07-28-2008 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet Zoning Board of Adjustments /- a July 28, 2008 Regular Business Meeting PitWylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY CWWYLI NOTICE OF MEETING q Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, July 28, 2008 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — EOC/Staff Conference Room 2000 Highway 78 North Jeff Ellis Chair Linda Jourdan Vice-Chair Marilyn Herrera Board Member Bill Baumbach Board Member Karyn McGinnis Board Member David Dahl Alternate Board Member Bryan Rogers Alternate Board Member Renae 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Assistant Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: innr.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Board Members request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.442.8100 or TD 972.442.8170. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the June 23, 2008 Meeting. AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Aaron Lanman for a Variance to Sections 5.5.A and 5.5.E.2 requiring a Temporary Use to operate for less than 90- days and the use to conform in all respects to all other City regulations and standards, respectively. (ZBA 2008-05). Page 2 of 23 July 28,2008 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 25th day of July, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Page 3 of 23 This page intentionally blank Page 4 of 23 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Monday, June 23, 2008 — 7:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 2000 Highway 78 North CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Chair Jeff Ellis called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and that a quorum was present. Board Members present were; Board Member Karyn McGinnis, Board Member Layne LeBaron, Board Member Marilyn Herrera, and Vice Chair Linda Jourdan. Staff members present were: Planning Director Renae 011ie, Assistant Planner Jasen Haskins, and Administrative Assistant Mary Bradley. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the April 28, 2008 Meeting. A motion was made by Board Member Herrera, and seconded by Board Member McGinnis, to approve the Minutes from the April 28, 2008 Meeting as submitted. Motion carried 5 — 0. Minutes June 23, 2008 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 4 Page 5 of 23 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Robert Heath for a Variance to Section 6.3.E.5(f) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base façade materials for residential structures within the Downtown Historic District (DTH) to be wood siding or composite masonry materials with a wood pattern. (ZBA 2008-03) Mr. Haskins stated that the property is located at 304 N. Ballard, Lot 7B, Block 6 of Railroad Addition and is zoned Downtown Historic District (DTH). The requested variance represents a 100% adjustment to the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant provided remodel construction plan drawings that were approved in December 2007. Those drawings show wood or wood like siding. However, during the remodel process stone was added to the entire façade and a portion of the building sides. Stone with wood pattern is allowed on residential style structures within the DTH District. The intent of the ordinance within the DTH District is to retain a historical and consistent appearance between all residential style structures whether the use of the building is residential or commercial. The applicant states that a hardship exists due to the remodel work being completed and the expense of removing the stone material. Public comment forms were mailed to 25 property owners and no responses in favor or against were mailed back. However, the applicant has provided three letters from surrounding property owners in favor of the stone material. Chair Ellis opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Robert Heath, 205 Arborview, Wylie, the applicant for the subject property, stated that the intent is to keep the building historical and old, and feels the stone does make it look turn of the century. When the remodeling construction was done, the vinyl siding had several areas that needed repair. First the siding on the front was replaced