08-22-2017 (City Council) Agenda Packet Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda August 22, 2017 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex Council Chambers/Council Conference Room 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Eric Hogue Mayor Keith Stephens Mayor Pro Tern Diane Culver Place 2 Jeff Forrester Place 3 Candy Arrington Place 4 Timothy T.Wallis, DVM Place 5 David Dahl Place 6 Mindy Manson City Manager Richard Abernathy City Attorney Carole Ehrlich City Secretary In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wvlietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. August 22,2017 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 3 • Sylvia Lansing CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of August 8, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes, establishing 370 single family residential lots and 13 open space lots on 51.916 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) C. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Lewis Ranch Addition, creating 97 single family residential lots and 1 open space lotl on 29.590 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of North State Highway 78 and Wylie East Drive. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) D. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Bozman Farms Ph 7, establishing 195 single family residential lots, 3 open space lots, on 77.3695 acres, generally located south of Stone Road and between FM 544 and Beaver Creek Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) E. Consider, and act upon, proposals for employee group health insurance, including major medical, dental, term life, accidental death/dismemberment, long-term disability and prescription drug coverage. (L. Yanez, Human Resources Director) F. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for July 31, 2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) G. Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for July 31,2017. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) H. Consider and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of July 31,2017. (S. Satterwhite, WEDC Director) REGULAR AGENDA 1. Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for Railroad Addition Lot 15R, Block 30; being a Residential Replat of Lot 15 and 16, Block 30 of Railroad Addition, located at 208 South 3rd Street creating one residential lot. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Executive Summary The applicant is requesting a residential Replat to establish one residential lot of 0.402 aces (17,515sf). The lots are zoned Single Family 10/24. The purpose of the Replat is to combine the two lots and allow for the existing owner of the two lots to place an accessory structure on the combined lots. August 22,2017 Wylie City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Page 3 of 3 2. Hold a Public Hearing on the fiscal year 2017-2018 Proposed Budget and provide all interested persons an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item in the proposed budget; and set and announce the date, time and place of the meeting at which Council will vote on the final proposed budget. Executive Summary A Public Hearing is required to be held on the fiscal year 2017-2018 Proposed Budget. In addition the date, time and place that the vote will be taken on the final budget must also be scheduled. Any changes made to the proposed tax rate or Proposed Budget could affect required publications and steps in the tax rate and budget approval process. Tabled from 07-11-2017 Remove from table and consider 3. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-13 (R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, supporting the proposed FM 2514 roadway improvements,from north of Drain Drive to Brown Street, in the City of Wylie; and providing for an effective date. (T. Porter, City Engineer) Executive Summary TxDOT is requesting a resolution of support for the subject project from City Council in order to emphasize the City's willingness to partner on the project as well as to assist in processing Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and other possible documentation. The scope of the project will improve the existing roadway from 2-lane asphalt to a 4-lane concrete street,with associated drainage and utilities. ADJOURNMENT If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice,the City Council should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the City Council or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the City Council at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the City Council may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: §551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. §551.072—Discussing purchase,exchange,lease or value of real property. §551.074—Discussing personnel or to hear complaints against personnel. §551.087—Discussing certain economic development matters. §551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. §551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on August 18, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wvlietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie City Council CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 8, 2017 — 6:00 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex — Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie, TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mayor Eric Hogue called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. City Secretary Carole Ehrlich took roll call with the following City Council members present: Mayor pro tem Keith Stephens, Councilman Jeff Forrester, Councilwoman Diane Culver, Councilwoman Candy Arrington, and Councilman David Dahl. Councilman Timothy Wallis was absent. Staff present were: City Manager, Mindy Manson; Assistant City Manager, Chris Hoisted; City Engineer, Tim Porter; Human Resource Director, Lety Yanez; Police Chief, Anthony Henderson; Fire Chief, Brent Parker; Public Information Officer, Craig Kelly; Development Services Director, Renae 011ie; City Secretary, Carole Ehrlich, and various support staff. INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pastor Raymond H. Perry of Trinity Friendship Baptist Church gave the invocation and City Manager Mindy Manson led the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENTATIONS • Battle of the Badges Award Katie Huntsman, representing Carter Blood Care, addressed Council stating that during the Bluegrass on Ballard event held July 1, 2017 a "Battle of the Badges" was conducted. Each person donating blood was given a ballot to vote for either the Police or Fire Departments. She announced the winner of the contest was the Wylie Police Department. She thanked all involved for providing blood to save lives. Representatives of the Police Department and Wylie Fire Rescue along with Chief Parker and Chief Henderson were present for the award. Minutes August 8, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 1 • Blue Star Banner Presentation Parent: Marilyn Massey Son: Christopher Moss,U.S.Navy Rank: 2nd Class Petty Officer since July, 1997/October 2014 Unit: USS George H.W. Bush CVN77, Middle East Received Associate of Arts Degree from Collin County Community College Received Bachelors and Masters of Arts Degrees from Texas A&M Commerce Mayor Hogue presented a Blue Star Banner award to Marilyn Massey. Marilyn Massey is the proud parent of Christopher Moss. Christopher is serving in the U. S. Navy as a 2nd Class Petty Officer. Mayor Hogue on behalf of the Wylie City Council and citizens of Wylie thanked Marilyn Massey on behalf of Christopher Moss for his service. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non- agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three(3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. There were no citizens present wishing to address Council. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes of July 25, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Wylie City Council. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) B. Consider, and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of June 30,2017. (S. Satterwhite, WEDCDirector) C. Consider, and act upon, the acceptance of the resignation of David Burkhart and appointment of Brett Swendig as Board Member to the Construction Code Board to fill the term of July 1,2017 to June 30,2018. (C. Ehrlich, City Secretary) D. Consider, and act upon, approval and final acceptance of the reconstruction of Ballard Avenue from Dallas/Collin County Line to Alanis Drive and authorize final payment to Tri- Con Services, Inc. in the amount of$52,983.32 and accept the project as complete. (T. Porter, City Engineer) Council Action A motion was made by Councilwoman Culver, seconded by Councilwoman Arrington to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Wallis absent. Minutes August 8, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 2 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-15(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2017-2018, accepting the calculation of the effective tax rate, establishing dates for public hearings on the proposed property tax rate (if needed), and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. (L. Bantz, Finance Director) Staff/Council Discussion Finance Director Bantz addressed Council stating that the City is required by law to follow certain meeting and notice (publication) guidelines identified in the "Truth in Taxation" guide. In accordance with the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Texas, the effective and rollback tax rates and other information must be published and two public hearings must be held if an entity's proposed tax rate exceeds the lower of either the effective tax rate or the rollback tax rate. The proposed tax rate for FY 2017-18 is less than both the effective and rollback tax rates; therefore, no public hearings are required. This year's effective tax rate is $0.781014 and the rollback tax rate is $0.820041. Mayor Hogue thanked Finance Director Bantz, her staff, and the City Manager for their excellent work in keeping a balanced budget even in times like 2008 when property values were very low and the City was able to balance the budget without going into the red or going into debt. This included departments cutting back on expenditures and going without employee raises. He stated that the Council was pleased this year, to be able to meet the needs of the City and cut taxes for our citizens. Matthew Porter addressed Council thanking them. He stated that when the revenues came in, you agreed to give the tax relief to the citizens of Wylie. Porter explained that City Council and the City Manager agreed to take the additional revenue, if available when the final numbers came in and give it back to the citizens. Mayor Hogue thanked Mr. Porter for coming to the budget meetings and being involved. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Stephens, seconded by Councilwoman Culver to adopt Resolution No. 2017-15(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, accepting the proposed property tax rate for fiscal year 2017-2018, accepting the calculation of the effective tax rate, and providing for the publication as provided by the Texas Property Tax Code. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Wallis absent. 2. Consider authorizing the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie, the Howrey Mary Stone Living Trust, Cecil Hale and Douglas Properties, Inc.,for the development of a residential subdivision. Located at the northeast corner of Ballard Ave./Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. (R. 011ie, Development Services Director) Staff Comments Development Services Director 011ie addressed Council stating that Mr. Jim Douglas (Developer), representing the property owners discussed with the City the possibility of initiating a Development Agreement for a 31.47± acres (the "Howrey Tract" Exhibit A-1), and 21.99± acres (the "Hale Tract" Exhibit A-2) situated in Wylie's ETJ. Staff has met with and discussed the general contents of the agreement with City Attorneys. Mr. Jim Douglas gave a short presentation regarding the proposed property, showing a layout and noting the existence of an Atmos gas line that required the area over the pipeline to be left undeveloped. He explained that the grass medium in this area would enhance the aesthetics of the property. He noted the Minutes August 8, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 3 actual zoning would be brought back after the annexation of the property and if the annexation did not take place the agreement would be voided. Council Action A motion was made by Mayor pro tern Stephens, seconded by Councilman Dahl to authorize the City Manager to sign a Development Agreement between the City of Wylie, the Howrey Mary Stone Living Trust, Cecil Hale and Douglas Properties, Inc., for the development of a residential subdivision. Located at the northeast corner of Ballard Ave./Sachse Road and Pleasant Valley Road. