Ordinance 2005-09 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISIDNG AN INCIDENTAL LIBRARY FEE IN THE AMOUNT OF $2.00 FOR ITEMS THAT ARE INTERLIBRARY LOANED BOOKS, NOT PICKED UP BY CITIZENS. WHEREAS, the City of Wylie finds the need to establish a fee of $2.00 for items requested by patrons through an Interlibrary loan and not picked up. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS THAT: SECTION 1. A $2.00 fee will be accessed on all items requested by patrons through an interlibrary loan and not picked up by the patron. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 22nd day of February, 2005. HNMO \\ I 11111111 ,\' lA, III ",':.., VV 1_11// ,'Jl.", ........ r / '; " ..".. .."" ATTEST AND CORRECTL Y RECORDEri' 0:..... ~ ....f<' % . ~ t SEAL 'E ~ : ~ ~ -,:" -; .... ........ ~ e.. .... '-..:"':' -:"'''' /1; ......... ty...C;;; -,'.> //1 YLIE i't.~,:' III ' " 11111'111\\\\ Date of Publication in the Wvlie News- March 2. 2005 Ordinance No. 2005-09 Interlibrary Fees 1 THE WYLIE NEWS l:overmg Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surroundmg area 110 N. Ballard P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ord. No. 2005-09 was published in said newspaper on the following date(s), to-wit: March 2, 2005 (]jjIlL Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the sH- day of ~ , 2005 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ~'~':.""""""'''..;~''il<!;.''''r.,.''l'~'h'';J.,-,~",.-",'~''~~~-'J~., ......,~~:::v', '. j It, '.ny t ,,~~t;.,"^-....&(.,~o>'\... i'ilOONE :~ Ih.(.....,Jb.)"i-\)' NlJtary PUt)iic f,',' \ .. ~ * S1s3te of T exaE 11t \"J.'~ /+.r, ;" ("'r . <c:=Jr" [,., 0'/ ' X""it -__,.' .,~I' IU'\! j;..J TH1,', 1_1.r \! ,,'4-- - ,;r 0' <~;r J ' ' , ~-.,... ~...._,' otary Public in and fo The State of Texas My commission expires 01102/07 ing, access roadway, etc., (60) days after the date on to St Paul residents detail- fittings ane. fixtures. as shown on the plans and which bids are received. ing upcoming electi\ as specified herein. ~o::::~i:~~~ent, /. ()~(lti()Il:.........41:Jt-.28.. ::os~~ s:a~~:~i:~~o~r- Each bid must be accompa- North Texas Municipal ORDINANCE NO. c tified check upon a nied by a certified or Water District 39-3t-235 2005-09 national or state bank in an cashier's check, or an ~ amount not less than five approved bidder's bond in REQUEST FO~ r AN ORDINANCE OF percent (5%) of the total an amount not less than 5% PROPOSALS THE CITY OF WYLIE, maximum bid price, of the maximum total bid, PROPERTY A TEXAS, ESTABLISHING payable without recourse payable to the North Texas CASUALTY AN INCIDENTAL to the City of Wylie, or a Municipal Water District INSURANCE LIBRARY FEE IN THE bid bond in the same ~ithout recourse, as a The Wylie Independent AMOUNT OF $2.00 FOR amount from a reliable glinommtee that the Bidder School District is accepting ITEMS THAT ARE s.urety company holding a w~1 enter-~ll ccmt:mct~sealed proposals for IN T ERLJ BRA R Y ~ermit from the State df and execute performance Property and Casualty LOANED BOOKS, NOT Texas to act as surety, as a and payment bonds on the Insurance. Specifications PICKED UP BY CITI- guarantee that the bidder forms provided within ten are available in the~~~"----~~41-1!-33-.2_.All enter into a contract (10) days after the award of Business Office at 951 S., "" / and execute performance the contract to him. Ballard Ave., Wylie, TX or NOTICE TO bond and payment bond by calling 972-429-3017. CONTRACTORS within ten (10) days after the As~ Cor Ho( 750 ($5( non cn TE) By~ ( C Plan Com TexSCAN Statewide AdvertisJ PREPAYMENT REQUIRED - TexSCAN ADVE Want to advertise nationwide? Here's how! Complete the form on this page and fax to THE CLASSIFlEDS - 972-442-4318 Ads are payable prior to publication and can be charged to your credit card. Ad copy with payment must be received at our office by 5 p.m. Tuesday for ads to appear in the following week's TexSCAN placement. We accept Mastercard and VISA, or make your check I Classifieds. Mail to P.O. Box 369, Wylie, TX 75( Please charge to: 0 MC 0 VISA Amt: $ Card No. Address Cardholder's Signature: benefits and accessory pay! (Effective 3/15/05). Many hometime options. Low cost CDL training. Swift Transportation, 1-800-231- 5209, www.SwiftTruckingJobs.com DRNERS - $1,000 SIGN-ON for experienced OTR! Pay increase! Dedicated and regional available also. Owner/Operators, teams and CDL graduates welcome. USA Truck, 1-800-237-4642. DRNERS - $1,000 SIGN-ON for experienced teams! Earn .4 I cents/mile. No NYC, pay on delivery and guaranteed hometime. USA Truck, 1-800-237-4642. DRIVERS - COMPANY, LEASE, owners. .37 cpml.87 cpm to start! Weekly paydays. XM Radio! Fuel/performance bonuses. Class A/CDL, I-year OTR. 1-800-745- 9670, www.continentalx.com DRIVER - COVENANT TRANS- PORT. Excellent pay and ben~fits for experienced drivers, Owner/Operators, solos, teams and graduate students. Bonuses paid weekly. Equal Opportunity Employer. Call 1-888-MORE PAY (1-888-667 -3729). 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(Effective 3/15/05). Many hometime options. Low cost CDL training. Swift Transportation, 1-888-709- 2186, www.SwiftTruckingJobs.com DRIVERS WITH A year OTR expe- rience can average $1,100 per week gross. Over $57,000 annually! If you're better than average, think what YOU can make! HEARTLAND EXPRESS, 1-800-441-4953, www.heartlandexpress.com tractc 7537, EMP BI-Ll MAIl' Pleasl mail thami 1-800 Techn JOBS. needeJ high s ates III Natior GUAF F PURC or cut rent, ) Call tl LOAN (MBL, AAA. with nl 31'x19 ter, 01 Install~ now! 1 Royal ] FREE include month~ Charme nels! ] Restricl