Ordinance 2005-27 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR SPECIAL EVENTS; PROVIDING FOR A PERMIT FEE; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") has investigated and determined that it would be advantageous and beneficial to the citizens of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to regulate special events as provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: FINDINGS INCORPORATED. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS. A. Applicant as used herein means a person who has filed a written application for a special event permit. B. Building Official as used herein means Wylie's Building Official. C. City as used herein means the City of Wylie, Texas D. Permittee as used herein means the person to whom a permit is granted pursuant to this article. E. Person as used herein means any individual, assumed named entity, partnership, association, corporation, or organization. F. Police Department as used herein means Wylie's Police Department. G. Sidewalk as used herein means that portion of a street between the curb lines or lateral lines of a roadway and the adjacent property lines intended for the use of pedestrians. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 1 H. Special Event as used herein means an occurrence which takes place on a periodic or special occasion wholly or partially on the city rights-of-way or which may cause an interruption of regular activities of the citizens or may require the special attention and involvement of city personnel or facilities. Examples of such activities are firework displays, carnivals, runs, and events not wholly contained on city park or building sites, or Wylie Independent School District property. 1. Street as used herein means the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained, when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic. SECTION 3: SPECIAL EVENTS. A. Application of Ordinance: Exemptions. 1. All Special Events, except those set forth in S3(A) (2) below, must conform with this Ordinance. 2. The following events are exempt from this Ordinance: (a) Events which require the approval or sanctioning of, or are officially sponsored by, the City or the Wylie Independent School District ("WISD") shall be exempt from obtaining a Special Event permit provided: (i) the event, including adequate parking, is wholly contained on City park or building sites or WISD property; (ii) the impact on traffic and surrounding neighborhoods was evaluated and found insignificant by the Police Department before approval for the event was granted by the City or WISD; and (iii) the event conforms to the other general criteria of this Ordinance. (b) Private parties to which the public is not invited. (c) An event wholly contained on property specifically designed or suited for said event and which holds a certificate of occupancy for such use including adequate parking. (d) Block parties as described in S 102-2, Wylie's Code of Ordinances, as amended. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 2 (e) Funeral processions. (f) Parades. 3. If a Special Event includes some type of activity and/or conduct which, according to City ordinance and/or federal, state or local law, requires an additional permit, such additional permit must be applied for and received separately and apart from the application for the Special Event permit. Separate permits will not be required for tents, awnings, canopies, loudspeakers or temporary signs in conjunction with the event. In any event, temporary permits for food service shall be obtained by each vendor. B. Special Event Permit. 1. Required Fee. It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct a Special Event without fIrst obtaining a permit from the City's Building OffIcial and paying the prescribed fee. The fee for issuance of such permit is fIfty dollars ($50.00). 2. Application for Permit. (a) A person seeking a Special Event permit shall fIle an application with the Building Official upon forms provided by the City. (b) The Building Official shall ensure that other licenses, permits, restrictions, regulations, fees for City services, safeguards and/or other conditions deemed necessary by individual City departments for the safe and orderly conduct of a Special Event be requested, submitted and approved before the permit is granted, including, but not limited to, health permit applications, agreement, if any, with the Police Department for police coverage, and agreement, if any, with the Public Services Department regarding costs associated with street closures. 3. Filing Period. (a) Applications for a Special Event permit must be fIled no less than thirty (30) days before the Special Event is to begin. (b) Late applications, in the sole discretion of the Building OffIcial, where good cause is shown and subject to the standards promulgated in other sections of this Ordinance, may be considered when fIled after the deadline prescribed in S2(B)(3)(a) above. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 3 4. Contents of Permit Application. The permit application for a Special Event permit shall set forth, at a minimum, the following information: (a) name, address, and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct the Special Event; (b) if the Special Event is to be held by an organization, the organization and/or the authorized and responsible heads of such organization; (c) if the Special Event is to be held by or for any person other than the applicant, the applicant shall attach a written statement from that other person showing the applicant's authority to make the application; (d) proposed location and parking area's for the Special Event; (e) approximate number of persons who are attending and, if applicable, the number and types of animals and vehicles which will be present at such event; (0 location and size of tents, awnings, canopies, food service booths, or other temporary structures shall be shown; (g) details for any planned signage; (h) when loudspeakers will be used, the location and orientation of those speakers shall be shown; (i) date(s) and time(s) the Special Event will start and terminate; G) time at which on-site activities in preparation for the Special Event will begin; (k) purpose ofthe Special Event; (1) if the event is to be held on private property, the applicant shall attach a written statement evidencing permission for the holding of the Special Event from the owner of the property or his/its authorized representative; and (m) any other information which the City and/or the Building Official shall deem necessary as determined under the Standards for Issuance set forth in S3(B)(5) below. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 4 5. Standards for Issuance. The following, among any others deemed necessary by the City and/or the Building Official, are standards to be considered in issuing a Special Event permit: The Special Event: (a) must not substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic near its location and/or route; (b) must not require the diversion of so great a number of police officers to properly police the event locale or line of movement and the adjacent areas as to prevent normal protection for the City; (c) must not require the diversion of so great a number of ambulances as to prevent normal ambulance service to portions of the City other than that to be occupied by the event and adjacent areas; (d) must not interfere with the movement of fire-fighting equipment en-route to a fire. The concentration of people, animals, and vehicles at assembly points will not unduly interfere with proper fire and police protection or ambulance service to areas near such assembly points; and (e) must not unduly interfere with or interrupt commerce and/or trade of adjacent businesses. 6. Denial or Revocation. (a) The Building Official may deny a Special Event permit if, In his/her sole discretion, the: (i) Special Event will conflict in time and location with another event for which a permit has already been granted; (ii) applicant fails to comply with or the Special Event will violate an ordinance of the City or any other applicable law; (iii) applicant makes or permits the making of a false or misleading statement or omission of material fact on an application for a Special Event; (iv) applicant has been convicted of violating this Ordinance or has had a Special Event permit revoked within the preceding twelve (12) months; Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 5 (v) applicant fails to provide proof of a license or permit required by this or any other City Ordinance or by state law; (vi) Special Event, in the opinion of one (1) or more City department directors, would severely hinder the delivery of normal or emergency services or constitutes a public threat; or (vii) Special Event is likely to adversely impact the ability of adjacent businesses to conduct trade and/or commerce. (b) A special permit shall be revoked if: (i) the City's Police Chief, Fire Chief or Public Services Director, or their respective designated representative, find that any of the provisions of this or any other City ordinance or state law is being violated. The City's Police Chief, Fire Chief, or Public Services Director, or their respective designated representative, shall immediately notify the Building Official of this finding, and the permit issued hereunder shall immediately be revoked; (ii) in the judgment of the City's Police Chief, Fire Chief, or Public Services Director, or their respective designated representative, a violation of this Ordinance exists which requires immediate abatement, the City's Police Chief, Fire Chief, or Public Services Director, or their respective designated representative, shall have the authority to revoke a permit in the absence or unavailability of the Building Official; or (iii) the applicant made, or permitted to be made, a false or misleading statement or omission of material fact on an application for a Special Event. 7. Appeals. Appeals from a decision of the Building Official, the City's Police Chief, Fire Chief, or Public Services Director, or their respective designated representative, shall be made in writing to the City Manager within seven (7) working days of the decision of the Building Official, the City's Police Chief, Fire Chief, or Public Services Director, or their respective designated representative. The City Manager will consider the appeal and render a decision within a reasonable time from hislher receipt of the appeal. The City Manager's decision shall be final. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 6 8. Duration of Permit. The permit granted under the terms of this Ordinance shall not exceed a period of fourteen (14) days. Another Special Event permit shall not be granted for the same location until at least thirty (30) days have lapsed from the expiration of the previous Special Event permit. SECTION 4: SPECIAL EVENT PARKING REQUIREMENTS. A. Applicant Parking Requirements. 1. Applicant shall submit evidence to the Building Official that sufficient parking has been provided to accommodate the projected number of, among others, users, vendors, visitors and attendees (i.e. all persons attending and/or working at the Special Event) of the Special Event with a ten percent (10%) surplus. If said parking is to be on private property adjacent to the Special Event, written evidence that the applicant has a right of possession of said property through ownership, lease, license, or other property interest must be submitted to the Building Official. When the location is not an established parking area, the applicant must submit a plan to the Building Official evidencing how the needed parking will be achieved and arranged. The number of parking spaces and layout of the parking area, including but not limited to, aisle widths and size of parking spaces, shall be included in the submittal. 2. When adequate parking is not available at or immediately adjacent to the site of the Special Event, off-site parking may be used subject to the approval of the Building Official. The applicant must submit plans to the Building Official evidencing how off-site parking and transfer of the, among others, users, vendors, visitors and attendees (i.e. all persons attending and/or working at the Special Event) will be accomplished. B. City Authoritv Over Parking. The City shall have the authority, when necessary as determined by the Police Department, to prohibit and/or restrict the parking of vehicles along a street and/or highway, or part thereof, adjacent to the site of the Special Event. The City shall post signs to such effect, and it will be unlawful for any person to park and/or leave unattended any vehicle in violation thereof. SECTION 5: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. A. Notice to Abutting Property Owners. The Building Official shall have authority to require that sponsor( s) and/or the applicant send notices of upcoming Special Events to abutting property owners when, in the Building Official's judgment, the Special Event is of a scope and nature that will impact those owners. B. Trailers. Trailers or other vehicles may be temporarily occupied as living quarters at the site of such Special Events. Such vehicles and/or trailers shall be parked no less than three hundred feet (300') from any residential district. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 7 C. Amusement Rides. Rides and/or attractions associated with Special Events shall conform with the statutory rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 21, article 21.53 of the Texas Insurance Code, designated the Amusement Ride Safety Inspection and Insurance Act, as amended. D. Hours of Operation. A Special Event may be conducted only between the hours of7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. daily. The Police Department shall be responsible for enforcing this provision. The Building Official may, in his sole discretion, waive the time limit on certain Special Events when good cause is demonstrated by sponsor(s) and/or the applicant. Appeals of time limit restrictions may be made to the City Manager in accordance with ~3(B)(7) (Appeals) herein. E. Tents and Temporary Structures. Any Special Event which includes the use of a tent, canopy and/or other temporary structure shall meet the requirements set forth the City's Fire Code, except that a separate permit is not required when a Special Event permit has been obtained in accordance with this Ordinance. Fire lanes for emergency equipment must be provided, and the site must be prepared in a manner so as not to be a fire hazard as determined by the City's Fire Chief. F. Food Service. Where food service is provided, said operation shall be in compliance with all provisions of the food and food establishment ordinances of the City, as well as other applicable state and local laws. G. Sanitary Facilities. A minimum of two (2) portable-type sanitary facilities must be provided on the premises of the Special Event; however, additional portable-type sanitary facilities may be required as determined by the Building Official or hislher designated inspector. H. Animal Waste. Waste from animals used in any Special Event shall be removed daily from the premises of the Special Event. Animals used during a Special Event may be kept within the City limits over night; however, said animals shall be kept no less than three hundred feet (300') from any developed residential and/or commercial district. I. Water Usage and Disposal of Wastewater. Any Special Event or related activity desiring use of water from the City's water system must be coordinated with the City's Public Services Director to obtain a temporary meter. Deposit for the meter and payment for water used shall be in accordance with any and all applicable City ordinances. J. Solid waste Dumpster. Commercial solid waste dumpsters must be provided on-site at all outdoor Special Events. The applicant and/or sponsor(s) shall make arrangements for the provision of such dumpsters. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 8 K. Loudspeakers. (1) When loudspeakers will be used in conjunction with the Special Event, the location and orientation of the speakers shall be indicated and submitted with the application along with the planned hours of usage. Any usage of loudspeakers must be in compliance with this Ordinance. (2) Speakers should be positioned so as not to adversely affect an adjacent residential district and only used between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. provided a Special Event permit has been obtained in accordance with this Ordinance. (3) Any use of loudspeakers, other than as allowed herein, must receive pnor approval of the City Council. L. Discretionary Staffing. The City shall have authority to require that sponsor(s) and/or the applicant provide ambulance and/or security services during the Special Event. Any ambulance and/or security service(s) required by the City to be provided during the Special Event shall be at the sole cost and expense, if any, of the sponsor(s) and/or applicant. SECTION 6: PENALTY PROVISION. Any person, firm, corporation or business entity violating this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. The penal provisions imposed under this Ordinance shall not preclude Wylie from filing suit to enjoin the violation. Wylie retains all legal rights and remedies available to it pursuant to local, state and federal law. SECTION 7: SA VINGS/REPEALING CLAUSE. All provisions of any ordinance in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent they are in conflict; but such repeal shall not abate any pending prosecution for violation of the repealed ordinance, nor shall the repeal prevent a prosecution from being commenced for any violation if occurring prior to the repeal of the ordinance. Any remaining portions of said ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 8: SEVERABILITY. Should any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, it is expressly provided that any and all remaining portions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Wylie hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase hereof irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, and phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid. SECTION 9: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption and publication as required by the Wylie City Charter and by law. Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 9 DUL Y PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on this 28th day of June 2005. .~JY JO MO D~ Mayor ATTESTED TO AND \\\\11111111// CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: ~,~": <?.~...~ ~"/ePROVED AS TO FORM: ~ '- ':.._$e o~.~$ ~ ~ ~ C,): f~"~~~ \ -:. ~ f ({:.-;7~1. ~ ~ J V-lQ " ~ . . " ~ i ',''''...1 . _ " - ~ e::=~: ~ \. ..........,......./~ @CHARD M. A RNA THY "" "'rYL1E l't.i-'?-,,"'City Attorney III ' \\' ///1111111\\\\ Date of Publication in The WvZe News - July 6,2005 Ordinance No. 2005-27 Rules and Regulations for Special Events Page 10 . ~ cas Media, Inc. m:be j/'armerl>biUe m:imel> . Murphy Monitor. The Princeton Herald · The Sachse News. THE WYLIE NEWS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ord. No. 2005-25, Ord. No. 2005-26, Ord. No. 2005-27, Ord. No. 2005-28, Ord. No. 2005-29 was published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: July 6, 2005 ~ Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the (~ day of t?o , 2005 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ..<..........:'::-'r~',-,.i11'""~&.o~'>..<:~~....~~~h""';~~._.;l;.,. "......"v li:t,;..., $ /~~~...:.. ~(i\ ADA L. MOONEY ( (In \ . Notary Public: . "'f";!i"~.' I' . I S'.~ f T ; /f.";~\ ./' "" ta 0 €xas ,.....\. /-Pj '\!~::-:.".. .,~,,, My Comm. bp., 01,02,07 ~.!;~.~/f ~ ~ ~ /t~l Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My commission expires 01102/07 Murphy/SachselWylie Office. 110 N, Ballard. P,O, Box 369. Wylie, TX 75098.972-442-5515. fax 972-442-4318 Farmersville/Princeton Office. 101 S. Main. P,O, Box 512. Farmersville, TX 75442.972-784-6397. fax 972-782-7023 r CUMPKt'.Hl;,l'l:,)! V J::'., \J-Il_'/I 11'- a,~.~I,"'''''''''-' .._.....~".,,~ __.,,__,. TIVE DATE. must be made 4R hours prior to the meeting. Contact the Office of the City Secretary at (972) 442-R I m. or (TDD) (972) 442-8170 for assistance. