Ordinance 2005-06 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-06 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FINDING THAT THE CURRENT RATES OF COSERV GAS LTD. ARE UNREASONABLE; APPROVING COSERV GAS LTD.'S REVISED AND UNCONTESTED TARIFFS; APPROVING A RATE PHASE-IN; AUTHORIZING CONTINUATION OF DEFERRAL OF CARRYING CHARGES ON PLANT HELD FOR FUTURE USE; RECOGNIZING COSERV'S RIGHT TO SURCHARGE FOR FACILITY RELOCATION REQUIRED BY THE CITY; SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF NEW TARIFFS AS FEBRUARY 1, 2005; FINDING CITIES' RATE CASE EXPENSES REASONABLE; SEVERING THE DETERMINATION OF THE REASONABLENESS OF COSERV GAS LTD.'S RATE CASE EXPENSE FROM APPROVAL OF THE REVISED TARIFFS; RETAINING JURISDICTION OVER THE DETERMINATION OF THE REASONABLENESS OF COSERV GAS LTD. 'S RATE CASE EXPENSE ISSUE UNTIL MARCH 1, 2005; ADOPTING A BASE RATE CASE MORATORIUM; FINDING THAT ANY RELIEF REQUESTED BY COSERV GAS LTD. NOT SPECIFICALLY GRANTED HEREIN IS DENIED; ADOPTING A MOST FAVORED NATIONS PROVISION; FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE TO COSERV GAS LTD. WHEREAS, on or about August 25,2004, CoServ Gas Ltd. ("CoServ" or "Company"), filed with the City of Wylie a Statement of Intent to change gas rates in all municipalities within the CoServ System effective October 1,2004; and WHEREAS, the City has exclusive original jurisdiction to evaluate the Company's Statement of Intent as it pertains to the distribution facilities located within the City, pursuant to Texas Utilities Code ~~ 102.001(b) and 103.001; and WHEREAS, the City suspended the effective date of CoServ's rate request until December 28, 2004 and CoServ extended the effective date of the rate increase by an additional thirty days for the City to investigate the Company's filing and to consider settlement of the request; and WHEREAS, failure to take action regarding CoServ's rate request by January 27, 2005, will cause CoServ's filed request to become effective for all CoServ customers within the municipal limits; WHEREAS, the City joined the Coalition of Cities Served by CoServ ("Cities"), a group of other cities similarly affected by CoServ's rate request to jointly hire counsel and an independent consultant to review CoServ's application; and Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 1 WHEREAS, after consideration of the Company's filing and the report issued by Cities' expert, the City concludes that CoServ's current rates are unreasonable and should be changed; and WHEREAS, the Company and Cities have reached an agreement as to CoServ's filed request to increase rates conditioned upon final approval by Cities; and WHEREAS, the Company's requested increase in system-wide annual revenues of $1,165,525 is excessive, and the Company has agreed to an increase in system-wide revenue of $500,000, of which approximately $214,000 is associated with changes to the miscellaneous service charges; and WHEREAS, a condition to the settlement with CoServ is the City's recognition of the Company's right under Texas Utilities Code Section 104.112, independent of the tariffs approved herein, to surcharge facilities relocation charges within the city requiring relocation; and WHEREAS, a condition to the settlement with CoServ and the revised tariffs approved herein is the Company's commitment that it will not file a request with Cities for a rate increase that becomes effective prior to September 1,2006; and WHEREAS, a condition to the settlement with CoServ is the phase in of the base rate increase approved and reflected by the attached tariffs so that the first ten percent of the rate increase will be implemented upon adoption of the revised tariffs and the remaining increase will be implemented in ten-percent increments on or after November 1, 2005 and the balance on or after Augu& 1,2006; and WHEREAS, Cities' rate case expenses incurred in this proceeding are reasonable and should be reimbursed by CoServ; and WHEREAS, the City is unable at this time to determine the reasonableness of the rate case expenses incurred by the Company; and WHEREAS, the City has reviewed the settlement agreement reached between the Company and the Coalition of Cities Served by CoServ and has determined that approval of the revised tariffs is in the best interest of the City and its residents, results in just and reasonable rates, and, therefore, should be approved by the City; and WHEREAS, since the Company filing is based upon system-wide standardized rates and tariffs, it would be inappropriate for any city or residents of any city to receive benefits not enjoyed by the entire system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 2 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 25th day of January, 2005. ATTEST: \\\\\111111111 '\\\~I 0 F IA ~/III ", ~ ' ..."