08-15-2016 (Zoning Board of Adjustment) Agenda Packet Zoningoff Adj ustments iii oF 1-* IV re, / ,r I irrirAr:, .,,, „0,,,,_ ir „,,,, ,,,,,, 7 ,---‘—,,,.....„,,,,,<„,:Tit„....,.,,,..., ,,,.... „ , ,,,,, s 't 'r97-li iii'L-ffilt-- ....-aa- ,,,,, ...ar ) _ , _ ,,,,,(._, ,,,,...... \___ ,, - ,,, ,,„', 4 ,',. .01. :tl . �'� e A 0 i IF rp,N W,q y 1 " iiirok Tv �s August 45 201 Regular Business Meeting Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment i NOTICE OF MEETING Regular Meeting Agenda Monday, August 15, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building #100 Linda Jourdan Board Member Jason Potts Board Member Robert Holcomb Board Member Andres Gonzalez Board Member Kevin Finnell Board Member Robert Reynolds..........................................Alternate Board Member Daniel Prendergast......................................Alternate Board Member Renae' 011ie Planning Director Jasen Haskins . Sr. Planner Kevin Molina Planner Mary Bradley Administrative Assistant In accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, this agenda has been posted at the Wylie Municipal Complex, distributed to the appropriate news media, and posted on the City website: www.wylietexas.gov within the required time frame. As a courtesy, the entire Agenda Packet has also been posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. The Mayor and City Council request that all cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to vibrate. Members of the audience are requested to step outside the Council Chambers to respond to a page or to conduct a phone conversation. The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020. Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes for the July 18, 2016 Meeting. August 15,2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting Agenda Page 2 of 2 REGULAR AGENDA Public Hearing 1. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Teri Dorazil for a variance to Section 5.2.F parking regulations of the Zoning Ordinance for the Retail, Personal Service & Commercial use, to allow parking spaces calculated at 1:110 in lieu of the required 1:75. Property located at 2592 FM 544, being Lot 9 Block B of Woodbridge Center Phase 1 measuring .0881 acres. ZBA 2016-10 2. Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Walter Finninger for a Variance to Ordinance 2014-44, Section 22-447 Wall Signs, requirements for the maximum height of a wall sign. The property is located at 508 S Hwy 78, being 2.001 acres of lot 2R2 block A of the 78 Corner Addition. ZBA 2016-11 ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on this 12th day of August 2016 at 5:00 p.m. as required by law in accordance with Section 551.042 of the Texas Government Code and that the appropriate news media was contacted. As a courtesy, this agenda is also posted on the City of Wylie website: www.wylietexas.gov. Carole Ehrlich,City Secretary Date Notice Removed Wylie Zoning Board of CITY WYLIE Adjustment Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Monday, July 18, 2016 — 6:30 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 CALL TO ORDER Board Member Linda Jourdan called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and stated that a quorum was present. Those present were: Board Member Jourdan, Board Member Robert Holcomb, Board Member Andres Gonzalez, and Board Member Jason Potts. Staff members present were: Renae' 011ie, Development Services Director, Jasen Haskins, Sr. Planner, Kevin Molina, Planner and Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR 1. A motion to nominate Vice Chair. A motion was made by Board Member Jourdan, and seconded by Board Member Holcomb to nominate Board Member Potts as Vice Chair. Motion carried 4 — 0. 2. A motion to nominate Chair. A motion was made by Board Member Holcomb, and seconded by Board Member Gonzalez, to nominate Board Member Jourdan as Chair. Motion carried 4 — 0. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes of the June 20, 2016 Meeting. A motion was made by Board Member Gonzalez and seconded by Vice Chair Potts, to approve the Minutes as submitted. Motion carried 4 - 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS Minutes July 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 5 Item 1 —ZBA 2016-07 Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Robert Heath for a Variance to Section 3.3.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance for properties requiring a minimum 20 foot front yard setback for buildings, property located at 200 South 2nd Street, being lot 1R, Block 31 of the Railroad Addition. ZBA 2016-07 Staff Comments Mr. Haskins stated that the applicant is requesting a variance to Section 3.3.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance that requires a twenty-foot front yard setback and allow a ten foot setback. The porch on the front elevation is affected by the reduced setback. The main structure will meet the required twenty-foot setback. The unique circumstance for the property is being located in an older part of Wylie with wide unused right-of-way and established structures with similar characteristics. The City Engineer has stated that it is highly unlikely the twenty-foot right-of-way will ever be used and is not on the current 10-year thoroughfare plan. The applicant recently replatted three lots into one and plans to build a duplex on the property which is allowed by right in the Zoning District. Thirty-six comment forms were mailed to property owners within 200 feet. One comment was returned in favor and none in opposition. Public Comments Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Bob Heath, 4506 E Parker Road, Parker, Texas, stated that the intent is to construct a 3,000 square foot duplex, with 1,500 square feet each side. The duplex will blend in with the existing older homes, and constructed as an American Four-Square Prairie style home. The main structure will be thirty-five feet from the street, which meets the required front setback. However, the intent is to construct a seven- foot-nine inch porch, which encroaches within the required setback. Chair Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Potts, and seconded by Board Member Holcomb, to Grant the request as submitted. The property located at 200 South 2nd Street. Motion passed 4 — 0. Minutes July 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 5 ITEM 2 —ZBA 2016-08 Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Nathan Lohri for a Variance to Ordinance 2014-44, Section 22-447 Wall Signs, requirements for the maximum height of a wall sign. The property is located at 600 Cooper Drive Suite 130, being 2.001 acres of lot 2 block A of Cooper Retail Addition. ZBA 2016-08 Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the subject property is located at 600 Cooper Drive, Suite 130. The property is 2.001 acres currently zoned Planned development District 2005-16. The applicant is proposing to add an attached wall sign to the main structure. The proposed sign is approximately 3'8" in height. The Sign Ordinance allows for two feet in height wall sign. The unique circumstance in this case is the design of the trademarked sign. The need for a sign larger than the two feet is caused by the way the lettering is offset from each other on the trademarked sign. Twelve comment forms were mailed to property owners within 200 feet, one response was received in favor and none were returned in opposition. Public Comments Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Michael Reed, LNS Signs, 11330 Luna Rad, Dallas, Texas, stated that the proposed sign within the packet was drawn to scale. Chair Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Gonzalez, and seconded by Board Member Holcomb to Grant the variance as submitted. Motion carried 4 — 0. ITEM 3 —ZBA 2016-09 Hold a public hearing to Consider and act upon, a request from David L. Barnhart for a Variance to Ordinance 2014-44, Section 22-447 Wall Signs, requirements for the maximum height of a wall sign. The property is located at 801 S Hwy 78, being a 20.01 acre tract of land. ZBA 2016-09 Minutes July 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 5 Staff Comments Mr. Molina stated that