with the stone façade, and then the sides were replaced. The hardship is not just on him the property owner of the property, but on eight potential business owners/leaser of the property. The city did not notify him that the stone was not allowed until after the construction was complete. Board Member Herrera questioned why the drawings shown wood siding when submitted, but changed without coming to the city with the changes. Mr. Heath stated that the wood siding under the vinyl siding was in poor shape. Once the stone was installed around the porch area, the building did not look right. So, the stone was installed around the front, then around the both sides of the building. Minutes June 23, 2008 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 4 Page 6 of 23 Chair Ellis questioned if both the code enforcement and building inspectors, are familiar with the zoning ordinance, or if just the code enforcement officers. Ms. 011ie stated that building inspectors are familiar with construction codes, code enforcement is familiar with construction codes also, but when a complaint is received the code enforcement researches whether the issue is construction or zoning. In this case, a complaint was received and the issue was zoning. Board Member Herrera expressed concern of the plans changed without coming to the city for clarification or a permit, and stone not allowed within the DTH District. Chair Ellis stated that the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance and if the applicant so chooses they may approach the Commission and Council to have a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow stone within the DTH District. Chair Ellis also expressed concerned over setting precedence if the variance is granted, others will come and claim ignorance and request to have stone within the DTH District. He also expressed concern of the financial aspect for removing the stone, and asked the process of the applicant requesting that a text amendment be done in order to allow commercial buildings within the DTH to have stone façade material. Ms. 011ie stated six to eight weeks is the usual process. Mr. Robert Heath, father of the applicant, 4506 E Parker Road, Wylie, spoke in favor of the stone façade material. He stated that the stone was keeping the spirit in what the intent of achieving historic looks within the downtown historic district. He owns several properties within the downtown area of North Ballard, and stated that when remodeling of a building was done, there was never a complaint on the type of material. Chair Ellis closed the Public Hearing. Board Members discussed the ability for the applicant to request an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow stone, and the time factor associated with the granting a variance with the stipulation of text amendment being approved. Board Member Herrera reminded the Board Members that the applicant had the capability to request the text amendment, whether a variance was granted or not. Chair Ellis asked the time frame if the request was denied, when the fees start accumulating due to non-compliance. Ms. 011ie recommended that the applicant notify the Planning Department and the Building Department of the intent to request a text amendment to the Zoning Ordinance within the next two to three days. Once that is complete, Building Inspection will hold off issuing citations. However, if the text amendment is denied at City Council, then the applicant will have ten days to remove the stone façade material. No motion was made, the request for a variance to Section 6.3.E.5(f) of the Zoning Ordinance requiring the base façade materials for residential structures within the Downtown Historic District (DTH) to be wood siding or composite masonry materials with a wood pattern, the request was Denied. Minutes June 23, 2008 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 4 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Mike Sferra (City of Wylie Public Services) for a Variance to Section 7.3.