... YV r //" ~ '- ... ..../ ~ S c...> .... ~0".\./ ~ ~ : e.:,.=::::.':P \ ~ ~ = ~ SEAL } :: ... ~ ~J: ; "/II. ..l::: ~ 0 e' ~ It. (lIP- ~ -'... IA dl$l." ... " '"" 'Y'r. . '.l!>...e S " ~//II (IE TE'f...~\"" 111111/', I;' 11\\\\\ Date ofoublication in The Wvlie News- February 2. 2005 Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 4 Rate Schedule 5 Applicable to: Effective Date: RATE R - RESIDENTIAL SALES Entire System February 1,2005 Page 1 of2 Application of Schedule Schedule applies to all Residential Customers. Monthly Base Rate Customer's base monthly bill will be calculated using the following Customer and Ccf charges: Charge Customer Charge Amount $ 9.00 per month, plus V olurnetric Charge: First 0 Ccf to 20 Ccf Next 50 Ccf All Additional Ccf $.19437 per Ccf $.14437 per Ccf $.09437 per Ccf Purchased Gas Factor In addition to the base monthly bill above, each customer's bill will include a Purchased Gas Factor to account for purchased gas costs and computed in accordance with CoServ Purchased Gas Factor Schedule No, 2. Taxes In addition to the monthly charges above, each customer's bill will include a charge for an amount equivalent to the customer's proportional part of the city franchise fees, state gross receipts taxes, or other governmental levies payable by the Company, exclusive of federal income taxes. Municipal franchise fees are determined by each municipality's franchise ordinance, Each municipality's franchise ordinance will specify the percentage and applicability of franchise fees, From time to time, the tax factor may be adjusted, if required, to account for any over- or under- recovery of municipal franchise fees by the Company and to include an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax or increased franchise fee or tax, or any other governmental imposition, rental fee, or charge levied, assessed or imposed subsequent to the effective date of this tariff by any governmental anthority, including districts, created under the laws of the State of Texas, The Company will also collect sales taxes where applicable, Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 5 Rate Schedule 5 Applicable to: Effective Date: RATE R - RESIDENTIAL SALES Entire System February 1, 2005 Page 2 of2 Surcharges In addition to the monthly charges above, each customer's bill will include an amount for surcharges calculated in accordance with the applicable rider(s). LINE EXTENSION POLICY The company has the right to contract with individual customers for the installation of gas facilities as provided for by the city franchise. Upon the request of a prospective new residential or commercial customer for service in an area served by CoServ Gas, CoServ Gas will extend its main lines up to 100 feet from an existing CoServ Gas main in the Public Rights of Way, without charge. The 100- foot allowance applies to a single customer or to a group of customers requesting service from the same extension. Customers requesting mainline extensions in excess of 100 feet shall bear the cost of any additional main, and shall bear the cost of all yard lines, service lines, customer meters and regulators, and appurtenant equipment, in accordance with the charges listed in item 12, Line Extension and Installation, of Rate M, Miscellaneous Service Charges. CoServ Gas is not required to extend its mains or facilities if the customer will not use gas for space heating and water heating, or the equivalent load, at a minimum. Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 6 Rate Schedule 6 Applicable to: Effective Date: RATE C - COMMERCIAL SALES Entire System February 1,2005 Page 1 of2 Application of Schedule Schedule applies to all commercial customers. Monthly Base Rate Customer's base monthly bill will be calculated using the following Customer and Ccf charges: Charge Customer Charge Amount $15.50 per month, plus Volumetric Charge: First 0 Ccfto 300 Ccf Next 200 Ccf All Additional Ccf $.24436 per Ccf $.19436 per Ccf $.14436 per Ccf Purchased Gas Factor In addition to the base monthly bill above, each customer's bill will include a Purchased Gas Factor to account for purchased gas costs and computed in accordance with CoServ Purchased Gas Factor Schedule NO.2. Taxes In addition to the monthly charges above, each customer's bill will include a charge for an amount equivalent to the customer's proportional part of the city franchise fees, state gross