09-06-2016 (Planning & Zoning) Agenda Packet Planning & Zoning Commission , o F. Iiik<40, ,c4,„,,i8- „(,-, , 4(P )c: 7,,,,,,,„irv_ti ,---' Fota ,,,,,,,,, k ....... ...- .. .-,..- ,:,,..,,„ .,..„-____„, 4 .,..,. , ,,,, ,,,,L r ..„, _ „dr ...,, 1 .._.:...eir _. , r , illik,'\IIP.:1! 1 rfT:lt,\ilPo .__L-rAtksw.. v,., ,,,,„ 3,41( Or M.. 4TE OF Alic September 6, 2016 Regular Business Meeting OF 1 4 : ' "; Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Tuesday, September 6, 2016 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Room 230 Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Ron Smith Chair Dennis Larson Vice Chair Roger Myers Commissioner Mike McCrossin Commissioner Randy Owens Commissioner Jerry Stiller Commissioner Sonia Ahmed Commissioner Rena& 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Janet Hawkes Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Chair and Commissioners request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Commissioners regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address. The Commission requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, the Commissioners are not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. September 6,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from August 16, 2016, Regular Meeting. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda 1. Consider, and act upon approval of a site plan for Cox Fine Floors, allowing for one building that measures 4,500 square feet to be placed behind an existing building on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Cox Fine Floors Addition on 0.967 acres located north of the intersection of Country Club Road and Brown Street. 2. Consider, and act upon approval of a Site Plan for NTB, Lot 4B, Block A of Wylie Retail Office Park Addition, located on the southwest corner of State Highway 78 and Kreymer Lane. 3. Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Bozman Farms Phase 5B, establishing 74 single family residential lots and four open space lots on 21.874 acres, generally located South of Bozman Farm Estates Phase 3, and north of Beaver Creek Road. 4. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Kreymer East, Phase 1, creating 86 residential lots and 2 open space lots on 26.782 acres, generally located on W.A. Allen Blvd and north of Foxwood Lane. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I cert0;that this Notice of Meeting was posted on the 2nd day of September, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission CITY OF WYLIE r Minutes Wylie Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday August 16, 2016—6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. A quorum was present. Commissioners present were: Chair Ron Smith, Commissioner Sonia Ahmed, Commissioner Jerry Stiller, and Commissioner Roger Myers. Vice Chair Dennis Larson, Commissioner Randy Owens and Commissioner Mike McCrossin were all absent. Staff present was Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director, Jasen Haskins, Sr Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Meyers gave the Invocation. Commissioner Stiller led the Pledge of Allegiance. CITIZENS COMMENTS Chair Smith opened the Citizens Participation. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Smith closed the Citizen Participation. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the August 2, 2016, Regular Meeting. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller and seconded by Commissioner Meyers to approve the minutes for August 2, 2016, as submitted. Motion carried 4—0. REGULAR AGENDA Regular Agenda Minutes August 16,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 1 of 3 Item 1 —Site Plan Service Contractor Consider, and act upon a Site Plan for Trout Addition to create a Service Contractor facility on 0.344 acres on one lot. Property located 1775 SH 78 N, being Lot 3, Block 1 of Trout Addition. Staff Presentation Ms. 011ie stated correction on the number of acres should be 0.844 and not 0.344 acres. The applicant proposes to construct two commercial buildings. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor. The allowed use is office use, warehouse or contractor yard. The proposed Site Plan meets the required site, and landscaping design standards. