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07-18-2017 (City Council) Agenda Packet
Wylie City Council CITY;F WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Special Called Work Session Agenda July 18, 2017 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Diane Culver Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T. Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.14 ylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WORK SESSION • FY 2017-2018 Budget Discussion and Department Presentations to Council RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION July 18,2017 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 14th day of July, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed IIIJ o�L',lNYol„mu d�I�u�kd11 m11,10 hYlllll'•idI l Llw,,u,l8' Jilal�i�i.1 un;u�lll 1ll�.'��l'N,o;l ld„°l1 VW a'''„�u,,1,��v�ym..,„Y19l�I'W.,II,,'I•�;IrcI"V Y�,I����w�nr'lu„!�Vl;IpI�I�,�;I,,,du�'^ ll„L d.✓o l„ml''�lI"m"l lI7lW'MImI1^Im 1�u'1.6'em's yIullll,lw"u uuVm1�re�D^�I"ve,!l""m;"Y II II II" V yl;A �%////% ,,' i l I NY ^ w% „ ,� iri, i o%vi;,,% 4 ,/ ,/�//i/�;Gfir / )/%/ , ;% ll q , ,w IIryI lI 4,�4%r%%amrcr,r%% �%//j %/f;lr%,/b , %%,,l7 i , "„Y '';'i� ' q,� f /if %, Dl / �/ �// ////f/ r / l �1 YM " pP rw/lzi /', % ,%ri ,/, 2,� ,fL% ��r/ o�; w I r/r, or rm, APs"° i:' I I,ll oI1 W'b°"U mNl ,i ° �///�1i/'//�,�/ �� � �l / ,�, ,,,I, 'N,'''00 '/rWl ". up�d�'g l „ '" :I,I''yi''V,„ lYlYi,p" ,� llNV1,'f��l.�glr4 I04,,," �I"I�v�„lii ,// /� jlJ0 ��// /o/;�Nf Ip 111 'lll u* W"II , �r'.'�WII�: iYIIa4k1vllltl ;17:'""') 4114"/'/ /, �f��0f���/,7 ��i/";,p I 1N Ii P 4 V1yl;�" l 1l14 0l ;ll II , Iomlu"„,pVlf M,,,,IoI6�� �� Ml�Y� `/���� 0r0� �V1 /f/ .Ii lMI ',y ' ' ° a 'U efo ,� N"1Ill u� �N ^I 1l'ilI'"'° �II''. 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M wn„,IIIII r W I^", 1„n 'vm„I � ul,NuXxl ,1„j°IWldll1ml r II ,��o� "'I li' ' r " blplu uhWm Il^96 11^'I tl41 1"„ �;M ^f I Wl°I,r,, VI M;YuIII IIIIIIIIIII!HUH r"'J'M?" mN 1P N°" WNN IY1 I4 °�dv'Ig'rNmlo ',011°'I Ii�^ 'VC",,r,we"lu ' N; I„ m I�YM'. mVI Nlar;; I'' Illw I10,41Nl1,,VrllIxylllm 'r°II,nrre,"d i1' I u',R,I 4, „i',,r llmu Y'i ��"� IufVMl •'f 'uu;l 'u'IVli,l'VI�9,IlufluaN�'G'M tl�� pl JJ 'u olo °,I' Iol vwVN'W" 4 Jul. ��o�ul^I lllllwo""'ji'^'IVIV I1NI1,1 v;".,VIII" rpwI,1''.l, '" '„IIVrIM RW 1'111' P .I�y 'V 1 xrwu'V A IIYm�mwl�mwrk.lri 'III,,,pu.�:1" '.,.� IPoW 'I Illlll,°",1,,'"' IwNul ',,,llll.,l 1 VI d3 m I N�'I rI�dIZI'1ullVVVu111'1;{!W,IVr'1!!!!!'loouool"Y' IVIIIr. 'iiiii11uWV11wI�Vp"I111'II IIII IY„'I'IN Ilpll,l, IlullillV wl VV �II�'ee' d ,rd�:plal�, IkN��11�11,1N''I'�„Iww^� ^duu,p,liV"„d���1lkPjilp'olM oll,.i V^tip ;V 1� 111IYeo' 'I' �dll Iw V1' pQdi j,l i� I�'V�I1� ,alm'4! I„ Ilp Nld Ilil1111,wi1 p111,1,'M'' per,„',, 1 ', i��( y l „^1u¢'ll9m umi'1 WIv,, , lobe mug' wl Illdd r"'I�I�if,'� „„a7, 'llli 'r II4 I 'y II"II,Nr1 Ip4�'lll" "'�q„4 VIiNV1Vl,dlu"'�lll'iVl 'Vo1o, �11,14 tllll' NI A., $r„I'i' uy'llr„u.iM r r lr I � / Y r I� 1 1 „.,I,J°1 R I u 1, ao l���m '1u, �II" II'II'!I ( ,V 111��,I�J"�'W'r,l "�y Y;,�;l,, ll",uv 6 i/��t, yl l i i '� �' II,III ulf'I"' !uy f .w"iN''u1 uul,ll�^'yVlll Illlml" Illllm'11MI'AIA'I�YVI u1Ylo„1Vml /,, I� � I� ollo,,ILII,Isom 't I IIIV"'VIII I,YII�III 1111i�^ d��Vll� a91V I PIU /, I, I, �f d1 a 1X „lu " Im.,ll4 'I I u ti 111I''N�rrrrrr f %I Jo, Inrlmr �II�OrI�hY, �iAJ ✓a'1((a , '�'. �� xl'�r 'VI',3,' 111 �Imll l 1„ N \ N\ \ „_ _I__ _,,, , \-, , „\ , \, \,,,,,, ,\_\ _,„.____________„.. \ , , „„ _ TT , \ \ \ __,____.--,_vz, n.--,--;_-_--N \ , _ -- MISSIONpOLICt-_ R .