receipts taxes, or other governmental levies payable by the Company, exclusive of federal income taxes. Municipal franchise fees are determined by each municipality's franchise ordinance. Each municipality's franchise ordinance will specify the percentage and applicability of franchise fees, From time to time, the tax factor may be adjusted, if required, to account for any over- or under- recovery of municipal franchise fees by the Company and to include an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax or increased franchise fee or tax, or any other governmental imposition, rental fee, or charge levied, assessed or imposed subsequent to the effective date of this tariff by any governmental authority, including districts, created under the laws of tile State of Texas, The Company will also collect sales taxes where applicable, Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 7 Rate Schedule 6 Applicable to: Effective Date: RATE C - COMMERCIAL SALES Entire System February 1,2005 Page 2 of2 Surcharges In addition to the monthly charges above, each customer's bill will include an amount for surcharges calculated in accordance with the applicable rider(s). Line Extension Policy The company has the right to contract with individual customers for the installation of gas facilities as provided for by the city franchise. Upon the request of a prospective new residential or commercial customer for service in an area served by CoServ Gas, CoServ Gas will extend its main lines up to 100 feet from an existing CoServ Gas main in the Public Rights of Way, without charge. The 100- foot allowance applies to a single customer or to a group of customers requesting service from the same extension. Customers requesting mainline extensions in excess of 100 feet shall bear the cost of any additional main, and shall bear the cost of all yard lines, service lines, customer meters and regulators, and appurtenant equipment, in accordance with the charges listed in item 12, Line Extension and Installation, of Rate M, Miscellaneous Service Charges. CoServ Gas is not required to extend its mains or facilities if the customer will not use gas for space heating and water heating, or the equivalent load, at a minimum. Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 8 Rate Schedule 10 Applicable to: Effective Date: Application RATE M - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE CHARGES Entire System February 1,2005 Page 1 of2 The service charges listed below are in addition to any other charges under the Company's Tariff for Gas Service and will be applied for the condition described. Other services not covered by these standard conditions will be charged on the basis of an estimate for the job or the Company's actual cost plus appropriate surcharges. Applicable Chames Service Charge No. Name and Description Amount of Charge 1 Connection Charge During Business Hours During standard business hours, for each reconnection of gas service where service has been discontinued at the same premises for any reason, for the initial inauguration of service, and for each inauguration of service when the billable party has changed, with the following exceptions: (a) For a builder who uses gas temporarily during construction or for display purposes. (b) Whenever gas service has been temporarily interrupted because of System outage or servIce work done by Company; or (c) F or an reason deemed necessa for Com Connection Charge After Business Hours After standard business hours, for each reconnection of gas service where service has been discontinued at the same premises for any reason, for the initial inauguration of service, and for each inauguration of service when the billable party has changed, with the following exceptions: (a) For a builder who uses gas temporarily during construction or for display purposes. (b) Whenever gas servIce has been temporarily interrupted because of System outage or service work done by Company; or (c) For an reason deemed necessa for Com an 0 erations Field Read of Meter A read for change charge when it is necessary for the Company to read the meter at a currently served location because of a change in the billable a Returned Check Charges Returned check handling charge for each check returned to Com an for an reason. $ 65.00 2 $ 97.00 3 $ 19.00 4 $ 20.00 Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 9 5 Charge for Temporary Discontinuance of Service - Residential Whenever service has been temporarily disconnected at the request of the customer, this charge plus the appropriate Connection Charge will be made to reestablish