03-08-2017 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Parks and Recreation Board { Sub-Committee OF WYLIE Subcommittee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 8,2017—5:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex Third Floor Public Services Conference Room Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER The meeting began at 5:35 p.m.with the three Acquisition and Improvement Park Project Subcommittee Members present: Board Chairman Rose, Board Member Chesnut, and Board Member Robinson. Staff members present: Parks and Recreation Superintendent, Robert Diaz, Parks Manager, Brent Stowers, and Parks Board Secretary, Janet Hawkes. A QUORUM OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS WAS NOT PRESENT FOR THIS MEETING. NO ACTION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE WAS TAKEN. DISCUSSION ITEMS Recommendations of potential projects utilizing the Parks and Acquisition and Improvement Fund. The Acquisition and Improvement (A& I) Subcommittee discussed with staff their final recommendations for the A& I project priority list for fiscal year 2017/2018. The current approximate balances in the A& I fund are$156,000 in the west zone, $115,000 in the central zone, and$119,000 in the east zone. The Subcommittee agreed on the following recommendations: 1. West Zone: addition of solar lighting at the Municipal Complex Trail, cost to be determined 2. East Zone: fund matching with the Wylie Lakes Homeowners Association for construction of a new pavilion in Wylie Lakes Park, $55,000 3. West Zone: park design and improvements for Parkside Park, $50,000 Superintendent Diaz advised that there will be an item added to the March 13th Parks and Recreation Board meeting agenda for Subcommittee Members to make a formal recommendation of the Acquisition and Improvement fund projects for Fiscal Year 2017/2018. Future Bond project recommendations for 4B Parks and Recreation Fund. Superintendent Diaz stated that the City Manager, Mindy Manson, requested staff obtain project recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Board on possible uses of 4B Parks and Recreation bond funds that could be available in late 2017. Staff is recommending the use of these funds go toward either land acquisition, or land development on an existing City park. Subcommittee Members agreed with staffs recommendation; however, expressed concern about land acquisition purchased for parkland being dedicated solely as parkland. Staff advised they would research and have information clarifying parkland dedication at the upcoming Parks and Recreation Board Meeting. Superintendent Diaz notified the Subcommittee that there will be a discussion item added to the March 13th meeting agenda for Parks and Recreation Board input. ADJOURNMENT The meeting ended at 6:35 p.m. ATTEST 96vYL/7f Janet Hawkes,Board Secretary oard Mem er Minutes March 8, 2017 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Sub-Committee Meeting Page 2