10-10-2016 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes CITY:F WYLIE Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes Monday,October 10,2016—6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex 300 Country Club Road#100 Wylie,Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER Board Chairman Rose called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Board Member Chesnut, Board Member Kinser, and Board Member White present. Board Member Harris, Board Member Jones, and Board Member Robinson were absent from the meeting. Staff members present were Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, and substituting for Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes, was Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. CITIZENS PARTICIPATION • No Citizens came forward. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the September 12, 2016 meeting. Board Action: Board Member Kinser made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2016 meeting. Board Member White seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS • Proposed Board facility tour dates: October 22, November 5, November 12. Superintendent Diaz stated that he previously emailed the Board asking for input on choosing a date for the annual Parks Board facility tour. Board Member Robinson responded to the email that she preferred to meet for the tour on November 12, 2016. The Board was in agreement to schedule the facility tour date from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., November 12. Superintendent Diaz suggested the Parks Board meet at the Senior Center and tour it first; continuing on to the athletic facilities, parkland in the lake areas, the parks at Creekside, Braddock Place and Bozeman Farms; as well as the newly developed areas of Kingsbridge and Stone Ranch. The old landfill on Alanis was also added to the tour list because of it's for potential for future park use. The Board agreed to Superintendent Diaz's suggestions. • Hail storm damage facility update— Bart Peddicord Community Center, Brown House, and Wylie Senior Recreation Center. Superintendent Diaz updated the Board on the recent progress of repairs being made on damaged Parks and Recreation Division facilities. Contractors are finishing up repair to the fire stations and are expected to begin working on the Senior Center thereafter, which would likely fall around the end of October. Regarding the Brown House repair, a style of roof has been recommended by staff.The chosen contractor will replace the decking, roof, and siding, as well as paint the home's exterior. Parks staff has been working on lawn improvements and maintenance, as well as repair to the deteriorating front porch. Still no progress made with the replacement of damaged windows. The Senior Center's HVAC units and roof needs replacement, of which contracts are currently pending final approval. Non-hail related projects, including construction of a new interior window, addition of the west side parking lot, and a new sound system installation are also planned to take place with the hail damage repair. The City Council decided to postpone the discussion of Bart Peddicord Community Center's future until their November meeting, in order that they may focus on plans for the damaged Public Safety building during their October 11, 2016 meeting. • FY 2016-2017 Parks Acquisition and Improvement project updates. Staff met with the consultants to review the Municipal Complex East Meadow Trail plans, which are now seventy percent complete. Bid packets are expected to go out for the project by the end of this year and construction to begin after the first of next year. Community Park specifications for the new parking lot are complete, and a bid packet will go out by year end; however, weather could possibly hinder the start of construction. Layout work for the trail connection at Southbrook and Twin Lakes Park will possibly be done by Wylie Parks and Public Works staff, with a contractor being hired to finish out the project. If the project cost exceeds$50,000 City Council must first approve. Staff anticipates having one consultant develop the master plan for both Braddock Place parkland area and Olde City Park. Staff also would like to move forward with the idea of prequalifying vendors (architect, engineers, etc.) in order to save time for when construction work is ready to begin. The plan is for the new replacement picnic tables, located in the east and central zones, to be ordered all at one time in order to save money with the shipping expense. Pricing is ongoing for the playground equipment replacement project at Eureka Park, but it will look similar to the new Creekside Park playground. The Sage Creek to Wooded Creek trail connection, and Community Park parking lot solar lighting has not been addressed at this time, and will be determined at a later date. Expense for solar trail lighting to be installed at the planned Municipal East Meadow Trail will be included with the grant and city matched funds. Superintendent Diaz reviewed with the Board current and future Acquisition and Improvement (A& I) funding. He stated that fiscal year 2014/2015 A & I funds have been received for Creekside Apartments,Wooded Creek, Alanis Crossing and Covington Estates Phase One developments. Fiscal year 2015/2016 A& I funds have been received for Hunters Cove development. Development of Westgate Station Townhomes and Mansions of Wylie Apartments is still pending. The revenue projection for Covington Estates Phase Two A& I funds has been moved to the fiscal year 2017/2018 budget year. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made by Board Member Chesnut. Board Member Kinser seconded the motion, and a vote was taken and passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 p.m. ATTEST 1-1444r120,4- Parks Board Secretary,Janet Hawkes Matt Rose, Parks Board Chairman Minutes October 10, 2016 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Page 2