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Wallis absent. 3. Consider, and act upon, Ordinance No.2017-23 amending Ordinance No. 2007-36 and Article IV (Speed) of Section 110-133 (School Zones) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances, establishing a school zone for certain streets; establishing prima facie maximum speed limits during school hours in such zone; removing the school zone for certain street(s); providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. (T. Porter, City Engineer) Staff Comments City Engineer Porter addressed Council stating that with increased number of students in attendance over the past several years, both Al Draper Intermediate School and Raymond Cooper Junior High School traffic has become of greater concern. Recognizing this issue, the City of Wylie and the Wylie Independent School District have worked together with our consultant Lee Engineering, LLC to produce a Traffic Operations Study for the immediate area surrounding the school sites. This study outlined many short, medium, and long-term recommendations the City and the School District could implement to assist in traffic efficiency and overall safety. One such recommendation was decreasing the length of school zones as outlined in the proposed Ordinance. Porter explained this was a first step in showing that the City was willing to assist in traffic issues. The WISD would need to address issues with traffic on WISD property. Mayor pro tem Stephens asked City Engineer Porter if the City had entered into discussion with the school district regarding the study and school property. Porter replied that staff had a sit down meeting with the school district and discussed all the options available in the report. The school district agreed the study was comprehensive and offered many options, but did not commit to any changes yet. He explained it will take the school district's action to get the vehicles off the street and maintain a safe route for public safety vehicles to pass through the school zones. Councilwoman Arrington concurred. Council Action A motion was made by Councilman Dahl, seconded by Mayor pro tern Stephens to adopt Ordinance No. 2017-23, amending Ordinance No. 2007-36 and Article IV (Speed) of Section 110-133 (School Zones) of the Wylie Code of Ordinances, establishing a school zone for certain streets; establishing prima facie maximum speed limits during school hours in such zone; removing the school zone for certain street(s); providing for installation of signs and markings; regulating vehicular and pedestrian traffic; providing for a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, providing for repealing, savings and severability clauses; and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Wallis absent. Minutes August 8, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 4 READING OF ORDINANCE Title and caption approved by Council as required by Wylie City Charter,Article III, Section 13-D. City Secretary Ehrlich read the caption to Ordinance No. 2017-23 into the official record. Mayor Hogue convened into Work Session at 6:40 p.m. WORK SESSION • Hold a work session to discuss the Water and Wastewater Rate Update prepared by NewGen Strategies & Solutions. (C. Holsted, Asst. City Manager) Assistant City Manager Holsted addressed Council stating that a new study of the Water and Wastewater was conducted by NewGen. He introduced Matthew Garrett representing NewGen. Matthew Garrett gave a short presentation regarding the study showing projected fees for both Wastewater (Sewer Fees) and Water fees. He reported no changes to the rate structure for the water rates and the proposed 9% increase was verified for all customer classes as recommended in the 2016 study. He did recommend a proposed increase for the wastewater rate of 7.5% which is a decrease from the proposed 9% adjustment in the 2016 study. Direction from Council was to prepare an ordinance with the proposed rates for consideration at a future Council meeting. • Discussion of a Request for Market Adjustment effective September 1, 2017 from Community Waste Disposal. (C. Holsted, Asst. City Manager) Assistant City Manager Holsted addressed Council stating that a Solid Waste and Recycling Contract renewal was approved with Community Waste Disposal (CWD) effective September 1, 2013 and Section 14.02 of the contract outlines the process for rate adjustments. A rate adjustment can be requested based on the consumer price index (CPI), the price of diesel fuel as reported by the Department of Energy, and the disposal costs of the Garland, Texas landfill. Holsted noted the proposed CWD residential trash rate of $8.92/month is a $0.29 increase or 3.36%. If the rate increase of $0.29/month is passed on to the resident, the new monthly rate billed including administrative cost would be $12.18 which is a 2.44% increase which is lower than surrounding area cities. Holsted explained the City contract with CWD will expire in one year. The company has not requested a rate increase in 4 years. Direction from Council was to prepare an ordinance with the proposed rates for consideration at a future Council meeting. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Mayor Hogue reconvened into Regular Session at 7:18 p.m. Minutes August 8, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 5 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Mayor pro tem Stephens, seconded Councilwoman Arrington to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Councilman Wallis absent. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Minutes August 8, 2017 Wylie City Council Page 6 4. , , - A (7-- Wylie City Council „4 ,f,,fl A AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: B Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: August 14, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 2 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes, establishing 370 single family residential lots and 13 open space lots on 51.916 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for Woodbridge Townhomes, establishing 370 single family residential lots and 13 open space lots on 51.916 acres, generally located on the southwest corner of Hooper Road and Hensley Road. Discussion OWNER: Woodbridge Townhomes I,Ltd. ENGINEER: J Volk Consulting,Inc. This preliminary plat proposes to create Woodbridge Townhomes. The plat will create 370 single-family residential lots, and 13 open space lots on 51.916. The property is part of an overall Planned Development Ordinance 2017-11 and is consistent with the PD conditions set forth. As required by conditions set forth in the PD, Tract A-4 has 22 guest parking spaces for the 218 TH in the Tract. The 13 open space lots are labeled as "X"lots and will be owned and maintained by the HOA. In accordance with the PD Conditions, a tree survey is included for review. The developer will save 72 trees varying in caliper from 6" to as large as a 40" Elm. 45 trees are tagged for removal ranging from 6" caliper to as large as 26" Pecan tree. Hackberry is the predominant species on the subject tract. The width of the lot and the location of driveways is taken into consideration when locating ornamental trees on each lot. This Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the adopted PD provisions. Planning& Zoning Commission Discussion: The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 122 _J-, „ 2 , ;r—•t , ; 2 REGENCY BUSINESS PARK - 2 , s 22,.„ PHASE-IVO <Ds 6 I 1 I 1IIIIIIIIIIII/J4 CAB G PG 92 •-,. _-2 ,/ - i„„___.•_ , - 1)E. I,0 ill 0 0 VISIBILITY EASEMENT IVIEIUIDETAIL VICINITY MAP ,— , LI.IS NEW HENSLEY LANE 1,,,r PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY 3 1st L. s I: I STREET 1 „ LEGEHD 11 1 -2.=-_22 :.,, ,'',,-.2'.,,, '-.L.2, -,,,,--2 i ;,_,°,,I, 333 L45F 2,S 25.0'351-g•C"05 25.51-gO,F 3,0S- /'11.g 2 sltocK 6_ ,.a_ 2.2 a. s2•L, •,,,1 2 „,,.... 2 w V d 15'BL o--/ •'vw . s . . , I1 VISIBILITY stamped(WO (unless otTermse no e - GRANDVIEW DRIVE ...- .5[0. El 13,1 ESMT(TYR) e 1/2"IRF .5. . 80 RIR o 1 I . 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' 1'7' '1 "a -7-4Makd.6-0.,'I „ MK5O'F 5=I' 4°1°-SEI,:g..,g1L'1,7_-•,-'-'-.3.-.. 1 77 "r1_,TFIRRour. Helm II,I,I Mord ammu WOODBRIDGE — P TWIEIHYD.DHNSON,ET UX 1 6<' TOWNHOMES -- CAROL C JOHNSON 51.916 ACRES DOCUMENT NO 97.66824 gg j4 OE,. LOTS 1-20,BLOCK 1;LOTS 1-21,BLOCK 2, ... , ,I ,8,3,,,,,n q .1 ,,,l-I To •-.. zz LI- :14ssss,1_12-0:_2-iBcB0B9,,,oLLLT:°B1,00L0::1"91-:,10::°°E,;m:!HL:BsssE0EATs-Loisz1 :'Bgl-cc;KKKoc:6;;;'',.%; kVA,SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835 I ' .5 5' •J'i 07,6 _.y WHEELHOUSE WAY CITY OF WYLIE 0. II BLOCK 3 'III IARIIIIIIICIELS COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ._- _..,z ,21 A 4 . ZONED:TH A 3 I L 71 wet., 06July 2017 OWneMWSSIII. TOTAL 44 _ ----ii- N Woodbridge Townhomes I,Ltd./ SHEET 1 OF 3 Herzog Development Corporation Engineer/Surveyor g I, 800 E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 J.Volk Consulting,Inc. gg gg g r L K Richardson,TX 75081 830 Central Parkway Eau,Suite 300 00_ j. V 0 NORTH TEXAS MUNICIPAL WA E DISTRICT Plano,Texas 75074 consuIstteing 99 694 ACRES SCALE 1.=DC 972-201-3100 VOL 2281PG 358 Contact Jay Volk !';'°571tersoPF°'PF.recmiwzoi m F140 Rho onnt ae 2,12 41,430-43n sr1HR Je-71r zz3 000 g0 Parcel LIne'fable Parcel Lne Table CUrVe'ruble CUrVe Table CUrVe Table Curve Table LEGEND • .01177 of Cur%ature or Tongenc,on ' ' -tn._ Li-, - „ 1,,,,,,,„0„..„„„.„.„,,, ,, ,„„7.„...,„-,,,„,„„, ,„ ... „.„,„„.. „,,„... - .2- ---22,- "1,2.5s, • 1/2"Iron l'Od Set arth a,e1101,plc.°cap \ :s:' IV as, .,0,.. i ,) 1 , .6 54 11,,01p5p 2,414,SEP 2D 07711 NE 5A, 1750 DED100,07 5501 D5, MP 7715 1,,01125527 27 51 „V 24 5, E75 79 47 ED,0,02 327 77 71 W46 26'09 E Sta.,."kr(UnleSS OtgerMge nOtecg ' '''' s44..'" , .,„,,,„„•„ „ „,E3,„05.„,7 ED.. 5,05,17ri C21 4712 36 00 A.00.00•4202 wr a,,s, „9 31 OE 2000„ODE.,2P 29 MI,IC„..E "L 55.9 35."".6"."" .'".'5'. 0 .1„2.IRF -' ' r ig k ceagaL5T 2 ' D4 7T,DE.11,,00.5.11.DOB 60 SOD lb 50•11 E, .47 DC 00 090,007 70.7P SOO 1.5 05, , AC,LE 52, ij,54.05, LEE 15E1 ,6.6„55, 56 4712 30.SWOP.,42.SOO DO 0,11 024 12 31 B26,00073,97 12 31 Il64'0,09, 042 31 42 .00 090 00.007 DEDE ..15 0.5, CEO 2D 39 20 CD 0E411,26 61 Il41 2,7, C.I .00E,„„ \ <CM> Control Monument ' EE DE ",,i,A",r Ea, "E E. "•'S "3E...1' •L2...•.5" "94 •"12 ".""LL°D."•6'L. ".•L'E.5' ":'2E95'5'".""6 2'S'"'"'.6' -r.L7' 09 2010 ,19'19 a L.25. 15. SPY 35'37, Eagan ant „ ,,28,0'00717397 31, .7,7,6, 027 72 DI.00 00512 017 7,58 I,.O.5,7, .16 3,2 .00 OED44 0,2,22 N45,31 5,,V (.63 12,7 7,00 024,Dr 1250.N77 16 1977 1-. LID 32. ,56 37, L30 4 18 7.14'26 OS, "l'g I PRO ...„„JECT 2' L11 ID DI S77 5E'2, 0, 1914 W.,05 E P.U.D E Pedestrian.Utility gc Drainage Easement ,mL'I 2 LI S' 'S."9''IL"'L7" "7..1 3'" C2, ''2.""9.9..9 L•7•' .1 21...LE CO 59" 3....g.9°°••.9.5' "9"33'5" C65 79'L ''°9°.°E•'IS "9'.".• - f -----• SF Square Feet LI2 14 77 771,32.1/, L32 1010 515.11.55, C 2 "." .7.°L.'"•L''33E .L..2.e.L"' E" .1'.1°7.5°°21L.'L 9." •L'...°9".• E.E 22.3°."L".".•21" "L..."3" E" 28 5.5.ED°""L"L.2' •"°•.6 3." UE Utilit,Easement .5 H C'3 2.,IF 50 010.5n,2037 DEO 53 48, C'' '''''''D216'92 '19'''.''6' CL. ..•..E.87"513 '" .7..." C'L '' .""SE.L'•.'.' "9""55" D R C.0 T.=Deed Records of Collin County,Texas LIO 14, 57.52 12, 1,30 1859 S6.59.17, C14 02850 1198 02"2,6,426 26,.2.II.50•77 E.32 31. ...'a,...0,2.3.2 "L.33 5LL. "E. 31.2 2..""'"....11. .2 1'2.2 .. 1.1. ...2.22.22 •.."3....' P R C C T=Official Public Records„I Collin VICINITY MAP C..1".6 L.7' "7"""'3'"SL..3"" E,5 El, 2C OP Nine,2,36 SET 26 D5, "1 '12 3..""L'LLS'' "...:"E ".• "S' ."E..... "3. "9'.°56n Count,.ge,as ILLS. LID 1014 ,045 41.55, L.5 15 3D1 105 D,.5, :16 75 67.707 50 131,7•1 7 7E 47 17 4.0,IA 034 2215 112 00 011,,22 31 ,06 20,1, 032 „SI 3B.00„. W.,D.L5.7 e" 3'.2 .ED"Y.."3". •"9"3.L'L e" "12 3°'"SE.DE6'" "•3 25 g5' PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY C E B., ,37 00 0,110.13.E. 17013"....... 536 3,91 1750D 011,52.3.186 .5 35,, C54 0712 3D00 0,00.00.•424, St,,S, H, '4. .`.',0,, ',, .. "5"'5LLj SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCE AND STATE LAW AND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIES AND BUILDING PERMITS BENCHMARKS CM 113 Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High NEW HEIGHTS BAPTIST CHURCH School football stadium and near the northwest corner of = la -S '''' VOL D573230,3P3G 836 I Founders Park sports..315 fe,south of b c,01 6fe, north of b c and 65f e,west of b c a.approx 111f e,north of.ain link fence around Founders Park sports,. /as N 7.397650 E 2559122. ELEV 519 77 L,. ....1.- '-r--- - ---- --,„.7/----.Vsiutl-lifcf:Idl,'netnh:Zsftth:festZteelrbi's 4'1M0e:cft WEST HENSLEY LANE NEW HENSLEY LANE LOT 2,BLOC,. , - _ ....7-,7-55E55556 ',E. 