Ordinance 2005-20
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zo 1 .. n and the gove. 0 ....... .... the City
amendment of the Compreh ning inance, have given . ..~. . i . .... s by
publication and othe is · .ng due hearings and at] .... .... .. .. . 'r nearing to
all property ow s ... . ...~. . ers of the affected pro · . ... h ........ rm body of the
is hereby, ronended ~~ eZonmg Ma Lfue~~,to gIve fuebereiMfter
described property a new zoning classification of .\;... . )~t (PD) District for mixed
uses to include single-family residential co rcial uses, said property being
described in Exhibit "A", Exhibi Obit" hereto and made a part hereof
for all purposes.
That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and
the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in conflict with the
provisions of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.
That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes
provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the
granting of this zoning classification.
Ordinance Noo 2005-20
Zoning Case 2005-01-Jones Tract
Exhibit A
Legal Description
Zone Case #2005-01
Tract 1
Being situated in the William Sachse Survey, Abstract No. 835, Collin County, Texas and e.~...
part of a 111.848 acre parcel of land called Tract 1, conveyed to Iona H. Ingram an .. a
of a 87.282 acre parcel ofland called Tract 2, conveyed to Mary Allene..J....ones,.fr.~. ...... .. n
of the Estate of Mollie Sachse, described in Partition Deed reco rde.d i. Ol..~ ... .~.. 9
of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas (DRCCT), and also bei . ofw.. 84 acre
tract conveyed to Mary Allene Jones by Executrix's Dee.d r.~..r.. d.. f\ 1 2 at Page
04465 (County Clerk's File No. 2002-0020781) of t~~> . .... .. ."J. . ore particularly
described as follows: \t .
BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod with yellow s RPLS 5405" set fo . er in
in the east line of said Tract ~
THENCE South 00 degrees minutes 49 seconds E \-.." itH ~ e of said Tract I a
distance of 2146.4 7 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow p ...~ a "RPLS 5405" set for
comer in the north line of a called 9.32 ac tra and c
Power and Light Company, Inc., by M et al Warran Deed recorded in Volume
574 at Page 411 and amended in Vol e 730 of the DRCCT, from which a 5/8"
iron rod found bears South 89 degrees 53 conds East, a distance of 9.68 feet for the
northeast comer of said 9.32 acre tract;
THENCE North 89 degrees 53 minutes 15 seconds West with the northerly line of said 9.32 acre
tract passing said common line of said Tracts 1 & 2 at 1468.34 feet and continuing for a total
distance of 2601.01 feet to a W' iron rod found for the northwest comer of said 9.32 acre tract
and being in a west line of said Tract 2;
THENCE North 00 degrees 36 minutes 59 seconds West with the west line of said Tract 2 a
distance of 658.47 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for comer, said fence post also being the
northeast comer of a 1.4112 acre tract ofland conveyed to the City of Sachse, Texas, a municipal
corporation, by deed recorded in Volume 2344 at Page 375 of the DRCCT;
Ordinance No. 2005-20
Zoning Case 2005-0 I-Jones Tract
THENCE North 85 degrees 39 minutes 12 seconds West with the north line of said City of
Sachse tract and along fence line passing a 4" steel fence post at 90.54 feet and continuing for a
total distance of 92.00 feet to point for comer in said west line of said William Sachse Survey,
said point also being in the east line of a 4.983 acre tract ofland conveyed to Harold W. cris~., ....
