 VEYED TO DEED OVER OR ACROSS THE EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAYS AS PUBLIC UT RITIES UTILITY EASEMENTS BEING HEREBY RESERVEDFOR ,E MUTUAL USE AND ACCOMMODATION OF ALL DESIRING TO USE OR USING SAME UNLESS C3 100,45' 38800' 015'08.45" 579.51.29"E 100.16' C29 87,63' 305,00. 016'27'42' S08.53'541,/ 8733. (f) OF 20130822001192240 OF SAID DEED RECORDS,AND BEING MORE0,ERWISE SPECIFIED ALL AND ANY PUBLIC UTILITY SHALL HAVE,E FULL RIGHT 70 REMOVE AND KEEP REMOVED ALL C4 24I.37 50.00 2I63503 N2056000/ 66.53 C30 96.02 9I5.00 005}g ll 506}010E 95.9e W PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS RECORD IN COUNTY K'S FILE OFOLLOWS: I-' INGRESS AND EGRESS TO OR C5 92.02 ]]5.00 0065,44 SI4l]01W 92I6 C3, 98.48 ,000.00 005383] 50630]0E 90.99 Q BEGINNING AT A 5/8"IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED"WESTWOOD PS'SET IN THE NORTH LINE OF ENDANGER OR INTERFERE WITH,E CONSTRUCTION.MAINTENANCE OR EFFICIENCY OF ITS RESPECTIVE SYSTEM ON,E UTILITY EASEMENT AND ALL LOT 2.BLOCK A OF SAIDOR PART OF ITS RESPECTIVE C6 95.81 800.00 0065144 5141IO,W 95.76 C32 100.94 1025.00 0053833 5863030E 100.90 RECORD IN CABINET LE PAGE R 730OF ESTATES. MAP RECORDS,OCOLLIN COUNTY.OTEXAS.ESAID X ROD A BEING SHOWN SOUTHEAST SYST4EMSAWITHOUT NTHE ENECESSITYI AT ANY TIMEPROCURING BLIC UTILITIES SHALL ALL T�HERPERMISSION OF M ANYONE,ES HAVE,E FULL RIGHT OF CI 98,81' 82500' 005 W 51'44" S14'I I'01" 98.75' C33 1222' 9JS00' 000'43'05' 484'02'40/1 1222 ILI RECORD IN CORNER F CABINET RUSH E CREEK PAGE 22 OF SAIDMAP ARECORDS AND BEING N ADDITION TO THE CTHE SOUTHWEST ITY OF WYLIE, E CORNER OF SAID 24,032 XAS AS SHOM BY PLAT OF C8 71,54 3I500 0103540 N835042W 71.43 C34 20,23 1000.00 00I0932 N841559'V 20.21 IX ACRE BLOOMFIELD HOMES.L.P.TRACT: WITNESS MY HAND,61E day of 20,ENCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION WITH,E EAST LINE OF C9 7E36 4on66 6,65540 N835042W 76.19 C35 13.23 0, 566 0064423 Ne403'25,N 13.23 LINE OF ACRE BLOOMFIELD HOMES,L.P.TRACT THE SAID D THE WEST CALLS AND DIET MFIELrD.PRO PROPERTIES,hL.P. CIO 72.52' 425.0a 009'46363 N84'2518'W 72.43' C36 65.T6 9i5.0a 003'51'5, Nerumw 65,9 I NOR,00°35'50"EAST A DISTANCE OF 145.00 FEET TO LINE OF PHASE y BLOOMFIELD PROPERTIES,INC, SOUTH 89.1551"EAST WITH SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE.A DISTANCE OF 4.84 FEET TO A FOUND CAPPED By C13 319.63 2000.00 0090925 5844504E 319.29 C39 1253 160.00 0042916 S0250'281V 12.53 5/8"IRON DONALD J,DYKSTRA,President C14 38698 202500 0105658 5835,17E 38639 GO 1313 16750 004292 14025033E 1313 1 S ° CROSSING AR RIDGE DRIVE AND CONTINUING A DISTANCE 0 S A 11/2'"STEEL ROD FOUND IN THE SOUTHLINE OF A 15'ALLEY MAINTAINING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 6. THE STATE OF TEXAS )( C15 25481' 5000' 291.59.22" N25'50'45'W 55.93' C91 1373' 175.00' 00,2938' S02'50'381,/ 13.72' BLOCK E OF SAID RUSH CREEK ESTATES.PHASE II' COUNTY OF TARRANT J( C16 10222 33500 0153703 N8I5022W 101.90 G3 62e6 40.00 0900209 N45365i E 5659 NOR,00°21'06"EAST CROSSING SAID 15'ALLEY AND CONTINUING A TOTAL DISTANCE 3/8"IR OUND IN THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TANGLEWOOD DRIVE, DF 185.04 FEET TO ABEFORE ME,,E UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY,ON,IS DAY PERSONALLY IS CI] 109.03 400.00 0153703 N815022W 10e.69 C44 79.64 47.50. 090 D209 N45365,[ 6I.20 A 1/2"IRON R00 BLOOMFIELD HOMESSUBSCRIBED TO E LYPREANDNTNAT THE EXECUTED TNERUMENT AND NSAME OWLEDASDTNE ACiPTO OFRSUCN PARTNERSNIPH FORCTHEF PURPOSES SAID CI8 115.85 42500 0153I03 N815022W 11549 C95 13.2, 16000 0044396 NO3,25,E 1320 NORTH 89°46'33"WEST WI,SAID NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE.A DISTANCE OF 40.11 FEET TOFOUND FOR TSOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2,BLOCK F OF SAID RUSH CREEK ESTATES,PHASE II. AND CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. C19 126,83' 47500' 01517.55" 581'40'48"E 126.45' C46 1383' 167.50' 004,3'46' S0312'511,/ 13.82 NOR,00.22'07"EAST A DISTANCE OF 120.06 FEET 0 A 3/8"IRON ROD FOUND IN THE SOUTH LINE OF A 15 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFFICE,this day of ,20 C20 1333I 500,00 0151755 Set 4040E 131.11 G] 14.33' 175.00 0044I 35 140311 15E 19.5 ALLEY AT T THEAs CORNER of SAID LOT z C2I 