'L-, ..south of the south line of all,concr,e pwing 7 3 feet-,-,'' .' ALL Y K-,R., E. 6 L Dr j34,,"1,17,2n / / N 7065787 perpendicular to b c parking area --• EY A-,,,,w-- . --,'..J4L .. E. , g01•• r I sggg g ana sos 7700 1 DO 31. 4039 EL .0, EL 31 DE 27 OD MEEEEL 7-4b, L7110,072)00 074,-.-- 7'.7•.!...NZ,---- ' E L. zo,„/' 60 E 2560972 93 ELEV 562 88 saHA , 11 viggsr'' .'„+0,,:sm• BLOC,K 8 I s ,,,,3,„17.00EL.'25EEEL 1 -93"-LE"E" '"' ''' '''' ' '''..7-.'" „,1375E.." •••, 1 „E„,„rm..6 1 LL -.-.' 'L- ' "I „El,.,6E, I ' ,--77-.E', E , , ' 7. '-,., •,7'"'..7 ii, .„.....,Er-'. "E„„EnEYE,„,--4,„2.1,1,r;it..„,"„22.2 2,2\------„,.....„:„ , ,Selling a portion of this addition by metes a.bounds is a 5- MOE -T, r(-, IErAY'igi„EEL-. , '..".,', , fines and withholding of utilities and building permits ".'7'4. 2 0,space lots shall be owned and maintained by the 1.- .1,,,,g,,F ,,,,,F ..S1- l''.' '.2'F''' q7 '°"F ''2:F'''',.- 1:,,,11 'MEEM. 11, 0EL,' L" ! .07 Igss,„I E m si,,,, ,,,, M Ls ;••,,..'., T L'os, I,,,,SV""F, so-„,. rerLor II 1,,L,„I • ' I a, r g BLOCK'S' L g, ,17f,„,,, Isg ''IE I '„„IL g6g'„Fla_i h-. (- --'''''''-- - . -- ''- -c,- 37,-.,,-,, 7-1;-,*,;r7_._2.2-,..1 =,,. ,..427.22' 1.! 2i-y/2' , -3 No appurtenance b,ween the height of 2'and 9'may be E I. ' i ,-, "IL'L '.•••g --- I .1'- -- '--}--'- 'I---- -'''s r_J ,mrs'o-r-Merm7- s' 'S `Is' ss• mo, 27 9. 77 O. 3100 40 39 I-sm. r m mso r m L.2„,e.La„,27,D.073;1 L '1.,;.„, ,,,„ _s,.,i, ,, i • placed in visibility triangles "'.!. '..'-.1,...6'''-76'--'• ..7 i 1" •k..'f 0 Townhome 1,s fronting an open space(mews lots)shall , . 6 „E„APP EWOOD WAY have stre,addresses based on the nearest side stre,APPLEWOOD WAY 1„,,, „H„ „H, 1'9 5° - EE,EEEE EEE,. 6.3' - 5,R 0 E., C, (example lots 8 thru 11 of Block 11 will have addresses addresses on Tall Grass Trail)BL07,,D '" -2.,, 11 L.,,-L.' ) I •77f.1' B E/ IL 7.7..7! 6 .6 .E E I .1515F.3556,•6,1 7..„66E.EE/E i _66667'....L'6,76'st„ E.'.i ./ /'-/. i / 70005F, 7C.SFEE 2/0, NI _ -.6_,6,•• t, L!' ., /' / •L L / '' ''L' ' • --'' - 7 4„, ,,-, . , .„, ,, ,/r / , ? ,, 0001 - „a DID. 7 J 00, 40.30 '7 O. •",./ 5 1 7 'I l• .•-'F ' ' I L'6,I .11:.ALE-1-EY E_,s LER ow ----• WE.. E ,6'. IEE 1 46. 31. .0 27 7,0 3100 'I 65 „Epp..-•.,..JgJK.T,ALLEY'L-L-'-'-'' :E•e• 7,/6,7-'tE'.E. .„6"(6,7'.-1.EY 7./7,,,,, „ „ EEEE 6 C• "0 tE " L 66/ -,/ 'I. n 12 .. 1 31.5F , 2 L•••"" I L. ' . L 0 , . .i P. 63 /. .67•...'i .,7 ,E , V g !, `a' , ' a - /a'. 'gg'• ' g'' ' ' , -95 g/ ,,L, ' =-,s- v "5 'I' 'IS, : r" 7- ;„/ N ,. ,..1. , 1-->,',71 . "E'LL ,`667 6.1 f= =1'LL11.!, " - Y2. F,1,,,-,-.•:-"DL" L.'.--..°L'S"7'" ' 6'411' LEE ' .3,00.„DO.,,,D7 0,0, 6ELIE'E'E„/ 'E6'ELI. ''E' LEE L... E ...,L"'" '""E• '‘6 °' 6'' ' 1''6 y - i.,F""•._ 1-±,.!. I , I'DE"' 6 „ 1.„7',.:,`si I , ,I- i,,; -'E ; ,---,'„'- 7 ,, „ss„ J S 031F4ggroM,M0na F," 'Ca44 gg; .,./.,,_ _. ,:,.1. .E.E7 4,,,} / / . 30 0 ss ra_i s 1 F.,_„, - 1 7.,,,, , I... _ pgm,zsg,,,E,,,,,Mr' •,, 1 -1,o• il't 1 ...,,,,,,,...,,.•, ,,,, 1,,,,, ,,,1 ,,,,1 ,g ',./-. ,. , „„ „ ' .,,,T,E,E:E. .5,-/ALLEY H D„, E 1 '- '''..'. • 1 "",_ S,=,,.5 •.•- ..L - I I .1 . "."F L .E r..1 .7 1 .7. °LL ; / r 1• 6.I '' ' 1.L I • '' .LL"' I ' - '°E.• I . _I. r"'SF „Ir6I'DEP 400 1 ''I •L••'-L,E5° ' .'7"t66 LI 6E-5-'6'' „E.,„„„E„E„ , .9,07 F 5050 n E I 'I.''=1 1 I' 1 11 ''''' .6„„. „„ , E 6,E win 6.1 1.6E00 pl.' 2700 1 "" „, E 1 'I 8 „1 404/57 . .. E( ."". E. : DLL ' '-'->r • •• ''LLIL ;L66' '0 7/EL/t67,7,LIE r 66:177. i i i 1 . g''_I 6 0 t„SI ' .14517" . . LL.D.L I Fa 3, L.: 1 20.,2 P., ?.. ag, _,I _ ,.1 1 , i 1:6. g I none,1,4 DO. .. „... I , •• 100 5.0 .t.1 PRELIMINARY PLAT I a,I „ , a a ;7 I, ' t.' .1 16 •L7L. 07 „ 7E EC! 21 ,1, 2 .I 670',E 1".7, :1 6t `LE". -E, L. ..',',2 2-TES{.., I. 77, „„...7--57 ii 2 ,,,, ,,o,,or BLOCK„ • , ,r ./ 1451'7,7 31075F 2730. .1.37,SF .10,5F 77C0 SF ,,,I „„ . E10,0D . .7, I, . 100.00 L E..LELE ••" 'OD... „ ."EL "" „ , '-E. = .•.L 1 27", ' 2"S' ' t t ' .1 0 4 ----4 2 --- :I :::::::0‘ i ' 1 lagg w 1 WOODBRIDGE _ A L -E: ),Iy ! TOWNHOMES ,•'' 51916 ACRES 1 ',,,c-,7,-.74Z,-,---,-, ,.-4-- 9.,. '' 799' ,7.?2' '.•E ' 70.05. ''',EE r•-:'-) (C--- _,!- „7--1',..1- \: ''' -----/ , „5.10.,11 5. , „,. 1. LOTS 1-20,BLOCK 1;LOTS 1-21,BLOCK 2, Ct7 i .6"6,1 h. •L"'L 7.,,,,„1 '4,76 ,EP. •;,2,_ 2 ;„,„„ EEEE„GARDEN GATE LAN,E,. 1.°Y GARDEN GATE LANE e, - o, ' ' LOTS1-18,BLOCK 3;LOTS 2-27,BLOCK 4; CONCORD DRIVE _ 11=, 50 Row .' "2'.' I LOTS 1-28 BLOCK 5;LOTS 1-45,BLOCK 6; 131 9. 0. /......„7„ ...LI I, ,-- 7 77 ,14,5^A.5f77'9•6'' 50.0 V, .....„ . ..„ 1 MI . C LOTS 1-28 BLOCK 7;LOTS 1-21,BLOCK 8; , , To7 '''--- Ir 0 g_ 2m. LOTS 1-18,20-29 BLOCK 9;LOTS 1-43,BLOCK 10; - ,-- , ,7.,„„2.5 2/ 51.0 27 0,1,„„EOVD „E.7,0 E 00.„,,,11D.L00 ... .2,2,2,_17. 2„ ,2„:„.,_, 1.0,0_2,,,,,„f22.2,.7:,ri, .2,s: 2,...22.212,s2., 24,„„,Et5E_E,h6 E., „7„..,17 .r_J, ,7..„„, ..!.'',Et 77"; ,LE„E,1,E•6 rt.DL't , C ...!.. ! i.BLOCK 10 s.,,,s' , , LOTS 1-14,16-22,BLOCK 11;LOTS 1-32,BLOCK 12; _ .=',,g a a sg 6957DE 27915( I-2-,E1 4-4s L•"°F'1 . . . . L ' " •.. ,' -. , ' ' " ' " ',I" ••• . LOTS 1-14,16-40,BLOCK 13 2-, h„.„ - _2-.2--- 2 v -2 , . „ „ . I„ , 45F'LL' '.I 7-7.70'C'171.0'.'1'6".'7'',E'''' BLO'CK 10 1,6''17"SF',nos sr 7700,3100.7 .1300. 45E9E5 57 7700SF 3100 SF,sosr -300SF. ,I00 77 310DiF 27007F 2700B5L7 5,5F LIED1 7p.„, 370 TOWN HOME LOTS -ja .1.-•'Jugs,L 71EtSF 7.777.Jt.-.40340 SI 110007F 700e,, LiDt57,77",„ ,IISI,ar',,1 27,.F 3,107, „„sr•,,,a,. san,,,770E,F,„1" i ,.r.. „6. .1.'''=t _,E.6, .L IS m 2 / 2 °`"1° :2 I Engineer/Surveyor 13 COMMON AREA LOTS 6'6J-J'6 -.1- 6- 6 - 6 -'s. L'-a a. ''.66'66 6 rtgaa.-6-' -1 6 -5j9'67„Yj sj<g '6'6s 6='-a.,,,-J g , • -,yr g ga,g•a vs, J vs,'mg i 27 OD 1 ,,, T r r, 31 0.1.0,r,,-.4-,n7-1,0,y_i ,0,2,___AL,1., , , ! 83P Central Parkway East,Suite 300 -'-' --- W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835 ALLEY D LS'R'W .-LL• 1 i -7,E„7u, E Plano,Texas 75074 972-201-3100 CITY OF WYLIE _ 1890-113513 202183 --•-s Jg ,/ Contact Jay Volk COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ,.. ,'- 7 TIMOTHY R JOHNSON,ET UX a ' POINT OF i , ZONED:TH „ CAROL C JOHNSON „''- E , VOLUME 3976,PAGE 862 , DOCUMENT NO 97-.66820 - i BEGINNING -' , ' Owner/Applicant 06July 2017 Y-V 1 s 0 „6 • , Woodbridge Townhomes I,Ltd./ SHEET 2 OF 3 0 / Herzog Development Corporation --- a u / SOO E.Campbell Road,Suite 130 Richardson,TX 75051 J. V O L K Phone 214-34,1300 gag consulting F.214-348,20 HO Cat.Paraa,„Suite. COntact DOn HerZOg Mg173170TVel„Registraion No an.: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER'S DEDICATION: SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE: WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES 51.916 ACRES NOW THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:That I.Ryon S.Reynolds,do hereby certify that I prepared the plat from a of th lond and BEING a tin 1 of Ion situp a M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.1335,City of THAT WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES I.LTD.,acting h through it my authorizedthereon° to properly placed under my persanalh supervision In Wylie,Collin County,Texas endbeing ellel thatof le n Deed toofficers,doadopt that plot designating theits property as aceordonee with the platting as and regulation%of Town of Argyle.Texas. Woodbridge No d. ended in llVolume 557S,Page 11D2,Deed Records,Collin WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES.on oddi n to the City of Wylie end hereby describedGIVEN UNDER MT HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this y of County.Texas end being mere eparticularly described es fellows: the public use forever the sVeetst1shown thereon and doehereby reserve thed easement 201] ---- strips shown o is plot for m of garbage co BEONdN at a P.M in ie ofWo ridgle odrhway,0 100 foot right-of-x°y, of teheand all Premoreie^ies dsiHn oo emg o ny°P^66a unity collection FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. PRELIMINARY far southeastearner of said Woodbridge NertM1 .Tract other to t or r e ha on Pert way endanger ergs,interfere x the construction,"mat anceeorr`e ciencyof`A respective °""`°any these THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE RECORDED earn w tt,er timesc hove. ig n " eseh THENCE of 2,B9 degrees}4 minutes o5 seconds West,leaving sold rest line,° egress to strips end n public utility tine got of mconst end tlutonee of 2,D23.63 leer to a point for earner, recns to and from and upon the Bold a easement times hove rhea purpose of procuring FOR ANY PURPOSE. ling,inspecting,and patro approved a of procuring THENCE South 00 degrees tT minutes 98 secnds East,°distance of 2X1.12 fret to° egthe Permis,nd resdy°tio this plot ityelie.Tex to ollePlott n9 wdinoncs,rules, point for caner, regulation;on resolutions lens of the City el Wylie.Texas. RYAN S.REYNOLDS,R.P.L.S. Registered Proissienel Lend Surveyor No.6385 THENCE for BB degrees 11 minutes 19 seconds West,a distance of 573.32 feet t° WITNESS OUR HANDS Collin County, Texas, this _-- day point °t 2017. of 'RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL' THENCE North 00 degres 27 minutes 11 seconds East a distance of 390.16 feet to° STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN 6 point for caner, woobridge Tnnn°mes I.Ltd. BEFORE ME,the undersign.°utie. a Notary Public in d for sold County on Zoning Commission Date THENCE North 00 degrees 22 minutes DT seconds West,a distance of 65B.3B fret to a Staten a personally appeared Ryan S.Reynolds,knowny y,Tess point for corner. By person reree name ia surecrib. to the tangoing in " edged to me NAME:Donald P.Herzog that he executed the same for.epurpose and considerations thereinexpressed. THENCE Nerth 89 degrees 19 minutes sre 05 s East° al 2,612.60 feet to TITLE:President APPROVED FOR CONSTau ON a point for corner in the west line of Hooper Road,a 65 foot right-of-wow GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.this___—day of ,2017. THENCE South OD degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East,with distance STATE OF TEXAS 6 of 85.83 feet to a point for corner in the sou.line of H y one,o B5 foot COUNTY OF COLLIN 6 MayorY Y ,Texas Date right-of-way; Notary Public in and for the State at Texas THENCE North 99 degrees 9D minutes 07 seconds East,w BEFORE ME,theundersigned au ry Public in d for said County an Na AccEPTED of 60.00 feeta point to `beginning of a line, having`a Staten a personally appeared Don Herzog,retirees Agent,known central angle col lT degrees 51`minutes h20 s curve 447..feet s he person wherea foregoing in edged to bearing and distance of SouthX9 degrees°43 minutes1°22 seconds East,138.89 me that he executed the same`for the purpose and considerations therein expressed. MY Commission Expires: feet: Mayor City of Wylie,,XeS Date GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this___— y of THENCE Easterly,continuing w right,a ,2017. of 139.96"to a point forc Df soid the c distance a of t °hove Woodbridge intersection d pent south being et with beginning of° the c e left h ring a angle of 19 degrees t54 BENCHMARi:s. minutes 2 second, curve 1,1 seconds feet° a the bearing end distance of Notary public in and for the State of Texas South29 degrees 29 minutes sD7 sec ,414.45 sere N° CM113 Located on the southwesterly side of Wylie High School f ootball stadium and near the northwest corner of Founders Park sports fields 315 fe,south of b c,01 fif e, THENCE Southerly,with said west line,the following three(3)courses and dvtancs. y Commission Expires: north of Main link fence around Founders Park sportsfield Southerly,leaving s° Ina,on to ce of 4t6 feet to a point for caner al the beginning of said n-tangent curve sto"the left Boeing a central angle of DS N.m535Tosa E.ass122m ELEv.515.n degrees 53 minutes 11"seconds radius of 04.50 fret end a chord bearing ore distance of South 11 degrees 35 minutes 21 seconds West.95.96 feet: south of the south line of all,con CM. Located in the northeast corner of Quail Meadow -- 1 .-1<s,uth of all,and west of White Ibis Way .5 f e, Southerly,xcurve to the left,o of 96.01 teat t o point far perpendicular to parking a. v ° g 3 eg beginning of o ° ongent c left h ring a angle of 09`degrO e 53 mseconds, radius of 11198.B2 feet o wit mW bearing and N. T8Trib E.2560972 93 ELEV 562.88 tlistonce off South 05 degrees 16 minutes54 seconds West.206.60 feetNotes Southerly,x t ere left an of 206.B6 feet to the PONT OF BEGINNING and contain'ng 51.918 acres Di land,mwe w less. on of this addition by bounds of city subject to fines and withholding of utilities and building permits 2 Open space lots shall be owned and maintained by the 3 No appurtenance behveen the height of 2'and 9'may be placed in visibilitytriangles ce)mew lo[sjsh lea on o(example D of Block 11 will have addresses on Tall Gass roll). PRELIMINARY PLAT WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES 51.916 ACRES LOTS 1-20,BLOCK 1;LOTS 1-21,BLOCK 2; LOTS 1-18,BLOCK 3;LOTS 2-27,BLOCK 4; LOTS1-28 BLOCK 5;LOTSIAS,BLOCK 6; LOTS 1-28 BLOCK J;LOTS 1-21,BLOCK 8; LOTS 1-18,20-29 BLOCK 9;LOTS 1-03,BLOCK 10; LOTS 1-14,16-22,BLOCK 11;LOTS 1-32,BLOCK 12; LOTS 1-14,16-40,BLOCK 13 370 TOWN HOME LOTS 13 COMMON AREA LOTS OUT OF THE W.M.SACHSE SURVEY,ABSTRACT NO.835 CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS ZONED:TH Owner/Applicant 06 July 2017 Woodbridge Townhomes I,Ltd./ Herzog Development CorporationEngineer/Surveyor: SHEET 3OF3 800 E.Camp bell Road,Suite 130 J.Volk Consulting,Inc Richardson,TX 75081 830 Central Parkway East Suite 300 J. VOLK Phone:21 4-3 4 8-13 0 0 Plano,Texas 75074 Fax:214348-1]20 972-201-3100 consulting C Contact:Don Herzog ontactJay Volk Vo snmzsmSFEE'ste'e or-ttvc. w 1 I 1 ) 1 — — — - Y SPRINGWELL PARKWAY , 1 1 I r liti , L --__L2 ____, 1 TOWER ROAD �T I " ail xI * iliki'mari hi ill iiii ii i 1 ,, ,,,, mi„,ritimillii iii , ,\ 1 ,,, ,, m ,,,, r, / -L,---__T-rf_i___]=E_I 1- i it i iiii x. EMILY LANE I IIIII i" II IiiirilIVEr , I il 1 II lir!' , 1 - '� PROSPER LANE ph 1 , r 1111 illigim i z .w�L`� ..... ■ Irliii l' ''R,, - P I§ 1 %,4 — 1 x 1 LAURELLANE II .. ..