by Warranty Deed with vendor.,s Lien recorded in Volume 4005 at Page 2258. Of.th e~D R.. '
THENCE North 00 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds West with the most we~... <.. .. ai
Tract 2 and said west line of said William Sachse Survey, genera a~.. c , at
194.64 feet passing a 3/8" iron rod found for the southeast com.. e. r 0...... at) t of land
conveyed to Harry M. Breen and Joyce E. Breen in deed r c~.' n .~... . 9 t Page 0804
of the DRCCT, at 486.51feet passing the northeast c e. . .... e '. t d continuing for
a total distance of 1466.12 feet to the PLACE 0 .... n ing 5,695,067 square
::: ~30.74l acres ofland, more or less. . ...~~
part of a 111.848 ac .... . ..... Ii.> led Tract 1, conv ed to lona . .. .. d being part
ofa87.282acreparc ...... ........ ... dTract2,conve ed Allene. ..... , from the partition
THENCE North 89 degrees 44 minutes 08 seconds \i.. h ." so right-of-way line of
F.M. Road No. 544 (120' R.O.W.) w' e sou.... 0 0.5572 acre tract of land
conveyed to the State of Texas by ...~ en es in ed recorded in Volume 4457 at Page
2146 of the DRCCT, passing the co lin f said Tracts 1 & 2 at 1215.89 feet and
continuing with the South line of a 0.6 ~ t ofland conveyed to the State of Texas by
Iona H. Ingram, in all a total distance of 1 .89 fee to a concrete TXDOT monument found for
comer, the top of said monument being destroyed;
THENCE North 89 degrees 57 minutes 14 seconds East with said 0.6743 acre State of Texas
tract 696.26 feet to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" set for comer
in the east line of said Tract 1;
THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with said east line of said Tract 1 a
distance of 2146.47 feet to the north line of a called 9.32 acre tract of land conveyed to Texas
Power and Light Company, Inc., by Molly H. Sachse et al in Warranty Deed recorded in Volume
574 at Page 411 and amended in Volume 2325 at Page 730 of the DRCCT and continuing for a
total distance of 2296.64 to a 5/8" iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 5405" set for
comer and the PLACE OF BEGINNING;
THENCE South 00 degrees 35 minutes 49 seconds East with the east line of said Tract 1 a
Ordinance No. 2005-20
Zoning Case 2005-0 I-Jones Tract
distance of 944.16 feet to a 4" steel fence post found for comer for which a Y2" iron rod found
bears North 29 degrees 13 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 0.72 feet, said fence post being
the southeast comer of said Tract 1 and the northeast comer of a 99.694.a..c..r e.tr.ac.......t......O...~.f.............d
conveyed to North Texas Municipal Water District by deed recorded in V01...um......e.~. 22.8.1..a .. ....
358 of the DRCCT and also being in the westerly line of a 51.531 acre tract oflan . .. y
B,C, wood and Nettie Wood by deed recorded in Volume 1120 at rag. e. 856 Of~.......
THENCE South 88 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West with the. rix. at Tract 1
and with the northerly line of said North Texas MuniCi~watif'\ tr.. d generally
along fence line, passing the southwest comer of saiR.r~...t....;. .....6..."\8.... e d conti.n.uing with
the southerly line of said Tract 2 for a total dist e ~~.. ...... '; .... 0 steel fence.post found
for comer; .
THENCE North 42 degrees 32 minutes 01 s .. est ith a southwesterl ...... . Tract
municipal corporation, by dee . ....... ...... . in V ume 2344 at P 3t\'\ .... ... ... and
generally along fence..e ~ '\. .... ." steel fence post foun o\~..
THENCE North 01' · '>~~utes 30 seconds W. 'th a west e' saId Tract 2 and
"stee . . .. .... ... t fo . for comer;
T .... . . 5 degrees 25 minutes nds. WI a northerly line of sai . c
el nce post found fo com ...... ~~<. .....
