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08-02-2016 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet
Planning & Commission , o F. Iiik<40, ,c4,„,,i8- „(,-, , 4(P )c: 7,,,,,,,„irv_ti ,---' a ,,,,,,,,, k ....... ...- .. .-,..- ,:,,..,,„ .,..„-____„,JJ , ,,,, ,,,,L r ..„, _ „dr ..,_ 1 .._.:...eir _. , r , illik,'\IIP.:1! 1 rfT:lt,\ilPo .__L-rAtksw.. v,., ,,,,„ 4 .,..,. 3,41( M.. Alicr 40s Or 4 August Regular Business Meeting OF 1 4 : ' "; Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, August 2, 2016 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chair Dennis Larson Vice Chair Roger Myers Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Randy Owens Commissioner Jerry Stiller Commissioner Sonia Ahmed Commissioner Rena& 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. August 2,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from July 19, 2016, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda 1. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Cox Fine Floors Addition, creating one lot on 0.967 acres, generally located north of the intersection of Country Club Road and Brown Street. 2. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 5A consisting of 6.707 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. 3. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3A consisting of 50.075 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. 4. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3C consisting of 16.431 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Public Hearing 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Oaks Addition Lots 6R and 6R1, Block C; Being a Replat of Lot 6, Block C of Oaks Addition, located at 606 E Oak Street. RP 2016-04 2. Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Russell Addition Lots 2B-RA and 2B-RB, Block 3; Being a Replat of Lot 2B, Block 3 of Russell Addition, located at 419 N Jackson Avenue. RP 2016-03 3. Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Kellers 2nd Addition Lot 12R, Block 6; Being a Replat of Lots 12, 13, 14, & 15, Block A of Kellers 2nd Addition, located at 100 Elliot Street. RP 2016-02 4. Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural-30 (A-30) to Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) for Serene Villas Subdivision, creating approximately 50 residential lots on 16.739 acres, generally located west of Kreymer Lane and north of Stone Road, (1033 S. Kreymer Ln; 1053 S. Kreymer Ln) ZC 2016-09 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the 29th day of July, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday July 19, 2016—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Vice Chair Dennis Larson, Commissioner Jerry Stiller, Commissioner Randy Owens, Commissioner Sonia Ahmed, Commissioner Roger Myers, and Commissioner Mike McCrossin. Commissioner Ron Smith was absent. Staff present was Jasen Haskins, Sr Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner McCrossin gave the Invocation. Commissioner Stiller led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Citizen Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the July 5, 2016, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Commissioner McCrossin to approve the minutes for July 5, 2016, as submitted. Motion carried 6 — 0. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda Minutes July 19,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 4 Item 1 —Preliminary Plat New Haven at Wylie Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for New Haven at Wylie Addition, creating one lot on 3.126 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that the property totals 3.126 acres and will create one lot. The property is zoned Neighborhood Services with a Special Use Permit to allow for Assisted Living. A Site Plan is also on this agenda for consideration. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineer. Board Action With no questions for the Applicant, A motion was made by Commissioner Owens, and seconded by Commissioner Ahmed, to recommend approval to the City Council for the Preliminary Plat for New Haven at Wylie. Motion carried 6—0. Item 2 —Site Plan New Haven at Wylie Consider, and act upon approval of a Site Plan for New Haven at Wylie for an Assisted Living Facility on 3.126 acres, generally located on the northeast corner of Brown Street and Westgate Way. Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is proposing to develop an Assisted Living facility with four structures totaling 47,200 square feet on approximately 3.1 acres. In March 2016, the City Council approved a request to change the zoning to Neighborhood Services with a Special Use Permit. The Special Use Permit allows an Assisted Living facility and sixty parking spaces that are nine feet by eighteen feet. The Preliminary Plat is on the current agenda. Board Discussion The Commissioners expressed concern for the number of parking spaces. Mr. Haskins stated that the Fire Marshall reviewed and approved the plans with a hammerhead to the north. Additional parking for visitors is allowed on the school parking lot. Board Action With no questions for the Applicant, A motion was made by Commissioner Ahmed, and seconded by Commissioner Owens, to approve the Site Plan for New Haven at Wylie. Motion carried 6 —0. Minutes July 19,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 4 Item 3 —Site Plan Office/Warehouse, Regency Business Park Ph 2, Lot 6, Block E Consider, and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Office/Warehouse Use, generally located at Lot 6, Block E of Regency Business Park Phase 2, located east of the intersection of Regency Drive and Exchange Street on 2804 Exchange Street. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the applicant desires to develop a single story office/warehouse building on a single lot consisting of 0.259 acres. The subject property is part of the Regency Business Park Phase 2 and is zoned Light Industrial. The Regency Business Park Phase 2 Addition was developed under the 1985 Zoning Ordinance setback requirements. The property is vested and complies with the setback requirements. The applicant has submitted the same Site Plan for Lot 7, the adjacent property, and it is on the Agenda for consideration. No user is determined at this time. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Board Action With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Stiller, to approve the Site Plan for Office/Warehouse use, Lot 6, Block E of Regency Business Park Phase 2 Addition. Motion carried 6 —0. Item 4 —Site Plan Office/Warehouse, Regency Business Park Ph 2, Lot 7, Block E Consider, and act upon approval of a Site Plan for Office/Warehouse Use, generally located at Lot 7, Block E of Regency Business Park Phase 2, located east of the intersection of Regency Drive and Exchange Street on 2804 Exchange Street. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the applicant desires to develop a single story office/warehouse building on a single lot consisting of 0.259 acres. The subject property is part of the Regency Business Park Phase 2 and is zoned Light Industrial. The applicant has submitted the same Site Plan for Lot 6, the adjacent property, and it is on the Agenda for consideration. No user is determined at this time. Minutes July 19,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 4 Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Board Action With no questions for the applicant, a motion was made by Commissioner Stiller, and seconded by Commissioner Owens, to approve the Site Plan for Office/Warehouse use, Lot 7, Block E of Regency Business Park Phase 2 Addition. Motion carried 6 — 0. Miscellaneous Ms. Bradley reminded the Commissioners of the next meeting for August 2, 2016. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner McCrossin, and seconded by Commissioner Myers to adjourn the meeting. All Commissioners were in consensus. Dennis Larson,Vice-Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes July 19,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 4 Wylie Planning & Zoning AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Cox Fine Floors Addition Date Prepared: July 14, 2016 Zoning District: SUP—Neighborhood Services Exhibits: Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Cox Fine Floors Addition, creating one lot on 0.967 acres, generally located north of the intersection of Country Club Road and Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Cox Fine Floors Addition, creating one lot on 0.967 acres, generally located north of the intersection of Country Club Road and Brown Street. Discussion APPLICANT: Roome Land Surveying OWNERS: Gary Cox The property totals 0.967 acres and will create one commercial lot. The land is currently developed and has not been platted. The applicant is required to plat the land to allow for a new structure to be allowed on the lot. A site plan with the new structure will be submitted as a separate submittal at a later date. The plat did not require additional dedications for right-of-way or drainage but will dedicate 24' for fire lanes, and utility easements on the southern portion of the lot. This Final Plat complies with the applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 C OWNER'S DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SUPVEVOR'S CERTIFICATE STP1E OF § § COUNTY OF COLLIN § COUNTY OF COLLIN § e o e°,��oa IVT WHEREAS C.is the owner of a tract of land situated in the S to f le. n KNOW ALL MEN Ry THESE PRF�M. ww,.e .rogr,s3s Cxo and CityRoi Wylie•being port of the Charles Atlerbury Surv0.967 acre tract conveyed to Gary L.Cox by deed ey.Abstract No. of in Document No.20080101000301330 aa of a ONe called of the Deed Records of Collin y,Texas ana g more po uc v described os follows. �3Dthe land and in.the corner monuments shown thereon were found amending plat properly placed under my Nev cool E zso n — —— (TENT lid al on ii,cut found in concrete in the existing e right—of—way q ran supervision in ocr,donce with the opp come codes and ordinances of the vWylie. ed 11.0216 acre conveyed to Ron Val,by deed recorded in Document No.20150520000500020 of the Deed Records of Collin County.Texas.Ihe Texas,the in R,PnLS Na 5093 T.mr uo.. Document No.200 7101 9001 4 4r0070 of the sDeed eRecords of Colllnr County.Texas Band the southdwest corner of said 0.967 acre tract,said point s a curve to toright; ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 'DD.,/ THENCE w saideastg o way cues one o soldacre tractas o ows: STATE OF TEXAS § Northeasterly Oh sod curve to the right having a radius of 2937.86 feet.o central angle of 0018'02'. COUNTY OF COLLIN § on l anarc distance of 15.41 feet cut set in mnrete and a chord bearing and distance of Norm 022709 Eon.1541 feel to BEFORE ME,the undersigned oulhority,on this doy personolly ed Mel auto,known to be the person whose whoa g to me that the same tor Ihe ses and �"C U Nolriheoslerl0y 0wilM1E saitl c3veL ae,h to o TxDO^g aoradius of 306302 fep e enlral angle o!OG'1)'S9 ne GIVEN UNDERsMY HANDd ANDmSEALp OFasOFFICE.this theforegoing otion ineay o expressed. 2016ed e left b 03 ,^� LOT I,Block a 10 Ear 16.02 fee o Qry /2' d d'R A t called MOO acre tract pNl i 42.133 Jq Nt.or II.Y6'1 Acre a� the Deed rzt Pub'c'n and for 13 8$ Records of Collin y, exas and coo g e northwest corner of said 0,67 acre tract, Tne o1e at Terns ti North '4�P g § said inch iron rod capped DRoome"set for corner marking in, 5 5'5 northwest corner of o coiled 2.00 ocre troct conveyed to Kris,Rosotelli—Ramon ond Rolonda Roman by L ef55 Coe Na 2.00 o100%s330 CRiz'/ 30 of the Deed Records of Collin C Texas and INmmmended for Appmwl" R• 1'3 _ �o the northeastearner of said N096]0ocre1;001096 County.M 5 THENCE with the west line of y 0 acre troct ond the east line of soid 0.967 ocre tract.South S" sold 0on r.copped iiRoorneii set for corner in the north southwest -f d 200 1 1 d 1n e of Planning a Zoning C mmDssion Date tif�. soutne 1,comer of sold 1. acre tlac!„n sou wes comer o said _ acre roc an e y y Texas .4,1 I THENCE yid,.the north line of sold 11.0216 acre tract ond the south line of sold 0.967 ocre trod, � I aSouth cres of 0 gist.26011-feet 10 the Point of Beginning d containing 33 saua e feel or 09,7 Approved for Construction' road OWNER'S CERTIFICATE Mayor. y of Wylie.lems Dole I STATE COLA,OF F TEXAS § CO COLLIN § 'Pccepted W THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: E bolr.�e>5I1, g »C,vecT t Cory Cot above des prop erty as Final Plat of c,f.ra, 589 a30rw25off cons xeo<f oY�sae. cuu Lot 1,Moek ofeLbs Fire Floors Addition,so r dedicate.in fee simple.to the public use forever.the streets.rights -fow ndf Wylie. ea hereby V Yo-f Nylle,Texas Dole improvementst streets d dedicated street purposes.The P011,IT OF easements and public use areas.are dedicated.for the public use forever.for the purposes d on 9EGINNING�Y m [b e< Curs d theta Secretory o the Cl of Wylie. deo e Plot ofd Lot g1,BYek 1 of Lbz FMe Floors dd101os to the City of Wylie wos submitted to the City Doc.xx.1CIso5l000o55Co2o attrT aced in ploced upon, landscape e approved by the City eCouxc of the t that dC�ly of Wvlieope improvements el eadditlonv btilll r easements may also be used for mi..use and accommodation tar uofAiall public sold use utilities p blic ulddes g cepled then dedlc.r day f sheets.a public cP authorizeds. d ter and es wer lines as using the some unless the eosement limits the use. a note the D. subordinate tote public's antl y y use thereof. 0 eepla o On e^d this g g y upz home as here nAb�2al6 betl. Mayor The Oily of Wylie ond public utilities entilies shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or ss my of r..D` Ports of any building,fences.trees.shrubs or rovements h moy in A?, easemen other Ct M,' d b lic yendanger or inlerfere with the construe.,ma. t .. systemsof theirency .ies shall at all times have the full g ht of g. .dress nd egress to or from their respedive easements for the purpose of constructing.reconstructing.inspecting, pgwithout the necessity v e procuring permission fromanyone. Forts of then espen�systemsv y ,exas i_° This plot Texas ma 1 toa pa 9 dinances,rules. 