Ordinance 2005-33 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DENYING THE REQUEST OF A TMOS ENERGY CORP., MID- TEX DIVISION, FOR AN ANNUAL GAS RELIABILITY INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM (GRIP) RATE INCREASE IN THIS MUNICIPALITY, AS A PART OF THE COMPANY'S STATEWIDE GAS UTILITY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM; APPROVING COOPERATION WITH OTHER CITIES WITHIN THE ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AS PART OF THE ATMOS CITIES STEERING COMMITTEE (ACSC); AUTHORIZING ACSC TO HIRE LEGAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES AND TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE COMPANY AND DIRECT ANY NECESSARY LITIGATION; AUTHORIZING INTERVENTION AS PART OF ACSC IN ANY APPEAL OF THE CITY'S ACTION TO THE RAILROAD COMMISSION; APPROVING COSTS INCURRED AS REASONABLE AND PROVIDING A REQUIREMENT FOR PROMPT REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS; FINDING THAT THE MEETING AT WHICH THIS ORDINANCE IS PASSED IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE TO A TMOS ENERGY CORP., MID-TEX DIVISION. WHEREAS, on or about December 17, 2004, Atmos Energy Corp., Mid-Tex Division, (the "Company") filed with the City of Wylie ("City"), a request pursuant to Texas Utilities Code S 104.301 for an annual gas reliability infrastructure program (GRIP) rate increase for customers on the Company's statewide gas utility system to be effective February 15, 2005, and subsequently extended that effective date until March 4, 2005, for some cities on its system; and WHEREAS, the City has exclusive original jurisdiction to evaluate the Company's request as it pertains to the distribution facilities located within the City, pursuant to Texas Utilities Code SS 102.001(b) and 103.001; and WHEREAS, the City timely acted to suspend the effective date of Atmos' proposed rate increase; and WHEREAS, it is reasonable for the City of Wylie to cooperate with other cities in a coalition of cities in opposition to the Company's filing at the Railroad Commission ("Commission"), said coalition being known as Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC"), in any appeal of the cities' actions to the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Gas Utility Regulatory Act grants local regulatory authorities the right to intervene in rate proceedings filed at the Railroad Commission; and WHEREAS, the Texas Utilities Code S 103.022 provides that costs incurred by the City in ratemaking activities are to be reimbursed by the regulated utility; and Ordinance 2005-2005-33 Denying ATMOS Energy Rate Increase (GRIP) 1 WHEREAS, ACSC's rate case expenses incurred in this proceeding are reasonable and should be reimbursed by the Company; and WHEREAS, counsel for ACSC, upon review of the Company's filing and upon consultation with various consultants, recommends finding that the Company's proposal is unjustified, unreasonable and is not in compliance with the GRIP statute (Texas Utilities Code S 104.301) either in fact or in law; and WHEREAS, information provided by the Company in response to ACSC's requests for information indicates that the Company actually decreased per-customer investment in infrastructure during calendar year 2003; and WHEREAS, the Company has publicly stated that it will receive substantial profit in 2005 over that approved by the Commission in GUD No. 9400; and WHEREAS, the Company's GRIP request fails to account for growth in numbers of customers, thereby undercounting the revenues it will receive from its proposed GRIP rate increase; and WHEREAS, the Company's GRIP request fails to recognize that GUD No. 9400 rates included profit based on TXU Corporation's capital structure rather than Atmos Energy Corp.'s current capital structure, which justifies a lower rate of return; and WHEREAS, the information reviewed by the ACSC consultants indicates that implementation of the Company's GRIP request would result in further over-earning by the Company above that approved by the Commission in GUD No. 9400; and WHEREAS, in consideration of the city taking action before August 12, 2005, on the currently pending GRIP request, the Company has agreed not to file any additional GRIP requests before September 15,2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Company's GRIP rate increase request is found to be unjustified, unreasonable and in violation of the GRIP statute and is therefore denied in all respects. The defects in the request include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) the Company improperly calculated its 2003 rate base; (b) the Company included in its calculation projects unrelated to system improvement; (c) the Company failed to recognize the increased revenues it is now receiving due to increased rates approved by the Commission in GUD No. 9400 and due to customer growth; (d) information supplied by the Company indicated that the Company actually decreased its per-customer investment in infrastructure in calendar year 2003; (e) approval of the Company's GRIP request would result in over-earning by the Company in the year of implementation; and (f) the Company has failed to demonstrate that it meets the statutory prerequisites to qualify for a GRIP rate increase or that its proposed method of implementation of the GRIP statute constitutes a constitutional application of the statute. Ordinance 2005-2005-33 Denying ATMOS Energy Rate Increase (GRIP) 2 SECTION 2. That the City is authorized to cooperate with other Cities within the Company's Distribution System that have formed ACSC to hire and direct legal counsel and consultants, negotiate with the Company, make recommendations to the City regarding reasonable rates and to direct any necessary litigation associated with an appeal of this ordinance to the Commission. SECTION 