11-25-1996 (Impact Fee Advisory) Minutes mutes of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee lovember 25,1996 CALL TO ORDER Mike Phillips, Director of Community Development called the Impact Fee Advisory Committee Meeting to order, November 25, 1996 at 6:30 p.m. with the following Committee members present: Richard Parker, Bad Peddicord, Don Raburn, Merrill Young, Tom Pritzkau, Beth Fultz, and Richard Eckman. Staff members present were: Mike Phillips, Kelley Shaw, Susan Shuler, Mike Collins and Consulting Engineer, Greg MacLean. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN Phillips stated that a chairman and vice chairman needed to be selected for this committee. Nominations were opened for chairman and Merrill Young nominated Richard Parker for chairman. With no other nominations received, a vote was taken and Richard Parker was elected unanimously. Parker then opened nominations for vice-chairman. Tom Pritzkau nominated Bad: Peddicord. With no other nominations received, a vote was taken and Bart Peddicord was elected unanimously. OVERVIEW AND PRESENTATION OF LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS Greg MacLean, Consulting Engineer with The Hogan Corporation stated the purpose of the impact fee advisory committee is to evaluate proposed development as it relates to the 10 year Water and Wastewater Improvement Plan and to determine if the city needs to participate in any over sizing of facilities to support future growth. He also stated that the impact fees are a method of financing for the construction of facilities to support future growth. MacLean proceeded in explaining the procedures for the impact fee update. He said the first step was appointing the committee. MacLean reviewed the Critical Path Calendar stating that the following dates would be followed: 1) First meeting of Impact Fee Committee last week in November for orientation and presentation of Land Use Assumptions and Water/Sewer Master Plan; 2) Second meeting of Impact Fee Committee first week in December to complete review of Land Use Assumptions and prepare a recommendation to City Council; 3) City Council sets a date for the Public Hearing to consider Land Use Assumptions at the December 10th Council meeting; 4) Notice of Public Hearing is advertised in the Wylie News on December 17th; 5) Third meeting of impact Fee Committee second or third week in December to review Capital improvements Program; 6) Council adopts Water/Sewer Master Plan and Capital Improvements Program Update at the January 14th Council meeting; 7) Fourth Minutes of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, November 25, 1996, Page 1 Impact Fee Committee meeting will be held January 21, 1997; 8) Public hearing will be held at council meeting on January 28, 1997 and Council will adopt Land Use Assumptions, and set date for public hearing to consider Capital Improvements Program and Impact Fees; 9) Notice of Public Hearing will be advertised in the Wylie News on February 4th; and 10) Council will hold a public hearing to consider Impact Fees and Capital Improvements Program on March 11, 1997. MacLean stated that the calendar could change if there was opposition during the process. Kelley Shaw, City Planner stated that the purpose of this committee is very important to the city in developing the infrastructure for streets and capital improvements. He gave an overview of the land use assumptions from 1990. He said the future land use assumptions was calculated at a 7% growth rate which would put Wylie at the year 2000 at 18,900. He also stated that for each 100 people there was 6.92 acres being used. He said that the actual growth for Wylie in the last 6 years has been at a rate of 13 1/2%. Shaw also stated that this committee was not selected to change the zoning but to basically agree how it will be zoned and that the development will be guided in that direction. Phillips stated that the zoning is to be a reflection of where we want to go in the future. Phillips gave a comparison of what other cities charge for their impact fees. Shaw said that the City of Wylie is not the highest and that the city is not close to the maximum. Eckman inquired of the existing subdivisions, are they almost built out? Shaw replied that it appears most subdivisions are built out and that more subdivisions would be developed. Parker stated that he felt that the with the industrial businesses coming to the city that they should pay their share. MacLeanstated that you must charge impact fees to everyone. MacLean stated that at the next meeting the Land Use Assumptions review would be completed and recommendations to Council would be reviewed. ADJOURNMENT As there was no further business to come before the committee for consideration, the meeting was adjourned. 'chard Parker, Chairman Susan Shuier, City Secretary Minutes of the Impact Fee Advisory Committee, November 25, 1996, Page 2