9 iane and resolution of the v of wONEsi my hond.this the day a ,2016. Gary Cox ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § BEFORE ME,the undersigned authority.on this day personally appeared Cory Cos,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,who acknowledged.me that the some was executed for the purposes ond considerotion therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,is the .day of .2016. Final Plat of The purpose of this Final Plat Is to create one — DDY (, �)VICINIT MAP XN commercial rot. Lot 1, Block 1 CREED xciiiiii,DD N. S. ; I- re Selling a Cox Fine Floors Addition an mete,onol q M low lles and building g p s CharlesAtterburfrSurvey.Abstract No.22 SITE N 5= reap City of Wylie,Collin County; Texas �pr � l.E.N M s can many July 5,2016 within a Sp CM is controlling Area inundatedby 100—year flood per e ✓i C,�i ydz3A3,.Cwb .m., Maps for Collin oe Cox d m2 r s Corytthe bene„recorded o dadl„leooy 40' Ow Country Club Road �� Room e — Surveyor did not abstract or this property SUP 3-12.research records roc eosementmitment.Subject property is affected by any or all ��fej.e co ®il record. ,Texas 75099 �m Land Surveying o g Phurr I veil, +►�� fly_�F�� Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission m ip AYLOm q �� J. J` i ,rI� AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Inspiration Date Prepared: July 19, 2016 Zoning District: N/A-Wylie's ETJ Exhibits: Final Plat, Exhibit Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 5A consisting of 6.707 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 5A consisting of 6.707 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, tenerall located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Discussion OWNER: St Paul Inspiration, LLC APPLICANT/ENGINEER: Kimberly K. Cornett, P.E., CFM Inspiration is an approximate 700 acre master planned community; special municipal utility district (MUD) located in unincorporated Collin County and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of Wylie, St. Paul, and Lucas. When complete, the development will consist of approximately 1,400 single family lots of varied densities and multiple open space areas and a WISD elementary school site. In accordance with the approved development agreement; the MUD shall comply with City's Subdivision Regulations and plat requirements. The preliminary plat, consisting of Phase 5 totaling 17.186 acres and 61 residential and common area lots, with 10.320 acres and 32 lots within the Wylie ETJ, was approved by City Council in July 2016. Under consideration for this final plat, by the development agreement, is the entirety of each phase including areas in other jurisdictional ETJs. In this case there are 30 total lots (29 residential and 1 open space) on 6.707 acres. Lot 2x Block N is open space. The development agreement adopted in October, 2011 requires that the average lot size be 8,500 square feet and unit density be no more than 2.65 lots per acre for the development. Exhibit A shows how the development will meet this overall goal. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 PARKER RD ACRES ,.. : .. WICOGIENDED FOR APPROVA(. VICINITY MAP N.) _ . NOT TO SCALC I .. , DIDIRDEIR7.- 37.4r128. colo. ossoN NW \ • .< , 4.or 1.44•5E5AY 1011016500.1DCT Li') A p.,4 _ TRACT '0 . „---__.,:. .APPROVE0 FOR CONSTRUCTION. 4 w capST "( • . _ V) BLOCK AA (CM TT`. ,14 PARKER LAKESIDE.U.C. 1 AU, ,c, , C.C.,2013050700061917D MDR.Ore OF WM.(ExA5 INIE- . <IC 0 P.RC.C.T ' 2 6M 0- '- -----1-1-"'- 1 ' , • , -ACCEPTED. 2- . ,I. - ORTOR7LITOTWYBETERDS arrr- i2 il ,.../- . .- : S ..: 129.959 ACRES ,,P 1,1 - .. .,..,,, '17., , ) - L'ITIV=1, 21%Ill'gr'.7.",Z,VZ,I.. i.,7,16.Allt 1.rn" S i= ST.PAUL INSPIRATION LIE. ( . ()--,. 1' '7 -I!, ) , 222Eg20711ZIg12,%TrA;T"F:tts,87:4!)VA?:,5`.7:stog;11.Tu'f",rstltCPRCCT , < 't?, sicHINC IUSR ST14EH.VEIERR AUUTNHESO RAIAZSE DS HT OHWE NBL SIAACTHODR STE OT NEGOWG THIxE.ACDC EUPTPAONNC ES A/JDK PMU.T ABHYD SAID cc 0-- an ef no(LT./ „e".. • /2-1 7 -- J WITNESS INT HAND MIS De Of V.) PT . / 6,, -,-- + '--,...77i:--- -- non ii , z z, i ',,----- i '-','' " .0-- . .s. e0Z TRACT 4 - . MN) RD., • ) 38124 ACRES Lin 51LWEITARY.Lill OF WV..TEXAS 2 '4., --‹1).NO $(:P'. . ../ 066 UNION : B.<16. ,' 1 C.C.,20130.320004331.3 .2 , 4 , , ,, „ 46. CEO) /- .!-62 G2N 4-2,•-, _18.E ,61..n! (.0, !! , . .. , 4-• ! , . !' ! , NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL.MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: i LOT I BLOCK I SF. I ACRES 4 "-;'' • ;--•'`BY .:VE''' cc.) -----M1-1 11U-- >750 1 0179 1( 52 .. GAT.ST.PAUL INSINRAMN.LLC.(111216r).ACTING BY AND THROUGH YIN UNDERSIGNED. ! .„, . . . . ITS OULY ANEMONE.)AGENT DOES HEREBY ADOPT THIS PLAT OESIGNATING TILE HEREIN 'M r..L W.W' ..W 5 TT TT=1.'.."-!N. 2 AsovE!LEGGED PROPEATE.AS THSPIRATION.PHASE 5A-T.AN40.0FIE!Orr4.,E104,8EE,„CsOrzy 1 1 1 mouuro,N! LEEN.I, :ILE I „. , :•••,1 H -.... OF COL.TEXAS.AND COES HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE PUBLIC AG. W 4-T/ • 4,=. gi Z . ',',. S. ''...8 4.5 AIE A. ,,i , I- ...... "••• •- ,I.: 1-... ., z,ts,.:7 g4,5:;tro„....n.x,r.",rwziza;zgan,cgrval tr. , . ,...i .., o,. i A 1 : OEDICALIG TO THE CONTRARY,0.ER INGO,EXPRESSLY INSERvE AND KLAN.FOR THE , ,.,..,...„, .,...... , ...,,,, , BENEFIT OF OWNER MD ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASIT.S.ANY ANO ALL MEM.TIT"AND , TA !....E.E EPEE. E .•.. , E 4E.'"•' E • ' -8. S. INTEREST IN ANO TO ANY HIREPALS AHD 121HERAL!GERMS BINEATII ENE SURFACE AND I 20 1 INK SI 1 8069 E 0186 E • - .Lf/c-; 1/= .=,, '4,7 . . , T • 40.00T . .2,2. RIGHTS(INCLUOINO,WITHOUT GIITAT.N.ALL GROGDWAYER RIGHTS,UGH.UNDER.OVER ! /, .! /L3 N! ;2'4 : '‘'.! OR ANGRIER.,TO THE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ONE YfiATTR RIGHTEl.IT , 22 1 8LX N 1 602 E 012S 1 2 W13662-.=-=- . :.•1*,... .-WW2. T 1,11' ..-Y''' „...2.! tVIZrEFTVotZ"rOIS°4116,!"' E Se x• .,,,, ',..,1 ••••, sl'g,- " • t 2 i 24 1.au. 6970 I 01.i o / ,.;:•,-, . ...., ,, ,t4 140.00. NO 1 26 E 0LK N E 3362 I 0192 i •2.== . .25!" .T.I. i a ,,T1:=„gutTAIL,, g' ": _ , i 27 !BURN I MSG 1 0310 1 I 28 I B.N I 98.311, 0226, 'f.:.:.;;:-* ---- i 29 I BLK N E• 8712 2,02., 11)3 30 0 ilz g. ..13 "!ii ,-i0 ' ''.1.5_ " : ..:::.g.** „„„„- MANNY OF 1 30 1 emu I 8834 I oxo , i 31 i URN 1 3613 1 0.I.i _ TRACTS ROTORS l.;7g:°147Zn11414:Z117:211,`:::::.2 MAW°:,.. i a= i BLK N 1 eaal I ons I SDAikE.111..F,FET S. , S. if- ii- 1- i3,.. • 19.338 ACRES TO ME TO BE THE PERSON mHOSE NAME IS SUBSCRIBE.TO THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT ! AS ! ,2,2 22! ,s,,,, ! 2,2s,2,!21 . , : e-00 , X ,, 0 . W.STEVEN/ 39 INIFSTETLER ,,.20TeX,E,DGA.J.0, ,4?14ED,!.,,VIIELO,,11, „.TIFE SAG Ix THE CAPACITY NEREIN STATED , 3.4 . . ,, 73.•,, I ,,, , , o,,, 2 C.C. 3D-00984 • 9'1),) ,5, OF , 35 I au o 1_/507 am . ,.:, „:, ..,:.„, : . • 4 ,.. ..,.. _j.,,,,, i Jet, i .44K ..wf,..„.,,,_46a,.. Jr...., , ,..` OVEN LINDER MT NAND AND SEAL THIS DAY Of GIB. 36 ,BLK RI I 6733 I 0200 . . 4(94 1.1,, , 47 (BLitt+( rECO I alea i RECTIONAL CONTROL GM , POINT OE ST. a i RAN i IWO i 6161 1 -25-(5-- BEGINNING 1 , i . i..a,. I 7E,•.•i •.1.51.1 NOTARY PUBLIC IN ARO[OR THE STATE Of TEXAS ••••• 2 I . i•E•• i 7,.. i •1•A i . ' 8 9 E• . • N X • • •• •• - ••. or commission 1.11222: • • ., INSPIRATION.PHASE 2A . -.„ CABINET 2016.PAGE 259 . CUM:am..---zar RM.§=Coo.eciaaW76.1 Wi10A03ArUe-E0 ,- '".--,17ere, SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE _„ , ..ELLIOTT PAT WNW.Of Nuns[A.m.GIMP WC..•RENSICRED PROMW1.1 LAND 2 Ci T Xib-/ie- 7 foll.W-7 5G2L-2•86 Vf___! .i . _ _ . A 46 ' 4).61911 -tea.,- aa.-M7-, AI/P . TITE7 L 1 1 'ArrACTIRarTE'VLarrOrTater111=11WKIrJ19 PS:=1,11.,:gnffr F, 4-+M-4 tt.f*-i-54-MR+ it-fi----i----114.---1 - __ _ _.___ ., •. • „.„,..ucn,.....RON ROOS NG GLENGLAGN GT,STAJAKO'O..'Fn..S..A. FINAL PLAT , i _...... ... ...:7=1:i"ELgrail24'....rg*,.11 UrZarrinlITifricE.r.TITZT.' OF i• OW..c0*mn02000 PRELIMINARY. DO NOT INSPIRATION 5..• u. BEARING OISIANcE VAN or Dm X saER,e.o.„.77 2.°E7r421:«"ELr.I.TL:"4,41‘liC";.:Wfano it*F",,,C,7Ao:SEI:SE".n7 ON r RON gl';EI.ZPW"Pln.:rzg 9.rAcUe:! RECORD FOR ANY PURPOSE ,,...V........, PHASE 5A-1 LI .2•33.21, 46.42' co..,.or2Lmo X ......."RET7 TOR CORNER: RELEASED 07/14/2016 ,4.,,,D.Ii;",;:t?.:,, ' L7 1161.63,I, 66.6D WHEREAS ST RAUL INSPIRATION.LLC IS THE SOLE OWNER OF A 6.7 AC. NORTH 62 DEGREES 63 MINUTES 11 SECONDS WEST.A WSTANCE Of 5X51 SOUTH ea GEORGES 51 MINUTES 32 SECONDS UST.•DISTMCE Or 76.55 OAPTITT PAT MBE L0,7„.;4,T,3_6i7)(iLigL,?,CKa N TR1485 ACT OF LINO SITUATED IN THE LEROY TAMER SURVEY,OR NO.334. FEET TO A 5/6"IRON ROO WON YELLOW MASTIC CAP STARTED"JACCes- FCC 10 A 6/6 MON ROO WITH YELLOW PLASTIC CAP SEAMED JACOBS 112."11:.7.1=7,17.`.17°"-- ', 555 rr:°g:Z :11>: TME MARK NORRIS.SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.551,ANO JOSIAH TURN!. SET FOR ME NORTHWEST CORNER Of LOT IX.FLOCK N.ANO BONO ON SET FOR CORNER, GRIN.ABSTRACT HO.OM vi T.TOwr•Or ST.NAG E.T.A.AHD TILE an THE GsTANLY NNW-Or-WAY.2 Of INSPIRATION BOOLEvARD.AN OS OUT OF THE 1 L6 54011.19, 56.05' T N HT OF Of SMO PIRO.PRASE 2A SAID POIHT •2,-2,`,Ti.f.1...i,<L''• 2 L7 sori7•42), 6.0o. C.CF.nr.Y4.aLDIOZT.10 11.:At t V.17:1,° 11:11. `.21:.gg;CO-NT.TO OF A NON-'A.6.p.' .0.an To i.E urr x•virx A ."PEE:T"Ass,VrIgaT'm'es,:g°',111::7•LatiiTsTCT/cTZP10 --_, MARK MORRIS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.561, RECORDED IN c waxy CLERG FILE NO. . OFFICIAL PUBLIC CENTNAL ANGLE OF IC DECNEE5 ITLIIIIIIIEZ'Zi SEc.os.•5.1113 OF ..X:Or$.Fop coNmEN, THE LEORY FARMER SURVEY.ABSTRAC1033OR SOE'IS'SS'E IS IS' tnac%pr.. •‘." -"° "'.."."-. ''''' ::5?:1'g:`,V.....?.:n...r..g....'2.„'iTgoff.1,:g,`Lolgt:COAL :,?,varg7i4V,117`,,%1LgA'Or'Str4111:""'REES M souTH oo MERLES 17 TANGES.SECONDS EAST A DIsT.cc oF sroo AND THE JOSIAH TURNHAM SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.919 S ONF.NADel(NAM.(20i.7 EPOCH 20102 DETERMINED BY CPS F,E61.,100..CORNER, ROD W.YELLOW PLASTIC Ge STAMPED"JACOBS" rararKE=70 711T:IN'T=TATA"0:4RWMFOTrPVVIrETT“" IN THE TOWN OF ST PAUL.E.T.J. AND IN THE CITY OF WYLIE E.I.J. ..TATZ21.22V,-CIP-225'20'gr!..:1,CATS°,1:,pozg,r)„=„„E, ,'.,',11`T'.....°Ig::::.,..m2„..147...,rtr,z1,...4.-«,"„sv,,.. BY MEWS IMO BOGGS AS FOLLOW. INSPIRAT..PHASE 2A.AN ARC INSTANCE Of 330.98 EEG TO A S/2.IRON HORN 29 BE GEES 42 NowTES III SECONDS[.Sr.A OP3TANCE Or =144.MS fa eczx PEIga4=t NWE 15 MIME.FORME 64111POSI COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ROO wax YELLOW PLASTIC COP ST.PED-JACOBS.SET FOR AM INTERIOR ELL GOOD FEE1 TO A Sir IRON POO WTI YENOw PLASTIC CAP ST.Pfer fNNW AT A 5 a'R.ROO WITH A YELLOW PLASTIC CO STAINKD .' . ' CORNER OF SAID 129959 ACRE TRACT, -.14083.SET FOR.EXTERIOR ILL CORNER OF SAID 129.959 ACRE •NR.NW.,NY GITO...ALF°. ....'OF„-a-:F... 6.707 ACRES / JACOBS SET FOR ENE SOUTHEAST CORNER Of SNO 129.939 ACRE TRACT. T.,,,,,,A.,.....,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.„,!‘„,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,, MO,AND BLINO ON THE WEST UNE OF A 36.524 ACRE TRACT OF LARD, 29 RESIDENTIAL LOTS . AND TIN COMMON NORTHEAST CORNER Or LOT..BLOCK N.OF THE REPLAY ro,u,,,,,,,G.„,m,A...,.....c„, CONVEYED AS TRACT 4 TO LEI.ono.-R.CH.LP..BY DEE0 Of INSPIRATION.PHASE SA,AN ADDITION TO THE TOwN Of ST.PANE E.1.0.. RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERICS FOE NUMBER 201.304D2000.32510. • 1 NON-RESIDENTIAL LOT : AS RECORDED IN CANINE!2016.PAGE 159.PLAT RECORDS.COLLIN COUNTY, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS.COLLIN COURT,TEXAS, TEXAS.AND BEING ON THE WEST UNE OF•CALICO 19.336 ACRE TRACT OF SOUTH B1 DECP«s o•FONOTES 37 50..5 5A5t.A ofsTARCE Of lo.00 Nom.PULL.IN MD No WM STATE or 12.2 [.........Go L...222•3 2.2,L.,,,,, LAND CONVEYED AS TRACI A TO N.STEEN HUFSTITLER.COUNTY EGRKT8 f48,1,14 to5/115011 ROD wax LILL.PLASTIC CAP STAmPED-JACOBS. ;•,,,Ig,!,,n,,,,,,,,gr.%s.,,, 41:g 11:v:11...u.,.12.1..g.0 SHEET 1 OF 1 NV...ION EXOSESt .4464,61(3.NORM GENIE.TONI.NAME INA003 PLE N.R5-TETIBETT„OTF.A5 TY..RVEOORD5,TOY.'O0.5T.T.A5„ i 1124=12e 7111L402W00r02l, =G ,E01L5Ac 3,r.:42:oral 1,E,,00..,001,0,t0.1,r.. ,,c11.,,, Llr:17..01'AS3E'rl%Sriti00aitit001g.:01gil00EF.,i'llailt45;2"Fainr g - COURSCS ANO DISTANCES: TRACT A.AND CONTINUING ALONG THE WEST LINE Of AFORE.D TRACT A FG TOTAL INSTANCE.Of Socwo FEET To INF POINT Of INEINIMIC A. :417.c.,C7i4171,164:ZO:'.VZSZ SOUTH 29 DECRIES 42 MINUTES 111 SE.C.03 WES.A DISTANCE OF SOU.64 DEGREES 42 miNUTES 25 SECONDS Gs.•wsTANcEof 55.3! CONTAINING A CALCULATEO AREA OF 6.707 ACRES OF LAMO OWNER/DEVELOPER: ST.PAUL INSINRATION,LLC 3=0t,tvE,70,4(OASIS' ROD WITH YELLOW PLASTIC COP STAGED f,g1,100.A5RON ROD RITE YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAINED JACOBS 0200 DOUGLAS AVENUE SUITE 300 I '.55RSilit:2*0 S002A.:7SlinniiiirKlgra7 DALLAS,TEXAS 75225 ''''" 3'. 2.,,,jj,c7, to'grg,Z. TRETS1,15:e:,'iitoX'KOPVTI FOLLOW RUSTIC TT::::•91Acol:1 , '..f:02307TSET FOR"' "" D L'-** L" PHONE 214-760-1600 i '''' SOUTH 42 OEDREES 52 MINUTES Fl SECONDS DST,A DISTANCE OF ENGINEER/SURVEYOJ ="arPour""' •1 ITO.Z 7ecrnse,'4•':VX"eaTItw.I.E7aorot.41;r.2 WW WLIWW PTA3.CAP 3TAP.E. ACOBS g..i.J. EXTRA TERRITORIAL Pismo i. -JACOBS.SET FOR CORNER '''" ** 1999 BRYAN STREET.SUITE 1200 AUG 0 2 2016 ,.AE PEOESTRIAN ACCESS EASEMENT I i 'RAYS?. :=:•Ltr"... [ =:,;.r.-:',,r,..;:4-ROy:;,;,,vg.,:cE.;,,,:T,t,7,,,,I,z,ED iiiv,100...,ez.:0vROVI:TX ATIL'I.:Ye'rUSC"CA:,TTTL?Pf:PJ'ACTIL:! CALLAS.TEXAS 75201-3136 PHONE 214-63B-0145 FAX 214-638-0441 CEMCIAL PUBLIC RECORDS.coLuN i -J.....Gy Eon...Ex TOPES F1/m4 10152300 fa' MONTT.TECO .9,1 . 1.11...11 71._01115.CO.4(00oNn.TERASF" Ti,S.PIA',FXED. JULY 2016 .