3. That the costs incurred by ACSC in reviewing the Company's GRIP request and representing ACSC in this proceeding are hereby found to be reasonable and, upon submission to the Company, shall be promptly reimbursed by the Company. SECTION 4. That the City is authorized to intervene in any appeal of the city's action filed at the Commission, and to participate in any such appeal as a member of ACSC. SECTION 5. That this Ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after its passage, as the law and charter in such cases provide. SECTION 6. That it is hereby officially found and determined that the meeting at which this Ordinance is passed is open to the public as required by law and that public notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting was given as required. SECTION 7. That a copy of this ordinance, constituting final action on the Company's application, shall be forwarded to the appropriate designated representative of the Company within 10 days as follows: Richard Reis, Manager, Gas Regulation, Atmos Energy Corp., Mid- Tex Division, Lincoln Center II, 18th Floor, 5420 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, Texas, 75240. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 12th day of July, 2005. ,,,,,,y~E4 y ,\\"\\\0 F ,ondy, Mayor ....,.....il '" ............ f--.( '~ ~ ,-".- e. / ~ ~ CJ ..- ~'. ~ ~ - : ~-~ . - == : (" r::r; L ~ ~ = . ':'C'" : = S \ !f",~-_:::.~~ .f ~ .... .- -:..... ...:- ~ <'Ie"". .'it.::: ~ ~ ~.........~ ry...C:J " ',,/1'1., E 1t.-'1- ,\",.... / "'" 1.'11" \ \ \ \ ATTEST: Date of Publication in The Wvlie News - July 13,2005 Ordinance 2005-2005-33 Denying A TMOS Energy Rate Increase (GRIP) 3 * C~S Media, Inc. \!r:be j/'armerljuiUe IJimelj . Murphy Monitor. The Princeton Herald · The Sachse News. THE WYLIE NEWS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, publisher of The Wylie News, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn, deposed and says that the foregoing attached City of Wylie Ord. No. 2005-31, Ord. No. 2005-32, Ord. No. 2005-33 was published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: July 27, 2005 ()Jj? Chad Engbrock, Publisher Subscribed and sworn before me on this, the ~ day of ~. , 2005 to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. ""~.':',;..J'''~'~V~''-::~l:o'''''\~,A~.... .....-;v;:.~"...._ ,l (/-;'1:i~~\~\.. ADrfo~r~~.~g~~Y , .1 ~. H State of! ilxaS ~..\. /~I "~;o.':'; '7 My Comm [,:p. '11-02-07 -'" --'" fP-~ X ~ Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My commission expires 01/02/07 Murphy/SachselWylie Office. 110 N. Ballard. P.O. Box 369. Wylie, TX 75098.972-442-5515. fax 972-442-4318 FarmersvilleIPrinceton Office. 101 S. Main. P.O. Box 512 . Farmersville, TX 75442 . 972-784-6397 . fax 972-782-7023 r July 20-21, 2005 - C&S Media Publications - Section C - Page 7 iified Advertising TexSCAN Order Form ~ The Classifieds SELECT REGION(S) AD IS TO RUN o Statewide ($400) 0 North Region ($175) 0 South Region ($175) CJ West Region ($175) (Extra words '14 each) (Extra words '6 each) (Extra words '6 each) (Extra words '6 each) o Combination of 2 regions ($300) (extra words $10 each) Specify regions: _+_ Use lines below to write your classified ad. Company name, phone numbers, street address, city, state and ZIP Code each count as one word. Count words and cost, placing totals in blanks provided: Words: Cost: 16 (CONSOLIDATED FEES AND CHARGES /FEE SCHEDULE ORDI- NANCE); PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAV- INGS AND SEVERABIL- ITY CLAUSES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. ORDINANCE NO. 2005-33 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, DENYING THE REQUEST OF ATMOS ENERGY CORP., MID- TEX DIVISION, FOR AN ANNUAL GAS RELIA- BILITY INFRASTRUC- TURE PROGRAM (GRIP) RATE INCREASE IN THIS MUNICIPALITY, AS A PART OF THE COMPA- NY'S STATEWIDE GAS UTILITY DISTRIBU- TION SYSTEM; APPROVING COOPER- ATION WITH OTHER CITIES WITHIN THE tising VERTISING I leek payable to K75098 ATMOS ENERGY FOR NOTICE OF THIS CORP., MID-TEX DIVI- ORDINANCE TO SION DISTRIBUTION ATMOS ENERGY SYSTEM AS PART OF CORP., MID-TEX DIVI- THE ATMOS CITIES SION. STEERING COMMIT- TEE (ACSC); AUTHO- John Mondy, Mayor RIZING ACSC TO HIRE ATTEST: LEGAL AND CONSULT-Carole Ehrlich, ING SERVICES AND TO City Secretary NEGOTIATE WITH THE~ 9-lt-339-108Ii COMPANY AND NOTICE TO BIDDE DIRECT ANY NECES- SARY LITIGATION; THE CITYOF AUTHORIZING INTER- SACHSE IS ACCEPT. VENTION AS PART OF ING SEALED BIDS ACSC IN ANY APPEAL FOR A CONTRACT OF OF THE CITY'S SERVICES: ACTION TO THE RAIL- WRECKER SERVICES ROAD COMMISSION; CONTRACT APPROVING COSTS INCURRED AS REA- The City of Sachse desires SONABLE AND PRO- to pursue a three (3) year VIDING A REQUlRE- contract (or Wrecker MENT FOR PROMPT Services. bid specific a- REIMBURSEMENT OF tions and a draft contract COSTS; FINDING THAT may be obtained at the THE MEETING AT Sachse Police Department, WHICH THIS ORDI- 3815 Sachse Road, NANCE IS PASSED IS Sachse, Texas 75048. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AS REQUIRED BY Successful bidders must LAW; AND PROVIDING comply with all sections of the proposed contract and provide a list of fee's which will be used to establish the City's fee schedule. Failure to pro- vide service fees will be cause for rejection. Proposed fee's are subject to City Council approval. Sealed bids Addressed to the City Manager of the City of Sachse, 5560 Hwy 78 Sachse, Texas 75048, must be received no later than 9:59 a.m. August 2, 2005. All sealed bids received by the city will be opened in the City Hall Council Chambers, 5560 Hwy 78, Sachse, Texas 75048 at 10:00 a.m. August 2, 2005. Late bids will not be accepted. The City of Sachse reserves the right to reject any and all bids at its dis- cretion. 9-2t-1370-54 Ii _Exp_ ,~~~~*.;t4ii:;1f