the subject property is located at 801 S Highway 78. The property is 20.01 acres and is currently zoned Community Retail. The applicant is proposing to add an attached wall sign to the main structure. The current Ordinance allos signs to be a maximum of four feet in height when mounted to a building that is within 201' from the street. The proposed sign is approximately six feet in height. The main structure is approximately 460' from Highway 78. The applicant's request is to allow for the placement of a sign on a wall that will function as the main logo for a building that will contain multiple office spaces for lease. The logo is identical to what will be displayed on a monument that will contain tenant's names. The applicant is requesting six feet in height to allow for more visibility for vehicles driving by. The unique circumstance is the location of the building where the sign will be located. The building is setback at a distance that is insufficient to attract attention to the property from traffic on State Highway 78. The building is also blocked from view by an adjacent building that is located in front of it. Thirty eight comment forms were mailed to property owners within 200 feet. One response was in favor and one response in opposition of the request. Public Comments Chair Jourdan opened the Public Hearing. With no one approaching the Board Members, Chair Jourdan closed the Public Hearing. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Gonzalez, and seconded by Chair Jourdan to Grant the variance. Motion failed 3-1. Variance Denied. Minutes July 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 4 of 5 ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Holcomb, and seconded by Board Member Gonzalez to adjourn the meeting. All Board Members were in consensus. Linda Jourdan, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley, Administrative Assistant Minutes July 18, 2016 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 5 of 5 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF YLI. AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2016 Item Number: 1 Department: Planning Case Number: ZBA 2016-10 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Project Location: 2592 FM 544 Wylie TX Date Prepared: August 05, 2016 Subdivision Name: Woodbridge Center Phase 1 Location Map, Reciprocal Easement Agreement, Notification List and Map Exhibits: with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a request by Teri Dorazil for a variance to Section 5.2.F parking regulations of the Zoning Ordinance for the Retail,Personal Service & Commercial use, to allow parking spaces calculated at 1:110 in lieu of the required 1:75. Property located at 2592 FM 544, being Lot 9 Block B of Woodbridge Center Phase 1 measuring .0881 acres. ZBA 2016-10 Discussion Applicant: Teri Dorazil/ACG Texas, LP Owner: IHOP The applicant is proposing a restaurant without drive-in or drive through service which is classified in the Zoning Ordinance as Retail, Personal Service & Commercial Use. The required parking ratio for such a use is listed as 1:75. The applicant is asking for a variance to reduce the required parking to a ratio of 1:110. The parking requirements calculates to be 62 parking spaces and the applicant's request would bring the parking down to 42 parking spaces. Article 8, Section 8.4.C.4.e states that, the Board may waive or reduce the parking and loading requirements in any district, whenever the character use of the building is such as to make unnecessary the full provision of parking or loading facilities, or were such regulations would impose an unreasonable hardship upon the use of the lot, as contrasted with merely granting an advantage or a convenience. The applicant has applied for the variance as Woodbridge Center Phase 1 shares a parking agreement within a reciprocal easement agreement that was recorded in Colin County on 02/24/2012. This agreement states that "The parties hereby established, grant and convey in favor of each Parcel a non-exclusive easement for parking and access over the Common Area on the