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineer. Board Discussion With the applicant not in attendance, the Commissioners questioned the parking. Ms. 011ie stated that the Plat of Trout Addition, dedicates a common access with existing retail and car wash facilities located in the front of the property. Ms. 011ie briefly went over the uses allowed based on the ratio for parking. The owner is limited to the type of tenant allowed based on size of the building and number of parking spaces. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Meyers, and seconded by Commissioner Ahmed, to approve the Site Plan for Service Contractor facility, generally located Lot 3, Block 1 of the Trout Addition, with correction 0.844 acres. Motion carried 4 —0. Item 2 —Final Plat CVS Country Club Addition Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for CVS Country Club Addition, creating one lot on 1.896 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Country Club Road and Parker Road. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the property totals 1.896 acres and will create one lot. The property is located on the soutwest corner of Country Club Road and Parker Road. A Preliminary Plat and Site Plan were approved in October of 2015. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineer. Board Action Minutes August 16,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 2 of 3 A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller, and seconded by Commissioner Meyers, to approve the Final Plat CVS Country Club Addition. Motion carried 4—0. Item 3 —Final Plat Community Boat and RV Storage Addition, ETJ Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Community Boat and RV Storage Addition (ETJ), creating one lot on 2.874 acres, generally located in the County of Dallas southeast of the intersection of Twin Creek Drive and Vinson Road. Staff Presentation Mr. Molina stated that the plat is for one lot and is 2.874 acres. The lot is located on Vinson Road outside of the city limits in the county of Dallas. The plat dedicates the necessary easements and complies with the subdivision regulations. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Board Discussion Commissioners questioned the purpose of the plat. Mr. Molina stated that when a property is located within the extraterritorial jurisdiction, and the property owner desires to subdivide the land, then making a legal record of land is required. The municipality does not have jurisdiction on design standards of the building or zoning. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Ahmed, and seconded by Commissioner Stiller, to recommend approval to City Council for Final Plat Community Boat and RV Storage Addition (ETJ). Motion carried 4—0. Item 4—Preliminary Plat Serene Villas Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Serene Villas, developing approximately 70 lots, generally located on Kreymer Lane approximately 2,000 feet south of east Brown Street. Staff Presentation Mr. Haskins stated that the intent is to combine three properties totaling 21.925 acres to create 70 lots (67 single family residential lots and three open space lots). The five acres to southeast portion of the property is not within City limits, however, it is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction. The City Council will consider the second Public Hearing for annexation on August 23, 2016. Minutes August 16,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 3 of 3 The remaining sixteen acres was recommended approval by the Commission on August 2, 2016 meeting for a zoning change from Agricultural (AG/30) to Single Family Residential (SF10/24). The Preliminary Plat complies with the approved Development Plan and Concept Plan. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Board Discussion The Commissioners questioned the tree survey completion date. Mr. Haskins stated that the tree survey is not complete and should be done in two to three weeks. Commissioner Meyers questioned if City Engineer reviewed for water and sewer drainage. Ms. 011ie stated that the City Engineer did review the plans and the plat meets the capacity requirements. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stiller, and seconded by Commissioner Ahmed, to recommend approval to City Council for Preliminary Plat Serene Villas. Motion carried 4 —0. Miscellaneous Ms. Bradley reminded the Commissioners of the next meeting for September 6, 2016. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Ahmed, and seconded by Commissioner Stiller to adjourn the meeting. All Commissioners were in consensus. Ron Smith, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant Minutes August 16,2016 Wylie Planning and Zoning Board Page 4 of 3 Wylie Planning & Zoning AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 06, 2016 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Cox Fine Floors Addition Date Prepared: August 24, 2016 Zoning District: Neighborhood Services (SUP) Exhibits: Site Plan, Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon approval of a site plan for Cox Fine Floors, allowing for one building that measures 4,500 square feet to be placed behind an existing building on Lot 1, Block 1 of the Cox Fine Floors Addition on 0.967 acres located north of the intersection of Country Club Road and Brown Street. Recommendation Motion to approve the site plan for Cox Fine Floors, Lot 1, Block B, on a single lot, for the development of a building that will be used for material storage, generally located north of the intersection of Country Club Road and Brown Street. Discussion APPLICANT: Christian Brothers Welding LLC OWNER: Gary Cox The property totals 0.967 acres and has been approved as lot 1, block 1 of the Cox Fine Floors Addition. The property is currently zoned neighborhoods services with a special use permit (2003-12) that allows for minor vehicle (boat)repair. The applicant has submitted a site plan to allow for the construction of a building that measures 4,500 square feet to store flooring related materials. The materials stored in the new building will be used by the same owner that runs the current business known as Cox Fine Floors. The proposed building complies with the masonry requirements and provides 80% masonry and 20% Stone on the front facade. The building will also include a stone material around the entirety of the building. The applicant has agreed to include 5 stripped parking spaces with the approval of this site plan bringing the total to 10 parking spaces. The placement of the building also complies with the setback requirements by not being within 25 feet of the front, 10 feet from the side and 10 feet from the rear yard. The applicant has stated that the new proposed building will only be used for storage and the building is needed to provide cover for the materials that are currently stored outside. The new building will function as an accessory structure for the primary structure on the site. Staff recommends approval of the building on the condition that it is used as a storage facility that functions as an accessory structure for the primary operating business. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/26/16 Page 1 of 1 n o .... 4® (1) -il i, (---i_ < Z 1 1- m= M M II 0 0 -I 7 D Z X 7 D D t Z (/) 0 4® 0 7J for HiHHH 0 co 006/07/2016 JOB NUMBER PROJECT 7117 NAME: NO.o DATE BY °E RIP ION l SUBMISSION a oa° CHRISTIAN BROTHERS SCALE°aa °aES _ r4 1/8..=1.-0 °F, WELDING Q a CBWS sxEEr RE, ARC xaEcr. WILLS POINT,TEXAS 1 0:z ( 4)24 97 m CEECSE°Y. RASA �,.� PROJECT MANAGER: ...,G"WA ii PLER 21 O- 21 W. Tom Witherspoon, PhD. P.E. Consulting Engineer 2806 Singleton (972)235-3267 Rowlett,Texas 75088 (972)437-2286 www.tomwitherspoon.com tomw5@ix.netcom.com j a89'43 01'mY I 26�Y.57' Beginning xYrb ll cd .. � 5�.7.. >t/2 IIxS „,,,.. fx crrruenri e*F arf. I"'crnndrl ,V 2olgrh,on Frog rel . di t N^C.C.B. N 12"36"1 l"E Newh4arai&u Budding 0,96" Acres133.78" A 'vvII U rA,../ ..._ n Added parNlOg - / l u" p ..... spaces Start sail at \.. least B"below 0 n d+.a 117ri:,klkd rind Id,trsome.S 'il �.:..___ 1 uildigand 8 s W Y /' Pier focast¢ns at a I 5 m a,Cs J dope outward )r is im w.. - reing i r esa Country Orin5%shape far LW Road' e:J r"rya. Wylie,Texas 75095 and discharge G F,1 /p,p" �` �, to concrete i' i f _ ...... `+ pawing to street .r ii f 1... �.... ,.w. ,'`� IWiin P%slope /,r ' away from budding ... I .......... qq y, to discharge to a�,0 4 "x. Ind d 6 ....., / mWnd Al / °j --i nrlrruAs If 2 h Irelc,rrt Arcegs go d Wilk..y ru elnent ,,,,,•a-rrrrn",a, V I 5832, Pq 798, *A, 4611, Pg. //4, Vol h1CF.5 Fri 2154. 4V�",�r�.- ',Ph,ho W TOM Fehther,pean,Ph 0.7 P l- D.R.G c,.4, f`m'h, licensed Professional Engineer Ne 4xyU tate,of Texas d44042 Akun r6sd4 ,r7 fir."°, August 25,2O16 0 f*, 1**)/ Yr fp. tk, V% - - 0. 