09-14-1993 (WEDC) Minutes DIRECTORS OF DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF WYLIE, INC. MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . met in regular session at 4 : 00 P.M. on Tuesday, September 14 , 1993 in the Development Corporation's office at 108 W. Marble, Wylie, Texas . A quorum was present and notice of the meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by law. Those present were President Raymond Cooper, Vice President John Tobin, Secretary/Treasurer John Yeager and member John Mondy. Executive Director Charlie Womack, Mayor John Akin and City Manager Steve Norwood were also present . In attendance from the City Staff was Anita Collins . Tim Robinson was absent from the meeting. President Raymond Cooper called the meeting to order . DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 10, 1993 REGULAR MEETING: Item "B" of the executive session should show Mr. Yeager making the motion and the motion being seconded by Mr . Tobin. There being no other corrections to the minutes John Yeager made a motion that they be approved, seconded by John Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor. DISCUSS AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S REPORT: Total corporate funds available for investment as of August 31 , 1993 were $363 , 147 . 47 . Expenses for August were $4 , 936 . 47 and revenues were $27 , 682 . 84 . A motion was made by John Yeager to accept the Treasurer's Report as read and was seconded by John Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor . (See attached report at the end of these minutes) . REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: A. Physicians Regional Hospital Status Report - Mr . Womack reported he has a copy of the hospital ' s reorganization plan. The plan provides that the Development Corporation' s loan will be repaid over a three year period at 5 1/2%. The bankruptcy court must still approve the proposed payment plan. B. Major Employer Relocation Status Report - All plans for a relocation have been postponed until after the first of the year . C. Jim Meara, D/B/A the Meara Company Status Report - Mr. Meara reports that General Homes has completed their due- diligence study and plans to sign a contract to buy the forty-eight residential lots within a two (2) year period. The contract should be signed by the middle of September. The model home should be started by October 1 , 1993 . D. Applied Powder Technologies , Inc . - No contact was made during August . Mr . Chad has not returned my calls . E. Roberts Manufacturing Company - Mr . Larry Doyle, Distribution Facilities Manager for Roberts Manufacturing Company reported the company is still making plans to relocate but no definite decision will be made before next year. The company is taking a wait and see attitude. They are also considering another location. Mr . Doyle will keep us informed. F. Gerwin Corporation d/b/a The Merry Miler Company - The corporation owns and operates several satellite companies that convert vans and other vehicles for the tourist trade . Their Garland facility was recently destroyed by fire . They are looking for a 30 , 000 square foot building to temporarily house their manufacturing facilities . No facility was available, but they indicated a desire to move from Garland if a satisfactory financial incentive package was offered. G. Westcon ' 93 Trade Show - Mr . Womack gave the board the current status of this project . APPROVE THE RESIGNATION OF MR. TIMOTHY S. ROBINSON AS A DIRECTOR OF THE CORPORATION: President Cooper presented Mr. Robinson's letter of resignation. Mr. Robinson' s business is such that at this time he cannot serve on the board. John Yeager made a motion to accept Mr. Robinson' s resignation, seconded by Mr. Tobin. The motion carried with all in favor . APPROVE THE FINAL PAYMENT OF OUR FEBRUARY 10 , 1993 COMMITMENT TO REIMBURSE THE WYLIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR ADVERTISING EXPENSES: No action was taken on this item since the Development Corporation has not received an expense report from the Chamber on their expenditures related to advertising for the Corporation. APPROVE PAYMENT IN OCTOBER 1993 FOR AN ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP WITH THE NORTH TEXAS COMMISSION: The board members discussed the pros and cons of membership in this commission. Mr . Yeager made a motion to approve payment for a membership in North Texas Commission. Mr. Tobin seconded the motion. Mr . Mondy voted against the approval . The motion carried with three in favor and one against . RECESS OPEN MEETING CONVENE TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: A. Status Report on Land Purchase and Current Negotiations With Prospect to develop into Industrial Park . B . Status Report on Our Loan Commitment to Wylie Machine Shop, Inc . ACTION FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION A. No Action Taken B. No Action Taken CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: None There being no other business for discussion a motion was made and seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Minutes of the September 14 , 1993 , regular meeting approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting on October 12 , 1993 . f / ' ,,. // a 4 ' •/ /All: Ra on Co per , Pit ent G PREPARED BY: ea _. lie"; Anita Collins