-111 Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission c ', ip AYLOm qJ. p W � p J` i ,rI� AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Inspiration Date Prepared: July 19, 2016 Zoning District: N/A-Wylie's ETJ Exhibits: Final Plat, Exhibit Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3A consisting of 50.075 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3A consisting of 50.075 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, tenerall located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Discussion OWNER: St Paul Inspiration, LLC APPLICANT/ENGINEER: Kimberly K. Cornett, P.E., CFM Inspiration is an approximate 700 acre master planned community; special municipal utility district (MUD) located in unincorporated Collin County and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of Wylie, St. Paul, and Lucas. When complete, the development will consist of approximately 1,400 single family lots of varied densities and multiple open space areas and a WISD elementary school site. In accordance with the approved development agreement; the MUD shall comply with City's Subdivision Regulations and plat requirements. The preliminary plat, consisting of Phases 3 & 4 totaling 170.996 acres and 512 residential and common area lots, with 107.629 acres and 324 lots within the Wylie ETJ, was approved by City Council in July 2016. Under consideration for this final plat, by the development agreement, is the entirety of each phase including areas in other jurisdictional ETJs. In this case there are 144 total lots (137 residential and 7 open space lots) on 50.075 acres. Lot 6x Block M is open space and a utility easement. Lot 2 Block PP is for a pump station. Lot 3 Block PP is for an amenity center. The development agreement adopted in October, 2011 requires that the average lot size be 8,500 square feet and unit density be no more than 2.65 lots per acre for the development. Exhibit A shows how the development will meet this overall goal. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 ,� \ T $ YIOT TO SCALE,MAP - - - \ ` INSPIRATION, �KryE PROPOSED11 M ° - INSPIRATION, PH F 36 i - _. Ltl ,:312 �.- PHASE d` STRACTT \ }2 59 ACRES E P RKFR RD. y 0 t _ \ w 13 PARKER LAKESIDE LLC GO y O 20130507000619170 S7 = O.P.R.C.C.T. J C RD ' - sacs 124 SYS AC'AE { ' P u. ' STD Pas, �_a .1- L4'l o E 8 P � zL m_ s - np�i`E a- .Lac x a e OVE -_ - 3 ~ — ..at. 0 \ 9 ER �� Q r a r a TRACT NO.4424 - F INSPIRATION. \� \ ' u 5 PHASE 3C G <I2 yam. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - ^' VOLUME 736.PAGE 833 - RPIR �E PalASE'3 LOT S La§ F �..4 s c 38 a3 - - 16 P R C C' - -x.'_: Malt - - ----. ---- ----. _ -i8 ' .: x al a. s & a 4 $ xl I y a._ ai 1x E 6 >=raa. �-2FM - ' L '—`^yea �.E • -;.oa a. - i D C. _ ItlIB w ;S, 4 8 , e 3• x �B IT _II x, 8 - • �-'d r ,. i 5 117s a . . s y e1• s a E s _ a T / VA) x I > b „.v- "•,ss6.DBs= s oi % so s � s I '7 ^ /x Iw 66 PFa o IZ sK ag x �A3 ,€ i " g` ' `'�- — 7 Xx =� I C a. s : x x _Ix• g1 a _ P a IB ; I 1� , ,R.[x5Pun 1 4 7 6me a a ��¢I$ I• I ai a il a t 1 • b e ? a / '€ - Cr 4 SCALE IN FEET N>25-'.eI 1 y,te . -{. ~ 'h'AZ°` l&� '� a� z-.',g? 3 LZD 've�J . �g I- �p`°`x yr i " '� s�'-"�i-'d 3.7€ "a• �2'., ,r$�/�/ �jl zJzsa•'iP TEDRACT NO.STATES of AMERCA 8 I M ,;:,,,,,,,..2,,,,,• Y -( L C F =" }✓j UNITED 736,PAGEM833 dlRAnar PHASE IB --. • .�+� R "at z 6'� / "`t-'A, fps rSs16' DR C C T. ,y CABINET 2015,PAGE 363- "j 7 —3Oo gl :� A 7$ ^ .A // '• 8 7Q�' R 1062.50' P.R.0 C.T. 4 6 iu E..r-[ - -13 x dj� r $ /, ce sD9.1 s'xz•E A, �By V.,r ''IS '• LL 282.75' / 16 4 • 6 s' ?F- sT.° .ox l'-*- ', .4 qe / x:,_ 1/j =ze}.us• .o�MXi- wv x? / / / _ .x :IS ' m - xw 8 c . -?'4,/'7''/ , / .,r r; FINALPLAT = __eIp k kl BI l l 8 S ° W 9 \ d / -A'`4^ OF 1 '19 s a s— a�` e e\ b f f. / a s �w INSPIRATION I x�gv�� 74��' �14 .t P -V e :f._ -' -� v w 4 NOOI m"dowVE / �a PHASE 3A a .e. + a y l Ml h _ L25 / LOTS - M al wla. 1 J / fib b} gi/ 4 OE mOx 424-604) LOTS 21.BLOCKLOCK CK Y •• T sR'rex.s yoAR A l P`,. x 8 • _. '°T- P/9 b •'I . 1159 ACRES LOTS - 9M..xr[,yfmE aI a s & a a s °c [`,,..eRn= '� �^es u: "__ ', b`4'7` e r 9170 _ ^ _ may - -- 'i 1p.i*a ,3, Y ` a// 6=2410 M1' OPRCC iD61L LOTS 51 1 8 36•%B BOLOCK Z .X -& LOTS 1 14.1X,BLOCK AA A f6PIPN6Y—rK A✓ --o-y pg' ,..a 'a '$, / CS 1002.b0' 1X,BLOCK BB 3 krr" +i'--o- Ta" -S?Te-4'X's SS.yEr L .,}2 6 / / CB=516'01'29'W 'AR }2 x h - �� „ S �4l CL=036.66' LOTS 2 ANO 3.BLOCK PP t k,4('' Kam' _ w' r°'" 1x\,..y. s[wERs:'eCRA y OUT 4 EAS[m[x b t r a' e. `AC > � L d}9 THE MARK MORRI6 SURVEY.ABSTRACT N0.561, S "-- P = e bt rr=lo t � ,�',rery Or 92.' / THE LEORY FARMER SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.334 INSPR iIBO PN SE - _ IT rxs , t a I▪S ',AM..�`- _ AND THE IOSI TTO NAM SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.919 P.R C.C. LE 2 'POINT OF (d 4 r ..�8 $I' $i aJ al a 4Aa st ay W 4 IN THE TOWN OF Si PdUL E.i.J. a BEGINPoING L'1 \ _ �a 4� AND IN THE CITY OF WYLIE E.T.J. y / / - - A. L COUNTY.TEXAS,.,I _ nR gT P Sg, .-Y n COL N E 5 /a x `�' 6e ate.,, ,OAD 1x Ry \ /,'../ A�, - �' = - 137 RESIDENTIAL LOTS "A /,re/ 5R - 1 _ C3 l _ 7 NON-RESIDENTIAL LOT IrtP(K E IA z _ ''�..._ \3. BA EA \ PHASE 3 SHEET 37 \ CABINET 2010 PAGE 600 6=531521077 --. �e .CABINET 20 6 PAGE X A' , T OF 2 - c.C.si a ----.-_ -t'S-5T50`" [Ci C8=867.02153'W uE�X x fir' 2 \ 4 M. T^ BIN RATION.PHASE 2 C 067.03' \y k 1 \ , 7 OWNER/DEVELOPER: ST.PAUL NSPIRA AVUN LLc CABINET 200116.PAGE 259 L=900.23' r 8200 004G1AS AVENUE I I 52e55 e" , 1 0 \5. ss y ", DALLASUI TEXAS TE 075225 Ci Ir x s/FPS RO'FE PHONE 210 750 I600 CAP STAMPED•CARTER wO Ss r0O - - 4\ ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: [mE • ....'171..11 7020 i TI OAR ui'Ino�oa x.j um xxrox 1999 BRYAN STREET,SUITE 1200 AUG 0 2 24t6, DALLAS.TEXAS 75201-3136 OPR. x ass'Dix'AOx r vuanc cev ne✓[o PHONE 214-638-0145 FAX 214-538-0447 152300 ®�irR[n MAMF exexu cuxn,rExe oco CdrCP ro rim nsv Rermx ALlS xcxs 5005 er ax [AxO LBPLS FIRMY t0JULY [,xmxr[xexa ex6.«[yy[eux[xrs.Re PR.e, JULY 2016 JGA :< - Q L.N[I x o E LINE GAR. DISTANCE UNE BUG. LEGS 6E3CW"°°w ALONG SAE VOILE. .Lowe SIG x0x-TANOExr CURVE TO T.p GKI,PASSING AT AM Or w.0f6 ACRES CURVE TO Tw[•LEM Ax GC mseANCE OF 35 n6 TM TO< 106 for rave.9f3 IBDw RDD wpN.YELLOW.10Yi G Gap Ylawr m,°'Aron`Y[I wx ,W, w,., R sg :se ®r Di°za vt•wmN Roo w,w rT[[mr.IASI m uP s.mPao•,.coos•seI pmR CO.,w.N0 eon AN mTnww a[<mR«eR a sA D,.>fs>AwT,xAGr.nxD Tx[wmmew A/ rw, ,xu 34.93 n•E 56:e run or PexAs M V e[O Poxew a A r`f=r emavF rD Tw[R enl wwoG a cwTRu NNe a NOEITGEzi CORNER OF LOT EN.BLOCK N cF INSPIRATION.PHASE ea-1.AN 400 now - w , r.- x x wx 56 Pmuas,1 Nmmrts 2 s[c0wos Ensr A msrawa of M. =I - x°'°•[ 10 MUM 0v Gau o[cRus sz m Nu¢s Ir SECONDS.anD us OF,zO Do FFFI awD a[axc cwopD" m Px[rowN or zr.uut Lr s.axo rw[mn a wruF Eu as mcOamP • T6.0 f FEET:so GONG E W pace .Pur T Daams coup CROSS 410 12 Ax9 ACRlxm ^" - - a-a a•e s'i wxaREAs sr P.ut nzP RAT ow ue Is iwF satF Dmxw DF A so ors Ace[IR.ee a :Boo r[aI ALowe ENE WEST LINE a sun Lae zx,Hegel GE ACROSS A ND Izo 3N ewer _-:m.mm 141 t , "n'-:-!lilt x [ANm sgm.IrD N iwE m.Rw mmPPs suPNn.AxrR.mr wo ss:rnT u.or r.6mcR mm.rep.row.x omANa a as>>z GET TO x Roo Nww. - xr-[ s.s3 t3f , S ALONG srD REVERSE CURVE TO THE R.I. ANC msuwcE a 77.33 GET m. reuow MASTIC car STAMP."AGOG"^.i FOR.w ENTER OR ELL CORNER of SG �- ° ,w. rx,aso F Sf6s s.a sm•sR as^[SURVEY.AssTRAer NO AEG ENE JOSIAH rURNxaM suRwEr ABSTRACT NO.for' "" sn coat eoaxFR IT EaRw[a of s.D ear zw.AxD Iq[e0muow +R 'n' ' LOT x„•st•,x-W rsm'cOtuw cauxtt A[us xaixa Iawx OF sI• punt E is,uaD x iwE CPr a wru[ s(n'smx wD wnx rRLOw PUsmt<ap sramr[P•,xc0u' Iif fN ACRE rRsci,ixE sOmiww[s wSr ur Oq PxwsE Y Ax AOmi Ow n` 1 1 w43'ms'oi'w ,S.u' xTf'0g�39.O tPi Nf4'Sra62 INSPIRATION...EY DUD RECORDED IN COLENTY C.K.S TILE NO. ECG..04 MINUTES 17 SECONOS,A PIOUS OF 30.00 FEET.AND A LONG CHORD TO TNE TOwN Or ST.FAG.EGG AS RECORDED IN CABINET 2016.PAGE 259.eo 5f.v.ut Par ]]— r - '2KE NAT REARS U 6 a6„EY 6 GAGES IS SECONDS EAST A DmPAUE Or ] z r INSPIRATION MUG..AN es FOOT kGwl-Or-De„OF Sam nSNReiIDw,PHASED7 us T< uaz(ue®s TAT'O'awc 80)a°F u. _.ai[°r v-mrmsesi:wocaw°,vw®c°v°as":Ra'°x°xs _ _ LTA 122 AV LAD — (vvo 9613).ANO KING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRSED Fr METES AND MHOS As SLOG Sue ROD rTN TGWU PLASTIC cap STAGED"TACO."sea FOR CORNER. NOxTT. •g®bs•w [xA mm OUP.GAG rm COT " our m Deus toes w [vr.ww sac D si.xa w xi za FEET ro a u vxFu[rant twE sODrwEUT TION or SAID MOSS ace[TRACT GURUS THE cam FOuo°wFS. VSTAAN ET LA"P[SAID INSPIRATION Ox PHASE i4 ME FOLLPmwG CDPRZFS MO w m Du i t - N63.40.26.,2r7 H rxCwt< 29 DEGREES+6 NNvitS 21 SECONDS[4 msTawe[s Si.A 03PaNC[OF 4D o9 R m•... BEORW0 aP a RON ROD min w r00 0W 2r2,2 CeP ",r,6 4U005 A" we'x iO EMAN maN Rom W in o nouW vuSiK GAv SIaNPED RamaCaK"Y C!FOR m. -¢ o'znar•w erN - 31'[ fa in roR rwa mOrnw[9®cvnwCR a swD,z>>as acnE lucv wnD Tx<WNmmw exe sae xw xc mr vaxccxT wave Tm,wE Av we A GAG a au[[z es uexaee:,sECOwmz„Gr.a vziaxce m es.so no vD ,. 3 ;v.ve 9m o[[ ,<,a •a v A 5qe'IRON RO — RS SOUTH 6r DEGREES IS IOW.2°SECONOS WISP w1• EL SOudxes4T CORNER OF LOT Is.BLMK Y,mf xsr Rel aN vxasE AN ADDITION PO AND CENTRAL Laic GwGRO ixsl e!a MINIM 32 SECONDS.A RAwUs or ax5 W FM. 0 mM•r[taw DUST Sx n v sraxcE or ass rtCr, _ - In xOmpULY ROM-Or-WO or CCO 0s[OWN<O,miY taxaS uaD rtlW3 ax [ wOx}awCFwP N T. NAY[uN[OF NYPUPON BOOtFVARD•VARIABLE"z mm" ":1;uo ND"i 2,";'CURVE IO ix Au°Sfax[[Or tSY CURVE Ma wswNG A CENTRAL AwaL a s]DEGREES sz rt Rwwt-mr war Or vwzvamwx.vwas[,a,,wx wM mx to M[Town yr sr.Paul NGLE ro MwuPFY yr sacwes.a asv us a sfaa,ur w[SF nv Dag�Mf cwRv,was TRAPS n -±^ RF<OAD[0 x cAeoNR x01 a.vau sOx.rut RECORDR COtux cOGxPr, a S(e'IRON Y9miw a R NPoVI F • '19'w } 1x m mrn r[uow R.sec e.P srawptD•suees-str con eaRPoEP s DEe EEz az Es s9 0 6 E.e.s az AND THE BEGINNING as A REVERSE euwE TO ME LEFT wax qG a CENTRAL ANGLE er 3 FEEe _: E s or ew GOATEES ss N nm[s or 9TGo«ms.BAD ors or Goo FEET..w.wno ALONG 6.410 Rox r.wmcwr Guar[TO rx[P oxr..w.ac msr.Na or aw v r[a s . E OF SAID INSPIRATION.PRASE Ie.exe MEOW.COURSES AND " ar F r SOUTH 34 D[GRE[s zl GUMS zr SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE It R(r,Rox Poo New.r[uow rusrK car zrAMrao saeoes sm roP - ,1 a 1 DINS ]�r N,aGD� rteX 1 —1 [3„Po93432Pw 6,06 L62 N8313,fE ea.ra It welaa26F n23 ROR1N 94=REFS 09 MINUTES DB SECONDS WEST.PASO.AT A DISTANCE OF r«DEGREES 24 zm ounce,9eS.„NNr[9 RAMS 23 socoNm9120.00 wt6r a DsrANCE A Lam a fl: ALONG FEET,OR 5DOrs ACRES a LAND wxc A cu<uuru sou aF xIn xce saasRF rsz 90 FC[r x ROp wkx a rEUGw Pusfc CaP sPAMrco uc0rsUNF.OP SUP oismaxpoo 6OULIVARO.FOR a TOTAL DISTANCE OF 1461.63 FEET TO ix[xaCOixRxncmt wnwcR a zAo xsP Rav ow.Pwasc,s axe rRE wxmxs[a D REVERSE CURVE r0 Rae DSIAwa a>m f3 FEET TO a THE POW m MINN.AND COxiA ioirNEASi Dr exSaR.Li aw PHASE ze.AN ADDITION TO THE roux Or Sr '+^t T.," TM :AM' vaua E.I.,.axe ixE CIPr Or wvt[art.as mCOROFD p eaSINR TONS PseF Ox ROD MveN v[LLow OusTK<sr srawv[D aaeOns YFr roR eOPxER If m xil.wv w[COxOs coww comwlr,r[z.z.Awv cGwrnu xG uvwe rwc wvmwuxl ix[e[e ww xe or>RcvcRsc cUPVT To ixT Lcrt xxvn0 a cewraAL AnvL[or ss "^' 5/9 0r sue ;N mV low as,FOR A sMALTaus DISTANCE a T r Yl FEET A OGRESS K aS SOL. N GREES 2 a RADIUS OF SECONDS FEET.T A a[mac CHORD 'RECOMMENCED FOR aPPROvst• D _ aTM ee_E S(n ERG PM mix a r[uow nasrc cap maup[m sums srr roP CORNER: IS.A Maas smurw H DtcREEs za mxaa[s 23 S[cmxms WEST a DISTANCE OF "--- . AI v CJ JS'aa'1 v' AxD vsrnwccs GROSS MORES,129.259 ACRE TRACT.THE FOLLOWING COURSES lass FEET, =ar V./ i[DA4 "AA'CDMMSaDN 6TE— • El' - - wwc[aEK wD rove AAA,.aev[asc Luava AA roe evT.AA AAA o aiaweE a r[ev vo ''a e A.n CB ° + cr s(a'max Rua„ITN v[tzmw PLASTIC oar sraNPFm-.GU SET FOR COaxaR; m t. - _-_ a°S(e'S Row Rom mew rF ow a si P reap , 0 eax[K nwPs/e'r APPROVED FOR eaxsraui ox 1 yCIO 4 10 K Ca Y t.9 NOer fer F R ....s N TY...w'....Usr A L....or azzsz r[[I to „EA.,. 94' ROD MN r[LLmV NAST.CAP sTANPED'MOBS"SET FOR CORNER w ' xoPTx Ss DECPCu sx mw,[s lR sacvwoz cnz,a msrswCc w sa es rE[T Tow w aasiastr awr or Sam xf Rsm AGPE imcr Go a Commmw WCsrnr„Ns of a ^-.a-- 04a'1?' lu ,w stems l9"E ,n vAa vm S3Y,s•2 30.00 7, B.33' e. s/6•wow a0D miq rfuow Ouslc LAP SIaNPED-aacoes'sEP roR cow[P; PRaci Or uxP coxv[,ao as rRwcip�+®Si DFFOwE Uw rzD srnr[s aF nxEKVGa. -__ - CIS ea.ss'Or- vaxws. EcoapEO x vOwME r36 R[COR05 caLL w cOuxR MAYOR c rc OF wvu[.rzxa3 61T!^—O PG v n ,3CONIES 2f SEEmpos EAST A Diial¢E Or a• 5s 00 i0 a y- • - ys. PO 5/e'N Box m q r LLOW rusiC<AP SIaMP D aaCa T r rw Nc.ALONG SAID COMMON LANE..FOLLOW.cOURs S GO tax NDRPx ex aFGRE[z a6 mxORFz at SE<mPoDs FA$i.a vSTANGE Or 5a 55 FCR m A SOuew M DECKERS,e MxUfCs 01 'ae.CREr " C,r `1•as•oa• GLOM' et'Ia N'w 22 as 12533. 5/6'LAN AOD mix TEA Dusi c GAv SIaMPEo fID`E'SEI gi&.RMW ALFArm NEST a m.t.E a ze.s0""iv A , 2 S i ,TO {> °. nS rize•a<• IaDa•, ., ,Rgl,it ,asezr 6mTE sfn�«Pao aoa mex rxuow PlAsnc cav sramrco ,acoez s[r roe COPPCP ® wo,.A......6 ACRE iaam GE a COnsox[xrUOR Eu amxaR or Aaron err OF wvu[.Enos m,. '97.sa0w°roo ER"Y[iow[suzrrc cu srnwrm ,acocs s[7 vvR coRres. acRC TPan wa a cOwox wrU OR[at cOPwEa u 1 = - - A SG TRACT G.„Sa. 8r30' SS3'67.50. 3<'8'E 11Ao$ i3t.P$69.2�' 4/t�«v ow wo`mrw IbLtvww`o-usa s`uP°slsUupao,3uors"sm fOR�roR1¢RiQ {{ TO Nat[rwE accutaxu 1=�--�-- A a°s(e'05tp TxEmor nr mGwx.MS xuaE NutmamvE YURscnuD. - s(®TM Row m mrw L vu a aP raM , 0R roKxER _ ��ut sa ss ttai rm Dw Pao mrw rattmw oust c cap sramp[D'Caws•sn ru ax ,viceaacc s>m:wuics:r scmxos usr,A usTaxce a [zttR w ELL e0awu mr wm,ze.>N scat rmmci rmM w cw•corms yr ,A p.Rol a n m tt Lox s c c 5 PFO' [21.159 s RE TRACT xiaxP[D aa26-e FDLN FOR aN xBY OECD[u GOnxu OF A WRw[ss Mr xaxm vs DAY a U ix Bra sxl Isn sea IRRee CONK.e0 PURER uKFsmE.GO.BY 0[ REVUE,w --- u • s//e�x Tow Q I Tw r vu I AP Tau , s FOR[°RICK. ® - �� "AA'oa DEORoce,>m,wUTE9 92 SECONDS NEST,A OUGNCe or 919.61 L rr u<k[uxr.urr Dr weu[.Enos 'D•SB''29[ NORM 4(e'f K DECREES]a M maTES w SECONDS EAST A!GUNGE Or 9u 22 FM TO im s ^« NOUN S2 6SECO S.4 RADIUS se 492.Ss FEET.A A COUrs[Y ARO msPANC s uwE Or u0 I2f RSe ACRE TRACT THE FOLLOWING - 1 q,{ C36 G.iv Swe0 370.23.10, MOO x0z xa MOLE oFuewNw Dr A wow ranwwT eURec va rw[Rewa wavwe a eExmat GUM ALONG a GONE. , , -a µ al RAYDEGREES a0 OUN 3 ze SECONDS.a Remus a afz N FEET.Awp E �.