( i II M I I I IP I II --^ 7'--7 it ;,Iil N ; II 0 — 11 1111 I'll 11 If�_"_ m 1 z A o i --OMirg �i�i�•.o m A i. r„.„ , , . 1� < .. .. (,,,, . 1 T c 144 -z1 c_ 1 1 1I _I I - I N� NOLAN LANE ti, . ft. me � ' o' 1 �omo= ---- ------- ------------ _ • g � J � J CASEY COURT IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu.111111111 11111111111 uuuuuu IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII1 IIIIIIII1111 uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuuu uuuuum uuuuuu uuuuum +1111111 uuuuuu MI uuuu uuuuuu IIIIIIIII tii .It HII tH H-HIlHH 1. , I ^lJo AS'§.a '9 6 S F,e w o.,&e w m w w""FRE,w a w"r o w U Y m U w"rFF o w w n w"w m 6,e,w a 0 8 a o 0 U e,, 9 n mUCe orooUF FRw ▪ Rw wERS.- aS mwg1 & o a o 0 om�w"m�w w w w�"2,T w �w�"w oe e,E o w� 71, N m E E%wR U p wwv � w , 0 o w ''"g m e e e e "g e e e e e e ,1 e C _ -1 n G& 5.' `' � ! NPo!P W 2 O n 0 SSUEEE EU��ti 4', po pg :wa w▪wwwwwpw: w w o P, - m Pse',1www,;e,""w"""..wwrwwwmwwr"..<aaaP , a —0. P,v ...0.8 S 8 R N o ° a ? � *r°: TREE SURVEY SHEET 1 OF 2 T It'1C:; WOODBRIDGE TOWNHOMES J VOLKC ( 1 ,A CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS � 4, 4, VIA"tl"C I fl]'i-- [.-:[AM SHr-1 [.,i [,,,,,,,,,,,IIIIIIIIIIII 1 W,IIIIIIIII 1 I I „ 1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,IIII IIIIIII II I,,,,,,,,,,, I,,,,,,,,,,, I,,,,,,,,,,,IIIIIIII I. II 1 L O o , I m a I _ t III I I. I MI - i _ TALL GRASS TRAIL II 7 r t —V - -� -- —_ II _ ii o INI _ III H m.111 IL �_ '---'-- -- ------_ i , OAKRIDGE DRIVE C x) ma rF n �, I ' N I I I I�I� ' ®�1� ■ II J I IA I r II I 2 I■ z I N ®■ a =, I m Ili ml . i -- I - a' I IINE - I1■ IIN I EM 0� oil q 1 II °pp : :) i mom P . u' Q i ao a 1 ir f o�FR I�ItII m Cr r'/ __ FFFoRIvF IY :,, I! 11 o a m _ \\ .- / 011_ OODBRIDGE TOWNHOM J VOLK( ( )r IL( III Ir lr: o W ES N TREE SURVEY SHEET 2 OF 2 _ ,A� CITY OF WYLIE,TEXAS z ' ' I 112 `" IN THFFNo F,l.r. 4. , , A (7-- Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: C Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: August 8, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Final Plat for Lewis Ranch Addition, creating 97 single family residential lots and 1 open space lotl on 29.590 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of North State Highway 78 and Wylie East Drive. Recommendation Motion to approve a Final Plat for Lewis Ranch Addition, creating 97 single family residential lots and 1 open space lotl on 29.590 acres, generally located at the southeast corner of North State Highway 78 and Wylie East Drive. Discussion OWNER: Bloomfield Homes L.P APPLICANT: Douglas Properties,Inc. The property totals 29.590 acres and will create 97 single-family residential lots and 1 open space lot that will be maintained by an established HOA. The subject property is part of the Lewis Ranch Planned Development(PD 2013-03), which consists of Single-Family Residential and a Common Open Space. This Final plat complies with the regulations of the Planned Development and staff recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. Planning& Zoning Commission Discussion: The Commissioners asked about drainage into the existing pond on the subject property. The applicant stated that new pipes and equipment will be installed to aid in the proper drainage required. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 02017 Westwood Professional Services.Inc, ss/8"rlv¢i.R ADAMs '„Av`o,. �/ W��n,LnvBv Era °/p AP 18 4- 1":11' zi E L ACT �1=6agw6a°w.nm .Noa,MMF s28Te ACREELD HOMES,27 C��STR � (CYNE� 68Lt�SUBJE G In G 00°GRAPHIC SCALE 0.PROC., �RAR� m raara° 1�sT �� 0VIINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE L5 GRS L 6 >3'S6" s CYRS, L4 0,5 s..° 5. 5s 1z SITS° Bo., sass' s¢1s mss saa0 ss°° Bm A =� a _ s '80 6 8g T e Mg 9 �g m 1f r2 r3 ,o u. _ L I _ 2 -• m F- N N' N- -- 8 6 r_ N_ SURVEYOR'S.NOTES FIELD,0„' 1 ,E BEARINGS SHOWN HEF'EON APE CREATED FF'OM ACTUAL 2 L3 s - *s s°e s s.zs sc.e° sza° BEARINGS TIES To SHOWN CONTRSURVEYS NAD83 TEXAS NOR, A MONUMENTS.o2)GRID C2c�R Ss.o L2 so.° CHADBOURNE HADB OURNEa aRu2i DRIVE so452, Rs ,,,,a'� PERIMETER BOUNDARY CORNERS SET ARE MONI,MENTED wlTl, ED 'svcO705 ...C.c,. I < 58a°y C< ,,, 6 + h . . 'wa ET DIAMETER ROD OTHER YELLOWCORNERS OW /, ITa zs0 ° z° so T of°w pia inRS P MEOswESTWOOD PS„DIAMETER SS 0,Eow1SRPNoED. 26 ALL COORDINATES 101 ARE TEXAS'1,1 -i11.2TATE PLATTING ,iiSTATUTES" ,°vc »aco e „POO 1 22 N „ NABS s2-w AND BUILDING CERTIFICATES°FINES AND WITHHOLDING 1,1 \ Ez� l h g sae34�22 39 160 01 3° 50 0 GF'„rh ryP _ O.cO l 8j -166 .I O M mr 6 i FND I� ADAMS 1 0� n 0 0l , �i ° „°o° Lt ysN , ',, „¢°° 1 I. Q 0 5 LEGEND L�STANTO�N DRIVE ‘I �T�, / 32 e of 1e m �i mNe'°°° Paw - - f I& Ro �r�Rs p„,,BBs,„ ,,,m.ca,N,y,cBA Nezoaa I IN 2 s°°sA moo. O rAN,,s,o, \ / m 5,„,„,aav am sr,-wmT rcuow CAP „O.n 0 i'I sr,„„wmw°°a Ps e�WAL „5 °v. N seeS,Y �_LU -. sf�E,NAME ,,,, 31 sB, ,� w D• s B'S ° 2 N 395,141 SO.FT. I�� „30 1'. 6DEDICATED PARK LAND AND DF'AINAGE D BY THETHE DA As PER PO LU w Q 0 1,\nd 3u8 Z - "'Q agn AGREEMENT ORDINANCE No.2013-03 e 5 „s0° _6II 2 II p g to 2 25 1 1 o g 8 f 4 A,2 2,Rs j "S."' S..oa 1 I y 'ter10 se G Ro °a, FINAL PLAT 22 'CZ a1 22 a as Rss "00 B060. '°V5 `aa of Q n „I I BLOCK'B. 12 0 13 a _ � 2= LEWIS RANCH, PHASE 1 e 2 w 0.6 z _ 2, _ zo v ,P ,e _ _ _--_ 97 RESIDENTIAL LOTS/1 PARK LAND LOT Q cI s et 50'R I-s� o B.L. p B ¢°� -— 29.590 ACRES U MA RO ESTATES _ V - _ _ OUT of THE VOL PHASE PG 2362 an00 a¢°° - �I 3 - °°°' a,-s= -s,00 — as, FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY ABSTRACT No.688 eRcc,. m(e - f ,°as9 aGaa _ /B 8885.6,- s,2a END/COTTCOURT e./ IN THE ,, �m a— �6 3 < CITY OF WY I CO IN COUNTY,TEXAS LE LLE EI OWNER/DEVELOPER ° 3 3o eZ. — ° 2 g _ 5 BLOOMFIELD HOMES,L.P. 8 i050 ESTATE HWA i i4STE 210 �8 = >o II 13 8 la A ','L. h SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092-5255 P.O. 1 B D,' N r 2 = B ,38 �I�Bs, '6¢66' L- --- -s2,e ss.so'----ss.'---8000'---s4.so'--- ENGINEER/SURVEYOR /AD Ms } c¢m --N8825'o5"W f98sr4' ,u,.s0 I WeStWO� MWYLIE EAST 0HI,306 5 I ®o DOC No.20080306010000850 I ',V.i.mia�iooraso Pe isT?" 3 THIS PLAT FILED IN DOCUMENT No. O.P.R.CCT 29.590 ACRES JULY 25,2017 Joe No.0000745 LEWLS R,,CR,PHASE 5 P 10000T1,.00,,",Survey...74,,ewg 55, 49995595595955959995559, 55 9: 55555m95mm _95 = 25 = m599, e2, 9, FF, / v m w v > F. m m ° w e w> o m o m 8 $ '', - = m N o m o w a pp@ oe z �/ 8 8 8 M _ £ w ffi Y ° sa�� F m m s t m m F m t F F m s x t E F x m m m m m m m x m m F m m m m m m m m F m m II ml - - - r °'Ns wN � m m m 9 m _w v 22 OOO a <wv - g — — _ _ _ 8 8 ' , �� 1 I »Qo: m MATCHL/NE SHEET 9 - - - - - - - - ,oszz '8 -8$ 8 '' sno „aoz -�o m „- m z to m raoz o ®k m m m F g m s m F.m m m E m m x m F g m o 1m�- °U s - A C - w w oa"zoo E o ao m m� 7o v wmm a I ��°°� -. m mo o m m ,row m' I _ i�' - " �� »ao 5 � �� �> 90 o off w w 9 ! m 55' I „ms " a - m w o w o e o <m �' m v m m m o.9"99 " m " w e m m o&o 0 0& , v-o 0 0 u .c�o ^ "in a ,- gi w w m m o>>4 m FFF m o FFFFFF rro,os ro�oz .f m o '4 m no.oz i„i ooa so aow " -o e m k m k w m-° m_m m e 2 m roar 9 al a Ili e m o 0 o m e m<w w o 11 m- O w z? oo� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m —-; - JL B.'_l_ -; - -, //////AAA _ _v v e w _e v v v m m m w>u v e e I 50093'J0"E Ma.' o BENNETT ROAD (C.R.No.434) m ""`"°-o m m "m<w 8 w e m m w m e e� w m v< z y � o a w ^ m m i i^ !wcmD o.eo.eeo.vo.wwm�,o ° eo.o.!„ i! „„ ; F nn ?Ir 0m <r 0 O a os 0Or o " co "„i! i ° _'F..' _F. W� n ; y - ' n o '>eewno ,1n yOnr > zm m'"m 02 ,0 Z D AP it A c. ouprZm,J zl~ n.= D e !_ )) r).-'-F'Fr, Azov Pm n% o gN- ti= F", s,` ) og 14gl m n om ,� Eso b co z 0 n o 0 rn a�.,u<n _ LEWIS RANCH.PHASE I 02017 Westwood Pfolessionol Services,Inc. LIX ep�,l ST HA w z WmII4f ered „ ,w m STATE OF IEXASX NOW,THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN Sr THESE PRESENTS SIIRYEYCRS CERIVICATE /IW SUBJECT COUNTY CF COLLIN X r TRACT OnWERS ERTIFlGTE this lot designated therein above described properly os LEWIS RANCauthorized PHASE d1. n addition to the Cityadoptthe plat sh sentsotheoresu is of anoon-the-ground suave hereby m February, , [rea. ,Jason under my directio,and supervisio,and further certify thot oll corners ore os shown thereon.ond 1 W SEW o 29.590 acre tractco , , / f IN/e 52 Collin nos been prepared n aeeareanee with me tut rules and t ens a me of TeAas and does dedicate to the pub,use forever the easements and as p p platting e r cfslov e as. I ✓ dogs the.,,, w growths e shallWyne T Homes z939a arre tart°/land 9 are pari,r r �r,ned°�mrlawe. Paolc Records,colln co r. right-of-ways reservedfor the mutuol use VICINITY MAP ise ic utility shall hove the full ht to use or us,g some upless arfswo anpecified. All o,a,y buildings.d/ ,tr eels entss ocrommodotion of oll public utilities �orlo remove or,growth W may n ar�y°ed 011 Way Jason B Armstrong NOT TO SCALE of Ihe 1.551 acre tract of lond conveyed to the City of endonger or,terfere with the construction,maintenance or ef,ency of its respective system on the Registered Professionol WH eMb corner°f Lond Su y No.555T cap stamped 1.1,71.10.90 P,set for. NatPwest corner of Lot 1,Bloc,A,m with yellow plastic and upon the said utility easemeollor.the purposes afremovi,all or pa,of its respective systems East ScPcol.on addlw without the necess,1 y at onymprocuong the perrmssfon o/anyone. 100803081000,50 of the PlalPecords.Col.County,Texas: 5n.93 feel to a rounds5/85 found rron rod m(n cap stamped AMOS, 'sod 4.55I ore IrocC o d,stonce"r WITNESS MY HAND Nis day of ZOt3. BLOOMFIELD L D Te;:os Limited PartnershA THE STATE OF TEXAS )( point rn the west one of said 52.6T9 acre tract,and Meng the northwest corner of the COUNTY CF CCLLIN )( the l,MEN¢overbo e aoroc:ewd 525T9°rre tr°ct the toll g II:one d�etancs oyresos Corporation,General Partner bEed to the authority,sfo ent and o wledgedyoson to that appearedGthe s s the se act oof theme said WESTWOOD.ond that he executed the same os the act of such fee(and an arc fungi,ol 40,23 le, stamped curve l o 00 PS set for comer, 00.00 eel)1°a 5/R"/°and non rod w to (chord Ry' OONALD J.DYKSTRA.President consderohon Therein expressed,and rn the capacity ere�n stated. corporation for the purposes and stamped Wegrees 37 G minutes set for comer,54 seconds e'sl,o distance of 2,38 feel to a 5/8'lion rod with plastic cop GIVEN UNDER MY NAND SEAL OF OFF/CE This y J 2017. as,o dsranre of isaro reef to a 55/8'Iron rod wtn ptost,cop THE STATE CF TEXAS X stamvee wEnwooG Ps set far earner, COUNTY OF TARRANT )( Notary Pub,rn and for the State of Te;:os BEFORE 31 seconds Eost.d e6�efJ fo°s/8"°tan rod w�fn pt°ehc c v damned WEnWCao the ned on this eofed Donald he Oykstr s subsche some wasthe act of said PS'set for corner: BLOOMFIELD HOMES L.,and that he executed the some as the act of m portnersnpor the purposes North 44 degrees. minutes 55 seconds West.o 07stance of N.,feet too B"iron rod on plastic cop and consderohon tnere�n expressed and rn the cop y ersn stated, stamped Aiong non-loagenteu.,e to I,left Paving a ran,of 2,159.9 feet s 43 seconds West,99.32 ee()2(o a 5/ed"�ron rod w�(n Oast,cap slumped GIVEN UNDER MY HAND SEAL OF OFFICE,this y / 20I7. stamped WCSfW000 PS set for comer, asl.