Parcels in such locations designated for parking areas and driveways on the Plot Plan and on such other parking areas, driveways and service areas from time to time established to permit parking of motor vehicles, and for unobstructed pedestrian and vehicular passage on each Parcel by the other Parcel owners and their Permittees." As the lot in question shares a parking agreement with all of the lots in the subdivision staff took into account parking calculations of the existing lots to determine if excess parking was provided from the other lots that could be used to meet the parking requirements of the zoning ordinance. Staff determined that the existing Grocery Store was over parked by 189 parking spaces. Staff also determined that a restaurant located to the Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBA 2016-10 west is also over parked by 24 parking spaces. Public Comments forms were mailed to nine property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No responses were received in favor or in opposition at the time of posting. CONSIDERATIONS: The shared parking agreement does provide for additional parking on adjacent lots. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Permits a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Public comment forms were mailed to thirteen (13) property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No comments were received at the time of this posting. Approved By Initial Date RO 08/12/16 Department Director maimilial --Z... I/g11I711I�• • •. !! Ss -= Ii�i4.itnnnuu '��1liir '��� ' Ali! iJ1téffiI',.. 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Li. ....,_,...11. p 40 _ 4.? ------....--._.. ...._. 1,11 ' EL.1 IP 1 p 7,r.l."-; ( 1 LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2016- 10 LOT 9 SITE DATA LOT AREA 1.05 ACRES STANDARD PARKING SPACES 40 HANDICAP PARKING SPACES 2 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 42 - .- — ) - _ —— — F.M. HIGHWAY 544 -----t _, .1_ .,,, i___ xn 1., ,___ , LOT 9 <=3 .,1 1.05 ACRES .., I r -1 • .•,• / 1 2,11E.2.21111111111 r.eI . 1 _.,../.'. . ..'""r. (1:170P I I :> . 1 RESTAURANT - ±4,621 sf i : 1- .. i• ty•4* . 1 ,„,,,,' . .-,4 C I ''7' ''':,, • fl. j .‘121 I :• 4 • ... „.• \ 1 I ....-'s 1 • •-.----— i: 41 fl • ..-.....r .. 4.• N... • !!! - _ - L MO 41.1.4•••••INIIIMIN•OM OM 4111111111•••••.11111111 •MOW OM 1111111111 IMO••••IIIMM•MMMIMM OW••••, I ,. .. 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I a 0 t'l , III&( Sulk: , r „.. .. . -„ , (';11-001"TPrh [WO /if,..—X00 / OWNER NOTIFICATION MAP ZBA CASE #201 6_ 1 0 Wylie Zoning Board of Adjustment CITY OF Y I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: August 15, 2016 Item Number: Department: Planning Case Number: 2016-011 Prepared By: Kevin Molina Project Location: 508 S Hwy 78 Date Prepared: August 05, 2016 Subdivision Name: Location Map, Elevations, Site Plan,Plat,Notification List Exhibits: and Map with Responses Subject Hold a public hearing to consider and act upon, a request from Walter Finninger for a Variance to Ordinance 2014-44, Section 22-447 Wall Signs,requirements for the maximum height of a wall sign. The property is located at 508 S Hwy 78, being 2.001 acres of lot 2R2 block A of the 78 Corner Addition. ZBA 2016-11 Discussion Applicant: Walter Finninger Owner: Texas Health Emergency Room The subject property is located at 508 S Hwy 78. The property measures 1.277 acres and is currently zoned Commercial Corridor. The applicant is proposing to add an attached wall sign to the main structure. The current sign ordinance allows for signs to have a maximum of 3' in height when mounted to a building that is within 200 feet from a street. The main structure is approximately 174' from State Highway 78 and the applicant has applied for the variance to allow for a sign that measures 5' in height. The applicant has requested the variance as the sign that they intend to place on the building is the same height as the sign that will be replaced. The sign that will be replaced measures 30 sq.ft. and the new proposed sign will measure 25 sq.ft. The intent