< e]s s sr•am ssa0m sal'le oD w 66.76. s[.az °OULEG CE OF 165.Maas wa DmawcE or ISs.,s FEET: NORTH e]DEGREES wo Mlxar[s w SECONDS WEST.a INSTANCE Or 86.e3 FELT TO NOW,THEREFORE.KNOW ALL H[N 0Y THESE PRESENTS: � +o-:` ....-•.i+.*_,,.� • O A s(O'm0 _ Unefa!scan.°r teT eETTZ Pwe TO AA 5/8p IRON no YINSPIIRAT`ON,FRAU SG Ms ;,'Ni a I Gx F S NOmx 34 D"'"aB MRsee[s sa"""" SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE NORTH as DEGREES to;NUM 42 SECONDS WEST A PE q Der.wGe or zr.,a SW. onmsln�iRoR ROCOCO>ix`".:iuoM ravaze¢'Gu sr°".urc�oai:caes`•`:si'i°a`a FINAL PLAT ALON-°:Rm"O RREVERSE CURVE TO THE K`uw ANAARC OUTemn`OF 22..19 MET TO A CORNER: TITLE "OWN,°s/3"•°I`ON OF on TO SUBDIVISION INSPIRATION Riw N m[RE[9]2 MIw TFY m NGmwrs W Ye.DIYI N mF R«E DnL[B9 DTNFPmYE wDiEm.ew[ PHASE 3A IxAI e[.R9 wa aaPwER,ixm wF rcaxwwG w A rAxmwe wRNF im iPoE t[B,x.WNG A GwIRr A.TR AqD warTR nmwT m,Tw,ww..LL wDmwDW.T[R IwiwYEGIIDxY rxD pmnTY a GDRNaIDR[ MU a Fm. .xGLE a 2,DEwFE3 a4 mPoDraY ma SECONDS.A R,DID9 w]25.Dm ea[e.wm R NPDPo.DNDFR,arER�.PPDmEwaxl•im irc xfRaIPoASDwE mE9TmeFP PRDPF MDNDMFmB DR MPRKB Bti.DR FBPwD. m[GPE[9,.«wmn9 m.aE NDe w BP. r II WATER _ x DISTANCEOF E22.64 r T RcwT u x Pam F rw PRovcRTv rsx.xPKareD IrcRFOr. t`EIIMINARY.PO[NQ�P��mG`'QRO _ _ °RE SRo IO TANGENT CURVE TO TNE LEM AN ARC DISTANCE OF 123.96 FEU TO n sr.waU[IwulRarlvw.[[c FOR ANY PURPOSE. E\ LOTS LOTS�3-27.BLOCK E DEGREES.DOMES 19 SECONDS.A RAD.OF 30.00 FEET.AND A LO.CHORD LOCK M ALONG ,awes sn FOP ax RELEASED OP(7l/2096e``*p 4r\ LOTS i-2P,BLOCK W Row ra ounce zt Gm.ca 49E6.06 way A my.,or IxTTR.0 ELL coaxcR a Sam,xa>s>aces TRan. nr[F. Maumw.0m[cimK GR.. E ^r�� ° LOTS 1-31,BLOCK K ase LOTS 1-16,BLOCK Y AND A,m,„9. rAzr ux[OF SUD Ize.esz uRe TRACT.THE FOLLOWING COURSES EGG REGISTRATION NO sssx \�C._:a 6561'ox LOTS i-8.1R,BLOCK Z DEGREE WIN YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STARPEO-JACE362.SU FOR CORNER ARO aOx urw rr DeOae[s a5 Mwui[s w s[eoxes wasp a mseaweE OF Dons INN ROD mix a r[u0w PUSPa OP SWAPO Cocoas 000 FOR GINNING OF A REVOKE GIME TO GCMG,HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE Or 0, SOUTH 70 OECREFS PT GORES 97 SECONDS WEST.A INSTANCE Or 67 49 FEET e0 r 161. COUNTY u g® N '�,y LOTS BIX.BLOCK BLOCKE AA 2T4 THAT GARS to as FEET, f Omfwrt u Muss ✓ LOTS 2 AND 3,BLOCK PP 87 3 s/0°IVOuu°ROD Wax CURVE ICI PuST1C lGG0 STA ARC GED'1Ke0s•s[r Feu CORNER:s sferNlxw aOD COIN a r Ow pusnc UP rswp r a x R. p.m NE.ME maga...GOO.,A NOTARY PUBLIC ON AND FOR TNE STATE OUT OF THE iNSTRGENT AND GILNOWLEOCED TO NE TOG HE[GUTTED SG SA.IN [ NARK NORRIS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.551, s°s(®rea w Rao mrx a r ITOT PUNw Av 9TamPEe ,Ac0e9 en vow SP upm[ett TORUN STATED AND as OM ACT AND OM OF SsmE CDursxr. vxanaen awnTssm. xANF Is suescwe[D FOR exE FORrosE awD cOnsvDERanw THE LEORY FARMER SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.333 xaosforllRO ww[R. AND THE JOSIAH TURNHAM SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.919 IN az DEGREES BE wexue[s 33 SECONDS90.0AT.AND A s " ID mum L..COY NANO AND sue INI__DAY a ,a0,a. .MEN ANGER MY„ND AND SUL TAM_DRY Or IN THE TOWN OF Si PAUL,E.T.J. LONG CHORD MAT REARS INSTANCE F a s "swr2" AND IN THE CRY OF WYLIE E.F.J. _ COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 50 Qi°o-':oN:oN"o I`w"o°vx`Nri CDR.. psEaw°r�c`G ro:pr:COPE`C,:azvsse`ttT NFra OF 36`O0 0O.ET° E.sr AND A LONG CHM,wseawc[or ao2.r4 r[[r. SPUN w otemas Is mlwur[s 2 SECONDS 50.075 ACRES _ gouar ruoue m 000 F°a exE srarz of rFxas WARY 04 D IN a" rRE STATE w TEXAS • 137 RESIDENTIAL LOTS f of 7010 4 e. 0O0x 00 DE0ECY m'Mg 26 ze0O0D1 un a DlsraoGE °XAN°a/6°PN"CON,f'0o°:;rx°:kriva0 PL06 e"aae xs1000Pmz�imcors'•ZIT.'" NY e0NNlrno«GENRES: wr C.D.S.MIRES. 7 NON-RESIDENTIAL LOT Y sA'SA'IRON Rom enx CURVE 1 PTEEREITTIIIMATEAS 00000 Pu.sme`ERIC a 4r`Na8Ro 001aaw1Nez•s0e ro'ate410 8 TO 0 o YsiraNIR.DEGREES A YELtr°`W P09usi0a LAP snaiim aau°es Or Son lirmm c`0000..a SHEET 2 OF 2 7,1 OWNER/DEVELOPER: ST.PAUL INSPIRATION,L 6 r NORTH x6 OEM.N MIMO Ir....: '. a INSTANCE Or sourNea 7 a.wren n AGES 16 SECONDS GAWK cap EAST A STANCE sfr roR MT TO L 2 0 REG OD MINUTES AI SECONDS WEST,MANCE OF SOG FEET TO 8200 DOUGLAS AVENUE[ 8 S(®•I03 D wan r u0w vLXIC LAP SIoZ D aseo I FOP R A°V0(e'° w RGD max 8 r[u0w 01000E Car saaxv[m ,.GO'S[e FOR DALUSU TEXAS ITE 3015225 P. i0 ONE 2 e-Ts0-I800 Aw°sis gRox Roo mix v P sirg: ALf ! x , P°gz,RON ROO NTH A TILL.runsr"t LAP STAMpEm !Manx s0P FOR §, se"Iwx° mex r=vusrC 'ArAYP a r r MTN 4 29 FM To ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: • _ S 0WDT0ID,O _ 1999 KOXAN STREET.SUITE 1200 DALLAS.TEXAS 75201-3136 AUGNEST a GlsraxGE OF 416.86 FEET, soMrx Is acmes oI NlwurE ae MN. PHONE 214-638-0145 FAX 216-638-066I f{ v 99Ta r[Cr UTx az 0FDREE0 sa 010410Y ao N<mtlm3 usr a usvaxca OFSISALS RRUB 1015230D THIS PLAT FILED IN JULY 2016 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission c ', ip AYLOm qJ. p W � p J` i ,rI� AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Inspiration Date Prepared: July 19, 2016 Zoning District: N/A-Wylie's ETJ Exhibits: Final Plat, Exhibit Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3C consisting of 16.431 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, generally located north of Parker Road (F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Inspiration, Phase 3C consisting of 16.431 acres to establish single family residential lots for a master planned development within Wylie's ETJ, tenerall located north of Parker Road(F.M. 2414) on Inspiration Blvd. Discussion OWNER: St Paul Inspiration, LLC APPLICANT/ENGINEER: Kimberly K. Cornett, P.E., CFM Inspiration is an approximate 700 acre master planned community; Special Municipal Utility District (MUD) located in unincorporated Collin County and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of Wylie, St. Paul, and Lucas. When complete, the development will consist of approximately 1,400 single family lots of varied densities and multiple open space areas and a WISD elementary school site. In accordance with the approved development agreement; the MUD shall comply with City's Subdivision Regulations and plat requirements. The preliminary plat, consisting of Phases 3 & 4 totaling 170.996 acres and 512 residential and common area lots, with 107.629 acres and 324 lots within the Wylie ETJ, was approved by City Council in July 2016. Under consideration for this final plat, by the development agreement, is the entirety of each phase including areas in other jurisdictional ETJs. In this case there are 57 total lots (54 residential and 3 open space) on 16.431 acres. Lot 5x, Block M is open space and an utility easement. Lot 2x, Block Z is open space to preserve a tree line in the area. The development agreement adopted in October, 2011 requires that the average lot size be 8,500 square feet and unit density be no more than 2.65 lots per acre for the development. Exhibit A shows how the development will meet this overall goal. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 ,� \ T $ YIOT TO SCALE,MAP - - - \ ` INSPIRATION, �KryE PROPOSED11 M ° - INSPIRATION, PH F 36 i - _. Ltl ,:312 �.- PHASE d` STRACTT \ }2 59 ACRES E P RKFR RD. y 0 t _ \ w 13 PARKER LAKESIDE LLC GO y O 20130507000619170 S7 = O.P.R.C.C.T. J C RD ' - sacs 124 SYS AC'AE { ' P u. ' STD Pas, �_a .1- L4'l o E 8 P � zL m_ s - np�i`E a- .Lac x a e OVE -_ - 3 ~ — ..at. 0 \ 9 ER �� Q r a r a TRACT NO.4424 - F INSPIRATION. \� \ ' u 5 PHASE 3C G <I2 yam. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - ^' VOLUME 736.PAGE 833 - RPIR �E PalASE'3 LOT S La§ F �..4 s c 38 a3 - - 16 P R C C' - -x.'_: Malt - - ----. ---- ----. _ -i8 ' .: x al a. s & a 4 $ xl I y a._ ai 1x E 6 >=raa. �-2FM - ' L '—`^yea �.E • -;.oa a. - i D C. _ ItlIB w ;S, 4 8 , e 3• x �B IT _II x, 8 - • �-'d r ,. i 5 117s a . . s y e1• s a E s _ a T / VA) x I > b „.v- "•,ss6.DBs= s oi % so s � s I '7 ^ /x Iw 66 PFa o IZ sK ag x �A3 ,€ i " g` ' `'�- — 7 Xx =� I C a. s : x x _Ix• g1 a _ P a IB ; I 1� , ,R.[x5Pun 1 4 7 6me a a ��¢I$ I• I ai a il a t 1 • b e ? a / '€ - Cr 4 SCALE IN FEET N>25-'.eI 1 y,te . -{. ~ 'h'AZ°` l&� '� a� z-.',g? 3 LZD 've�J . �g I- �p`°`x yr i " '� s�'-"�i-'d 3.7€ "a• �2'., ,r$�/�/ �jl zJzsa•'iP TEDRACT NO.STATES of AMERCA 8 I M ,;:,,,,,,,..2,,,,,• Y -( L C F =" }✓j UNITED 736,PAGEM833 dlRAnar PHASE IB --. • .�+� R "at z 6'� / "`t-'A, fps rSs16' DR C C T. ,y CABINET 2015,PAGE 363- "j 7 —3Oo gl :� A 7$ ^ .A // '• 8 7Q�' R 1062.50' P.R.0 C.T. 4 6 iu E..r-[ - -13 x dj� r $ /, ce sD9.1 s'xz•E A, �By V.,r ''IS '• LL 282.75' / 16 4 • 6 s' ?F- sT.° .ox l'-*- ', .4 qe / x:,_ 1/j =ze}.us• .o�MXi- wv x? / / / _ .x :IS ' m - xw 8 c . -?'4,/'7''/ , / .,r r; FINALPLAT = __eIp k kl BI l l 8 S ° W 9 \ d / -A'`4^ OF 1 '19 s a s— a�` e e\ b f f. / a s �w INSPIRATION I x�gv�� 74��' �14 .t P -V e :f._ -' -� v w 4 NOOI m"dowVE / �a PHASE 3A a .e. + a y l Ml h _ L25 / LOTS - M al wla. 1 J / fib b} gi/ 4 OE mOx 424-604) LOTS 21.BLOCKLOCK CK Y •• T sR'rex.s yoAR A l P`,. x 8 • _. '°T- P/9 b •'I . 1159 ACRES LOTS - 9M..xr[,yfmE aI a s & a a s °c [`,,..eRn= '� �^es u: "__ ', b`4'7` e r 9170 _ ^ _ may - -- 'i 1p.i*a ,3, Y ` a// 6=2410 M1' OPRCC iD61L LOTS 51 1 8 36•%B BOLOCK Z .X -& LOTS 1 14.1X,BLOCK AA A f6PIPN6Y—rK A✓ --o-y pg' ,..a 'a '$, / CS 1002.b0' 1X,BLOCK BB 3 krr" +i'--o- Ta" -S?Te-4'X's SS.yEr L .,}2 6 / / CB=516'01'29'W 'AR }2 x h - �� „ S �4l CL=036.66' LOTS 2 ANO 3.BLOCK PP t k,4('' Kam' _ w' r°'" 1x\,..y. s[wERs:'eCRA y OUT 4 EAS[m[x b t r a' e. `AC > � L d}9 THE MARK MORRI6 SURVEY.ABSTRACT N0.561, S "-- P = e bt rr=lo t � ,�',rery Or 92.' / THE LEORY FARMER SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.334 INSPR iIBO PN SE - _ IT rxs , t a I▪S ',AM..�`- _ AND THE IOSI TTO NAM SURVEY,ABSTRACT N0.919 P.R C.C. LE 2 'POINT OF (d 4 r ..�8 $I' $i aJ al a 4Aa st ay W 4 IN THE TOWN OF Si PdUL E.i.J. a BEGINPoING L'1 \ _ �a 4� AND IN THE CITY OF WYLIE E.T.J. y / / - - A. L COUNTY.TEXAS,.,I _ nR gT P Sg, .-Y n COL N E 5 /a x `�' 6e ate.,, ,OAD 1x Ry \ /,'../ A�, - �' = - 137 RESIDENTIAL LOTS "A /,re/ 5R - 1 _ C3 l _ 7 NON-RESIDENTIAL LOT IrtP(K E IA z _ ''�..._ \3. BA EA \ PHASE 3 SHEET 37 \ CABINET 2010 PAGE 600 6=531521077 --. �e .CABINET 20 6 PAGE X A' , T OF 2 - c.C.si a ----.-_ -t'S-5T50`" [Ci C8=867.02153'W uE�X x fir' 2 \ 4 M. T^ BIN RATION.PHASE 2 C 067.03' \y k 1 \ , 7 OWNER/DEVELOPER: ST.PAUL NSPIRA AVUN LLc CABINET 200116.PAGE 259 L=900.23' r 8200 004G1AS AVENUE I I 52e55 e" , 1 0 \5. ss y ", DALLASUI TEXAS TE 075225 Ci Ir x s/FPS RO'FE PHONE 210 750 I600 CAP STAMPED•CARTER wO Ss r0O - - 4\ ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: [mE • ....'171..11 7020 i TI OAR ui'Ino�oa x.j um xxrox 1999 BRYAN STREET,SUITE 1200 AUG 0 2 24t6, DALLAS.TEXAS 75201-3136 OPR. x ass'Dix'AOx r vuanc cev ne✓[o PHONE 214-638-0145 FAX 214-538-0447 152300 ®�irR[n MAMF exexu cuxn,rExe oco CdrCP ro rim nsv Rermx ALlS xcxs 5005 er ax [AxO LBPLS FIRMY t0JULY [,xmxr[xexa ex6.«[yy[eux[xrs.Re PR.e, JULY 2016 JGA :< - Q L.N[I x o E LINE GAR. DISTANCE UNE BUG. LEGS 6E3CW"°°w ALONG SAE VOILE. .Lowe SIG x0x-TANOExr CURVE TO T.p GKI,PASSING AT AM Or w.0f6 ACRES CURVE TO Tw[•LEM Ax GC mseANCE OF 35 n6 TM TO< 106 for rave.9f3 IBDw RDD wpN.YELLOW.10Yi G Gap Ylawr m,°'Aron`Y[I wx ,W, w,., R sg :se ®r Di°za vt•wmN Roo w,w rT[[mr.IASI m uP s.mPao•,.coos•seI pmR CO.,w.N0 eon AN mTnww a[<mR«eR a sA D,.>fs>AwT,xAGr.nxD Tx[wmmew A/ rw, ,xu 34.93 n•E 56:e run or PexAs M V e[O Poxew a A r`f=r emavF rD Tw[R enl wwoG a cwTRu NNe a NOEITGEzi CORNER OF LOT EN.BLOCK N cF INSPIRATION.PHASE ea-1.AN 400 now - w , r.- x x wx 56 Pmuas,1 Nmmrts 2 s[c0wos Ensr A msrawa of M. =I - x°'°•[ 10 MUM 0v Gau o[cRus sz m Nu¢s Ir SECONDS.anD us OF,zO Do FFFI awD a[axc cwopD" m Px[rowN or zr.uut Lr s.axo rw[mn a wruF Eu as mcOamP • T6.0 f FEET:so GONG E W pace .Pur T Daams coup CROSS 410 12 Ax9 ACRlxm ^" - - a-a a•e s'i wxaREAs sr P.ut nzP RAT ow ue Is iwF satF Dmxw DF A so ors Ace[IR.ee a :Boo r[aI ALowe ENE WEST LINE a sun Lae zx,Hegel GE ACROSS A ND Izo 3N ewer _-:m.mm 141 t , "n'-:-!lilt x [ANm sgm.IrD N iwE m.Rw mmPPs suPNn.AxrR.mr wo ss:rnT u.or r.6mcR mm.rep.row.x omANa a as>>z GET TO x Roo Nww. - xr-[ s.s3 t3f , S ALONG srD REVERSE CURVE TO THE R.I. ANC msuwcE a 77.33 GET m. reuow MASTIC car STAMP."AGOG"^.i FOR.w ENTER OR ELL CORNER of SG �- ° ,w. rx,aso F Sf6s s.a sm•sR as^[SURVEY.AssTRAer NO AEG ENE JOSIAH rURNxaM suRwEr ABSTRACT NO.for' "" sn coat eoaxFR IT EaRw[a of s.D ear zw.AxD Iq[e0muow +R 'n' ' LOT x„•st•,x-W rsm'cOtuw cauxtt A[us xaixa Iawx OF sI• punt E is,uaD x iwE CPr a wru[ s(n'smx wD wnx rRLOw PUsmt<ap sramr[P•,xc0u' Iif fN ACRE rRsci,ixE sOmiww[s wSr ur Oq PxwsE Y Ax AOmi Ow n` 1 1 w43'ms'oi'w ,S.u' xTf'0g�39.O tPi Nf4'Sra62 INSPIRATION...EY DUD RECORDED IN COLENTY C.K.S TILE NO. ECG..04 MINUTES 17 SECONOS,A PIOUS OF 30.00 FEET.AND A LONG CHORD TO TNE TOwN Or ST.FAG.EGG AS RECORDED IN CABINET 2016.PAGE 259.eo 5f.v.ut Par ]]— r - '2KE NAT REARS U 6 a6„EY 6 GAGES IS SECONDS EAST A DmPAUE Or ] z r INSPIRATION MUG..AN es FOOT kGwl-Or-De„OF Sam nSNReiIDw,PHASED7 us T< uaz(ue®s TAT'O'awc 80)a°F u. _.ai[°r v-mrmsesi:wocaw°,vw®c°v°as":Ra'°x°xs _ _ LTA 122 AV LAD — (vvo 9613).ANO KING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRSED Fr METES AND MHOS As SLOG Sue ROD rTN TGWU PLASTIC cap STAGED"TACO."sea FOR CORNER. NOxTT. •g®bs•w [xA mm OUP.GAG rm COT " our m Deus toes w [vr.ww sac D si.xa w xi za FEET ro a u vxFu[rant twE sODrwEUT TION or SAID MOSS ace[TRACT GURUS THE cam FOuo°wFS. VSTAAN ET LA"P[SAID INSPIRATION Ox PHASE i4 ME FOLLPmwG CDPRZFS MO w m Du i t - N63.40.26.,2r7 H rxCwt< 29 DEGREES+6 NNvitS 21 SECONDS[4 msTawe[s Si.A 03PaNC[OF 4D o9 R m•... BEORW0 aP a RON ROD min w r00 0W 2r2,2 CeP ",r,6 4U005 A" we'x iO EMAN maN Rom W in o nouW vuSiK GAv SIaNPED RamaCaK"Y C!FOR m. -¢ o'znar•w erN - 31'[ fa in roR rwa mOrnw[9®cvnwCR a swD,z>>as acnE lucv wnD Tx<WNmmw exe sae xw xc mr vaxccxT wave Tm,wE Av we A GAG a au[[z es uexaee:,sECOwmz„Gr.a vziaxce m es.so no vD ,. 