°e�stanre of 6a69 feel la°5/e',r°n rod w In plashc my No y Public rn and for the Slate of Texas ost,a distance of 111.90 feet to 0 5/'iron rod will,o/oslic coo stamped fast,a dstance of 54.36 feet to a 5/e',ion rod unto cop stamvee wEnwooG PS set for turner, WarCfnTRldOT Tw Approwl` act.a d�sfonce of 51�25 feel la°5/9^,ran Fad w In vlashc my stamped Soulh Of degr.ees 08 minutes 38 seconds West,o distance of I8600 feel to a 5%'iron rod with plastic cop Za gCommission Date Cit of p osf,a d�sfonce of Taao feel fo°5/e'iron rod win vlastc rrry y Wylie, exos stamvee wEnwooG Ps set for corner. "Approved Tor Construction Soulh 01 degrees OS minutes 38 seconds esl,a distance of 335.69 feet to a 5/'lion rod will,alas,cop stomped m0utes seconds o ds,,ce of 49,2 feet a 55/8'rron rod w In P/aslrc mp Mayor. Y Wylie,Texas Date etamvee wE sTwooG PS set for turner. cL o d�ctance of d2de feel la o 5/9`,ran Fad wln vlashc mp 'Accepted' East.stamped'WESTWOOD PS'set for corner; PS a distance of 5S 1I feel to a 5/e'rron Fad w h plastic cap stamped WEnw000 set for comer, ,Mayor,City of Wylie,Texas Date stamvee wEnwooG Ps cet far earner. ael,a delance of 44.zi feel to a s/e',ran Fad.tn vla9tc covThe ufi ned.the Secretory o of e of WNe. hereby g pot of Ranch,Phase1 to the City of I w submitted tote City Council on the day ost,°dslonre or oo.e2 reef fo°5/e"%ion roe w fn plasl�c can dedication of streets,olley,pan,.eosement,public places,ond W.Otel ond sewer lines os shown ono.set stumped wE5 waDD Ps set o,earner. forth,o e name id lot arabane�Councilf er authorized me r to nose the a plonre thereof Soulh degrees 5I minutes,seconds East.o distance or"83368 Ieel to o Ste cop r g FINAL PLAT stamped'WES.7.000 P,sel,n west 0,1-of-way gue Heunell Rood ono'0 1.06. et one of sod 3zaT9 are Irate,m Inc maet ear r rmea�romer of me ner�n described trael, OF !HENCE Soutn 00 de,.02 rr.utes 30 seconds Cost 14,1, I,,ort,east mrofsmdLoti,335.9A r Ea ol,arsame g estomped soatnea'AaAMS'er. handth,e D1T LEWIS RANCH, PHASE sp1tld�" OCe 97 RESIDENTIAL LOTS/I PARK LAND LOT Td,stanceHENCE of 1,,98914 feel IOU Il,e POINT-OF-REGAlie Eost r SG and canto g ,2bb,92 square feel or 29.590 acres of vNeyTexas 29.590 ACRES OUT OF THE FRANCISCO DE LA PINA SURVEY,ABSTRACT No.688 IN THE CITY OF WYLIE,COLLIN COUNTY,TEXAS OWNER/DEVELOPER BLOOMFIELD HOMES,L.P. 1050E STATE Hwy 1 1 4 STE 21 0 SOUTHLAKE,TX 76092-5255 ENGINEER/SURVEYOR Westwood s�..•ri.m ioamioweaMaetlporazo xe rss.ea x'•�`"w.s.n.mo THIS PLAT FILED IN DOCUMENT No, O,P.RC CST 29.590 ACRES JUT,25,2017 .toe No.0000741 LEw15 RANCH,PHASE 1 o:\0000,taa\owe\Surrey\0050T4rfv awe 4. , , - A (7-- Wylie City Council „4 ,f,,fl A AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: D Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: August 8, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider, and act upon, approval of a Preliminary Plat for Bozman Farms Ph 7, establishing 195 single family residential lots, 3 open space lots, on 77.3695 acres, generally located south of Stone Road and between FM 544 and Beaver Creek Road. Recommendation Motion to approve a Preliminary Plat for Bozman Farms Ph 7, establishing 195 single family residential lots, 3 open space lots, on 77.3695 acres, generally located south of Stone Road and between FM 544 and Beaver Creek Road. Discussion OWNER: DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS BZ,INC. ENGINEER: RIDINGER ASSOC.,INC. The plat creates Phase 7 of the Bozman Farm Estates. The purpose of the plat is to create 195 single-family residential lots and three open space lots on 77.37 acres. The property is part of an overall Planned Development Ordinance 2002-52 and is consistent with the PD conditions set forth. The three open space lots are labeled as 1X, 2X, and 3X,will be owned and maintained by the HOA. This Preliminary Plat complies with all applicable technical requirements of the City of Wylie and substantially conforms to the adopted PD provisions. The plat is recommended for approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. Planning& Zoning Commission Discussion: The Commissioners asked about the widening of Stone Road. The City Engineer stated that the 2005 Bond included this section of road to be expanded and design should start early next year with another year before construction would start. The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 t z ; . €,_ I _ g M E _ - .. - _ -- -.�._- ��k Ste_- _ <_ _� gyp:. � i -? - .. .. - - - . - - - - -. I _�.. .�: ,_. ._... .a__ ..�.. _�:_�. - _— - � I __��F �. •l I S� a 'il - € k I _ i F a gip_ - i^. --- - ! ti C X - % a fix 1 4.--7, _ - -_ ;� --- sue..,.; -t ---.� _ - � �� �. — f E- ei P EUMD AR PLAT . a_ -- ` -- g I - s. Rai 6,.-�;;'RME. TE1 � PI—LALL ,._e ms".,._ ;.,� ;>. S F. .nat .lam -----k>xl - - . .� tom. W I V RV E W7€16_C- `-.c.I.,. ' ---- t a �_..--.,� ��s >�x®�_ C$fdL S 'd€'€I ems# - ;'I g�a �a "F 1 _"F--€''_ s ` ..� , _ • ; _ � E -: a - Fl -_ - - - .�.. - - . _ - � 1. ,_4 d3. F-a . - 3 .€ �aa. 3 .a.zu. �4- e� 1 i ,_ L _ 3 ,-. _,— �.—, ' ' 1 - �- - _ '1 I IL �1 J J _ --L.' i i,I a I�- _# - , -J, --- _ .s,�- ,3a.' g as +® x� - - - ` 3 Ha , • , ,s s =' i{ I ,,. �. s. 1_,.. _ ,. . T, , I - .-.-i,.ma.. - air s: s- r� « - PRELIMINARY _..:� _ t. _ _ - �, _ I - x =,. ^ram.. .� .-__a. l FI F7 7 iL I PLAT , BG FARM E Arr. PHASE 7 Cr, Cam C Wylie City Council CITY OF WY LIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: E. Department: Human Resources (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Lety Yanez Account Code: Date Prepared: August 8, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject Consider, and act upon, proposals for employee group health insurance, including major medical, dental, term life, accidental death/dismemberment, long-term disability and prescription drug coverage. Recommendation Motion to accept a proposal from Aetna for FY2018 medical, dental, vision and prescription drug coverage under our current broker, The Wylie Insurance Agency. Accept a renewal of long-term disability and life insurance coverage from Lincoln Financial Services,under our current broker, The Wylie Insurance Agency. Discussion Requests for Proposals were sent to Aetna (current provider), United Healthcare, Cigna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Humana. Blue Cross/Blue Shield submitted their bid past the deadline. Cigna and Humana declined to bid. The Wylie Insurance Agency presented several renewal options for medical insurance. Staff is recommending continuing with Aetna for our medical, dental,vision, Employee Assistant Program and Flexible Spending Account. For FY2018 medical, vision and prescription drug coverage, staff proposes the below adjustments which result in a 10.9 over the renewal of our current plan. • Increase annual individual deductible from $2,250 to $2,500 and increase family deductible from $4,000 to $5,000. • Increase individual out of pocket from $3,500 to $4,000 and increase family out of pocket maximum from $7,000 to $8,000 • Increase prescription co pays from $30 to $50 for brand name drugs and $65 to $90 for non-formulary drugs. For FY2018 dental, there are no plan changes and the rerate includes a 7.4%increase in premiums. Lincoln Financial Services, represented by The Wylie Insurance Agency, is renewing both life and long-term disability coverage for FY2018 at the same rate as FY2017. Approved By Initial Date Department Director City Manager Page 1 of 1 Page 2 of 2 7 Medical Plan Summary Effective 10/1/2018 The City of Wylie is pleased to pay 100%for all employee's medical,dental, long-term disability and life insurance. Contributions for optional dependent coverage for medical,dental and life insurance is split 50/50 between the City and the employee. FY2018 Employee Individuals Covered Monthly Cost Per Employee Cost Premium Month Per Pay Period Employee Only Medical $676.00 -0- -0- Spouse Medical/Prescription $1,027.54 $513.77 $256.89 Child(ren) Medical/Prescription $466.47 $233.24 $116.62 Family Medical/Prescription $1,122.22 $561.11 $280.56 Employee Only Dental $43.33 -0- -0- Spouse Dental $42.41 $21.20 $10.61 Child(ren) Dental $53.48 $26.74 $13.37 Family Dental $101.48 $50.74 $25.37 *We have 26 pay periods per year. There are two pay periods per year when insurance premiums are not deducted from paychecks. IN-NETWORK BENEFIT HIGHLIGHTS: • No primary care physician (PCP) required; self-refer to any in-network provider. • Doctor's office co-pay-$40 • Specialist's office co-pay-$50 • Prescriptions co-pays: $15/$50/$90; discounted mail order prescriptions also available at 2x retail rates. • Emergency Room co-pay-$300 co-pay;then,subject to the CYD. • Urgent Care Center co-pay-$75. • Vision Coverage-regular exam covered at 100%every 24 months. Calendar Year Deductible(CYD): $2,500 individual/$5,000 family • The CYD is a fixed dollar amount you pay for covered services each calendar year before Aetna will pay for certain services. • The CYD is a cumulative amount(i.e. if you have four people in your family all their totals combined can fulfill the$4,500 rather than the first two to reach$2,250 fulfilling the deductible). Out of Pocket Maximum(OOP): $4,000 individual/$8,000 family • Your$2,250 CYD applies to the OOP. • Every co-pay and every prescription cost will be applied to your OOP. • OOP is defined as the most you pay during a year before Aetna pays 100%for covered essential health benefits. OUT OF NETWORK BENEFITS: No out of network benefits are available. A Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: F Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: August 10, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Investment Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for July 31, 2017. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Investment Report for July 31, 2017. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Page 1 of 1 2016-2017 Investment Report July 31, 2017 Money Market Accounts: MMA Certificates of Deposit: CCD Treasury Bills: T-Bills Treasury Notes: T-Notes Government Agency Notes: AN Invest. Principal Type Of Interest Purchase Maturity Number Amount Security Rate Issuer Date Date 1 $14,654,282.50 MMA 0.9714% Texpool 12/31/2006 NA 2 $15,181,000.81 MMA 0.9827% TexStar 3/15/2011 NA $29,835,283.31 Total Weighted Average Coupon: 0.9771% Money Markets: $29,835,283.31 Weighted Average Maturity(Days): 1.00 Certificates of Deposits: $0.00 $29,835,283.31 A Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: G Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Finance Account Code: Date Prepared: August 10, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Revenue and Expenditure Exhibits: Monthly Report Subject Consider, and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for July 31, 2017. Recommendation Motion to accept and place on file, the City of Wylie Monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for July 31, 2017. Discussion The Finance Department has prepared the attached reports for the City Council as required by the City Charter. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT July 31,2017 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 83.33% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2016-2017 2016-2017 2016-2017 OF BUDGET GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY TAXES 27,419,065 504,143 25,389,939 92.60% A FRANCHISE FEES 2,680,000 15,550 2,291,228 85.49% LICENSES AND PERMITS 811,000 121,364 935,046 115.30% INTERGOVERNMENTAL REV. 897,145 66,149 804,331 89.65% SERVICE FEES 3,230,000 279,438 2,701,113 83.63% FINES AND FORFEITURES 570,800 46,354 469,965 82.33% INTEREST INCOME 20,000 9,946 65,108 325.54% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 159,500 23,450 174,099 109.15% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 2,127,714 0 2,132,149 100.21% B REVENUES 37,915,224 1,066,394 34,962,978 92.21% USE OF FUND BALANCE 1,573,248 NA NA NA C USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 200,647 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 39,689,119 NA NA NA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL 114,462 4,553 70,047 61.20% CITY MANAGER 889,328 66,795 685,077 77.03% CITY SECRETARY 361,422 26,950 245,312 67.87% CITY ATTORNEY 155,000 0 56,319 36.33% FINANCE 1,166,933 66,399 893,010 76.53% FACILITIES 748,863 39,527 473,426 63.22% MUNICIPAL COURT 458,048 31,293 349,526 76.31% HUMAN RESOURCES 430,119 34,702 316,348 73.55% PURCHASING 162,787 12,181 122,670 75.36% INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,248,123 38,051 941,865 75.46% POLICE 8,520,481 619,905 6,688,780 78.50% FIRE 8,141,806 765,516 6,150,955 75.55% EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS 1,603,881 91,059 1,051,850 65.58% ANIMAL CONTROL 582,434 38,718 429,556 73.75% PLANNING 608,756 44,367 470,378 77.27% BUILDING INSPECTION 576,140 30,307 370,935 64.38% CODE ENFORCEMENT 234,175 15,533 161,913 69.14% STREETS 3,221,586 1,061,489 2,382,491 73.95% PARKS 2,651,881 211,524 1,813,009 68.37% LIBRARY 1,913,416 143,487 1,487,050 77.72% COMBINED SERVICES 5,400,497 1,321,926 4,065,325 75.28% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 39,190,138 4,664,282 29,225,842 74.57% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES 498,981 -3,597,888 5,737,136 17.64% A. Property Tax Collections for FY16-17 as of July 31 are 99.94%, in comparison to FY15-16 for the same time period of 100.88%. B.Other Financing Sources includes the annual transfer from the Utility Fund. C. Use of Fund Balance:Amount expensed in Q1 -Q3 FY 2017(Oct-Jun)for hail storm damage repairs plus transfer to PSB Remodel/Expansion. CITY OF WYLIE MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT July 31,2017 ANNUAL CURRENT YTD ACTUAL Benchmark BUDGET MONTH ACTUAL YTD ACTUAL AS A PERCENT 83.33% ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 2016-2017 