___ \� Y ,1 kik* x OF �g MISSION STATEMENT � ak To make Wylie a safe place to live,work, and visit t!!It-, --461,\----- - -- -- ---------___-- . VALUES • Do what is right _ At  • Do the best you can - "- 1a - - _ • Treat others the way you would want to be treated , -\,. .1 -_,7 __, _ .- ---4._, ,,.__ 1 _ s.____ _,-,--,„ ,_._ _ ,_ _4__-,-_, .,,- _„____.= '.'..' 2016- 17 Accomplishments___ __ _ . _ ___ _ _,_ _ , __ � Strategic Goals:Community Focused Government • Implemented a "Safe Trade" area at the public safety building • Implemented a "Neighborhood Video Partnership" with Wylie residents to help • _� combat crime utilizing video surveillance. • Expanded the use of social media to interact with the community by providing - pertinent information on crime trends, community events, and programs. • 14 Citizens attended and completed a 13 week Citizen Police Academy ; � _ One Youth Enrichment program—9 juveniles attended \ \� �vo -� �tiv Three Junior Police Academy classes—76 juveniles attended. • Fourth annual Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club—consisting of 69 active students from Wylie and _- .— Wylie Police = Community Video Wylie East High Schools. partnership ` • Recognized and ranked 19th out of 49 participating cities for National Night Out. kA c�4M� pac • Wylie PD and FD teamed up with Wylie Heat to raise awareness and donations for q _ • • \ Special Olympics. • Strategic Goals:Health, Safety, and Well-Being • Implemented a year round Drug Take Back program. Drug Take Back event helped dispose of 733 lbs. of unused/expired prescription medications. ��� � Commercialn oUnitcon e inspections in 894 Vehicle E f rcement duct d 175nspect s resulting o�\\ \ \\ �y � violations. 254 of those violations are consider major,which resulted in the \ I � \ commercial vehicle being placed out of service. Current out of service rate is 58%. 14. Strategic Goals: Workforce � j • All Traffic/Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit (CVE) filled. A}lu.hlce Aa.Gn�a. v `� �,� �y �- _ ?f PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 Wylie Police Department , I- LICt: f 4 - -' Organizational Chart Strategic Level Administrative Assistant Administrative Field Investigative Support Lieutenant Operations Services Services Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 * � Current Organizational Chart OLICt_ - litTys� ,„(4. , „,1 :., , z., _ s Chief Administrative Assistant I Operations Support Investigative Services ''-" --_ • "= Lieutenant Services Lieutenant `_ Lieutenant __ I I �� - I Sergeant Sergeant = = Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Records arrant Alpha 1 Alpha 2 Bravo 1 Bravo 2 Crossing Guard p p SRO Supervisor : 'Officer/BailiffSergeant Sergeant — .v.. 0 - _ SupervisorSIU CID = tl (2) Corporal Corporal d Corporal Corporal School Crossing Records SIU Admin -- - ,;- >s Resource Guards Clerks Detectives Assistant Officers (16) (2) (2) �� §� (5) _..„,,, .,_, d Patrol Officers Patrol Patrol Patrol Officers (5) Officers Officers (5) Detectives (5) 5) W (6) Alpha Swing K-9 CAC _ ___.