Ordinance 2006-11 ORDINANCE NO. 2006-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ABANDONING THE PLATTED ALLEY WITHIN BLOCKS 1 AND 2 OF THE RUSSELL #1 ADDITION; PROVIDING THAT SAID ALLEY SHALL BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the property described herein is platted as a fifteen (15) feet wide alley right-of-way, within Blocks I & 2 of the Russell #1 Addition, beginning at the east right-of-way of Jackson Street north of Brown Street and running approximately 285 feet east through Block 1, Lots lC and lA and Block 2, Lots 2F, 2C, and 2G to the west right-of-way of Ballard Avenue; and WHEREAS, the principal owner of property adjacent to said alley rights-of-way has requested that these alleys be abandoned and offered for sale according to State law to adjacent property owners, the owners of all adjacent properties having been notified to the potential for abandonment and conveyance of the appropriate alley right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City of Wylie has determined that said alleys are no longer needed for public access purposes, provided that existing utilities located within said alleys are converted to easements through replatting or other legal instruments by the new owners acquiring said alley; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1: That the above described portions of alley rights-of-way are no longer necessary for public access purposes, provided that existing utilities shall be located within easements, and that said portion of alley should be abandoned in favor of adjacent property owners. SECTION 2: That this abandonment shall extend only to the public right, title and interest which the City of Wylie, Texas may have in and to said alley rights-of way, and shall be construed to extend only to such interest that the governing body of the City of Wylie may legally and lawfully abandon. Ordinance 2006-11 Alley ROW Abandonment-Russell Addition Blk 12 SECTION 3: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council, as the law in such cases provides. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS on this 28th day of February, 2006. JObn~dl \\\\\\1'"""1 "'~l 0 F /tV :~/I ......,' ~""""\ ........~ r / //,. ~ ,,"' .....IJ e"Q. <:;. ~ ~ (.) 0' o. 0 ~ ~/e..~...; = : Sr'Al ~ = -: r,~..,;: = ~ ~ ~~ i : #11"" l:l.... ."." ." -:. at'.- ..~. ~ ..,. IA _ e. c. " '" "Y" .elll......e ~C:J ,.::- /1111 LIE T'E.'1-- \\", 11II11 "'III \ \' \ \ \ ATTESTED TO AND CORRECTLY RECORDED BY: Ordinance 2006-11 Alley ROW Abandonment-Russell Addition Blk 12 _\ I \ \ I~ --y Edison Lane 5 .~ III \ o ~~ - "'0 c - >- Q) =- 2B;;J ~ = 1 ~~ -II~ =~~ \ rf- ( =~ _______ Sikorsky Coorf ~ dmQ..11 L[.Jr~' \ ] I ['I . :=st rown Stre~ t I I 7 i ! I I II Ii o ..~ <J Q; t u ~e 7 /---1 ----1 .L-- L- f I I l---- - .1,- i I It-- t-- I I r-- - J I I I - I - I I -~ ~ LJ ~ I ~~ I :l I I: ~ I I I f- : I I ! ~l '----- --L ;;- I .L. . ~ ~ J )'1S r _. L._ ~,,- . - '>+..' ',' ,""..].' ..... ~ .~:;.:,,: ... ~ .....:"..;..:"':~ ".'.'" ., ':";:.,: 10':,. .;..c~,.,:,;! 'c,..,. ..,. ....I,F".:.,........ ., .... !-F. I;;; I- Q) ..: I- :J C Q) > <( -r-- t-- r----- r-- t-- c--- r-- r-- r-- Je erson -c-- - - r--- - r---- V - r---- L _:==0 =r EE ci5 Marble <lJ ::; c Q) > <t . v "-';' '" / / I I !-"- Subject Property r"- , _ _I I L _ _._. _. _', ,_'_'_ J r " I I 1-""1 I - r --..J I I I I I I t~ ~wn Street -+-' (f) L ",. J /' ./ I Ook Street IBS~S~ ~~/" LOCATION MAP I I I I I I I I I I i Q:;c-- Q) r-- L -+-' - (j)~ r-- >treet I ! I I I I i I /' - / / /' /' /' ",. [7 ,/ / /' ./ ./ / /' / ~ Ook RB~8B / I ,{, 1 ',L: I y''; C; I 'Y' , I'-;;.'..tJ:; lJ .... \ " It '1 " "i, ~ ~ 'i-. 'D{ '. c , -- \; ~ N ~ \.~ \.:~ ~ \J ~ .1 ,( -t .II 1 "--tV r:: '/ ji-". ,",. .~ s :..... c /-: : r,' S A, ~;'.' r't. I. 'd , C _ ......rT,! t "'f -' .:-'1 C. K L', \,..-.. i-l, -'-. \ &~/ 55 - 7~3G it " ~, 1'/_ ;', (~ ::. J.; c:.. ;::: GUAl..::' t/, I ,i I ( / ' ,/ / ~,..- \ / ~ ."'.' , //..;.. ~7~i--;; OJ_ ~>#~ C / .c/ ,,'I :::: -..', IJ.I -;1 ~ -'N;::' ~7 . i'J '\ ' t: x" v' /tI3)~" -- ,- p . D~) ::J 21..( !:c 3:- L: I - -' ,. I ~ '" . ~ \ "" j'.,," \ . " .... ~ \. : \ Z B ~' J' P,07! 7:5 ~ :.:,,~.. /.L= ...' ~ U:'J' : \ "-1 ,r , zF .. 1 r . ".--,/ . r-.. -- /7 ........... :....." .," . r:..... ~ . . 6 " Lx '1 ~ (,.c. ,-: :,. i'/ . ~' 0:'\ "- . , '~ ),c. O,67/75c< \. I r-r : ...... 't. \ s' t- ,_\....c.' ( , / . ..:. ~.,1",..!" .,,:/"': / ~" " \ '<J Ic" /~/- ',' . -, j . ('~ ," ~ ---- ?:\ . t''' r-' .> -'" \ .~ ~ ,- . ~ '-':"'I JB t--., '\l I .~ ,': '"" OJ_ ...--" t4'.: - ,- ~ \;1 .~..., I :. ,- :: I,. .<- I .; .' ( '. ~-}~ .: ( fA .' , ~, \u ~ ~ \r{ . '. ~ ~ ~ ~