2016-2017 2016-2017 OF BUDGET UTILITY FUND REVENUES SUMMARY SERVICE FEES 15,945,000 1,380,413 11,488,416 72.05% D INTEREST INCOME 10,000 3,457 20,871 208.71% MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 32,000 3,470 36,397 113.74% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0 0 1,275 0.00% E REVENUES 15,987,000 1,387,340 11,546,959 72.23% USE OF FUND BALANCE 41,637 NA NA NA F USE OF CARRY-FORWARD FUNDS 45,000 NA NA NA TOTAL REVENUES 16,073,637 NA NA NA UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 408,419 20,708 258,712 63.34% UTILITIES-WATER 2,475,365 144,821 1,460,259 58.99% CITY ENGINEER 503,600 32,637 314,575 62.47% UTILITIES-SEWER 710,633 44,312 498,436 70.14% UTILITY BILLING 512,687 43,430 326,486 63.68% COMBINED SERVICES 12,257,449 735,916 10,267,203 83.76% TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,868,153 1,021,824 13,125,671 77.81% REVENUES OVER/(UNDER)EXPENDITURES -794,516 365,516 -1,578,712 -5.59% D.Service Fees:Water&Sewer fees billed in October are applicable towards FY 2015-16 revenue. E.Other Financing Sources includes insurance recoveries received in June'17 related to the hail storm claim. F. Use of Fund Balance:Amount expensed in Q1 -Q3 FY 2017(Oct-Jun)for hail storm damage repairs. (7-_ 4.! , A, Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: H Department: WEDC (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Angel Wygant Account Code: Date Prepared: August 14, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and place on file, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of July 31, 2017. Recommendation Motion to approve, the monthly Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Wylie Economic Development Corporation as of July 31, 2017. Discussion The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) Board of Directors approved the attached financials on August 16, 2017. Page 1 of 1 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Statement of Net Position As of July 31,2017 Assets Cash and cash equivalents $ 919,450.67 Receivables $ 427,544.72 Note I Inventories $ 8,239,603,19 Prepaid Items $ Total Assets $ 9,586,.598.58 Deferred Outflows of Resources Pensions $' 66,481.55 Total deferred outflows of resources $ 66,481.55 Liabilities Accounts Payable and other current liabilities $ 110,928.42 Unearned Revenue $ 217,878.06 Note 2 Non current liabilities: Due within one year $ 662,438.97 Note 3 Due in more than one year $ 3,976,099.86 Total Liabilities $ 4,967,345.31 Deferred Inflows of Resources Pensions 2,839.41 Total deferred inflows of resources $' 2,839,41 Net Position Net investment in capital assets $ Unrestricted $ 4,682,895.41. Total Net Position $ 4,682„895.41. Note 1: Includes incentives in the form of forgivable loans for$371,666.66 Note 2: Wylie Ice Cream loan payments;Exco amortization;deposits from rental property Note 3: Liabilities due within one year includes compensated absences of$57,489.00 Note 4: The WEDC provides monetary incentives to companies to relocate/expand within the City of Wylie. At July 31,2017,these commitments totaled$468,400.00 9-11-1117 04:51 PM CITE Of' PINTA ID BALAIDGE SH EEN AS 0123. 0124(f. .PC.T6, 201 1 I 1-WN LI E 8COINAMT C DEM TI, COPT) A,CIC 00 NT If TITLE. ASSETS -6-66,09. 1009-1 0119 TAAL M ON CA 110 4 C9,011 80016. 898,900.67 IIID 9-4 011.5 C ASTI - WERS - I NITOOD, 05 01. 1001)-4013..5 RACROW 0,00 '1000-4 DA A 0 . LTA 51&0011)LA IL 1041-4 0108 aT(1)T 8. - MI 841 CLEAR I NG 0,00 1000-10941 TESE004., 0 OA 1 0 DOI-10443 IDATI 0. 05 00 100064 0481. IN TS PRGT 8:ER11610.81E 0.LII 1091-1 151 1 A,CSTS REA - 14184,) 65,00 1000-1.151/ .9CA/1'R NE:0 - 0.14LP S INN 0„00 100094 2810 LEASE. ()),AYIEENTS. 9E21)81 IVA.BLE. 0,00 10005'1 2950 444134( 4190441.19ME1 9 EGET vAat..E!. o.,o 0 1000)-42810 40:AN. RD01249A a 1.,!..,?:, 55,870.00 1000-120017 Al2.111DI 9R C 6 aT m ERSE 95 00 12998 ACS1615 NEC' -- 5104491 VEvvaLT 40,ANG 115,605-50 1000-44112 INVENTORY. - MATERIAL/ SUPPLY 0,00: 1000-14116 1E2E14 TORN. - LAND 4 BUILDINGS 8,239,603.19 1000-14D1A I NVE97081. 6. BAY1)0A SANDER BLVD 0-00 1009-14110 ERE P AI D E EP E NRES - 1N1 ES) 0 ALL 1000-14410. DE F9 8139R St 611 LOWS 468,4.005(541 c........................................................................0 090„,SA TOTAL ASS ET S 10,954(010.58 ADARITANI ET 2000,-SOB 10 FEDERAL,. I NC(3,04S T„NE PA TABER II 00 209,06211.II MEDICI()(IG HANABLE 1910,-10112 OE ILA SEP PORT 118,16463111. 05 00 21)410-2 0111 CREDIT GNI OM. PA 9 AZLE 0„00 2001)-20114 I 11 S. LE11/1? Pl4YA BA 11 0„II 2112 0-20115 A/IN I(DEMI OR 01409T1 R 0 SOM.P 0„OA 2000-E 01.144 H SAL 0 II I118118. PAY-1)M.(2.LOY P15, L 0,19) 2000-201 17 TMAS PA TAPES 05 00 2001-12f11 18 POT 0 IRA. PAYRE.4„19 0.OD 90096204 1'1 14111114211, COMP TAY A OAR 0„01 2 0 00620,120 EL LA PA MA(PIE 0 ALA 2000-20111 T130 PAYABLE 0-01) .2000-2 DA 22. DI 7'9)DENT LOAN LEVY PA YABL 6 0),00 2000-91121 AI I MOVE TA AA ATE 0.00 21100-1(59124 BANE SOTTO Y RAMAELE 0-00 200.0-201213 IN D A S DETE P RE D 019141 05 011 2000-21129. ISTIA PAY AB L E 0.01 2010-1E1 21' T1991. LE GAI„ SER VA.CES P 8 EA D LE 0.03D 2 9.0611-20131 9 LE XI B 4,8 ST EN D LW) A019.06111 575.01 2000-201 11 E DWA RD JON ET. DE TERRE D ODRA 0.00 2001-3111 131) 9(49, CAME 9 LAIR 125,10 2000624(151 INN MA0(85 RATABLE, OD 01 20D 9-201 80 AD.0 I T ELIE 4 ONEM INTUM PAT 0,,00. 2009-201 59 RISC PAY TO L 1 12(4NABLE 8-1 .72817 C741;51 lin4 c14,48 (48" 448171E PAGE 2 111121214, 277EET 47,77 84E81111 V ,s1,77 2 51 - LIR 88701401411877 ,8777787, 147742 p 4878:01.72784 2 0 D 08:70201 A E E piNG 4 7 7 57E8 2080-2021,11 8478888,72,4s DANAD[LE 1 0 5 2 65 0008277530 PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE 070D 900-28540 moTDE DAYABGE 468,490.01, 20002G41P SCE TO GENRAI,: RUUD 2400-22280 DEFERRED INFLOW 211,874708 2000-2227S EDF TEFLON - LEANE PRINcIPAL 0.09, 000-222SO DEFERED, INFLOW 6, LEBER INT 9.00 2000-2'2915 RENTAL DEPOSITS 9,000.00. Tossoossossoos„ TOTAL LIABILTT7ES 790,1700.49 EQUITY 3000-34110 SUNG BALANCE - RESERVED 0.01. 3008634590 FUND BALANCE BONNEBBFV/UNDFSID 8,229,357,46 TOTAL BEGINNING EQUITY 12229,357.46 TOTAI REVENUE, 4,745,519.56 TOTAL EXPENSES 3)717,084.92 REVENUE, OVESB(NBNEBI EMBENNEF 1,0262424.64 TOTAL EQUITY & OVER/ OREBR 9,797,792..10 TOTAL LIABILITIES, EGFITTY &, 141VD83114M1IERT 10,054,888.59 8211-2017 04:51. IN c ITT 00 61 pl,c1 E BAGEL 1 PAIANoT s SE PI AS 0123 TELT 51 sT, 81112' 922-BEN 0000 T01014 DEBI (w Enc) Acco41198111 T OF 222022.22...........22.2. . AsStY0 2-2D-8 1 0 a 0-10312 Bc0(3111IN ME NT SI NT R 0 1000-18110 101111 - WEEss 0.01 10 CI 0-4 8120 LOAN - AI RMI BOMAN 1000418218 01841(0T TO 55E 10 O71 DS 14 1000-1 la 2 2 0 4T1220i4,4,64p,0 LOAN' 6,.00 I DSO-10068 DE F OUTI2 TOM' -- C ON 011184.10 I OM 0 441,112,,21 1000-1 9H 75 SEX 062640 01 - INVESTMENT 421'011 34,313.46 000-A 9100 DEB Nu TEL046 - AcT p xp/As DON 4 4,225.745 1000-191 25 (6A I N6/Loss 100 A:KNOB:11E104 2211G( 2,..8.39.41) 63,642.IA TNT Al Ass ETD (IIB 642,IA LT BBL LI Toll 2 ONN-20210 cOMDENBATED ABsENcEs PAYABLE 88,69H.61 2090-2031 1 COM r A BASNo BD PAYABLE-832018E0T 0.00 20 01 0-114101 (00,111IIIEZ INTO:1)2E4401 PA:662AI 23 4,0311„85, 200144382(05 vaan L°ANSI'CV KREN T ENO,603.61 23C(10622(1220 O I FAN114c2lAm L WI%N 0.0 0 2)000-28230 r NWOON LoTAN 0-00 240025281 32 ANT) 10,0101 ECUS 0,09 20.04,2 8233 BNB L 04,W ITS DOTI1O40D W HI T E 5550 0733 051, 2010-2 42 34 ANA. 1.8 ANA RAN D A445 11400 ES 8SH 115„75 83095428235 555M, LOAN 0.00 20003-3'50236 BNa, COSI STPDOT1151 LOAN 8,40 2 0 01),-28234 AN B 10 40/ wooDBRI ckc;E 14411 WAY 544,207.60 20041-F12 50 AN,-' LOAN S SUCK ANA N 112,450.60 2000-28235 AND. LoAN1J0NEs:HODAAT sAsops 1243469330014 8 0 00428840 8001118 1O11111 0.01 20 00-51124 5 ANa. 10,441/0411)6,54 W HI RI 40015 2 005)„000.04 20044,28247 TAR:RARE LoAN 2011,rip!.44 20061-528250 8174 0 F 041114. LOAN '0,,00 2000-24260 P Ri mt. KuTs LoAN 0..00 8000-28270 B 0 9'1014502 AHOE 8.8035 1.11014 0„00 80.90-626280 1,.111Y1 T111 004 CA21100 1044 1„0111 2040-3582'11 HOBART 2)':::O40.1E110'Z LOAN 1,,00 0(101 -481250 NET PENSION LIAM LITT 188,.412.11, TOTAL, L I4111 1 TI F3:5 4S,4613,084,22 ......................................................................................................................... EQUITY 5.4.2320 3000H1 4590 FUN D 101.3)4031151)18108.3.414130341141oE51)51( '°,33.6,0339.50) 580111415,800 1014I5,E ST 81 CTED NET POST T I ON ( 114,111400) T,DT Al, 14 01 811 WWI WO FO VI 45 15 1 3,840,1113600 TOTAL RiEvENnz 1( 2, (1o,0o,o,„.(A) T DTA.I, E10/PEWS ES 1 1,585,,414,481 -2012 04(O1 PM PABFH 2 BALANCE SHEET AS OE( JULY HI(XU, 2017 922INLON6 TERM (1EFIT 0/52)(1 ACCOENT4 REVENUE OVERX(EMUER EXPENSES VU4, 132.58) ( 4,60X(IHI,OHL '2(TN\ly LAABILEI'OESL EQUITY h OVERA(UNII(FIR) A3,642,14 6-11-201 I 0,1f f7,3 Ill 8,Offy OF WyLIE PACE: I REVED,I.',18, Affff E888f8Nsf8. 18f8,180RT - (LINALILYErTED ,TIT,y Effooff,f,47.c. 0,8,VT„ L' ,81, FEN.Aff(elAf, Sr,711181A1 Y rfo887,8NT fsui8F.Fxr prfT DR yrf.8,18 y87--ff 8-7.,-cf BUtforT 8 oF fo,.1"71,f,8r PER,IOD rff ,,1188,0'.,88, A('',71,,ffa, ffmcfJmniRifificE BM„ht.k,18,, 13ti,x,y,l' eylfVFNuE T8„8,E,s ",'f,888,642.,OD 223,570.58 0„00 2,61,)'[.,4 6 f,98 0.00 1,08(S,', 8 0.08 8,00 0.00 0,80 11,',10 0„08 8„018 f NITS fyfor r mcf'ff8ff 14, 188.00 2,508,46 0.00 14,8sL,42 0,00 f 463,42 f0f.22 III MI f.flcomy. 1,580,0'58.00 18,100.80 0.00 784,204.1,6 0.00 840,883.84 46.78 111111 PINANI„',ING soUkciffs 0„08 0.00 0,00 2,800,080.00 II 1 8,,,300,0G0„001 0.00 ToTAL REvENers 4,281,088,AD 239,177.05 O„00 40145,5.18,56 0.00 f 488,43f...56) 1I1,f0 ----- RxPENPLURK sIJK''ffARY DEvELopmENT 4,0IR1-IfiEfoo 5,283,714,08 1_207,458:24 0.00 1,717,084,92 0,00 10566r626,08 70.35 TAP 18.X8E.NrylTuRFs 5,2'83,711 .81,fl ',,„,20.1,4 s f,,„;d4 0.00 "i„II ,?,084.82 0,00 ',566,626888 71y.35 REVS ovER/f0f41E1 EY8RMOITUPOs 1 812,88'3.00) 1 91,3,889.f8) 6.00 f,028,414.754 0,00 f 2,0?1,0S'.,.84',1 7.618 a -uno M,s: em m`x nr wnu E P*co, z nommu mm mxromso ournm� - /onmuz�o� AS or, Ju^v s,ar' zoo /L/-Wr^ru ooumvmzc uovuI� cunp au,omnoa cnmommr cnwmmr rnznu YEAR z-r-m ,-r-o aouooc n on aouoor noazoo ro ^oIJoor xzcu 7111 a^zAmcK uvoomr 1000-4.01,sn om" IN I�uzn 01' raxnn no 0.00 n,un o Ao u nv u.on 0.00 ^nvn-^n)/o ouIan r^x ? 656.642 00 _����Z��� _____��� �^��`�/���2� 0�0 !.02��LR y� -6�12 rn�u� rxuos 2'ov6.fi/2 no 22a'�m sn nn `'6e1'4o3 ya n no 1'0us'on oo 62 �u 1000-^3��18 soo 000momco u(,youmumcm 0-�'V) ______0�g0 - - 1!',) _--__—1 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 Tncm. z mov o on n uu n.00 o no o oo zw�oauST—�C2M�- -------- "noo-^w5o coa�rmc^rn nn vmeoozr o oo o.00 o,vn o vo o uu u on nun ,nvo-«a1zn uuzoCATuu zmcuaooc a^Rmzmco z' o,w so oo o oo a'sp« a o on zw o/ zm.uy «uou-«sIvn roxcnoL zmroREnr o uu o oo v vn o on o on v.on v uo 11n05-161,m o zmrNmosr o no o no o.ou o ou n.nu o.00 o.00 «000-«szsu rmrupnur z'yaz ur mu z^ u ou x,syz m o no ' 1. 72,9 za/ mo-n 1 COO- «o�so 7,W\W uoemxEmc (PP zmcz�M�/ u'p»5 �n 1-'on o^ o.no J'«s« ,z o ou z'sm.e 82,en 1000-1r,21 n aawa momou mxaau'T zmroanar � 00 0 On 0.0 0 0 ov o�o? 0 Oo _0.00 ror^c zwrumzoT zmcomo 14.sa8.n0 z'snv ^n o no 14'n�)/.42 uo 6a Iz` 10s.22 mzn'o LLumu '/y INCOME 40o0-1e1 10 onmrx1, movmx u«.ano.DO' o,zou.m. n.no 97'os�3 o4 o uu 16'Z14 3�ao 85.s1 uoon-vnao aocnvua, - eazcm YEAR mupum n,on u oo o.nn o nu o oo o,vu «noo-^o«m mzucn1,LAN moou zmrv°IJ, I'J��. �m on o'nn n.nv o'oo u a us'oo�no u'uo 1100o-4o4,30 oazm/runao/ a^Mm oe cvr ua5l3������� ____-��� _____���� _—�1��1I��� fl.00 _V�5�b�48 cor^z wzmoo�mm000u /moCAm z.snv'vou nv o,mn'uo 0,00 739,m4,a o oo puo'os�.n1 *s u nrunn rrM Am z voun-«ez6o ra^nnno^ ouom cnmcW nomn o.on n nu o nn n o n uo o.uu o'ou 11oun amna murm pmucmoua n.un u.nn n'un a'suu'nou'uo u uo / z,mo'ouv.un' n.uo ^n"n-^su5o 1,ouao euzmczPAI cuxummro w o on o.no o on o ou o,on n.nn o oo «noo-"ynon zmavI,,ANcu mzcO V r,�xroa 0.ou 00 0 0 o v0 �vy _G 00 ror^II nruma m^/^wcz*u nnunz,o n,nn o nv v ou z'ano'ono.nu o oo / z,aoo'uon.00/ n uo rnr^I, m*"xwnmo ",291'088.00 239'117,05 0.00 «,ws'rzy fi on ^ «.mz o) zzn s 8(...h 1 -2 0 1 ( D 4(E 13 PM C I T Y. 0 F 91 Y8 t„T El PA(3 I.:' .1 RE(7.11.3N DE FIN]] 113,?81111EN 13 E 111 111 PO(1'11 ...( (1111411.11D I 41 El D) PER 0 17( ,J 9 I.Yr li 1 ST„ 2 C)1 / 1 1 1-1/(1 Y I?1 111 CC 0 N 91(4 INC 1:3119./EL CO IF DE V1111 f...0 F21YENT C.C.C.)RE.'-WE DC. 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MA.1)NT EI7L's IN C )..F 0 0 0.FIT 0.00 0,0 0 2,9 2 0,6 6 0.00 79.3/ (F/.36 Cc)N'PR 9..C(1(1111.1./ ( 111E1E,113 OF,].1-)1 6 0 3 6 ..ii NC EN7 IVES .1,175,281 „C“)) 2 6., FCC.2 9 0.,111 9 /25,988.81 1011 4 4 9,592.„.17 61.75 )„.„511--5 6 C)1() S.PE C.C.I Al). ,C.i ER:V.:LC:ES )S81,851.C)11 1 9,I:18 0 9 ().9!,I.0 2 3 2„7))5 9.5)7 0.0 0 149,092..43 60.96 5 6.1)1-5 9 0 8 0 .AOVE SY 10)3 IN. 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IF/ 1-5 91',I 0 Er.,1 c..,[1\I 1:':',E R I N..1/A OF T TE11.711111Z A 11, 4 2,(1 6 3„C)0 1,'1 8 9„....1 01 0.I;(.1 4 2,1.1/9.0/ 0.