0 0 ta Q. - .9"1 W x lc) R F PaAzo aa " SLOPE SLOPE_— -_ �" X mmmm mmmm mmm mmm OSOUTH ELEVATION E COX'S FINE FLOORING WYLIE,TEXAS O EAST ELEVATIONFL COX'S FINE FLOORING 80� BRICK WYLIE,TEXAS tNE 20% STONE o � SLOPE LOPE _ o 1111111111 1111111111 o��__ ,c__)cwvvvcwvvvvcwvvvvcwvvvvcwvvvvcwv, y NORTH ELEVATION ��o EAST ELEVATION COX'S FINE FLOORING - WYLIE,TEXAS WYLIE,TEXAS COX'S FINE FLOORING E O E - pa SHEET NAME: 2.101 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning & Zoning AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 06, 2016 Item Number: 2 Department: Planning Wylie Retail Office Park Prepared By: Kevin Molina Subdivision: Addition Date Prepared: August 24, 2016 Zoning District: Commercial Corridor Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Exhibits: Elevations Subject Consider, and act upon approval of a Site Plan for NTB, Lot 4B, Block A of Wylie Retail Office Park Addition, located on the southwest corner of State Highway 78 and Kreymer Lane. Recommendation Motion to approve a Site Plan for NTB, Lot 4B, Block A of Wylie Retail Office Park Addition, located on the southwest corner of State Highway 78 and Kreymer Lane. Discussion ENGINEER: CEI ENGINEERING, INC OWNER: TBC Corporation The applicant desires to develop a one story Tire Sales and Service Center to contain a NTB service store on a single lot consisting of 1.399 acres. The property is zoned Commercial Corridor and a Final Plat was approved on November of 2014. Staff has been made aware that although the plat was approved in November of 2014 it has not been filed in the County. The applicant has been working on gathering all of the signatures to file the plat and staff is recommending approval of this site plan but will not approve any permits until the plat is filed in Collin County. The use classifies as minor automobile repair and is allowed in the commercial corridor district. The proposed building measures 7,080 sq. ft. and requires for the site to provide a minimum of 24 parking spaces. The applicant is providing 40 parking spaces and the site complies with the site design and landscaping requirements of the zoning ordinance. The setbacks of the building are 25 feet in the front, 10 on the side and 10 in the rear. The exterior material on the front facade facing State Highway 78 is comprised of 20% stone, 20% EIFS, 30% CMU Smooth, 1% CMU Split Face, 24% Glass/Metal, and 5% Signage. As presented this item complies with the minimum site, landscaping and exterior materials requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/26/16 Page 1 of 1 E oos6 REWIREDSPACES v�xm MARK 0 PARKING RATIO n/". 0 IL BENGH I ® N � �o J ,� �_� Know what's below. v .�-. — Call beforeyouay — z E +ors v _."....✓ o c , („ _ ,yr, y O ` LEGEND' _0 3 ...e..1 ----1[-' '------1 .... r � �_ `_"'_— � EXISTING � [ m a Vicinity Map N'", ® m g CT 116 ®ems ® o � Y gym , �,roo10 o f i f Z F,,FP P� yaws O " ;, wti A,AI 1tiGw�4, A, PROPoseD -WA„I itii ro I ° - v R z' so g O ins-s wn As - to n$ I o GENERAL SITE NOTES ^� I ® ,on. •„ti�IN ti�w.. An,wwtiw.ss� .� ..�1111 wti ;, W © ® , NGA1 o . ill a € nor :v�p o • r (]bIIE NOIEb El EY ill I /// I -- - "" .",rn - an ul ss AL x s .Ai smixLi,. Y / , e �® - _ ® ~ ® rem, / v F 71-\r': : :1 ' I '11 ® �' " \ r ere �'j o �m __ - LLJ ~ \ ( �® - n i ixu a 1 .o.-.nvnirx i. (�V T ' I. , ..1 s 1r , xunm n Hn+ nxs �, �. �� �T__ _ _ ❑ant DE U CY CO I-- 1 LLJ wtiti�',. 11rF. I ON, _-_ Q 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 'a „vAAm w sm,,„. 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SITE PLAN FLOOD CERTIFICATION: CEI CONTACT: DEVELOPER: -.SOUTH 005333 NEST,ADISTANCE CF 1850 FEET TOA CHISELED'X"FCUNDIN CONCRETE 3.NORTH 89'0627 NEST,A DISTANCE CF 15.00 FEET TO A CHISELED'X"FOUND IN CONCRETE -17 BY TF - --0.2% A SHEET uuuleFa. 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USE OF ARCRITECTUFGL DETAILING AND OR MATERIALS TO PROVIDE VARIETY IN VISUAL APPEABONCE. AI AI e III E9-9 1 •e> (I> 1. SIS IAL COPING PAIN I. 2. ELFS CORNICE PAINT. 3. ELFS FACADE PAINT. 1. PRE-FINISHED METAL STRIPE 5CCENT SANDO FURNISHED EY OWNER.INSTRLLED EY GC. 0': 'AMENS'ILSMAOrEPFRO'NAT"E'MTRANCE LY TEMPERED INSULATED GLAZING. p a I NW gil RCM 2 EF-2 SEM 111 ECM HEM III AIM ,s:F-2, ,EE, E9-9 1 7. LIGHT SCONCE.NO ALTERNATES ACCEPTED. WILKUS ®o Ela /PPROX ROOT MEM \- I I I 1 11 E9-9 1 N 0. 615N U.LIF STONE VENEER. 6 CH PAINT. LOCATION /2 -APPROX ROOF 10.INSULATED STL OH DOOR.PREFINISHED MOGGERCIAL TAM. 4 NP U.N.O.ism \- LOCATION 11.ELFS SILL CAP PAINT. ...B'9. 4W129r0er,46LTOS= o : I- , 12.BOLLARD PAINT. APPROX RTLI LOCATION , f , 13.4161 DOOR RND FRAISE PRINT. 4%SOWS Ds- -,vmr-------v- ,. ', 2 *OTI;50,11, 14.EXTERIOR WALL SIOUNTED LIGHTING. \ MI 111111111M111111M \ MEE----" imai __, 4 -\ 15.PRIMARY SCUPPER 6 DOWNSPOUT,PAINT. 16.VENTED LOUVER PRE-FINISHED. COSI El imilin ....Ts:era-T. Am ______1 i_ . . . , •0. HEISI 17.OVERFLOW SCUPPER.PRE.FINISHED. 