19n18 525.66 6151755 581.4DdleE 13977 C99 55.56 4n00 0793566 N305A32N, 51s6 ,00°45'41"EAST CROSSING SAID 15'ALLEY AND CONTINUING A TOTAL DISTANCE DF 134.94 FEET TO A she"ER RIGHT-OF-WA, E C22 235.62 50no 270000 N441915W 70.31 C50 6598 4Tso m93500 S385632E e68o D"wESTWODD PS"SET N HE SOUTH RIGHT 0 OF RUSH CREEKDRIVE E FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1,BLOCK F OF SAID RUSH CREEK ESTATESLIN Notary Public in and for the Stole at Teas C23 26141' 5000' 299'33.07" N05'58'31W 5034' C52 37,43' 196.49' 010.5451" N84'11'28V 3J3]' PHASE 8 5, EAST WITH SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE,A DISTANCE OF 20.20 FEET TO A FOUND 3/8" C24 39,56 255,00 00e5316 NI24IG6E 39.52 C53 38,86 203.99 DI0545 5041128E 30.80 IRON ROD; 5 C25 80.43 200.00 0,62730 N085359E 8015 C54 8I.45 211.99 0234130 N7798'00W 0683 SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE NOR,00°4R, C26 53.33 303.00 01005, 14120399E 53.66 TO ON ROD FOUND IN THE SOUTH LINE OF KRETMER ESTATES,PHASE III,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF I,JASON B.ARMSTRONG.REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FOR WESTWOOD,DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT WYLIE.TEXAS AS SHOWN B,PLAT OF RECORD IN INSTRUMENT NO.201508220011,22,OF SAID MAP RECORDS SHOWN HEREON ACCURATELY REPRESENTS THE RESULTS OF AN ON-THE-CROUND SURVEY MADE IN FEBRUARY.20,UNDER AND MAINTAINING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 23 BLOCK C OF SAID RUSH CREEK STATES PHASEII D FURTHER CERTIFY THAT AL CORNERS ARE AS SHOWN TN PLAT TABLE K HAS BEEN PREPARED INACCORDANCE WITN HE PLATTING RULESAND REGULATIONSOF HE CITY R OF THEREON, TEXAS: LINE THENCE OVERAND ACROSS SAID KREYMERESTATES,PHASE III THE FOLLOWING U CALLS ANDDISTANCES uN[ HNC, 6EaaINa NORTH 04°2951"EAST A DISTANCE OF 120,33 FEET TO A SETA 5/8"IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP Dale:This the Day o, 20� Li 14,14 STAMPED"WESTWOOD PS"_ Lz 14. 14 N.,,,,,W IN A SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION WITH A NON-TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 255,00 FEET L3 55.01 VI1 4253c In occordanc6ee h any.1,00,DI5 e Bose or rev AND WITH ARC LENGTH OF 58.83AP FEET(CHORD BEARS SOUTH TB°53'3g'EAST 58.69 FEET)TO A SET 5/8-IRON ,h Ten s Boolp oT Pro.,e document. Land Sv n9 Rule 6signed or ROD WIT V PLASTIC CAP STAMPED WESTWOOD PS Prelim y, is( this is o document shall not be recorded,Sr y purpose.. 9 or sealed. L3 14.11 le c SOUTH 72.1,07"EAST A DISTANCE OF 133.20 FEET TO A SET 5/8"IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP Le 19.05 T STAMP T T DISTANCE OF 1T1 43 FEET TO A SET 5/8"IRON ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP No.SSS/ ra,essianol Land SurveyorL8 14.14 s44 1946 c STAMPED RTH "WESTWOODS PS":DIS Ls 1e14 105.90,11 " LE POINT IN coo 2500 coo 4014 w MAINTAINING AN THE WEST LINE OFKREYMER SESTATES.FPHASE RII,HPN ADDITION TO THE CITY OFWYLIE.TEXAS AS SHOWNBV THE STATE OF TEXAS �C ul 5.00 coo 4014 w RECORDS,PLAT DF PECOK IN VOLUME 2014,PAGE 648 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS,AN AN COUNTY OF COLLIN )( L1z 1,,, l4c ANGLE POINT IN,E EAST LINE OF SAID KREYMER ESTATES.PHASE 11, AND THE WEST LINES 0 L+ 1 1 4.s 1 KREYMER ESTATES.PHASE 1.AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF WYLIE�TEXAS AS SHOWN BY PLAT OF RECORD IN SAIDVOLUME 2010 PACE 177 v T T AND THAT CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSES AND L13 133, N41 0621, CALLS ADISTANCES: OF SAID OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS.AND OF KRE MER ESTATES.PHASE II HE FOLLOWING CONSIDERATION THEREIN EXPRESSED.AND IN THE CAPACITY THEREIN STATED. dm mDd coo 4014 w GI,N UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFFICE.,IS DAY OF Id18 29,97 1.5,0,15, SOU,43°50.55"EAST A DISTANCE OF 102.86 FEET; 2 R EAST PASSING H CORNER OF SAID 24.032 ACRE TRACT AT 52.23 FEET AND CONTINUING A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 1102.82 FEET Leo 7379 NDD 3s,c SOUTH T EAST A DISTANCE OF 50.85 FEET, NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR IHL SIA IL 04 ILXAS L21 1,9, 306 434E w SOU,53.21'59"WEST A DISTANCE OF 38.98 FEET: SOUTH 29°3735"WEST A DISTANCE OF 84,99 FEET: SOU,08.26'34"EAST A DISTANCE OF 26.20 FEET; 3RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL' SOU,37.36'58"EAST A DISTANCE OF 1,.37 SOUTH 81°211,"EAST A DISTANCE OF 66.47 FEET FINAL PLAT CHAIRMAN,PLANNING&ZONING COMMISSION DATE SOUTH, WEST A DISTANCE OF 51.60 FEET; CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS OF SEE EAST A DISTANCE OF 63,57 FEET: APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION" KREYMER ESTATES PHASE 4 GB 9 SOUTH 02°41'00"EAST A DISTANCE OF 48.84 FEET; 78 RESIDENTIAL LOTS-I OPEN SPACE LOT SOUTH EAST A DISTANCE DF 155.68 FEET; 27.3I 2 ACRES UTILITY EASEMENT SHOWN ON PLAT OF STONE GROVE,PHASE OF RECORD IN CABINET a,PAGE n3 OF SAID MAYOR.CITY OF wrLIE,TEXAS DATE SOU,13.58'05"EAST A DISTANCE DF 68.12 FEET TO A POINT IN,E NORTH LINE OF A 175'FLOOD.,AND OUTOFTHE MAP RECORDS; ACCEPTED FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 THENCE NORTH e0 5T WEST WITH SAID NORTH LINE.A DISTANCE OF 35.70 FEET TO A 5/8"IRON ROD WITH IN THE YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED"wesiwooD PS"SET FOR THE NaremwesT CORNER OF SAID BLOCK G MAYOR.CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS DATE CITY OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS THENCE SOUTH 21.53'38"EAST WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK G.A DISTANCE OF 377.80 FEET TO A 5/8" OWNER IRON ROD WI,YELLOW PLASTIC CAP TWOOD PS"SET IN,E NORTH LINE OF LOT 7.BLOCK A OF PACE ADDITION.SAID OFFICIAL TO RECORDS,SAIDSROD BEING THE SOUTHEAST OF of SAID 24,0322 ACRE THE UNDERSIGNED,,E CI,SECRETARY OF THE CI,OF MLIE,TEXAS,HERE.CERTIFIES,AT,E FOREGOING FINAL PLAT SUBDIVISION Ore BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.P. BLOOMFIELD NOL.P.TRACT; - -20 1 050 E.HIGHWAY 1 14,SUITE 210,SOUTH LAKE,TExAs 76092 HOMES, O AND SETTHE ATION FORTH-OF AND UPON SAID PLATANDSSAIDT.PUBLIC ECOUNCIL PLACES.AND AUTHORIZED LATHE SEWER LINES TO NOTEOWN ,ENCE NORTH 89.19'46"WEST WITH,E NORTH LINE OF SAID AKIN ADDITION,A DISTANCE OF 740.79 FEET THE 817-416-1572 AN M"IN CONCRETE SET IN THE CENTER OF LANWOOD DRIVE FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID AKIN ACCEPTANCE THEREOF BY SIGNING HIS NAME P5 HEREINABOVE SUBSCRIBED. ENGINEER/SURVEYOR ADDITHEN DN.CE NORTH 89.22'07"WEST AT 25.0 FEET PASSING A 5/8" ER OF WITNESS MY HAND THIS DAY OF I�w.lest c BLOCK A OF SAID HEATHERWOOD ESTATES,AND CONTINUING A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 452.15 FEE POINT-OF-BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 27.512 ACRES OF LAND. 0 THE CITY OF WnIB TEXAS Tare ls®1es1c1 "-..e.i-- 8 CI,SECRETARY welemodps.con, =7:Fio xovu,°m.,a 1,.,.s.e.w.."1..mm OCTOBER 03,2016 000550500 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning & Zoning � �, � AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 1, 2016 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Collins Addition Date Prepared: October 26, 2016 Zoning District: ETJ Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to th e City Cou ncil reg arding a Final Plat for Coll ins Additio n, creating two single family residential lots on 6.398 acres, generally located i n the City of Wylie ETJ on Bozeman Road between FM544 and Troy Road. Recommendation Motion to reco mmend a pproval to the City Coun cil reg arding a Final Plat for Colli ns Addition, creating tw o single family residential lots on 6.398 acres, generally located in the City of Wylie ETJ on Bozeman Road between FM544 and Tro Road. Discussion OWNER: William Collins APPLICANT: Justin Johnson The 6.398 acre tract is loc ated in th e City's ETJ in Collin C ounty. It is east of FM 544 on the north side of Bozeman Road. The plat will d edicate 30' of Right-of-Way for Bozeman Road. A 30' a ccess easement will also be create d which will dedi cate legal access to both lots. The northern tract of land owned by th e applicant, Mr. Johnson and the large lot will remain the property of Mr. Collins. Both are planned as residential lots with Lot 1 containing existing structures. The plat is technically correct and abides by all aspects of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/26/16 Page 1 of 1 d Wylie Planning and Zoning h � Commission 87,;' AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: November 1, 2016 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Dominion