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring that all parking shall occur on concrete pavement. (ZBA 2008-04). Mr. Haskins stated that the subject property is located on Lot 2, Block A of the Wylie High School Addition, generally located north of Hensley, east of Sanden, and directly to the south of Wylie High School. The applicant requests a variance to Section 7.3.C.3 of the Zoning Ordinance requiring that all parking shall occur on concrete pavement. The applicant is requesting to use an alternate material within certain parking spaces with the brand name of GrassPave or crushed gravel. The requested variance would allow the alternate material to be used in any parking space within or touching the gas line easement. The reason for this request is that the owner of the gas line easement within the park property does not allow concrete parking spaces within the easement. The applicant states that a hardship exists due to the large (nearly 50') gas easement that extends across the entire property. Public comment forms were mailed to 17 property owners, and no responses were received in favor or against the request. Chair Ellis opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Mike Sferra, Director Public Works, City of Wylie, stated that the alternate material would be over certain parking spaces that touch or are over the easement. Approximately there are 41 parking spaces that will have the alternate material, whether it is crushed gravel or GrassPave. The remaining approximately 400 parking spaces will have concrete pavement. The Board Members discussed the desire to have a parking lot that would be kid friendly, especially since the parking lot is for a park and ball fields. Mr. Sferra stated that the parking spaces are just an estimate and they could increase or decrease. Chair Ellis closed the Public Hearing. Board Members discussed the inconsistencies of only having a small portion of the parking lot with the alternate material. Mr. Haskins stated the Board could make a motion granting the variance by putting a percentage of how many overall parking spaces can have either the GrassPave or Crushed Gravel pavement. The Board Members discussed stipulating up to twenty percent of the parking lot to be either GrassPave or crushed gravel. A motion was made by Board Member Herrera, and seconded by Board Member Jourdan, to Grant the twenty percent total variance allowed for GrassPave as the alternate pavement, for the request to a variance to Section 7.3.C.3 of the Zoning Minutes June 23, 2008 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 4 of 4 Ordinance requiring that all parking shall occur on concrete pavement, property generally located North of Hensley and East of Sanden Lot 2, Block A of the Wylie High School Addition. Motion carried 4 — 1, with Board Member LeBaron voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Herrera, and seconded by Board Member McGinnis, all Board Members were in consensus, and meeting adjourned at 7:46p.m. Jeff Ellis, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Secretary Minutes June 23, 2008 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 5 of 4 This page intentionally blank Page 10 of 23 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF WY LIE ........................................................._ AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: July 28, 2008 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Case Number: ZBA 2008-05 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Project Location: 117 N. Ballard Date Prepared: July 21, 2008 Subdivision Name: Keller's First Addition Location Map, Letter from Applicant,Pictures, Survey, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Variance to Sections 5.5.A and 5.5.E.2 requiring a Temporary Use to operate for less than 90-days and the use to conform in all respects to all other City regulations and standards,respectively, the subject property located at 117 N. Ballard in the Keller's First Addition, Lots 2B and 3B Block 1. (ZBA 2008-05) Discussion The subject property is located at 117 N. Ballard. The applicant requests variances to Sections 5.5.A and 5.5.E.2 Zoning Ordinance requiring a Temporary Use to operate for less than 90-days and the use to conform in all respects to all other City regulations and standards, respectively. The applicant is requesting the placement of a temporary structure while a new office facility is constructed. The temporary structure the applicant is proposing will