__,_ - ill (1) Officer Bravo Swing Detectives (1) (2) Crime Scene Tech f, PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 -;----_, ---- Lic ,,,A--', ; Sta f f i n Sworn Person n e INoryur t c Z 70 • 6 4 60 • 1 50 40 • • Academy Vacancies 30 - • j 57.5 • Actual • 20 10 " 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 7 PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 o- LICE' Staffing • Authorized 62.5 sworn police officerpositions, includingpart- time bailiff. • 61.5 currently on staff, 4 will start the Collin County Law Enforcement Academy July 24th, and 1 remaining opening. • 2 of the 57.5 officers are currently in the field training program making our actual available response force 55.5. • There are positions within the department that have yet to be filled due to staffing needs in the patrol division. Patrol is the only division within the department that has a mandatory minimum staffing. 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 _____.__ _____ __,..______Lict 2) i _-\ * _ Population _ ..4, , fixv4, yLit „..,„,,,, _vx., _fo,ift,, _ ,- __,..,.„ Population estimates are a vital tool in planning resources for future �� -�- E staffing. There has been a consistent increase in population of approximately 2-3% per year. Population Estimate 49319 50000 48000 46000 - ,-_ _ s 44000 - >, 42000 40000 38000 / 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 -1i-1:T67f ________ ,,, ,,, ,___, ,,_ ., _ Calls for Service ....,,E ,,,,,,(3- - _ „_. ,„,,,,,„ 0 _. , „ , _ ,,,,,_ ,, ec.),-,, --- ,.i.,,,„, ,cam, Calls for service are% generated by citizens calling the police for � ��. assistance or by police officer self initiated activity. This has increased commensurately with population growth. Calls for Service 32547 40000r Ar Apr Air Air / 30000 20000 10000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 ))1,14, Airts ‘ Crime RatewyLit) ,)s)ag„, Crime rate is a snap shot of crime from year to year. The rate of crime per 1,000 citizens has been consistent or has reduced over the last several years. Crime rate can and often does have an impact on how citizens view their fear of crime and quality of life. There was a 24% decrease in 2015 from the previous year and a 14% increase in 2016. Since 2011 there has been a 41% decrease in major crimes. 20 15 10 5 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 --- LICE -201718 ObjectiveswyLat - 46 • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well-Being • Research and plan for crime trends that affect the quality of life of Wylie citizens. Strive to maintain or reduce the crime rate by 3%. • Strategic Goals: Health, Safety and Well-Being • Maintain or reduce traffic accidents by 3% • Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government • Continue partnerships with the Faith Based Community, Business Community, Service Community, School District, and the City to provide resources to families in need. • Begin working towards Texas Police Chiefs Best Practices Recognition Program (two year process). • Strategic Goals: Infrastructure • Research, develop, and implement a strategic plan for future growth in the department. We have submitted a Capstone project request to The Center for American and International Law to evaluate our current organizational structure and both sworn and civilian staffing levels. 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 OLIGt N 2017- 18 Requests wyLLE. 4/(0- 414_ qat All requests submitted are in furtherance of the Strategic Goals of the City and the Department in order to provide the best possible service to the citizens of Wylie. • Add one (1) Records Clerk to help keep up with the building/filing of cases for the DA's office and address the continuous increase in open records requests. • Add one (1) additional vehicle for the Investigative Services Sergeant. • Replace one (1) Patrol Tahoe • Replace four (4) vehicles currently assigned to Investigative Services and Community Services • Replace the current administrative software allowing for automated workflows and manage responses to resistance, field training, complaints/commendations, vehicle pursuits, PIO releases, policy compliance, recognition program, and equipment inventory. 