06-09-1992 (WEDC) Minutes _
JUNE 9, 1992
The Directors of the Development Corporation of Wylie, Inc . ,
met in regular session at 4: 30 PM on Tuesday, June 9, 1992
in the Break Room of the Municipal Complex, 2000 SH78 N. ,
Wylie, Texas. A quorum was present and notice of the
meeting had been posted in the time and manner required by
law. Those present were Jim Smith, President , Bart
Peddicord, Secretary-Treasurer , James Blakey, John Yeager ,
John Tobin, Executive Director Charles Womack, Mayor John
Akin, City Manager Steve Norwood and Barbara LeCocq,
The Meeting was called to order by President Jim Smith.
- -LNG - �--�N M��Y _12,_1���92: A correction to Item No. 3,
CHAMEER-OF- -����-M-RCE-PRESENTATION, was to note that John
Yeager had made a motion to give the Economic Development
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce $12, 000 with the first
quarterly payment of $3000 being made on June 1 , 1992 and
~- the final payment being made on March 1 , 1993. A
correction was made to change the word "Board" following
Development to "Corporation" . Corrections were made in
punctuation and typographical error . Typos and corrections
as to content will be noted. A motion was made by James
Blakey to approve the minutes as amended, seconded by Bart
Peddicord . Motion carried, all in favor .
- --NEEDS: Mr . Norwood stated that he was not formally asking
for anything at this time; however , that may come at a later
date. City Manager Steve Norwood asked that the Development
Corporation look at doing some street reconstruction in the
business parks. Mr . Norwood ackowledged there might be some
legalities that would need to be observed; however , he
stated, that EDC funds can be legally used to improve the
streets in the existing parks. There is a need to upgrade
signs and look at increasing industrial growth as well as
retail businesses. Mr . Norwood stated that the present
state of some of the business parks is not one that would
present an enticing image to a prospective buyer . Mr .
Norwood asked that the Development Corporation use some of
the money that is generated by the 1 /2 cent sales tax to
upgrade the streets in these business parks to encourage
businesses to relocate to Wylie. Mr . Norwood said he felt
the Corpoation needs to spend some money for business
retainage as well as to bring in new business.
-- -- - ---- Jim m stated S ith that the interviews do
not project
- e image e the i the Corporation is looking for .
Charlie Womack stated that he had nine comments: ( 1 ) need to
include the number of churches in the City; (2) need to use
one of the new elementary schools; (3) include the
Birmingham house; (4) include the Birmingham scholarship
fund; (5) mention City' s outstanding Police and Fire
Departments; (6) have a picture and dialog of PID meeting
(Partners in Development ) ; (7) include some of the better
residential homes: (8) include the Wylie Supermarket because
it has been here for a long time; (9) have our citizens
write out their comments and then dub in the voice of a
professional speaker . Discussion pointed to a need to
include Armory and Extruders as well as include Rustic Oaks
addition rather than Wyndham Estates. Try to get a blend of
the old and the new. List was passed around to members by
Jim Smith to add to the list of things to be included in the
video. Jim Smith said he would contact Michael Brown ,
producer of the video, and give him the Corporations
- Report d t the City of Wylie in June
'-- C�TY OF WYL�E: epor due o e ,
Covers- --riod November to June (through May) . Charlie
Womack, Jim Smith, and Bart Peddicord will prepare a report
to the City.
- m Smith asked e Jim S it� k d if the members wanted to
respond. It is a survey that the Texas Municipal League
asked the Cornerstone Group to prepare. It is a survey to
determine the way in which the EDC funds are being or will
be used. Members filled out questionnaire together at the
ITEM Np~ 6_� R��PO�T_FROM__E�ECL�TI�/E_DIRECTOR: There are
three that are at this point , considering moving
their operations to Wylie. They are Metro Cast , Golden
Pickle and Master Brake Systems, Inc . The Director ' s report
is attached to the minutes, and are a part of the minutes.
- on was made an
FOR_$22�75: Motion d d seconded to pay City for
the name plates in the amount of $29. 75. Motion carried,
all in favor .
Peddicord, Treasurer reported that the Balance on hand on
4. 41 . 92 was $294, 687. 77. Expenditures were $424. 75 to
Charlie Womack , salary; $95. 00 Womack, expenses; $78. 00
Provident Bank, supplies; $50. 00 City of Wylie, rent ;
$424. 75, Womack salary. Income $20, 523. 58 from City of
Wylie sales tax revenue; $912. 83 Provident Bank, interest on
deposits. Total 5. 31 . 92, $315, 051 . 68. These accounts are
reconciled with the bank statement . Liabilities - income tax
withheld and all employment taxes $679. 00, obligation to
Holland Hitch of $28, 000. Treasurer ' s report accecpted by
unanimous vote.
----- ------------ -��
WORKSHOP: Regular meeting was recessed and the workshop
convened by President Jim Smith. General Discussion
included request for Corporation to underwrite down payment
of $50,000 for Robert Arden to purchase the strip center
where his business is located. Offers a second lien for
five years at 12% interest . Discussed the need to identify
commercial and industrial properties. John Yeager stressed
the need for some written guidelines and an application for
companies requesting grants and/or aid from the Corporation.
Discussed changing meeting time to 4: 00 PM from 4: 30 PM.
Concensus was to make that change and to instruct the
secretary to be sure and underline that fact on the next
ITEM_NO�_14_�_AD�OURNMENT: There being no further business,
the meeting was adjourned by aclamation.
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J Smi �n, President �
Res n?ctfully submitted:
� __� _ ___
Barbara LeCocq, \ �ecretfry