4.16.14: El-...111111MI Ilni ginE=WMIE=Igr EMU All _, ' • r., ,•,. ), *13/04,1J, EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE E $ a Mi- lan MITI I=MMEIMIEIFEfi EF.1 PAINT EF.2 PAINT COLOR SIANUFACTURER RESOPP5 SW It 7076 CYBERSPACE SHERWIN WILLIAMS 3E611-GLOSS 59,F 6166 L'ILISI BEIGE' SHERWIN WILLIALAS 5E911-G9055 B 9 *6'0ff.6221,MAD :m:xi, 1....„.... ...2, .. ....7.ir..:7,., EMU :,,, EF.3 PAINT SHERWIN WILLIALIS SESII.GLOSS 0.---mm-av-r-----9= --1.•=4 - 4'VOLB EF-A PAINT EF.5 PAINT SW t,496,FRANK BLUE sHEIGNIAL WILLIALAS 5E911-0905S SW ft 61,HARDWARE SHERWIN WILMA. SESII.GLOSS Cll. C.J. CLS. CLO C.J. C, N = EF-6 PAINT TBC CORPORATION SW t,6205 GOLDFINCH SHERWIN 9VILLI5145 SEMI-GLOSS 3 rec Ella EICISI MEM BEM ECM E MIMI E 1 9 1 99-1 1 BEM EF.7 PAINT SW 4 4004 SAFETY BELLO', SHERWIN WILMA. PROTECTIL.E COATING 5V-1 VENUE STONE VENEER CLIFFSTONE'CAM11131RUL ELDOR5D0 STONE DRY STACK ®m MIMI MC= MEM MIMI 1 9 1 EF-1 1 1111 EFO I LEDGSTOME SALLEY FORGE NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT LI,S.SIGNS FOR APPRO ED MONACO LOCATIONS. A EXTERIOR ELEVATION 0 EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE:1/8,1,0" SCALE:1/8,1,0" TRINI BOLT TO NUT lar giri w Ilk 2 EF-4 Ali EF-2 1 1) 2 EFO VP LL,EF9' C ' OD , MIR MS IS CCM MEM MCI ECM CI MEI EC= EINE EMS ,E. , 9' SIGN LOCATION *1• 1690NRY 1 EF-2 1 91 EISIII II 1 11 E9-9 1 APPROX ROOF N.. BECI Eg iim nom______, PEROT AND INSTALLATION -1 .,,,LOI ATION 11111111MMIEr ,., BY OTHER ill Eh ' 1111111111111in ' MP LLI X /i'1::,sotcy i- IMMEMIIIMMIrm . . ,w r- IN APPROX RTLI LOCATION II 7.5 H H < 9 H U-I CO 71 CISME II , i , , STL.PLATE N. Ell 1111111111114111111111111111 ,.,_ 0 PODDISPOLIT -7 1 1 4 11 1 n GUARDS SECLI PE C'N I leO-Cmo„ la111=7 I .=Pi 11111111111.M1111 . . EICEI 11Mil1_, 111,g1=k3 ‘VEDGE ARCHOPS D9 4 .J. I 3c..7L.I. 11 11 = 1 W:79'y oT. GUARD '. X'• C... CLL.,OLJ. 1/2 DOMED.51.1CHORS 1191 99-1 1 EMU BEIM H MECO El MIMI 101 BEEN 1131 ME= 181 MEM ME MIMI 1191 MEM El CIEISI 1 91 E9 9 1 Ea E111121 BEM ElIZI MEM MIMI MERE ElIZI MEM 9 EF-4 11 EF-2 l'aN'SP9OSIT ..5,,lks.AAZ•1199, 0 EXTERIOR ELEVATION r- SCALE:1/8,1,0" =1.---- 1,•;',=EFotWCIis VEE,,,,,fffsE 4•P../ "BB9'11Aa'::221;.4E-7 AUGUST 16.2016 SCALE:11/2,1,0" (19>, 1 21 99-9 1 0 DOWNSPOUT GUARD DETAIL DATE PRO IECT HO.2016-0519 8'2 I 21 El El CirHIEF-,IN EF-2 I 0 1 1 1 99-9 1 CHECKED BY:EBB 1 99-9 1 11 APPROX OOF- I,1 8''8 I KEY PLAN IRD, LOCATION PERAILT 05-17., 4.2g4SOBBY \- -\ , 1E,E,E,E: ILEJ E.- E.- E.- • MEM jj ffl•TC'E.E, , 1 I. l .'2 *BUCCE, 1 * €4.;2LUV r, I / / 22, SIM 8 X 1 T , ,1 EXTERIOR ELEVATiONIS IN 1 00 I 0 EXTERIOR ELEVATION SHEET NLIAIBEN/TITLE: SCALE:1/8"=1,0" A-4 �►Ai. fly_I � Wylie Planning and Zoning 7� , Commission J. pip AYLOmq �� ryb W „ 87;a, AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 6, 2016 Item Number: 3 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Bozman Farm Estates Phase 5b Date Prepared: August 25, 2016 Zoning District: Planned Development 2002-52 Proposed Final Plat and Exhibits: Approved Final Plat Subject Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Bozman Farm Estates Phase 5B, establishing 74 single family residential lots and four open space lots on 21.874 acres, generally located South of Bozman Farm Estates Phase 3, and north of Beaver Creek Road. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Final Plat for Bozman Farm Estates Phase 5B, establishing 74 single family residential lots and four open space lots on 21.874 acres, generally located South of Bozman Farm Estates Phase 3, and north of Beaver Creek Road. Discussion OWNER: DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS BZ,INC. ENGINEER: RIDINGER ASSOC.,INC. The purpose of the plat is to create 74 single-family residential lots and four open space lots on 21.874 acres. The property is part of an overall Planned Development Ordinance 2002-52. This plat is the second part of an adjustment to a previously approved 193 lot plat from July of 2015. The first adjustment, Phase 5A, included 119 lots and an amended amenity center lot and is shown in gray on this plat. That plat was approved in April 2016. This plat, Phase 5B, is the remaining 74 lots of the original plat bringing the total to 193 lots for these two phases. The plat creates Phase 5B of the Bozeman Farm Estates and is consistent with the PD conditions set forth. The four open space lots are labeled with an"X". All open space will be owned and maintained by the HOA. This Final Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the adopted PD provisions; and the plat is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/26/16 Page 1 of 1 +JYxt k It G / eFy / OEf' w o2�f 4 _-n x oo \ \ \\ rS dT°JrI1 1 E p 66 f 2_ a' r. . / y � S ,�/ e % "' ff 7 ` / - ac oo 33125 � " � SITE ;,� 3, s ,rl / o J\ aea.t.lae ° fan SCALE;.