7$ PUBLIC SAFETY I Budget Presentation I Fiscal Year 2017-18 i\:,,, -� F THANK YOU ,_-,;_:_pi-;'"o.t.._;:l_.:_c_.,,,„-_,--i-,.-',,,i',.).,' -- vw - ___ , __. x Public Safety Budget Presentation,, Fiscal Year .„.„,4„,„, 2017- 18 ____, i._:„ -0,..c?..._ ,. , .„.__. __.. ,_ 1. it -_,„„ -_--- ------ 1;,., ':_k_\-_- ..1.-__zTE 7,:-7E-w---1;-_ i 1 4. I N.:, ,,: :. . _ _ _ _ ,__. ,..,,,„__. y . . . _„,_„..,„ .4:_;_=,,ie 3. ti - _ • CITY OF WYLIE 17 r�� \\0 � \ \ a \ - \ :7 - \ _ . -,-ri:;:::;;::- -:' '''' AA Texas Department of State Health Services review was positive in all areas without tatAel infractions. Strategic Goals:Health,Safety and Well-Being; Work Force; Community Focused Government istentoke Annual Veterinarian inspection review was positive in all area without infractions. Strategic Goals:Health,Safety and Well-Being; Work Force; Community Focused Government esiSi Adoption events, school visits, vaccination clinics and tours from local youth are being held through staff and volunteers of the Wylie Animal Control. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Work Force Implemented the foster program in order to meet increased demands on staff that are beyond resource capability assisting with the achievement of a higher than ninety percent tylzAil live outcome facility status. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government fl Expanded partnerships with non-profit organizations and citizen groups in order to increase pet adoptions and live outcomes of animals in shelter. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Work Force CITY OF W11_ifil Animal Control I Accomplishments I Fiscal='ear 71116—13 Bud;e Fue Research and plan for growth and future needs of the shelter facility. iiijedji Strategic Goals:Health,Safety and Well-Being; Work Force;Infrastructure Educate the public about animal welfare, and animal control laws and regulations through expanded community activity and programs. Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government; Work Force 4-7u7 �= Establish guidelines, operational procedures and resource needs to create an emergency and natural disaster plan for facility sheltered and community animals. . Strategic Goals: Community Focused Government;Health, Safety and Well- Being; Work Force; Financial Health Meeting the current demands and needs of the community , field operations and facility by the replacement of one vehicle. u: Strategic Goals: Work Force;Infrastructure Improve animal housing areas, adoption visitation areas and office areas by the addition of natural lighting to areas of the facility. FJP Strategic Goals:Health,Safety and Well-Being; Work Force 11: irc OF\ LIL , ? ..at CONTROL . Objectives Fiscal _"ear ZC17 18 Bud;e f k Fl Foster Program: Thirty nine animals have been through the foster program. Sterilization program offered to citizens: Twice monthly service provided from Animal Control location for low cost sterilization of citizen owned pets. Through grant opportunities eight additional programs for sterilization and �e rabies vaccination have been made available for a fee of twenty dollars or less. Low Cost Shot Clinic Animal Control: Held once monthly after business _ , 1 hours to assist residents with pet care needs and city registrations. r oil Volunteer Program& Service Hour Programs:Provided Monday- Saturday r --L:LR-L.