06-23-2008 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, June 23, 2008-6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex-Staff Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Board Members present: Dan Chesnut, Benny Jones, Donna Larson and Brandi Lafleur
(arrived at 6:44 pm). Absent: Frankie Delgado and David Willey.
Staff members present: Mayor Eric Hogue, Pubic Services Director Mike Sferra, Parks
Superintendent Bill Nelson and Board Secretary Charlotte Rice. Absent: Parks Asst.
Superintendent Robert Diaz.
No citizens addressed the board.
1. Consider and act upon approving minutes from the May 19, 2008 meeting.
Board Action
Board Member Benny Jones made a motion to approve the minutes and Board Member
Donna Larson seconded. A vote was taken and passed 4-0.
2. Discuss proposed Veterans Memorial in Olde City Park with representatives of
the Wylie Chamber of Commerce.
Staff/Board Discussion
Garland Remey of Wylie Monument, and Charles Flesch, Mike Agnew, Bill Romney and
Melissa Crabtree of Wylie Chamber of Commerce came forth with ideas for a veterans'
memorial concept, including concept illustrations of various stone layouts and
monuments. It was emphasized that the Chamber would pay for the monument's
Minutes—June 23,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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construction and upkeep. The Chamber said that it did not necessarily need to be the
focus of the park,just a presence and that they did not want any money,just space for
the memorial. Park board members also brought up the idea of this monument being
installed at the new municipal complex; the Chamber was receptive to this idea.
Superintendent Bill Nelson said that he would have to abide by the park ordinance
regarding its memorial policy and that the idea will be investigated further by staff.
3. Discuss process of reviewing all fees charged for services and programs in
the Parks and Recreation Divisions i.e. Parkland Dedication Fees.
Staff/Board Discussion
Parks Superintendent Bill Nelson said that in July, the Park Division would examine
parkland dedication and athletic field use/lighting fees to gauge the cost compared with
other surrounding cities and present that information to the board at the July meeting.
Also, staff will be looking at other cities for reservation fee systems in place for
pavilion/facility rental.
4. Update on Founders Park Project and Recreation Center.
Staff/Board Discussion
For Founders Park, Public Services Director Mike Sferra prepared a grant application for
the 2008 Collin County Parks and Open Space program, which would allow for
approximately$600,000 to supplement the bond funds currently available for
improvements at Founders Park. An agenda item for a Resolution supporting submittal
of the application is scheduled for Council action on June 24. Grant award notifications
will be made in October 2008.
As for the Recreation Center, staff met with construction manager Shane Colley
regarding electrical issues for the facility. Staff informed the Board that plans are
approximately 75% complete.
A motion was made by Board Member Larson to adjourn and Board Member Lafleur
seconded; consensus of the Board was t jou . The Boar 'owned at 7:33 pm.
C (
Anne Hiney, Ch
Charlotte Rice, Park Board Secretary
Minutes—June 23,2008
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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