of Pleasant Valley Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Subdivision: Phase 2 Date Prepared: October 28, 2016 Zoning District: PD 2013-37 Preliminary Plat; Landscape Exhibits: Plan Subject Consider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley, Phase 2. The Plat will create 212 single family residential lots and multiple open space areas on 62.142 acres and dedicate the necessary rights-of way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast corner of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council for a Preliminary Plat for Dominion of Pleasant Valley,Phase 2. The Plat will create 212 single family residential lots and multiple open space areas on 62.142 acres and dedicate the necessary rights-of way and parkland dedication. Subject property generally located at the southeast corner of Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. Discussion The property totals 62.142 acres and will create two hundred twelve (212) single-family residential lots and multiple open space lots. The plat shall a lso dedicate the nece ssary rights-of-way and utility easem ents. In acc ordance wit h the adopte d Planned Develo pment ordin ance, the L andscape Plan is submitted for c onsideration to comprehensively addres s edge treatments throughout the community. The subdivision was the subj ect of an amended zoning case adopted in September 2013 on approximately 287-plus acres to allow for varying densities of single family residential houses and public open spaces. The Preliminary Plat comp lies with all applicable technical re quirements of the City of Wylie as well as th e adopted Planned Development provisions including landscaping features, screening elements and amenities. Staff recomm ends approv al subj ec t t o any add itions and/ or a Iterations as req uired by th e Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 10/28/16 Page 1 of 1 6=012'30'3]" R=910.00' \ L=198.69' T=99.74' ChB=N38'00'17 E\ CH=198.30' 6=013'01'33" P.O.B. SACHSE ROAD L1 R=410.00' ,xnc*,` (VARIABLE WIDTH R.O.W.)\ L=93.21' N44'15'36"E B47.72 7 T=45.131' — —7 Bz mn a o Ag wa,.o,,NDo%Po w <<ON i V ChB=S51'4 8'44"E 3 a„.2 © O4 aoe i ® 50. \ 8c 22/ Y CH=93.01' ® 3 2 rz 4 7 ,8 817 y„ GRAPHIC IIII I '8 _ _ apt%/ J — „VE e:BB; N — LB „� DAYLILY DRIVE '� ^K DAYLILY DRIVE —s r%� TABLE LINE LINE TABLE "ze a a N45•go'00" 33 o `a m r.CLocN E „ SO.O�A' 4120.50' --Pp' T�_ m L� N NO esze ao c as.5, Las saEARING LENGTH NO, gEARING LENGTH e zc„ eats cENERnL NOTES: 20b0' 31 �INoE00.^g �4y' D Las 5453s53w L,L, m 'SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION JEC ,s© I ® - .I / D933D,w 5_ WITHHSTATEOLDING OF UTILIT AND IES AND BD/ 3 l PERMITS.ND W I Ls o ,. L4, 4 2,., © MIN WE � �'� LB NDc33 D,B E , e .�" Net �� a o BLOCK B.Lo " - e >: B LOT z B i ! ,N T° a L, e„..67,w LOT 45:OBLOCK . 0 LOCH 0.L0 T 7 C. z4 5 3 L9 srrr,00w 0 N..4,=.E Las MAINTAINED BY THE HOME OWNER'S As ATID 3 > sce3e„E ,z0s0 rvnie,sw mza AREAS T SHALL EA.DEDICATED TO ENIE 5 o 23 Q N^i �,32 8 LI0 n T, L53 ' 2'' 3, BLOCK A B.3LOT 38D ARE EOPEN E SPACE s J N s as ,az�c w> a AND MAINTAINED BY ,E M T ��\ 0 Sti a seD 3D E 4aD3 N4 330E 2295 EXHIBIT B GENERAL STANDARDS Na DINANCE T 21 ra3.3oe- Opp / .A �,8, L,4 78733.,E 5 _ COO'' 23' ASSOCIATION PER RDINATES ' .. 13 50' e \ `µ" L10 zCOORDINATE O RDINATER SYSTEM NORTH CEN e —10.28' >� ,a.�4 ) 0,NM L s N102,330 1 2,33 w,e TEXAS ZONE 42 N T=53 °„ auto.go-,u,E u, y I ,s ChB 36'037W s ,le 7/ ®\/' ,R 11 \ pn5° , ti"38839B� �.// /m / L221 zz Saa N0120.02222 ,o s �� Ails• / e �; o,D12 ® iD4�24 ' j \ 15 J /4 L 6 j , \�ill : 9 8 / a e / I • / L27 27099E 137 L69 NDe4D4Dw n33 23 " a s o i L29 N48455�w 131s nss5zw 55/ yd j°'" 5,79 . ® �/ 6:F • S44'25'S1"}N Lao ,Y ,. L,2 , 3 6* �u 205.02 \ g m41,11117t: 3 L>, N4zn,2 E 2�42 LE3=8a5a2,u, SB.a4 LNCPD� E>CE PEP P»,S O ,w4ND \ \ �� 'ea a a. , 0„�M L33 NgaD3Dw L,5 3653DI4w 55 as' ACREAGE 20 iA / 5 _, uoL s RT 90a OPEN�>.ARPE,ACE �: ,D / a a. /. / ©ro .9 /" aEiti a"°sic`�:..., NELNE5�,ENr[ENTER AREA, ▪ SR �A ®�°m�z/ �?��(\ � � ,Du: 2. ,3D2 434 NEz"„n E.NE,m 21 .,''' �r��"�� 0" ▪ �� ��� " 11 L41 N25,P,4w zT DN Lai=5a,454 u, �5a Pw[ROMANCEzm>>. ,D, H.