(,I 9 IA/.9 3 9 8.8 6 ))6 II--).9 6 I 0 91 7'I f...E 7'I ER-El I.E c T R"f.C 2 4 0 0„CC) .1.C.E..8 9 0.0 0 I.,3 9 5„1 8 0.DO 1.,0 0 1.5 2 !).)8.15 OF)]!].. CC)N ERA C(111 UAL .0 ERVICES .1,9.35,9.1 1.0 0 1 1.1,1851.22 (7.00 :1,186,1..6/..35/ 0.0 0 /4 9 6 4 6,.6 3 61..2 7 e-11-2017 0405I pm CIA'S OF WYLIE PACE" 4 REVENUE AND TEISNSE REPORT - (UNAUDITED/ JULY 640110 2011 111-STILE ECONOMIC! BENET CORP DEVELOPMENT' COAX-BEUC DEPARTMENTAL, EXPENDITURES 1141'0171 CURRENT PRIGS" YEAR Y-A-0 11/1151ACP 3 016. BUDGET PERIOD OD AG.3111071, ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCU BALANCE SUDDRI. 4ETY1,....„.§ .1 !!!......c3E,..... .. .P.J.,:. 5611-57110 DEBT SERVICE 1,091310906.00 0„00 0.00 0,00 OJ,AO 1,910,906.00 0,00 4661-61410 PRINCIPAL PAINDUT 0,00 1,040,018,145 0.00 1,054.60 817,,42 0,00 ( 1,545,817.221 0,0G 5611-57415 INTEREST RXPENSE 0.00 16,90(1,11 0.00 16906610.10 0.00 ( 1680663E101 0.00 6611-57710 BAD DEBT EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 ALBA 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 I'll/I,. DEBT SERVICE 8 CAP. KEPI 1,210,006.00 10064,024.96 0„60 10114,7/B5.52 0,00 196,420.46 52.72 qlKTTAk......NT!,,NY 5611-68,110 4+04D-PU4C11244)E BR ICE 3310402.00 0.00 0.00 20482,511-60 0.00 1 2,151,124-111 70/2206 561.4-50120 DEVELOPMENT FRES 0,00 9.00 0.00 0.00 44,041 0.00 0,00 6611- 8150 LAND-.BETTERMENTS 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 o,00 5611-168210 STREETS S ALLEYS 5G6,700,00 0,00 41.44 4940644,68 0.00 126,665.32' 11.45 5611-B8410 SANITARY SEWER 0.00. 0..00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5611-58010 COMPUTER 44A14D/S0;1'41.IARE 6,000.00 0.00 0.00 4,677„22 0.00 10322.72 73255 661i-58280 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 20500.00 0500 0.00 0.00 0.00 .,500.CO 0,00 5611.-I1 S.910 121.111.011 (IGG 0..00 0.00 A.DO 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A611-62995 CONTRA CAPITAL 014,111AS. 0.00. 0.09 0,00 ( 2,4112,971.361 0.00 8,48206333.30 0.00 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,025,634,GO 0.00 0.00 4840321.96 0.00 531,217,04 48.2G 9713TR...T1141"11531J113PS2351,), 6611T52111 TRANSFER I GENERAL FUND 0.00 0.08 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 2,00. 6611-50190 TPAIISCES TO TACEUBETARF IMP 0,,00 0.00 0.,.0 0 8,60 11,3111 8.0 0 (.),,0 5611-59480 TRANSFER AO CAPITAL PROJ EU 0.00 0.08 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 5611-52920 BROAECI" ACCOUNTING 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,06 0.00 4„00 0.00 TOTAL OTUDR FINANCING (USES) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 TUARL DEVELOPMENT CORP-DROP 502090711„00 1,207,456,24 0,450 4,717,0134,14; 0.00 1,566,626,AR 70,35 TOTAL, 21,X PE 31/71.11J1s S.s 5,28 3,721.00 I,241'7,4!'.1.,6.24 41".00 3,711,11 9 I.92 0,00 1,5893826,041 70.45 REVENUE., CVER GEOMBO EXPENDITURES ( 992,623,00./ 1 1)6802119,2 9) 8.00 1,02610434,64 0.00 1 20021,057,647 11' " 1 END OT RTROPIA "' Wylie Economic Development Corporation Balance Sheet Sub Ledger July 31, 2017 Notes Payable Date of Rate of Principal Purchase Payment Beginning Bal. Principal Interest Interest Balance July 1, 2017 5,446,802.26 ANBTX-88130968 HUGHES/RANDACK(#56 of 60) 10/23/12 10,107.00 50,814.52 9,937.76 169.24 3.99 40,876.76 ANBTX-88130976 WOODBRIDGE PKWY (#35 of 60) 8/15/14 13,267.93 584,644.65 11,997.30 1,270.63 2.61 572,647.35 ANBTX-88148481 BUCHANAN(#35 of 60) 8/13/14 7,331.95 182,777.52 6,757.72 574.23 3.77 176,019.80 ANBTX-88149711 PEDDICORD/WHITE(#31 OF 120 12/12/14 7,382.45 569,102.09 5,390.59 1,991.86 4.20 563,711.50 ANBTX-88158043 K&M/HOBART(#22 of 48) 9/2/15 8,745.25 225,449.33 7,993.75 751.50 4.00 217,455.58 ANBTX-88157334 LINDUFF/EDGE(#13 of 15) 10/21/15 17,059.81 1,546,031.22 1,011,906.27 5,153.54 4.00 534,124.95 ANBTX-88158357 DALLAS WHIRLPOOL(#8 of 60) 11/22/16 6,666.67 2,000,000.00 0.00 6,666.67 4.00 2,000,000.00 JARRARD GRAYS AUTO(#7 OF 120) 12/1/16 3,109.15 287,982.93 2,029.21 1,079.94 4.50 285,953.72 July 31, 2017 $1,056,012.60 $17,657.61 4,390,789.66 Wylie Economic Development Corporation Inventory Subledger July 31, 2017 Inventory- Land Date of Pur. Address Acreage Improvements Cost Basis Sub-totals Cooper McMasters 7/12/05 709 Cooper 0.48 n/a $202,045 Heath 12/28/05 706 Cooper 0.46 $32,005 3,625 186,934 Perry 9/13/06 707 Cooper 0.49 Demo 200,224 Bowland/Anderson 10/9/07 Cooper Dr. 0.37 n/a 106,419 KCS 8/1/08 Cooper Dr. 0.41 n/a 60,208 Duel Products 9/7/12 704 Cooper Dr. 0.50 n/a 127,452 Randack 10/23/12 711-713 Cooper Dr, 1.09 217,500 8,880 400,334 Lot 2R3 7/24/14 Cooper Dr. 0.95 n/a 29,056 $1,312,672 Industrial Ct. Ind Ct-Hwy 78 7/06- 12/16 Ind Ct-Hwy 78 3.32 32,893 3,900 2,228,799 2,228,799 Regency Regency Pk. 6/4/10 25 Steel Road 0.65 n/a 25,171 25,171 Commerce Hobart Investments 11/12/13 Commerce 1.60 n/a 156,820 Hobart 1/6/14 605 Commerce 1.07 396,263 20,000 386,380 Dallas Whirlpools 11/22/16 900-908 Kirby 4.79 2,182,080 2,725,280 Downtown Heath 3/17/14 104 N. Jackson 0.17 Demo 220,034 Udoh 2/12/14 109 Marble 0.17 n/a 70,330 Peddicord 12/12/14 108/110 Jackson 0.35 155,984 4,444 486,032 City Lot 12/12/14 100 W. Oak St 0.35 n/a Jones (K&M) 9/3/15 106 N. Birmingham 0.21 42,314 4,125 190,596 FBC Lot 6/15/16 111 N. Ballard St 0.20 na 150,964 1,117,956 Alanis White Property(Alanis) 12/12/14 Alanis 6.63 n/a 420,336 420,336 South Ballard Birmingham Trust 6/3/15 505 -607 S. Ballard 1.12 Demo 409,390 409,390 Total 25.37 $876,959 44,974 $8,239,603 $8,239,603 *A Journal entry was made by auditors to adjust the cost of the Hughes land by$4,638.79. This amount was for taxes owed and not part of land value. *Prime Kuts total purchase price was$306,664.45. The distribution between 207 Industrial and R.O.W. purchased was developed by Seller for tax purposes. (**) Costs Basis adjusted for partial sale of property(.28 acres or 22.76% of the property at a cost basis of$170,755.53). WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION SALES TAX REVENUE FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST 2017 MONTH WEDC WEDC WEDC DIFF % DIFF 2015 2016 2017 16 VS 17 16 VS 17 DECEMBER $154,719 $166,418 $197,808 $31,389 18.86% JANUARY 156,685 163,463 196,347 32,884 20.12% FEBRUARY 241,858 260,166 276,698 16,532 6.35% MARCH 171,741 167,082 191,648 24,566 14.70% APRIL 134,475 154,920 168,844 13,924 8.99% MAY 211,645 238,646 244,816 6,170 2.59% JUNE 161,426 180,194 191,732 11,538 6.40% JULY 159,973 212,620 223,571 10,951 5.15% AUGUST 216,962 268,976 261573 -7,403 -2.75% SEPTEMBER 195,347 197,339 OCTOBER 160,876 201,506 NOVEMBER 226,078 270,426 Sub-Total $2,191,785 $2,481,757 $1,953,037 $140,551 7.75% AUDIT ADJ TOTAL $2,191,785 $2,481,757 $1,953,037 $140,551 7.75% WEDC SALES TAX ANALYSIS $300,000 ..,.m................ $250,000 ., ................. $200,000 ,.. __ -. 1 ::::: . 1 _. : .... $50,000 N Z' Z' L T o >+ to Q 2 ' o 2 _a 2 Q 4) t'i a) 0 Z 4.! ) A (7". Wylie City Council „4 ,f,,fl A AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Renae' 011ie Account Code: Date Prepared: August 14, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 5 Subject Hold a Public Hearing and consider, and act upon, approval of a Replat for Railroad Addition Lot 15R, Block 30; Being a Residential Replat of Lot 15 and 16, Block 30 of Railroad Addition, located at 208 South 3rd Street creating one residential lot. Recommendation Motion to approve a Replat for Railroad Addition Lot 15R, Block 30; Being a Residential Replat of Lot 15 and 16, Block 30 of Railroad Addition,located at 208 South 3rd Street creating one residential lot. Discussion OWNER: Mike Mongognia APPLICANT: Roome Land Surveying,Inc The applicant is requesting a residential Replat to establish one residential lot of 0.402 aces (17,515sf). The lots are zoned Single Family 10/24. The purpose of the Replat is to combine the two lots and allow for the existing owner of the two lots to place an accessory structure on the combined lots. The plat is technically correct and complies with the applicable requirements of the City of Wylie Subdivision Regulations. Notification/Responses: Fourteen (14) notifications were mailed; with one (1) response received in favor or none in opposition at the time of this posting. P&Z Commission Discussion The Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval subject to additions and/or alterations to the engineering plans as required by the Engineering Department. (Rev 01/2014) Page 1 of 1 , I "et East Brown tleet ,' ,K..,f Jefferson Street .o , i i .,..._ _ rn — ......m_ ........ .............. ................ _ ..., I, Marble Street �'° Marble Street _....... ..,_ -.................._ _.,,....... .._ Subject s. Property _ ,,,,. _,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,,,,,, Oak Street...- ............ rt v . c Oak Street ,,• .._,._,._, _... IF [ ] 1 '..:7,,,.....7, ,,,,, r193 A ET- � =_. Masters '. enue / I I ... Fill ..... isEn to Cn Con „•/' Lin .11g1411144,1,01 r.T. * t....1 .................-.... ,-- t et ....._ __ . w_......... ..........._ _ _ _.....m.... ......... .. ..........o.,. ..m . .. .., _ .,. ...... _ . .................. ._. ......, 1111, Callowa Street _....................._ _............•,. Wood . c iiiiii pri, ,0 111 C. I. _ Y,,,, \ College Street Q _, a.......................... �, _.....,_...,..� _._....._ ....�..... . .........._ o, .r C,i ... sh'''''',7 CII ..,. ...... _.......... ............... ............., ... _........................._ .......,. ........_R'�............._ ..,_.................._ ........... .......„ _ a @ _................._ rillo i ...; ,, ,,,,,,,,,, . ,,;. ............... ., ,,,,,,® ........._ ::::::::::::::::::::::::® ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ _',,. ::::: ................._ ......................._ _.......... LOCATION MAP REPLAT CASE #2017-03 r STATE OF TEXAS $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENOWNER'S DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TS: YGRS CERTIFICATION Pr Al COUNTY OF wwN $ That I,F.E.Demenderfer,do hereby certify,that I prepared this plat from an actual No pgno and terry Renfro are the owners of two tracts DI land situated in the ,rye Stote of Texas,County of Collin Ond City ot Wylie, Abstract No. thereon e dproperly placed under y persanolasupen%slone'In being 16 of Block 30 of part of the James Truett GOC of Wylie Collin County, Plotting Rules and Regulations at the y I Wins Planning d g Commission. Te accordance with the xas,according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume II.Paged494 of the PI Records of Collin oun County,Texas and being more particularly described as follows: t0" a c8 inch iron rod found for corner in the west right-of-way line of orner * LotStreet 4 Block 30 o say Rai mad Addition,being the northeast comer of the here,n described prem'ses,- Surveyor No.405 E with the 16,South OC e9 Wes o32On t right-of-way of soldb. ch iron rod found marking the southeast corner of ootl Add P.K[J V.n.9.494,4,7 94 MYGI comere5 h northeast oYsa d Prem'ses;corner of Lot Bock line ston,and 9 e southeastCNN,OF DAL.$ THENCE leaving the west right-ol-woy line of South Third treet,and with the south line of Lot 15, the north 1,1e of Lot 14,South Bg..53'.2[1.West,125.33 feet 2,ich nd for sold County and premises:corner of Lot I5,the northwest corner of Lot 14,and3 eng Iron the southwest corner of said do`Notary emenldeferaJr pers n whose name is the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me BEGINNING thatahe/she executed the same subscribed foro thepurpose and considerations therein expressed. THENCE with the west line of Lot 15 and Lot 16,North 01,14'47"East,1.3,87 feet to o inch IR1gr 1ldD.Iq5 E 15. rvG�s/d'iq __ __ he northwestcomer of Lot 16,the southwest comer of Lot 17,and g2 e Given ands y nd and seal of afhw,this 121h y June,2017. T northwest comer at sa THENCE with the north line of Lot 16 ond the south line of Lot 17,North 89.51'06' id premise4 East,125.08 feet to the place of beginning o.containing 17,515 square feet or 0.402 acres of Iona. Notary P tl for OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF CDLLN $ Prnted Nome P.71 Pg. i Pxxr V-n Pg og'ctt'T NOW THEREFORE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: v..7 494 P.., Nongognlo end terry Renfro do 9 'La property ea SR,Meek AO of hers hereby dedicate,in fee simple,to the eby h r.the streets, -- way,and other cop ceimprovementsPlat nelhereon,The streets end alle,if do eryyon deed Tyre Recommended for Approval. ments ond publIc use s,are dedlcated,for ublIc use e purposes,r,,cated on —— —— nL—— —— —— —— �p I:, —— —— bled upon, ,over or rocs t,tr ,except that landscape for scapegrowt sashall be constructed or o aev. b m tploced in londscope easements,or approved l use a.accommodatIon of all publ,ut,I,Iles des,ng to use or nnog a Zoning C mmnon Dale N a 8 m F subordinate to C' !W' thereof.using the same unless the easement limits the use to particular utilities.said use by public es being yl' ex LOT 15R,Block 30 The g to remove 1],S1S sn.Nc/0,402 Acre �W parts of an ding,e have o growths w 'Approved for Constmobon endanger or interfere with the construction,maintenance,or efficiency of their respective s,tems in said easements,The City of Wylie ond public utility entities shall.oll times hove the full right of ingress ond h e.._ e,respect,e easements for the purpose ot their systems egress t o or from h 9 adding y9 p respective v e PRE u n ry.,,,PRC, out he necessityy procuring permission from y y of Wylie eaas Date Mayor,Ns plat approved subject to all plattIng ord,nances,rules.regulatIons and resolutions ot the C,ty of y of Wylie,TeKas Date 2,F 584 CJJ w 1D39 lzr,f —— Michael 9 9 Y nlro undersigned,The the C!Secretory a hereby PO Plot of Lot iW,Block 30 01 Addition to the as, day of City y a forma f Nye wos submitted to the City Council an l accepted the dedlcation of streets,alley,parks,easement,public places,and water and sewer lines as shown and COUNTY OF CALLIN $ there y signing name as heremabove subscnbed. oozed me Mayor to note the o p ce ",,, STATE OF TEXAS .