of the Ordinance is to reduce distraction for motorists and pedestrians and reduce visual clutter. Because the requested sign exceeds the allowed height by two feet, the applicant is requesting a variance to Section 22-447 of Ordinance 2014-44. The unique circumstance in this case is the design of the logo. While the logo does not conform to the current sign ordinance it will have a minimal impact to the surrounding area as it is not a significant distraction for motorist and pedestrians. The sign has no lettering and is being placed on the building for brand recognition and aesthetic purposes. The applicant explained in their application the reason for requesting the variance is due to the fact that the logo does not exceed the existing logo size, is more aesthetically pleasing at 5' as opposed to 3' and is similar in size to other signs found along State Hwy 78 South. Public comment forms were mailed to sixteen property owners within 200 feet of this request, as required by State Law. No responses were received in favor or in opposition at the time of posting. Page 1 of 2 Page 2 of 2 ZBOA 2016-11 CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed sign has a total square footage of 25 sq. ft. as opposed to the current sign being 30 square feet. The Board shall not grant a variance to the development code which: (1) Peiuuts a land use not allowed in the zoning district in which the property is located; or (2) Is in the public right-of-way or on public property; or (3) Alters any definition of the development code; or (4) Is other than the minimum variance that will afford relief with the least modification possible to the requirements of the development code; or (5) Is based on physical conditions or circumstances of the property so general or recurring in nature as to reasonably make practicable the formulation of a general regulation to be adopted as an amendment to the development code; or (6) Is based exclusively on findings of personal or financial hardship. In order to grant a variance to the development code the Board shall find that all the following have been satisfied: (1) That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions of the lot, or other exceptional physical condition particular to the affected property; (2) That because of these unique physical circumstances or conditions, the property cannot be reasonably developed or used in compliance with the provisions of the development code; (3) That due to such unique physical circumstances or conditions, the strict application of the development code would create a demonstrated hardship; (4) That the demonstrable hardship is not self-imposed; (5) That the variance if granted will not adversely affect the proposed development or use of adjacent property or neighborhood; (6) That the variance, if granted will not change the character of the zoning district in which the property is located; (7) That the variance, if granted is in keeping with the intent of the development code; and (8) That the variance, if granted will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the citizens of Wylie. Approved By Initial Date RO 08/12/16 Department Director - ...F � 6� sue.,.W.....� n �P- v trv.evx i 3 '''w H i E .,- o+ ma . - ....._._... p ..._. i �tleisok' ' .., a a... y SUuJ ect F° . ' lEtf ' 62= , ii ma ��j� Property 1 nnittoria......_ li in11n � 11e _am 11111tY1t1 M �. it '� " _1t 4• IN 1221111111t lb 02 on q1O! 400000, i / Niii ink a: �i .. F "`411H1i111111 . 1 o} vela 0...?!. _, ,Agi ..,... iii- r. ., ,,, ..... .......r: . . .., . ,i,„ ..., tl1t11' t ..._ 1itan1 •per ,rim1110 ,� iir ,m :� 1li/ ,1W 4# o '� srrr II' ir'�i / 1' ( Yrl�irr a !�i ... a: .11/, a41,2 i�1 ., I S i ■wrrrr 1 Y� lm�i r 2i i .}- t. -10" 11 C wr "N#Mall '.r1 MI Z i161 P ..H i1', „ 4 " `. :. ■ �, i�il _...._* � '��r 2C or "'re 1.1 t ^�`• ..1111<'ti1 10,�� "� i „ i i6rr ._ ® .Wilk lido il ' ■11-,—, trl r J►�� ■11Myr `►,�►L. rlt/ , - ?_ -� • MI ii >tIMn111 a n Iiili!lily >t•tnt�; �."�►, P/M111111� i _ __ , . Y a,A .r - .' :I:1`i/ .1Ml1MIlIt r 11 ♦E�111111n1111 :.��� .. 