„7;, g F� L' may$\O % tip' 0 2'op �\' �eF �3D4,E ,�D. ��E 0E OPEN SPARE ACREAGE //��a ,0o �/ �� �R�R 0 sf.w i NR DEL.,. BAG. T07252 ANGENT GI..G.2232 cNOND OLe i SR".::rP i L6 �0 l 10,A„ dt . e - i, I:.; s N00'38'S3"E CA' 0 �� OC 1_ . J ,z y 8 V-/ c N780255,0 3s sD /0 h �s 4105.49 220,, rv�.a iri A l c 950.2a w 112.32 i \ 9A° i% 4 \ 'a oa// c sse,9mE 44,4 \°AR4^'`'4 O a\ o c Ne 7 ,z,., 0 a4 .9At e l'� SYI� j c 9.2e 303.35 00000 E4,76 N73m30E 5228 M\ w�,� � M,lr 0' 7.,,, i D,zpR6 ..,,,,400„.„„jevi,.. Q°4 ,�, y / 2, 3he.03 4 334 444 DD eo,s 3 3,607E TO,a� fill J' p,o c3 32E14 4,4600 300.Gs 1➢262 ED,a,53E 3,500 \ A=031'40'11" • ��`�rslifg� ` m / CS ic., m c a. Ns rT s \ R=1,345.50' m i oe szeee es 4s sa 120 so zss,43 N,s�z osE 46s..Bs' L=]43.]i' .. W W y \ T=381 62' c 03003 L53,4z 0s.0o 32077 803e,0 32070 ChB=S73'42'S5"W -7 L3P I c,,4sE0e 2344,0 „z50o 23E.4e 000242 4,2,3 CH734.28' / m 4A s 134 ,,,0,4s 0o 50 .4 u s40Tew 99.0 \ ry S 63229'19"E' C20 43135 2s3924 825. 2.72 w53914E 426 45 SS]52' I /105.96' I \ 200.8>�"W I czs m4,„ nnza 350.DD 25,E 3ez3,44E 38,.4s \ C23 137 23 393637 250 DD 7079 250321ew 136,e / I \ i / ez4 zeo,,s 2se oe ss saoo zas, Nz,4,zew s,.42 / \ SACHSE ROAD VARIABLE WINO R_O.W) ____ vl M x'suxusvl nzuas wsrem csxeowariory -� 30'suxusrvT nruas srvwm mreaow.riory o0c.no x0[15051900o,moo FP cT. ____________A_OT ooc.xo 20�5o5�s000=eo.eo oa reccT e � s s 4 � z , v 1 I D. BLOCSPACK A O 1 FLOOD STATEMENT/ 1\ 2001 According e Fede al Emerrgency Ponel NManage, 1 J Insurance Program Map. thls property is WYLIE CAP[D e0F1TeP ACRES SNIP \ — AYL statement, y th0 special pro IV K 22- is not within an `ed per DOC N 31029001473060 0?'W thereonenw from loadingore(Ioo.d a F greater` es.. This P R.CCL 1 © floo liabilityman-mode t port of the Surveyoran DD a R°o3G,334}82 .2..r / I I 40 d: / / 23 s 1 2 1 'T 2 34© 3 1 e24„e / ,z » / / are oT,O oo A �4 / I Tu3LE1 EARING " e 37 5 1 Q TT LI BLARING t� ray NNGTH NO. �83s„r /2 ��_ PNP L4 666s6a,w 6a66 �466«,�a,6 1'—— y �P,NE 33 66 Na9•23o7 w 5800 �. 5;42307 5 �� v 33 9 6s S6a��nsE ,12a3o L56 „,,,asaw / / © .-016'2"0B' / \ 0=021 '.8' -10' 24 R=:5.0' \ 3z 1p I ' , c,o rvz93o,35 iznsD c53 rv7s•474,w © L=20•.BS' L=313.3•' c \ uz ,7 iz. u. , , L 9 T'10'.13' / T=15B.'B �re , i, 1 ^ uz 3e9 307, aao7 L55 rvn3s02c � 1 Jz >, 30 29 h@f 9C36' E //pChB=Ni D'•9s'16"Eh \ r rer 3 1 0 ,z \ 12 c,s N28.,o zoosD cse rvTs•nT n,w 1 1H=202.15' m,/-L(H= 1.51' \ 0 1 24 L ` PRO.B.�O7UMN SAGE 344 o' ---'----- G,D 0 V "O 211 V2,'A o ,1 \ LIe rvs7„3r aT.aa L69 rv1,zs aTw 43150'y"B -- a v'w mA s w„zee trey Ss333N w A=006M9'S3'1 F Fes-- )1 se r \ °'a V2: as 4A7 Lae 7 R=724.50' re wT - 15 is rvme442w 1osoT L63 xe9,i005 i,s. \ 3 N/ \ zt T 52.77' 1 \ `A 2a ,e c23 rv45 ese ChB N53'03'17"W/ 120.54T W W 0 / \ "p0�30 '4 / �� 1� \ \ L24 rv2044 z7 w CH 105.26' / 1'r 32'461 u < 8 m.b A A n n cgs e , / / \, �1.• a e L26 N52a9o3 ,2 4 ,e' �FZ ,5' / O��� (��9 A\ 2s 're V A L27 , IFOFND \ „O 90 '° , 2';.�_�n5� �.� ' 0224'1 2s ©� A t29 rv4re42�,w 13s t,I n93s s2w \ 0=065'0... , \ ° R/ w. 'o reR.51 5p�87' L. 7 , cn T IF, IRON ROD FOUND IF, OON POD SET \ R •04.00'" a A .OR: /�� // 29 \��\rn�2°� T=255sc:A 24 L31 rv42s2,2r 21.42 173 2885e27, ROW RICH:I-OE-WAY EIL BUILDING LINEL=86.71' TT��,, may, ChB 76M 6' "E L32 rv4 n03o w zoo c 4 56s2e34 w I-slr HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION \ T=35 5. 1 ,s B F � „22, \C, "' =500.-7' \ 23 / 222 c33 rv4z793.5 1441 vs s02•osnw E SIDE WALK EASEMENT ChB=Ng9.45''.•W .o m'T^ ��z- 4> " 2re \ 1 04 \ \\ 22 � r35 re4344rer 2132 L76 ns,re,sw c.c.T. x 649.B1' s m A'� V .2/LI / ab L. 4. � a \ 3 / pro oe" COMMON AREA TO BE DEDICATED( ORD 2013`37)TEXASOP P.D.C.T. OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS DALLAS COUNTY �" �,. �����/R �h MAINTAINED N Miff \ se o.'2e 2 a, ,\ 2 \ .E�/ 05''';'',% 36 rvo7•,�mw 2,.2, sap 55722,w L23 \\ Ire OI s ,"Og >�2 /fJ _ f \ Q/ " Las scsm Sow so3o cei S61.3.6226, "3 CB rzo oz k $>z gs ,pC ,ry ,-, 4,^w coo zCC 2?1 ce2 s i W E LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 0 p �.:'I>�rz 2s�'`O%�`� V- s ! c4, rv39,9,4w zaoo ce3 sse•s4 s4w DP E 71 ACRES Ae� .0.B. 2, wr cR 2* �a`� �, `Rt,�\�"`~2;' t42 rv354,as F 232, t84 rvn3a4,F DOC.NO°20 31029 473050 ti >'4 PRD cT. ,�, �P� p,O o=023.5 36" zap° /'`G�'vv. 23J 8 0.ss ''<s/,'�^� / \ NO LENGTH DELTA reeows ,nnawT charm BE, Do2013003 343 81 y\ p0 y ,o�ao9CURVE TABLE p `g / ,y?rye R=904.50' _ v`-Y i 9'..