such service for that customer at the same address. Charge for Temporary Discontinuance of Service- NonResidential Whenever service has been temporarily disconnected at the request of the customer, this charge plus the appropriate Connection Charge will be made to reestablish such service for that customer at the same address. Charge for Meter Testing The Company shall, upon request of a customer, make a test of the accuracy of the meter serving that customer. The Company shall inform the customer of the time and place of the test and permit the customer or his authorized representative to be present if the customer so desires. If no such test has been performed within the previous four (4) years for the same customer at the same location, the test shall be performed without charge. If such test has been performed for the same customer at the same location within the previous four (4) years, the Company will charge the Meter Test Fee. The customer must be properly informed of the result of any test on a meter that services him. Charge for Service Calls During Business Hours A Service Call Charge is made for responding to a service call during standard business hours that is determined to be a customer related problem rather than a Company or Company facilities problem. Charge for Service Calls After Business Hours A Service Call Charge is made for responding to a service call after standard business hours that is determined to be a customer related problem rather than a Company or Company facilities problem. Tampering Charge No Company Meters, equipment, or other property, whether on Customer's premises or elsewhere, are to be tampered with or interfered with for any reason. A Tampering Charge is made for unauthorized reconnection or other tampering with Company metering facilities or a theft of gas service by a person on the customer's premises or evidence by whomsoever at customer's premIses. An additional cost for the cost of repairs and/or replacement of damaged facilities and the installation of protective facilities or relocation of meter are made at cost plus appropriate charges as may be detailed in the Company's Service Rules and Regulations Credit/Debit Card Payments Charge Bill payments using credit cards, debit cards, and electronic checks (includes third-party transaction fees and administrative costs). 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 10 $ 65.00 $ 107.00 $ 15.00 $ 26.00 $ 40.00 $ 125.00 Actual Cost Rate Schedule 10 Applicable to: Effective Date: RATE M - MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE CHARGES Entire System February 1, 2005 Page 2 of2 Line Extension and Installation Charges Extension and installation of new mains, service lines, risers, 12 fittings and other appurtenant equipment pursuant to main Actual Cost extension policy in municipal franchise. Credit for main pursuant to municipal franchise. The customer is responsible for the installation of yard line and yard line risers. 13 Construction Crew Charges Actual Cost All labor charges if a construction crew is required. ]4 Construction Costs Charges Actual Cost All other construction charges. Ordinance No. 2005-06 CoServ 11 THE WYLIE NEWS Lovermg Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surroundmg area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ord. No. 2005-05, Ord. No. 2005-06, Ord. No. 2005-07, Ord. No. 2005-08 was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: Feb. 2, 2005 OIJJ/Jf- Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the :L.R day of ft~~ , 2005 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. "'~0-::;rf'~~.'~;-' , i~ ~(> I. . V~'.~!d! ~eo,<'\' '"""-...........,-. ADA L. MOONEY Notary Public State of Texas My Comm. Exp. 01.02-07 ~~~ The State of Texas My commission expires 01102/07 REC'O MAR 0 7 2005 INVITATION FOR BIDS The North Texas Municipal Water District is soliciting proposals for the construction of the follow- ing project: Little Elm Pipeline NTMWD Project No. LEWCF 03-1 This project includes con- struction of approximately 18,800 feet of 30" potable water transmission pipeline, connections to existing pipelines, flow meter vault and associated yard piping, electrical and instrumentation, and appurtenances. Proposals must be deliv- ered to the President and Board of Director~ of the North Texas Municipal Water District at 505 East Brown Street, Wylie, Texas 75098 until 11 :00 a.m. local time, February 16, 2005 to be accepted. The proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at this time and place. Bids received after this time will be returned unopened. Contract Documents may be examined or purchased at the offices of Freese and Nichols, Inc., Consulting Engineers at the following address: Freese and Nichols, Inc. 1701 North Market Street Suite 500, LB51 Dallas, Texas 75202 Attention: Paul Lyons The cost for Contract Documents is $75 per set for full-size documents and $50 for half-size docu- ments. '"-lliā‚¬-'-ci:fs('"-or-contract Documents is not refund- ed. Submit check, cashier's check or money order for payment. Cash will not be accepted. Contract Documents are On file and may be exam- ined without charge in the offices of the North Texas Municipal Water District at the address where propos- 'S'l!i;)>;;:r"4!