�1 °.�100 YYY eO a NOT,� e�mcn 3043'3, —GILL J o; „co s B6 tate mate CL 0 e 04 08 _ \ \ 7T I •1�% / /1 'vieI I HAP -moo' t ,i\' � a 0 '� so se sle43z; / \ P., A /l�S , f I I ENE TABLE CLAM TABLE O; 'ps F. xi. ri% ; e 111 r/>> e J i 1 �' s _ . t / Ii /3, n. ° gei w a /4 I � Po N 1 6" ° / l La no„.,E ,,,, � nu,/ ,>so ens, ,,„w a,e,\ ,\ t CC ' 4 p I'7 !9IG) h JD3 / �� %/r\ ' / i\\\2... .."••' r('.:171I5III/I=e7L �/ S�y�ss 4' y 00 3.3.4 �a m�/ fml r�z o e y „�..f a L'elf41 r / / 0 LIZ N79.09,3, 25, ,i" O .� r:� a/1 l �� / �i l (j i -7 a.7i i � � 4 a1 In i/ ° / , w r� 1�� .fssR,fss,aasR r olr 3 r m\ V/ °: p 4 fi/i r r r �m r of �"°° ,� / 4a 443 01 ______,1„,k- / w° \ \ s {� \n tr// �ez G ° �nnoJ i {I _ a i JI l J( ,u �J/r )m er \ \ � F ao' d 1U sJ I I (II k� //1 n I� �� >a — s ., ,,w.wU VA s.:°r r/ -r r wM �� 1„� _ � l c � a,or Me,��r / ° 1�' I, �i �a� °a�,«w ,<.< zoos cs ! S g i/ / csr Ii ° . u.f, !� 1 �a9wz d ,r` �0�9 II °m '") Cl /� C.LIS ,o I --- ��aonrre f os feasre \ /'i ar 1 1C r m. 3 FloodwonT.Hof owo, I B1. +i -__ ____ — — — c, ,, uoE C/l Uo!c � A. ad1184 I� �I Dole,June 2.2009 • v � �i oar e-•�;' x ire, =°0 \ =a • .< ° '�,wa a /l z4=-r .,_, >uk t� I °ww,�°,�m °w� Eon° /a0:7•n - /€i 1i Ol Tv �� I x a It ., to ate. • s a a loss 1/ / °� I PRELIMINARY • /�\ / x ,,,„1,935 „`°�l oo m..o„�z zoos I ' I \l ( wu�° arzwevma vrcurn _ti H _i o,/ Ial 1 , l w Zet,w`.sl°'uvri60 i°r 3 ���/ �'�% \\ FINAL PLAT a s e In®1 r // \ BOZMAN FARM ESTATES 1 �\ • ; ; ( B \ PHASE 5B �� / �s°°wa �,��w,� ��� / �/. 8 Dr r w f 61' Being 74 Residential Lot.and 4 Open Space Lots / �� �/ .-/. / / /�\ ,a�. and being 21.874 acres out of the ��t— L, v, \ l John G.knelt Survey,Ah t No.475 and An l s A/ I- A y,°:t m„m_ I n ° Aaron West Survey,Abst No.979 s.l A, d/ " O s / 10� / �� 11104/w City of Wylie,colt l county,Texas ---- l 'f�xsa, °°.s° ° .o� ° . / r�/ �o,;0P a oa.. 7, v� °° s ,g yv Ridinger Arthur Surveying Co.,Inc. 1 �V A s \� /d\ AASSOG/ates /nc. Professional z�as,,.Surveyors sneer � ity ttl % c i,' /ge Lath. la /ews,e,..,ss Firm N.1969 CV;Engineers Planners .Aewu ev ,�. _w.� w�.fma. �.°w /2 _— _ \ sso s camooas Laoe.of <,lig.N)zsz a000 . �..tace/aa MMt&of elms 6 6 Eoo.o s f ddioo r.of ioMmlion Comte of MAIN 6 Melt of Wrens 6 1.461 ACRES s_r,s.ra,es Wendyoofs linden F.. cn x'� co oa n.aL 1 and M x w nuA,,. TxEsr PRESENTS, n aeo o<w�a8.reet AcreageCabs cr ar a,. a a eke 4,40 3o Kamd c ,ars aae. , a u.K41.1n44, „,aSabea 3 soo anz +n7 rvar 7500 0.,�z PRELIMINARY ...-rcomer, cap slamped n.,,,re. 54,441c ,300 a„z 0 Mete of W 6 a,73 ,x 3e06 o.oa, 0oan1 of Denton ° ,x ,osss 0,243 eaa, aua.,. Rd..,achord he r eaercaaxm auar. , 10,280 0 236eti m.r,a, aa,�n a.a,a a,ba ebaseaw .+,a„ s a - , e 9,374 az,3 ee9 7.528 /0.350 Unnel North 7,dearees.20 numan 41 second;LI,conniuma NulLm,aid Dnelupment Solutron.3 tract,a tlis4vre of,-I., /0.0/6 0.230 ,Ns 44.an d We,jd7x ac 4 57 ten MEWL'I.,rtL 1,1e4ree,,minutes 3,,lea.nds1.213,44,inumq witlun said Development Sulu,.la,a dslan4e 4f 474,4 3 u ,hs 7980 0.183 eobL�lte ealWe .vM, F ) bedvlulle.v, fh,F! b u,ns OHc al , Wa��,.aa d b K.ac,.La ,n .e�oae- Ws ,a„d G d,u� r6 eat / KK nw. a uaaan „a dse, om ae , oa oa ntiK. - -ae, a s,,,,a.w ,Luo,o,KE,a APP.e,en egg coNsiarciro, sa00 0.,93 xex - si4 HMI,U1rtRorr know all mrn°g iryru ornate: e 029 azm: 8.216 o.,es b a r rr8.056 ACCEPI ER. b - d,92 e rU minutes s n n_d -„hp ry minutes d,ve,fr,i4 Bon Sumnw Y(F6 utl ta) To.Lots(very 9 x Lots) A.9 S4r 34 aK98 Aces n Unne sael Nord.en&nee,rucor,24 scrond,Vol,...num,v.iadn sod De,elopmenl Sulull4n5.1racl.a,lan4e4f.>..10 FINAL PLAT No10 of 6 BOZMAN FARM ESTATES E.e PHASE5B a,a c 1e0 appeared 1.114.4n to me lo be the penon.hou name is..I.cribet,te[cinch.msCrumenl,and Being 74 Residential LOW and 4 Open Space LOW A and being 21.874 acres out of the rc John G.knelt Survey,Abst No.475 and the Aaron West Survey,Abst.No.979 N bbK a,ad rorn.smm.,, City of Wylie,Collin County,Texas b L Arthur Surveying Co.,Inc. Powr �E.,sNr,and...min, 434 a.a ,ova a,as zPEa AAssoci Ridinger Associates,Inc. r 4�rzma Surveyors SHEET 0,2)921 d, ,rePP,PP,, 2� CivO Eng aineers-Plnners 2 e,a� Ha(295rv000 Goab.t..tao a Ee.l., Aew�sNae.Sews 35oe3 ro.No.