£ B i i 0'7,V'./ ©0 r'gp 3 C 376.24' ra. l/ -D 4-'O�k/.a .r,/ o s QJQ's � "' 4 T=1•'.93V �nF .le 4a '' a4 V O� i a� sas�°� �saaa �,�aa 6�6�s s6 '' Chc N69'0' 180 A W '1iAA F'41 i ii (72 3, ; 'CH 375.4e. rz '� £° '° / 5' i i c4 /� \ GW ' 4 \ ' i n FOOT„ATc4.c rsn.TO cs _ `�" ,"„ ..m oa.e mwo7. w PIALIB',,,' \ O z 97^0. i` .,56 c7 ,. �Aa Se �O� y Sp0 rs 9e e n 2., zso oo .9 a3 rv4i}v a, iia 03 „Q�� \T � \� -2_,_ `-_\ '-tg,� $ p o 9 9 2 9F Cm 1g25n ,T,5.o92a• poop ,q.2s sa s7 sn 'f9 S�9�, J\\ i i s� . 9 a. C12 3285. 474800 laaaoo. ,C219 So,o,`53/T5:25W • 557'4• 8 ii =99.06' c1e 485.86 234410 12308 235.42 rv70 o4 rz4 �o 7296'��N 417 � / s` .'c°,. C.20 431.35 29.5724 2588 22022 w53214 ,__ -1_ \// czs m4,77 73nza 5s.oD �a7s sazn44 t�__ - �\\ C23 13793 313637 25000 7077 s59 ss,e i/ ez4 zeo,ls 2se pass 3aoo z9s7 rvz741 ze WHEREAS.OWNER'S CERTIFICATION"-- TRACT 1 TRACT 2 TRACT 3 part of the Guadalupe De Los Santos Survey.Abstract Number-1100.and being a part of a called 80178 acre tract of land Wyife DPV Limited Portnership is the owner of a tract of land located in the City of Woe Collin described in a special warranty deed to Wylie DPV Limited Partnership as recorded in Document No.20131029001473060.Official Texas,a part of the Guadalupe De Los Santos Survey,Abstract Number 1100 in Collin County and Abstract Number 4 in part of the Guadalupe De Los Santos ' Public Records of Collin County.Texas,and beIng a part of a called 139.871 acre tract of land described in a special warranty Dallas County,Texas.and beIng a part of a called 80.178 acre tract of land descrIbed in a special warranty deed Wyl ee DP,/ described In a speclal warranty deed deed to Wylie DPV Limited Portnership as recorded in Document No.20131029001473050.Official Public ecords of Collin County. Texas. and being all of a called 2.009 acre tract of DPV Limited Partnership Document No.201300334382,Official Public as recorded in Document No.2016 ,official Public Records of Coinn county,Texas.a and bang further Records Wyllie DPV Llmited Partnership as recorded in Document No.20131029001473050. Texas.and being a part of a called found(ne - ncn at the north corner of Lot 22,Block B,Domlnion of Pleasant Valley.Phase 1,an addition to the City of er nd'7 Texas.and being further described as follows: found(he - lid') described as follows: BEGINNING at a one-no,incn iron rod wiln yellow cap stamped".181" as recorded In BEGINNING ot a one-half inch iron rod with yellow cap stomped,IBI" BEGINNING ot o one-half inch iron rod Volume 2016,Page Collin County Plat Records. corner right-of-way d(a right-of-way (0 right-of-way)�' vorioble width -way) d to the y f Wylie as recorded �n Document No. - e(a - way)a of Pleasant v y, o Collin County P11 20150325000380000,official Publicy Records of Collin coup Texas; Phase t an addition to the Clty of Wylie as recorded in volume 2016.Page 17,Coinn co w y tat Records. foot de right-of-way): East.THENCE along the southeast right-of-way line of Sachse Road as follows: THENCE along the southeast right-o,way line of Autumn Sage Drive as follows: THENCE South 08 degrees 20 minutes 4 North 44 degrees 15 mlnutes 36 seconds East.847.72 feet to a one-half Inch iron rod found for corner; North 37 degrees 50 mlnutes 57 seconds East.344.01 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; of sdd Lot 2; tangent of 99,74 feet,and whose chord bears North 38 degrees 00 minutes seconds East.198,30 feet to a one-holf inch radius of 70500 feet,a tangent of 10213 feet.and whose chord bears North 29 degrees 36 minutes 23 seconds East. THENCE Northe,psterly,378,24 feet don! iron rod found for corner; 202,15 feet to a one-half Inch iron rod found at the west corner of Lot 10.Block I of sold Domlnion of Pleasant Valley. seconds,a radius of 904.50 feet.a tar 5 g-of- y e or Pleasant V y oad a(a variable widt g -of-way: air ach�raa ran raaaa for comer a tnc savtnwsst mie P Lot ra.Biocx i,THENCE South 68 degrees 38 minutes tt seconds East,t2a5o feet to 0 one noir-inch iron rod found of the south corner or ofLot38o 9said Block Kone-half e n o era m antes THENCE along the southwest right-of-way line of Pleasant Valley Road as follows: Southeasterly.93.21 feet along a non-tangent curve to