§ forth in and upon sold plot ond soid Council further set Wtnaz y nd the y A D.,2017_ BEFORE ME,the undersign.authoray,on thls doy personally appeored Michael Nenagegn9 known I.,be the person whose name is subscribed to the toregoing instrument,who I,71,Pg.9,1......r I.,.7 Pg..,,,,,,,Cl.r the same was executed for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. acknowledged to me that GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE.the the y of ,2017. GYry of!M.Ireryiexas Notary PU nd Tor STATE OF TEXAS § —17 COUNTY OF COLLIN $ "" - —< BEFORE ME,t ed lug Realm known to be the whose me to he oing who Butler Street same was executed for L p s and wnede at,n thereto p sed. g me that the GLEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE,this me f D1]. Final Plat of 31,1 silo l=s Lot 15R, Block 30 tii E Railroad Addition I, v 17,515 Sq.Ft. /0.402Actes g Notice:° ortion of this addition being a Replat of Lots 15&16,Block 30 Wmhodng t Lee and bang permaDto ' Railr oadAddition �ml,' „aba, �e James Truett Survey Abstract No.920 S/TE . A he purpose of this a stDgletlpt.ombine two lots into City of Wylie,Collin County, Texas {a May 18,2015 � �, a4.e Je. X,,,d within a toes,Csp c L ate N _ _ ✓ac/�Dnoz/acaarsaaorvo Maps for Collin County,Texas and Incorporated Areas doted June 2,2009 Oveners:Lot 16,Block Owners:Lot 15, w`"" o m O a ao..a Tom. Insurance Rote Map Number 48085C04.20 J of F.E.M.A.Flood Insurance Rate (Zone m)() s Monument a 4 4 This a been urom,ed and remeR��ro�g O zoo S.T Street B k5D P Ave Suite e10 C „ ° a tWylie. Roome Land Surveying NOD oomL Lena uEt yinq.lnc. eVICINITYMAP ale commitment.Subject property,affected by research �eTz�aaeesze $e]z>4Tfin f arecordrecords for 20 �Mke g g23-4372 Bemenderter ue!R!;,,,, N.T.S. t v snei Ttr ,r.r "2 ./ Masters Avenue Nu(IuIIuIuuuuutIflS !WTFi um lvmI^wI III IIIIIIIIuIIIIVI IlI uuIullll,y,,IIlp' l ,IIIa IIII II"miiiiIuiIIuIWVI Vill"IhI I"I,m °iu„IilIuIwY,l lI;PIIl IIu lI IIIII'lIIIIIIuIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIlI^I lI! I'i�lIlIllIo�IlIIIll�I„llIIlVIll IllIIlI'lIl1lIllpIii^llIdIlu.I'YdpIlI^II,rIl�I�IIi IlailIIIu^NI limoVII.Ij I.�m VI.I VII1IpIu0u'uuImIVou'uu umulIlullllVullIlllluloIlIddddd„l"lI�olIIIllmIIl I°I IINIIIIIIIII�lNn NNIIINInl'IIaI�lIlINIlNd"IpliI�,IhII,I^l0I,Iod�1I"Iy9IlIl,IIN l,I�lI,Il,I�Il+,II,I�II,IIIl,IuII,IIoII�uIIIII uIl Il�IIm'I I�I�wIIIl'IIIwIII@Il v� ,III 110 ipVi,^i�oiIVi6�iIl�'I'ISIrIyII,ollIIIluliI iI'IIII IaI IIlIl"II IIy°III IJlIII„�'I lIPfll II III IIIIVIIII Iu Im wlw u IwI IIiuIIIIINVII IIIIII I! ImIIIIII I IWIIIIIIII IIIII IIIWIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII'IIIIIIY.I�I�. II I MIIIu llumauuIu uu ioi.uu.IiiuiuIliIluulluulloil uluuIluIluum Iu l i u uiumiu uIImmll II uIK mII wI plW lllIl If II uh II Id ww"""""" ru^' ¶., 1,.., mm oom � juu uuwmm II 3I u olio S II IIII ^III "V WIVV u I I IIvl 0110!Pirliviv vvilv III 11111 I I 111 � I VIVv p1 11111 h NI IIIIIIIIII .11000 ol ,Mo l olI lollllll"llIlI,lIlIlI�lI,lI,lIlI,lIl I I 0000001000 100001000 1611 olo olo a) ,,,,o„,oloo,111,1,,,,,,I,01,111,111,111,111,111,11111,1,1,111,111,111,11,111 , ) 1„1 III"V^I IEI 1 W m l Tpj MI ': 11111111111111111111 M l II�° pu u I I. V1, Wp . I IIIII Y . „,, ,,, cocc 74 iill M V N l II I I I mp IU I I iiiiiiiI Iilool ill m " �m ' � 00I III III 0II10 IIV mlmw' m mp p �IIIIIIIII PI: �p.�UM uu I v I I I 'n w ooN ° Illoml nil» „ V NIII dIII� I IIIIII 1» I I !� � ➢I ; M Wlllllllllll Ilh 11111111111 wl 100000 u I V a � I V I 1111111 oloolooloolool000lv • li p Iw)0 m IW mum ,, _ $4,,,,?'.7))10 U M I uI v� u u N ' I M0ti o I I ] uI, „NN m 11111 III\ 11 011 j11 1111 lc. 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OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP REPEAT CASE #2017-03 NOTIFICATION REPORT APPLICANT: Mike Mongognia with Rooms Land Surveying, APPLICATION FILE #RP2017-03 2000 Ave G#810 Plano,Texas 75074 n BLK/ABSTI LOT/TRACT TAX I.D.# I PROPERTY OWNER NAME I ADDRESS I) Applicant-Mike Mongognia 2000 Ave G#$ b 1 Roome Land Surveying,Inc. Plano,Texas 75074 Railroad Addn 3112 Freedom Lane 2 Blk 29 Lots 6-7 R-I 169-029-0080-I Clinton Cook Plano,Texas 75025 Railroad Addn 3112 Freedom Lane 2 Blk 29 Lots 8-9 R-1169-029-0080-1 Clinton Cook Plano,Texas 75025 Railroad Addn 201 S.Third Street 3 Blk 29 Lot 10 R-1169-029-0100-I Taylor Living Trust Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 203 S.Third Street 4 Blk 29 Lot 11 R-1169-029-0110-I Robert Ellis Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn PO Box 1375 5 BIk 29 Lot I2 R-1 169-029-0120-I Pauline Tramell Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn PO Box 692 6 BIk 29 Lot I3 R-1169-029-0130-1 Mark Cooper Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 210 S.Third Street 7 BIk 30 Lots 14A-I4B R-I 169-030-014A-I Karen Johnson Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 208 S.Third Street 8 BIk 30 Lot 15 R-I 169-030-0150-I Mike Mongognia Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn - 208 S.Third Street 9 Blk 30 Lot 16 R-I 169-030-0160-1 Mike Mongognia Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 806 Sandy Trail 10 BIk 30 Lot 17 R-1 169-030-0170-1 James Leidy Allen,Texas 75002 Railroad Addn 200 S.Third Street 11 BIk 30 Lots 1A-5B R-I I69-030-OO1A-1 Robert Elliott Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 202 S.Third Street co 0 o 11 BIk 30 Lots I B-5A R-1 169-030-OO I B-I Linda Gray Wylie,Texas 75098 Cn Railroad Addn 300 Country Club Road#100 12 BIk 30 Lots 6-9 R-1169-030-0060-1 City of Wylie Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 102 Derrick 13 Blk 30 Lot 10 R-1 I69-030-0100-1 Gary Johnston Fate,Texas 75189 Railroad Addn PO Box 1333 14 BIk 30 Lot 11 R-1169-030-0110-1 Renato Torres Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 201 N.Ballard Avenue#I07 15 BIk 30 Lot 12 R-1169-030-0120-I Robert Heath Wylie,Texas 75098 Railroad Addn 201 N. Ballard Avenue#107 16 BIk 30 Lot 13 R-I 169-030-0130-I Robert Heath Wylie,Texas 75098 PUBLIC COMMENT FORM (Please type or use black ink) Planning Department 300 Country Club Road Building 100 Wylie.Texas 75098 X. I am FOR the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2017-03. �,,,,,,,�,,,, I am AGAINST the requested Replat as explained on the attached public notice for Case#RP2076-03. Date, Location &Time of Planning&Zoning Commission meeting: Tuesday,August 1. 2017, 6 00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie,Texas Date, Location &Time of City Council meeting: Tuesday. August 22,2017,6:00 pm Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie,Texas Name: ► ri< o et. (p1e print) Address: ® i e. '774 7,509 9 • 5dinawrc; r "I Date " ,,,,.��� „. ,. ,,.,, _,,,, COMMENTS: if 7 Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT 4 4 are zyrsN Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: 2 Department: Finance (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Linda Bantz Account Code: Date Prepared: August 8, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: Subject Hold a Public Hearing on the fiscal year 2017-2018 Proposed Budget and provide all interested persons an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item in the proposed budget; and set and announce the date, time and place of the meeting at which Council will vote on the final budget. Recommendation Motion to set September 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Wylie, TX as the date, time and place at which Council will vote on the final budget. Discussion A Public Hearing is required to be held on the fiscal year 2017-2018 Proposed Budget. In addition the date, time and place that the vote will be taken on the final budget must also be scheduled. Any changes made to the proposed tax rate or Proposed Budget could affect required publications and steps in the tax rate and budget approval process. All interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard, either for or against any item on the proposed budget. At the end of the hearing, the City Council will schedule the date, time and place that the vote will be taken on the final budget. This meeting is currently scheduled for September 12, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Wylie Municipal Complex, 300 Country Club Road, Wylie, TX. The Local Government Code requires the City to follow certain meeting and notice (publication) guidelines. Page 1 of 1 4. , , - A (7-- Wylie City Council AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 22, 2017 Item Number: 3 (City Secretary's Use Only) Department: Engineering Prepared By: Tim Porter Account Code: Date Prepared: June 6, 2017 Budgeted Amount: Exhibits: 1 Subject Tabled from 07-11-2017 Remove from table and consider Consider, and act upon, Resolution No. 2017-13(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, supporting the proposed FM 2514 roadway improvements, from north of Drain Drive to Brown Street, in the City of Wylie; and providing for an effective date. Recommendation Tabled from 07-11-2017 Remove from table and consider Motion to accept the withdrawal from TxDOT and take no action on Resolution No. 2017-13(R) of the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, supporting the proposed FM 2514 roadway improvements, from north of Drain Drive to Brown Street, in the City of Wylie; and providing for an effective date. Discussion TxDOT is requesting a resolution of support for the subject project from City Council in order to emphasize the City's willingness to partner on the project as well as to assist in processing Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) and other possible documentation. The scope of the project will improve the existing roadway from 2- lane asphalt to a 4-lane concrete street, with associated drainage and utilities. TxDOT is currently working on Environmental Clearance and right-of-way document preparation. A public hearing is now expected in January 2018, with a construction letting currently scheduled for the year 2021. Due to the lengthened schedule of the public hearing and previous tabling of this item by the City Council to a date following the public hearing, TxDOT has agreed to withdraw this item until a date that better aligns with City Council consideration. Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-13(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED FM 2514 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS, FROM NORTH OF DRAIN DRIVE TO BROWN STREET, IN THE CITY OF WYLIE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation ("TxDOT") is proposing to improve FM 2514 from a two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway in the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"); and WHEREAS, the project will improve traffic flow and roadway capacity on FM 2514 between north of Drain Drive to Brown Street in Wylie; and WHEREAS, Wylie citizens and businesses will benefit from the proposed FM 2514 roadway improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Findings Incorporated. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Resolution as if fully set forth herein. SECTION 2: Authority to Sell Property. The City Council hereby supports the proposed TxDOT roadway improvements to FM 2514 from north of Drain Drive to Brown Street in Wylie. SECTION 3: Effective Date. This Resolution is effective immediately upon its passage. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, on the 22nd day of August, 2017. Eric Hogue, Mayor ATTEST: Carole Ehrlich, City Secretary Resolution No.2017-13(R)Supporting FM 2514 Project Page 1 of 1 2170234 Exhibit"A" \\ '\ \\ \ \\ \E\\'\ r._ k nIA vit `\ \\\ \\: l .. . _Ekra .o d '\ \ ,mot .lrxi \ \ „, `\.. \v:, "a.. r\ ��...\. :`---— „R\M...\ \.\\\\\a, . _ ,- .,; - .. x r -,. \\4 £ - , ,-jai_ \- - _- 4 _ �.\ D€ \\,; \' h<. \� ��\- +",rat: .. � . `.tea -, a \ it7 s \\... ;afar$ � � . \ \ ...�c.� i \ a \\ i+ [ ti, i- ; \off `=' \ \ \ '\ � \= '_ \' \- \ - \ -« i,1, ;t ` \mo o \ \\ \\ \, \ \ - - ..�. sue- �.�� - ,\ - � - :� ,�[ 4+. ..�� \. :\\.\ \ - - \'�. 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