be in place for more than 90 days, thus the need for a variance to Section 5.5.A., nor does the structure meet the building requirements for the Downtown Historic District(DTH), Section 6.3.E.5(e) of the Zoning Ordinance, which requires the base facade materials for commercial structures within the DTH to be brick or stone. The intent of the ordinance within the DTH is to retain a historical and consistent appearance between all commercial structures whether the use of the building is residential or commercial. The requested variance represents a 100% adjustment to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has provided materials that show the appearance, dimensions, and placement of the proposed temporary structure to be used as an office. The applicant states that a hardship exists due to the timeframes involved in getting City approval for and constructing new offices. Additionally, a hardship exists due to the unique nature of the size of the lot and the DTH ordinances which are necessarily restrictive on expansion and remodeling. Pending approval of this request, the temporary structure will still be required to comply with the building code ordinance as issued and enforced by the City Building Inspection Department. Public comment forms were mailed to 46 property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. One response in favor of the variance has been received at the time of this posting. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or Page 1 of 2 Page 11 of 23 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2008-03 (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance,if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance,if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance,if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/22/08 Page 12 of 23 Da Vinci ] 41111trif! ri? Illik I Lone ._ J Pill i r i .._.._.._.._.._..� i rr/� i } Subject Sikors Court I Properly i r i : Lt/H-7 •-1 L..� Hr i i. fl West Brown Sire:t ! r. a I_ drown Street _ MN "ci) 11111111111111111_c [ /MIR — — o ' 11111 Je erson Street -a I� r p �, 2 4 iliii I ' cn �� i' �. p i _ i im •i r . , Marble Street Marble aN f 1 _' /. ,... IU Q w+ ,` - 3 �n ,ME _ — Q —J Er_ ' /' ./ i - ._ - Oak StreF.,et Oak Street EL ] - - vi ._.. ' p�j N — ,....__ .,,,, ,...g rf c- - i' �_. 1TE Oa r ..-.. f..gm . ' �, ti; Masters Avenue i ' a OPP /.''''' ;� L.._.:_m .ter to : F- Li._ / , ` .terms +- C0 wl� �� cn ,'' �' Court �' ' �■^iir J' nom w sir •,, ``o� r u ler treet _ e rz"i _ Q C Street �- >":. i CO - I HM RHI -Rd LOCATION ZBA #2008-05 Page 13 of 23 didt Tel a - sseelaites di t.. „. ; Nunie RA. 11111,ff July 2, 2008 To: City of Wylie Re: Variance To Whom It May Concern: We want to submit a request for a variance in the City of Wylie ordinance for metal buildings/construction trailers. In April 2008 we purchased land, in Wylie, to building our new facility. We have met with the City several times and are currently finalizing our site and building plans for this facility. Unfortunately, this process takes quite a bit of time and our need for additional space is upon us. Until our new facility can be completed, (Estimated Completion is April/May 2009) we would like to utilize a temporary mobile office (See attached) behind our current building at 117 N. Ballard Avenue. Thank yo Aaron J an Pediatric Associates of Wylie, P.A. (972) 442-2300 119 N. Ballard Ave. - P.O. Box 125—Wylie,Teegse 1745g92§—(972) 442-2300 - (972)442-2180 Fax ` �� ����� I�����Y� �~11,111 ' ' ' UUamo Sco�man'sgmund-leve mobile units offer convenience and �rkw quick access tn on-site office space.Perfect for containing building | materials on construction sites,housing necessary equipment on military bases for drill teams,or providing a nunvemiontmatnriu|$bffiom location � on park grounds.These versatile units can bn quickly and easily set up. � "47x8'combination layout-15'office space and 2S'storage °Exterior is corrugated Cur-Ten Steel with fm|y welded xnmmo " ISO certified-maximum payload of58,4UO|ha-guaranteed towithstand � � the rigors nfsite construction ^Interior ia complete with plan table and desk •Interior door is keyed tu allow entry to the storage area by contractors and -�1 separate entry to the office by project or site