the right which has a central angle of 13 degrees 01 minutes 33 THENCE North 16 degrees 26 minutes 4 seconds,a tangent of 46.81 feet,a.wnose cnord oeors Soutn 51 degrees 48 minutes 44 seconds East,9301 feet to a THENCE Northeasterly,313.40 feet along a curve to the left which has a central angle of 21 degrees 45 minutes 07 seconds,a of said Lot 8,said corner being in the one-half inch iron rod found for corner: radlus of 825.50 feet.a tangent of 158.61 feet,and whose chord bears North 10 degrees mlnutes 16 seconds East.311,51 North 44 degrees 42 minutes 03 seconds East.5.73 feet to a one-half Inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE Southeasterly,.501.55 feet dor THENCE South 77 degrees 40 mlnutes 36 seconds East,75.31 feet to a one half-Inch iron rod found In the southerly line of THENCE South 44 degrees 25 minutes 51 seconds West.205.02 feet to a one half-inch Iron rod found in the northwest Ilne of corner; Volume 5822.Page 988,Officiol Public Records of Collin County.Texos: TenCdEs Sgu=l'u5s'eC.IfY'1.2%1Or'ree'et°7?.°ennfn-o=zr:d"w70:"=ng,eLce=1,7r,eogfre prrre,7ut°4 TPusteec5on2d THENCE South 57 degrees 41 minutes 4 East.93,08 feet to a onelhalf inCh iron 19od Ot the s'outh corner,Lot 2.r said Block I; THENCE Nortn 13 degrees 05 m1nutes THENCE south 31 degrees 47 minutes 41 seconds East.497.31 feet to 0 one hair-inch iron rod set for corner, sage Lot 2 sn�e corner b q tnc savtnwsst q -ar- y c ar Rca eaa Pass a(a so root w�a q -ar-way ease corner or THENCE North 29 ) THENCE savtn ea q s zs a.�aatcs t THENCE North 01 degrees 34 minutes 4: THENCE Soutn 32 degrees 29"'mutes 19 seconds East.196.70 feet to a one nalf-1n.1ron rod set f.r.come, said curve having a central angle of 06 degrees 29 minutes 05 seconds.a radius of-1.,8,00 feet.a tangent of 66.74 feet. THENCE South 88 degrees 25 minutes 1 THENCE South 57 degrees 30 mlnutes 41 seconds West,50.00 feet to a one half-Inch iron rod set for corner: north corner of Lot B.Block J of said Dominion of Pleasant Valley.Phase 1: THENCE South 32 degrees 29 minutes 19 seconds East,105.96 feet to a one half-inch iron rod set for corner: THENCE South 22 degrees 51 minutes 07 seconds West.120,50 feet to a one half-inch iron rod found at the west corner of East,5.60.81 feet to a'one-nalf frongrod found tne sOuln ,Lot 1,sdcl said curve having a central angle of 09 297.576 square feet or 6.831 acres of I THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 53 seconds East,105.49 feet to a one half-inch iron rod set for corner: THENCE Soutn 89 degrees 23 minutes 07 seconds East,4003 feet to a one nalf-incr,fron rod found al tne soutn corner or said Lot 1; BASIS OF BEARING: THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 53 seconds East,120,50 feet to on in concrete found for corner: Central Zone 4202 State Plane Coordina THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 53 seconds East.18.90 feet to a one half-inch Iron rod set for corner: right-of-way e or Rosemary Dr.(a 50 foot wide g -of-ay) to a one nail-yam roa roa cat Tor corner�a the eact right-of-way e or Rosemary Drlve(0 50 root wide g-or-y)ct o a oac fiat r-yam roa roa foa as Tor coracr�a tnc east THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 53 seconds East,616,50 feet along the east right-of-way line of Rosemary Drive to THENCE South 00 degrees 36 minutes 53 seconds West,561.51 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner: one-half inch Iron rod found in the northeast Ilne of sold Dominion of Pleasant Valley,Phase 1: THENCE Soutnwesterly.99,60 feel along a curve to Ine 001 Won nas a central angle of 20 degrees 45 rdnutes 05 seconds. THENCE along the northeast line of soid Dominion of Pleasant Volley.Phase 1 os follows: o radius of 275,00 feet,a tangent of 50,35 feet.and whose chord bears South 10 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds West.99.06 feet to a one-half inch Iron rod found for corner: Nortn 89 degrees 23 mrnutes 07 seconds West,50.00 feel to on rn concrete found for corner: North 00 degrees 36 minutes 53 seconds East.120.50 feet to a one-half Inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 13 degrees OB minutes 26 seconds East.24.25 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner in the northeast