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'1 -,F� l"1 u ` `�`,. ■ ,,,a a imi -o , � Mn1II11I2112111111 fi.., ;9pft' 41T1j1 �z.. il ■ 0■ awla• _ Ht1I111111111iiH1'$.� $ _ ■ 1�1ifVz „!j,: �:C r: C ���E.:�!�wiw�rTi :�1>111 l liman el ''1,.:a.•..., 1 gi am ' ' AMA ,�i$ �UM as ma Om�s; I is Rat al ,im ila �ra $: z £'r.""�'r,.'L"•_"� M1f'' '� � 7N\ LOCATION MAP ZBA CASE #2016- 1 1 66'-0" ± FIRST CHOICE EIMIEt t3E=N CV ROOM Design# 13-1686r10 — _3 n gcurrently Client y � Wage I K _ _I = I at FIRST CHOICE .. - — �P v .. �_ �.�. permitted aL EMERGENCY ROOM Address V IfWY 78 Hwy � South� #Se FM544. Q +y WYLIE,TN Wyliern TX "�°°unt Rep. W. FINNIGER Designer EJS I RM$ 013 . _ - � r,. li. 1. Approval/Date Date 8/16/2 l :;11;;;;;; ; ;;, gg; Al Saler Art Engineering EAST ELEVATION Scale=3/32"=1'-01 Landlord Revision/Date R1 EIS R2 EIS 4/3/14 new etewavertous 100'-1"-± R3 RMS 5-16-14:site plan.D3+4 84 EIS 6/17/14 V1 UPDATES ea 6'-0" eo EQ 17-4 3/4ft ea 8'-1" tR5 EIS 6/30/I4 D1,newslepke, I30 sq ft 47 sq ft 8.4 sq ft R6 ES8/21/ 41 tagsrywrryl ® I R7 ES 9/17/14 d3 red I Eli I i RS ES 9/22 ,1, , I;EDi 60'+-READ.OF GE TETRA CONTOUR R9 ES 10/1 LS BLUE L.E.D. LIGHTING STRIP WRAPPING 1110 ES 10/13 del sij ns.dlstoin EXISTING TOWER AREA OF BUILDING L _ _ *INSTALL/CONCEAL INSIDE EXISTG. o _ COVE @ TOWER TOP ®ChandlerSigns �.. �m M, 105 O Is. 7ti4 � ra= SBald hoar Beene Hare vrww.chandlersigns.com rn 1 I . 4 - to 74499 191QiYaRsnt DI7i7lS ` 11-71;e8014,1,1114M1411 21P30l,11100 faZW- 1l4D24 E _ � 4 P ��. s= - � 7i0Ai7-70N�00 Fan 7i0.9i7-701ti A a f ��S+der 200 MUNI UM Mot Orris 37 Vtandront Park Court fi: t,.. vx. ,.,. a f .",,, .r,-,> _p.�.q s -.=*.: 301Ae Fa 210.3494724 �w,.. .__,. _ _ ��...._. �_ _. _ . ,....- _... u, �.,..a. .� .__h . �Ie �...1, ,IJ_L '1I ._a. _ ��_ i_.:f_5 3iF 9f1 SOUTH ELEVATION • Scale=3/32"=1'_0" TTds drawing Is the pnaperty n1 Chandler Signs.L. LLP. All righrs to its use/or reproduction arc reserved by Chandler Signs.LP..L.LP ENGINEERING REVISIONS DISTRIBUTION OF PRINTS j� 371525 y+W�oJrk{Order FINAL ELECTRICAL ■MASTER ■STK.RM. SI CAP-10 CAD-2 I6 CHNL LTR. T�DTAL J♦ 1 52 5 CUSTOMER�Y es ELECT. ®CUSrOM al CAM-1 In urn.*say. _ I .SHOP FILE IM PAINT RB CAM-2 IR LTR.PLEB Engineer2 1 --- TIM ®SN1P(U.L.I a ASSEMBLY III PATTERNS in LYR.PAINT '' i�aeeaRhawcE�TTR ueneCE taoav TT;e E l INSTALL al FLEX 13 NEON 0 AWN.(RW1 rune AH EiLOCw CODES ry EOCLU:ER aaPL�easLC LOCAL cones TN�s eRnncEs PROO CRATE ER VINYL la ALUM.EXTR. 0 AWN.ASSY, S. Brady 11-4-2014 i ,.VALL ER REARdN 1 i EIESECNIT.b0F THE VGA. $ION'M_L REAR UL IAOEI TS}. (=mit 100'-1"± Imil NEW Fa 5'-0" Fa T 25 S.f_ -, - ri•s•r Design# A4 TI : Client TEXAS HEALTH I TA,PiANIEVIN,14 EMERGENCY ROOM .' TdxgwY I Address �, — a. .a wYu p g€ rr �v Account , , t 41;:;aP0r1 W. FINNIGER r_ Designer RMSm 6/23/2016 ov ate o Clem Ap proval of E D Psglis ri K F I, 9 i _ 00, 0, Art 1 g I I i i Landlord _ _ ��� moo, �<..<� d« m,, _ �_. Revision Date RI ES 7/12 A5 mis 5'-O" LOGO SOUTH ELEVATION Scale=3/32"=11-0" R2 RMS 7/18/16 UPDATE .R3 RMS 7/19/16 TAG UPDATE 66'-0" ± ______-------_T¢TCYFtPMWET EL.N f TA MER 11.414 .._ ,,..r_..a.....,....._... __._,.. ---- u.,® Ill FEhrl�lf' aft r _ tea FM Chandler Signs T Bread hasp&glum Hoe www.chandlersigns.com 2J4402-2000 Fnc2141O2-2G44 O 2�4/ 04 Fa�G21 N�ht 216 M f U3S Palk Cater DI vs,UnitC 7f0�1i7-7003 FR7f49AT-7GIl p ( 963 Maw liona4Salta 502�11-0OD ' e__ _ Mg I 1all t" 2509 Sand FUII ram Oda y .. ME Finny ZM0 Fa$63- 4 lI*0 IIII 1 37 Waterham Pork Coot 5A 305Co , 1.' ;1: :: Fos 210.3194/24 F�Coral LMIe . Fruc ,.....e.� �,_,. ,� a,,tea .:.:.., -- ._ �. � �� 344414513 This drawing is the property at EAST ELEVATION Scale=3/32"=11-0" Chandler Signs.LP,L LP. All rights to rts use for reprodraroon are NO SIGNAGE reserved 6f Chandler Sign,LP,LLP. FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION BY . CUSTOMER ThLS SM:H IS I0TEx0E0 TO BE"AYU€ACTU Rai 1.4 ACCOROA ICE SITS ARTICLF LCa Or Th€ U� APPLICABLlLOCALCODES, ICSWUTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL CODES,THIS Ii1CLUDES PROPER GROUxOo.o s 00x014005 ouo 5'U1,, 51CH 04.1 BEAR UL LABEL4 I r; toil 1 24I 31. f / Design# AUTOZONE ----- -- • 03859„ �.