managers ~ Sub-contractors can access the storage areas without access tu the office �-* ��� [-_] F- �� ||U�' � � ������ F-N� � °Exterior window guards are welded steel with tamper-proof screws for | - ~ easy replacement | ocorswAm °Hear storage doors are equipped with mmaterlouk/luoNnq device for ease A7 � ��/� � �l� �— � ' of access while oh||maintaining site security ` ' ' � ^� ~~ ' � ^ ' ^^~^- www.wi| |scoc. com 111111111,11'111 111 ;111,11 ,111 '111 1[9 1111:11111111, i1,1111 1,1111111111:1 11111 11'11,111 111, 1111, 11111111 Specifications HVAC General: Skid mounted office/storage unit is constructed using DEsKyv2FrtlEAu, Pa OH SHELPFOPT11 one-trip ISO shipping container unit. -- - Floor. Tile with vinyl wall base.Container storage floor is unfinished. OFFICE Roof structure: Prefinished interior ceiling panel with matching battens. Wall Construction: Exterior panels are white with green C) PLAN TABLE trim/border color. W/FOLOIN BRACKETS (OPT) Electrical: All wiring is MC Cable and concealed in the office area.Each unit is equipped with distribution panels,120/208/230V 1 ph. Duplex receptacles are provided in each office,with two GFCI outlets provided in the rear storage area.Toggle type LIGHT switches are provided by the exterior personnel door to control interior lighting. s-T-thrrar— HVAC: The office area is heated/cooled by a direct blow unit. OVSk-e-- 9. Insulation R-Values: Roof R-13 LIGHT Walls-R-13 Windows: High single glazed window with mill finish aluminum frame,with vinyl blinds, insect screens and exterior steel window guards. LIGHT Exterior Door. Each unit has a single personnel door constructed v of hollow metal frames, insulated hollow metal doors with com- mercial hardware. Closer,exterior leverset,kickplate,and deadbolt 1;1 114011 S C11111111111" are provided. Bly W it101;11 SCOTSMAN Interior Door: Hollow metal frame with insulated hollow metal 877O, SPCE door. Keyed leverset lockable from the office side is provided. vvww.willscot.corn Page 16 of 23 Pediatric Associates of ylie, PA. J 1 l 1 // A. -6R//am �rve. , 0 N W `A //y ,.CJ. 3a/1fd /ve. f 119 117 N. Ballard Avenue, ` ylie, Texas 75098 • . . nrscRrr'Tr011 . ._ z i SIA1C Of IL ).S I e,,, -. ........... .. GOUf1iY OF' COL L[.N r Q s TRACT 1 " fi('lfo are toot !roar f Inert in the C.d.,- o, 15y0C Catlin Co rlly Teo" nod rurtn9 ',nett ot. end 1• ated pod of L t 2. I ri H.c k ] of hollerri,,r Addition a e din Vrf mrr I 29 Page 349 I ! Door.:J hest rds. of Cardin County. 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'o ' '0" " ` �w 6t 4 . —. -0s ''M .*- � c- es':"4B ' .'. .e� c a -4., , 11 1 7D 0 { 7B 7C I 7A oak Street 2A _ 1A 18 1 13 B�. 2A 2B a: ` . , 0 ....1 3 4 2 rn) 12 — . . _ . , _ 5 = For X = Against zBA CASE # Page 19 of 23 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Aaron J. Lanman APPLICATION FILE #2008-05 PO Box 125 Wylie,Texas 75098 # BLIVABST LOT/TRACT TAX I.D. # PROPERTY OWNER NAME ADDRESS Applicant PO Box 125 1 Aaron J. Lanman Wylie, Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 102 W. Brown Street 2 Blk 1 Lot lA _ R-1166-001-001A-1 Sandra.Davis Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn PO Box 125 3 Bik 1 Lot 1 B R-1166-001-0018-1 K&B Ventures, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn PO Box 125 4 Blk 1 Lot 2A R-1166-001-0018-1 K&B Ventures, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn PO Box 125 5 Blk 1 Lot 2B R-1166-001-002E-1 K&B Ventures, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 113 N. Ballard Avenue - 6 Blk 1 Lot 3A R-1166-001-003A-1 Michael Carroll Wylie,Texas 75098 co Keller's First Addn PO Box 125 IQ 0 7 Blk 1 Lot 38 R-1166-001-0028-1 K&B Ventures, LLC Wylie,Texas 75098 0 Keller's First Addn 113 N. Ballard Avenue w 8 Blk 1 Lot 4 R-1166-001-003A-1 Michael Carroll Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 2750 Pecan Drive 9 Blk 1 Lot 5A R-1166-001-005A-1 James Wright Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 113 N. Ballard Avenue 10 Bik 1 Lot 58 14-1166-001-003A-1 Michael Carroll Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn PO Box 1002 11 Blk 1 Lot 6 R-1166-001-0060-1 Legrant Gable Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn PO Box 941641 12 Blk 1 Lot 7A R-1166-001-007A-1 Ron Nall Plano, Texas 75094 Keller's