rIght-of-way line of Dominion Drlve: Northwesterly.102,28 feet along a curve to the right having a central ongle of 43 degrees 34 minutes 07 seconds.a radius of 134.50 feet,a tangent of 53.75 feet,and whose chord bears North 67 degrees 36 minutes 03 seconds THENCE Northwesterly.38242 feet along a non-tangent curve to the left in the northeast right-of-way line of Dominion Drive, sold curve having a central angle of 60 degrees 51 mlnutes 51 seconds.a radius of 360,00 feet.a tangent of 211.48 feet.and North 45 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West.385,08 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found for corner; whose chord bears North 78 degrees 26 minutes 55 seconds West,364.69 feet to a one-half inch iron rod found at the South 44 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds West,120.50 feet to an",in concrete found for corner: southeast corner of Lot 24 of said Block I; North 45 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West,50.00 feet to a one-11,11,h iron rod found for corner; Soutn 44 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds West,1350 feet to a one-nolf Oct-,iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 18 degrees 52 minutes 50 seconds West.120.50 feet to a one-half inch iron found at the northeast corner of North 45 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West,171.13 feet to the POIN1 OF BEGINNING and containing sold Lot 24; 1,752.739 square feet or 40,237 acres of land. or wylre geodetic monuments.(Coordinate System,:North west.1t2,2 feet to 0 one-nail inch iron rod found for corner in the northeos y e of Lot 23 of saidTne oasis of Iceoring deo.,from,CPS Biocr L zs sccaaas ccatrai zaac 42oz state Pi aac caara�aat cis NADa3)ons ug e y seconds West.35.87 feet to a one-hair in.iron rod round for corner in the northeasterly Ilne of Lot 22 of sold Block I: said Lot 1-1,soid point being in the northeast right-of-way line of Dominion Drive: curve haVing a central angle of 08 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds.a radius of 724,50 feet.a tangent of 52.77 feet,and whose chord Dears North 53 degrees 03 minutes 17 seconds West.105,26 feet to the POIN1 OF BEGINNING and contalnIng 656.605 square feet or 15.074 acres of lond. BASIS OF BEARING: The basic Pecrin,is derived from GPS observallonsu str,ow, woe,,,,to monuments.(coordinate sot,rw North central zone 4202 State Plane Coordinates,NA083). of aEo ,N _3a331 o - 30 03 1 — 4E < o£ ¢w _ _ __ 31 31 aEo 0 o _ a o.,o`w _ w E o o _ o _ a 1 m6 o E _ E _ E" 4. 4. 2E3Q 33 _f7l - _ if ooEv 3vE _ p, av_ gE5 ' _ - NED .E41 o�oo -_nj; -EgoEE - _ __P° 'EEN o-=_ „oo vaQDEE E 3Ev - 3330,33 - ,333 o zE E Yv = E „1 !II - E _ m z �aoaa1o�>> �1,K, g 3 3m O m o v 1 14, 6'E0"Hi.BOARD CN BOARD FENCE ,at1 �+ O MATCH %>ING .J" � \ MASONRY COLUMN 40 MATCH EXIST (AT EACH IOT LINE) EVERGREEN SHRI IR 01ANT NGS / �/� /J N NATURAL GROUPINGS ,%y�\\� RAILT CONTINUE HIK NI N r SHADE TREES IN �✓ RAIL SO COV11Nt,E EHISlING NATURAL GROU'INGS S iv E JrtDrw ao W) .,� '66V q..e .,_ ��.. .-emu 7, ,.a..: tad �' a 74 ee �S m sra r > GiAPH IC SCALE L LXISII NG 1 Rtt JNt 10 % BE MAINTAINED ,\ �-ss. 5 4Y C:oNCREiE WALK—, — PRE_MINARY PLAN, INTENDED TO DEMONSTRATE OVERALL \ F NATURAL GRCUPINC ®\ \ '^O B FA(IN UPILITY EASEMENT�\ � � MODIFIC �Nt tRDJ( [ktil( REFINEMENT 6.,ECT TO irLa�-lrcLts N 1 CONCEPTUAL LANDSCA FE DESIGN INTENT 5 ,' ^` - ON FINAL N / SL�'CONC-ROE WALK / - j/ - ,�\Y.� ff '1 ,5(3 cONCREi€WA.K PRE LM.NATC Y FLAT ,y .,0 TREESIN ' DalIN ON 0- PLEASANT VALLEY, V mNALceo:.elNGs PHASE 2 '� V ' \--DETElott. A H.INC 67 ACRES )t )E `,FF A A O ADA_UPE DE LCS SAN CS SURVEv, � . �-___ 43 RACT Na 1100(Cc LIN ..31NTY-); \ & ABSTRACT N0. 13Ilc(DAa LAS COUNTY) / •= C TY OF WYLI / "•, _ COLIV COON Y AND DALLAS 'COL'N IY I AS • _ \ " r� .,2;5 RESeDENT14L�TY PER J203N AN CE NO.2C13 3T ALAN AND CPEP L_TUFF T CWNE4 55T Fasn nl-ay xonrl (14) 50 17,,2 Nye Tess,75(.8 t �� WYLIE DPV L1191;EG PAF T.ERSHIE OWNER/DEVELOPED c/o a 'h11,s,I,e. (9T2)3E5-0909 J 4 St.Lm, [root,Suit,1'0 310 DCIIos,Teeas 452G6 ' JEI FAP.TNEP.S, NC. INC.NEE- I5301 2uoru ante te 200 3 (9]2),243—]676 CAN TI-..C'.r DFSIGN, w,�coo LANDSCAPE ARCPITECT 5646 ASton,Su',te 606 (214)730-4727 Ja11aS le,./tab LANDSCAPE PIA E_', PLAN