- °. - c- - Animals available for adoption spotlighted monthly through Wylie News. _ WISD partnership programs: Provided two separate school year weekly education on-site programs. , � � Clear the Shelter: Completed three years of participation with adoption rate of 100%for all years. co m I I �� � Transitions Student Employee Program:Animal Control participated in this : � ��� first year program designed to provide a work training program to students in - special education. This program is to transition students successfully from � � � their role of high school students to their new role as adults in the community. you mean you're not our real Mom? CITY OF WYLIE sr\..l. si CONTROL Current ent Programs I Fiscal_"ear 2817 18 Budget O Calls For Field Service 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr 20141 448 444 428 551 20151 541 701 627 642 20161 727 871 696 702 C ITi` IT WYLIE ANIMAL CONTROL I Nanning For Future e Growth, Fiscal Year 201 18 B ge CITY OF WYL E W LiL w L sf � _ sg e ti \ \ � s _ \ 5 - PP 11'41WY"vi Vi00,10 0�1P,„,'010 P,�°, °;W °' w "ry 'rw'y'00,N00 � ''p,, y'i»0rt yr� »' ,.„8,,,, ,, ,w« °,�„' mm 1)111 A. IIIII 0 t,, 0 '1�� I&I '11 J r as,pp'0 00 • 10001' . , u,A i p u ' v 1a ' r^��IVA tl' Po , � 0. p� C 'wr aw , " �i 01'0 „n It N 1r 'f!hma „ tr Pr'1'pW0 rg , n,'Wf, ,1::: , �'�"xI;„ i µ;4 Y„ � i yui��. w�4 � h' pl „ / ,at,�'l " ,1 ' r t '4 � ul,,, 1, ' 'It '7`w'' G4. ti:,11'0 I'�l ' q1, ,� a� . ' tl �y , ° ,, ^ R" �„, ',(,,' M a ,y R „11,4 "If ' 4, "1"f, I p, " „� dd66 "wd , + n iw� �' a dB PO,"rr a � ,�BI» dIVI, I,„ „ a +a" y"A w � V i II„,,'P' " V ' �reP n'� A « ',A e©�I' Ire. qn „,,uuu,V, 1,w m 1,1 ts„it int 00 nt,660,11 ,0 if ls 11 I � �, pit P m $11'1 w" fix" BI'p,u I 1IP W IIII � Nu,` . "� w,IbV,� r* " " r„ tl r P1"nh. mi,", „11' 1 , 4 I l„ 'IIII I'�I"" tl : ". 5J' rr7,:',,,' N- '� y6 iihP;11,„II, ,/ V i It 0 ' IN " r W p, °r 66,6, 0,' w ' ' . 3' ,.rwwirrn , m m � u" ir1 "'A, ',S", . ' wN�"'Jj''","„r1''» '„'14'411'41.w 1"1„, „M µ4 �pA "'' w r Iry ' w wJ 66163666. 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'w V w, m,, tl' ,',r ,u "„.6. J„nV " " �, 1 °I�;;WV, 1 l` o, u,' w, ri , „ 0:10 666 166 „ur 6 , 6 6'061 666, +66,b I"„i M "6 1 a , I '' " ,I , 9re i. °,I„icrm t ,A' w n,,' l�', ^u1 l M,dp 4111�,"'' m I' v, wP I111, „ u II� p „„,z „„i l ,hu1° � ^NINVow�4'I M°" mu d„IN rN,r,l n' „ tl„ rem , \ - _ _„ .7--_-_,T----.,------._ % .,_--1--..„,„ . ,,,_, _„,„,_ ,_. , ___-_-„, „_ , , 2016-2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS v tiv�a �� • Completed the 2017/2018 Board and Commission appointments and installations utilizing the new electronic application with 44 applications received. • Provided training to all Board and Commission members in Open Meetings, Public Information, Records Management, Conflicts of Interest, Local Government Code 171 and 176, and City of Wylie Code of Ethics. Provided and administered the 2017 General Election utilizing ethical standards for all candidates; ensuring the election is held with security measures in place and providing �� bi-lingual clerks at all polling places. This was the second year staff administered the Dallas and Rockwall County voters. Total cost for the two counties was $1,926. , i • Provided electronic storage and staff assistance in Laserfiche for City documents. Currently there are 203,488 documents/1,078,695 pages in the system. kl_ • Built 8 workflows and 12 electronic forms in Laserfiche for various departments • Brought in 5,177 documents/13,115 pages utilizing Laserfiche Forms since October 1st • Processed and closed about 425 public information requests - E ,w�.� 2017-2018 OBJECTIVES _, �� •Strate is Goals: CommunityFocused Government \\ � �° ���� ��� �� ��� •Wylie General Election - Continue contracting the with Collin County for Collin County , �\\ , ,� �\ �����������; � voters and City administration of Dallas and Rockwall County voters to make it more \, , , yA�.�. ,�y \,AO\ � convenient for the voters and less costly to the City; •Boards and Commission facilitating; e �� �� •Code of Ordinance updates; a •Compiling and Posting Agendas, Agenda Packets, and Minutes; = •Notice and publication processing while focusing on fiscal accountability and customer �� ten. .,- = service; - _ 1 - •Continue records management service for the City; :_ e a,--f.L7-4, _„__,-.7:-....-,v,„=. %ft:4_---,..i-eF-w..4_, __.„--1771• -11,1."-t.,7_11,6-4,71trr_in •Public Information Request processing with a focus on transparency in government; - •Continue to build and provide city forms online and workflows for easy access by the . -� Zr public and faster processing internally. CONSULTING SERVICES _ ELS REQUEST •The CitySecretar 's Office is re uestin to obtain a ro ect mans ement team from � _ Y q g p J g . F � =5 MCCi to assist in creating complex Laserfiche forms, workflow processes, and interface with other software systems. � � wit.--•,...--sii• -....-_!--,;,,,4„--z-------%L-, - ;1410 t 4,7,1 7-.' •The contract is for one year. Allows for up to a fee of $50,000, however, the City only pays for the services received. = •Quotes for services will be provided prior to authorization by the City. •This would take the place of an "in house" programmer. • Example: Paperless Building Inspections Permitting Process s • Allows public to submit application electronically, building inspectors utilize iPads in the field to perform inspections, integrates with GIS software to assist employees as well as the public to check status of inspection, allows for the downloading of permits and receipts • Other examples: paperless Municipal Court process and liquor license renewal process tlIC c _ SEC _ 18Budget 1111111111 ,111111111 �p i r�(/ '.Wu ''R ��1 iilli1,, J ' „m11'llim ' 8,04'1 11111111 s I yr� �'/'''Yl','I, o �� �,. �,��xl�l �� gyp, ;r,�,, l�u11; ' � '� ��� r, "'n��'""ni..,°✓�/isi,�.i�„�pj�roi j d Nil H,, ,� ' , Y iir V,;w,u' IISI i'g,M uYr PJ,,111 '/,;', e�II� „„ w"` 66W,nG,''"Y,1".(f",/ �((�d (�',�� �'lu�l�ll�l�Yii0NIN ; 1','` %°�� io,^�•• hlp'„�',+mil�wl�b'ia���yi��� � ' l 011,4„l�;Ig0IP� %'- ', �rlvN ��Il,li�����„ ;. „�q."' jII��I�i�' �IVI'���1 �����,µ� §r ,w'/� ,,;r,^'' 'lldMll��u, .,,w+�, /'� !�Iliv,1,��i111��1 1iY /,1�%�In i�lliN4��l ������,���� Von "w ' ., ,/',; o p�,i���l�ip6��l'�i ill bil�iu n,V i�l"W��� J)1'1„111���11 „il°!/.r IIYir";'II' m q�„ Ii'I11bi',� °��- I"''I � li�' ;'W IIIII ';'Ir �V, oao�mllr VI' I VI�II I,ulu° 1'1' >fr ulllll�l IH j Y/i,Y ��Ili h �I�iii������, �d�I���u �.;N ) oN '1�' I^"!IIkH '4V1� �/ 1!,Ir� �� �� NNNI h),,,NI"liyl olll j�l, ti, �, ml��II„ ��,,� �� ��� Vp "^, ,yI„II,�!'P� i .h iv ,,�. 8° ��uu quuilll" �ill 'i �i VNw� ''I "Ilnll !� Iii111' V�,�I VVl,NN n"I�,Yvt urm, u, � �IpIR;; i , ��r„V I � N �� 141; ,'�iii Nj(Nr� or81 ,pJ rNI'N11l4il� ii!I � m /� ���YY d'' �,IV ",�u19Vi�l;l���i d'�pi'I„:' llll�iiiiii�lll'�bxdl'PYf'rmi„dr���.A A4 ',:,I �'m'�,,' "''I1I� ju ',dlp�' "gIIPI���IVu�f��u�Vl(!u �� 'lul^�ilm' .'I'uY',i16 r"�"f„f.�� i'i:5 um "iIVVIV�f fi. ��j�Or' �Pd6 a 'I�:iISPaIUVI,!,ll6� '� '�; d°„, ,� 'Ylvl„� ul,�l'u ,�, P�,�V'.nu °"L. , iWVI, Im gyVl ul!M II �>�ll;r,/ I��j�IrIII4�1, il v 00,1�',, ,i"" 1� „,,,,,;" Il�o;ll11„,,i!IIplili�i IVV w 'g IVI �IBI"'INN �� �q�iPIiIV'�NI'� IIII°""u "''' ��+ ,,I ����� ay,�,,,,, 6 ,,Iq!4IP1�,�1PLr�; /�11'���IIIV01'�II '� , p°�'a ��.�ulY '�� „�umiiiiil V'VIf ll,P,�M ,w O'1111Y0IV�li1�7YiI,^,i'I�u� .,� r, i' l�.,H'!!°'P,^,I�„���� '�xd I �n',i u Vsi��,l ���Vm, l�l���,lil'W "f II^r9"y y"I'liiliu'",,�,!,ir'mVud'i ,IIN N �.. 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Description Amount Dept. Description Amount Wastewater New Maintenance Worker I $ 55,354 Water New 3/4 Ton Pickup Trucks (2) $ 82,500 Water Water Utility Truck(Rpl Unit#257) $ 81,500 Util Billing Phone Tree On-Line $ 2,000 Water Replacement Radios (3) $ 9,000 Util Billing Data Pro On-line Bill View/Printing $ 1,200 Engineering 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck(Rpl Unit#271) $ 41,500 TOTAL $ 58,554 Wastewater Utility Truck w/Crane (Rpl Unit#256) $ 101,500 Wastewater Replacement Radios (2) $ 6,000 Note: Totals for new positions include salary, benefits, and all other associated costs. TOTAL $ 322,000 3 4B Sales Tax Fund Summary Audited 4B Sales Tax Fund Ending Balance 09/30/16 $ 2,345,435 Projected '17 Revenues 3,378,142 Available Funds 5,723,577 Projected '17 Expenditures (3,515,963) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/17 $ 2,207,614 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/17 $ 2,362,614 a) Proposed Revenues '18 3,512,775 b) Proposed Expenditures '18 (3,485,415) c) Carry-Forward of Funds for Brown House Study and Parks & Open Space Master Plan (155,000) Use of Fund Balance - New/Replacement Fleet & Equipment (258,050) d) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/18 $ 1,976,924 e) a) Increase due to estimated carry-forward of funds for Brown House FeasibilityStudyand Parks & Open Space Master Plan. b) Total includes sales tax revenue and revenue from the Recreation Center. c) See list of recommended additions to Base Budget on slide #5 d) See list of items to be funded through Use of Fund Balance on slide #5. e) Policy requirement is 25% of budgeted sales tax revenue ($2,831,475 x 25% = $707,869). 4 Recommended Additions to Base Budget & Fund Balance Items 4B Sales Tax Fund RECOMMENDED ADDITIONS TO BASE BUDGET ITEMS FUNDED OUT OF FUND BALANCE Dept. Description Amount Dept. Description Amount 4B Senior Upgrade PT GSS to FTAdmin Assist. $ 45,543 4B Parks Toro Mower(Rpl Unit#M-932) $ 97,500 4B Senior Control Desk&Storage Millwork $ 17,000 4B Parks 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck(Rpl Unit#259) $ 37,500 4B Senior Facility Usage Study $ 20,000 4B Parks New 3/4Ton Truck w/Utility Bed $ 41,625 4B Parks 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck(Rpl Unit#265) $ 33,500 4B Rec Upgrade PT GSS to FTAdmin Assist. $ 46,893 4B Parks New Laptop for Parks Division $ 2,050 4B Rec New FT Buildings Attendant $ 103,575 4B Parks New Skid Steer Loader $ 45,875 4B Rec Floor Resurfacing(3 Areas) $ 44,234 4B Rec New 12-Passenger Van $ 36,000 TOTAL $ 258,050 TOTAL $ 313,245 Note: Totals for new positions include salary, benefits, and all other associated costs. 5 Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Summary Audited Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Ending Balance 09/30/16 $ 190,974 Projected '17 Revenues 90,200 Available Funds 281,174 Projected '17 Expenditures (50,000) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/17 $ 231,174 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/17 $ 231,174 Proposed Revenues '18 121,500 Proposed Expenditures '18 (33,150) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/18 $ 319,524 6 General Fund Summary Audited General Fund Ending Balance 09/30/16 $ 16,272,269 Projected '17 Revenues 37,915,224 Available Funds 54,187,493 Projected '17 Expenditures (38,896,320) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/17 $ 15,291,173 Estimated Beginning Fund Balance - 10/01/17 $ 15,346,173 a) Proposed Revenues '18 40,198,426 Proposed Expenditures '18 (40,180,778) b) Excess Revenues Over Expenditures $ 17,648 Carry-Forward of Funds for Emergency Communications Radio Equipment (55,000) Use of Fund Balance - Transfer to PSB Renovation/Expansion Fund (1,056,000) Recommended Additional Use of Fund Balance - Transfer to PSB Renov/Exp Fund (2,198,588) Estimated Ending Fund Balance 09/30/18 $ 12,054,233 c) a) Increase due to estimated carry-forward of funds to be used to relocate radio equipment from the PSB and the purchase of a GPS radio interface. b) See list of recommended additions to Base Budget on slides #8 & #9. c) Policy is 25% of budgeted expenditures. As shown, this Ending Fund Balance is 30%. 7 Recommended Additions to Base Budget ( Personnel) General Fund Dept Description Amount Dept Description Amount Police New Records Clerk $ 71,384 Streets New Equipment Operator $ 61,015 AC New PT Kennel Asst $ 13,299 Facilities New Facilities Maintenance Tech $ 71,478 Library FTChildren's Ref to FT Librarian $ (4,711) Parks New Chemical Applicator $ 65,582 Library New PT Adult Ref Asst $ 15,794 Library Staffing to add 2 hours to Wed. nights $ 30,560 Court New Senior Court Clerk $ 74,099 Court New PT Prosecutor $ 52,074 WFR New Captain $ 141,537 WFR New Firefighter $ 110,674 HR New Admin. Assistant $ 58,183 TOTAL: $ 760,968 Note: Totals for new positions include salary, benefits, and all other associated costs. 8 Recommended Additions to Base Budget ( Non-Personnel) General Fund Dept Description Amount Dept Description Amount Police New CID Sgt Vehicle $ 42,500 Streets Mower(Rpl Unit#882) $ 10,000 Police Patrol Unit(Rpl Unit#329) $ 51,700 Streets Mower(Rpl Unit#910) $ 10,000 Police Crime Scene Tech Unit(Rpl Unit#205) $ 64,000 Streets Mower(Rpl Unit#911) $ 10,000 Police Community Services Unit(Rpl Unit#250) $ 41,900 Streets Saw Trailer(Rpl Unit#800) $ 7,500 Police CID Detective Unit(Rpl Unit#296) $ 37,000 Streets New 3/4Ton Pickup Trucks(2) $ 82,500 Police CID Detective Unit(Rpl Unit#327) $ 37,000 Streets TxDOT Street Signs $ 20,000 Police Replace Radars $ 16,650 Library Upgrade/Replace 3M Workstations $ 4,450 AC Animal Transport Unit(Rpl Unit#201) $ 67,700 Library Upgrade RFID detection system $ 22,602 AC New Laptop&Shelter Software $ 2,750 Library Replace Shelving $ 15,185 Planning New Laptop $ 2,155 WFR Brush Truck(Rpl Unit#106) $ 200,000 WFR SCBA Equipment Replacement $ 54,816 IT CJIS Security Upgrade $ 9,000 WFR Replace MDCs(4) $ 14,000 IT External Connection for PSB $ 6,348 WFR Desktop/Monitor for Fire Marshall $ 2,000 IT Replace Virtual Server $ 14,800 WFR Bed Topper for Unit#141 $ 6,000 Parks Replace Community Park Playground $ 110,000 Emer Comm Next Gen 911(Year 1) $ 132,500 Parks Toro Workman (Rpl Unit#M-894) $ 15,500 Parks Utility Trailer(Rpl Unit#T-839) $ 8,750 City Sec MCCI Laserfiche Programming $ 50,000 Parks Lightning Detector-Community Park $ 12,550 TOTAL $ 1,181,856 9