—_---,..- 27Ar3X + Sheet 14 of 12 / f�}. 3 -- c m `r .+ �i cog I Client h Itl TEXAS HEALTH 1 ' t�.— m f ,r.., ! _ EMERGENCY ROOM j I I 1 ! . , ,' Address , I f 1 II _, 1 (5 -i ! ,. HWY78&FM544, s / / w I 4 _y 1 WYLIE,TX i . . . E A 1 Rep, W. FINNIGER dot ! 41.7 3, i Destner RMS ! I- Date G/23J2016 24-tl� 7r.,Ow b6 t 10 6 , A3 0. 216'_} 30-3 1 f84 18_642d $'# I Approval 1 Date oe do This represents the_� ` I Y Sobs exact 10001411 al 1 Q5 MINININIS F— _ ,,ir the buil5ng and +' ton Art -- mat not b4 ao t`— 'f I ,'1 s r614c tee ,andul I 1 ta5elord + I the ton tot of a0 — 1 I pales. ` Qi t m Revision(Date p.�Q L , " R1 ES 7/12 A5 mfa . `0 - ! �ry R2 RMS 7/18/16 UPDATE �FIR�S".�T� k1OICS - - R3 RMS 7/19/16 TAG UPDATE y� f7 CFOnf ; wil D2_+ .� PROTOTYPE'ET A4 I I , ........7. '• - - - - y ' - - - - . — ..I I •y • 4, .„ ,... ,1/4 \� H Chandler Signs )10 CI�ASE BANKOns.4[map Resins Hose I r>1.\\''''Ne\.> 20dQ www,chandlersigns,corn CALE; = 4 '�-0" 210-301-3004 Fs: msrakGatrDrM.,Uset 774o summ Far 760 17.7033 1: 71 PO ewer sula 200 / kga3072 FaS014120013 i t UMe 5�a I00.1Ond 1 Q63.Ao Aoo Fax W3424410 379Ma6reaig Park Court "Fix 349 314 Ord DIMB0� Fez MI4434533 This drawing Is the property of Chandler Srant,L P,LLP All rig+.to Its use far reproduction are rt56r+td b,Chandler Signs,LP,LL P FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION BY CUSTOMER WS SIGN IS*It'I DE]TONE KO VF L Ar IN ACCORDANCE wRLN r N6C OFO INE�NA0.1E1ARO COO Ao A APPLICAKE LOCAL COVES TM,5 NCLOOFS POMP. LROI:NCItiG 186N01AG Of THE SIGN SIGN NITL OEM UL LABEL(51. \ yyyy��/ \� z3L+oE9 AMAA LOT CC '-- LOT 4 C DE µ T owoumON LOT b --- } 2011E: `- IO1'NFE TppRATOE, ZONED. ERNEO p 22,759T so.F�gypOR A1,9N V ECANCW, Sg61.PG.331A , , MHUE •ADN- T _A ....se EGUNt71P'O 2r ��T'~CTPRA110N'1 E .20,2300,1+'956G W,fly4.ECO Yp% 2912,G2306,549hG"`""�.,.'^-- 5* O.P.R,RPG.G.. 75GO7 LOT;7 CC NIUE T. Ms, C.T. 56.?.,1 �O.PR�GC��y �.af4'\ q„NDIR. s—Pm*.a+ Iran,.'•__ 1NST.N0.0.4.R-C,GT. Z �"'.A ._._ $2i- -�m�v FIB n,_+r+�CIA # � m r o d£ �'` '3 I"� 10_BUI[.DING SETBACK Ce �/1 LOT t ARK 1 1 '(€ ) " '=E;1 1 \ \ f • br�4ylU1NDLRALP I III !' \ , LOCK A BLOC gUDE 77 T Ni ,,a 1 I .n EN, „.si PROPOSE / o'er\ems �p.BrNE:T A. PR.AGE ;�' r ;11 I 1 L. -' 2oD6 sum 5D7 �i a\,,\,C. 7e 8 C.CT. 1 I� LOT 3K• R DDlT10N ZONED: CC P R.C.C.T, Op 1 ! 7` �q g 1 4.R,C. LOT G / R T CORNS W ! EPo f V UAEN t / '/f iRS7 R 296 ki °.�1 i ' 1 A 11 1`t 1 0,357,,E*fAC s CABIN'' P• S ID RITNALD C .7B4 CRASS MASONRY TRASH P.R.C.C.T• _ vOL-,.., AREA / ENCLOSURE ! 0 15 1 SO' 46 60 1 1 1 15,344,/S0. FT. / D.R.c.c t + s ZONE:X T \\ 1T pIE0CT0R.ET AL 3O re W /�1 a 1 1 a \ § ? ,I e o. �4° ® y I 11' °5 ', I .E,� P ROPOSEO /�.� I i 'y I. I / =,P j'`, `- gp2 STATEOZ' ,* W !7 , � N I II LOT 2 R2. , Au J i7 A "Li '' Ce , I > 1\ ,, E avows / -_._ 'J` T„ . ,R °� . Q CALLED T.5OO T U7( I 99 I ' ���..(��NO B o6TFJ+�",.D`Eor,Caaw /f --'' .- ,-"' • U R vOl 18D6 p0.992 I Bury{uAPR"^ - OO9 y 64+ A '-J- , arlopR F,STN'"- l 4AjEDlsE j'/ p '� ` " 0 /� 9,R,C-C.T- , , _ _--^ RAdt310AD V 1 '+2} 52' r • N\\c+ NORTM ST AN9 'IT A 1 .�'" *`4 +t RAT ASY9E` �D2 �.. f/ v� 9I I j t 1 l I \ 67Y'„_. 6'- rNo,nr.• fl'20�R \ .?y{�� ,t' " p,P R R; G.i. j jok, �W fk 3".,.11 _ {S_81 1922`E t#9,9$) \ ��_ /dA I E lu �> r.i 'R 4(I ' : l `� /s' r' ` , LOT 2 � ,,r / r 3+ OONNECT TO ""1� =E6Y1G A ,--—_--- J ,/ 1 - -, '/ \ „"'i S ,^ �l E7QSIING FlRf L�RI rwM,6{ ,J ROOM �' s,a��° t _ �a2, { / 0,599 /AC _IN'"----''/// \ Aua1x,J+c •: / PRGPosfDS : ` i / �' ✓,. .-m -._. -�. �- m;.' a" ( PARKING STALL / CANOPY O cF II --519— 25,093 50. FT. ; 1'8 �*, t , . / / to \ c \I F' 1$Tt f 40� PROPOSED CANOPY 1= 20' / / / (+$ ?,i w ! i ^.,- MFNT ZONE:A .1 tt /., =yy' v° 20'R 20'R �.- WLUId18(TYP.) `",.`' RpAOTE 9,r \\\'^ �" a /.' ,�+d` I DRAMA _ -' # /' t• 1 I Crapac.c.T. / q �" Flx / a�E / s�s,AR5i CHOICE o`s mtmlRs �' 2t 0 X 20R fi Au 9rGY ' �� yta , °�� , /' F STCWOIIC1e; p , , aaaen+c�r xl -5�6 ,'""-'{`',`� r,' \ OTOTYPE•D- --d s„ /, _-- i= _ --- / ..,/ --�` \ CONCOEst` BUILDING 6.646 SF a \ 'a to --f -�.._ re _,-- ..�.a.519- '_,m' ! 1 r ,. 