(53L 1s-�eo,i ]gALvu ev.i,. a.�.01,11I__.,LE:1.4,4 CHECKED,,1,,. A,u,..:14GS73-3 This page is intentionally blank Wylie Planning & Zoning , AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: September 6, 2016 Item Number: 4 Department: Planning Prepared By: Jasen Haskins Subdivision: Kreymer East Phase 1 Date Prepared: August 25, 2016 Zoning District: PD 2015-23 Exhibits: Preliminary Plat Subject Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Kreymer East, Phase 1, creating 86 residential lots and 2 open space lots on 26.782 acres, generally located on W.A. Allen Blvd and north of Foxwood Lane. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval to the City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Kreymer East, Phase 1, creating 86 residential lots and 2 open space lots on 26.782 acres, generally located on W.A. Allen Blvd and north of Foxwood Lane. Discussion OWNER: BLOOMFIELD HOMES, L.P. ENGINEER: WESTWOOD The property totals 26.782 acres and will create 86 single-family residential lots and two open space lots for park and recreational purposes. The subject property is part of the overall 70 acres of the Kreymer East development approved in June 2016 as a Planned Development District (PD 2015-23). The PD allows for a maximum of 245 lots with a minimum lot size of 8,500 square foot for the entire development. That is roughly a density of 3.5 lots per acre. The plat for Phase I calls for 86 lots on 26.7 acres for a density of about 3.2 lots per acre. Staff will monitor the density and lot count as plats are submitted to ensure compliance with the PD as approved. The plat shall also dedicate necessary rights-of-way, and utility easements. The Preliminary Plat complies with the approved Development Plan & Concept which was approved with the PD for all phases of the development. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Approved By Initial Date Department Director RO 08/26/16 Page 1 of 1 .2016 Westwood Pco1,9,0,31 Services,Inc, xoe Bea.,a nes m snow„control monuments. o e mu as,e o�,oml,on or emle low one y / 1 � hearings crested, ociva field surveys.NAD83 Texas North Central Zone WO,.. / Z (I) c AL o' g rol m Lr ® rr= Q BORAP SCALE E 60 620 orenance toV. se Y w. DI N ^�� a. Wale. EAST RIDGE r the / S REVISION 50 �_ k R Nome Own n8(-.) Plc,DevelopmentAgreement,onon -23 , i e � \ Iy� ...G. . ,3R 12 -� .'I.IA 7L wilro k W / silo BLOCK G , 1 STONE nON Lit / • N<9OG aLSUBJECT I nRl FF ss ! TRACT O.GAP G.RR PG. ' />r r�'y9p Q "- , CC �• rower a WA ALLEN BOULEVARD o y' 0030,51LW ,N '�los • e "I N'�o VICINITY MAP 893 1a24o eaz6er eC n o m NOT TO SCALE �DnLI L�•� 3s m �' I 14.a>' J000WP"' of N i I solccore"1, Id,'F CPSEM SD,°,c011, II 1 500 // 1 oa'us 6yo o e 40,r a, 30 1o51BJ I01^2,o W CAB. EA CPC DGE ADDITION O15 N SINE / • CJ L?Jl m m ,0sr 29 FIP L.£5 / gy g4• mI sons00 ,JaSs zP.w MT� / 02':eea er4oer 2a w Ct.T'a- e "w / FIR SGw RPp9 m1 I 32,1 w P. / Ap)JC�P8S ,n I - m X\ 36'9'• 27 h 5 REMAINDER m COI 1n20Se"W >19.0480 HOMES, J2� 84 p3 I 115.00Hal 8201506020ooeeoe10 Nte'1.}1 5 a• 21 V' °.1ee2esr 26 SURVEY CIRCLE • 9 �� m sP � j3q1N 8'' mp0�5,� CURVE TABLE f0'UEI^ t°20Y8"Lb \ ° P 41 _f CUR,a ncLTa reaorc s o,oren erare„va a,oreo tr.,ARC(ENS, • 13j5 0500sE u` �= 20,90 _6552'J 1i00 25 B.G • 00 e g,ny na 5s sT zn,e vaseLO' ao 22 ®/46T,C� GG _ 0 625st 023 521 al CS o's„s, 39S00 vo6c00 w aArs es a esoosr 5 m -j3 g 0 '. 2 -10'TP L.ESA 5 / 2 I 5 8 5000.W .. n los o aa,sa „9w +sz,a ,szza �3g1 903� ____93.,-L 1 SC 09 ,e CS a a 5a.an r s„a,w 535� 23,e, a"' D�B� 1,2 -� ° n.cr a11 2reaoo So90,„, 101SS 1029 FpL� .pow) yn.e°"emu m era2▪,r�/I50 9ars5r,a 6. , ,5 Ita / ea%=-4-,n'2e o'uE-� caeR cv�De14 n s 5a oo sc ,a„ nzs2 LM1�� oo N01 aoo08E � o5oit 07 cro oas 2e oo• szo oz l,v rsa,z• r6B., ` 0 ,5.0r ofs/ sr ir, J m_ ¢w t3 11 0 ��o �.o 0a9 BLOCI(G a to E 9 '� ,4 12 c,2 a,, - az vD 850,1 I er▪sr W +-25'BL ac vecaaos,er+ ,eenr c, 1 , �5122n LLSO>°2018 WJ e v'�/ - - - C rc,Nu,,,, ,,,,,cau ,,,, • n 1102r w -�- I P.rz.NCZ roA(suavcare)N' c,s os„.„ „ss oo ,,,ss,c +„ass „e sz GI0,1920-5 e, J -_ 115 re_ r h\\1 ' -,0m0'F.E.c ELEC ES,wT _ O 5/e'u5550 m0N 5553 ILL,rcuow uv hP s ' 11 /` nauace'was waon yr r e ' ,r a 9>. 12 J r o9, 8919er ,�49 \9 eso°o y 11,_ , ROLLING MEADOW DRIVE c„ a„a,2 2reaaa sa r3,a, „res, ,,,„ rye 49 n oe oas 4,0, 50250• a5 ,,c 45e4 Is es ,1 6' 118 ft m I m PHASE LINE 90 0 19 SY?o56.4 ---- r"�" ��. 0�o3,'os'E -so e w � / PRELIMINARY PLAT a, „as z5 ,„i N y'� o DDer v _ 22 OAK MEADOW KREYMER EAST, PHASE 1 • °°orv�o,� 2 .H '. . 