3 ;v.ve 9m o[[ ,<,a •a v A 5qe'IRON RO — RS SOUTH 6r DEGREES IS IOW.2°SECONOS WISP w1• EL SOudxes4T CORNER OF LOT Is.BLMK Y,mf xsr Rel aN vxasE AN ADDITION PO AND CENTRAL Laic GwGRO ixsl e!a MINIM 32 SECONDS.A RAwUs or ax5 W FM. 0 mM•r[taw DUST Sx n v sraxcE or ass rtCr, _ - In xOmpULY ROM-Or-WO or CCO 0s[OWN<O,miY taxaS uaD rtlW3 ax [ wOx}awCFwP N T. NAY[uN[OF NYPUPON BOOtFVARD•VARIABLE"z mm" ":1;uo ND"i 2,";'CURVE IO ix Au°Sfax[[Or tSY CURVE Ma wswNG A CENTRAL AwaL a s]DEGREES sz rt Rwwt-mr war Or vwzvamwx.vwas[,a,,wx wM mx to M[Town yr sr.Paul NGLE ro MwuPFY yr sacwes.a asv us a sfaa,ur w[SF nv Dag�Mf cwRv,was TRAPS n -±^ RF<OAD[0 x cAeoNR x01 a.vau sOx.rut RECORDR COtux cOGxPr, a S(e'IRON Y9miw a R NPoVI F • '19'w } 1x m mrn r[uow R.sec e.P srawptD•suees-str con eaRPoEP s DEe EEz az Es s9 0 6 E.e.s az AND THE BEGINNING as A REVERSE euwE TO ME LEFT wax qG a CENTRAL ANGLE er 3 FEEe _: E s or ew GOATEES ss N nm[s or 9TGo«ms.BAD ors or Goo FEET..w.wno ALONG 6.410 Rox r.wmcwr Guar[TO rx[P oxr..w.ac msr.Na or aw v r[a s . E OF SAID INSPIRATION.PRASE Ie.exe MEOW.COURSES AND " ar F r SOUTH 34 D[GRE[s zl GUMS zr SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE It R(r,Rox Poo New.r[uow rusrK car zrAMrao saeoes sm roP - ,1 a 1 DINS ]�r N,aGD� rteX 1 —1 [3„Po93432Pw 6,06 L62 N8313,fE ea.ra It welaa26F n23 ROR1N 94=REFS 09 MINUTES DB SECONDS WEST.PASO.AT A DISTANCE OF r«DEGREES 24 zm ounce,9eS.„NNr[9 RAMS 23 socoNm9120.00 wt6r a DsrANCE A Lam a fl: ALONG FEET,OR 5DOrs ACRES a LAND wxc A cu<uuru sou aF xIn xce saasRF rsz 90 FC[r x ROp wkx a rEUGw Pusfc CaP sPAMrco uc0rsUNF.OP SUP oismaxpoo 6OULIVARO.FOR a TOTAL DISTANCE OF 1461.63 FEET TO ix[xaCOixRxncmt wnwcR a zAo xsP Rav ow.Pwasc,s axe rRE wxmxs[a D REVERSE CURVE r0 Rae DSIAwa a>m f3 FEET TO a THE POW m MINN.AND COxiA ioirNEASi Dr exSaR.Li aw PHASE ze.AN ADDITION TO THE roux Or Sr '+^t T.," TM :AM' vaua E.I.,.axe ixE CIPr Or wvt[art.as mCOROFD p eaSINR TONS PseF Ox ROD MveN v[LLow OusTK<sr srawv[D aaeOns YFr roR eOPxER If m xil.wv w[COxOs coww comwlr,r[z.z.Awv cGwrnu xG uvwe rwc wvmwuxl ix[e[e ww xe or>RcvcRsc cUPVT To ixT Lcrt xxvn0 a cewraAL AnvL[or ss "^' 5/9 0r sue ;N mV low as,FOR A sMALTaus DISTANCE a T r Yl FEET A OGRESS K aS SOL. N GREES 2 a RADIUS OF SECONDS FEET.T A a[mac CHORD 'RECOMMENCED FOR aPPROvst• D _ aTM ee_E S(n ERG PM mix a r[uow nasrc cap maup[m sums srr roP CORNER: IS.A Maas smurw H DtcREEs za mxaa[s 23 S[cmxms WEST a DISTANCE OF "--- . AI v CJ JS'aa'1 v' AxD vsrnwccs GROSS MORES,129.259 ACRE TRACT.THE FOLLOWING COURSES lass FEET, =ar V./ i[DA4 "AA'CDMMSaDN 6TE— • El' - - wwc[aEK wD rove AAA,.aev[asc Luava AA roe evT.AA AAA o aiaweE a r[ev vo ''a e A.n CB ° + cr s(a'max Rua„ITN v[tzmw PLASTIC oar sraNPFm-.GU SET FOR COaxaR; m t. - _-_ a°S(e'S Row Rom mew rF ow a si P reap , 0 eax[K nwPs/e'r APPROVED FOR eaxsraui ox 1 yCIO 4 10 K Ca Y t.9 NOer fer F R ....s N TY...w'....Usr A L....or azzsz r[[I to „EA.,. 94' ROD MN r[LLmV NAST.CAP sTANPED'MOBS"SET FOR CORNER w ' xoPTx Ss DECPCu sx mw,[s lR sacvwoz cnz,a msrswCc w sa es rE[T Tow w aasiastr awr or Sam xf Rsm AGPE imcr Go a Commmw WCsrnr„Ns of a ^-.a-- 04a'1?' lu ,w stems l9"E ,n vAa vm S3Y,s•2 30.00 7, B.33' e. s/6•wow a0D miq rfuow Ouslc LAP SIaNPED-aacoes'sEP roR cow[P; PRaci Or uxP coxv[,ao as rRwcip�+®Si DFFOwE Uw rzD srnr[s aF nxEKVGa. -__ - CIS ea.ss'Or- vaxws. EcoapEO x vOwME r36 R[COR05 caLL w cOuxR MAYOR c rc OF wvu[.rzxa3 61T!^—O PG v n ,3CONIES 2f SEEmpos EAST A Diial¢E Or a• 5s 00 i0 a y- • - ys. PO 5/e'N Box m q r LLOW rusiC<AP SIaMP D aaCa T r rw Nc.ALONG SAID COMMON LANE..FOLLOW.cOURs S GO tax NDRPx ex aFGRE[z a6 mxORFz at SE<mPoDs FA$i.a vSTANGE Or 5a 55 FCR m A SOuew M DECKERS,e MxUfCs 01 'ae.CREr " C,r `1•as•oa• GLOM' et'Ia N'w 22 as 12533. 5/6'LAN AOD mix TEA Dusi c GAv SIaMPEo fID`E'SEI gi&.RMW ALFArm NEST a m.t.E a ze.s0""iv A , 2 S i ,TO {> °. nS rize•a<• IaDa•, ., ,Rgl,it ,asezr 6mTE sfn�«Pao aoa mex rxuow PlAsnc cav sramrco ,acoez s[r roe COPPCP ® wo,.A......6 ACRE iaam GE a COnsox[xrUOR Eu amxaR or Aaron err OF wvu[.Enos m,. '97.sa0w°roo ER"Y[iow[suzrrc cu srnwrm ,acocs s[7 vvR coRres. acRC TPan wa a cOwox wrU OR[at cOPwEa u 1 = - - A SG TRACT G.„Sa. 8r30' SS3'67.50. 3<'8'E 11Ao$ i3t.P$69.2�' 4/t�«v ow wo`mrw IbLtvww`o-usa s`uP°slsUupao,3uors"sm fOR�roR1¢RiQ {{ TO Nat[rwE accutaxu 1=�--�-- A a°s(e'05tp TxEmor nr mGwx.MS xuaE NutmamvE YURscnuD. - s(®TM Row m mrw L vu a aP raM , 0R roKxER _ ��ut sa ss ttai rm Dw Pao mrw rattmw oust c cap sramp[D'Caws•sn ru ax ,viceaacc s>m:wuics:r scmxos usr,A usTaxce a [zttR w ELL e0awu mr wm,ze.>N scat rmmci rmM w cw•corms yr ,A p.Rol a n m tt Lox s c c 5 PFO' [21.159 s RE TRACT xiaxP[D aa26-e FDLN FOR aN xBY OECD[u GOnxu OF A WRw[ss Mr xaxm vs DAY a U ix Bra sxl Isn sea IRRee CONK.e0 PURER uKFsmE.GO.BY 0[ REVUE,w --- u • s//e�x Tow Q I Tw r vu I AP Tau , s FOR[°RICK. ® - �� "AA'oa DEORoce,>m,wUTE9 92 SECONDS NEST,A OUGNCe or 919.61 L rr u<k[uxr.urr Dr weu[.Enos 'D•SB''29[ NORM 4(e'f K DECREES]a M maTES w SECONDS EAST A!GUNGE Or 9u 22 FM TO im s ^« NOUN S2 6SECO S.4 RADIUS se 492.Ss FEET.A A COUrs[Y ARO msPANC s uwE Or u0 I2f RSe ACRE TRACT THE FOLLOWING - 1 q,{ C36 G.iv Swe0 370.23.10, MOO x0z xa MOLE oFuewNw Dr A wow ranwwT eURec va rw[Rewa wavwe a eExmat GUM ALONG a GONE. , , -a µ al RAYDEGREES a0 OUN 3 ze SECONDS.a Remus a afz N FEET.Awp E �.< e]s s sr•am ssa0m sal'le oD w 66.76. s[.az °OULEG CE OF 165.Maas wa DmawcE or ISs.,s FEET: NORTH e]DEGREES wo Mlxar[s w SECONDS WEST.a INSTANCE Or 86.e3 FELT TO NOW,THEREFORE.KNOW ALL H[N 0Y THESE PRESENTS: � +o-:` ....-•.i+.*_,,.� • O A s(O'm0 _ Unefa!scan.°r teT eETTZ Pwe TO AA 5/8p IRON no YINSPIIRAT`ON,FRAU SG Ms ;,'Ni a I Gx F S NOmx 34 D"'"aB MRsee[s sa"""" SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE NORTH as DEGREES to;NUM 42 SECONDS WEST A PE q Der.wGe or zr.,a SW. onmsln�iRoR ROCOCO>ix`".:iuoM ravaze¢'Gu sr°".urc�oai:caes`•`:si'i°a`a FINAL PLAT ALON-°:Rm"O RREVERSE CURVE TO THE K`uw ANAARC OUTemn`OF 22..19 MET TO A CORNER: TITLE "OWN,°s/3"•°I`ON OF on TO SUBDIVISION INSPIRATION Riw N m[RE[9]2 MIw TFY m NGmwrs W Ye.DIYI N mF R«E DnL[B9 DTNFPmYE wDiEm.ew[ PHASE 3A IxAI e[.R9 wa aaPwER,ixm wF rcaxwwG w A rAxmwe wRNF im iPoE t[B,x.WNG A GwIRr A.TR AqD warTR nmwT m,Tw,ww..LL wDmwDW.T[R IwiwYEGIIDxY rxD pmnTY a GDRNaIDR[ MU a Fm. .xGLE a 2,DEwFE3 a4 mPoDraY ma SECONDS.A R,DID9 w]25.Dm ea[e.wm R NPDPo.DNDFR,arER�.PPDmEwaxl•im irc xfRaIPoASDwE mE9TmeFP PRDPF MDNDMFmB DR MPRKB Bti.DR FBPwD. m[GPE[9,.«wmn9 m.aE NDe w BP. r II WATER _ x DISTANCEOF E22.64 r T RcwT u x Pam F rw PRovcRTv rsx.xPKareD IrcRFOr. t`EIIMINARY.PO[NQ�P��mG`'QRO _ _ °RE SRo IO TANGENT CURVE TO TNE LEM AN ARC DISTANCE OF 123.96 FEU TO n sr.waU[IwulRarlvw.[[c FOR ANY PURPOSE. E\ LOTS LOTS�3-27.BLOCK E DEGREES.DOMES 19 SECONDS.A RAD.OF 30.00 FEET.AND A LO.CHORD LOCK M ALONG ,awes sn FOP ax RELEASED OP(7l/2096e``*p 4r\ LOTS i-2P,BLOCK W Row ra ounce zt Gm.ca 49E6.06 way A my.,or IxTTR.0 ELL coaxcR a Sam,xa>s>aces TRan. nr[F. Maumw.0m[cimK GR.. E ^r�� ° LOTS 1-31,BLOCK K ase LOTS 1-16,BLOCK Y AND A,m,„9. rAzr ux[OF SUD Ize.esz uRe TRACT.THE FOLLOWING COURSES EGG REGISTRATION NO sssx \�C._:a 6561'ox LOTS i-8.1R,BLOCK Z DEGREE WIN YELLOW PLASTIC CAP STARPEO-JACE362.SU FOR CORNER ARO aOx urw rr DeOae[s a5 Mwui[s w s[eoxes wasp a mseaweE OF Dons INN ROD mix a r[u0w PUSPa OP SWAPO Cocoas 000 FOR GINNING OF A REVOKE GIME TO GCMG,HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE Or 0, SOUTH 70 OECREFS PT GORES 97 SECONDS WEST.A INSTANCE Or 67 49 FEET e0 r 161. COUNTY u g® N '�,y LOTS BIX.BLOCK BLOCKE AA 2T4 THAT GARS to as FEET, f Omfwrt u Muss ✓ LOTS 2 AND 3,BLOCK PP 87 3 s/0°IVOuu°ROD Wax CURVE ICI PuST1C lGG0 STA ARC GED'1Ke0s•s[r Feu CORNER:s sferNlxw aOD COIN a r Ow pusnc UP rswp r a x R. p.m NE.ME maga...GOO.,A NOTARY PUBLIC ON AND FOR TNE STATE OUT OF THE iNSTRGENT AND GILNOWLEOCED TO NE TOG HE[GUTTED SG SA.IN [ NARK NORRIS SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.551, s°s(®rea w Rao mrx a r ITOT PUNw Av 9TamPEe ,Ac0e9 en vow SP upm[ett TORUN STATED AND as OM ACT AND OM OF SsmE CDursxr. vxanaen awnTssm. xANF Is suescwe[D FOR exE FORrosE awD cOnsvDERanw THE LEORY FARMER SURVEY.ABSTRACT NO.333 xaosforllRO ww[R. AND THE JOSIAH TURNHAM SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.919 IN az DEGREES BE wexue[s 33 SECONDS90.0AT.AND A s " ID mum L..COY NANO AND sue INI__DAY a ,a0,a. .MEN ANGER MY„ND AND SUL TAM_DRY Or IN THE TOWN OF Si PAUL,E.T.J. LONG CHORD MAT REARS INSTANCE F a s "swr2" AND IN THE CRY OF WYLIE E.F.J. _ COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS 50 Qi°o-':oN:oN"o I`w"o°vx`Nri CDR.. psEaw°r�c`G ro:pr:COPE`C,:azvsse`ttT NFra OF 36`O0 0O.ET° E.sr AND A LONG CHM,wseawc[or ao2.r4 r[[r. SPUN w otemas Is mlwur[s 2 SECONDS 50.075 ACRES _ gouar ruoue m 000 F°a exE srarz of rFxas WARY 04 D IN a" rRE STATE w TEXAS • 137 RESIDENTIAL LOTS f of 7010 4 e. 0O0x 00 DE0ECY m'Mg 26 ze0O0D1 un a DlsraoGE °XAN°a/6°PN"CON,f'0o°:;rx°:kriva0 PL06 e"aae xs1000Pmz�imcors'•ZIT.'" NY e0NNlrno«GENRES: wr C.D.S.MIRES. 7 NON-RESIDENTIAL LOT Y sA'SA'IRON Rom enx CURVE 1 PTEEREITTIIIMATEAS 00000 Pu.sme`ERIC a 4r`Na8Ro 001aaw1Nez•s0e ro'ate410 8 TO 0 o YsiraNIR.DEGREES A YELtr°`W P09usi0a LAP snaiim aau°es Or Son lirmm c`0000..a SHEET 2 OF 2 7,1 OWNER/DEVELOPER: ST.PAUL INSPIRATION,L 6 r NORTH x6 OEM.N MIMO Ir....: '. a INSTANCE Or sourNea 7 a.wren n AGES 16 SECONDS GAWK cap EAST A STANCE sfr roR MT TO L 2 0 REG OD MINUTES AI SECONDS WEST,MANCE OF SOG FEET TO 8200 DOUGLAS AVENUE[ 8 S(®•I03 D wan r u0w vLXIC LAP SIoZ D aseo I FOP R A°V0(e'° w RGD max 8 r[u0w 01000E Car saaxv[m ,.GO'S[e FOR DALUSU TEXAS ITE 3015225 P. i0 ONE 2 e-Ts0-I800 Aw°sis gRox Roo mix v P sirg: ALf ! x , P°gz,RON ROO NTH A TILL.runsr"t LAP STAMpEm !Manx s0P FOR §, se"Iwx° mex r=vusrC 'ArAYP a r r MTN 4 29 FM To ENGINEER/SURVEYOR: • _ S 0WDT0ID,O _ 1999 KOXAN STREET.SUITE 1200 DALLAS.TEXAS 75201-3136 AUGNEST a GlsraxGE OF 416.86 FEET, soMrx Is acmes oI NlwurE ae MN. PHONE 214-638-0145 FAX 216-638-066I f{ v 99Ta r[Cr UTx az 0FDREE0 sa 010410Y ao N<mtlm3 usr a usvaxca OFSISALS RRUB 1015230D THIS PLAT FILED IN JULY 2016 This page is intentionally blank 7,-- �_ \\ : Wylie Planning and Zoning tej. °11'40',5t.q' Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: July 20, 2016 Zoning Case Number RP 2016-04 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Oaks Addition Lots 6R and 6R1, Block C; Being a Replat of Lot 6, Block C of Oaks Addition, located at 606 E Oak Street. RP 2016-04 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding, a Replat for Oaks Addition Lots 6R and 6R1, Block C; Being a Replat of Lot 6, Block C of Oaks Addition, located at 606 E Oak Street. RP 2016-04 Discussion Owner: Damon Printz (Manta Oil and Gas 401k) Applicant: Roome Land Surveying, Inc. The applicant is requesting a residential Replat to establish two residential lots of 0.152 and 0.153 acres. The lots are zoned TH (Townhouse District). The stated purpose of the Replat is to divide the lot into two separate lots to accommodate the existing duplex. The property was platted in 1982 and developed as a duplex in 2002. Notification/Responses: Ten (10) notifications were mailed; with one response in favor of the request, and no responses against the request received at the time of this posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 -------_ - I 1 I I 1 I ' • I I I 1 I ,` • 1 1 i I I I 1 • ! `". t 1 1 ! I I ! ! ` ` t ! j I I I i i i i i i i 1 I III) III 1�111110 Subject I ' ' I - Property -:-, ,:: �1111111111111�� ;�sn1�' "' 11IIIIIIIIIIIIII ' I , • - ___. , is r!1112111131°1311111 �% 1 v'l 1 1 / I i I i • ! I i s, t i I 1 i l • • i ^ L.._.._.,_.._.._..� 1 i ./ , • • �U :NNn pat �`, I 1Fmt Brown Sttxt:: , , , (CR 433■■nH EHHH,N 111111111 10, F Fast Blo„n insetJelicrson StE grait3, .gi _uhII NIS r� .H. -..,.Ei �. m ' IIIi1IIIfti at ��Malbk Sttcr:tc ; ''ZI di] 0=== I A g • n Oak Strait Oak Spat 11 ..-. — pF. ..,...--- ,..4 _= -® ® t ■■ inn..-ip] .. .. -- �Tml IILII1. y'� M Illl IIIIIIIII MIME ������ �.. a � - ...... altCrt A,xs:uc A .... .