First Addn PO Box 1002 13 Blk 1 Lot 78 R-1166-001-0060-1 Legrant Gable Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 105 N. Ballard Avenue 14 Blk 1 Lot 8 R-1166-001-0080-1 Velma Crane Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn PO Box 941641 15 Blk 1 Lot 9 R-1166-001-0090-1 Ron Nall Plano,Texas 75094 Keller's First Addn 2000 Highway 78 North 16 Blk 1 Lot 11 R-1166-001-0110-1 Wylie Parks& Recreation Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 2000 Highway 78 North 17 Blk 1 Lot 12 R-1166-001-0110-1 Wylie Parks& Recreation Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 9004 Pear Ridge Drive 18 Blk 1 13 R-1166-001-0130-1 Easy Way Laundry The Colony, Texas 75056 Keller's First Addn 2000 Highway 78 North 19 BIk 1 14 R-1166-001-0140-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Keller's First Addn 2000 Highway 78 North 20 Blk 1 15 R-1166-001-0150-1 City of Wylie Wylie, Texas 75098 Brown &Burns 1248 Lynda Lane 21 BIk 1 Lot 1 R-1156-001-0010-1 Robert King Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown &Burns 1248 Lynda Lane 22 B1k 1 2 R-1156-001-0020-1 Robert King Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown.&Burns 4506 E. Parker Road 23 Blk 2 3A R-1156-002-003A-1 Robert Heath Allen, Texas 75002 Brown &Burns 4506 E. Parker Road 24 Blk 2 3B R-1156-002-003A-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Brown &Burns 4506 E. Parker Road 25 Blk 2 4A R-1156-002-003A-1 Robert Heath Alien, Texas 75002 Brown &Burns 4506 E. Parker Road 26 Blk 2 48 R-1156-002-003A-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Brown &Burns 4506 E. Parker Road _27 BIk 1 20 R-1156-001-0200-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Brown & Burns 4506 E. Parker Road 28 Blk 1 21 R-1156-001-0200-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 - Brown & Burns 19 Santa Marla Circle 0 29 BIk 2 22A R-1156-002-0220-1 Baron Cook Wylie,Texas 75098 Brown & Burns 19 Santa Marla Circle N 30 Blk 2 22B R-1156-002-0220-1 Baron Cook Wylie,Texas 75098 w Brown & Burns 19 Santa Maria Circle 31 ilk 2 22C R-1156-002-0220-1 Baron Cook Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 32 Blk 18 Lot 8 R-1169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 33 Blk 18 9 R-1169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 34 Blk 18 10A R-1169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen,Texas 75002 Railroad Addn PO Box 516 35 BIk 18 10B R-1169-018-010E-1 Ladylike Shop, Inc. Wylie, Texas 75098 Railroad Addn PO Box 516 36 BIk 18 10C R-1169-018-010C-i Ladylike Shop, Inc. Wylie, Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 4506 E. Parker Road 37 BIk 18 11A R-1169-018-011A-1 Robert Heath Allen, Texas 75002 Railroad Addn 4506 E, Parker Road 38 BIk 18 11 B R-1169-018-007D-1 Robert Heath Allen, Texas 75002 Railroad Addn 242 Estelle Lane 39_ Blk 18 12 R-1169-018-0120-1 Chad Engbrock Allen, Texas 75002 = For Railroad Addn 202 Logo Grande Troll X = Against 40 BIk 18 13 R-1169-018-0130-1 Gary Bowland Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addrr 1608 Blackburn Road 41 Blk 18 14 R-1169-018-0140-1 Mary Parker Sachse,Texas 75048 Railroad Addn 1608 Blackburn Road 42 Blk 18 15 R-1169-018-0150-1 Mary Parker Sachse, Texas 75048 Railroad Addn 1608 Blackburn Road 43 Blk 18 16 R-1169-018-0160-1 Mary Parker Sachse,Texas 75048 Railroad Addn 305 N. Keefer Drive 44 Rik 18 17A R-1169-018-0170-1 Ann Young Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1602 Parker Road 45 Blk 18 178 R-1169-018-0178-1 Patricia Brast Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 1602 Parker Road 46 Bik 18 18 R-1169-018-017E-1 Patricia Brast Wylie,Texas 75098 47 48 49 50 51 52 co 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 2000 Highway 78 North Wylie, Texas 75098 7 l am FOR the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2008- 05. I am AGAINST the requested variance as explained on the attached public notice for ZBA Case #2008-05. Date,Location&Time of Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting: Monday,July 28,2008, 7:00 pm Municipal Complex, 2000 Highway 78 North,Wylie, Texas Name: '6 4 6/c7 016 V- (please print) Address: 1 Y6 L , Ml&RJIJ (1 ,t,;:uyt7iic r1S % Signature: (14)---- ./ Date: 1 Gf a Y COMMENTS: G N, Yt6(4,L9K N ifi t sc U�� Page 23 of 23