1m 1r ��m R27, 86 RESIDENTIAL LOTS/2 OPEN SPACE LOTS ''-oo.�'�o - 650°5r,y 9 Smc6R c" _ 26.782 ACRES oP 'O,,�. �S',, , ° "4,,,P 15 V OUT OF THE '/ �7>s 5�,„ >P G5o er 4' o / R FRANCISCO DE LA PI NA SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.688 IN THE i/9sc9sl 62 6„a o w o �a� 2� ` • "°" h","°�" `�„�� -13 r'" „1:" Bsoo ``' 8°V ,50 =r g"0, z, 13 CITY OFWYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS Z 5 as 9448,,ab 23 , c. • srvI�N �s s NSc��� �,,r� ,°5 3 > �e`3'T` r ti FTC JS9,> OWNER ti " ya q` o q -,. esm ti° s \ 'z BLOOMFIELD HOMES,L.P. mUw) e LLQ 23 ° c so - BLOOMFIELD HOMES,L.P '4 e \ 1 050 EAST HIGHWAY 1 1 4,SUITE 21 0 INST. 4,150 96 er/a ^ To.Fg �D \ o.P.lzc.cT. , o '9G roH,°o° �9h SOUTH LAKE,TExas 76092 T-_ h 2-s. S,'/,`O 0./0'.�o NhJ �F 9�® 1621'�ih h 350 .P 33 25 (81 7)41&1 672 I sp l F N'uoA - 0sr,M '? ENGINEER/SURVEYOR eQ O� - - 1s _l% / m25r - LI' sna aetre'w s n w s Westwood 2, �cs 36 .a- 95 o tis, - >¢g>,� esoa�r^a c- Ts.31 ▪ 'ozw BLOCK c CORNER CLIP DETAIL �. rv/,� � T - h� 0 4 v_v -,- M o ▪ee ,w.,,, NOT TO SCALE a-. am r�.moio,ao .ewaoa m 3 THIS PLAT FILED IN DOCUMENT No. O.P.RK CT 28782 ACRES Aucus726,2016 Joe No-0003,1 KREYMER EAs,PHASE 1 .2016 Westwood Professional Services,Inc. s° o a5oorf m a7497f m Li 1.22'• '�) -�Lsb/°2a3a"wJ�_h ,���- BLocKE x,o'R a--25-<.— — — — — —/� a I1a2' J N Its le � S Ec.E<EC Esref_ — — — - GRAPHIC AL = o / e N05°,9z0'E , a9 - - - -1� "��/� —————- _ Z ryp. bti SCALE 60' >20 �9 A KC -s„ 89f9sf B510 e ^wire a 1 sr - / ROLLING MEADOW DRIVE * �. 9 0 1 NOTES N ,^ ", o 1V0.571.9.05 E R o'� `^ mThe bearings.01, m I Fwns6 LINEu„ Texas North Central Zone°(4204 created Bearings&,es m snow„control 3 o_��,��?, 0�� as�>z a fie. II 50�-i A A / / zs ae. — — — _ `' _ W monuments. • h 2,- I _ fig. 8500 0 s '4 8500, �'y i OAK MEADOW Se/I, lot in this odd�t%o?b metes and bounds NAO B o \ imposed of 2 w 10w nn5 2 ordinance and,� 1npenalties ��§I�,•• �,c w I �ra r Qo Lois 7&12,Block,Deo1,-colea.Pork.,and Drainage „/��o. 0 9 0�2 eso°orf9� �' 1c \ �t W 1,o„`orHnoa�07 Ke, a� o. Peasaee°e/n n1 0,5,nnnre Nn 20,5 2z ,F' ,,4 15 \ \ v 9 - - 7/ 0- �'>2 0\.too \ BSOQef 9179K 30 i 959sf y9w so n; so. a w� 150'2251( / R�'0' RL13 c V VICINITY MAP B° 0 yA R5 f `3 �� a as o r tiK s �44,F 'i:'Ma �'d\ NOT TO SCALE 9448rf yA0' VTo. w"h2 6 s96 Bs 'S3,, as"slF ——_ F°tO 9 a -1v s. FT / 4^rye 2 f19 s. 09 REM 13.933 AC e _ 5 l 9 oM BLOLYC G� 2 ▪S K, \ \ °- /Nsf. 43e1eo BLOOMFIELD HOMES,L,P. 96e6sr/p nFC, 3\ 5 85o9sf-^ �� sa' \ F 0 9p o°° .',, 3''>� v 0 7\O.P.2CG7. b •�s. //N h\,s s 16,21' '�w a FIR / \ 63 .� 30]>' 0'9 r `_ h 8500,-�6 n \ K OAK MEADOW \ \ sq _\ h h �` 10 CAR 7% h"\ 9oi2 >_� , ti `a6 b` 66>"''0sae0sa3 1 `acaz'a \\\ 93srr 0 ti n o� - ,�.A a sf-„o sA 3,B w z33I 50971,000, BLOCK v 7hN/- g A .L? sew a2 2 no �a - ^�ry 'a _ K ro / ��� P5 \ s0 i .e° e O> h` 5 � 2 m �. `b° vim, ,,° \ . I h�� :3_s' ,04 j i jjj O sf o ry 9 'rn' �'j f r 8 4; \ \• 46 I Try,0564r1 h O / / � \ c7 C`9 ��\O `b p h\ 40G \ REM 0,7BLOOMFIELD 90 AC 93 sf / rsoao\ ^ £ INST.NO also �0 a5 E o121.51 a.E 3s w 'N m ass �11 6. I21.45 q .\'''' z o 9a a 50 V A a 10 u 8 ae79 f 22rf h �,° 1 a�ss -_ _ soo 1ss"c z24-a3 _ / A \ O o I >4152sf Z3 S 00°23 VI 0°23'47"A' 0°2347"E I� . �33 o�R;50.97' . Cl • \ - \ 2 n� N ,2„,,, 2 45 121.052 500°A5'SIT 131.67. -�TF,R L3 L1 \ 121.157E I nt TABLELINE TABLE s o B m 1 s 1 N00,5G'9N E R 850,7f o ¢ 851rf V 830 a LmE s 1cN071, euam0 1,NE i LENc,11 es,,, ^ / LI Issso s0s 40„E 222 175.30 Nee s9,z w S00°23'47"E Fl rc• ^• I 0°23'47 002,45,E eL 25, e 5 4 ''/ o�� ° I21.45 I21.a5 -In 22 ,o,,, soo4s 4e., Lv ,see so,,es,w 101,: L, < _ BLOCK J ' . 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L11 7-30.94'- -0.33----30. ----. ----- --- 0.87- /0' _ _ _ ,y0 PE^ 9 1 050 FAST HIGHWAY 1 14,SUITE 210 zo'BL.3 1906 SOUTH LAKE,TEXAS 76092 00 00 (81 7)41 61 572 -. 8500sf n soo s s soar g438sf 15379sf PE r/ ENGINEER/SURVEYOR F, N N 0 Westwood 7a94' 383'2286 30.82' P.O.B. 94..32 r� �1®;"'si:o L10 a 310°3851T 13169'03 e.rv,rmm olom�oi .iemaoa 2 Ir'EiP T r"/BON '00 THIS PLAT FILED IN DOCUMENT No. O.P.RKCT. 28'I82 ACRES Aucusr 28,2016 Joe NoeY00031'I1 KaEv°iviEa Easr,PHasE 1 0 co 13Sb'Hd`1Sb'3 N3WA3N11 co m co 0E-I Z a Fg ,W FXW a F o e®Q d HFn.N 13 f J l '''.21- Ha Z a DW26 22,2M 1QW > QZ m UW `cz 2422 o nNoUjFJso La i 15a?O O� y�w Q�UZ U ILS0�o _ J J� _ W 2 w w JN of _ W m 1. ry i '- LL`/ W O O O a WI. W W W (0 Z U afi 0 aE of tiE 4- EoO 4 vE -fl vE ° f° '. E 4 G. 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