4A T`'s ,,,i IFFE=523.00 ,* I i� ANOPY 6: r ,_ l0'BNUXMG rsa.- 4 ' `// \\\ � .,,�+ca '�*,\ , 1'COLIIMNSC .) •,` f'3 //�: h ->'b� 29415507/0 AST6 aD ��_ _. _� - ___ '^7— .�'E ,'F t t_i1' t6f 2 _ _ to I .x r PROPOSED /41,'' �.''� 4;!' ' eT�ao eASIL�6,m • .a-�.�r. \�.r�yi,.r,..,�r,_,SS6—�,* •-'"_ - - - -Yy.r _._ - - - - �\ j�,39,.� \\ // 4� 41+\ 4 I CANOPY ,, � / �r , t / '`,�,' 1 14 A /, �\' / r/ * t 9a \\ \V/ �\ \\\'` k I' RAIUNG / r s ? c/ • GRASS I4,..., '\ {°' V , f 20'R ►. ,�/ / / 5 61*Araml 76 30 w.160 SITE DATA I A . •••\ :\+ PRIVATE 6 *• +, / '•,f "` / r `/' Dw,.Tw,m,x \ '\ t —'� / TM.TOOT 601-601I Flo Ytd106141P& CK /�- SANITARY I ,j / / TIIPERplbMbn E4.nea F•lONt LOI/13LOCK; 76 CORNER ADAnON NOON)PEP51W >a CORIf 1 ADDITION SECOND REVISION 75 CABER 400110IN SECOND iEP90q BLO 'd• NP .�� ,b I `} ''/ TOPE Begin 6P1;t PROPOSED LOT 2Rb ROOK A PROPOSED LOT 2R3,max A LOT 2R4,BLOCK A I LDT 2Rr^A rON !� 41h, . A�' SERYTCE // uA�y'N0,10A-9 V, / / dF 55523 S0.FT./1,277 AC, 15.344 SO,Ff./9362 AG 26,093 SO,F7,/0.599 AC, 78 CORNER A 1p1ON n \ ' A 9 ' /r� , / \ .''�_'''/'+jffJ 2ONE1k CC-COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR DISTRICT ZONED:a-COMMERCIAL CORRIDOR DISTRICT 20NED:Q-COMNEINUAL tXMifaOCR DISTRICT \ r BECOND 6 L4D8 `�7 / \ 1 '�9' +� ! I `r2IYR '.4\ +• °/'/'A / Nowiwwwwimi PROPOSED USE: FIRST CHOICE EMERGENCY ROOM VACANT DETENTION PAID \ CABINET C \., i.y a# r/ I ,�. / )-'' ✓/ "\/'-• NEdCAL C1NxIC �'a P,R G.C3. \.. \y - ABC, /fir,, ...�, ,, / PRELIMINARY N. S)NED: CC `• j A� L' ! ` ,( ' >/ FOR REVIEW ONLY TOTAL BUILDING F001P0NT ISMS 5O.FT, --- ___ \ Z 1 a' ! / 4:. • Off- " 'J'"C� \ �► - // / f NI[R,.Cg1MY4 IPPpRWEgTR TOTAL&ALpnM.AREA 6,846 90.FT. --- --- I ����aN�� \. / MA%6AMPO MOOT 3V-0'1 STORY --- __- \\\ E1Sl+�+"'--Tas.13-c D \\'10R \ \ !: /' ,/� ! / / / J06MIAA.NILLW ROM COVERAGELOT ATIO o XIIS 0.00 00% 000 ,w OOS \\\ O4 ENJADENO. c \ 11 A -r' / �� 'a6,,� /` �`4-_ / ./ Kh 166f1i pr pIT4WT 004. •PAANINO REQUIRED 6.646/300-22 SKFS --- --- \ \\\ 514 6161E,INA1YNAY 76 PC0,'414REI141 f\\ 20rR P, ,/ `�. `, a�' PAA10N6 PROPPED 23 WACE5 11/I MBULANCE --- --- \ ;w \ / i•` HANDICAP RAMBC RE001RED t STD./1 VAN --- ___ \ \ �\ f' ,� -a-�. / J ----' '< R RANDOM.PAAIONO PROVIDED 1 STD./1 YAN ___ ___ \ \ \ ' < /"/f , /', ''- ) • ALL DAMN Is PROPOSED PAVEMENT ASSOCIATED NUN THE PRa,ECT SNAIL BE CON(AETE- \NOEL \\\ �'\, \\\\ '� \ /, ",F//�"' f!'' N� f�s.,�1�� ,/ ,/�'{ ` �Q^ f • • J+ y LOT' SRR pDDRTI9N \\\ \\,,\ \\\ / �-,� -.J \ ` // AS1EA y. A/(� ,'` /" s' / t�'� `�' , 4 t 7r„01N5 O, gIJDE r7 \\ ' \� ! �+ ' a /' / /R kr? /� T / /1 j _'f\ ,4*'^ / I 4 E NTNWI sti ®. - P.R G.C.Y. \ \ \ , , //I / ,' yTp P / V \� ' t 1 ZONED: • CC \\ \.. 1r\\\ 4a /// /j ,/v, I `I! ,✓" ;+ 1 /j -S� // 4 / \ \ + \ , ',/ 4c#� Imo` '// \ / / I ± 51 MST.NO,04.R.G-C,T- ,/ /// \\ \ / �� /.pT C' 1 1 "--,_— 0 /'/ /' \\\ �a'1, \\\ / s 44 ''jj/'R' ,/!, ,,' ,� ,'.'` ^�'t`,r` /! , i,i A, 01�1133t>30010 1 / \ \ S. / ' a J/' ` / //// ' // \\\'1• \, ,/' 46,/' S KJ ITE PLANOrwo, y //' \a `\ `a _ a// �''�'' STATE H'WY 78 IINTIONIMIIIIIIIMIMITIMI Dr ' \\ �` �' , /d LOT 2R1-B,BLOCK A tu 1 / ,/'OWNER: APPLICANT: CIVIL ENGINEER/PREPARER: SURVEYOR: BEING A 2.228 ACRfE�TRACT cm PAERAN 1 \ / WYUE-PHS LP PM REALTY GROUP BURY+ PARTNERS-bFW,R.C. BURY+ PARTNERS==-OFW.INC.. OF LAND SITUATED IN THE t 1 I \ / ,4228 MIDWAY ROAD 2828 ROUTH STREET, 5310 HARVEST WM ROAD, 5310 HARV�S''HILL ROAD, immommosolommomi 1I t \/ SUITE zoo SUITE Iva SUITE 100 SUITE 100 7$CORNER ADDITION SECOND REVISION 0nnyypb, I , } DALLAS,TEXAS 7524E OALLAS, TEXAS 75201 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 2006,SLIDE 507( 1 VICINITY MAP PHONE: (972)233-5300 PHONE: (972)421-3336 PHONE: (972)991-0011 PHONE (972)991---p71, OF CABINET /�(P.R.C.C.T.) . I I NOT TO SCALE CONTACT: SCOTT SORRELL CONTACT: CHAD SUITONU CONTACT: JOSHUA M,LLSAP P.E. CONTACT' MICHAEL MURPHY R.P.LS CITY 7 WYLIE,LIE,COLLIN COUNTY,1 E TEXAS TBPEy F-1048 T9PLS 101 7502 SEPTEMBER 18,2013 , r:1CNA 1S.,.rnoot.11 1 Pb,9.4 rmatIlil km..at Le It ]013 1I More r \.......____ i . _„,c1 _ t... ..�.,.... i _� a........ 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