$l:.,,,.;,,t..\I~~_ Bidders must submit a cashier's check, certified check, or acceptable bid- der's bond with their pro- posal as a guarantee that the Bidder will enter into a ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE contract for the project 2005-06 ADOPTING AND with the Owner within fif- ENACTING A NEW teen (15) days of Notice of AN ORDINANCE OF CODE FOR THE CITY Award of the contract. THE CITY OF WYLIE, OF WYLIE, TEXAS; The security must be TEXAS, FINDING THAT PROVIDING FOR THE payable to the North Texas THE CURRENT RATES REPEAL OF CERTAIN Municipal Water District in OF COSERV GAS LTD. ORDINANCES NOT the amount of five percent ARE UNREASONABLE; INCLUDED THEREIN; (5%) of the bid submitted. APPROVING COSERV PROVIDING A PENAL- Contractor must execute GAS LTD.'S REVISED TY FOR THE VIOLA- the contract, bonds and AND UNCONTESTED TION THEREOF; PRO- certificates of insurance on TARIFFS; APPROVING A VIDING FOR THE MAN- tlie'TOririsprovided in lJie-"m ..._----- PHASE~IN;'""NER'-aF""""A'MENDIN(r Contract Documents. AUTHORIZING CON- SUCH CODE; AND PRO- TINUATION OF DEFER- VIDING WHEN SUCH RAL OF CARRYING CODE AND THIS ORDI- CHARGES ON PLANT NANCE SHALL HELD FOR FUTURE BECOME EFFECTIVE. USE; RECOGNIZING COSERV'S RIGHT TO SURCHARGE FOR FACILITY RELOCA- TION REQUIRED BY THE CITY; SETTING THE EFFECTIVE DATE als are to be received, or at the offices of Freese and Nichols at the address list- ed above. Contract Documents are also on file in the following Plan Rooms: McGraw Hill Construction Dodge 9155 Sterling Street, Suite 160 Irving, Texas 75063 Phone (972)819-1400 North Texas Construction Reports 11325 Pegasus #233W ballas, TX 75238 Phone (214) 342-9200 Direct questions regarding distribution of Contract Documents for this project to Mr. Paul Lyons, (214) 920-2500. Direct que tions related to the desi n of the project to Mr. Carleton Sherrer, P.E., (214) 920-2500 or Mr. Nick Lester, E.I~T. ~7) 735-7300. Wri ~Yjues- tions may be su 't d to Freese and Nichols at the address shown above or you may fax questions to (214) 920-2565 or email questions to Mr. Sherrer (jcs@freese.com). Performance and Payment Bonds are required, each in an amount of not less than one-hundred percent (100%) of the contract price, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and upon payment of all persons supplying "labor or furnishing materi- OF NEW TARIFFS AS FEBRUARY 1, 2005; FINDING CITIES' RATE CASE EXPENSES REA- SONABLE; SEVERING THE DETERMINATION OF THE REASONABLE- NESS OF COSERV GAS LTD.'S RATE CASE EXPENSE FROM APPROVAL OF THE REVI5ED TARIFFS; RETAINING JURISDIC- TION OVER THE DETERMINATION OF THE REASONABLE- NESS OF COSERV GAS NORTH TEXAS MUNIC- LTD.'S RATE CASE IPALWATER DISTRICT EXPENSE ISSUE UNTIL MARCH 1, 2005; Joe Farmer ADOPTING A BASE President, Board of RATE CASE MORATO- rectors _}'7=}!-~... 5_ RIUM; FINDING THAT ANY RELIEF REQUEST- . ORDINANCE NO. D BY COSERV GAS 2005-05 LTD. NOT SPECIFICAL- LY GRANTED HEREIN IS DENIED; ADOPTING A MOST FAVORED NATIONS PROVISION; FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF THIS ORD~ NANCE TO COSERV GAS LTD. also The North Texas Municipal Water District reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous interpretation of the bids submitted in the case of ambiguity or lack of clear- ness in stating proposal prices, to reject any or all bids, and/or waive formali- ties. Bids may not be with- drawn within sixty (60) days from date on which bids are opened. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS GRANTING A CABLE FRANCHISE 'GRANTED TO GTE SOUTHWEST, INC. D/B/A VERIZON SOUTHWEST SETTING FORTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO CONSTRUCT, OPER- ATE, AND MAINTAIN A CABLE SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF WYLIE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. 2005-07 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-08 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS REPEALING