® 111116' ILIII IIIIIIIII - 1I1111I1i i' �G ( - ..,.:2.,.m ,,,-- �� .,._.,t7 ) .5 �II n� 41 ff :: ®j .iI illick 44 gn RRRg RR R 4 # dIIIIIIIuiuv1jjjmI(<41L • LOCATION MAP REPLAT CASE #2016-04 i OWNER,DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § COUNTY OF CCLLIN § CiCI the owner of of KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT, Texas,Counly of Col.and City PS Manta W nd Cos tt Wylie, AGrim C THAT I.Michael CLzzo.do hereby certify that prepared this amending plot fromactual ollIn County,Texos,occordIng to the plot thereof record..Volume C,Page a.cd- ,,,,on tn,land and tnot in,corner monuments shown thereon were found r properly Y Cone," ' the<P ofRecords o Co C y,Texas and g more pa to y co bed o ows. City y w pe vsan n accordance h the opp cobs codes and ord noncssa heof the (r_ ✓s, g nn,Preto BEGINNING of a.2 inch iron rod found for er in Lot 6 on hlneM1 a f way turner E. Oak Street and markIng the northeast corner of s Michael Cuzzo THENCE with the east line of said Lot 6 and the west line of said Lot 5,South 00.14'38s R.P.S.No,5693 West,passing al 124.35 feel a Precise capped iron rod found tor reference and continuing a totol distance of 17.66 feet to o point tor corner morklng the t corner 6 and the southwest coer of said Lot 5 and g de Im Ine noe ofkll'e m Cem y, ACKNOWIFDCFMFNT ala wie Cemetery... § 8701PC Weal,76.60 feet to a pd.for corner marking the southvrest corner D,said Lot 6, COUNTY OF COLLIN § the southeast corner D,Lot].Block C of sold Ooks Addition No.2, BEFOR ed Yfeeeel Cuzco,known THENCE with the west.e of said Lot 6 ond the east line of soh]Lot 7,North 00.05'02n to me F to 1E, be the p subscrib the undersigned authority,on this ed ptosthe foregong Instrument.w East Oak Street essed. executed,or the purposes antl ne tl<ra,on therein f—woy line of said East Dok T p,y,_or_woa )&O o I seee.r am wn<ncorner N °<e'ao.M1e,Pand Lot 7 and in o'r r9erena bitet eaNa.the g60856 spoa e Tee, UNDER .HAND SEAL OF OFFICE this,he 2D16. THENCE wIth the th 89.56'07° mTr �� 90 Sao,,x x „� G3DA ores of land' OWNERS CERTIFICATE "Recommended a fareApprovals I STATE OF TEXAS § cOLIN,of DGwN § _I tt:,',"':::;hcol NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That,Yen[t BB!Bee co,N does here, ado t Tat designated therein above described y y exco Z g rnrn''n Date Final of Lolt BR k SRI.Block Chof Boles AMR*No.Y,an addition to of Wylie, the City To-os,on e mp<,he the public use forever. he streets, of—xa own thereon.The streets I alleys.dedlca If any,ore dedicted,far the public tusef feet pp mewed and public use "Approved for Cora,rucbon LOT6R LOT 6R1fences,trees,shrubs or other Improvements or growths shot Block C Block C oveandscapeeeasements.the a o aents as pproved shown, the City Council of theeCty improvements may dd on.upon, ily e,en Salt.. areas se.m, an Maw. v wy e Texas Dote easementd e 0.u.nz aft 0r e.s3.ors to use Dr n m aid use � r c, a — ypb< - subordinates Wylis . of e t,„,,ee or ts of any bulldIng,fences.trees,shrubs or other improvements or growths whIch uv. s P,Ven eva�fw.z par N A w x dmn�pxz n a vac c pg'.ey P,ccm2 rah.So F ✓ot 6 ve. a9 PRro _,ys Z9 may Systems b t C' W d publicutility entities t t BR IT he N :St times have the full right of Ingress ond egress to or from lhelr respeclIve eosements tor the Mhe W T D t on 8 'R. odding to or removing all or ports on' time p os g p fission from anyone. M1e of Leo BR their respective systems minout the necessity y undersigned,the City Secretary of the Oily of'WylieAEM Teo?. ereby Certlfes Ibat the ell Blo Beks Ibn No. I Caccep doy of x to „ty oppraved subject Texas too plotting g die dmances,rules. ions and resolutions Di the ° eets,alley,parks, --_— I WITNESS, y nit,this Ine y 2D16. the y to note the acceptance thereof y signing easement,public places and water and sewer lines as shown an se or in and upon said do of plot and sold Council further oWbrized Mayor n !b sl nln �------ — his name os nereinobove subxribed. yme"eiT m'ua+aewnw...m `r. co ------a— Manta Oil&Gas 401K Witness my hood This day D, I I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT y y exas COUNTY OFEXAS § COLLIN § the ppeored Benin.1112.known —— —— _ to meEto ME, be the person undersigned whose n me is subscribed to theforegoing instrument,who —f xo N9>o]'5fryT Ta Sit has c— express.. a me that the some was erecutetl for the purposes es and consideration therein —— GNEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the .day of Pty.rarefy — -- 2D16. Final Plat of Lots 6R & 6R1, Block C The purpose of this Replat is tp divide the duplex— preo °on Lot 6 into 2 separate lots. Oaks Addition No. 2 I I,p ° being a Replat of Lot 6,Block C �r A --e''r SITE L�t^" g a porPon of Ks addition be t nn d b Oaks Addition No.2 W —,,o,, �2N:o Apo Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No.688 "�✓RI° City of Wylie,Collin County, Texas N P reK o pr{ �f cOlwithin'a Special Flood controlling CM is zard Nea inundated A June 20,2016 � o ✓ opt for Collin s y.T nD °In= �G,6K2��az��3e.oWG 9 as Courtly. D l o Pepe Recordne s weer Rooms ,pp""° pl 3 m s sd(asT perform...out Ribe benefit :--+—E Manta Oil&Gas AOtK � m eyLDwLtt y 3 of a title commitment.,record,Surveyor did nal abstract or research eons for eosem<mee(5) ® ., Land Surveying VICINITY MAP N.T.S. u W ro lLe G.Su a ` �Dl el a ooK f Tne, g r,s property TH—TDwnnause a<, Dur.en Pnnt� ,,,,„.,,,,,a,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„.ne 7162Tvaoo's,00 )--iiiiiii_l_? 3iiiiii.-7—.: 1 9 109 108 1 1 ughes ,B 10 107 �?0 t... 1 06 14 Cemetery hi 105 uj 104 15 af .;.r'1!i�l!ty �' �;r•"�:. �,:Iz„ ,,r,;�'y�,�'':ar;:..;�:,a%"�,1.�.:;%`n,%1�:�1�i:f:q:,,,.' ,.,'r ;, ,i,Tr,,,,, lv'r�� 'i "•:.C:11, ;x:'i 9L.,� L'..NYH....1 :...�,iz..��ury:f�. :�:::::",y "i P�,;i' si' :II'riVliiRi ill pn �....v.i;..}:•. k::!,AaA.,n'�.�3: � ":,Vr �..'!,Y'�,r,;,!!pp'�y q +.'r'k�t;i: ..rP:" �p"�.N,Wy'�, :::• '?"'u��. ,;5. :i .ry14:'rlr l'{ •.�W.1hr`1.':A' :Y�.'S t";:irR `F!l.:':Yel'.... 5:lia°i i:1:kv B.i:.m:?,n� ".. ^- ,d,.,.;Y.::'•i:y:: .''`n. ci f,. .,n...;k 0 :.' n.. ; ,,: Is . , y`,, h„. �'y . f�' 103 102 16 .,,.,. .A ' lwi' „,�ii0,: ,,o�3.,P":�r.,��� :,,, . , ks:"RAi�S . ;,,,,,,.. 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Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 23,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: DQLif trz 1R pi t Z (please print) Address: (o O( El D ciL S.f- /1 w- (j Signature: � Date: -7 - 2 c COMMENTS: I �_ 'L Nw \', Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: July 20, 2016 Zoning Case Number RP 2016-03 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Russell Addition Lots 2B-RA and 2B-RB, Block 3; Being a Replat of Lot 2B, Block 3 of Russell Addition, located at 419 N Jackson Avenue. RP 2016-03 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Replat for Russell Addition Lots 2B-RA and 2B-RB, Block 3; Being a Replat of Lot 2B, Block 3 of Russell Addition, located at 419 N Jackson Avenue. RP 2016-03 Discussion Owner: Damon and Dane Printz Applicant: Roome Land Surveying, Inc. The applicant is requesting a residential Replat to establish two residential lots of 0.081 and 0.075 acres. The lots are zoned TH (Townhouse District). The stated purpose of the Replat is to divide the lot into two separate lots to accommodate the existing duplex. The property was platted in the late 1970's/early 1980's and developed as a duplex in 2003. Notification/Responses: Nine (9) notifications were mailed; with one response in favor, and one in opposition received at the time of this posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 1 I III 1 1 1 I . I i IrcrlJ1JJ1/ larj Tr - - ,i II ii I , i1111 T [ IIIL___ III I I I �I I I 111111I/ Subject Farmount Driveilillili___ Property it., D' 1. Tr/ D 've Z i N B I I v 7 i m: Iii_cri _ _.T._._. _ , 1 , _ InE11111%, ./ / .1, Eeisen , s• • . i -SIMMLIMEr I • A _-›7.1ffilie ,, ' I i _o.w�,o,� , i i i ', 4. H4.. .._., ,r.._ i i I ab, , , r ti;'�a'EA a I ! ! , - � � _ _ idi , i i i Sl.o _ours m i ! t I i f,. i �� i i i I �' • i i i i i i i i � 447/kCC) rees • ' i i i ' West Brown 't .•' ���I �- — East Brown Street III I_' -- — I . v E iri E Jefferson Street • '— lir nu =... alli P it - , I _ Marble Street¢ 7. EL1 . E 7._ Marble Street LOCATION MAP REPLAT CASE #2016-03 bbl STATE OF TEXAS OWNER'S DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF COLLIN .g Jtl WHEREAS Owwt R(Na and Owe Prints,a n of klle ITM' hx.I,55—aana55,Ter the Deed Records of Collin y,Texas and g more pa Tic y scnbed ads follows: dJ and g cubed in a deed recorded in Document No,2p150406DOp}TT090 of BEGINNING al 1/2c — Avenue(70 — w and the northeast o of Lot 20.Block 3 o said Russell Add'itlane(un(unrecorded)as e described in a deed to Ralph Rozier.III recorded.Volumew4680,9 Page 3134 of the marking Records of Collin County,Texas and the southeast corner of said Lot 21, THENCE ith u.rwnra•e un w hconveyedyto Ste Louis bSouthwestern °Railroad Company and marking the northwest nd the south line of sold Lot we corner of saidh iron pipe found for corner s h e east line of in Lot 2C,the southwest corner of said Lot 2B and the beginning o a curve to hh THENCE northeaslerly with the eosl' rIiM h Hug a f£ Easl 04.65 ��P1r pipe found for comer in the south line of an unrecorded y d marking e northwest comer of said gLot 2R, nond re of North 154916 East.6236 f to 0 1'inch iron THENCE xa w LOT 2B-RA,Block 3 �L,,s_ line of said unreche orded alley ono the unrecorded right-or olley way line the or nortline Jackson Avenue andsthe northeast corner a id Lot 2B.mane ma g e intersection of me eawh y3/71 SO.Pt.or 0.075 Arse A,,,,, THENCE with Ihe fee o 015s acres t one more orless. dh Jackson avenue and the east line of sad Lol 2B,South MOD feet to the Pant Dr Beginning d coma g 812 square - vs,s E m v /4.5azrvttxx hzsv as aes osvv E t,i SC RI OWNERS CERTIFICATE R _ LOP 2B-RB,Block 3 Po NT o T �e� COUNTY OF aFco�LN 3,541 Sgat.art..Ml Acre rvm �3 NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS p' t Oama PHnta ad Dam F..d hereby ate algid lheren propertyas of Let PB RA and Lat ffi R@ Rtaga s of K k Cd rs:�u AddLLwo. Odeon. he the City and alley .are deedet hereby r street p the public a r.the streets,ord rdgmted.for t and other epublic f er wesr z,.es twitsimprovements shown°1n ever, 't for the purposes lcaled on IhIs plot.No buildings,fences,trees,shrubs or other Improvements or growths shall e constructed or placed upon,over r across Ihe ity Council of the City �y or g thpproved by ehsame unless.e easementaTm Ni hel�use to particular 4 —— —— —— —— uuliuee said use by publlc uullues beIng to the public's and City e thereof. The City of Wyl,and public utilities enlit,es sholl hove the right to remove and keep removed oll or parts of any building,fences,trees,shrubs or other bnprovernents or growths which may in any.y endanger or interfere Wig,the construction,maintenance.or efficiency of their respective systems in said easements,,Orly of Wylie and s sholl 41 oll Ilmes hove Ihe lull right of Ingress ond egress ha or from the,-respective eosements for the purpose of constructing. uw. e"a vvi; vRcn g. amm g. g meters,and a g Dr removing I a pats of met,respective systems Ohoul me necessity v e procuring p ssion ThIs pat approved subjecl la oll plotting ordinonces.roes.regulollons and resolutions of the Clly of Wyse.Texas. —— —— —— —— WITNESS,my hand.this the day°! .2018. Poo.Na 10s6an3eGalt.?990 PRmr ACKNOWIEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN g I o,pg 58,P., —— —— —— —— BEFORE ME,the underskgned a holly appeared Daman F...known to me to be the person whose name is subscrbed to 1ne forego,ng in.-Lime, WI,acknowledged to me that the same was executed for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the ,doy of ,2016. Notary Public,r,ond The Stale°t Texas or SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Recommended for Approval'' ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN O STATE OF TEXAS Q KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: Choirmon, Z g mmIsson Dote COUNTY OF COLLIN 3 CIty o!Wylle�O Texas ed Owe FWYe known to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed la the foregoing rument, 9 plot from on ocluol survey on who acknowledged to me that the some was executed for 1 purposes and mnsderonon lherem expressed. the land ond thol the corner monuments shown thereon were,und ntl/or under y supe,Sion in accordance with the app mole codes and ordinances of the y of Wyli "Approved for cons4mnlon GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the doy of .2D16. Michael Cuzzo R.P.LS.Na.5653 y of Wylie.less Dote The Stale of texas o y ACKNOWIEDOEMENT Accepted STATE OF TEXAS g COUNTY OF COLLIN g BEFORE lelE,the undersigned authority,on lh,day the Meta Met Nam acknowledged to me thatk v y of klie.Texas Dote .be the person whose name is subscribed to the same was e.eealed for the purposes and eansIderauon therein expressed. m wylle The cretory of the CIty Let 2B—RA and AdAll. GIVEN UNDER M.HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this the day of .2016. to the e 9 tl�o n y Biota �.a°f °' hereby Council, formal aaction,dth'en° Final Plat of ond The 51a1e of Texas °r sewer,a.es she°a�eotae��ne'rea�of and T9��9 n name plot as here�nsaid aeeee eaes' eaalauthorized the Lot 2B—RA &2B—RB, Block 3 'Ones,my D 2016 a Prpose of this plat is he divide ZR Russell Addition ___1`,' 1 1,' aHapN 1 1 1 and into2 La to aTcamrommadate me existing duple.. Y�o D E a d'< x M Re H°et.orn elti ` I r,Y-,„e being a Replat ofLot2B,Block 3 of L° Notice: Sellingof this and bounds is a violal,on ddition by iv Russell Addition,an unrecorded plat in the SITE N "°o c gaganes dRhoordinonce g aldd�ee low and g p ds. City of Wylie,Collin Count);Texas "d°R'` 09 \ S.B.Shelby Survey,Abstract No.820 U - cx ✓' /NOl'E4(1)CM s con monument;(2)N if I\ w oed w controlling Hazard Area inundated e _ June 20,2016 d"�� o dM�aYear flood Per Flood Insurance°Rate K,dK2�Ydyr53rKWd aA Is In Docurnent No. �tuede° them.s(ab;e'e, m1. oomc Land SUINNv N lnc. s�m rpLDWLrf g — benefit D® oaaeo me is ahVICINITY MAP us H Townhouse.records a easements.of record,. p aped JIe,�a e Texas 75002 1 ` 1,..)..K faK N.T.S. ,=f „„ r iO 17 415 414 10 ,. 7 I � 13 41 ,: — „,. n ,,,: 419 w.,,„gin' : , ,.,. I L ... ..!!.urMxdif,lM on I^ ! ::..',�.''!''I'II,....... 'j!. `�. .. 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J ,. — 400 �; 1 1—[s gy Irf . 408—B 21Z .� ,11 411—A 4, �; 3 V 408—A 2R—B �(; 301 6.� p`�` Ct — •1 .)6 406 1 C` j 5 407—B I A 4( 06 407—A 7 405—B 404 1 B 103. 1 / L 7 c, 405—A 403—B „ta 1 9A _ 402 ._ 0 -/. 06 OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP REPLAT CASE #2016-03 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 \/ I am FOR the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2016-03. I am AGAINST the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2016-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 23,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: D(;t Ar re In Pi; 7- (please print) Address: L 1E9 0.t✓_So✓1 A n 6 / lG )6 tSignature: U ' „/C Date: 7- a.` - ( to COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2016-03. L-// I am AGAINST the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2016-03. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 23,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: 1#a* t;f (please print) Address: y/z Al, TCc K.sb1✓ Signature: / Date: 7//06' COMMENTS: This page is intentionally blank ey-,( _ N' : \\ : Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: July 20, 2016 Zoning Case Number RP 2016-02 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Replat for Kellers 2nd Addition Lot 12R, Block 6; Being a Replat of Lots 12, 13, 14, & 15, Block A of Kellers 2nd Addition, located at 100 Elliot Street. RP 2016-02 Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Replat for Kellers 2nd Addition Lot 12R, Block 6; Being a Replat of Lots 12, 13, 14, & 15, Block A of Kellers 2nd Addition, located at 100 Elliot Street. RP 2016-02. Discussion Owner: Territorial Lands,LLC Applicant: Roome Land Surveying, Inc. The applicant is requesting a residential Replat to establish one residential lot of 0.289 acres. The lots are zoned DTH (Downtown Historic District. The lots are currently vacant of development. The stated purpose of the Replat is to combine the lots into one buildable lot. The properties in the Kellers 2nd subdivision were platted and developed in the 1950's. Notification/Responses: Eighteen (18) notifications were mailed; with one response in favor received at the time of this posting. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 07-28-16 Page 1 of 1 1 I III 1 1 1 I . I i IrcrlJ1JJ1/ larj Tr - - ,i II ii I , i1111 T [ IIIL___ III I I I �I I I 111111I/ Subject Farmount Driveilillili___ Property it., D' 1. Tr/ D 've Z i N B I I v 7 i m: Iii_cri _ _.T._._. _ , 1 , _ InE11111%, ./ / .1, Eeisen , s• • . i -SIMMLIMEr I • A _-›7.1ffilie ,, ' I i _o.w�,o,� , i i i ', 4. H4.. .._., ,r.._ i i I ab, , , r ti;'�a'EA a I ! ! , - � � _ _ idi , i i i Sl.o _ours m i ! t I i f,. i �� i i i I �' • i i i i i i i i � 447/kCC) rees • ' i i i ' West Brown 't .•' ���I �- — East Brown Street III I_' -- — I . v E iri E Jefferson Street • '— lir nu =... alli P it - , I _ Marble Street¢ 7. EL1 . E 7._ Marble Street LOCATION MAP REPLAT CASE #2016-03 OWNER'S DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SURVEYOR'S CERIIFICAIE STATE OF 1EXAS § STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF COLLIN § COUNTY OF wLLN § WHEREAS Rnitml&Lands,LLC Is the owner of a tract of lond sltuoted in the State of Tekos, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT. of Collin ly of lie,be,ng part of the Samuel Shelby 0,and all of County a tract of o land nd Orecorded y in Document No,20150616000719120 ofethe Deed RecordBy,Abstract No 2 being of Collin THAT I.Michael Cuzzo.do hereby certify that I prepared this amending plot from an actual survey on —— —— —— —— Block 61 of Kellers 2nd the land and that the c monuments shown thereon w found and/or aced under my of oWylle�s g <1 of supervision in accordance with the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Wylie. the Deed Records Collin y,Texas antl g more pa tic y scribed o9 follows• BEGINNING at a / for corner marking the intersection of the north rIght-of-way line of Elliott Street(50'Right-of-Way) of a 20 foot alley and the southwest corner of soid Lot 15 ond sold Territoriol Londs,LLC trod: .µ v I 0.y m� North 0701'10"East. IHENGE with the east r'2ht of woy'n f said a and h west'n said Lots 15 4.13 and 12, PCKNOWtEDGEMEM of Lo 6 of d m found feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod marking for corner southwest Kellers southwest o tract f land co XAS § AMf` f County lexas an Junes Corner b d 3 8880 of t he d Records a e E dthe northwest co er of said Lot 12eed recorded in Document No. 0and OsaidTerlora Lands LLC tract; COUNTY OF COLLN § SS ss P9 150 t c.No.z01a05zX0'55550[wccl roc.No.so1>o151c01=1.m 0,57 ed t,who LYvao,known to me lhol a% th id th id th Deed the b same was exect BEFORE ME.the utedgfor mthe s purposes aadocned outhorlty.on this donside consideration therreno expressed.o IA, 5095.050E 10500 rhyR� feet to acords2 on In f T t western Railroad p p g-o-wa a d ma g e nor east�vmer a said erntoria Lands LLC roc. GIVEN UNDER NY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,t,the_day of 2016- riol Londs,LLC tract and crossing Lots 12,13,.ond 15,South We.120.00 feet to o 1 N°E PO/2,nch iron rod found for corner in the north right-of-woy of Elliott Street,in the south line of said1 Lot 15 d marking the southeast leC tract; Notary Sta Public in and!o too Texas THENCE with Street v J5 Fq La1 oFt'/ • _ 89.58 50'W 5.00 eel to the Po t a Deq g and co Id9 2, saua a feet o 0299 aces o!land. Recommended fay Approval' li LOT 12R,Block 6 ., STATE OF 1EXAS § OWNER'S ER IFI�,E 1 N 12.600 Sq.It.or 0.289 Acres COUNTY OF coroo § eN s and Z g mm son Dote _ a,.—- —— - NOW THEREFORE(KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. L Thal 94rrltertel Lands LLC o hereby h' no ed he e'n aboveesc b 'Approved for Construct an d , ,6 t des m No. c00ns1z0 aem Find,Pat o Lot 12R.Black B of Kellam Ad AddBwn an addition to the Cityod Wylie ee o does hereby icate, use larever,t - ',f'', pub,improvements shown thereon.The streets and alleys,if ony,ore dedicated far street purposes.The easements and public use as,are dedicated,for the the purposes ed on z this pat.No bui fences,trees,shahs or other improvements use for shall be constructed or Mayor.L! o!Wylie.Texas Dale is s ope Improvements be v.SS Po.P 1 C,MY'1 easements may ogebeements,if used-for mutual approved yse andea Council lonf the o ploced upon,over or ocross the eosements os shown.except thot cpublic of Iie.In llilies desiring vlo lu "Accepted" -&-k: uslng the some unless the easement limits t tar u subordinate to the public's antl y of use thereofutilities,s,said use by public utilities g ne m. 5 e City of hie and public utilities entitles shall hove the right to remove and keep removed all or Maya.City of Wylie.Texas Date PO/„�c cum rve5 oas0 w f0ao0 'L''m wthoul the y in respectiveress to or-from their p.procurings for the purpose,permission o y constructing, u s a ei respect v systems ofing.inspecting, lhe Lot the City Softy of the City of Wylie.TCity of Wylle was submitted to the by t' t tforegoingi Final pot p e e sy of Lot he Book B of.tars Pad Addition Ida the C . Council on 1" Ihi dinance rules regulations and resolutions of the y cot an e id Council p s and.ter a d sew es e accepted the d forth en and a said plat and said ent,public further authorized the Mawr berate the /dCC CC �L CC CU �L CU �L CC klle,Texas. acceptance there y signing name as hereinabove subscribed. 51 �' Elliott Street WITNESS.my hand,this the day of a 2016. Wltness my hand iha y of 1/d no nit ni nn waN-of no of of dnn n..M cvmt dames.owner City Y ACKNOWIFDGFMFNTSTATE OF 1EXAS .Texas § .. COUNTY OF COLLIN J3.Pg.1410zl2�z Po.1dAeell> Is J55el��.fel�gem BEFORE authority,o th y per sly ape o me to e _ ed CBx[JenraR known Pol.Ol91,Pg.1690 aem Pon Ns..10i�15co 1°.550 DRm vw..f».9 ]eRcroosIso ae0ep was executed for the s2urposes o.ubseribed to than dregoings instrument,rotion therein expressed.acknowledged Laome that the b 'Pt GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,th,the ,doy of ,2016. Notory Pub,in ond for Final Plat of Lot 12R, Block 6- The urpo e of this Final Plat Is to combine the 4- 1 oRo portions of Lots 12,13,14 Et 15 into a single Kellers 2nd Addition buildable lot. Hug ° being a Replat of Parts of Lots 12,13,14&15,Block 6 l e' me„Selling a of this addition by N Kellers 2nd Addition �3 M R p.a le low ,,SITE nes II. IGLf ke r f geaa - an wdhhoonce 9 utilities"pnd building p its, Samuel Shelby Survey,Abstract No.820 b City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas �NOI'LS t1(GM s can monument;(2 N _ June20,2016 cad rw die a d Area inundatede e�� o i��a Insurance °Rate °d F.E.M.A. �K,5K1�YR16IK1.KW6 ��°ne`eci3i°2 �' �Ie G been r of veylle G 3,r((k)This P.hos of 1. n c� calUw[u p a�� cu cam e+y w om.m perty is Performed Dome Land SulvePlIlg lne. N Yo =3 fWON 6 a6K VICINITY MAPract or research F y oDD for easements,�(t.lhe for thls is SF 10/24 s Texas,526I 1 t l 1 l f N.T.S. f .<. • 15 I 0 1 () 5 ll i Oak Street ,,:e..Y.,���"`.k'YtK flidvr ci a.,„,:;..'"',ilk,1.tri . 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''Y!'.:., mow 8 204 205 6 > 210 / 11 I / / 209 5 214 L 320 / " /ct. , OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP R E P LAT CASE #2016-02 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black Ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 p"."I am FOR the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2016-02. I am AGAINST the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2016-02. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 23,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: art I Me S (please print) Address: 30/0 4.- -0/ /2) l�ds 72 7s78`7 Signature: Date: 7/'—// COMMENTS: 1 7 , �, Wylie Planning and Zoning tl,r, ,,,,L. ,,, , Commission AGENDA REPORT Public Hearing Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Date Prepared: July 25, 2016 Zoning Case Number 2016-09 Location Map, Exhibits, Notification List/Map and Exhibits: Responses Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural-30 (A-30) to Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) for Serene Villas Subdivision, creating approximately 50 residential lots on 16.739 acres, generally located west of Kreymer Lane and north of Stone Road, (1033 S. Kreymer Ln; 1053 S. Kreymer Ln) ZC 2016-09 Recommendation Motion to Recommend approval to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural-30 (A-30) to Single-Family 10/24 (SF-10/24) for Serene Villas Subdivision, creating approximately 50 residential lots on 16.739 acres, generally located west of Kreymer Lane and north of Stone Road, (1033 S. Kreymer Ln; 1053 S. Kreymer Ln) ZC 2016-09 Discussion Owners: Beatriz Chavez (Lujan) and Cleo Kikuchi(Living Trust) Applicant: Jim Koch (Serene Development) The applicant is requesting rezoning for two properties of 11.006 acres and 5.733 acres (lots A and B) from the current AG/30 (agricultural) to SF-10/24 (single family). This request is part of an overall larger request that, if approved, will include an additional 5.25 acres to the south which is currently outside city limits (lot C). The rezoning of that property will be proposed at a later time because the city cannot zone property not within its city limits. An annexation is scheduled to go before City Council on August 23, 2016. The properties under consideration in this application (lots A and B) were annexed into the City in December 2000. The applicant is requesting straight zoning with lots to be a minimum of 10,000 sq ft and single family homes of 2,400 sq ft minimum. As currently planned there would be a total of 65 lots (from all three lots) on approximately 22 acres if all applications are approved as requested. If approved, construction plans for each residential dwelling will be submitted to Building Inspections for approval and must meet the design standards in accordance with Article 3, Section 3.4 before the issuance of a permit. If the development is approved, impact fees will be paid by the applicant along with a dedication of right-of-way to the City for the expansion of Kreymer Lane. Currently, the Capital Improvement Plan has Kreymer Lane as a 10-year project and coordination with Collin County would be required as Kreymer extends into that jurisdiction to the south. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan categorizes the subject parcels as Sub-Urban Sector, providing primarily residential development of low to medium densities. This sector also allows some very low intensity commercial development. The proposed plan conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 Notification/Responses: Forty-Three (43) notifications were mailed; with five (5) responses against returned at the time of posting. Approved By Initial Date RO 07-28-16 Department Director NII11: • : 44:-7::•111:71111::::41° ‘' --i•:,-:;':?'"...."' -'.--... 1. - _,...----- _..... I' " : Subject 4 1ll Property /41 __ ._____._............... ___..._ 00 /f/// II -\,..).""-". I I ;ice ` L... 1 - Slate Hi 2hwa' No, 78 1 ---------lr /'- uw—=-- l =a 1111 1 1 111I . .I . 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Aulilnililiinl�r► ,15 �!_IIIIfi..