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZON- ING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL An application has been received by the City of Wylie for a: PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE Zoning Case Number: 2005-13 Applicant: Ryan Betz with Skorburg Company Location: East side of old FM 544, south of Stone Road Property Description: See Attached 'Legal Description Present Zoning: Agriculture (A) Requested Zoning:Planned Development (PD) EMERGENCY MAN- AGEMENT; ACKNOWL- EDGING THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MAN- AGEMENT DIRECTOR; AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF AN EMERGENCY MAN- AGEMENT COORDINA- TOR; AND PROVIDING FOR THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THOSE OFFICES; IDEN- TIFYING AN OPERA- TIONAL ORGANIZA- TION; GRANTING NEC- ESSARY POWERS TO COPE WITH ALL PHAS- ES OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT WHICH THREATEN LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AND MUTUAL AID AGREE-' MENTS FOR RELIEF WORK BETWEEN THIS AND OTHER CITIES QR COUNTIES AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES; REPEALING CITY OF WYLIE ORDINANCE NO. 91-16; PROVIDING t;.OR A ~ENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING. SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDI- NANCE; AND PROVID- ING FOR THE PUBLICA- TION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. 2005-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS, ADDING SEC- TION 110-21 TO THE WYLIE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES; PLACING RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE, OPERATION OR RIDING OF SKATES, SKATEBOARDS OR SIMILAR NON-MOTOR- IZED ROLLING DEVICES. OR THE PRO- PELLING OF ONESELF OR ANOTHER ON SKATES, SKATE- BOARDS OR SIMILAR NON-MOTORIZED ROLLING DEVICES ON BALLARD STREET AND THE SIDEWALKS ALONG BALLARD STREET BETWEEN HIGHWAY 78 AND BROWN STREET.; PRO- VIDING FOR A PENAL- TY FOR ALL PERSONS AND . PARENTS '.OF MINOR; PROVIDING A REPEALING. SEVER- ABILITY AND SAVINGS CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING AN EFFEC- TIVE DATE; AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE PUB- LICATION OF THE CAP- TION HEREOF. Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change #2005-13 BEING a tract of land located south of Slone Road. and west of old FM 544 South and further described as: BEING a 185.1449 acre trael of land situated in the E.M. Price Survey, Abstract No. 725, the D.W. Williams Survey, Abstract No. 980. the Nathaniel' Allerberry Survey. Abstract. No. 1099. and the William' I Sullon Survey. Abstract I No. 860. Collin County, Texas and the E,M. Price I Survey, Abstract No. 1114, I Dallas CO\lIlty, Texas. said trael being all of a 53.41 J acre tractol: land a!ld a 134.33 aqe tract of land conveyed by deed to Mrs. Thelma Rice by Lone Star Boat Co., recorded in Volume 561. Page 226, Deed Rccords, Collin COUnly. Texas W.R.C.C.T.) save and except parcels take for road rights-of-way and being more particularly described as follows: Proposed Residential Uses This public hearing is held to consider the application as an amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the. City of Wylie, Texas and the Official Zoning Map. The request will be considered as follows: City Council: Tuesday, July 26. 2005. 6:00 pm Each public hearing will be held at the following loca- tion: City Council Chambers of the Municipal Complex John Mondy, Mayor 2000 Highway 78 North, Wylie, Texas AN ORDINANCE OF ATTEST: This notice has been sent to THE CITY OF WYLIE. Carole Ehrlich. Cit~a owners of real property TEXAS, ESTABLlSHIN~secretarY ithin 200 feet of the RULES AND REGULA 6-1 t-339-208Ii request as such ownership TIONS FOR SPECIAL PUBLIC NOTICE appears on the last EVENTS; PROVIDING approved city tax roll. FOR A PERMIT FEE; The Board of Adjustment Action by the Planning and PROVIDING FOR THE of the City of Sachse will Zoning Commission serves ISSUANCE AND REVO- meet on Thursday, July 21, as a recommendation to the CATION OF PERMITS; 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at Sachse City Council and is not a PROVIDING FOR A City Hall, 5560 Hwy. 78. to final action on the request. PENALTY FOR THE hear a request from ASG If the Commission recom- VIOLATION OF THIS Rea Estate Company for a mends, denial, a three- ORDINANCE; PROVID- variance at property locat- fourths majority vote by ING FOR REPEALING, ed approximately in the the City Council shall be SAVINGS AND SEVER- 7000 Block of State required for approval. ABILITY CLAUSES; Highway 78, further Zoning districts. amend- PROVIDING FOR AN known as Tract 15, in the ments and conditions rec- EFFECTIVE DATE OF James Cumba Abstract ommended by the THIS ORDINANCE; AND #1747, City of Sachse, Commission for approval ner; PROVIDING FOR THE Dallas County; and Tract by the City Council may be PUBLICATION OF THE 32, in the James Cumba more restrictive than those THENCE N 47 degrees 43 CAPTION HEREOF Abstract #243, in the City described in this notice. minutes 58 seconds West, e,.""'_~___"> 'i'::i';i~u;,~;;('::i;:~-'. 1 i$'ll"f _ : ~vTrr\ll1 ~Jl_ ',JlUt r .iIJlMrA. "'Wf!~l.~"~'k~~RU.uiUjJ",~IA&~',,,~. BEGINNING at a _" iron rod found for corner and being the intersection of the Westerly line of said 134.33 acre tract of land with the Northerly line of Vinson Road (a 60' ROW) said intersection point being at the most easterly corner of 'Twin Creeks Estates, an addition to the City of Wylie. recorded in Volume 72, Page 808, Map Records, Dallas County. Texas; ORDINANCE NO. 2005-27 THENCE N 47 degrees 41 minutes 51 seconds West, along an old fence line. and on the Easterly line of said Twin Creek Estates, a dis- tance of 1276.47 feet to a _" iron rod found for cor-