..-, .... ..\j
THENCE North 00 degr 't. . ....... s 9 seconds West with a~. .. . ....\ ... Tract 2 and
mth an easterly line of sa .. 0 ". cbse met and ner. n .~; ". . .' ... 7,OHeetto a y,"
iron rod found for comer, iron r a being the sou~st..~ . .... 9.32 acre tract;
THENCE South 89 degrees 53 minutes 05 sec ds E t outherly line of said 9.32 acre
tract 2600.96 feet to the PLACE ~...".... G cont 'ng 2,431,529 square feet or
55.820 acres of land, more or less. v
Ordinance No. 2005-20
Zoning Case 2005-0 I-Jones Tract
Exhibit "A"
Zone Change #2005-03
BEING a tract ofland located in the MOSES SPARKS SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 849, City
of Wylie, Collin County, Texas and being all of those two tracts ofland described in Deeds to
Ronnie Joe Housewright and wife Suzanne I. Housewright, recorded in Volume 3180, Page 615
and Volume 2124, Page 334, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, and being more particularly
described as follows:
BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "DAA" found in the East
line of SAGE CREEK PHASE IV, an Addition to the City of Wylie according to the Plat thereof
recorded in Cabinet "0", Page 567, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, at the Northwest corner
of said Housewright tract recorded in Volume 3180, Page 615 and the Southwest corner of a
tract ofland described in Deed to Ashton Dallas Residential, L.L.c., recorded in Volume-,
Page -' Deed Records, Collin County, Texas, said point being North 01 degrees 08 minutes
25 seconds West, 16.14 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 16, Block K of said Addition;
THENCE North 89 degrees 28 minutes 04 seconds East, along the common line of said
Housewright tract and said Ashton Dallas tract, passing a 1/2 inch iron rod with a yellow plastic
cap stamped "D AA" found for reference at a distance of 1,513.72 feet, and continuing for a total
distance of 1,613.72 feet to a point at the Southeast corner of said Ashton Dallas tract and the
most Southerly Southwest corner of Lot 10 of Lake Ranch, an Addition to the City of Wylie
according to the Plat thereof recorded in Cabinet C, Slide 193, Map Records, Collin County,
THENCE North 89 degrees 18 minutes 56 seconds East, along the South line of said Lot 10, a
distance of989.33 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE Southerly and Westerly along the Westerly lines of said Lake Ranch Addition the
following four (4) courses and distances:
South 02 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance of 824.88 feet to a point for corner;
South 88 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 533.33 feet to a point for corner;
South 00 degrees 40 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of201.80 feet to a point for corner;
South 88 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 140.45 feet to a point at the
Northeast corner of a tract of land described in Deed to Thomas A. Mannewitz and Barbara L.
Mannewitz, recorded in Document No. 92-0064130, Deed Records, Collin County, Texas;
THENCE South 88 degrees 34 minutes 59 seconds West, a distance of 557.48 feet to a 1/2 inch
iron rod with a yellow plastic cap stamped "RPLS 4813" found at the Northeast corner of a tract
ofland described in Deed to Wooded Creek Estates, Ltd., recorded in Volume 5090, page 1590,
Deed Records, Collin County, Texas;
THENCE South 89 degrees 44 minutes 55 seconds West, a distance of 1,386.82 feet to a 1/2
Ordinance No. 2005-21
Zoning Case 2005-03-Housewright Tract/Sage Creek
inch iron rod with a red plastic cap stamped "Tipton Engineering" found in the East line of Sage
Creek Phase VII, an Addition to the City of Wylie according to the Plat thereof recorded in
Cabinet 0, Slide 435, Map Records, Collin County, Texas, at the Southwest comer of said
Housewright tract recorded in Volume 2124, Page 334 and the Northwest comer of Wooded
Creek Estates, Phase 1, an Addition to the City of Wylie according to the Plat thereof recorded in
Cabinet 0, Slide 372, Map Records, Collin County, Texas;
THENCE North 01 degrees 08 minutes 25 seconds West, passing the Northeast comer of said
Sage Creek Phase VII and the Southeast comer of said Sage Creek Phase IV at a distance of
475.96 feet, and continuing for a total distance of 1,031.88 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING
and containing 59.515 acres ofland, more or less.
Ordinance No. 2005-21
Zoning Case 2005-03-Housewright Tract/Sage Creek
Exhibit "B"
Sage Creek Phase 9
(Housewright Tract)
Zoning Case #2005-03
General Conditions:
1. This Planned Development District shall not effect any regulation within the Code of
Ordinances, except as specifically provided herein.
2. All regulations of SF-8.5/17 District set forth in Article 3, Section 3.3 A.3 of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (adopted as of February 27, 2002) are included by reference
and shall apply except as provided herein.
3. The attached Development Plan (Exhibit C) shall serve as a Preliminary Plat. The Development
Plan shall conform to the written conditions of the Planned Development, but in case of conflict
between the two, the written conditions shall prevail.