� ■■■■1♦�■���'s '� 1111tl1111 �� i ■■■■■� momm i ,f �r1�,11111e- `A ♦�i ♦ /•I1,1. wit --•::Of 14/ +II I• ��A. �11111111\�iiiininIM��j 1►; ��,��O�a�s �,I 4 11"I�III11" '= -�I1■,ttiilili,,,It1\\ •II'O�,•���� :,ii�/ff: 1► ♦ O 1 .,, 4i . • LOCATION MAP ZONING CASE #2016-09 EXHIBIT A Property Description (north/zoning) SITUATED in the State of Texas, County of Collin and the City of Wylie, being part of the Francisco De La Pina Survey,Abstract No. 688, being all of a called 11.006 acre tract of land conveyed to Beatriz Chavez by deed recorded in Document No. 20090210000137050 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas, and all of a tract of land conveyed to Kikuchi Living Trust by deed recorded in Document No. 95-0091053 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and these premises being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 3/8 inch iron rod found for corner in the south line of Avalon Addition Phase II, an addition to the City of Wylie, Collin County,Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 2006, Page 207 of the Plat Records of Collin County, Texas and marking the northeast corner of a called 11.05 acre tract of land conveyed to Bloomfield Homes, L.P. by deed recorded in Document No. 20141117001250220 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas and the northwest corner of said 11.006 acre tract; THENCE with the south line of said Avalon Addition Phase II and the north line of said 11.006 acre tract, North 88°31'02" East, 1116.87 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod capped "Roome"set for corner in the west line of Kreymer Lane (variable width right-of-way)and marking the northeast corner of said 11.006 acre tract; THENCE with west line of Kreymer Lane,the east line of said 11.006 acre tract and the east line of said Kikuchi Living Trust tract, South 02°14'05" East, passing a metal fence corner post found for reference marking the southeast corner of said 11.006 at 429.09 feet and continuing for a total distance of 654.10 feet to a point for corner marking the northeast corner of a called 5.230 acre tract of land conveyed to Odie Hall Living Trust by deed recorded in Volume 5424, Page 4662 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and the southeast corner of said Kikuchi Living trust tract; THENCE with the north line of said 5.230 acre tract and the south line of said Kikuchi living Trust tract, South 88°13'47"West, 1103.24 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe found for corner in the east line of a called 21.054 acre tract of land conveyed to William R.Talbert by deed recorded in Document No. 2014111700125200 of the Deed Records of Collin County,Texas and marking the northwest corner of said 5.230 acre tract and the southwest corner of said Kikuchi Living Trust tract; THENCE with the east line of said 21.054 acre tract, the east line of said 11.05 acre tract, the west line of said Kikuchi Living Trust tract and the west line of said 11.006 acre tract, North 03°24'46"West, 659.95 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 16.739 acres of land, more or less. idly»eeN.Pour ILunar Ali.15.Pain;07 I I I I P'.. I I I i I I I I I $ I 1I l , 1 I I I I 1 I I . I 1 1 I ` I-----1 illldh-O lllhisI llllllllllll�lllllll�llllllllllllllo,llllllll llillall III�IIIIIIIIIIriIIIIIIl414i01•l111110l0000.11l0114ll01001000 111000040111000l1400000-100000lllllllll 111000,l011000000011111111-1111111111111111-LIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIII-IIIIIII IIII11" 00 POINT OF N BEGINNING 01 O111111 N i111 u10 1 Cabo Near Par aria,ua., �E [.ter.AO.7000;/Cq 113.1 C 6111111 III 4 FF:Cr Cash NOS Ada II III /• Brorolea morns OP ON.AN AliAIIl700115d120 1111111 s.e 11 e ASCE, 1 •' IIIIIIk 5111 I1 q 1.,a RP 11a F iN S1 d0 w,,.bad r Apr^17 Y' IIII 1111 a An e5-mplou cod 96 Sn. ma/ Ytw. �b,1l 1111 1111111111111 1111 v, —— 1. uuuu-00000000 1uuF luuuuuuu1-uuuu-000000001-uuuu-00000000-uuuu-00000000-10010-00000000�0000-100000001-00011-00000000-uuuu-00000000 uuuu-00000000-10001.000000001-0000-100000001-uuuu-uuuuuuuu-uuuu-000000001 uuuu-uuuuuuuu-100oF 00000000-uuuu-uuuuuuuul no eo .and UC Kea Coda Ir.T Pas Oar ear fag Any siobar lobed 572A. Ida 20 N.l Ox.IN I01ell)ml75AV Mull Mal ( .a Ira //�yy�v do Irlf tab - - - - - 5'88'TO'36'IY ffm9.01' Cora APS Kan bAEf Pads,.1 Aeevne Abadan I Az gU0.AN.100J0d /1J15A7 ORCCr 11 i 1 N NL 1\7- Property Deraipbon MATED Si the State of Teas.County of Coon and the City of Wylie, h ero pert of the Francisco De to F n Sonia.Abstract No.686.being 13, 06 of a called n1.006 aces trod of land conveyed to Boot,,,Chavez by dad recorded Document he.20090210000137050 of the Deed 0or, •s h+All'1'eI 0' 100� 200' Records of Ceder Cana,Teams,old of trod of land weaved to a�o� O kla',Living Trust by dad recorded inDaesaed No.95-0091053 of I herey eentay thal a the 25tn day d Ibah,20t6,tfrr euary vas mode 5adc 1'.100' the Deed RecordsN Colin Carta,Teemsad no Ofd called 5.230 acre on 1M grand on per to.God noun eeaw0 on tn.Wm.}and is Mo. trot!of land edema to ohs fat Records e Trent by dad rocord.d In cared.and accurate as to lM boundorne ad oral al the cubed properly Volume Je2a,Po9e i862 of Ind Dadd Sena a of Cohn Courtly.Tenor and the a..!moan.and types of buildup and improvements throe,a and these premises bang mom particularly described oe lotions: any.and os to the other molten shown hereon,and correctly slaws the la l elgead den a of.6 meads and rights-al-way and of ellrighterof-way, BEGINNING al 0 3/8 inch iron rod found for comer in to south line of moments,and any ether modes d lead,or al wkkh I hove knowledge Avahn Ad6tia PMst N.on addeof re ib.fiin of Ryfie,Cola County, or nove been odosed.whether or not a1 word, offaling IN subject m e..Dar..w r Term,according to the plat thereof recalled in*fume 2006.Pasta 207 properly,end the InIota of all duo cuts bred drrvwoya,If end. aety nor es.nor Omer r_ O f the Plat heads d Cairn Coons,Liss and making' Bloomfield northeast Nis K Poo nor are s� caner d a caned d re aces tract of tarp o.2014 to S0I2SO2 Eweµ pulped,sewn y e aavee,rhos ore m encperty.Cher ups ur N ee verve then,LP.o doh reigned n Oomre s No.30nata 0t COMIx0 0/ noosed mendsby liment ropeeeds on*nett NPR. then ore m a Fe I..r.r the Dad Records of Coign Candy,Teas and Ind natant comer of on the hat m mecca P.there street,nf 0s or ey ore inset. ts rm op Omar w. said 11.006 one trac4• th what property,and Ewe ore to dalkts a 6eoemacin. a War WM ten we+.. THENCE alb the south Ga d said Melon Addition Phase a ad the Boa," 'i0r and pedeWhn sateen to and agrees from the sajat �d We ar north ire d aid 11.006 oboe Wool.North 88'31'02"East,111687 feel Moodems)oadrd by enema lane,sane best paved a prAk mockery. l ter— We J to a 1/2 nth iron rod copped'Rowe sot for corner n the west fire the sWjed prcpaly,and a dwrialy open and bang used \` d aroma Ian(vaiable.nOh right-of-ay)and mooting the natbmat T o a nor mna�wan M c.out T¢m see.t at P doe's d sa.dya. corer of said 11.006 sae teat. Sancta,and Somiu:06ars for o Category 1A Coldbnn a Sorer. THENCE with west ire of Kreyma Lae,the east Foe d sod 11.006 n///��1 -.a sae teal.the east ire of aid 1(iyaht tiviq Trust trot as the last -./// .y,,,.„,t[,�. . • fined soil 5.230 arse trod.South 02'la'05"East,passing a metal {{rr7"""""""'tt hoc,caner post found for reference marking the southeast carer of ' ' a` said 11.005 at 429.09 feet ad continuing for a told&stance 0$658.81 Whoa a fest to a pa owner in point for m the no fins of a called 8.96 caw trac R. t Regidboed Profestiw.a lad • WOAD.WIZ° • of land couwyed to Bob.Abraham ad Mnanrrn Abraham by deed Summits No 5697recorded `,y 5693 �.' . Boundary Survey GNU County.Teen andanminngthe 1p ut oust ccor of ner of a Dad 4 6.30 d .C,E"R05•0 1023, 1033& 1053 Kreymer Lane an trod,gram which a 1/2 inch iron rod found for edema.ben 21.925 Acres South Wine Wad,3.60 hit; 'n real 1)on is a od controlling monument;be no pa e a geWr.`N appear Francisco De La Pine Survey,Abstract No.688 THENCE with Ile north lino d and 8.06 ben Wool ad the south Ile of n red ley a cerDCed copse;3)Sartre Dearig per the plat of Avalon .64 5.230 care tract.South wins'West,1099.01 feel to a 1/2 Addition Phase n recanted in*Sae 2006.Page 207 of the Plot Records of City of Wylie,Collin County, Texas inch inn rod fame la corner inthe oust G dad d eased 21,in aria Coln County,Teem;e)No 0 of IN abject property m Hewn on k ,r trot of land conveyed to 12020 R.Tdbat by recorded in .Min a Spooled fled N¢mro ken imitated by 100-ynor flood pa cop Ill March 2a f6 Dacunat Na.201e111M0125200 d the Dad Records ol Collin County, 46085COs20 J d the OCIMA Flood Masora Rah Ilan for Cain Conty, Tuns and making the northwest caner of said 8.96 are tract and the Tnm and Mrorpaded tar,baled Ares 2,2009(Zone r ft);5)Mr away P.�701E01\ICMSBMOeG sathwst comer of said 5,230 acre tract: .as performed without the bend,!of o tithe carmlmen 6)[hies OS ishooded for the cotes used the hereon reeled pro%preheat%UM THENCE with the ant ire of sod 21A54 am teat.If.oat ins N Conies,ad/oe manage conroaty bay ad lla auvry a made in y said 11.05 acre tract.the west Gear of sold 5.230 acre trot.the.cal oeama,a ndh It.ON.mne:Mroa refs shad by the CT wnba shown acme Lad Suing,iriC. Km o1 sod Kkuehi Wag Tool trod the eat fib of said 11.006 Ntrarr os prorEed ly the abere stated!Ale dareaay.7)Fond eednke 5 1BPnd No Surveying, an act,roan 03'24'e6-lye.B6i65 fat to the Pao of l)egtnnng cats in Noon 161ian Phan n are the danbsan9 mammas,8)Per 2CT05,00ooG.5tdre6W and containing 21.925 tend,more sacs are or lead t that's fewest not a irere.Hmehts hob boa hewn PlanaTraas7507d Pbarf9721 42l4172.Fa(977)e70.7531 nwwmoca.usamopmi RCIRS l''' . �. ) Nas°sraz°E q 1116.87' __ - - - - -- qd 3)e'iRF r+7 w�RE f'&u!3 F 5y A LOT 32 , , .„, .. z, POINT OF 10,334 SF BEGINNING 1 x ; LOT 28 LOT 29 LOT 30 LOT 31 1 LOT 23 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 LOT 27 1 i e m 10,000 SF 11,112 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF LOT 33 I t eo o ao ,00 17,468 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 1LOT 3S 1 < C. @ F �' -- -- - 1 Scale 1" = 50' -Na/ieo i>a08 ------- �__ i U a ez aeo,rz choyzz STREET B x 1053 S KREVMER LANE w �aT LOT 22 a ri ,� Doc. No. 20090210000737050 a v 12,319 SF C�3 _ _ __ __ -- -- -- -- -- LOT 34 i � � 1 10,000 SF0 21.925 Acres I I o o N LOT 37 , cl, LOT 44 LOT 43 LOT 42 LOT 41 LOT 40 LOT 39 LOT 38 10,393 SF I ,v . z 10,000 SF 10,000 SF T PROJECT o LOT 21 i 10,309 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF (n LOT 35 z$ w s,rE Q F ', 10,000 SF 0 0 1, I 10,000 SF z VICINITY MAP O 1 t m rri OF = x c v oN � p -tea m 10,000 LOT 2SF LOT 47 LOT 48 LOT 49 LOT 50 LOT 51 0LOT 52 Ii LOT 36 I ! +i w‘1,`I IM I LOT 45 0OT 46 11,491 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,268 SF ll,280 SF 1L1 a c�_ y;a 7 o° 10,507 SF 10,000 SF o� Z 3 z a W°5" rc) n ) _I ¢ O O __ T h V N _ 10,000 SF -- STREET E w - , � w --- ------------- v __ -_ _K&u�hll/vLng�,E __ __ __ __ -- v Ooi. No. 95-009i05,3 LOT 1 pr: W LOT 18 DRCCT 0 1Q000 SF LOT 56 LOT 55 LOT 54 LOT 53 i 11,202 SF N Z LOT 60 LOT 59 LOT 58 LOT 57 =z L 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,345 SF I I w (n`� r " g 10,321 SF 10,000 SF of z °z - € I W hl O - o g `O LOT 17 LOT 2 o N n G ° 10,000 SF ]0,000 SF I a , N 1033 S KREYMER LANE o o _ a4 LOT 68 I I w i Jf"*-NA' LOT 63 LOT 64 LOT 65 LOT 66 LOT 67 cy 1 f z =„;�,w„ts:��. L,54 61 LOT 62 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,279 SF I c LOT 16 10,546 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF 10,000 SF yi4,i s�_t 588°13'47 W 1103 24' w I,, 11,119 SF 111,E � - , - o __ o LEGEND o N _ - -_ <,, AREAL ED EEIVf. - RLZOP'CD h O �---_ �' - -- lI 6RF BLAHS rj2"IRf S883036.33 8 S8830'6'W 3.5S68' i Coiled 8.95 Acres A' RE;„=" ^ " ° " This document is r° the °s°d for °purpose _'- --..'-- _. VIEW a of 07-26-16 SHEET Purposes pe 1 OF 1 a.e:aoi ore"a wia ) I 1 1 , , — — 0 I I i!,1 J 110 I \I- I ,. - i . 1 I I I - i 3 111111111P111 I , Ma'esti.c Way , I 1 © A , iitip$1- epEtS 0 2- I 42i , ,,e1,.,, ,t.,,,,(.7,7,..r,„.,„4.„,„ ;o10,170:4,.."04 '2441',,t11_,.'_,116 ,,,t7. ..,,,.;.:• iriah 141„,\Hibr voc; ;1±H. :,,l flikA .r.3,..' ,,, ,,, ,,.., „,(„,, ..,. ,,,,A:„., p1,-,!, It:A''''';', . t,„,, ,',,, Q 'i„111'.h '!,.--tt-":"_.: #2A2-• !"--1- noih,$: ,, 11 ;;0=.„ r. z rtj" !i PI% ,`;`fi'4111( A g. ' :, •44r;,-.711..74.,,1 14 ::?....,... '!".iti 1.6'47." • , ,,,..„,; , •N ,,,;,1 r,..;„,, 1., '4 V61 '0 14‘'..• ' .K0'. '1'.. 1,1114''''','+' '.“'..1:4"1, p , . . ;:2-.. . :•,,,m, 00.,,,,."5.a*, ..s..,„I';`1111'11„.,,, ,i . 6.„,\,,,,,,,ip (4,:',1"-) . ... • ,,,,i,,,, 1f615,, 1.14 1 pi t 3 44if-eg rit7t;f:(.; _ _ _ _ _ 111-- // 4-_)-- • fr /P: - ti'V:.• :i,!,":40.4i,', ..1.-- 8 . , . 1 i , ... ...„ .,......„,.....7, . 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XI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 2, 2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 23, 2016, 6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Name: MARK F E SM I R E (please print) Address: I I Z l+ a R TM(IRS Cr Vt/Y t,1 E 1 TX 750g8 Signature: IM.QA -4 ti Date: 11(2.114 COMMENTS: PROPERTY ID 2.60b 43 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. X, I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. Date, Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, August 23,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: {/4-2 l�Sw� (please print) Address: If x 2-,3 Signature: Date: j7 if I COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. xI am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, August 23, 2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100, Wylie,Texas Name: HP MA 5 cS e A l2) (please print) Address: /) .D 1ttitVn-S Gl \1 jt( 75O & Signature: Date: COMMENTS: PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. X I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 2,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date,Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday,August 23,2016,6:00 p, Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: Ms. Blake Tate (please print) Address: 1126 Arthur's Court Wylie, TX 75098 (61 tt.LC�Signature: g--tt Date: 7- a.a-a0 t, COMMENTS: I love having the land behind my property. I love knowing that no one will build behind me. I like knowing that no one will be looking over my fence and trying to get into my back yard. I like the privacy. I don't want other houses being built behind me and making my property values go down. That is one reason that I wanted this house. Please leave out addition alone We all ready have to deal with a huge trucking area being built across78 with add so many trucks on our roads and we need to keep some land vacant so that we can have the feel of the country. I believe that all it would do is bring in more trafficcin our area and I believe that we have enough. PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Department of Planning 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 I am FOR the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. N7- I am AGAINST the requested zoning as explained on the attached public notice for Zoning Case#2016-09. Date,Location&Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday, August 2, 2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road, Building 100,Wylie,Texas Date, Location&Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday, August 23,2016,6:00 pm Municipal Complex,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas Name: API liktkil (Pl1/To e nt) /y/!1j, -c C+Address: lc?) f r Signature: Date: 7 47 4 COMMENTS: