03-20-2017 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Minutes Wylie Zoning Board of
CITY OF WYLIE Adjustment
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Monday, March 20, 2017 — 6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers
300 Country Club Road, Building 100
The Zoning Board of Adjustment was called to order and a quorum was present.
Board Members present: Chair Linda Jourdan, Board Member Robert Holcomb,
Board Member Jason Potts, Board Member Kevin Finnell, and Board Member
Andre Gonzalez.
Staff members present were: Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director, Kevin
Molina, Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the February 20, 2017
A motion was made by Board Member Holcomb and seconded by
Board Member Finnell, to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion
carried 5 — 0.
Item 1 —ZBA 2017-02
Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Robert Stanley
for a Variance to Section 2.5.C.2e.(2) of the Zoning Ordinance for residential
accessory structure masonry requirements. The property is located at 1801
Stone Glen Drive, being Lot 20, Block 8 of the Riverchase Phase 3 Addition.
ZBA 2017-03
Staff Comments
Mr. Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to construct a 750
square foot, fourteen foot high accessory structure, on a residential lot
of approximately 28,000 square feet (.7 acres).
Minutes March 20, 2017
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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The zoning ordinance requires a single story accessory structure that
is more than two percent lot coverage to be built with a masonry
exterior material that matches the exterior of the main building. The
maximum allowed by right would be 560 square feet. The proposed
accessory structure exceeds the two percent requirement by .68
percent. The applicant is requesting a variance for masonry exterior
The height of the structure is fourteen feet and eighteen feet away from
the property to the northeast and thirteen feet from the adjacent rear
The applicant states that the Homeowner's Association has granted
conditional approval of the accessory structure with a condition that
fence improvements are made that would screen the accessory
structure from view from Stone Glen Drive.
Public Comments forms were mailed to seventeen property owners.
Two comment forms were received; one comment in favor and one
comment in opposition of the request.
Public Comments
Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing.
Mr. Robert Stanley, 1801 Stone Glen Drive, stated that the accessory
structure will be used as a workshop for classic cars hobbyist.
Currently, there is no fence, and if approved a six foot height fence will
be constructed, which will meet the adjacent neighbors' fence.
Ms. Nora Emily Boroden, 1804 Stone Glen Drive, spoke in opposition,
stating that the exterior material of the accessory structure should
match house.
Ms. Alysha Darby Ridgway, 1803 Stone Glen Drive, spoke in
opposition, stating that the accessory building will be an eyesore, and
the building should meet the ordinance requirements for size and
Chair Jourdan closed the Public Hearing.
Board Discussion
Board Member Holcomb questioned if there were surrounding
properties with variances. Mr. Molina stated that variances were
granted for lots similar to the subject size, but not within the same
Minutes March 20, 2017
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Finnell, and seconded by Board
Member Holcomb, to Deny the variance for 750 square foot size
accessory structure. Property located 1803 Stone Glen Drive. Motion
carried 5 — 0.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Potts, and seconded by Board Member Finnell
to adjourn the meeting. All Board Members were i consensus.
Linda Jourdan, it
Ma Brae.ley, Administrative Assistant
Minutes March 20, 2017
Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment
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