Soecial Conditions:
1. Lot Mix
Maximum number of Single Family dwelling units permitted in this Planned Development
shall not exceed 95 units
Minimum Lot Size will be 8,400 square feet
2. Lot Size
Minimum Lot Width (at front building line):
Minimum Lot Width (at front building line) of Corner Lots
Minimum Lot Depth:
Minimum Cul-de-Sac Lot Depth:
60 feet
60 feet
120 feet
90 feet
Conditions for Planned Development - Sage Creek Phase 9
3. Dwelling Regulations
Minimum Dwelling Size on any Lot: 2,000 sq. ft.
Minimum Dwelling Size on 50% of Lots: 2,400 sq. ft.
Not less than 60% of the total floor area size of any two-story residence shall be
provided on the first/ground floor.
4. Yard Requirements - Main Structures
Front Yard
Side Yard
Side Yard of Comer Lots
Rear Yard
25 feet
5 feet
15 feet
20 feet
5. Yard Requirements - Accessory Structures
Side Yard
Rear Yard
Side Yard of Comer Lots
Minimum Distance from Main Building
Max Area of Accessory Structure
behind rear building line of main
5 feet
5 feet
20 feet
5 feet
80 sq. ft.
Front Yard
6. Height of Structures:
Main Structure
36 feet
Per existing Sage Creek CCR's
(currently 8 feet)
7. Alleys
No alleys shall be required within this Planned Development District
8. Design Standards
The following will substitute for Section 3.4, Figure 3.14 of the Zoning Ordinance
Exterior Facade (Main Structure) 100% brick, stone
Chimneys Chimney enclosure required
Roof Pitch 8: 12 or greater with architectural grade overlap
Conditions for Planned Development - Sage Creek Phase 9 2
Roof Materials
Asphalt shingles, no wood shingles
Paint rooftop accessories to match
Units with same street elevation
4 lots skipped same side of street
2 lots skipped opposite side of street and
No identical floor plans side by side
Front Entry Cover
14 sf minimum front porch, 5' minimum width
Residential Mail Box locations
Paired at Lot Line, same style throughout
Garage Doors
Offset, 12" minimum, maximum 50% of
15% of the homes will have a 3 car garage
Or " J- Swing" driveways
Signage, Entry Feature and Medians
No signage, entry feature or median element will be required within this Planned Development
District as this is an additional phase to an existing community that already has signage, entry
feature and medians.
9. Sidewalk Lighting
Decorative low height solar lighting will be required within this Planned Development District.
10. Crosswalk Construction
Specialty pavers will be installed at all crosswalks within subdivision. Pavers will be installed at a
minimum width of 4 feet
11. Park Dedication
City of Wylie Park Fees shall not be waived or reduced for development within this Planned
Development District. The Owner/Developer may dedicate acreage in lieu offees and/or use
comparable funds to provide park improvements within this Planned Development District. The
cost of park improvements shall be equal to or greater than the park land dedication requirements in
effect at the time of platting. All park improvements shall be coordinated with the Director of
Community Services or his designee, prior to initial construction of the development. All park
improvements shall be installed and/or fees paid prior to City acceptance of the development or as
otherwise agreed to between Owner/Developer and the City of Wylie.
Subject to Parks Board approval, Owner/Developer shall dedicate to the City of Wylie
approximately 30 acres ofland within this Planned Development District. Park land dedication is
located on the eastern portion of the Planned Development District.
Conditions for Planned Development - Sage Creek Phase 9
Subject to Parks Board approval, Owner /Developer shall construct an 8' trail system within this
Planned Development District. Trail shall be located in the area just west of Muddy Creek. Trail
will tie into trail constructed within Sage Creek Phase 8 to the north of this Planned Development
District. This trail will be located within the dedicated park land referenced in the paragraph above.
12. Access Bridge Construction
Subject to Parks Board and City approval, Owner/Developer shall construct a 2 lane roadway and
bridge across City owned land that extends Midstream Drive westerly across the creek and connects
to Riverway Lane. Bridge shall include sidewalks on both sides of the roadway.
Conditions for Planned Development - Sage Creek Phase 9
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ZONING CASE #2005-03